What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent to each other - in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite - {HRI 20060305-V2.7} (ZTA)<pre>

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Feb 22, 2021, 9:58:19 AM2/22/21
to Koos Nolst Trenite

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What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent to
 each other - in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite  (ZTA)

                                                        5 March 2006
                                                  {HRI 20060305-V2.7}

                                            (First Issued 8 Dec 2007)

                                                        (Version 2.7
                                                       on 2 Nov 2010)

                                                    (law enforcement)

                                               (suitable for foreign
                                                   language students)

                                                       (View Summary
                                                         by skipping


      It happened a few days ago. I noticed, at the other side of
      the large public square, a young man emanating some hate and

      and I saw, that he was physically (not only by projecting Energy
      Particles at her, but using his body's hand as well) slapping a
      girl in the face.

      I crossed the square, in order to put an end to that.


            It appeared, that the girl thought of herself as his
            (past or present) girlfriend.

            She tried to "handle" him, by crying tears, in a wordless,
            begging attitude.

                  But that had no positive effect on him at all, and
                  it was not improving her own condition either.



      I went and stood next to them, and I projected THE INTENTION

            - intention IS a form of Life Energy, and in this case,
              it is

                  the Energy of 'Zero Tolerance,'

              the intention that conveys, and that makes felt, to
              everyone in general, and now also to those two people
              standing there, in particular -

      that I wish them to act decently towards each other.



            And I made it clear,

                  by my placing myself there, and by my staying

                        - obviously for that reason -

                  bodily next to them (I was acting in such a way,
                  that it could not be mistaken by them)

            that I would be inclined to take - that I could take, and
            might very well take - any necessary and additional steps,
            to get my demand complied with:

                  My demand that they act decently towards each other.



      And THAT'S ALL I DID.

I just stood there, near them, not interfering at all, other than very
 clearly intending, to them, that they be decent to each other.  *(a)


      And the young man kept on shouting a bit to the girl, his
      "girlfriend," and she kept on crying some more tears, with
      more silent begging, to her "boyfriend."

      But his shouting at her, changed now: He was demanding to know
      of her, now, in words, 'What does SHE want?'

            She however, rather than taking the opportunity offered
            - at least offered verbally - to her, (she)

            rather stuck to her "solution," of being in tears, as some
            sort of 'loud sulking.'


      I simply kept on standing there, next to them, and I kept up my

           (that means, I did create and radiate around them,
            the Energy with the quality, that INTENDS)

      that they be decent to each other.


      Then he decided to show - to me and to the girl - he decided to
      admit now, or to say, that 'actually, he does know very well
      what she wants.'

      And then he pressed a wallet (it seemed to be her wallet) into
      her hands.

            He continued to shout at her, that 'he actually does know
            very well,' what she wants:

                 'She certainly wants a lot of money.'

            And that "talk" of him, was supposed to divert my
            attention away from examining him,

                  away from what HE wanted and, away from looking at
                  the very distinct idea, that HE wanted money, and
                  that HE might earlier have taken money, or more,
                  away from her.

      Then he ran off.




            Both the boy, and the girl, were rather Criminal in their
            behavior, and neither of them expressed any gratitude to
            me; and

                  that was also not expected, nor desired by me:

                  I came to stop them, at that time, from being Evil
                  to each other - there and at that place - and

                        TO STOP AND PREVENT THEM FROM
                        ESTABLISHING, THAT

                       "THERE, IT IS NORMAL TO BE EVIL TO OTHERS."




      I stood there, radiating the intention of (I was creating the
      Energy, that intends, that radiates, that makes felt)

     'Zero Tolerance:'

            No tolerance for them being Evil to each other.


            I am adamant, that you understand 'Zero Tolerance'

                  It is NOT, 'no tolerance for breaking rules'

                  - but which is, how Destructive Cowards *(n) and
                    their masters, Criminal Minds, WOULD want you to
                    "understand" and apply a FALSE "Zero tolerance,"

                        falsely, as in 'demanding unconditional
                        compliance with some regulations,'

                  which in fact is a demand for 'submitting to any

                  a demand, that IN ITSELF is an Evil impulse,

                        but this is, how some police people are NOT
                        detected as Criminal Minds, and are instead
                        validated for the evil nature of their soul,
                        and for "doing good work,"

                        and you find such also nesting themselves as
                        officials within a government institution,

                  where their Evil impulse - to dominate and to block
                  people, and to take the fun out of life for people -
                  should be taken as their "governing," as their
                  "applying the laws and regulations."


                        And many people - in order NOT to have to
                        determine what is Good or Evil - do this even
                        to themselves:

                              They make THEMSELVES be dominated by
                              some rules,

                              as a substitute for being alive, as a
                              substitute for looking at life, as a
                              substitute for feeling life and people,

                              thus failing to experience the very
                              intense joy, that life is,

                                    when life itself is substituted by
                                    "what you must do and must omit,"

                                    as if "everyone is Criminal in
                                    mind, and by nature"... and
                                    therefore "NEEDS to be dominated,"

                                    which is

                              being very Cowardly: *(n)


                        They RATHER escape the wrath of Criminal
                        Minds, BY complying with some rules,

                              and they choose someone else to create
                              or to explain rules or dogmas FOR THEM,

                              so that they THEN - by following those
                              rules or dogmas, no matter how much harm
                              they create with it - they can claim
                              about themselves, that "they are good,"
                              "because they follow the dogmas, the

                              and in order to make others 'do as they
                              are told,' too,

