l. ron hubbard IS Extreme Ugliness and Hate - but hidden with a MASK, of pretending 'to be me' - {HRI 20130411-V2.1-t}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Apr 17, 2013, 2:24:16 AM4/17/13
to Koos Nolst Trenite
l. ron hubbard IS Extreme Ugliness and Hate - but hidden with a MASK,
of pretending "to be me"

11 April 2013
{HRI 20130411-V2.1-t}

(Version 2.1-t
on 16 April 2013)


l. ron hubbard IS Extreme Ugliness, Hate and Deception - and is
inflicting Unawareness and Drugging Euphoria, and is Vampiring
on others' Life Energy and on others' achievements - just like
all Sociopaths. *(a)

On top of that, he has acquired and is using a MASK (of Life Energy)
that PRETENDS to be me, his MASKING Energy does make people sense or
feel, that he "is me" - so that he may feel to others, as if he "is


That is of course a very dangerous situation, and requires you,
to take special precautions:

to detect, and avoid, that your Energy - your Energy of
Love etc., that you actually meant for me and meant to be
received by me - does then not actually go to me, but goes
to him (Life Energy consists of Particles); and you take
the precaution

to detect, and avoid or block, Life Energy coming FROM him
(from Satan, if you like [HRO]) - that Energy that he (or
another Sociopath) does project at you as if it SEEMS to
be "my Love," "my trust," "my appreciation," "my care,"
etc. Energy -

that is projected by him to you or to others as
"coming from me" and

with which he is PRETENDING, that he "is me." *(j)


And you think, that Life on Earth is easy?! *(k)



l. ron hubbard's fundamental (Satanic) ideas - that he also wrote
down and published as such (as his 'self-evident' "Axioms" etc.
"of life") - are as follows,

and he holds such ideas in common with all other Sociopaths:

1. Memory "can be erased." *(b)

2. An elaborate FALSE past, presented as "Science," is "what
actually happened." *(c)

3. On being Admired: Admiration "is the most valuable commodity
in all of Life, and 'Admiration is the universal solvent'."

4. Beauty and Ugliness are "just a matter of consideration."

5. Not knowing "is a vital ability." *(f)

6. Life "is a game of overwhelming others." *(g)

7. Sociopaths "are basically good" and "can become good." *(h)

8. The highest purpose for any individual, is "to create an
effect." *(i)


On and on, the Sociopaths do speak and "libel Mankind," in order
to spread and try and enforce on you:

their Extreme Ugliness, Hate, Deception, etc..



Obviously wholly their opposite, and arguably, the most Beautiful,
Caring and Loving and Truthful spirit on Earth and well beyond, I do
remain yours faithfully etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'



(a) l. ron hubbard's ideas that he has in common with all Sociopaths
- incl. those Sociopaths "posting" at alt.religion.scientology
and at exscn.net [SFTF]

(b) One's connection to some memories can be blocked off, and people
can otherwise be hypnotized - but everything that ever happened
(everything that occurred in the past), does remain recorded
forever in detail, and it can thus also be recovered - (which
recovery proves the statement) - by anyone with the desire to
connect to and so to retrieve his own actual past, and that of
others too, and of Life in general.
This also enables the definition of Truth.
[CSTC] [{FPP 20121122-NL-V1.0}]

(c) Such an Evil act on Mankind is not difficult to perform, on
Earth, at present:

ALL "pre-historic" history of Earth (called the "science" of
paleontology - not to mention cosmology and related "science")
is completely false currently - and so, people can be told (and
are really being told) anything at all, about the past of Earth,
and about the past or the formation of planets, of the solar
system and of galaxies, and about The Universe at large. [YEI]

(d) Admiration 'cares not' about what the intentions of the person
admiring nor of the admired, are - and admiration 'cares not'
about what harm is inflicted now or in the future.
That is how Admiration is OPPOSED to Love.

