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(pi17-V2.2.1) Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part Seventeen: 'Understand Cowards, for handling them - not Beethoven' - {HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi17-V2.2.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Dec 13, 2007, 6:56:27 AM12/13/07
Defining 'Destructive Coward'

Part Seventeen: 'Understand Cowards, for handling them - not

18 June 2005
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi17-V2.2.1}

(part issue 17 *
on 11 Dec 2007)

(Version 2.2.1
on 13 Dec 2007)

(suitable for foreign
language students)


Destructive Cowards "solve" their problems with a Criminal Mind,

by destroying YOU

...INSTEAD of facing the Criminal Mind. *(1)(1a)(1b)



It is NOT IMPOSSIBLE (meaning, IT IS POSSIBLE) to stop acting like a
Destructive Coward if you are acting like one, and

all the "reasons" for NOT giving it up, are wholly irrational,

no matter how forcefully the Energies, which contain and
inflict those "reasons," are projected by the Criminal
Mind, and

no matter how strictly or bloodily enforced the "reasons"
are by other Destructive Cowards,

who - by definition - execute Criminal orders:

What they do, is very, very comparable to giving in
to (to succumbing to) the demands of terrorists.



IF YOU ARE NOT a Destructive Coward, then you can disagree firmly and
constantly with those who are, with those who want to be Destructive

Understanding them, is of course helping you tremendously
to handle these:

They carry out the wishes of Criminal Minds in return for
"being loved" (being Admired), in return for "being protected,"

most of all, in return for being made unaware of reality by the
Criminal Mind (in the same way, that a drug addict wants to be
made unaware of reality):


Normal is, of course, to be aware of what you know to be

to be aware of what you see and feel and know and
remember that is true and existing about others,
and also about yourself,

anything that has happened, and who wanted
what, who intended what.


Destructive Cowards want that distorted, in order to
"live in harmony and peace"

...with a Criminal Mind, or even, with Criminal
Minds in general.

Which is entirely impossible, because
Criminal Minds want to DESTROY life.

But OF COURSE they do not want you to
know that, at all, else you would move
them off any position of responsibility.


You see indeed, that China's Hu Jintao
works very hard, to try and make the whole
population of China,

and some American 'Ambassador' to Taiwan

Raymond Burghardt, chairman of
the U.S. government's 'American
Institute' in Taiwan (in actuality
the American Embassy in Taiwan)

claiming it is "harmful" to
stand up to the lies and the
empty threats of Criminals,
of China's "government" in
this case,

so he chose to be a
Destructive Coward,

to be a 'Chamberlain' to Mr. Hu Jintao,
China's "leader," *(2a)(2c) and to make

into Destructive Cowards, who do NOT oppose
most violent Criminal Minds such as Mao Zedong
and Jiang Zemin, and, of course, Hu Jintao
himself. *(2b)



"All people must be brothers," is what Beethoven wanted
people to sing in his last symphony:

"Alle Menschen werden Brueder."

There is however, one percent of 'Alle Menschen,'
- of all people - who very, very definitely and
most vehemently will not ever be 'Brueder,' or
brothers, because THEIR only JOY IN LIFE consists

deceiving (or forcing) their fellow 'Brueder'
into total submission and into eventual - or
else immediate - ruin.

To put it in more infamous words, they
think like this, and one even said it:

"I do not care how many thousands of
(captured) people die, or you will have
to shoot, in digging this trench, as
long as it gets dug." *(a)


"All people have some good in them," is what a former

(and in the late years of his life, the 'Alzheimer'-
demented person *(b)

- which is significant to his belief

(and that is why I mention it in
connection with his very false and
very destructive idea) that

"All people have some good in them,"

the very naive belief that in particular was
very destructive to himself -

who was)

president of the United States, Ronald Reagan said and
really believed,

in complete and highly destructive conflict with
reality, because:

There is one percent of all people,

in any layer of any population, from high to
low, from rich to poor, from highly educated
to illiterate, in any race, nationality, in
any system, and of any gender and age group,

and in ANY religion - REGARDLESS of what
they claim -

one percent of those individuals exist, in any

who very, very definitely and most vehemently and
continuously and often very intelligently

- because that is THE NATURE OF THEIR SOUL -

will do everything they can, to ruin the life of
anyone and of as many people as they can and for as
long a time as they can achieve it:

they are individuals of malicious nature,

who have nothing good in them at all whatsoever,
because THEIR only JOY IN LIFE, consists of

deceiving (or forcing) their fellow 'Brothers'
into total submission and into eventual, or
else into immediate ruin.

