Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

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Cornelius Hamelberg

May 26, 2022, 10:07:19 PM5/26/22

You would like to seal Voltaire in his grave? 
Interpret the CIA's Soyinka for me?

On Thu, 26 May 2022 at 02:25, Toyin Falola <> wrote:

Please no one should send any post that may be interpreted as blasphemy.

I am on the road and I am not reading the posts before I approve them. I would not have approved Mr. Adepoju’s opening salvo.



From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 7:14 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju,


You have a knack for being disingenuous, don’t you?  You demand a philosophical discussion about Muhammad - the Greatest with guys who don’t know their Spinoza…


You know very well that the altercation between the late Deborah Yakubu and  - let’s call them her interlocutors, didn’t take place in a philosophy seminar room where scepticism or the protective powers of the Holy Spirit was being discussed or disputed. I suppose that if you had been standing in her shoes, up there in those circumstances in Sokoto, you would have demanded a  reasonable explanation that would enlighten you about your question “ Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad” - followed by  “ Holy ghost fire, nothing will happen to me!” or in your own words the question, followed bý “ If you can't respond to that challenge with a clear and concise explanation, then what's the point of being a Muslim?”  and after such a comment, in the heat of the moment, of course, survived and lived another day,  to tell us all what happened next, just in case it wasn’t all captured live on video.


In a similar situation, we have been made to understand that Baba Kadiri would “do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting (his)  wife” - and if it was him and not Deborah, we are to suppose that he would have gone in search of a police constable/gone to the nearest police station to report the matter / done everything possible to get the Muslim students arrested, or perhaps only the one who threw the first stone….


Consider what e.g. Rabbi Mizrachi says about Jesus 


I’ve heard much worse things said about Jesus and his mother, by some miscreants. 


In the department of religious ideas, in this piece  I’ve said “ Jesus isn’t the son of God”  yet Christians are not killing me for blaspheming” - Aisha Yesufu and Allan Cronshaw’s exposition addresses your proposition…


In Quranic exegesis and even in the approach to who you think you are, there is the batin and the zahir 


As far as reading and study go,  til today, Cornelius Ignoramus’s knowledge of Quranic exegesis is limited to the first two voúlmes of Al-Mizan by Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i


You could give al-Mizan a shot.


Cheers! Here are some people who maybe have no worries 


May the Almighty have mercy on us all….



On Wed, 25 May 2022 at 18:33, Oluwatoyin Adepoju <> wrote:

 “ Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad?" Really?


If you can't respond to that challenge with a clear and concise explanation, then what's the point of being a Muslim?


Responding through violence shows the respondent has a comprehension and communication problem.






On Wed, May 25, 2022, 00:29 Cornelius Hamelberg <> wrote:

Like a real House-Negro 

Dear Baba Kadiri 


“do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting (his)  wife”

The authentic African man who is honour-bound, and duty-bound,  knows when, how and where to drop his nuclear bomb on the one who would be foolish enough to cross the line  - the suicidal line, crossing which leads to self-annihilation of any such miscreant mortal man.

If he is not in possession of nuclear weapons, then any other suitable weapon that is at hand/handy should be used to do the necessary job of dispatching the miscreant to his earthly destiny. 

On the 16th of September 2019, somebody said something to my wife, I took her home and five minutes later returned to the scene where the somebody had said something that I didn’t like. I returned unarmed , but the cowardly miscreant had disappeared because he must have felt that his end was near. He was tall and gangly alright but it would have taken me less than 20 seconds to have him on the floor and another ten seconds to send him to deep sleep ( of course he didn’t know that ) and the fat one would have taken the penalty shot right between the legs.

If I wanted to, I could have planned his demise to happen a little later, with me myself far, far away from the scene of the crime. 

There are a whole lot of differences between your typical  tom and the real Jungle man 

You who like boasting about true Yoruba man-hood, listen carefully to what El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz whose Youruba name is Omowale , listen carefully  to what he has to say here: 

“There’s nothing in our book, the Quran — you call it “Ko-ran” — that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That’s a good religion. In fact, that’s that old-time religion. That’s the one that Ma and Pa used to talk about: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and a head for a head, and a life for a life: That’s a good religion. And doesn’t nobody resent that kind of religion being taught but a wolf, who intends to make you his meal.”

The way you talk about Sheikh Ibrahim Maqari is disgraceful, I should have thought is beneath you, and I will not sleep so low as to start some idiotic tittle-tattle altercation with you about him, about blasphemy or about house niggers,

 “ Wole Soyinka is a true Black Nigerian… true son of the soil of Nigeria” and the missionary son of a preacher man was NOT CORRECT…

 About your other request, that I “ reproduce in printed letters what she was reported to have said”,  kindly disabuse yourself of the idea that I’m your some kind of errand-boy / message-boy at your beck and call to be reproducing reported calumnies and blasphemies uttered against the Prophet of Islam, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam - 

I told Emmanuel our Edo Brother about what I read and posted to this forum earlier on, that the miscreant had exclaimed  in Sokoto; “ Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad !”  and Emmanuel's exact  words  were “ That was being suicidal!” 

Please take note: I do not intend to fraternise or keep the company of anyone who is inimical to the interests of al-Islam either here, right now, or in the Hereafter 

On Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 23:46:05 UTC+2 ogunlakaiye wrote:

​Menahem Hamelberg,


Let it be known to you that if anyone should slap my wife in my presence, as you hypothetically presumed, I will do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting my wife. Sentimental and emotional actions are not recognised in law. If, in defence of my wife, I should slap the slapper of my wife the police on arrival at the scene of the incident will arrest me and the person that slapped my wife for assaults and disturbing public order. Although the law permits self-defence, my wife is not absolutely permitted under the law to retaliate by slapping back at your hypothetical slapper of her face. The law requires her to report the violator of her face to the police for arrest and trial in the court of law. Religious fanatics believe in vengeance of eye for eye and tooth for tooth but secularized societies are against that doctrine because simple gumption dictates that the doctrine of eye for eye and tooth for tooth may lead to the entire society becoming blind and toothless. So, Cornelius, if Mohammad or Jesus is insulted, it is only them that should feel insulted and take action if they can and have the will to do so and not any dumb-ass-headed person who is neither genetically nor racially related to Jesus or Mohammad.


How can one define Blasphemy in a secular and multi religious country like Nigeria? Blasphemy after all must mean different things to different people, depending on the choice of deity one has chosen religiously. And paper heads who think with the intestines and not the brain are asking Nigerian Government to pass law to criminalise blasphemy. Yet, religious pretenders have already smuggled section 204 into the Nigerian criminal code that stipulates a two-year imprisonment for public insult on religion. At the same time, Sections 38 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression. Since the Constitution is superior to other laws in Nigeria Sections 38 and 39 of the 1999 Constitution supersede Section 204 of the Nigerian Criminal Code in application.