Criminal Minds or Sociopaths are not capable of Love, but they
can create and do create havoc with Admiration Energy, which is
the Criminal's substitute for Love; and the Sociopath craves
Admiration, in order 'to feel good.' {definition}

(e) "Beauty is the same as Ugliness" is strongly promoted by all
Sociopaths - after all, THEY want people to be Blind to the
Extreme Ugliness of the Sociopaths themselves.
These want to be accepted as "normal," as "likable" even, and
most of all, Sociopaths want to be accepted as if they are
"above others" or "better than others" (like Russia's currently
most famous Sociopath, Putin):

Their mind or soul is in a total REVERSAL, which characterizes
any and all types of Sociopaths:

They want to have everything "seen" and "understood"

The talk and the actions coming from Russia's current
"government," since Putin are mainly those of severe
Sociopaths. [WPWW]

(f) It is not difficult to examine and then to understand, that all
Sociopaths have a very 'selective' concept about what they want
to remember or know. (See current medical "science," too.)

A knowledgeable reader remarked, that l. ron hubbard made up a
tale, that "everyone was all-knowing" and so, one had to make
oneself "not knowing:" "In order to be able to play a game, one
side of a game, one has to not-know the other side."

That is all very nice yarn for at the chess table and Sociopaths
will eagerly gobble such "logical understanding" up, but

nobody is nor has been all-knowing: It has nothing to do with
real Life, other than that it is part of the Sociopath's way of
inflicting deception:

It is part of l. ron hubbard's intention to deceive people, to
manipulate and "to make people into victims by him 'winning'
over them."

(g) Life "is a game of overwhelming others." - Based on that
Sociopathic concept, l. ron hubbard (Satan) even designed
a "universal therapeutic process:"

By finding (and then looking at) times when they had made
someone else into a victim, the Sociopaths should be able to
regain the Life Energy they had at times of "overwhelming a
victim," times of taking (or even of being given) Life Energy
FROM overwhelmed victims.

l. ron hubbard (Satan) called the process of remembering such
times a "universal process that works at all times for anyone
in any condition" and named it 'Process S2': (repetitively
asking, so as to be a "therapeutic process," the question):
'From where could you communicate to a victim?'

No wonder, that it only works for Sociopaths - people who have
no conscience and who take the Life Energy from others as their
way of "being successful" in life.

It took me years of trying to understand this "process," to
figure out WHY he believed, that this "process" (repetitive
looking at any times of making victims) would "work universally"
or would work at all, for that matter.

Now I figured it out: It is a "process" for Sociopaths to
REGAIN Life Energy from others, from victims, that they had
extracted by overwhelming their victims, or to somehow try to
do it now again.

That is why they want Life to consist of "a game against

Normal people however, do want to enjoy Life WITH others, not

(h) This idea was even promoted as "Man is basically good," promoted
by Ronald Reagan even - and no wonder it is, that that past US
president did DENY the Vampiring

(by people who are definitely the very opposite of being
"basically good" - by Sociopaths)

on his own Life Energy - and so he, Ronald Reagan, did wind up
bereft of his Life Energy to such an extent, that "he lost it" -
with symptoms of (what the medical, organized and peer-licensed
crowd of money-suckers do call) the "disease" of Alzheimer:

He lost too much of his Energy for connecting to his
memories and to sense and feel people as they actually

His deeply loving wife Nancy, was obviously not loving him
deeply ENOUGH, to go and find this out well in time - DESPITE
all her "esoteric" knowledge and inclination.

(i) "The highest purpose for any individual is, 'to create an
effect'." That would not exclude but include any incident of
'creating the effect' of extinguishing all life on a planet,
for instant of removing the air cover from our planet Mars.

Such an act would - for a Sociopath like l. ron hubbard - "prove
his skill of 'being cause over Matter and Life'," and "prove
himself to be 'senior to all people' as nobody was able to stop
him doing it." [HRO]

(j) So, as soon as you notice, that there could be something 'not
quite right' with Energy that you receive (of which you are
made to feel, to sense or to believe, that "it comes from me"),

or on the other hand, when you feel, that your Energy that you
intend me to receive, might not be actually reaching me, but
might be intercepted and received by someone PRETENDING "to be
me," instead,

THEN do immediately stop or block your receiving and/or sending
those feelings or other Energies, and instead you immediately
must CREATE (your Energy of) your intention to IDENTIFY the

connected to that dubious Energy towards you, or to
identify those individuals

that you were sending your feelings or ideas or other
Energy of yours to, (Energies) that you intended FOR ME

Do create your Energy for IDENTIFYING people, and use it to find
out whom you are communicating (your feelings) to or that you
get (feelings) communication from: [YEI]

Energy is connected to INDIVIDUALS (projected feelings and ideas
and intentions and images, etc., are connected to individuals);

and when it does not seem to connect firmly and clearly to
anyone, upon your examination, then it is most likely FALSE
(fake, spurious), and

it is Energy (communication, feelings) shared with someone who
does not want to have his true identity revealed, but,

who wants his true nature and intentions and past to remain
HIDDEN from you, or who pretends to you to be someone else, or
even pretends "to be me."

