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Restoring Vital Perception: Proper use of Life Energy Fluctuation Meter (Vital Perception Aid), intensely hated by Criminal Minds - {HRI 20100209-V4.2}{FPP 20100209-V4.2}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Feb 17, 2010, 10:18:44 AM2/17/10
Restoring Vital Perception: Proper use of the Life Energy Fluctuation
Meter (Vital Perception Aid), intensely hated by Criminal Minds

9 February 2010
{HRI 20100209-V4.2}
{FPP 20100209-V4.2}

(Version 4.2
on 17 Feb 2010)

(view Summary
by skipping - some
or much - indentation)

(suits foreign
language readers)


Criminal Minds ENJOY to inflict suffering, and to
vampire on your Life Energies - AND they enjoy to
keep that and such things hidden and unknown,
unseen, or at the very least, not understood. *(a)

This gives us a two-sided approach:


1. When you see suffering, then you trace that suffering
back to its source, to Criminal Minds, that is:

You see the most caring and most responsible
and most able people falsely accused and
locked up in prison,

so you trace that back to the SOURCE, to who
caused that, and who maintains that,

and you find for instance the Criminal Mind
Putin, in Russia, and the Criminal Mind Hu
Jintao, in China,

who "want people to be in harmony with them
and with other Criminal Minds."


2. When you know, someone is a Criminal Mind, then you
predict and expect stupidity and suffering being
inflicted, and vampiring on people's Life Energies
being done, by that Criminal Mind,

and, by knowing WHAT to expect from whom, you make it
possible, far better to defend yourself and others
against such suffering,

AND you can have others defend you - to let others
prevent or remedy your suffering, because they know
whom they are fighting,

NOT fighting merely against "a statistic of
human rights violations," or fighting merely
against "psychiatric hospitals,"

but naming and thus targeting THE SOURCE of
the Evil, and who maintains the Evil:

In the example, that is the very severely
Criminal Mind Hu Jintao plus his co-Criminal
Minds, and that is the very severely Criminal
Mind Putin plus his co-Criminal Minds.


You locate WHO causes suffering, who will ALSO project
a vast amount of Harmful, Altered Life Energy Particles
and whom you or another can already thereby detect,

especially with the 'looking-aid' of a sensitive
Life Energy Fluctuation meter (Life Energy knows
no distance),

and so you increase and maintain your ability to enjoy
life and to care for others.


OF COURSE that is so:

because now you know, who is the attacker, and with WHAT
(Harmful Energies) you and others are attacked; *(b)


now you know WHO intends you and others to suffer,

and WHO therefore does create and WHO projects,
and who makes others project,

Harmful Altered Life Energy Particles (HALEPs)

(Pain, Unconsciousness, Ugliness and
Euphoric Numbness Feelings for example,
and ideas to go with it - all of which
ARE Harmfully Altered Life Energy
Particles or HALEPs)

into your body and your soul,

and of course into the body and soul of
other people, of your children, of your
friends. *(c)



Tracing back suffering to the source of the infliction, is done well
with a sensitive meter (see References, below)

to steer your attention towards the person who creates, and who
projects that Harmful, Altered Life Energy onto you, or onto

(Pain, Unconsciousness, Ugliness and Euphoric Numbness
Feelings - for example - and ideas to go with it).

Consequently and very understandably, Sociopaths do hate proper and
thus effective use of the Life Energy Fluctuation Meter

(which is the Mathison "E-meter" made much more sensitive)

sensitive enough to penetrate deceptions - 'deception Energy,'
'barrier Energy,' 'curtain Energy,' 'deflection Energy,'
'repelling Energy' -

whatever deceives or opposes or misdirects the radar of
your Perceptional Life Energy Particles, with which you,
well... perceive, of course.

That is how you look at people, and sense who they
are and what they want and how much you like them,
etc., etc..


Of course Sociopaths - as they always do - will also then (when
you look much more penetratingly, and with the 'looking aid' of
the meter, this 'perceptional looking glass,' - also then of

they will try to block your sensing perception, and to misdirect
it, and to try and deceive you, to mislead and trick you into
believing "you have found out the truth," "you have seen what
you needed to see," etc. etc..

(Your) ability and actual practice of detecting and
countering their deceptions, DEFINES (your) Sanity,
on Earth. *(8)

And that science is naturally part of Fine Particle
Physics {FPP}. *(1)


Again: Consequently and very understandably, Sociopaths do hate
proper and thus effective use of the Life Energy Fluctuation
Meter or 'perception aide.'