Sheik Ibrahim Maqari had drawn his Islamic redlines which no one should cross and which trespassers have to pay with their own lives in Nigeria. His Islamic redline in Nigeria is an expression of his cultural inferiority garbed in truculent and tortured inability to discover his self-worth. A Sheik, according to the dictionary is a head of an Arab tribe, therefore, Ibrahim Maqari should move to an Arab land to become a Sheik where he can draw his Arab-Islamic red lines not in Nigeria. If he thinks he is an Arab, he should look into the mirror for his true image and real self. The wannabe Black Arab in Nigeria, Sheik Ibrahim Maqari twitted, "If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you (sic) should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves." The twit justified the murder of Deborah Samuel Yakubu by Islamic predators who accused her of Blaspheming their prophet and what the Sheik was saying in reality is that if the Nigeria could not stop the alleged blasphemy against the Islamic prophet by Deborah Samuel Yakubu, then Muslim predators should not be blamed for taking laws into their hands to murder her. Wole Soyinka is a true Black Nigerian and he was actually correct, being the true son of the soil of Nigeria to demand the arrest and the trial of that counterfeit Nigerian Arab Sheik for his complicity in the murder of Deborah Samuel Yakubu.

S. Kadiri     

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: 23 May 2022 20:03
To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric


May the Lord have mercy on us all. 

"Nothing sits on nothing in a nothing of many nothings a nothing king"

Here’s Baba Kadiri sounding off:

Whatever Deborah Samuel Yakubu might have uttered which was interpreted to imply disrespect to the Islamic prophet, it is only the prophet himself who should feel the disrespect and react accordingly and not any stupid house-niggers on his behalf. In law, one is allowed to avenge the slap on one's own face by a slapper but it is criminal for one to avenge the slap on the face of another person than self. Can you extrapolate a slap on another person's face to your own face?”

If, (God forbid) someone were to slap Baba Kadiri’s beloved wife would he simply stand idly by and ask the same dumb-ass question?

I fully endorse the statement STOP BLASPHEMY issued by Muslim Solidarity Forum Sokoto and fully resonate with Muslim Groups Ask Nigerian Government To Pass Laws Criminalising Blasphemy,

The sane one should also take it for granted that I strongly disagree with Mr Soyinka's titanic reaction. It is well-intended, no doubt, he is speaking up in good conscience, supposedly as the good conscience of the Naija Nation, and as usual, what the iconic human rights veteran says resonates through the media waves, but I think that it’s wrong, overblown, it misses the target and in the circumstances, considering all the hysteria and sense of moral outrage fanning the air and fuelling the flames from all directions, calling for the head of the Chief Imam at the Abuja Mosque to roll, is probably nothing less than just one more strong-headed, knee-jerk reaction from Nigeria’s Shakespeare.

Someone (he?) may be surprised that I disagree, but I do disagree - strongly - and confidently -  and you are my witness, for the very simple reasons that I’ll explain and everyone should understand my simple explanation in contrast with Mr Soyinka’s trademark tirade,  the dense & deep Soyinka-esque style of polemic which one had to trudge through before finally coming to the crux of the matter: He is confident that “Both the Sultan and Professor Maqafi cannot be right.”

Well, of course, they can both be right, and in this case, in my judgement, they are both truly, absolutely right, and the one does not contradict the other. 

Mr Soyinka himself is not infallible, he does not claim to be the new Pope, nor does he enjoy a monopoly on interpretation, even if there is a Southern consensus on what he says, he could be humble enough to take a step back and reconsider that he may have misread and thereby misunderstood what the Imam of the Abuja Mosque Sheikh Ibrahim Maqari said because, of course, given his background, the less than omniscient  Professor Soyinka has obviously read into Profesor Ibrahim Maqari’s statement much more than Professor Maqari actually said - at least on the surface. Professor Soyinka with all his own personal, foreordained prejudices, whims and caprices, his backlog of irritations with land encroachments by Fulani herdsmen, the Boko Haram menace, his disappointment and disillusion with the Nigerian Presidency etc,  he has imputed to Sheikh Professor Dr Ibrahim Maqari ‘s terse communique, much more than the Sheikh actually said or intended on paper and only Sheikh Ibrahim himself is in a position to elaborate on what he intended, which does not mean that every individual reader does not have the freedom to arrive at his/ her own subjective understanding or interpretation of the message.

This is what the Sheikh said on Twitter that is causing all the brouhaha :

“It should be known to everyone that we the Muslims have some red lines beyond which MUST NOT be crossed. The dignity of the Prophet (PBUH) is at the forefront of the red lines.

“If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves.”

Catholics have their Popes some of whom have been proven to be less than infallible human beings throughout the ages. Others have other authorities such as Babalawos, big, pompous bishops officiating in and out of their cassocks, Pentecostal pastors carrying their crosses on their chests, husbands, wives, mistresses, gang leaders, high court judges “taking bribes on the side”, ransom kidnappers, bank governors, teachers of big and little grammar etc all have their flocks,

Another way of looking at the mess: A few others “could be living in another country, under another name” , i.e under a name other than God’s Ineffable name , because the way I understand it  - some people, such as e.g Wole Soyinka believe themselves to be living either in the kingdom of Satan’s anarchy or under or side by side with First Citizen Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigerian Constitution, a Muhammadu Buhari that was democratically elected as Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala ‘s highest political representative in secular Nigeria which is largely governed by the aforementioned still amendable 1999 Nigerian Constitution and not by Sharia Law, the Ten Commandments, or the Sermon on the Mount.

As the late Rabbi Jacob Neusner puts it, on page 19 of “A Rabbi talks with Jesus

“When I accept the yoke of the commandments of the Torah and do them,I accept God’s rule. I live in the kingdom of God, which is to say, in the dominion of Heaven, here on earth.  That is what it means to live a holy life: to live by the will of God in the here and now.”

This thread is hinged on Human rights activist and Nobel Laureate in Literature Wole Soyinka’s sermon from the heights of the moral high ground that he believes that he occupies, and in his own judgement self-righteous Soyinka with feet on the ground is delivering the sermon from somewhere up in the clouds, but certainly below heaven, which is certainly OK with me, that at least he is not claiming that he delivered this message sitting on the throne on God as that would have been another good example of blasphemy in thought and word but not in actual deed, enough reason for the all the Pharisees to unite in stoning him and by all the Pharisees I mean the Muslim Pharisees, if indeed such holy people exist, and of course, the other Bible thumping Pharseees, the Pentecostal pastors and the evangelical bigots among them.

