Two modelling variants, each with the same error message

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Feb 27, 2019, 10:39:41 AM2/27/19
to lavaan
Dear All,

I was hoping Lavaan would provide brief MSEM validation for a model I've been working on (attached).  While not new to R-lmer, I am new to Lavaan.  Efforts to replicate the model have seen me produce two scripts, though both appear to generate the same error messages (attached).  I guess I would like to know which script is the better approach and what I am doing wrong?  The ERROR model syntax defines multiple groups, data suggest a single group has me really perplexed, since "stn_id" has been the shared level focus in all of my R analyses to date.  Hope you can help.

My thanks and best wishes,

Error messages x 2.docx

Terrence Jorgensen

Feb 28, 2019, 10:29:01 PM2/28/19
to lavaan
The ERROR model syntax defines multiple groups, data suggest a single group has me really perplexed

This is lavaan 0.5-20

MSEM is only available beginning in the 0.6-* family.  You need to update your software.

Terrence D. Jorgensen
Assistant Professor, Methods and Statistics
Research Institute for Child Development and Education, the University of Amsterdam

Mar 7, 2019, 11:48:39 AM3/7/19
to lavaan
Dear Terrence,

Thank you for your reply, I'm very grateful.  My version of Lavaan was a recent downloaded from CRAN, but I will try again - at least now I know what to look for.  

Best wishes, Rob 
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