The Sociopaths Arnie Lerma, Dave Touretzky and their admirers,
go about it with fake "science:" To try and destroy the under-
standing - and thus any use - of a meter,

but their underlying motive is, that they HATE others to
look at and find out about themselves (about Lerma and
Touretzky and their admirers)

which - their actual intentions - they camouflage with the
(quite commonly used) deception, that "THEY are 'free speech'

not unlike Lenin in Russia, who PRETENDED to want
"free speech and democracy," but as soon as he got
in power, through terror and deception, he abolished
free speech and democracy totally, (till Gorbachev
ended that)

the "free speech" consisting only of THEIR speech, and in
which they omit or distort the basic facts and intentions,
and hide these,

hiding exactly BY loudly claiming to the public,
that "they are free speech advocates." *(c)

They violate the Second Article of the First Correct
Human Rights Declaration

(ARTICLE TWO is, summarized:

'Everyone has the right, audibly or visually to
communicate constructively, and in an educated, or
informed, or observing way, to others and to the
society - and doing so, will by its very nature
offend some individuals and some, possibly even
large, groups'). *(11)


Again: Consequently and very understandably, Sociopaths do hate
proper and thus effective use of the Life Energy Fluctuation
Meter or 'perception aide.'

There is also, more notable, the sociopath Hubbard (l. ron
hubbard) who most INTENSELY HATES others to find out about
himself, his inconceivable Ugliness and his intentions of
largely unconfronted and unimaginable malice. *(12)

They are different in the way they go about destroying the
use of the meter (the 'visual aid' that will assist you greatly
in also detecting his true intentions, malice and ugliness):

Hubbard's standard method is, to "embrace" something in
such a way, that he THEREBY can control and ruin its use,
while PRETENDING to be constructive.

He uses the same method on people.

Sociopaths have found that method 'the' successful
way to gain acceptance, to 'get in charge,' like
in the medical industry,

in order to maintain a position for dominating or
"regulating" what or whom they are "embracing,"

in order to carry out their native desire and joy
to deceptively destroy Life (the aliveness of
whatever they "embrace").

And of course they will try to make you, with
their "science," MORE stupid, in order to
more easily dominate you, and

to make you agree - "scientifically," "medi-
cally," and "spiritually-religiously" also -
that "you have to suffer."

Hubbard ('Scientology') - as soon as you even vaguely look
at him, at the soul of l. ron hubbard - he reacts with an
avalanche of malicious Energies,

to restore, to maintain, to re-implement your vast
Stupidity and your Blindness to seeing malice in
general, and his malice and ugliness in particular.



Of course, you look more easily and more precisely and far more
penetratingly, with the assistance of a 'Perception Aide,'

the highly sensitive Life Energy Fluctuation or LEF meter, to
therewith direct your attention, your Perception Energy - to direct
your sight with it:

You must know, that Perception IS connection by means of
Life Energy Particles,

and as you Perceive, these Life Energies of course fluctuate,
and quite strongly at that,

which registers as very tiny, very fast fluctuations in
the electrical resistance of some part of the body, like
at the skin of the hand palm, where these electrical
fluctuations have been shown most significantly, to take
place, (see References, below)

fluctuations caused also BY OTHERS in you

- which is the reception of, or contact with the Life
Energy Particles or emanations from others

(including their emanations in the past, and those they
intended, then or now, for your or someone's future) -

by your reception of, or contact with the feelings and ideas
and intentions, which ARE Life Energy Particles, that not only
you but also others emanate,

with highly enjoyable and good Energies from good
people, of course,

but bad Energies from bad people, which emanations
we detect and thus neutralize, to prevent or hinder
or remove these from causing suffering to us, to our
body and our soul, and to others:

either those (emanations or Life Energy) Particles THEY
ACTIVELY PROJECT at you and while these Particles hit
your body or your soul (your awareness and sensing and
thinking is part of your soul), *(1)

or (the fluctuations on the meter show you) their emana-
tions, their Life Energy Particles that come back to you,
being THEIR REACTIONS when you actively look at or sense
them (when you sense another person),

or when they merely get the feeling, that you exist,
then they react with Life Energy towards you

(again: Life Energy 'knows no distance')

or (the fluctuations on the meter show you) simply their
Life Energies

which are not prompted by them becoming aware of
you, nor are them "talking" to you with their
Energies, but

that become sensed, that BECOME VISIBLE to you only when
you look at these, things they do not actively project at
you, including things they may not themselves be actively
aware of,

because perception or sensing is done with your own percep-
tional Life Energy Particles like radar, and it 'knows no

and knows no barriers - other than blocking or diverting,
Harmfully Altered Life Energy Particles to the extent
that you do not recognize these for their blocking or
deceptive nature and remove or circumvent these.