These include the well-known religious
or political or medical or economic

- supposing you read the news AND
the Human Rights Issues, then
these would be well-known to

as you see these being motivated
by a condition of Hate and of
Contempt for Life and people.


And you see now the result of the
insane joy of betraying many people
and letting them suffer under dictators,

for the short-term "reward" of monetary
and material gain,

a gain that is canceled out as
well, by vast military expenses
now becoming or remaining

because Criminals are, in
violation of the First
International Law (FIL)
left in charge of whole
countries by you, *(5a)


with which Russia's actual sociopath,
Vladimir Putin, has inflicted France's
Sarkozy at the reported meeting between
the two,

in Germany, at Heiligendamm, some
time ago, during the 'G8 Summit'
2007, *(3a)(3b)(3c)

an inflicted mental condition of evil,
caused apparently by Putin, and

that neither his ex-wife nor anyone else
is willing to cure Sarkozy of,

not even his friend Kouchner of 'Doctors
Without Borders'-fame (or 'Medicins Sans
Frontiers'). *(4a)



Destructive Cowards, to comply with Criminal Minds, thus WANT
to have a distorted, perverted awareness of people and of
themselves, and of life itself too,

and they are most desirous therefore, that a Criminal Mind
keeps (Energetically, of course) their thoughts and their
feelings and their perceptions controlled and distorted,
and partially blocked. *(17)(19)

As the faithful reader knows, all thinking
and feeling and perception is done by means
of Life Energy.


Any Criminal Mind is most eager to provide the
blocking and the distorting

(distorting Energies, the distorting thoughts
and feelings and the blocking of normal
thoughts, feeling, and sensing perceptions)

in order to oblige, to carry out such wishes and
desires from his victims,

because he NEEDS Destructive Cowards - to amplify
and enforce his malice.

You see this most easily in Criminal groups,
in subversive groups or in terrorist groups:

Criminal groups consist of one or several
Criminal Minds at the top, surrounded by
Destructive Cowards,

much like it is the case with the Chinese
government, under Hu Jintao, and as it was
under Jiang Zemin, and under Mao Zedong.

And in the case of subversive groups
you will find

- because they work by deception -

that some of its members did NOT come
in order to be given a deception, but
were made to accept it anyway, and these

seemingly honest persons, do function
then to present a credible and caring
facade for the subversive, for the
Criminal group.



These are (the) major factors, by which Evil is perpetuated despite
your efforts to detect and identify and curb it.

Understanding Evil, is of course the first step towards
remedying it, but

this step, understanding evil, has since ever been most
intelligently and continuously blocked, and very actively so;

and penetrating and removing the blocking - wrestling
free and then providing the first and indeed missing
Understanding of evil - has now been resolved, and made
possible by me, with the Human Rights Issues.


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29

Based on quotes from:

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3}
(10 June 2005 - Version 3.2.3 on 17 May 2007)


(a) Voiced by Heinrich Himmler, at a meeting of his staff to explain
to them the "reasons for the extermination of Jewish people."

(b) The Licensed Medical Quacks and Charlatans, have yet to admit,
that the infliction of Altered Life Energies

(or a 'damaged areas of the body's aura' as some, slightly
more educated people like to call it)

inflicted BY present or past action of Criminal Minds,

CAUSES the changes of structures in the body, and also in the

For you that means, that you must protect and restore and repair
your ENERGIES, so as to prevent any diseases,

including the mentioned, totally devastating "disease"
called Alzheimer (loss of Life Energies to connect and
stay connected to memories, to the past, and to people
in general).