All that Soyinka and other critics could say is that what is missing from the Abuja Imam’s terse message, is the message that even when a congregation of Muslims are tried by suffering extreme provocation,  mob rule/the mob mentality should not be allowed to take over - so in addition to expressing an understanding of the extreme provocation that led to " If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves",  what's called for is an explicit exhortation that our Muslim  Brethren control their nafs al ammarah and try to not take the law into their own hands.

 That the Imama did not give such advice in that short message, does not mean that the highly cultivated Imam has not given more goodly Islamic advice elsewhere. 

It is not OK to curse a Prophet in the presence of his followers; it is not OK to burn the Holy Quran outside the mosques, and it is not OK to piss on the grave of dearly  departed when you go on pilgrimage or on Ziyarat 

Once again, for those who care and have the time I recommend ISLAM: Past, Present, and Future by Hans Küng 


On Saturday, 21 May 2022 at 22:07:58 UTC+2 toyinfalola wrote:

Site logo image

Ben Ezeamalu posted: "Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, has urged the Nigerian government to remove from office Ibrahim Maqari, the Imam of Abuja Mosque, over his comments following the mob killing of Deborah Samuel, a student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto. Mr S" Premium Times Nigeria

Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Ben Ezeamalu

May 21

Mr Soyinka said the cleric should be tried under any existing laws that approximate hate rhetoric, incitement to murder and abuse of office.

Read more of this post




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Cornelius Hamelberg

May 26, 2022, 10:07:28 PM5/26/22

Cornelius Hamelberg

May 26, 2022, 10:08:01 PM5/26/22
Many Thanks CHIDI,

For clear language clarity on this matter

On Thu, 26 May 2022 at 02:13, Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM <> wrote:

Do you think that that "who the hell....." outburst was necessary?

Was that outburst supposed to be courage?

Would it be acceptable to us, Soyinka admirers if someone makes such statement about him(even though we will not go to the extent the Moslem fundamentalists would go, but we will feel bad all the same).

Is the referenced prophet not someone of substance by all known standards?

Truth is that Soyinka made the comment in a fit of anger(he is human by the way).

That outburst is not one of the things I admire in Wole Soyinka. 

I don't even hold it up as courage.


-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO)

Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, IIM Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Founder/Publisher of,

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Salimonu Kadiri

May 27, 2022, 9:43:45 PM5/27/22
Menahem Hamelberg, ​I have to thank the owner of Heaven, called OLÓRUN in Yoruba language, that you decided on that fateful 16 September 2019, to take your wife home before returning to the scene of verbal assault on her with the intention to strike at the person who had earlier assaulted her only to find out that the *miscreant* had disappeared. Had you met him and executed your plan, you might have been sentenced to a life term imprisonment and, as of date, glorious Gloria would never have had the opportunity to address you as *Cornelius the wise* based on all the wisdom you have been disseminating on this forum to the pleasure of many of us. I don't know what verbal assault your chosen miscreant threw at your wife, but you as a staunch believer of 'an eye for an eye' should or ought to have understood that 'a verbal assault' could only be reciprocated with a 'verbal assault.' You cannot say because you treasure your blood being sacrosanct, therefore, you must draw a machete to behead a mosquito on your thigh. I once witnessed an altercation between a concave-nosed Turkish man and a swastika-necklaced Swede here in Sweden. Enmeshed in his Turkish traditional belief that the greatest insult one could belch out to a person is to say I will 'Fuck' your mother and he decided to demean his Swedish opponent with that expression. And the Swede responded spontaneously, please do it if she allows it. The Swedish man's reply indicated the power of brain over brawn because he was certain that his mother would never allow the Turk to mount on her sexually and if the Turk by any chance should forcibly mount on her, he will be arrested, tried, and jailed for rape. Thus, while a brawn would pull off his clothes to engage in physical combat to avenge an impracticable but contemptuous remark meant only to cause annoyance, the brain would just dismiss such remark as day-dreaming and leave the brawn to live in his deluded life.

Despite of what you and I know about Africa, I am surprised to read about your "authentic African man who is honour-bound and duty bound," and who "knows when, how and where to drop his nuclear bomb on the one who will be foolish to cross the line..." Your authentic African man who is honour-bound and duty-bound has been chopping off the hands of his fellow African brothers in a competition of who among them should send diamond and gold to Antwerp while his fellow citizens are living in penury and abject poverty. Your authentic African man who is duty and honour bound has been sending cocoa beans to Europe for their chocolate and beverage consumptions while his African brothers are toiling in the cocoa plantations for nothing. And your authentic African man who is honour and duty bound has been exporting crude oil at $100 per barrel while importing refined crude oil at $130 per barrel. The list of what your authentic African man who is honour and duty bound is doing to under develop Africa is infinitesimal and I am certain that you know that, but you are only pretending to be smart.

Pouring water on the back of a duck and tacitly referring to me as a Tom and yourself as a jungle man you wrote, "There are a whole lot of differences between your typical tom and the real jungle man." Well, my dear Menahem Hamelberg, it is very easy to take a monkey out of the jungle but it is impossible to take the jungle out of the monkey. The real jungle man of yours truly, is what Lord Lugard already in 1922 referred to as the African Negro whose insensitivity to pain and disregard for life whether his own or others cause him to appear callous to suffering. Most importantly, Lugard observed that the African Negro, your real jungle man, has the courage of a fighting animal - an instinct rather than a moral virtue. The problem of Africans is that we have so much muscles but little or no brains at all. The Yoruba people have three axioms saying (i) OGBÓN JU AGBÁRA; (ii) ALÁGBÁRA MÁ MÈRÒ BABA ÒLE; and (iii) ÌGBÉRAGÁ KÒ DARA. These are literally translated to (i) Wisdom is greater than strength (raw power); (ii) A thoughtless strong man is the father of laziness (weakling) and (iii) Arrogance is not good. Reflecting on the axioms serially, we find that although the Blackman was physically strong than the Whiteman, the latter was wise to exploit the former as slaves in the US and the Caribbean islands. Since the Blackman is incapable of making use of his power (strength) for his own benefit, he becomes the father of laziness and still the black man is arrogant for being exploited.

My grandmother used to tell us who were her grandchildren a Yoruba folklore that illustrated the three Yoruba axioms mentioned above. It was about a Lion King in the Jungle who summoned all the animals in his kingdom to a meeting. He told all the animals that he had noticed that whenever he roared in a bid to prey for his meal, all animals used to panic, even though it was only just one of them that he intended to kill. Therefore, Lion King suggested that a register be created where each animal would register for an appointed day to come to him to be killed for meal instead of him roaring and they panicking. All animals except the elephant agreed to the Lion King's proposal and surprisingly Fox was the first to register to be the meal of Lion King the following morning. At the agreed time, the following morning, Fox did not present himself to be eaten up by the Lion King. By noon, the Fox showed up and breathing heavily he told the Lion King that there was another Lion in the vicinity who had tried to prey on him on his way to the lion therefore, he urged the Lion King to first deal with the rival Lion before making meal out of him. The Lion King beckoned to the Fox to lead him to where the rival Lion was. Fox led the Lion King to a well nearby and pointed that the rivalling lion was inside there. The Lion King peeped inside the well and not knowing that it was his shadow that he saw roared and the shadow charged back causing the Lion King to jump into the well to deal with his rival. And there the Lion King perished in spite of his strength because of his thoughtlessness, arrogance and lack of wisdom.

