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2021- A year of consolidation for efloraofindia

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J.M. Garg

Jan 3, 2022, 3:41:31 AM1/3/22
to efloraofindia
Dear members,
In 2021, we have (along with Dinesh ji's work on Names of Plants in india) have tried to put our new site on a better footing by large scale manual formatting so that as many pages as possible look good and nice, when viewed on computer as well as mobile. We hardly faced any problem with our new site unlike the previous efi google site. Our activities were more compared to the previous years. In fact, we reaped a rich dividend of our previous experience in the form of identified plants and comparative images, of the efloraofindia website.

45% of viewership is from outside India as per Google analytics with share of mobile viewership being 55%, in our new site.
Our old google site continues to remain in force despite the 30.9.21 deadline given by Google, though have disabled its editing. 

Saroj Kasaju
‘अजेय’ ‘Ajey’ of eFloraofIndiaset a blazing trail with innumerable high resolution postings along with taking up systematic look at our unidentified posts in efloraofindia site or identifying those resurfaced by Singh ji. He achieved a landmark of 30,000 messages (with a total of 7819 messages in 2021), only just a way behind Singh ji. Gurcharan Singh ji, Pitamah of efloraofindia, was also in his full form, having resurfaced almost all the pending or questionable ids in efloraofindia site, along with his postings from India, USA and Canada and helping others in ids. He was the most Interactive Person of the year with 9715 messages in 2021. He was the 1st to achieve a landmark 30,000 messagesParadesi ji (with his 1551 messages), Sam ji (with his 987 messages), Pankaj ji (376 messages), Aarti ji (with her 1727 messages), Mahadeswara ji (with his 884 messages), Surajit ji (with his 576 messages), Sawmliana ji (with his 326 messages), Manoj ji, Sabu ji, Prasad ji etc. were the major ones who helped in identifying posted plants quickly in the group along with posting their observations.

Well known national and international Experts and members like Tapas ji, Shantanu ji, Suhaib ji, Mayur ji, Santhosh ji, Balakrishnan ji, Shakir ji, Lalithamba ji, Nidhan ji, Ritesh ji, Alka ji, Seema ji, Chennuru ji, TSP Kumar ji, Fazal ji, Harikrishnan ji, Bharathi ji, Shobha ji, 
Krishnaraj ji, Sunoj ji, Varun ji, Chris ji, Mark ji, Henderson ji, Ishwari ji, G S Rawat ji, D S Rawat ji, Navendu ji, Lalithamba ji, Pascal ji, Anil ji, Nayan ji, Wood ji, Panda ji, Gogoi ji, Radha ji, Viplav ji, Samiran ji, Vinayaraj ji, Ashutosh ji, Kanhaiya Lal ji, Smita ji, Tabish ji, Santhan ji, Sunoj ji, Milind ji, Jana ji, Nathan ji, Magnus ji, Fu ji, Lalithamba ji, Sampath ji, Manoj ji, Pascal ji, Sivu ji, Rakesh ji, Nagar ji, Vijayasankar ji, Giby ji etc. continued their activity of either posting plants, or helping in identifying them or both, in a major way. 

efloraofiindia completed 14 years and while efloraofindia site completed 11 years, which were the occasions not only of celebration, but also about thinking about moving in the right direction to further consolidate our position.   

As always, we remain indebted to the 
Outstanding ContributorsThe PillarsSubject/ Area ExpertsModeratorsMajor contributors & other members who are rendering selfless service to this group & made this endeavour possible for the benefit of everyone.
With regards,

J.M. Garg

Jan 3, 2022, 6:19:13 AM1/3/22
to efloraofindia

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dinesh Valke <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2022 at 15:35
Subject: Re: [itpmods:16271] Fwd: 2021- A year of consolidation for efloraofindia
To: itpmods <>

Thanks Garg ji for the seamless transition from old to new site. Cheers and kudos to all members, who continue to contribute in their own ways to eFI. Best wishes to all members to follow their passion and in turn make eFI become a stronger database of flora !!!

On Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 2:11 PM J.M. Garg <> wrote:
With regards,

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With regards,

J.M. Garg

Jan 3, 2022, 6:19:21 AM1/3/22
to efloraofindia
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Saroj Kasaju <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2022 at 15:44
Subject: Re: [itpmods:16272] Fwd: 2021- A year of consolidation for efloraofindia
To: itpmods <>

Great going. Congratulations to all valuable members !
Thank you.

Saroj Kasaju

On Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 3:50 PM Dinesh Valke <> wrote:
Thanks Garg ji for the seamless transition from old to new site. Cheers and kudos to all members, who continue to contribute in their own ways to eFI. Best wishes to all members to follow their passion and in turn make eFI become a stronger database of flora !!!

On Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 2:11 PM J.M. Garg <> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: J.M. Garg <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2022 at 14:07
Subject: 2021- A year of consolidation for efloraofindia
To: efloraofindia <>

With regards,

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Gurcharan Singh

Jan 4, 2022, 12:59:39 AM1/4/22
to efloraofindia
Thanks to all contributors, especially Garg ji and Saroj ji.
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