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Terrorized Minds 'Trapped by Allah' - Muslim True Believers {HRI 20100121-V1.2.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jan 28, 2010, 11:50:32 PM1/28/10
'Trapped by Allah:' The Muslim True Believers

21 January 2010
{HRI 20100121-V1.2.1}

(Version 1.2.1
on 27 Jan 2010)

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First Correct Human Rights Declaration, ARTICLE TWO:

Everyone has the right, audibly or visually to
communicate constructively, and in an educated,
or informed, or observing way, to others and
to the society - and, doing so, will by its
very nature, offend some individuals and some,
possibly even large, groups. *(2)



'Trapped by Allah,' Muslim true believers are themselves TERRORIZED
Minds, as shown below.

And by definition, minds who agree to be and who do want
to be terrorized (dominated) minds, are also TERRORIZING
others into becoming terrorized minds,

due to the nature of agreeing to 'submit' in order
to achieve "harmony" and "peace" and being "one big
family" (of Islam, in this case): *(3)

One percent - and that is very many people
on a total of six billion, of living people on
Earth - AT LEAST one in every hundred people,

regardless of race, age, gender, and
wealth, education, and religion, or the
lack of these, at least one percent

is very severely intending to destroy or to
prevent the joy of life, for others,

and ONLY ENJOYS to be Evil. *(7)

(They are very severely Criminal Minds
or Criminal Souls, and they can be found
in ANY social position; and their soul
is so severely damaged, that they can
not be cured.)


That means, that any "brotherhood," and
"harmony," and "being one big family" of
"brothers and sisters," 'by means of

- and by means of anything else, by any
other religion, or by communism etc. -



And this knowledge resulted in the actual
Definition of Peace coming to view, and it
could thus be and was written down by me,
for you. *(4)



THEY can not see the state of their own mind, because 'they are
and they want to be INSIDE the Energies (the feelings and the
ideas and the intentions), that Islam gives them.'

So, they "look at the world, at life," like from the
inside of a goldfish bowl.

That condition itself, of having their mind terrorized, PREVENTS
looking from the outside, at themselves, and at others;

that is, it prevents them from looking from the viewpoint of
life itself:

It prevents their looking at their spiritual condition
from their OWN viewpoint.



If they would look at it from the viewpoint of being connected
to The Creation, then they WOULD see it. *(1) [DGC]
(see references)

This again requires the Definition of Perception to be
known or felt, *(5)

plus the knowledge, that I have given to you, about what
perception actually is,

and it requires the Definition of Truth, which I also have
given back to you as you knew it originally, and as you
still know it (Truth) to be, basically. *(6)




The sequence of lies, to make the Muslim True Believers 'Trapped by
Allah,' goes more or less as follows,

(with the lies they read in the Book of Islam, in the

"Allah created Everything"

"The Qu'ran is the Holy Book, and Allah speaks through it -
because the Qu'ran says so"

"You have to be in harmony with Allah"

"When everybody is in harmony with Allah, then there is Peace
on Earth"

"Do what Allah tells you"

"Do what the Qu'ran tells you"

"'WE' tell you what the Qu'ran tells you to do"

"Doing what WE tell you to do, is bringing about slavery
- excuse me - 'is bringing about harmony,' the 'Kingdom of


'And the known sociopaths Putin and Hu Jintao, will help
us to blow up the West, and assist us to get or produce
atomic weapons:'

'THEY want that, in order "to restore a balance of power"
to their "advantage," by destroying or weakening their
own and actual, but Western and FREE, friends,'

'and WE, the true believers, want that, in order to
destroy any FREE society, and in order to have Western
civilization terrorized and dominated, till it submits,
to "the harmony and brotherhood of Islam and Muslims,
into peace".'



This leads to the conclusion, that

the Muslim true believers, all are terrorized into a state of
mind of mental slavery; and, that

their "leaders," by using Islam, the Imams etc. terrorize the
minds of the people into submission, into mental slavery; and,

reading the Qu'ran, or Islamic belief, terrorizes people into
mental slavery, leading them

to "dominate the world into harmony" - "under Allah:"

Their mind is terrorized into accepting a FALSE - and a
very dangerous - "definition" of Allah, which they then
mix up with the true, correct Definition of Allah or God.

They accept the FALSE "definition" of Allah,

IN ORDER TO MAKE SEEM "good," what is in fact mental
slavery and dictatorship,

and destruction of life itself, *(7)

"in order to bring all people into submission to Allah
and thus into harmony."