And that I have to tell you this, at all,

that I have to EXPLAIN to you what YOU are
doing and what everybody is doing while

shows how INTENSELY STUPID you have been made, and
are letting yourself and others be kept, by Criminal
Minds (by sociopaths and the like)

who largely dominate "science," *(4)

and who 'REPLACE' perception with photons and with
vibrating air, to give you the illusion of "knowing
what perception is."

(Followed by millions of your stupid, and
utterly harmful actions and costly waste,
and malicious harm, as a result of that false




On the subject of BARRIER Energies to Perception, the
Satanic individual called l. ron hubbard *(2) (the writer
of 'Scientology') when looked at,

he reacts, he projects the feelings - he intends, as soon
as you even vaguely start to actually look at him -

(at his soul, of course, at his highly demonic

and of course also if you look at him much better
with the help of a Perceptional Aide (a LEF meter)

(looking IS using your perceptional Life
Energy Particles like radar, and these react
strongly on a sensitive meter, so that it
turns out to be a very effective Perceptional

when you look at him, then he claims (in particular to his
spiritual slaves, to the 'Scientologists' - he claims) or
he projects the Energy, also at them,

and in addition, he has taught them with his
writing and his other arrogant misinformation
in lectures, that 'they must and will believe
all that he says,'

by which he strongly supports the vicious,
intentionally debilitating lie, that he
projects with the forceful, attacking Energy,
that intends to stab into you, his blinding
lie, *(2)

that "you look 'not at him,' but 'at your "OWN" malice or
evil purposes'."


When you look at someone like him (at his soul, behind his mask,
and thus at his malice and his Extremely Ugly Energies), then he
projects, trying to convince you, that

"you look at your OWN malice or evil purposes,"

for which indeed very Evil lie, he has even written the
corresponding "instructions" about the meter's reaction,

it goes into a raw buzz, into extreme disharmony, on
his (or anyone's) Life-destroying Intention Energy,

and so your Perceptional Aid, your meter, reacts

TO sensing HIS *(3) most intense but hidden Evil purposes,

and indeed he writes also on that subject, the
malicious, entirely debilitating lie, that

when you see (or on a meter's audio-output,
you of course hear) this 'raw buzz' signal of
extreme disharmony on your Perceptional Aid,
on the meter,

he - the demonic individual indeed writes,
that "it means," that

"you look at your OWN malice or evil purposes."


That is indeed the standard reaction and defense-mechanism of
any sociopath (as described in an earlier Human Rights Issue):

"What you see, is only your OWN Evil,"

- which is probably applicable to their own, very autistic

After all, when THEY "look" at YOU, they "see" you
through the Energy of THEIR OWN malice, and you are
judged by them in their REVERSE conscience -

which helps them to project the lie at you, that
'what you see' - when you DO manage to get a glimpse
of them as they are - 'is "your OWN" Evil,'

(as described in an earlier Human Rights Issue).


He still has another trick 'up his sleeve,' common to those who
claim "to hold secret and esoteric knowledge" "that you are not
yet allowed, to lay your eyes on," *(d)

those who smashed and vampired away your Life ENERGY for
connecting to your knowledge, to your memories,

they then claim - and you swallow, because they ALSO take
away your Energy for connecting to THAT memory, of them
taking it away -

they claim, that "you do not know anything," including the
higher, secret or 'esoteric' knowledge they have,

and you have probably also learned it at school,
that "you do not know anything," *(d)

often combined with and "proven by" another,
equally malicious and no less devastating lie,

that "your body - including its brain - is
senior to you,"

which the Criminal Minds are pressing
hard for, nowadays, much like they did
it in preparation for World War Two,

now the Criminal Minds have set their
sight on medical "science" ONCE MORE,

to try to bring about global domination
once again, and AGAIN - as the Nazis did
it once - with

"your body - including its brain - is
senior to you,"

which of course enslaves you now to the medical
industry and to their drugs, to their INTENSE and
extremely destructive lies, etc., etc.