Dear Menahem Hamelberg, I regret to observe that you have quoted part of the speech of Omowale Malcolm X as reported in his *Message to the Grass Roots* (p.12, Malcolm X Speaks) to imply that he was an Islamic warrior fighting for Islamic imperialism which is totally false. The same Malcolm X said on p. 20-21 as follows, "I'm not out to fight other Negro leaders or organizations. We must find a common approach, a common solution, to a common problem. As of this minute, I've forgotten everything bad that the other leaders have said about me, and I pray they can also forget the many bad things I've said about them. The problem facing our people here in America is bigger than all other personal or organizational differences. Therefore, as leaders, we must stop worrying about the threat we seem to think we pose to each other's personal prestige, and concentrate our efforts toward solving the unending hurt that is being done daily to our people here in America." Then on p.24 he declared, "Although I'm still a Muslim, I'm not here tonight to discuss my religion. I'm not here to try and change your religion. I'm not here to argue or discuss anything that we defer about, because it's time for us to submerge our differences and realize that it is best for us to first see that we have the same problem, a common problem - a problem that will make you catch hell whether you're a Baptist, or a Methodist, or a Muslim, or a Nationalist. Whether you're educated or illiterate....." Please observe that Malcolm X did not say in part of his speech that you quoted that a Muslim should assault anyone that assaults another Muslim. Rather, he emphasized that Islamic religion taught them to be intelligent, be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if anyone puts his hand on YOU send him to the cemetery. Self-defence is an inherent part of any law whether in a theocratic, democratic or autocratic setting. Logically illustrated in law, it is Kadiri alone who in self-defence has the right to deal personally with anyone that assaults him and not Cornelius irrespective of whatever may be his personal relation or affection to Kadiri.

Why did Malcolm X speak the way he did at that time? It was because the Christian religion was being used to justify and perpetuate the racial persecution of Black Americans and some Black American leaders were asking persecuted blacks to accept their fate and follow the counsel of Jesus in the Bible. Jesus, they claimed in Mathew Chapter 5 verses 43-44 admonished thus, "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you." Further in Luke Chapter 6 verses 27-29 Jesus, they claimed, admonished, "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you; Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also." Malcolm X did not like the Biblical counsel that the Black Americans were being indoctrinated with, therefore, he called for revolution against the persecution and exploitation of Black Americans thus, "Revolution is never based on begging somebody for an integrated cup of coffee. Revolutions are never fought by turning the other cheek. Revolutions are never based upon love-your-enemy and pray-for-those-who-spitefully-use-you. And revolutions are never waged singing WE SHALL OVERCOME (p.50, Malcolm X Speaks)."

I believe in freedom of religion but I don't believe in religious freedom to murder anyone as in the case of Deborah Samuel Yakubu in Sokoto. The transcript of the voice WhatsApp group in which Deborah objected to its use for religious propaganda has been made public and nowhere in the voice note was it found that Deborah Samuel Yakubu said according to you, "Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad." Even if the invented exclamation remark credited to Deborah were true, that would reasonably not turn her to a miscreant, much less an invitation to Sokoto's Almajirai (children beggars) to murder her. The constitution and the criminal codes in Nigeria do not permit anyone to murder another person on a loose accusation of blasphemy against a religion or a prophet. And if blasphemy were to be criminal in Nigeria, only the courts are allowed to try and convict breachers of law and not any rag-rapped-headed and religious red-line drawer. According to the 2006 population census, Sokoto State contained 3 million, 702 thousand, 6 hundred and seventy-six people. Since 1999, Sokoto State's government has collected billions of dollars as revenue allocations from the Federal government. Yet, literacy rate in Sokoto State is said to be only 15% resulting in millions of children flooding the streets with bowls in their hands to beg for alms (the so-called almajirai). The Sharia led states in Northern Nigeria, just like in Sokoto State, make Almajirai the basis of their political power and livelihood. The Almajirai who stoned Deborah Samuel to death did not contain any sons of the leaders in Sokoto State. Their children are in faraway USA, United Kingdom and other European countries studying in secular societies that are never governed by sharia law and whose educational curricula are never diluted with Islamic propaganda.
Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Saad Abubakar’s daughter, Fatima Abubakar recently graduated from a university in the United Kingdom. Her father and the Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, were present to celebrate her graduation held at Brighton, United Kingdom, on Thursday 20th July, 2017..

​I can never have anything against al-Islam which I, as a Yoruba man and not Arab, don't know what it means. What I have said is that it was satanic to murder Deborah Samuel Yakubu in the name of Islam and that has caused gangsterism to take the centre stage and all that is left is unbridled grandstanding and overpouring of arrant tantrums.
S. Kadiri

Sent: 25 May 2022 01:22

To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Cornelius Hamelberg

May 28, 2022, 4:17:58 AM5/28/22
to USA Africa Dialogue Series
Dear Baba Kadiri, 

It's 4.58 a-m,  I  have now read through your excellent treatise and I'm still shuffering and Shmiling as a grass widower.

I'd just like to make this one point, re- your interpretation of what Brother Malcolm said :

"Please observe that Malcolm X did not say in part of his speech that you quoted that a Muslim should assault anyone that assaults another Muslim. Rather, he emphasized that Islamic religion taught them to be intelligent, be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if anyone puts his hand on YOU send him to the cemetery. Self-defence is an inherent part of any law whether in a theocratic, democratic or autocratic setting. Logically illustrated in law, it is Kadiri alone who in self-defence has the right to deal personally with anyone that assaults him and not Cornelius irrespective of whatever may be his personal relation or affection to Kadiri."

Well, that is one of the Malcolm X quotations that I know by heart - and somehow until about two years ago, I had been mistaken about the exact wording which chivalry clearly remembered as " but if anyone puts his hand on YOUR WOMAN  send him to the cemetery!" ( R.I.P.) 

Baba Kadiri, please stop sounding like a Yoruba missionary! Surely there's not that much difference between you and YOUR WOMAN  ( one flesh) when it comes to protecting and defending her honour and even sending somebody to the cemetery,  on her and your behalf,  if need be?

Cornelius Hamelberg

May 28, 2022, 4:18:59 AM5/28/22
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Dear Baba Kadiri,

My or My or should I say, Boy O Boy, that was a long lecture. I quite enjoyed it. Many thanks. As Adepoju would say, “ Great Thanks!”