(*) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part SIXTEEN: 'The ILLUSION of
"not being attacked"' '
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi16-V1.3}
(7 December 2007 - Version 1.3 on 11 Dec 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part FIFTEEN: 'You take away
from them, the responsibilities they refuse to exert' '
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi15-V1.0.2}
(6 December 2007 - Version 1.0.2 on 7 Dec 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part FOURTEEN: ' "It is 'the
most "survival",' to follow the Criminal Mind" '
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi14-V1.0.1}
(5 December 2007 - Version 1.0.1 on 5 Dec 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part THIRTEEN: 'Those who carry
out destructive orders'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi13-V1.0.1}
(4 December 2007 - Version 1.0.1 on 4 Dec 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part TWELVE: 'Makes Criminal
Minds seen as "normal" - Medical "science," "research" and
"charity"' '
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi12-V2.0.1}
(30 November 2007 - Version 2.0.1 on 3 Dec 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part ELEVEN: 'Worshiped Criminal
"leaders" are "good," which "proves," that "you are evil"'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi11-V1.1}
(29 November 2007 - Version 1.1 on 29 Nov 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part TEN: 'Kick the Criminal
Mind out BEFORE he or she kicks you and your friends out'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi10-V1.2}
(27 November 2007 - Version 1.2 on 28 Nov 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part NINE: 'Complying with
the "laws" of the Criminal Mind'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi9-V1.1}
(26 November 2007 - Version 1.1 on 27 Nov 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part EIGHT: 'Earning the
"Friendship" of Criminal Minds''
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi8-V1.1.1}
(23 November 2007 - Version 1.1.1 on 23 Nov 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part SEVEN: 'Join your Enemy,
"then you won't get attacked" '
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi7-V3.1.1}
(21 November 2007 - Version 3.1.1 on 22 Nov 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part SIX: '"YOU are making
trouble," by not being "friends" with the Criminal Mind
(or with a Criminal "leader")' '
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi6-V2.2}
(19 November 2007 - Version 2.2 on 20 Nov 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part FIVE: Betrayal, Sudden
Reversal of Good and Evil'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi5-V1.0.1}
(16 November 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - PART FOUR: Churchill cowarded by
'FDR' Roosevelt'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi4-V1.0.1}
(15 November 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - PART THREE: Side-step
Criminal Heads of State'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi3-V2.2}
(13 November 2007 - Version 2. on 14 Nov 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - PART TWO: Made Unaware of 'Being
Friends with' a Criminal Mind'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi2-V2.1}
(9 November 2007 - Version 2.1 on 12 Nov 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - PART ONE: The Result of
'Not Opposing a Criminal Mind' '
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi1-V2.3}
(6 November 2007 - Version 2.3 on 9 Nov 2007)


(1) 'A Poem Of Love And Adventure'
{HRI 20020717-V3.1.1}
(17 July 2002 - Version 3.1.1 on 4 June 2007)

(1a) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

(1b) 'Definition Of Schizophrenic'
{HRI 20021125-V1.1}
(25 November 2002 - Version 1.1 on 19 July 2006)

Hu Jintao (China) will declare war on America'," says US State
Department's Criminal Mind Robert Zoellick'
includes 'George W. Bush, the Chamberlain to Hu Jintao (as in
1938, Munich, Britain's Prime Minister Chamberlain to Hitler)'
- {HRI 20060423-V3.5.1}
(11 May 2006 - version 2 on 13 May 2006)

(2b) 'China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the United Nations Organization (UN,
{HRI 20060429-V2.1.2} - quotes {HRI 20060427-V1.1}
(29 April 2006 - Version 2.1.2 on 1 May 2006)
{HRI 20060429-V2.1.2-c} (in 'mainland' English)
(29 April 2006 - Version 2.1.2-c)

(2c) 'George W. Bush, the Chamberlain to Hu Jintao (as in 1938 Munich,
Britain's Prime Minister Chamberlain to Hitler)'
{HRI 20060423-V3.5.1}
(23 April 2006 - Version 3.5.1 on 12 May 2006)
{HRI 20060423-V3.5-c}

(3a) 'France's Sarkozy Was Hypnotized By Russia's Putin - by means of
extremely malicous, spiritual force'
{HRI note 20070618-V1.1}