THEY tremendously ENJOY to inflict that onto willing
victims, on you and your children.

In general, they try to convince you, that "you do not
know anything (about Life, and about people)" and when
we look at those who claim to "possess secret, esoteric
knowledge," *(e)

he claims, he projects the hypnotic feelings, compulsions,
and ideas,

by means of his Harmful Life Energy Particles (HALEPs),
to impinge on you and imbue you with his "desired truth:"

that "you are looking at 'forbidden things' that will either
kill your soul, or that will kill your body - or even both"

- meaning, "it will drive you insane" or "it will kill
you," to actually look (at him) - as a method of
preventing you from looking at him, *(f)

PLUS the highly confusing projection, of "What you see," (the
glimpse of the Criminal Mind's malice and ugliness, that you
sense or see) "is only your OWN Evil,"

That is NORMAL - that IS, what Criminal Minds do. To you, and
to everyone. To babies, and to people dying in hospital, alike.




However, the only way to stay properly aware AND to keep your body
healthy, is, to look at the inflicted Harmful Energies (HALEPs),

which you try to do naturally anyway, (and which defines
Sanity *(8))

and to look preferably (I would say mandatory, if you have some
position of responsibility) with the use of an highly sensitive
Life Energy Fluctuation meter

to look at the inflicted Harmful Energies (HALEPs), as soon as
you get hit,

which looking, sensing, you try to do naturally anyway UNLESS (or

UNTIL the medical profession and your school "education," and common
"scientific" folklore and other superstitions in your family and
of the society, come in, and

that start, also from your birth onwards, to destroy your
innate knowledge of these things

destroy the natural defense based on your knowing about
Life, to defend against Harmful Life Energies,

that DESTROY your ability to defend yourself, by making you LESS

in particular with the medical industry drugs, and by the
medical profession demanding and enforcing sleep, and enforcing
their debilitating "science," *(13)

by giving you the most idiotic "reasons" or "diagnoses," and the
industrial medicines to boot, for your 'cold' or for your headache,

SO THAT YOU CAN NOT ANYMORE sense and not see, and not DEFEND
yourself - let alone others - from the attacks:

"Bullits don't exist!" - so these "do not affect you,"

according to medical "science," that is...
(See also the Medical License Series. *)




Earth is 'Vampire Country' and you get constantly shot at with their,
the Sociopaths', the Criminal Minds', the Vampires' Harmful Energy

and the sensitive meter shows instantly, that that is

In fact, due to my work (creating peace as the
"Definition of Peace" *(9) describes, it is done)

I get so much attacked, that I would rather wear
such a meter or Perceptional Aid, as a wrist watch,
24 hours a day,

so that I can INSTANTLY examine the nature and
source of attacks, as these occur (are directed at
me, or, at or into my body).

And when you direct your attention to the source of the
Harmful Energies, then you are largely or maybe fully
neutralizing those (the present, and also residual, past)
Harmful Energies.

And these show up in the resulting Life Energy Fluc-

because the fluctuations directly and very
precisely do reflect your sensing these

You normally do that neutralizing in life, even when you have no
clue about Life Energy - it is how you try to keep yourself, and
your body, healthy (if you do try to keep it healthy, which I



Again: Earth is 'Vampire Country,' the attacks are largely
intended by Criminal Minds to smash away the Life Energies
of your body and of your soul,

and then you go and admire and give public Awards
to these Vampires, and you make statues of them;

and you are attracted to your own Life Energy,
of course,

so you marry them, or choose them as your
parents when you get born,

and you contribute to their "philanthropic" Founda-
tions, and you elect them to be "your leaders:"

Earth is 'Vampire Country.' *(10)


Despite the huge amount of books, movies and
TV-series on the subject of Energy Vampirism,

movies like 'The Matrix,' for instance,
or 'The Lord of The Rings,'

you NEVERTHELESS because "science" forbids that
knowledge to be actual,

it may ONLY be declared "unreal:" You must
deny anything about Life;

meaning, the Criminal Minds that you have declared
your "peers," or even "your seniors" in "science,"
your "respected peers" (no kidding!) - they, like
'Scientific American' etc., etc., forbid actual
and common knowledge about Life.


You have accepted and continue to accept sociopaths,
Criminal Minds, as 'peers,' yes, even as "your
superiors, in science." *(4) And that includes ALL
the "science" journalists or "science writers."

