Inteligent Life

۲ بازدید
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۱۶ خرداد ۱۳۸۵، ۳:۰۶:۴۴۱۳۸۵/۳/۱۶
به PracticalPilosophy
Inteligent life is the ultimate corelative system of life and its
meaning is
to optimize life expantion in to the universe in to the most optimaized
way .

There is total corelation between the problems inteligent life has to
and the existence of an solution to that problems within the universe
laws an solution that will allways be reached .
See Space Program Hyper Drive & Gravitation.

This is an direct meaning post.



۲۱ خرداد ۱۳۸۵، ۹:۲۰:۱۴۱۳۸۵/۳/۲۱
به PracticalPilosophy
Abortions will never be an practical and real approach to the
continuous increase of the Human population.
Further more Abortion are an very problematic etical religious and
filosofical issue.
Controling population increment by abbortions and limitation of
birth will create the worst dictatures posible and by this additional
to the above abortions shall not be made in to an control systems or
considered the tool by wich population number will be managed .

Human population will allways grow however based on the same
assesments from above the point where that growth reach the
planetary level of end of resurces coincide with the point in wich
technology is available to achive additional planetary ground .
This is not an coincidence.

The additional time provided by Full Frame optimization
of all systems shall
not be used as an delay instead shall be used to provide for
fail safe of the taking of the new planet Mars.
There shall be no delay in the Space programs .

In the near future we will reach the point in wich all our resources
on Earth will be not enough for sustaining the growing population .
We need to reach the new grounds and colonize them by an
very good fail safe time period in advance of that point.



۲۲ خرداد ۱۳۸۵، ۳:۰۶:۲۰۱۳۸۵/۳/۲۲
به PracticalPilosophy
Between the five principles set of rules and above trough the direct
extrapolated meanings of the Full Frame set of rules for the first time
in human history an nonideological practical scientific philosophical
set of rules and issues in an complete fully corelated
to all existing past present and future
define the Humanity in all its aspects in an dynamic corelated way
past present and future .

For the first time we are aware of the corelation of all Human issues
an whole instead of empirical corelations by branches and the meaning
of that in all.

This complete set of rules and issues will reamin forever true since it
corelated to life and universe laws .

This set of rules will need to be updated about 50 or more years du to
changes in knowledge & habitat .



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