                              they want - and with the rules, they
                              have gotten the PERMISSION, and the
                              'task,' the 'duty,' to demand others
                              ALSO must comply,

                              thus the Cowards want TO DOMINATE (and
                              in particular they want to dominate free

                        dominating others into "also being good"

                              - as you see people immersed in
                                stupidity do, as well,

                                those who are, and want to be, soaked
                                in religious dogmatism, or

                                those who are buried in the fanaticism
                                of a political, environmental, or
                                scientific group, *(n)(n)(n)(n)

                        which I find very annoying, because all, that
                        THEY ACTUALLY INTEND, and that they then try
                        to do, is TO SUFFOCATE LIFE, ANYONE'S LIFE

                              BY PRETENDING TO PROTECT AND ENHANCE IT,

                              as you can read abundantly in the
                              history books, what they did,

                              and which they do also now,

                        wherever and whenever they are NOT contradict-
                        ed by you, and when their actual, but hidden
                        intentions, are NOT exposed by you.  *(n)(n)



                  THAT IS the hallmark of (it is a typical action, by
                  which you can recognize) Criminal Minds and, even
                  more so, their slaves, the Destructive Cowards, *(n)

                        and we want of course the opposite:

                  WE want 'Zero tolerance' for Evil impulses, which is

            no tolerance for (in our anecdote) the boy's desire to be

            and THAT is the 'Zero Tolerance,' that I radiated the
            Energy of, then, at that public square,

      meaning, that I did not tolerate them to be Evil towards each
      other, then and there where I was standing,

      and so in the end, he ran off.



      And I moved on - without having said a word - having done
      nothing else, than making them feel my intention. That means,

      I was creating and holding there, the intention

            - intention IS a type of Energy, which you, any normal
              person, naturally creates and emanates,


                  unless, for instance, your soul gets Drugged, (that
                  means, immersed in Drug Energy)

                        such as when your body is drugged

                              and your body - which ITSELF is a live
                              entity that is governed, steered, and
                              indeed made alive, by Life Energies -

                              when it is responding to the drugs put
                              inside your body, then

                        your body creates Energies that block the
                        Energies of your soul, of you, from perceiving

                              - you, being inside your body's skull
                                and connected to it via a vast amount
                                of Life Energies -

                              including those Life Energies, that you
                              use for perceiving correctly;


                  and, unless your soul gets blocked in any other way
                  - by Criminal Minds with THEIR Harmful, Poisoned
                  Energies - by which Criminal Minds block or paralyze
                  your normal, natural Energy creation and projection

                       (you create Energies, to make yourself feel,
                        and to be aware, and to remember and to think,
                        and to act, and to enjoy life; and

                        Criminal Minds try to block and poison that,
                        and they try also to suck YOUR Energies away)

                        they of course also try to block or hinder or
                        divert, your emanating your Energies to others

                       (which includes - because your (non-photon)
                        perception functions like radar - your
                        perception of others); but


              when that is reasonably UNHINDERED by others - when you
              manage to be somewhat self-determined - then you do
              create and you emanate your OWN Energies to others, *(n)

                        as I did then and there;

            I created and emanated for them - for the boy and the
            girl there, so that they feel the intention (intention
            is Energy that intends, and in this case it is) - that

      with which I - and equally you do - demand:

            They must be decent to each other.





I have 'Zero Tolerance' for people being Evil, for people being
 Malicious, or for people being Hateful towards others.

            We talk a bit more about this 'Zero Tolerance,' because:

      It is so, that being tolerant, IS having ONLY 'Zero Tolerance,'
      if defined correctly,

            as we will (come to) understand, here.


      Exerting 'Zero Tolerance' does mean, of course, that you WANT to

            and that you then also go and look at - that you sense and
            feel -

      what the intentions, that are present, of people, actually are.


      It means, that you CAN tolerate the action of looking - the
      activity, the condition or ability and state of looking -

            of looking at Evil, at Malice, and at Hate and Ugliness,
            looking at and sensing and feeling its nature,

      WITHOUT becoming compulsive. Meaning:

            without letting your emotions or your perception BE
            DETERMINED BY

            the very person(s) whose intentions and impulses you are


      So that we can see what actually IS going on

            - which is easier said than done, especially when your
              name is MacFly, in the movie 'Back to the Future.'

      It means, that you and I CAN tolerate looking at people who do
      appear to be malicious or who seem to emanate malicious Energies
      (who intend Evil or malice):



In order for 'Zero Tolerance' to work its miracles, it is of vital
 necessity, to observe correctly; to see truth

                 (truth is defined as 'what happened, what is or was
                  caused by whom, and with what intention who caused

      to see who has which actual intentions;

            because indeed, intentions may very well be hidden and be
            wrongly represented,

                  covered up, in order to get you to blame another,
                  meaning, to blame the wrong person, really,

                        or the wrong person for the wrong thing, or

                  not seeing those who actually do WANT (who are
                  INTENDING) Evil,

                        NOT detecting someone who really and
                        INTENTIONALLY does cause the Evil, the
                        malice, and the ruin of others, but

                  instead only seeing "someone who is involved
                  somehow," who is then wrongly blamed for everything.


                  For instance those hilarious (or often not so funny)
                  stories you may have heard,

                  about psychics who do report a crime - THAT THEY
                  HAVE PERCEIVED, and thus want to report - to the

                  and then they are being FALSELY ACCUSED, and being
                  treated as a suspect by police detectives, yes,
                  even arrested, "because they know about the crime:"

                        If you look at a crime, and at what criminals
                        do "then you are part of the crime,"

                       "because only photon-perception exists,"

                  according to those police "detectives,"

                        these blind larks - so proud these are, not
                        only of being blind (except to photons), but
                        ALSO of

                  DEMANDING, that (actual) perception be misdirected,
                  or will not occur at all.