That is how stupid they have made you,

and these "peers," who are in reality the
greatest 'anti-peers' you can imagine, these

tell you, they teach you, and they demand of
you, that

NINETY PERCENT of the most relevant scientific data
"MUST BE DISCARDED" as "not science,"

"Life Energy is 'not science'," is what the
very Harmful-Energy-inflicting Sociopaths,
the Criminal Minds, the Energy Vampires, say.



OF COURSE they do not want Life Energy even discussed:

it would unmask them, which, in turn, would stop your suffering.

They, these "scientists" who demand, that you accept them as
"your peers," "because they are intelligent,"

they keep hammering and bullying you and your friends and the

with their INTENSE HATE AND CONTEMPT FOR YOU and for the society
and for Life itself,

these "peers" of yours, who are

claiming FEROCIOUSLY, that ninety percent, of Life's most basic and
most vital data, "is not science."



So your stupidity is beyond comprehension - beyond
the comprehension of the highest intelligence, too,

because nobody ever addressed it.

It is too inconceivable, how stupid you have been
made and are kept and agree to remain, and, by

what you thus do to your children, to ruin THEIR
life too, acting as you are like an insane tribe
member would:

The renowned French and American scientists
Lavoisier and Descartes and Franklin, claimed,

that "air does not exist" - excuse me, I mean,
they investigated, and reported, and thus got
enforced, some three hundred years ago, for
France's government,

that "Life Energy" (with which everyone does
his thinking and remembering and perception -
with that very Life Energy, that) "DOES NOT

In this way, they destroyed true scientists
and kept themselves adored as "the true
scientists," trodding down science, and
the best of people, alike. *(4)

You might as well say, that "air does
not exist..." which is the LESS stupid
of the two utterly Insane statements,
you will find out at some time.

But that is what you read in 'Scientific
American,' today, and in 'Scientific
Mind,' and all other "peer-reviewed"
current "scientific" magazines. *(4)



You CAN get all knowledge practically for free, that DOES work
and that IS correct and true,

IF YOU ADMIT TO YOUR OWN inconceivable stupidity (your
lack of knowledge, your abundance of FALSE "knowledge,"

But, on the other hand,

you can (and probably do) spend huge amounts of money on
things that DO NOT WORK, REALLY, and that are false

- spending your Energy and Time and Interest on things,
on courses, studies, investigations, books, advisers,
teachers, and exercises -

which would compare to inventing or just buying a candle,
"to warm up your cave" and maybe "the cave of others,

A comparison to medical "science" would certainly
not be out of place...




Sometimes I tell people: "I have a present for you, of a million
dollars, here." And I hand them my card with my website.* I say:

"If you USE the data, it is worth a million dollars to you"
(and your using it will be worth millions to others, by the
way, too - that is, when you use the knowledge to create the

- no course fee, no books to buy, no University tuition

At some time, you will of course be able to buy
beautiful books, and glamorous courses too, with
however the same data, the same KNOWLEDGE, actual
and highly necessary understanding of life, that

you will always have at your screen, without any

But extremely valuable, far above all.




It is your own choice, how intensely stupid you want to remain, WHILE
"you are being (made to feel) proud of yourself" and "(made to) feel
good about yourself," in Euphoric Numbness,

rather than admitting to yourself, that there is a strong
feeling (an Energy, a compulsion) inflicted on you and others,
that WANTS you to remain stupid; and, that makes

you REFUSE to find out and to know-again what you knew all
along and long to find out from your soul - when you admit, that
that compulsion has been and is being strongly inflicted on you
and others, in all parts of life on Earth,

you are thus admitting, that the compulsion inflicted on you,

ultimately induced by Criminal Minds with THEIR Energy
- their Harmfully Altered Life Energies - (with strong
feelings projected and maliciously enforced by them all

DOES EXIST, AND IS ACTUAL, of "you will refuse to find out and
you will not know,"

a compulsion that my University co-student mentioned in
an earlier HRI ('Hoe kan dat nou, Koos!') is incapable of


But your admission of truth, that that obstacle (that refusal to
find out - that Energy and intention, inflicted forcefully by the
Criminal Minds, that 'you must refuse to find out') DOES INDEED EXIST

- you seeing and thus REMOVING or pushing away that Harmful
Energy -

will return some of your power of choice over that Harmful Energy,
over that compulsion or intention to refuse to know about Life. And

you regain some of your power over yourself, you become more able to
recognize and feel what YOU want.