Baba Kadiri’s special sermon on the mount to any bonafide Black Man who ostensibly does not happen to be one of the lost sheep of the House of Israel. 

Have mercy, Baba Kadiri! More than anything else, I can’t understand why you should want to tar and feather the Black man as a carbon copy - a living specimen example of the one on whom was inflicted The Curse of Ham

Having said that, if only you would take the time out to check out N.T. Wright, just as I have been doing in the last 48 hours  - his How Paul Invented Christian Theology -  and his Why and How Paul Invented "Christian Theology both of which I’m sure that a reasonable person like you, and like me, like us, should find quite reasonable, as it addresses among other things, your resentment about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not sending a Yoruba Prophet to teach you some enlightenment and to give you some commandments in the Yoruba tongue that was spoken some three thousand years ago.

In your journey to modernity, Paul would be a good place to start - the Prophet of Islam, Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam was born in 570 A.D. a whopping 537 years after Jesus returned to Heaven. Jesus himself was born in Bethlehem approximately 400 years after Malachi was completed. Was there a Yorba nation/civilisation back then, I wonder? And what was the state of the language then? Cornelius Ignoramus is asking because he doesn’t know. 

And by the way, you got it completely wrong that  - God forbid  - I was going to “ execute”  the miscreant and suffer “life term imprisonment” for doing him in. The fact is that I wouldn’t even waste any precious spittle on such a scoundrel. All I was going to do was to rub his nose on some doggy faeces so that his nostrils got all clogged up with that kind of excrement, and then let him go in peace. But just as I told you, by the time I returned to where I left him sitting down, quite drunk, the coward had already managed to depart to what he imagined was safety, just as I said, wisely,  “ the cowardly miscreant had disappeared because he must have felt that his end was near.”  This was only in fulfilment of the proverb, guilty conscience, that “ The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion

 Here’s a good example of  real African man, and his message is 

“Your time is up France, your colonialism days are over. Pan Africa is for certain. UK keep watching, it's time to do what the Creator asked and "Let his people go"

 It’s 4 O’Clock in the morning. I'm feeling a little miserable this Sabbath because my Better Half is in the beautiful  Swedish summer countryside with some relatives and friends, and I’m all alone at home. I’ll get back to you a little later but before that let me observe that with all the contrasts that you make between brain and brawn ( and the UK is the brain and the US the muscle) exactly where do you place Herr Zelensky who is still singing his mantra “ more weapons please ”?  The dreamer is dreaming of taking back Crimea even as they’re pulling out his teeth. He will soon be grinning like a toothless gorilla…

Of greater concern to us is the idea of Sweden joining NATO  here’s something about that from a source that I don’t like that much - the  Lyndon LaRouche    

people:   For a New Security & Development Architecture. Vote NO in Denmark. NO to Sweden and Finland in NATO.

Oluwatoyin Adepoju

May 28, 2022, 10:50:21 PM5/28/22
to usaafricadialogue

''Please no one should send any post that may be interpreted as blasphemy.

I am on the road and I am not reading the posts before I approve them. I would not have approved Mr. Adepoju’s opening salvo.



Which ''opening salvo'' is being referred to?

Is respect for Muslim sensitivities not being taken too far and thereby turning USAAfrica into an enabler of a narrow approach to Islam?

I have not written anything disrespecful of Islam. I have been consistent in arguing for an educational and attitudinal reorientation  among Muslims, to help bring an end to the current culture of demarketing Islam through religion inspired violence.

Clearly, the level of violence evidenced by Islam, cutting across various strata of Muslim society, as demontrated  in the Deborah episode,  and an aspect of which is satirised in the cartoon below, indicates low levels of correlation between religious faith and regard for humanity among many Muslims across the world and even poor understanding of how to persuasively   present one's religion. 



I also think the concept of blasphemy has no merit whatsoever.   People regale us with tales of some invisible figures whose existence is not empirically verifiable and of their messengers or embodiments, testifiers  to an invisible entity, and erect barricades around these problematic belief systems, barricades known as ''blasphemy,'' and expect to be taken seriously.

By all means, keep your beliefs. But you have no right to claim your beliefs are beyond questioning  or critique. 

The blasphemy concept is one of the most inhumane aspects of Northern Nigerian Islam, leading to the horrific deaths of various people and the caging of that society in iron bars of repression, an orientation that should be given no oxygen whatsoever. An atheist in the Muslim North was kept in two years detention and recently sentenced to many years in jail for a social media post stating Allah does not exist.

Do Allah, Yahweh, Olodumare, Brahman, Zeus etc really exist? If anyone believes they do, they should tell us why they so believe. But to claim that the existence of these entities is beyond question is to substitute superstition for critical thought. No society can grow that way.

The West, where Muslim immigrants and everyone else is flocking to bcs of high standards of living, became that way partly beceause they chose to move beyond faith based societies to those based on critical thought. 

How will a society grow if its based on uncritical beliefs in figures whom no one can see, whose existence do not have even the functionality of such invisible natural forces as gravity, which can be measured even if they are not visible,   the theologies of whose believers are often contradictory?

Is an attitude of critical engagement not more helpful than acceding to the policing of views about religion that goes under the name of ''blasphemy,'' an orientation under which so many were killed in Christian Europe, in fear of which scholars had to conceal their orientations, medieval barbarisms Europe has gone beyond but which Islam continues to entertain, possibly contributing to the decline of that civilization in the world of knowledge?

A constructivist  understanding of  spiritualities is more realistic. Deities are both human made and beyond human. We should be able to laugh at them, make fun of them, create stories about them and yet call on them. 

Orunmila stole the wife of Death. Death stormed Orunmila's house to get his wife back. He met Eshu at the door, who urged him to take a cup of palm wine. On drinking the wine, he rose to continue his mission, only for Eshu to ask, ''how can you attack a man whose palm-mwine you have just drank? That was Orunmila's palm wine.'' Upon which Death gave up. ( Wande, Abimbola, Ifa Divination Poetry).

''What we have built, is what we can build. If the deity is not satisfied, he should take a cutlass and go into the forest  to cut wood and palm fronds to build a dwelling more to his tastes.'' ( Abosede Emmanuel, Odun, Ifa, Ifa Festival).

 ''If a deity becomes too difficult, we shall show it the wood it was carved from.'' ( Nimi Wariboko, referencing traditional Kalabari spirituality)

'' We wish to learn from you in your search for truth.'' ( Deities addressing human beings in Mazisi Kunene's Anthem of the Decades, inspired by classical Zulu spirituality).

''[I dreamt the Gods appeared but ] All at once we sensed that they were playing their last card, that they had grown sly, stultified and cruel like aging beasts of prey, and that they would destroy us if we allowed ourselves to be swayed by fear or pity.