                        Sorry, I have to explain that, what perception

                             (a bit of Fine Particle Physics for you)

                        Perception IS the connection with Life Energy
                        Particles between your soul (that is you) and
                        that, what you - by means of connecting or
                        perceptional Life Energy Particles - are
                        connecting to,

                        and thus it INCLUDES sensing, feeling,

                              and not only photon perception, not
                              only your perception of photons;

                              your perception of photons (like from
                              sunlight), that you, by the way, ALSO
                              and ONLY see, when your perception-type
                              Life Energy Particles connect to those
                              photons (an activity commonly called
                              seeing, and)

                                    commonly connecting to these
                                    photons, where these converge,
                                    inside your eyes,

                                    but it accounts also for the
                                    various types of perception

                                    or on the other hand, for enhanced
                                    vision (and which I would call
                                    NORMAL vision).

                        Understanding the mechanism of Perception,
                        is of course vital to anyone,

                              it is the most basic knowledge there is,

                              which Criminal Minds DO NOT WANT YOU TO

                              So it is yet another tool, to detect and
                              weed out of their office or position,
                              Criminal Minds or well-adjusted
                              sociopaths, and their followers.

                        To my knowledge, nobody has ever explained to
                        you, how perception works, nor how thought

                              So I had to develop Fine Particle
                              Physics (FPP), in which it is extremely
                              simple, to understand the mechanism.


                              But they - these police "detectives" -
                              report, for instance

                                   - and "very proudly" at that, and
                                     "to show their 'care'," they do
                                     report, to the media -

                              that 'they have spent three days, with
                              all available man power - fire brigade
                              and volunteers included - ...but failed
                              to find the child reported missing.'

                                    They are not mentioning, how much
                                    money they did waste, and how much
                                    good intentions of people helping,
                                    they did numb or blunt, and


                              Instead, they want that you accept their
                              utter stupidity

                                    - which is almost malicious if
                                      it were not so pathetic -

                              when, of course, the necessary phone
                              call to a professional and proven
                              psychic detective, is only an arm's
                              length away;

                              they do have 'K 9' ('Canine,' rescue-
                              dog) brigades,

                              but they have NOT a 'Sci Kick'
                              ('Psychic') rescue brigade...

                                    well, some high-placed police
                                    official in Russia, claimed (on
                                    20080512) that 'Criminalists
                                    are sure, that in the near future,
                                    each police station will have a
                                    psychic,' *(n)

                        but IF ACTUAL PERCEPTION IS NOT USED AND NOT
                        EVEN UNDERSTOOD (which however, in Fine
                        Particle Physics, it IS), then

                  the truly well-intentioned and gifted (including
                  psychics) are made to suffer and waste their lives,
                  by the malice of the few. *(n) For example:


                        What do you think of a public prosecutor who
                        REFUSES to receive a proven, fully reliable
                        psychic (detective) into his office?

                              The only reason there CAN be, for that,
                              is, that

                              this public prosecutor is TERRIFIED of
                              being looked at and found out himself or

                                    for instance when that public
                                    prosecutor or attorney general

                                          - which is not uncommon -

                                    himself or herself is a Criminal
                                    Mind, a well-adjusted sociopath,
                                    or such.

                        Indeed, a proven psychic is then a fine tool
                        to use for Internal Security, isn't it.




                        To take up another hindrance to 'having Zero
                        Tolerance for Evil Impulses,'

                        there is the remark of some, that

                       "there is ALWAYS guilt on both sides."


                        This is in fact giving in to the Criminals,
                        it is a very false concession to them,

                              given by someone, who wants to "be
                              friendly," to some Criminal(s), and
                              by someone who "appeases" Criminals,

                              with "there is ALWAYS guilt on both
                              sides;" but this assertion is in fact

                        made ONLY in order to hide the real Criminal
                        (the one who DOES INTEND EVIL, and thus, the
                        one who CAUSES the Evil):

                              Your refusal (well, not yours and mine,
                              of course, but other people's REFUSAL)
                              to look at malice in some people

                                    - and it does truly exist in
                                      them -

                                    and REFUSING to have it seen,

                              does allow others to make that remark:

                       "There is always guilt 'on both sides'."

                              And in global politics, this is done to
                              an extreme.  *(n)(n)
                              [Politics versus "Politics ..."]
                              ["Balance of Power"]


                        Actually - and to quite some extent - it does
                        accuse ANYONE WHO DOES GO OUT TO STOP EVIL,
                        of "being evil,"

                              as those Criminal Minds and Destructive
                              Cowards, who accuse America of "being
                              evil" FOR STOPPING THE VERY INTENSE EVIL
                              of Saddam Hussein in Iraq *(n)

                              or - which is also fashionable now - to

                             'EXPOSING hate and EXPOSING domination,'
                              caused by and sanctioned by Islamic
                              groups, who worship the most violent
                              sociopath and "prophet" Mohammed, 'to
                              establish a world of "peace," dominated
                              by sociopaths "who follow God",' *(n)

                                          and the EXPOSURE of the
                                          sociopath - the "prophet" -
                                          is 'forbidden by him, on
                                          penalty of death,' *(n)(n)

                                    EXPOSING their evil, is called by
                                    those of course, and by those
                                    subdued and dominated by them,

                                    yes, 'EXPOSING their hateful lies
                                    and their Evil,' they would like
                                    THAT to be regarded - and even
                                    prosecuted - as if THAT, EXPOSING
                                    EVIL, is *(n)

                             "being an incitement to hate," and "being
                              offensive..."; *(n)

                        well, 'stopping Evil' naturally makes you a
                        very decent and caring party to the fight,
                        OF COURSE!