Maybe you will, one day, even find out how to remedy Blindness.

After all, your JOY of Life is directly proportional to your
ability to sense and feel Life, with your soul,

and that IS perception: sensing and feeling Life.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30




(a), (b) and (c) can be read in Version 4.0, under 'Textnotes:'

'Restoring Vital Perception: Proper use of Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (Vital Perception Aid), intensely hated by
Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20100209-V4.0}{FPP 20100209-V4.0}
(9 February 2010 - Version 4.0 on 15 Feb 2010)

(d) Those who smashed and vampired away your Life ENERGY for
connecting to your knowledge, to your memories,

now claim - and you swallow, because they ALSO take away
your Energy for connecting to the memory of them taking
it away

(which many of you probably experience every morning,
when you do not remember HOW you fell asleep, not
how you were made unconscious, like most of you
were born like 'Alzheimer babies,' *(3) with all
your Energy for connecting to your memories and to
who and where you are, yourself, lost, taken away
by Criminal Minds, being vampires all)

they claim, that "you do not know anything," including the
higher, secret or 'esoteric' knowledge they have,

and you have probably also learned it at school,
that "you do not know anything."

(e) In general, they try to convince you, that "you do not
know anything (about Life, and about people, about them)"
those who claim to "possess secret, esoteric knowledge,"

which "secret knowledge" in our example of the
Criminal Mind l. ron hubbard, is even totally fake
"knowledge," and not secret anymore, for those who
wish to know,

but it derives its force from and by very
vaguely resembling (though being a reverse
mimicking of distant truth),

like "Dinosaurs make up the rings of Saturn,
and that is why they became extinct on Earth."

(taking three facts, that you might feel
or even know to exist,

and then mixing these up, as if the
mix-up "is the greatest secret truth,"

that "only he knows" and "has found out
by risking his health and his sanity, to
obtain for you," "which you must crave
to know and which will change your life
forever," BUT

"which will kill you if you look at it,"
"UNLESS you buy and study and believe
all he says" and of course "DO NOT EVER
LOOK AT HIM and behind his mask.")

(f) "You are looking at 'forbidden things' that will either kill your
soul, or that will kill your body - or both even"

And someone like he (Hubbard, his soul, of course)
will project the appropriate Energies (unpleasant
feelings and ideas) with it to make you feel sick,
to make you black out, to inflict a fear of dying
on you, and the like, when you look at "forbidden
things" total dopes. *(1)

"it will drive you insane" to look (in actual fact, when they
get a glimpse of his true nature, he has made them indeed
assume, that "it can only be," that "they look at THEIR OWN
evil" rather than at his extreme malice and unspeakable ugliness

(like the 'Scientologists' Nancy Many or Lisa
McPherson, or Ken Ogger, etc. etc. while they
were made to agree to worship Hubbard as "being
endlessly superior to them").

You can conclude, once again, that COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE NEVER
HURTS, as long as it tells all that is required for actual and
proper, true understanding. That also applies to education at
any age on any subject.

Issue Note:

I have omitted the Textnotes (a), (b) and (c), here - 1394 words
in 252 lines - in order to shorten this publication for Usenet
readers; also, as I did not intend to revise these Textnotes for
the newer Versions, V4.1 and V4.2, of the HRI.



(1) 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase' (DPFI)
{HRI 20091203-V3.1} {FPP 20091203-V3.1}
(3 December 2009 - Version 3.0 on 21 Dec 2009)

(2) 'The CORRECT Definition of 'Scientologist' - (plus history and
some Fine Particle Physics, and scolding your Stupidity)'
{HRI note 20091105-V1.3} (archived 20100101 by
(5 November 2009 - Version 1.3-u_all on 9 Nov 2009)

(3) 'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (incl. definition of Jesus Christ, definition of Satan)'
{HRI 20100106-II-V5.0}
(6 January 2010 - Version 5.0 on 17 Jan 2010)

(4) 'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous sociopath,
Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A}
(4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)
'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A-T}

(5) '"Defense against Criminal Minds is making them attack" - Stalin'
{HRI 20100111-V3.0}
(11 January 2010 - Version 3.0 on 13 Jan 2010)

(6) 'Koos Nolst Trenite far SENIOR to Buddhism or Hindu knowledge' -
with quotes from {HRI 20040619-V4.1} 'Explaining the Scale of
(11 October 2007 - publication date quotes from HRI 20040619)