We drew our heavy pistols...and cheerfully put the Gods to death."

(Jorge Luis Borges, ''Ragnarok'', trans by Kenneth Krabbenhoft.)

Within such perspectives, there shall be no stories of a deity asking a devotee to sacrifice another human being, or claiming infallible knowledge, among other depredations of religion.

The most fundamental thing we are certain  of is that we exist. Every other question about  ultimate reality  is forever open to examination.




On Sat, 28 May 2022 at 05:49, Oluwatoyin Adepoju <> wrote:
Superb from Kadiri.

But, was it almajiri who killed Deborah or her own classmates?



Cornelius Hamelberg

May 28, 2022, 10:50:36 PM5/28/22

Dear Baba Kadiri,

Don’t impute violence to your truly. I’m more of a David Dellinger sort of fellow. The miscreant in question (a “piano player”) disappeared because knowing what he had said when pretending to be drunk, he feared the possibility of a scene like this overtaking him and bringing him to justice, depending on his answers when he would have been asked, just these two questions:

“ Does Cornelius Ignoramus look like a bitch? 

“Does Cornelius  Ignoramus look like your nigger?”

Back in London, I had a good friend like  Derek otherwise known as “Cool Black” - from Guyana,  Marvin Gaye’s personal bodyguard who would have accompanied me to do the questioning. Yet, see how Marvin died.  And just look at the kinds of house niggers assassinated Malcolm...

Just as you say, wisdom is universal and is not necessarily based on colour even if some of it takes on local colour because it is culture-dependent. That’s how Bedu Annan introduced me to Kwame Anthony Appiah’s then major popular publication, “In My Father’s House”   -that wisdom is not dependent on race etc…

With your insistence on Let it be known to you that if anyone should slap my wife in my presence, as you hypothetically presumed, I will do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting my wife.”, of course, what you have in mind is an ideal society, be it Sweden, or Nigeria where reporting the matter to the Police could be the beginning of  the long legal process of someone’s pain and grievances being addressed 

I think that I have told you before that since circa July 1970  when I spent my first summer in Sweden, till today, 28th May 2022, I have listened to Swedish Radio on less than four ( 4) occasions and the first time that I did, it was quite accidentally, to Radio Sweden in 1985, and this is exactly what I heard: “ Nigeria: between the airport and my hotel, I was robbed twice: first by the military, and then by the Police! “ At a slightly later date, I suppose that in telling his tale he would have to update us with the third robbery, this time by his Bank Manager at Savannah Bank, at No.10 Aba Road in Port Harcourt, of the sum of £6,000 Sterling.

That’s why I’m still chuckling quietly to myself as I imagine you running from the scene of the crime (the slap) as fast as your sprightly legs can carry you to the nearest Police Station in Sokoto to make a report that e.g a miscreant perhaps one of the homeless Almajiris or indeed another hungry Nigerian policeman had slapped your beloved and you hoping that the police constable at the desk where you file your report, will accompany you to find, identify and arrest whoever the miscreant is, because, nobody is above the law!

 Back to a more sordid reality, consider what happened to Ngugi Wa Thiong'o when he returned to Kenya  - in his case, four men were later arrested.

Baba Kadiri’s sorrowful l litany continues to point at the glaring absence of a functioning juridical system that should systematically implement what we would like to see as the rule of law in the absence of which people will tend to take the law into their own hands; since there’s already the general feeling that justice delayed is justice denied, that’s why in some instances immediate street justice is served. - as happened with Deborah Yakubu. 

Obviously, that’s what Sheikh Maqary is talking about; criminalise some forms of blasphemy such as Torah, Bible and Quran-burning etc and  instead  of lynching the miscreant / accused - the matter will be taken to court -  all this in the interests of peaceful coexistence 

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Cornelius Hamelberg

May 30, 2022, 6:54:53 PM5/30/22

The Black Cat Analogy was specially designed to titillate the imagination of cosmologist Adepoju and e.g. the USSR cosmonauts who safely returned to earth to report like some heathens, that they didn't find any cherubim up there in outer space. The fact is they probably didn't have the eyes to see and they certainly didn't even g et anywhere near God's Throne

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Salimonu Kadiri

May 30, 2022, 6:55:39 PM5/30/22
​Dear Menahem Hamelberg,

Some Nigerian Muslim lunatics tortured and murdered a young girl in Sokoto State Nigeria, claiming that the girl had insulted their prophet who happened to be neither a Nigerian nor an African. Islam is an Arabic religion and Nigerians (Africans) who adopt it seem to be more Arabs than the Arabs themselves. What the murderers of Deborah Samuel Yakubu are now claiming to be the cause of their beastlike action against her has not been submitted for public scrutiny that is to say, there is no evidence that she had ever mentioned the name of the prophet of Islam in the transcript of her WhatsApp group discussions which was in Hausa language and not in Arabic. Setting aside sentiments and emotions, if Deborah did actually insult the Islamic prophet, no Islamist has the right to retaliate on her except Muhammed himself and even then, it should be done verbally and not by murder. Blasphemy as mentioned in Section 204 of the Nigerian Criminal code attracts only two years imprisonment but it is inapplicable because Sections 38 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution which guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression are superior to the Blasphemy law.

Your analogy about my wife being slapped in my presence with the prophet of Islam being insulted in the presence of Islamists are unrelated and incomparable. While I am affectionately related to my wife physically, the Islamists have only read or heard about the prophet of Islam who they have never met and have had any personal relation with physically. All that had been attributed or credited to the prophet of Islam were hearsay that have never been verified and proved right. There is a great difference between science and belief, because while the former demands (requires) empirical evidence the latter is imagined/accepted to be true without proof. I agree with you that the judiciary in Nigeria is corrupt and the process of getting justice is too long. Nevertheless, it doesn't make sense that the solution to long process to get justice is jungle and predator's justice, especially when it concerns blasphemy. Islam is a religion of peace and it cannot thrive on coercion and intimidation. Inviolability of human life and illegality of mob action should be the corner stones of any good religion. There is no law in Nigeria that grants power to any individual or a religious group to take the life of another person on account of blasphemy. Sheik Ibrahim Magari's Islamic redline in Nigeria that stipulates death sentence for trespassers amounts to setting up a parallel government to the Federal government of Nigeria and thereby committed high treason. Thus, he or anyone celebrating the lynching of Deborah Samuel Yakubu is automatically guilty of murder by association. Soyinka is not a deity and if someone should make a distasteful statement about him to the knowledge of his admirers, the only right thing to do is to reciprocate with corrective statement. It is not allowed in law for some coconut-head persons to embark on murdering the person who had assaulted Soyinka verbally.
S. Kadiri

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: 28 May 2022 15:36
To: <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Dear Baba Kadiri,

Don’t impute violence to your truly. I’m more of a David Dellinger sort of fellow. The miscreant in question (a “piano player”) disappeared because knowing what he had said when pretending to be drunk, he feared the possibility of<> a scene like this <> overtaking him and bringing him to justice, depending on his answers when he would have been asked, just these two questions:

“ Does Cornelius Ignoramus look like a bitch?