                        But THEN leveling the accusation at someone,

                        that "there is always guilt on both sides,"

                        is thus an extremely mean thing to do,

                              in particular when the accusation
                              PRETENDS to be "just" and "ethical:"

                        because - as the "Peace Activists" do - it
                        accuses the very caring and very honest,

                              the very people who DEFEND you, (are
                              accused by Criminal Minds and by their
                              helpers, by Destructive Cowards) *(n)(n)

                        of "lying" (about Saddam Hussein) and of
                        "making war" (against Saddam Hussein). *(n)





            INCORRECTLY determining who is actually wanting to do

                  - meaning, when you are being tricked into falsely
                    accusing someone

                    who actually tries to PROTECT AND RESTORE life and

                    BUT who may not always be easily seen as such -
                    *(n)[A.McL.: 'The Last Frontier']

                  and the condition of WRONGLY perceiving who causes
                  the Evil, of course,

            does effectively DESTROY your ability to create your
            intention (your Energy) of 'Zero Tolerance' for Evil

                  as we will see further on, by defining 'Zero
                  Tolerance' very precisely.

                  After all, Truth is 'that what happened,' and that
                  is absolute, including 'who caused what with what




            You know, that Criminal Minds will indeed try

                  - often with success - *(n)['Nature Of War']

            to make you accuse (or to have in your mind) the very
            WRONG person, or the very WRONG group

                 (or railing against the very wrong country and the
                  very wrong president, for instance ...isn't it).


      Thus, what you ARE observing, what you see happening, has to be
      connected correctly ALSO TO THE INTENTIONS that are present
      (that actually do exist)

            - a connecting ability, that DEFINES Sanity ('correctly
              assigning, who causes what,' and truth being absolute) -

      you have to determine, who has WHICH actual intention

            - correctly, in truth.


            Their actual intention to be Evil, may be frantically
            hidden, and forcefully hidden, and very cleverly hidden,
            and forcefully hidden by others than themselves, too,

                        like by family members or by group members,

                  hidden often by means of common, social assumptions,

                  by social ideas about 'who is good and who is Evil'
                  and about 'who would not be Evil,' or *(n)(n)

                  by political ideas: "to call an evil person evil,
                  'is bad for business relations'," (and more highly
                  destructive ideas) *(n)

            by common assumptions about 'who is friend and who is
            foe,' *(n)[DOP]

            and by denying the correct identity of a soul (of you
            being you), and spreading FALSE ideas about the nature of

                  possibly even denying the existence of souls
                  altogether "so they can not be identified, either,"

                        which is a Criminal's dream, a Criminal's
                        paradise, indeed. *(f)





We continue with another anecdote to describe 'Zero Tolerance:'

      It happened one or two days earlier, that, on a shopping street,
      I walked past a narrow alley, and saw a young man there, busy
      trying to sexually molest a girl, and the girl was fighting to
      get him away from her body.

      I stopped, looked at them, and projected my intention (that is,
      I created the Life Energy, then and there, on the spot) of my
      diamond-hard and natural disapproval, my 'Zero Tolerance' of the
      Evil that he was doing.


            At this point, I would like to express some well-earned
            ridicule towards the Licensed Medical Profession:

            These Professionals - the Licensed Medical Quacks,
            Charlatans and Mountebanks -

                 (or the L.M.Q.C.M. - if you want to be brief with
                  them, the 'Liemediquackamounts' if less brief)

            have infused school-education with the atrocious and very
            debilitating, very malicious lie, that

           "perception is only done, by means of vibrating air and by
            means of photons."


            So, according to the Licensed Medical Profession

                  - according to the doctrines of the 'Medical
                    Religion' and its various Medical Institutes
                    or 'Temples' really -

            this boy in the alley trying to rape the girl,

           "can not perceive any Energy of disagreement with his

                  because the disagreement by me, against his

                  neither took the form of (light) photons,

                  nor of (sound) vibrating air,

                        nor (smell) of particles in the air near his
                        nose, nor of (taste) on his tongue,

                        nor (touch) of an object coming in contact
                        with his skin.



'Zero Tolerance' then

      - that, what every professional police officer uses as the
        MAIN tool of his work when he walks his beat around the
        neighborhood -

 according to the Medical 'religion,' 'Zero Tolerance' "can not
 exist," and "does not exist,"

                  according to the Licensed Medical Quacks, Charlatans
                  and Mountebanks, who have provided our children, and
                  us, with their (biology) school textbooks.