This is confirmed by what even very moderate, but true believers of
Islam write and say. It confirms,

that what they proudly believe, IS Islam, and they believe it
with certainty to such a large extent,

and so well educated they are, and their ideas are so
strongly proven by them, so well-informed and grounded
in Islam,

that is: WITHIN their own (Islamic) terminology and
ideas that are available to them, by which they show
their case for Islam,

that one can not argue otherwise about their convictions, than
that these stem truly from Islam and from their being Muslim
'true believers,'

and that it is not from any local culture or local customs
or from their upbringing in a Muslim environment.

Indeed with their arguments, they also convert people TO

exactly for that illusion of harmony, and for the
discipline offered, of being told what to do, and
for the simplicity of ideas, and

for the prospect of "belonging to 'one big family' of
'ALL Muslims'," "where Satan does not exist."

Really, now...


So, all that a Criminal Mind has to do, is, to 'convert to Islam,' and
he (or she) can freely mass murder his own people, or incite others
to do so, in order to follow the Criminal Mind's greatest joy:

Inflicting Evil and preventing others from enjoying Life, *(7)

in order to "maintain a harmonious dictatorship" and to destroy
"Western civilization" - to make place or Lebensraum for Islam, as
the Muslim variety of an 'International Communist Manifesto,' an
international "agenda."




The correct Definition, of Allah or God, is actually known to
you and is felt by all; it defines also real monotheism: *(1)

The PURPOSE of the mono-theistic ('there is God') religions is, to
get you more - or to keep you more strongly - connected to, and thus
feeling and benefiting from, the Source Energy of The Creation:

The Creation's Source Energy which - if defined correctly (by
you) - is called God (or Allah). {definition} *(1)


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'The whole world
sought audience with Solomon
to hear the wisdom
God had put in his heart.'

1 Kings 10:24


(1) 'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC)
{HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

(2) 'First Correct Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE TWO and
{HRD-02 20100102-V1.2}
(2 January 2010 - Version 1.2 on 5 Jan 2010)

(3) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part Seventeen: 'Understand
Cowards, for handling them - not Beethoven' '
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi17-V2.2.1}
(11 December 2007 - Version 2.2.1 on 13 Dec 2007)

(4) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.8-t}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.8-t on 10 Dec 2009)

(5 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase' (DPFI)
{HRI 20091203-V3.1} {FPP 20091203-V3.1}
(3 December 2009 - Version 3.0 on 21 Dec 2009)

(6) 'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V2.5}
(17 October 2008 - Version 2.5 on 22 Dec 2009)

(7) 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 also on 11 Aug 2009)



(see also under Footnotes, above)

'Koos Nolst Trenite far SENIOR to Buddhism or Hindu knowledge' -
with quotes from {HRI 20040619-V4.1} 'Explaining the Scale of
(11 October 2007 - publication date quotes from HRI 20040619)

'Facing Life: Jesus Christ Never Was A Leader, And Never Will Be
- Nor Does He Want To Be One' (JCNL)
{HRI 20081005-V2.4}
(5 October 2008 - Version 2.4 on 10 Oct 2008)

'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (incl. definition of Jesus Christ, definition of Satan)'
{HRI 20100106-II-V5.0}
(6 January 2010 - Version 5.0 on 17 Jan 2010)

'True Love ...Loves - Sex In Any Religion and Definition of Sex'
{HRI 20060521-V2.0.2}
(21 May 2006 - Version V2.0.2 on 26 March 2007)
'True Love Loves - 'Sacks' In Any Religion, and Definition
of 'Sacks' '
{HRI 20060521-V2.1-UAA}
(21 May 2006 - Version 2.1-UAA on 26 March 2007)

'EXPOSING evil in Islam: Exposing Hate, IS THE OPPOSITE of
'Inciting to Hate' - but Criminal Minds have everything
in reverse - 'Fitna' and 'Obsession,' the movies'
{HRI 20080402-V3.3.1}
(2 April 2008 - Version 3.3.1 on 7 Nov 2009)

''Islamic Men Forced To Wear Veil, In Order Not To Arouse Women''
- (based on Quote from {HRI 20060521-V1.4.1-UAA})
{HRI 20070312-V2.3}
(12 March 2007 - Version 2.3 on 16 March 2007)

'Islamic Women Allowed Four Husbands (For Equal Rights)'
- (based on Quote from {HRI 20070226-V4.2})
{HRI 20070311-V3.0}
(11 March 2007 - Version 3.0 on 12 March 2007)


Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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