(3b) 'Sarkozy wurde von Putin hypnotisiert - mit ausserordentlich
boesartiger, spiritueller Kraft'
{HRI note 20070618-D}
(18 June 2007)

(3c) 'Sarkozy a ete HYPNOTISE par Poutine (Putin) de force
exceptionellement malicieuse spirituelle'
{HRI note 20070618-F}
(18 June 2007)

(4a) 'How To Find Out Any Secret Of Anyone, That Is Vital To Your Or
Others' Well-Being To Be Known - 'Remote Knowing' As Done By
Any Sane Person'
{FPP 20070616-V1.9.1}
{HRI 20070616-V1.9.1}
(16 June 2007 - Version 1.9.1 on 25 Jun 2007)

(5a) 'Explaining the First International Law (FIL)'
{HRI 20070531-V1.3}
(31 May 2007 - Version 1.3 on 1 June 2007)

(6a) 'Criminal Minds prevent you from knowing The Nature of War'
- Quote from {HRI 20051027-V1.6} 'The Nature Of War'
(7 April 2006 quote of 7 November 2005 version)

(7a) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

(17) 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

(19) 'Becoming A Friend Forever' {HRI 20060112-V1.2}
(12 January 2006 - Version 1.2 on 19 Jan 2006)


'YOUR Role on Earth - A Very Simple Observation'
{HRI 20070629-II-V2.1-Q1-V3.2}
(2 July 2007 - Version 3.2 on 1 Aug 2007)

'Definition of Peace'
{HRI 20070520-V2.1.1}
(20 May 2007 - Version 2.1.1 on 28 May 2007)

'Definition of Justice'
{HRI 20070817-V1.1}
(17 August 2007 - Version 1.1 on 20 August 2007)

'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.3.3 on 13 May 2007)

'Definition Of Schizophrenic'
{HRI 20021125-V1.1}
(25 November 2002 - Version 1.1 on 19 July 2006)

'You Prefer To Feel The Pleasant, Caring MASK Of Criminal Minds'
(27 July 2005 - Quoted from {HRI 20040920-V2.4} )

'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity'
{HRI 20040619-V3.4}
(19 June 2004) (Version 3.4 on 2 Sept 2004)

' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
{HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

'Bach Pulling People Out Of Hell'
{HRI 20051021-V3.2}
(21 October 2005 - Version 3.2 on 13 Dec 2005)

'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

'Koos Nolst Trenite far SENIOR to Buddhism or Hindu knowledge' -
with quotes from 'Explaining the Scale of Sanity'
{HRI 20040619}
(11 October 2007 - quoted)

'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

'Why Buddhists and Hindus Hate God'
{HRI 20071021-V2.0}
(Advanced Fine Particle Physics {FPP 20071021-V2.0})
(encl. 'The "Become Perfect"-Mind-Control of Hinduism, Buddhism
and New-Age Cults' {HRI 20050514-V3.1})
(21 October 2007 - Version 2.0 on 21 Oct 2007)

'(Part Six) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' (Buddhism, The Buddha, Milarepa)
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi6-V2.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 6 on 13 Sept 2007 - Version 2.1
on 14 Sept 2007)
Also issued as:
'Koos Nolst Trenite - On Siddhartha Gautama, or Gotama,
"the Buddha," in {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi6-V2.1.1}'
'Koos Nolst Trenite - On Siddhartha Gautama, or Gotama,
"the Buddha," in {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi6-V2.1}'

'If Pilate Had Provided King Solomon's Justice...'
{HRI 20041102-V1.3}
(2 November 2004 - Version 1.3 on 2 Apr 2005)

'Journalist Current Ethics And Intelligence
- Refusal To Recognize And Expose Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20041230-V2.4} (30 Dec 2004 - Version 2.4 on 26 June 2005)

'Info on 'Introduction To Journalism' course (Nov 2007)'
(1 December 2007) (Version 1.0.1)

Issue Note:

This Human Rights Issue is based on the betrayal by
Stephanie Umana born Hansen (called 'Tulka').


Copyright 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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