            The Licensed Medical Trade or "Medical Science" claims
            and proclaims:

     "It is 'scientifically' impossible to perceive Evil intentions,
      NOR can others feel your disagreement with Evil." *(d)




                  This is really too idiotic, that I have to mention
                  this, that I have to EXPLAIN - that, what you know
                  of course very well to be true,

                        you are knowing the truth by the simple fact
                        that you are alive:


            YOU FEEL OTHER PEOPLE, and - that is why you are liking
            some people when you meet them - YOU FEEL, *(n)

            because life IS FEELING and feeling only, so you feel, of
            course, what FEELINGS and ideas and intentions people do


                  And consequently, people feel you, by what feelings
                  (feelings ARE Life Energy Particles, that you create
                  and that) you emanate;

                              and Criminal Minds can and do try to
                              block that Energy, that others feel you
                              by and that you feel others by (what you
                              feel for others),

                                   (which is all very, very simple
                                    to understand with Fine Particle

                              and Criminal Minds try to replace your
                              feeling and your being felt,

                                   (when they hit you, and those
                                    around you)

                              with UGLY Life Energy Particles they
                              have made,

                                    which also contain feelings, Ugly
                                    feelings in this case, with lies,

                                    and when these interfere too much
                                    in your (of course spiritual life
                                    - life IS spiritual) interaction
                                    with others,


                              then people suddenly "do not like you
                              anymore," or suddenly, people do not
                              notice you anymore

                                    - something that you certainly
                                      have experienced, and again
                                      will experience, at times -

                              and now you know, how that works,

                                    so you don't have to get angry
                                    with the wrong person for the
                                    wrong reason, anger misdirected,

                                          misdirected because you can
                                          not see, by whom those
                                          blocking Energies have been

                                          Life Energy Particles are
                                          not photons - but you have
                                          been taught, by Extremely
                                          Criminal Minds, that "only
                                          with photons you can see,"

                                    now you know, how that works,


                              which (your knowing how something works)
                              opens the way to remedying it, usually
                              very quickly:

                                    You just create (feel, connect to)
                                    your own Energies again, and *(n)

                                    you move those, the Ugly, Painful,
                                    Euphoric or Unawareness Energies
                                    inflicted on you by Criminal Minds

                                          - all these Energies or
                                            feelings are very FINE
                                            PARTICLES, remember -

                                          you get your soul out of
                                          those Energies, and you
                                          push Ugliness PARTICLES

                                         (that repel perception, much
                                          like a bad smell will make
                                          you go away from a place you
                                          actually wanted to be)

                                          so you push Ugliness Energy
                                          Particles out, after you
                                          become aware enough to
                                          notice it, you push it

                                    away from you again, away from
                                    your soul, and away from your
                                    body, away also from your face:


                                    Those Energies are just Particles,
                                    Fine Particles

                                    - AND for God's sake, STAY AWAY
                                      FROM THE LICENSED MEDICAL
                                      PROFESSION unless you know and
                                      know very much about them, *(n)

                                      because THESE CAN (and in this
                                      case, they most likely will, due
                                      to their "education") VERY
                                      SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH,

                                      often for the rest of your life,
                                      too, AND beyond it as well (that
                                      means, your soul gets damaged
                                      as well).

                                      And they ruin your ability to
                                      enjoy life, and some will bring
                                      financial ruin as well - while
                                      you are still alive, that is,
                                      of course.



            You FEEL other people. And you are feeling, what people
            radiate to you and about you:

                  That IS Perception.




 And so this boy too did feel, what I radiated to him: the intention,
 the Life Energy Particles I created, that intend 'Zero Tolerance'
 with his Evil Impulses.


      Consequently, he turned his head around, saw me, and shouted

            Some people think I am Jesus, when they see me, when they
            feel my Energies, that means. I am not Jesus and I was not
            Jesus, but I have some qualities, that make people say
            that, or feel that at times, that "I am Jesus."

            They feel my Energies, from a distance, and then claim,
            "they felt Jesus:"


            I have a very intense, very high quality, very strong
            Energy of Justice, of Truth, of Love, and of Beauty.

            This boy here then, did FEEL that Energy of Justice,
            which he associates - which is culturally associated -
            with Jesus Christ,

                  who, because he could perform miracles not seen on

                       (he manipulated Life Energies to such an
                        extent, that he could actually create,
                        that is, repair or make duplicates of, a
                        LIVING body or animal, for instance) *(4)

                  he therefore was ALSO thought to excel in any
                  other quality,

                        like Justice, Love and Beauty, and Truth,
                        even in Leadership, *(4)

                  which was and is, however, not at all the case - as
                  already superficial study of the bible will show
                  easily to any, even moderately interested, student.

                        The ability to perform miracles (the ability
                        to use Life Energy Particles far beyond what
                        we see mostly on Earth)

                        is NOT RELATED TO, and MAY OR MAY NOT AT ALL
                        be accompanied by

                             (Justice, Love and Beauty, and Truth,
                              let alone by Leadership)

                        the ability to create the Energy, of defining
                        Justice, of shining Beauty, of holding Truth,
                        and of all-encompassing, penetrating Love and
                        Compassion, which lead to Leadership.

                              Also that, a mediocre student can
                              establish with the greatest of ease
                              for himself,

                              already by studying the bible.  *(5)



      The boy felt my Energy towards him, turned his head around, saw
      me, and shouted "Jesus!"

      And he let go of the girl's body, and sped away.

      And I walked on. Again, without having said a word.

            I was not expecting (nor getting) any gratitude - it was
            my intention, that he stops his Evil towards another,

                  which IS 'Zero Tolerance,'

            and he did stop ...almost instantly, at this time.




You may notice, that also here, I did NOT AT ALL create any Hate
 towards or for the young man:

      I just created, and then firmly held, the Energy of Disagreeing
      with Evil,  *(6)

      which disagreement is - you understand - not Hate at all, but
      that disagreement IS Love and THEREFORE

 I created the Energy of 'Zero Tolerance.'

     'ZERO TOLERANCE' which thus is defined, correctly, as:

            EVIL.  *(6)
                                    {Definition of 'Zero Tolerance'}





That is obvious TO YOU, but at the same time you have to know, that
 Criminal Minds have everything IN REVERSE,

      so, for THEM, Good is "Evil." *(6)

            Really... when you solve their Crime, then they see THAT,
            as "you being Evil" to them, isn't it.

