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Europe Hyperdrive aka An Soultion Around The Lihght Speed Barier & Gravitation Projects

조회수 1회
읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기

읽지 않음,
2006. 3. 10. 오전 4:00:0706. 3. 10.
Are to be establish for peacefull use .

All such developments studies on the Planet to be demilitarized and
below the European
project umbrela while keeping the data restricted . The envelope is
public domain .
After making order in the data base the project will be redistributed
again .
There is no need for reddudancy since this is an project for all .
Since the Manhatan project there was no big project in the field of
physics and no real advances.

As well under the required restriction on the data and relevant
arangements the project is open for all .

An integral part of the agenda is the conditional of an 200 years life
span .
In order to implement that we need aditional habitation places on an
regulary bases .
Most cost efective will be earth like planets wich are out of reach
with today knowledge.

Artificial gravitation is an must to have tool for our future space
development as well .

The project will have the ability to take any person out of any system
if that person will add to the development of the issues and as well
find the best minds on the planet to work on the
issues .

Most probably high energy physics advances will be developed in the
project .
While the knowledge is forbiden to be use as an war tool they will be
used and tested
for peacefull meaning when research bases will be established in the
outer solar

When the project reach maturacy and first prototypes aviable the
project will work
with the Space Control Center since the testing will be done in space .

Altough nobody can predict total success as it was the case with the
Manhatan Project
unless we try we will never know .
However if we succed we will have the ultimative survival tool for
mankind .

etc etc

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