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More precision about Niklaus Wirth and about the good taste..

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Amine Moulay Ramdane

Oct 8, 2020, 9:18:47 AM10/8/20

More precision about Niklaus Wirth and about the good taste..

I will be more precise:

Having good taste involves knowing what is truly excellent or of genuine value.

Read here to notice it:

What Is Good Taste?

And as you have just noticed i have just posted the following thoughts
of Niklaus Wirth (

And i think that Niklaus Wirth is too pessimistic on the above thoughts
So you have to know that an efficient education can permit to give you a good taste so that to be able to be efficiently selective, and this
is valid for both the consumers and the producers of products or services, read my following thoughts so that you understand:

And more political philosophy about the good taste..

So let us look in the dictionary at what is the taste, it says the following:

"The taste is the sense by which the qualities and flavour of a substance are distinguished by the taste buds."

Read here in the dictionary to notice it:

But when you are smart you will also notice that there is also
the intellectual taste from culture or genetics, i mean that
when you are genetically more rational and more smart you will notice that this more rational and more smart is also intellectual taste since with it you are able to be more efficiently selective of your knowledge, so it permits you to enhance quality, and this is also the same for culture, i mean when you enhance more your culture it enhances your intellectual taste and it permits you to be more efficiently selective of your knowledge, so it permits you to enhance quality.

So as you are noticing that the intellectual taste is so important..

And i think that i have a good intellectual taste, read my
thoughts here to notice it:!topic/comp.programming/eAvSXpZwFgE

Or read also my following thoughts to notice it:

Or read my following thoughts to notice it:

Read all my following thoughts to understand more:

More political philosophy of what is the appropriate level of abstraction..

I am a white arab and i think i am smart since i have also invented
many scalable algorithms..

So in "philosophy" we have to ask such the following very important question that is:

Is working in a higher level of abstraction better
than working on a lower level abstraction?

I think that civilization has gone and is going forward towards the future by needing from us to also be "specialization", so i think that both the working at the high level of abstraction and at low level
of abstraction are specializations, we can easily notice
it by noticing that software engineering works at a higher
level of abstraction, and i think it is like a specialization, so i think that computer science is much appropriate way
of understanding, since computer science works both at a higher level of abstraction and at the lower level of abstraction , because computer science understand the how it is made and how to build it to a higher level of abstraction, so computer science is both working at a higher level of abstraction and working at a lower level of abstraction, so it "generalizes" better and it is better for adaptability.

More political philosophy of what is an idea and what is a law..

I am a white arab and i think i am smart since i have also invented
many scalable algorithms..

I will ask in philosophy the following questions:

What is an idea ? and what is a law ?

Here is my answer:

I think an idea is an "abstraction" of the physical world or intellectual world in our mind, so when you say for example the following ideas: "I want to do software programming", those words of those ideas are abstractions that are part of a greater abstraction of the sentence, so when i think "I", it abstract the physical and the intellectual of me, so now you are understanding that the language is a
system of communication using those abstractions of the physical or intellectual such as words and sentences. So a law comes from ideas and it is an abstraction of the physical or intellectual that is like a "software" that we have for example to upload into the minds of the executive branch of the government so that to enforce the laws, and of course the people must follow those laws, but the following branches of the government that are the legislative branch and the executive branch and the judicial branch have to be efficient and not corrupted.

So now about how USA is governed: Take for example the separation of powers, What is the separation of powers?

The U.S. Constitution set up three separate but equal branches of government: the legislative branch, or Congress, makes the law; the executive, led by the president, executes the law; and the judicial, or courts, interprets the law.

But we have to be smarter than that, the separation of powers is not "sufficient", so we have to be smarter and know that the legislative branch has to understand how to make the legislative branch successful,
look for example at USA , its congress is constituted with both conservatives and democrats, but this legislative branch has to understand a very important requirement that the legislative branch has to know how to be "moderation" to not cause violence or civil war
inside the system ! this is also the key to success in Democracy ! it is that we have to not be extremism, thus the legislative branch of USA has to not be "extremism" that causes violence or civil war inside the system , so it has to know how to be "moderation" !. And the laws are so important and you can understand it by reading my following thoughts:

About minimum wage laws and anti-trust laws..

I have just talked yesterday about anti-trust laws (read below about it), and now i will write about minimum wage laws, here is the State Minimum Wage Laws in USA:

But i have to be more precise, so read my following thoughts about capitalism and Globalization where i am saying the following:

"But you have to understand that this taking care of wages is also
Globalization and trade that have increased real wages"

Read my following thoughts about economy and capitalism to understand:!topic/alt.culture.morocco/wlJu5j1xhPk

More political philosophy on how to be successful..