            For instance, they very intensely HATE true psychics, and
            they want these imprisoned or sedated or murdered, and
            definitely NOT believed,

                  because Criminal Minds want

                       (that what happened, and who caused it with
                        what intention) - they want

                   Truth NOT exposed.

                    ...You see that, don't you.


            But THEY (Criminal Minds) don't SAY that, so you have to
            understand that wholly by yourself:

                  They SAY, that "THEY are the ones interested in the
                  truth," that "THEY are exposing truth."

                  They SAY, that "psychics are lying," "are deceiving
                  people," "are playing with people's emotions," etc..

                  But the TRUTH is, that they know very well, which
                  psychics are true and can see some truth,

                  and they want, that THOSE - true psychics - or
                  anyone who easily feels some very exact truths about
                  others, and about the past,

                       (which recording of the past, is all contained
                        in - and remains FOREVER contained and visible
                        in Life Energies - it can never be erased)

                              and so it is, that Criminal Minds, such
                              as well-adjusted sociopaths, do want,
                              and are very determined,

                  that anyone who CAN easily detect their Evil nature,
                  must be destroyed, and hated, ridiculed, and
                  tortured - in short: exterminated; *(n)[Bamberg]

                        anyone who can see and remember and hold - for
                        others to feel also - the Truth, of who did
                        what out of what intention,

                        any decent and valuable, caring person,

                       "is the biggest Enemy of Mankind."

            THEY do actually want all IN REVERSE, and they feel and
            experience the desire and compulsion

                        - REGARDLESS of their social position or
                          their education or gender or age or wealth -

                        they (pathologically you might say, but it is
                        also coldly logical, that they) desire

            to completely destroy or nullify anyone who CAN see.  *(e)




                        And I believe, that it is about time, now,
                        that you yourself start to teach these things,

                              so that I do not anymore have to do all
                              your work FOR you,

                        when you are targeted - or when someone else
                        is targeted - "condemned to death" by someone
                        who is a Criminal Mind,

                        by an "investigator" who is creating and
                        using false "evidence"

                             "evidence" provided by Criminal Minds,
                              or obtained BY invoking or interviewing
                              a Criminal Mind (a sociopath).  *(b)




            Life Energies record perceptions, and these hold and relay
            perceptions, including feelings, thoughts, memories; and
            these (Life ENERGIES) also carry out intentions,

                  as I described it for you, for instance in the

                 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics.'  (iFPP)


                  There is NOTHING mysterious about it at all,

                  only: Criminal Minds try to make a very simple
                  subject confused for you,

                       (it is those, who want to keep the past, and
                        other facts, hidden from you and from anyone)

                  THEY try to make a very simple subject confused:

                       "unexplained," "unknown," "un-understandable,"
                        "super-natural" and "unsolved, as mysteries"
                        and "para-normal," etc., "that 'science' can
                        not grasp,"

                        and more such lies that you have 'bought.'


                        Some even claim - which is the most ridiculous
                        statement anyone can possibly make - that

                             "Life Energy does not exist:"

                  In fact, the Criminal Minds are ANTI-NORMAL.  *(2)

                        There is ALSO nothing mysterious about the
                        process of taking photographs - that is,

                        IF you know how the chemical emulsions - or
                        nowadays the light-sensitive semi-conductors -
                        do work, and how lenses and shutters are


                  Criminal Minds however, have everything in reverse.
                  I never told you that ...or did I?



      Criminal Minds, well-adjusted sociopaths, etc., HAVE IT ALL IN

      For instance, you are showing yourself to people - which, simply
      and very naturally (by the very fact that you are there) - is
      showing people, that YOU are Beautiful and Happy, and Truthful,

            and then, THEY, the Criminal Minds or Demonic creatures,
            and the Destructive Cowards supporting them, are feeling
            that, as,

                  (they are feeling it IN REVERSE, such as)

           "You are (making 'everyone' seem to be) Evil." "You are
            (making 'everyone' look) Evil and Ugly and (you show up
            'everyone' as if a person is being a) Liar:"

                 "Therefore YOU are Evil: YOU are Evil and Ugly,
                  and a Liar."

                        And they will actually say this, or write it,
                        or else they will think it and radiate it at
                        you and others,

                        and they will try to act on it - by finding
                        ways, somehow to destroy you, to bring you
                        down into depression - spiritually, socially,
                        and financially.


            But you only happen to expose Truth: simply by being your
            normal, honest self - with your Energy strongly emanating
            from you -

                  possibly even, without that you are aware of it

                       (like you might also not be aware that you are

            and simply your being there - of course with your Energy -
            makes THEM stand out, and indeed seen or felt (they
            suddenly are recognized, understood, felt) as THEY indeed

            well, as they are seen when they are made visible, isn't

                  Criminal Minds, when made visible, obviously ARE
                  found to be Lying, and Evil, and Ugly

                        - and behind their mask and behind their
                          deceptions, they are indeed so.

                          So you can imagine, that they insist, that
                          ONLY photon perception is used, yes, that
                          "ONLY photon perception exists."

                  And simply your being yourself - you radiating your
                  own, natural Energy of Beauty and Truth and Love -
                  will OF COURSE,

                        to those who are not blinded by them, and
                        also to those who do NOT want to be blinded
                        by them, your simply being yourself will then

                  make the Criminal Minds instantly recognizable.