(7) 'First Correct Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE ONE and
{HRD-01 20091223-V1.1}
(23 December 2009 - Version 1.1 on 25 Dec 2009)

(8) 'Definition Of Sanity' DOS
{HRI 20040410-V2.0.1}
(10 April 2004 - Version 2.0.1 on 12 May 2007)

(9) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.8-t}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.8-t on 10 Dec 2009)

(10) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' (GA)
{HRI 20021220}
(20 Dec 2002)

(11) 'First Correct Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE TWO and
{HRD-02 20100102-V1.2}
(2 January 2010 - Version 1.2 on 5 Jan 2010)

(12) 'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V2.5}
(17 October 2008 - Version 2.5 on 22 Dec 2009)

(13) 'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
Truth' (ECFEB)
{HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
(8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)


'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART ONE'
{FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p1}
(13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p1 issued on 18 Oct 2009)

'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART TWO'
{FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p2}
(13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p2 issued on 18 Oct 2009)

'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART THREE'
{FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p3}
(13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p3 issued on 1 Nov 2009)

'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART FOUR'
{FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p4}
(13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p4 issued on 1 Nov 2009)

(further to be added, as suggested by the text)


Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at


Feb 17, 2010, 11:15:12 AM2/17/10
On Feb 17, 8:18 pm, Koos Nolst Trenite
>        (9 February 2010 - Version 4.0 on 15 Feb 2010)
>        (3 December 2009 - Version 3.0 on 21 Dec 2009)

> (2)  'The CORRECT Definition of 'Scientologist' - (plus history and
>       some Fine Particle Physics, and scolding your Stupidity)'
>       {HRI note 20091105-V1.3} (archived 20100101 by

>        (5 November 2009 - Version 1.3-u_all on 9 Nov 2009)
> (3) 'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
>       Satan (incl. definition of Jesus Christ, definition of Satan)'
>       {HRI 20100106-II-V5.0}
>        (6 January 2010 - Version 5.0 on 17 Jan 2010)

> (4)  'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous sociopath,
>       Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
>       {FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A}
>        (4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)

>      'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
>       {FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A-T}
> (5)  '"Defense against Criminal Minds is making them attack" - Stalin'
>       {HRI 20100111-V3.0}
>        (11 January 2010 - Version 3.0 on 13 Jan 2010)

> (6)  'Koos Nolst Trenite far SENIOR to Buddhism or Hindu knowledge' -
>       with quotes from {HRI 20040619-V4.1} 'Explaining the Scale of
>       Sanity'
>        (11 October 2007 - publication date quotes from HRI 20040619)

> (7)  'First Correct Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE ONE and
>       Preamble'
>       {HRD-01 20091223-V1.1}
>        (23 December 2009 - Version 1.1 on 25 Dec 2009)

> (8)  'Definition Of Sanity'  DOS
>       {HRI 20040410-V2.0.1}
>        (10 April 2004 - Version 2.0.1 on 12 May 2007)

> (9)  'Definition of Peace'  (DOP)
>       (First workable Definition of Peace)
>       {HRI 20070520-V3.8-t}
>        (20 May 2007 - Version 3.8-t on 10 Dec 2009)
> (10) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It'  (GA)
>       {HRI 20021220}
>        (20 Dec 2002)

> (11) 'First Correct Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE TWO and
>       Preamble'
>       {HRD-02 20100102-V1.2}
>        (2 January 2010 - Version 1.2 on 5 Jan 2010)

> (12) 'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
>       (incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
>       {HRO 20081017-V2.5}
>        (17 October 2008 - Version 2.5 on 22 Dec 2009)

> '
> (13) 'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
>       Truth'  (ECFEB)
>       {HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
>        (8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)

> __________
> References:
>      'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
>       Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART ONE'
>       {FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p1}
>       (13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p1 issued on 18 Oct 2009)

>      'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
>       Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART TWO'
>       {FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p2}
>       (13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p2 issued on 18 Oct 2009)

>      'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
>       Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART THREE'
>       {FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p3}
>       (13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p3 issued on 1 Nov 2009)

>      'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
>       Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART FOUR'
>       {FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p4}
>       (13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p4 issued on 1 Nov 2009)


Feb 18, 2010, 1:30:43 PM2/18/10
On Feb 17, 10:18 am, Koos Nolst Trenite
> ...
> read more »

Glad I have a 357 magnum TreBert

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