1 of 7 Disparate High Glucose Conditions, Rapid Onset
Insulinitis (Islit) (formerly called type 1 diabetes or juvenile
diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes or confusingly,
when used without clarifier, diabetes)
Autoimmune destruction of pancreas beta cells (Insulitis,
an existing word which rarely is mentioned, unfortunately,
as this word marks the condition of Insulinitis as unique
in its causality compared to other Disparate High Glucose
Conditions), or destruction of insulin production due to ...
... non-Insulitis causes (such as a malignant pancreatic
cancer, a severe case of pancreatitis, or a severe pancre-
atic wound).
Genetics / Geography
One's relatives and one's birthplace dramatically impact
one's risk of getting the Insulitis-caused type of Islit; how-
ever, one can get it even if one has no relatives who have
it, and even if one is born in a low-risk area.
If anyone among your blood relatives has the type of Islit
caused by Insulitis, your risk of getting it are increased,
the closer the relationship, the higher the increased risk.
Islit incidence (childhood onset under age 14) is
o very low (less than 8 cases per 100,000 per year) in
Mexico, Central America, South America, sub-Saharan
Africa, Asia, Japan, and much of the Middle East,
o moderately high (from 8 to 20 cases per 100,000 per
year) in the United States, central and most of southern
Europe, northern Africa and Saudi Arabia, and
o highest (more than 20 cases per 100,000 per year) in
Scandinavia, England, the Italian island of Sardinia, Can-
ada, Australia, and New Zealand; data regarding onset
at older ages is difficult to track down.
15 specific types of Rapid Onset Insulinitis (Islit):
1. Insulitis Islit is a polygenetic disease caused by progressive
autoimmune infiltration (Insulitis) of the pancreatic Islets of
Langerhans, culminating in the destruction of insulin - produc-
ing β cells.
Genome scans of families with Insulitis Islit suggest that multiple
loci make incremental contributions to disease susceptibility.
Insulitis Islit is the overwhelming cause of Rapid Onset Islit, but
14 other causes (specific types) exist as caused by conditions or
drugs listed below.
2. Congenital Rubella Islit in about 20% of persons with Congenital
3. Down's Syndrome Islit, Down's Syndrome results in a four-fold
increase in Islit compared to the general population.
4. Hemochromatosis Islit, Hemochromatosis can be treated / preven-
ted, but if untreated / undetected in time and if endogenous insulin
production is near-totally to totally lost, Hemochromatosis Islit results.
If insulin production continues but isn't enough to maintain normal
glucose levels, it causes Hemochromatosis Ohiglucon.
5. Idiopathic Fulminant Islit, a total destruction of beta cells from
an unknown cause within a few days, occurring suddenly and with
great intensity or severity. Up to 20% of Islit in Japan & 7% in Korea,
very rare in Caucasian and other non‐Asian populations.
6. Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Islit, Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
are used to fight assorted cancers; if endogenous insulin production
is near-totally to totally lost, it causes Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
7. Immunosuppressants Islit, Immunosuppressants are used in trans-
plants to prevent rejection; if endogenous insulin production is near-
totally to totally lost & does not recover after immunosuppressants
dosages are reduced, it causes Immunosuppressants Islit.
If insulin production continues but isn't enough to maintain normal
glucose levels, it causes Immunosuppressants Ohiglucon which is,
in 50% of cases, transitory.
8. Pentamidine Islit, Pentamidine is used to prevent and treat pneu-
monia caused by Pneumocystis jiroveci (carinii) and may have direct
toxic effects on pancreatic beta cells, causing Pentamidine Islit.
9. Stiff Person Syndrome Islit, occurs in about 35% of persons with
Stiff Person Syndrome.
10. Pancreatitis Islit, occurs if insulin production is totally or near-
totally reduced due to chronic pancreatitis.
11. Trauma / Pancreatectomy Islit, reasons total pancreatectomies
(removal of the pancreas via surgery, causing Islit) may be done
include trauma (example: gunshot wound to the pancreas), unman-
ageable pain from pancreas inflammation due to pancreatitis, cer-
tain types of cancer or tumors, and a family history of pancreatic
* a total or near-total pancreatectomy may result in a total or near-
total loss of insulin production (Islit in which Insulitis is not involved).
* in patients without Islit prior to a total pancreatectomy, a pancre-
atic islet auto-transplantation (in patients with severe & chronic or
long lasting pancreatitis that cannot be managed by other treat-
ments) may be done after a total pancreatectomy to try to prevent
12. Turner Syndrome Islit, women with Turner Syndrome have a
moderately increased risk of Islit in childhood (also, for those who
don't have Islit, a substantially increased risk of Cellosis by adult-
13. Vacor - Pyrinuron - Pyriminil (rodenticide poison) Islit, in the
past, this poison caused Islit in humans who survived the poison;
this poison suspended from distribution in the U.S. in 1979 as it
was found to destroy pancreatic beta cells; when released in 1975,
it killed 20 people within 30 days of its introduction.