That is by the way, how channeling someone or some spirit,
as in various esoteric type activities, and resulting in
New Age "knowledge," is used, when Sociopaths communicate
to the recipients their very Evil [ODE] but "beautiful and
logical and caring ideas and data."

Correct Energy exchange ALWAYS includes a precise and
unequivocal IDENTIFICATION of those connected to the
Energies involved (Energies: the perceptions, feelings,
data, etc. and most of all, the INTENTIONS behind and
for their communicating to you).

The connection to INDIVIDUALS must RIGOROUSLY be
identified, AND their intention for communicating can
thereby be identified too - if a person hides who he is
or pretends to be someone else, then his intentions are
in question:

which individual does the Energy originate from or does
your Energy go to - in other words, 'WHOM precisely, are
you communicating with.'

Again: When the Energy (feeling etc.) is telling you, that "it
is me" BUT to your perception I am NOT also clearly and strongly
connected to it, then you stop the Energy you give "to me" or
you block the Energy that you receive "from me,"

and instead, you DO create Energy that identifies the person or
individuals connected to the Energy,

and if it appears NOT clearly and strongly to be connected
to me and you connecting to me, then it IS not me,

but for instance and likely, it is l. ron hubbard (Satan)
or it is some other impostor, such as the many minions
that he has (who are alive or currently deceased) [POLA]

- many of whom I have reported to you about by their
name and describing their Evil deeds.

They are likely to pretend feelings to you or others
by which they try to make you feel, that they "are
like me" in some way, or even fully "are me."

(k) ...if you join the Sociopaths at the 'Singularity University'
"who are building our future... [so they would like to]" [CSTC]

- that's what they say of themselves, claiming that, what
we know all too well from the Sociopaths in our history
books, who did demand us to believe, that THEY were
"building the future for us:"

like with their scientists and ideologists, having
their own country in rubble within two decades, and
their own population degraded and decimated... [CWW]

This 'Singularity University' "creating a bright future..." is
a 'University' especially designed to accommodate, to further
and to support the most intelligent Sociopaths on Earth, like
'dazzle' Ray Kurzweil, etc.,

(read his book, or only the first pages of it already, in
which he, the Sociopath [CSTC] explains to us mammals,
how "the brain does our thinking for us" - "though
inexplicably," he says, "chimpanzees do not reach his
level of reasoning [which is strange indeed!]:"

The Sociopath's recent book is titled

'How To Create A Mind' - 'The Secret Of Human Thought
Revealed' [revealed even! - no kidding!] - 2012,
Viking press at Penguin group)

again: to further and to support the most intelligent and brazen
Sociopaths on Earth, like Ray Kurzweil etc.;

which I do say from my viewpoint of knowledge and understanding,

from a knowledge and understanding that I did work day and
night for forty years to acquire AND publish - motivated
solely by my pure Love for people,

vital and most appropriate knowledge and understanding,

that however these "scientists" are lacking - determined
as these are, in obviously malicious ways (in malfeasant
and fraudulent ways) to remain extraordinarily stupid in
their field

- but, assuming their being Sociopaths, this is then
not surprising.

This 'Singularity University' was started - not so long ago -
with money from Larry Page and from Microsoft, and with some
'Sociopaths-supporting' NASA director, Pete Worden, who provided
NASA campus grounds

for this "University Singularly for Sociopaths"
- abbreviated "USINGSOPS" if you like -

in exchange for the "honor" of him, Pete Worden,
being allowed to "be great" and speak for the
audience created there, in California.

Larry Page, whom I believe is NOT a Sociopath, was
nevertheless enthused by them (they Admire each other
to death) - and so Larry Page was feted with a banner on
the stage saying: "If I was a student, this is where I'd
want to be."

Luckily for us, Larry Page is not a student anymore, and
about his next life time, the Sociopaths there won't talk:

"NO TRUTH ABOUT LIFE, PLEASE, we are Sociopaths!"