I am a white arab and i think i am smart since i have also invented
many scalable algorithms, and now i will speak about a very
important thing, it is how to be successful, so since i think i am
smart i will logically abstract it as follow:

You have to seek like a balance between collaboration and competition
between individuals and between groups, and this seeking like
a balance between competition and collaboration makes us
follow the way of decentralization for better efficiency(and this is the tendency), notice that i am also saying to "seek" to better show the tendency of the model, since as you are noticing that in our today world we are also in competition between individuals and between groups, but the model encourages to seek like a balance between collaboration and competition because i think that its "tendency" is much appropriate, also you have to be better and correctly "equipped" so that to be successful, so we have also to efficiently learn how to learn and to efficiently learn so to be efficient, and this "efficiently learn how to learn" will also make you efficient at being efficiently selective of your knowledge, so you have to have an efficient education,
so education is so important, and we have to avoid corruption of the education system so that to not hurt Meritocracy because this is dangerous, also so that to be an efficient abstraction i will also add the following requirement:

About optimization and about the saying of Bertrand Arthur William Russell..

Bertrand Arthur William Russell said:

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.”

Here is Bertrand Arthur William Russell:

I think that this saying of Bertrand Arthur William Russell is not so smart, i am a white arab and i think i am smart since i have invented many scalable algorithms, so here is my saying (that i think is better than the one of Bertrand Arthur William Russel):

I think that it is like the Population based algorithm such as PSO that guarantees the optimal convergence, i mean that so that to be an efficient optimization, you need both an efficient exploration(global optimization) and an efficient exploitation(local optimization) so that to converge to a global optimum, so now you are understanding that you have to be the right "patience"(not being full of doubt like said Bertrand Arthur William Russell) before you converge to the global optimum(that can be the truth etc.).

More of my thoughts on Optimization and Productivity and Quality..

You have to know how to optimize by elimination of waste, like in Just-in-time manufacturing, and you have to know about total quality management (TQM), because one of the most important thing of total quality management (TQM) is not only to correct an apparent problem or defect but it is also to know what is the "cause" or "root" of the problem or defect, so now you are noticing that it needs local and global optimization, so i give you an example, i just said before the following, read in the following web link:

So notice that the PhD scientist in the web link above has
neglected global optimization, so he has acted with his smartness more like an incorrect local optimization of the Simulated annealing algorithm or Hill Climbing algorithm, so he has not acted by being correct local and global optimization like of a Population based algorithm such as PSO, this is i think his deficiency, so he has not been able to see the solution to the problem, so as you are noticing that i am in the above web link more correctly optimizing with my smartness locally and globally and this has allowed me to find the solution(read in the above web link above to notice it), and this is really important and it is related to global and local optimization of Population based algorithms such as PSO.

So read my previous thoughts to understand:

More political philosophy about nationalism..

I am a white arab and i think i am smart since i have invented
many scalable algorithms, and now i will make you understand
some very important things with my fluid intelligence:

I just said before(read below) the following:

Look at this very interesting video about the jews and capitalism

You will notice that those jews in this video are primitive, since you will notice in the above video that those jews are not understanding local optimization of artificial intelligence(called exploitation) and global optimization of artificial intelligence(called exploration), i mean that they are for example neglecting the factor of nationalism(and nationalism of jews) , since i think that nationalism is too much competition that has the tendency to wanting to too much monopolize and it has the tendency to hurt competition and quality, so this is why the jews on the above video are using a primitive thinking that doesn't work correctly, this is why there must be laws against monopoly that hurts competition and that hurts quality.

So as you are noticing i am saying: "I think that nationalism is too much competition that has the tendency to wanting to too much monopolize and it has the tendency to hurt competition and quality"

Since i think that nationalism is also like too much "centralization", since this too much centralization of nationalism is like a too much monopolize that also hurts quality, and also i think nationalism is too much competition that lacks collaboration and this causes that it hurts quality too, but you have to also understand that the tendency of our today world is to decentralize for better efficiency, not to become nationalism, read my following thoughts to notice:

Yet more political philosophy about decentralization..

We can say the following:

The classical notion of decentralization does not necessarily imply democracy, and an organization may be decentralized without being based on democratic principles.

But i ask a smart question of:

Can we say that an organization based on democratic principles may be centralized ?