14. Wolfram Syndrome Islit, Wolfram Syndrome onset is at age 6
to 16, progression toward total insulin deficiency may be slower in
Wolfram Syndrome than it is in the Insulitis Islit; also causes Insip-
idus in about 70% of those with Wolfram Syndrome.
15. Other Conditions (maybe yes, maybe no), studies are conflict-
ing or sparse or unconfirmed regarding the Islit causality of
* Alpha Interferon drug? (maybe yes, and maybe no, as it may slow
Islit onset)
* Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) drugs? (used to treat
individuals who have HIV/AIDS, per 1 study it caused Islit in 3 Jap-
anese men; also, studies have shown that it substantially increases
risk of Cellosis)
* Cytomegalovirus infection? (maybe, and Islit risk also mentioned in
a study which showed increased risk of Cellosis in those who are at
least 85 years old)
* Covid-19? (maybe / maybe not, as some report some with Covid-19
are being diagnosed with Islit but it's unclear if the incidence of Islit in
Covid-19 individuals is higher or the same as it is in the general popu-
lation; is it being caused by Covid-19 or simply occurring coincidentally
at a normal rate of about 1 in 200 as it does in the general population,
with Covid-19 not the actual cause? No convincing studies have been
2 of 7 Disparate High Glucose Conditions, Slow Onset Latent
Autoimmune Insulinitis (Islit) (also uses the abbreviation LaIslit)
(formerly called latent autoimmune diabetes in adults or type 1
diabetes or, confusingly, when used without clarifier, diabetes)
Islit typically occurring in adults when Islit is diagnosed past age
30, with at first, reduced insulin production, but eventually, due to
the autoimmune cause of the condition, all insulin production is
Prior to the total or near-total loss of insulin production, many with
this condition are misdiagnosed as having Cellosis, and are treated
as if they had Cellosis.
Once the condition worsens over a period of years and the total or
near-total loss of insulin production transpires, probabilistic exogen-
ous insulin guesses become a required treatment just like it does
upon diagnosis of rapid-onset Islit immediately upon diagnosis.
There is only -1- specific type of Slow Onset Latent Autoimmune
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
New SUPERIOR clarifying name for near-
total to total loss of endogenous insulin
The overwhelming majority of Islit caused by
autoimmune attacks on pancreatic beta cells
(Insulitis Islit) but there are
o 15 specific types of rapid onset Islit, a
rare condition (only present in < one-half
of 1% of Americans & in a much lower rate
in most of the world), when present is typ-
ically diagnosed at age under 30
(50% at age < 18, 20% at age 19 to 29)
o 1 slow onset specific type, Latent Autoim-
mune Islit, frequency unknown but per a
recent report, misdiagnosed as Cellosis
(new clarifying name for type 2 diabetes)
almost 40% of the time due to its slow
onset and its occurrence typically at age
over 30
Old outdated anachronistic name for Islit is
type 1 diabetes, confusing in that diabetes
without clarifier is often used to describe
this condition which is 1 of the 7 Disparate
High Glucose Conditions (DHGCs).
That makes figuring out which DHGC is actu-
ally being referred to (and it can be any one,
or some, or all of them when the diabetes
or diabetic word is used without clarifier)
confusing / difficult:
- - -
It's estimated that 5% to 11% of Islit individuals
will die from severe hypoglycemia, the highest
risk of that being while sleeping (i.e., dead-in-
bed syndrome).
- - -
Shocking Misdiagnoses of Islit at All Ages
at ages 0-6 ........ 21%
at ages 7-12 ...... 15%
at ages 13-17 .... 14%
at ages 18-29 .... 30%
at ages 30-39 .... 46%
at ages 40-49 .... 48%
50+ .................... 55%
Table showing Islit primarily misdiagnosed as
- Cellosis (new superior clarifying name for
type 2 diabetes) in adults, 76.8%
- Flu/Viral Infection in children, 53.7%
Details on Shocking Islit Misdiagnoses &
Islit Ketoacidosis is the Leading Cause
of Death in Islit Children & Young Adults
- - -
Insulin / Insulin Pump / CGM I use
Fiasp Ultra-Fast-Acting Insulin in a
tubeless Omnipod insulin pump catheter
placed into skin / pod with adhesive
stuck onto skin every 80 hours, control
via PDM (Personal Data Manager)
Dexcom G6 CGM (continuous glucose monitor)
- - -
Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst
C.ure I.nsulinitis A.ssociation
Glucose Anomalies Research regarding
Potential Cures / Improvements in Treatments
Stop Diabetes/Diabetic Confusion
with New Superior Clarifying Terms
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
-15- specific types of Rapid Onset Insulinitis (Islit) & -1- specific type of Slow Onset Latent Autoimmune Insulinitis (Islit)