“Does Cornelius Ignoramus look like your nigger?”

Back in London, I had a good friend like Derek otherwise known as “Cool Black” - from Guyana, Marvin Gaye’s personal bodyguard who would have accompanied me to do the questioning. Yet, see how Marvin died. And just look at the kinds of house niggers assassinated Malcolm...

Just as you say, wisdom is universal and is not necessarily based on colour even if some of it takes on local colour because it is culture-dependent. That’s how Bedu Annan introduced me to Kwame Anthony Appiah<>’s then major popular publication, “In My Father’s House<>” -that wisdom is not dependent on race etc…

With your insistence on “Let it be known to you that if anyone should slap my wife in my presence, as you hypothetically presumed, I will do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting my wife.”, of course, what you have in mind is an ideal society, be it Sweden, or Nigeria where reporting the matter to the Police could be the beginning of the long legal process of someone’s pain and grievances being addressed

I think that I have told you before that since circa July 1970 when I spent my first summer in Sweden, till today, 28th May 2022, I have listened to Swedish Radio on less than four ( 4) occasions and the first time that I did, it was quite accidentally, to Radio Sweden <> in 1985, and this is exactly what I heard: “ Nigeria: between the airport and my hotel, I was robbed twice: first by the military, and then by the Police! “ At a slightly later date, I suppose that in telling his tale he would have to update us with the third robbery, this time by his Bank Manager at Savannah Bank, at No.10 Aba Road in Port Harcourt, of the sum of £6,000 Sterling.

That’s why I’m still chuckling quietly to myself as I imagine you running from the scene of the crime (the slap) as fast as your sprightly legs can carry you to the nearest Police Station in Sokoto to make a report that e.g a miscreant perhaps one of the homeless Almajiris or indeed another hungry Nigerian policeman had slapped your beloved and you hoping that the police constable at the desk where you file your report, will accompany you to find, identify and arrest whoever the miscreant is, because, nobody is above the law!

Back to a more sordid reality, consider what happened to Ngugi Wa Thiong'o when he returned to Kenya <> - in his case, four men were later arrested.

Baba Kadiri’s sorrowful l litany continues to point at the glaring absence of a functioning juridical system that should systematically implement what we would like to see as the rule of law<> in the absence of which people will tend to take the law into their own hands; since there’s already the general feeling that justice delayed is justice denied, that’s why in some instances immediate street justice is served. - as happened with Deborah Yakubu.

Obviously, that’s what Sheikh Maqary<> is talking about; criminalise some forms of blasphemy such as Torah, Bible and Quran-burning etc and instead of lynching the miscreant / accused - the matter will be taken to court - all this in the interests of peaceful coexistence

On Sat, 28 May 2022 at 06:17, Cornelius Hamelberg <<>> wrote:
Dear Baba Kadiri,

It's 4.58 a-m, I have now read through your excellent treatise and I'm still shuffering and Shmiling as a grass widower.

I'd just like to make this one point, re- your interpretation of what Brother Malcolm said :

"Please observe that Malcolm X did not say in part of his speech that you quoted that a Muslim should assault anyone that assaults another Muslim. Rather, he emphasized that Islamic religion taught them to be intelligent, be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if anyone puts his hand on YOU send him to the cemetery. Self-defence is an inherent part of any law whether in a theocratic, democratic or autocratic setting. Logically illustrated in law, it is Kadiri alone who in self-defence has the right to deal personally with anyone that assaults him and not Cornelius irrespective of whatever may be his personal relation or affection to Kadiri."

Well, that is one of the Malcolm X quotations that I know by heart - and somehow until about two years ago, I had been mistaken about the exact wording which chivalry clearly remembered as " but if anyone puts his hand on YOUR WOMAN send him to the cemetery!" ( R.I.P.)

Baba Kadiri, please stop sounding like a Yoruba missionary! Surely there's not that much difference between you and YOUR WOMAN ( one flesh) when it comes to protecting and defending her honour and even sending somebody to the cemetery, on her and your behalf, if need be?
On Friday, 27 May 2022 at 23:43:45 UTC+2 ogunlakaiye wrote:
Menahem Hamelberg, ​I have to thank the owner of Heaven, called OLÓRUN in Yoruba language, that you decided on that fateful 16 September 2019, to take your wife home before returning to the scene of verbal assault on her with the intention to strike at the person who had earlier assaulted her only to find out that the *miscreant* had disappeared. Had you met him and executed your plan, you might have been sentenced to a life term imprisonment and, as of date, glorious Gloria would never have had the opportunity to address you as *Cornelius the wise* based on all the wisdom you have been disseminating on this forum to the pleasure of many of us. I don't know what verbal assault your chosen miscreant threw at your wife, but you as a staunch believer of 'an eye for an eye' should or ought to have understood that 'a verbal assault' could only be reciprocated with a 'verbal assault.' You cannot say because you treasure your blood being sacrosanct, therefore, you must draw a machete to behead a mosquito on your thigh. I once witnessed an altercation between a concave-nosed Turkish man and a swastika-necklaced Swede here in Sweden. Enmeshed in his Turkish traditional belief that the greatest insult one could belch out to a person is to say I will 'Fuck' your mother and he decided to demean his Swedish opponent with that expression. And the Swede responded spontaneously, please do it if she allows it. The Swedish man's reply indicated the power of brain over brawn because he was certain that his mother would never allow the Turk to mount on her sexually and if the Turk by any chance should forcibly mount on her, he will be arrested, tried, and jailed for rape. Thus, while a brawn would pull off his clothes to engage in physical combat to avenge an impracticable but contemptuous remark meant only to cause annoyance, the brain would just dismiss such remark as day-dreaming and leave the brawn to live in his deluded life.

Despite of what you and I know about Africa, I am surprised to read about your "authentic African man who is honour-bound and duty bound," and who "knows when, how and where to drop his nuclear bomb on the one who will be foolish to cross the line..." Your authentic African man who is honour-bound and duty-bound has been chopping off the hands of his fellow African brothers in a competition of who among them should send diamond and gold to Antwerp while his fellow citizens are living in penury and abject poverty. Your authentic African man who is duty and honour bound has been sending cocoa beans to Europe for their chocolate and beverage consumptions while his African brothers are toiling in the cocoa plantations for nothing. And your authentic African man who is honour and duty bound has been exporting crude oil at $100 per barrel while importing refined crude oil at $130 per barrel. The list of what your authentic African man who is honour and duty bound is doing to under develop Africa is infinitesimal and I am certain that you know that, but you are only pretending to be smart.