Here is my answer:

But we can notice that even though decentralization doesn't
necessarily imply Democracy, Democracy is a "kind" of decentralization,
and this kind of decentralization brings efficiency because we can
notice that Democracy needs requirements such as competitive elections and free press, and i think that Democracy is more efficient than
Dictatorship at fighting corruption(and corruption can mean lack of efficiency), read my following thoughts about Democracy and more to understand:

But notice in my above link that i am saying that we have to seek like a balance between competition and collaboration, and i think that it is
this new more efficient model of seeking like a balance between competition and collaboration that is the "cause" of bringing decentralization that brings efficiency, and i think that the tendency of our today world is to seek a balance between competition and collaboration.

Read my following previous thoughts to understand more:

About the the laws and antitrust laws..

Look at the following interesting video:

So as you are noticing that the baby is playing with a Rusty dog,
but as you are noticing that humans in the past have domesticated the dogs so that to make it possible. Read the following to notice it:

Origin of the domestic dog

So then this makes us understand that "laws" on humans are important and antitrust laws are important, read the following:

More political philosophy about monopoly and antitrust laws..

I have just read the following new article, i invite you to read it:

China prepares antitrust investigation into Google to determine whether the company used Android dominance to stifle competition

So as you are noticing that even European Union has already fined Google 4.3 billion euros ($ 5.1 billion) in 2018 for anti-competitive practices, read this:

"The European Union has already fined Google 4.3 billion euros ($ 5.1 billion) in 2018 for anti-competitive practices, including forcing phone makers to preinstall Google apps on Android devices and by preventing them from using the services of their competitors on Android and the Google search engine."

And this is related to my following thoughts about the jews and about capitalism and more ..

I am a white arab and i think i am smart since i have invented many scalable algorithms..

Look at this very interesting video about the jews and capitalism

You will notice that those jews in this video are primitive, since you will notice in the above video that those jews are not understanding local optimization of artificial intelligence(called exploitation) and global optimization of artificial intelligence(called exploration), i mean that they are for example neglecting the factor of nationalism(and nationalism of jews) , since i think that nationalism is too much competition that has the tendency to wanting to too much monopolize and it has the tendency to hurt competition and quality, so this is why the jews on the above video are using a primitive thinking that doesn't work correctly, this is why there must be laws against monopoly that hurts competition and that hurts quality.

And read my following thoughts that are related to my above thoughts:

More political philosophy about globalization and nationalism..

I am a white arab and i think i am more smart, so today i will
talk about a very important subject about Globalization and nationalism,
so i will invite you to look at the following video of Marine Le Pen of
the far-right political party in France:

Marine Le Pen explains why nationalism is important

As you notice that Marine Le Pen is saying in french that the
fight today is between nationalism and globalization, since
Marine Le Pen says that globalization is a treat to national
identity and is a treat to national sovereignty, but i think that Marine Le Pen is not understanding correctly globalization, since i think that nationalism is too much competition and communism and socialism is too much collaboration , so i think the best way is to seek like a balance between collaboration and competition and when we look
at globalization you will notice that we are collaborating with others by for example sharing Open Source softwares or Free softwares or PhD papers or knowledge on internet etc, and we are also competition by not collaborating with others, and with this new kind of model we are noticing that we are not just one identity like being french, but we are becoming multiple identities because this kind of new model is making a part of us that collaborate "universal", and this is why i think that Marine Le Pen is not understanding correctly this new kind of model of like seeking a balance between competition and collaboration , and i think that this new model is better because it is more efficient , because i think this partly collaboration of this new model is good and more efficient for creativity, innovation, adaptability and speed of progress, i also think in capitalism the price of internet has gotten cheap and the price of computers has gotten cheap, so we are able today to access internet with a low price and benefit from "collaboration" and also sharing in internet, for example look at me, i have invented many scalable algorithms and i have decided to share some of them with the others, and it is of course collaboration , so look for example at my following inventions of scalable algorithms that i have shared with others, here they are:!topic/comp.programming.threads/VaOo1WVACgs

Also i have decided to not share others of my scalable algorithms and it is competition, so i am seeking like a balance between collaboration and competition.

Read more of my thoughts here:

And read more of my other thoughts here:

And read my following thoughts in the following links to understand better my thoughts:!topic/alt.culture.morocco/gjConWuxl24

And read also my following thoughts:!topic/alt.culture.morocco/R0NfDCtni00

And to know more about economy and capitalism, please read my following thoughts:!topic/alt.culture.morocco/wlJu5j1xhPk

And read more of my thoughts of my political philosophy here:!topic/alt.culture.morocco/8j-rboLzi38

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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