            And so "you must be destroyed, and be brought down to a
            'normal state'," *(n)(n)["Insane" "defined" by Criminal

                  reduced to a state of 'not being conspicuous,' of
                  'not standing out' - as they still say in Germany,

                  by which they mean to imply, that a person THEN "can
                  be trusted," when he is NOT radiating the Energy of
                  his own Beauty, Love and Truth, when he is NOT
                  visible as to who he (or she) is, when he is NOT

                  THEN he can be trusted (by Criminal Minds, that is),
                  because he (or she) agrees to be Blind.

                        Criminal Minds do have everything in reverse.


            And so "you (your soul) must be destroyed - brought down
            to a 'normal state':" *(2)(n)["Insane" "defined" by CMs]

                 'normal,' 'not brilliant,' 'not being conspicuous,'
                 'not standing out,' 'not outstanding' BY BEING
                 SIMPLY YOURSELF. *(c)

            And instead, their own kind, Criminal Minds or the well-
            adjusted, well-hidden "successful" sociopaths, THEY must
            be admired or worshiped,

                  as being "brilliant," "highly popular," "richest,"
                  and "most famous," as "philanthropic," even. *(n)



            It is most unlikely, that Criminal Minds will tell you
            their true motives and their true opinions and true

                  unless they see no danger in your knowing it, like
                  when they somehow managed to compel you, 'to keep
                  it secret,'

            and whatever they will reveal or say further, about their
            condition - about their sociopathy, when it starts to
            become obvious - is depending on 'whatever they have the
            most chance with,' meaning, what approach they can most
            effectively deceive you with and destroy you with.


                  So there is yet another reason, for you to study the
                  Human Rights Issues,

                        which is worth a million times more, than any
                        academic degree in the licensed medical trade,

                              supposing you are not 'in it' (in the
                              medical profession) for the purpose of
                              only enhancing your own income,

                              after having studied medical idiocy for
                              ten years or so (peer-reviewed by others
                              of the same level of intelligence),

                              and after having run up a huge financial
                              debt in the process, to 'get a license'
                              to be PAID for being very stupid, and
                              thus harmful to the patiently gullible.
                              *(n)(n)[Medical License series]



      Now we have gotten 'Zero Tolerance' defined correctly, as:

           'The INTENTION (the Life Energy) that holds and
            communicates and makes felt a constant, incorruptible
            Disagreeing with Evil.' *(6)

                                    {Definition of 'Zero Tolerance'}





We continue with another anecdote: I am telling you something that
 happened not long before the other two incidents of my using 'Zero

      A young father, a nice man with his little daughter and with
      his wife, was walking not very far from me, in the huge hall
      of the railway station.

            His wife, quite the opposite of her husband and of their
            daughter - (his wife, the mother) radiated Ugliness and
            lies and confusion

                 (she created the Poisoned or Altered Life Energy of

            just as a chronic psychotic or sociopath does most of the


      The little girl wanted to be free from having to suffer her
      mother, and started to run around,

            using the opportunity of being in this big hall of the
            railway station,

      to look at everything she wanted BY HERSELF to be interested in,
      and she was proceeding do so.


      Instantly, the mother radiated, that

           'HE, the father, her husband, must control and dominate
            their daughter,' and that

           'he must do so immediately,' and that

           'he must do so BY getting very angry' at this happy and
            alive little girl -

                 'he must get angry at the little girl:'

                  FOR her moving about and FOR her being alive and
                  for her being interested, BY HERSELF, in life,

                  FOR her creating her OWN interest in life, for her
                  creating Aliveness.


      So he, the father, started to do as his wife demanded of him.
      He was about to get very angry at his little daughter

            - which was when I walked by, and saw what was happening
              and what was going to happen

                 (I usually do look at people's intentions, their
                  Energies that contain 'what they want,' 'what they
                  plan to do') - so I saw

              what he was going to do to this happy and alive little


      Therefore, I stopped some five yards away from them, not drawing
      their attention, and pretending to look at some magazines, at a
      nearby newspaper stand,

      and I radiated strongly my Energy at and around the father, the
      Energy of 'Zero Tolerance:'

            that he be decent to the little girl who was his daughter,
            and to respect her joy, and her desire to be interested
            by herself in life.

      And so he stopped his action of angrily going after her, and he
      stared for a moment at me - which I could see from the corner of
      my eye.


      Then he himself simply resumed his original intention, 'to be
      happy, and to let his daughter be happy and enjoy life too,'

      and he continued to walk on with his wife, and his daughter
      continued to dart happily around them:

            A very happy father again, with a very happy daughter.

      And because I happened to walk in the same direction as they
      did, then, I occasionally caught a glimpse of him looking at me
      in wonder...




            So you see, that you do not at all have to wait till after
            you die, with being an angel, *(1)

                  with acting like an angel for some crucial moment
                  to restore or secure some happiness in the life of
                  someone else...

            as it is your very nature to do.

            All it takes, is 'Zero Tolerance' - the Intention to
            disagree with Evil Impulses.


As you know, you naturally do like VERY MUCH to help people, and to
 make normal people happy - as much even, as lies in your power.


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

                                            'Men of all nations came
                                       to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
                                  sent by all the kings of the world,
                                         who had heard of his wisdom.'

                                                        1 Kings 4:34


(a)  'Non-interference' as you call it, but I would call it,
      the ACTUAL and true Definition of Power,

      which is the OPPOSITE of domination, of the common 'Earth
      definition,' the FALSE "definition" of "Power."