The AIM of this University Singularly for Sociopaths, is

- so the Sociopaths typically claim to and successfully
dazzle those who are easily bedazzled by such speak:

"to assemble, educate and inspire a new generation of leaders,
who strive to understand and utilise exponentially advancing
technologies to address humanity's grand challenges,"

with "No truth about life, please, we are

while they can not even define what education is, much less what
a human is (not to mention how a human body stays alive), let
alone how to define truth or life itself,

or, with Ray Kurzweil, they have not the vaguest idea,
what thought is, much less do they know about what
consciousness is, or how perception works,

AND - because it would expose them, for what they are - THEY DO

and instead they enforce their lies "about Life" - lies
that are DESTROYING Mankind, because

THEY DO NOT WANT OTHERS TO KNOW EITHER, and so they invent their

enforcing these on everyone by "education" and enforcing
their lies with their books,

and now with their 'Singularity University' - there,
where the Sociopaths bedazzled Larry Page, with the result
of him being (and wanting to be) so hypnotized by these
Sociopaths, that he too "would have wanted to be a student

an act of social disturbance that is highly DESTRUCTIVE to
Mankind, indeed - which is why I am mentioning it.


It is quite like the intention of those Sociopaths who use
similarly dazzling language, to shout it to well-meaning people,
about their 'TED' conferences "creating a bright future"
...PRETENDING very loudly to "create a bright future,"

WHILE THEY DELIBERATELY comply with the Sociopaths and do
EXCLUDE ninety percent of the most vital and most relevant

and calling THAT "science,"

not to mention their on-going vast support for the Sociopaths of
"neuroscience" and of "modern theoretical physics and astronomy"

- "sciences" driven and financed by the most intelligent
Sociopaths on Earth - [CSTC]

DELIBERATELY OMITTING the vast amount of data that is the only
data that WILL provide a bright and abundant future for

...make your choice!



[WPWW] These abbreviations can be found, for instance on the page
etc. that lists 'Recent Publications,' on the
'Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher and poet'-
website, or elsewhere.
See also the References, below.



[ZTA]'What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent
to each other - in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite'
{HRI 20060305-V2.7} [ZTA]
(5 March 2006, Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.7 on 2 Nov 2010)

[ASRJS-S]'Short Summary of: 'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually
REPLACING Jesus Christ with Satan (Source of Evil)' (incl.
Definition of Jesus Christ, Definition of Satan, and
'Fuzzytheism') [ASRJS-S]
with LINK to {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

[ASRJS]'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (Source of Evil) (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
Definition of Satan, and 'Fuzzytheism')'
{HRI 20100106-II-V6.1} [ASRJS]
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

[ASRJS-RU]'Удивительно: Сайентологи, фактически ЗАМЕНЯЮЩИЕ Иисуса
Христа Сатаной (вкл. определение Иисуса Христа, определение
{HRI 20100106-II-V6.1-RU-V1.0} [ASRJS-RU]
(20 April 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010
- V6.1-RU-V1.0 published 20 Aug 2010)

[HRD-02] 'Natural Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE TWO and Preamble'
{HRD-02 20100102-V1.5} [HRD-02]
(2 January 2010 - Version 1.5 on 8 Jul 2010)

[HRD-01]'Natural Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE ONE and Preamble'
{HRD-01 20091223-V1.1} [HRD-01]
(23 December 2009 - Version 1.1 on 25 Dec 2009)

[HRO] 'Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the individual)
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')'
{HRO 20081017-V3.3} [HRO]
(17 October 2008 - Version 3.3 on 30 Sep 2012)

[HRO-RU]'Заказ Прав человека относительно Сатаны, последнего
воплощения Рона Л. Хаббарда
(вкл. Определение 'Кармы,' 'Правды,' и 'Наказания')'
{HRO 20081017-V2.5-ru-V1.0} [HRO-RU]

[CSTC]'Complete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths by
easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' '
{HRI 20120815-1-V4.2} [CSTC]
(15 August 2012 - Version 4.2 on 6 Sept 2012)


Issue Note:

Version 1.0 was published on 20130411 as:
'l. ron hubbard IS Extreme Ugliness, Hate and Deception, etc.,
just like all the Sociopaths - {note 20130411}'
posted from my pseudonym Leonardo Been,
signed with my name and job abbreviation 'KNT hrp&p'



Copyright 2013 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
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