(b)   You find many (on THIS subject most vocal) Criminal Minds,

            amongst "atheist skeptics" or amongst hate-and-envy-soaked
            stage "magicians"

                  who can do no 'magic' but who only can trick and

                        - with their joy of thereby dominating what
                          others perceive and do not perceive -

                        they are like "stage magicians"

            who want to be thought of, not only as "being equal to,"
            but as "being superior to" decent people,

                  to any actual psychic and decent person,

                        actual psychics, for example of 'Haunting
                        Evidence' (John J. Oliver and Carol Baron),
                        and Lisa Williams, and those of 'Psychic
                        Detectives' - to name some programs from
                        American TV: anyone decent,

                  who IS able actually to see precisely the content
                  of Energies that contain a recording of the past

                  - which you may know also from the manifold
                    research I have conducted, recorded and
                    published, to substantiate

                    that these "un-understandable" qualities, are
                    simply part of all of Life.

                       [To be re-published, as the HRI series
                        'Spiritual Research into the Actual History
                        of Mankind']


(c)   In Germany, they say of people, that they are 'outstanding' or
      'conspicuous' when they mean, that a person seems to be criminal
      or has been convicted in the past,

            by which they imply (and indeed they like to think),
            that 'a person who is NOT conspicuous, or NOT outstanding,
            "must therefore be trustworthy".'

                  Criminal Minds do have everything in reverse, also
                  in Germany.

(d)   And if you put all their stories together, then "by the year
      2020, there will be 'three hundred percent' of the population,
      that will suffer from major and incurable diseases" that
      medical 'science' does not understand the cause of,

      and so you must give them even more money "so that they can
      make themselves more intelligent" so that then, maybe, "they
      can find the causes," in order "to treat you better"

            - like making a horse-drawn cart 'go faster,' by making
              it more streamlined to air, and by greasing the wheel
              axles more often

              ...peer-reviewed, mind you, and published in the highly
              respectable, indeed peer-reviewed and expensive magazine
              'The Science Destroyer' (established in 1784), *(n)

              and in the more controversial, yet highly influential
              and acclaimed magazine
              'The Unchecked Sociopath's Voice' - or 'USV' for short.

(e)   Nowadays strongly assisted by medical "science,"

            and by "science" in general,

     "science," which Criminal Minds - or well-adjusted sociopaths -
      are dominating, and they have aimed for science to become
      (MIS-)DEFINED, and largely succeeded:

     "Science DEFINES ITSELF AS 'Excluding Life Energy and the soul',"

                  - "else it is 'NOT SCIENCE'" -

                  according to the Criminal Minds, that is,

            resulting also in a very destructive, indeed malicious
            and Evil medical industry,

            to cater to a lot of devastating and largely "incurable"
            diseases, that "we don't know the cause of," "so
            you must give us more money for 'research'." *(7)(8)

      How can you ever understand the working of a body, and its
      diseases, WITHOUT studying the body's Life Energy? That is
      wholly impossible, and it results in the ridiculous articles
      by "medical writers," in the 'Science and Health' sections of
      the media, about

      the brain SUBSTITUTING for Life Energy and for the soul.

            The stupidity of medical "science" is so pervasive,
            so RIDDLED with Criminal Minds, that the mere mention
            of its stupidity, provokes incredulity

            in the public that it succeeds in keeping spiritually
            very blind from the age of going to school and onwards.

      I, for myself, however, rather am healthy, and I would be
      happier, if you are and remain healthy too.

(f)   And currently - and preceding and during World War Two - it is
      promoted heavily in our society, in particular by medical
      "science" and its intensely Evil drug pushing,

      while they are DENYING Life Energy (they are denying that,
      what makes Life 'alive and ticking,' what controls and repairs
      your body) and they are DENYING the soul, you, also,

      replacing you (and the Life Energy of yourself and of your body)
      with "interconnecting" neurons - with your brain.

      They ruin your life with their "science" - which is EXACTLY
      what sociopaths, what Criminal Minds WANT and ENJOY: that your
      life - including your health - is ruined.


     [check for updates and newer HRI's on the subjects]

(1)  'Love On The Bridges Of Holland'  (LOBOH)
       (18 Sept 2002 - Version 3.0 on 11 Nov 2008)

(2)  'The Anti-Normal'
      {HRI 20071208-V1.0}
       (8 December 2007)

(3)   see the "Defining 'Destructive Coward'," 17 parts Series
      (search for it)

(4)  'Facing Life: Jesus Christ Never Was A Leader, And Never Will Be
      - Nor Does He Want To Be One'  (JCNL)
      {HRI 20081005-V2.4}
       (5 October 2008 - Version 2.4 on 10 Oct 2008)

(5)  'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
      Monotheism'  (DGC)
      {HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
       (6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

(6)  'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'  (ODE)
      {HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
      (10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

(7)  'Saving nine-tenth of National Health Care Budget, and 99 percent
      of Health Care Research Budgets'  (SHC)
      {HRI 20100913}
       (13 September 2010)

(8)  'Long Summary of 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force
      Undermining World Health and also Undermining the United Nations
      Organizations ...' (incl. Real-life definitions of
      'Living Organism' (your body), 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
       {HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V3.1}
       (4 March 2010 - Version 6.1 on 7 Apr 2010
        - Summary V3.1 on 5 Jul 2010)

(n)  (as indicated)


     (see under Footnotes, above)

     (further to be added, as applicable)



Copyright 2006-2021 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
 and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
 anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
 who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
 to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
 specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
 of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
 or religious or scientific "agenda," but only to educate, and to
 encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
 about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
KoosNolstTrenite @ gmail.com
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