Pouring water on the back of a duck and tacitly referring to me as a Tom and yourself as a jungle man you wrote, "There are a whole lot of differences between your typical tom and the real jungle man." Well, my dear Menahem Hamelberg, it is very easy to take a monkey out of the jungle but it is impossible to take the jungle out of the monkey. The real jungle man of yours truly, is what Lord Lugard already in 1922 referred to as the African Negro whose insensitivity to pain and disregard for life whether his own or others cause him to appear callous to suffering. Most importantly, Lugard observed that the African Negro, your real jungle man, has the courage of a fighting animal - an instinct rather than a moral virtue. The problem of Africans is that we have so much muscles but little or no brains at all. The Yoruba people have three axioms saying (i) OGBÓN JU AGBÁRA; (ii) ALÁGBÁRA MÁ MÈRÒ BABA ÒLE; and (iii) ÌGBÉRAGÁ KÒ DARA. These are literally translated to (i) Wisdom is greater than strength (raw power); (ii) A thoughtless strong man is the father of laziness (weakling) and (iii) Arrogance is not good. Reflecting on the axioms serially, we find that although the Blackman was physically strong than the Whiteman, the latter was wise to exploit the former as slaves in the US and the Caribbean islands. Since the Blackman is incapable of making use of his power (strength) for his own benefit, he becomes the father of laziness and still the black man is arrogant for being exploited.

My grandmother used to tell us who were her grandchildren a Yoruba folklore that illustrated the three Yoruba axioms mentioned above. It was about a Lion King in the Jungle who summoned all the animals in his kingdom to a meeting. He told all the animals that he had noticed that whenever he roared in a bid to prey for his meal, all animals used to panic, even though it was only just one of them that he intended to kill. Therefore, Lion King suggested that a register be created where each animal would register for an appointed day to come to him to be killed for meal instead of him roaring and they panicking. All animals except the elephant agreed to the Lion King's proposal and surprisingly Fox was the first to register to be the meal of Lion King the following morning. At the agreed time, the following morning, Fox did not present himself to be eaten up by the Lion King. By noon, the Fox showed up and breathing heavily he told the Lion King that there was another Lion in the vicinity who had tried to prey on him on his way to the lion therefore, he urged the Lion King to first deal with the rival Lion before making meal out of him. The Lion King beckoned to the Fox to lead him to where the rival Lion was. Fox led the Lion King to a well nearby and pointed that the rivalling lion was inside there. The Lion King peeped inside the well and not knowing that it was his shadow that he saw roared and the shadow charged back causing the Lion King to jump into the well to deal with his rival. And there the Lion King perished in spite of his strength because of his thoughtlessness, arrogance and lack of wisdom.

Dear Menahem Hamelberg, I regret to observe that you have quoted part of the speech of Omowale Malcolm X as reported in his *Message to the Grass Roots* (p.12, Malcolm X Speaks) to imply that he was an Islamic warrior fighting for Islamic imperialism which is totally false. The same Malcolm X said on p. 20-21 as follows, "I'm not out to fight other Negro leaders or organizations. We must find a common approach, a common solution, to a common problem. As of this minute, I've forgotten everything bad that the other leaders have said about me, and I pray they can also forget the many bad things I've said about them. The problem facing our people here in America is bigger than all other personal or organizational differences. Therefore, as leaders, we must stop worrying about the threat we seem to think we pose to each other's personal prestige, and concentrate our efforts toward solving the unending hurt that is being done daily to our people here in America." Then on p.24 he declared, "Although I'm still a Muslim, I'm not here tonight to discuss my religion. I'm not here to try and change your religion. I'm not here to argue or discuss anything that we defer about, because it's time for us to submerge our differences and realize that it is best for us to first see that we have the same problem, a common problem - a problem that will make you catch hell whether you're a Baptist, or a Methodist, or a Muslim, or a Nationalist. Whether you're educated or illiterate....." Please observe that Malcolm X did not say in part of his speech that you quoted that a Muslim should assault anyone that assaults another Muslim. Rather, he emphasized that Islamic religion taught them to be intelligent, be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if anyone puts his hand on YOU send him to the cemetery. Self-defence is an inherent part of any law whether in a theocratic, democratic or autocratic setting. Logically illustrated in law, it is Kadiri alone who in self-defence has the right to deal personally with anyone that assaults him and not Cornelius irrespective of whatever may be his personal relation or affection to Kadiri.

Why did Malcolm X speak the way he did at that time? It was because the Christian religion was being used to justify and perpetuate the racial persecution of Black Americans and some Black American leaders were asking persecuted blacks to accept their fate and follow the counsel of Jesus in the Bible. Jesus, they claimed in Mathew Chapter 5 verses 43-44 admonished thus, "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you." Further in Luke Chapter 6 verses 27-29 Jesus, they claimed, admonished, "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you; Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also." Malcolm X did not like the Biblical counsel that the Black Americans were being indoctrinated with, therefore, he called for revolution against the persecution and exploitation of Black Americans thus, "Revolution is never based on begging somebody for an integrated cup of coffee. Revolutions are never fought by turning the other cheek. Revolutions are never based upon love-your-enemy and pray-for-those-who-spitefully-use-you. And revolutions are never waged singing WE SHALL OVERCOME (p.50, Malcolm X Speaks)."

I believe in freedom of religion but I don't believe in religious freedom to murder anyone as in the case of Deborah Samuel Yakubu in Sokoto. The transcript of the voice WhatsApp group in which Deborah objected to its use for religious propaganda has been made public and nowhere in the voice note was it found that Deborah Samuel Yakubu said according to you, "Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad." Even if the invented exclamation remark credited to Deborah were true, that would reasonably not turn her to a miscreant, much less an invitation to Sokoto's Almajirai (children beggars) to murder her. The constitution and the criminal codes in Nigeria do not permit anyone to murder another person on a loose accusation of blasphemy against a religion or a prophet. And if blasphemy were to be criminal in Nigeria, only the courts are allowed to try and convict breachers of law and not any rag-rapped-headed and religious red-line drawer. According to the 2006 population census, Sokoto State contained 3 million, 702 thousand, 6 hundred and seventy-six people. Since 1999, Sokoto State's government has collected billions of dollars as revenue allocations from the Federal government. Yet, literacy rate in Sokoto State is said to be only 15% resulting in millions of children flooding the streets with bowls in their hands to beg for alms (the so-called almajirai). The Sharia led states in Northern Nigeria, just like in Sokoto State, make Almajirai the basis of their political power and livelihood. The Almajirai who stoned Deborah Samuel to death did not contain any sons of the leaders in Sokoto State. Their children are in faraway USA, United Kingdom and other European countries studying in secular societies that are never governed by sharia law and whose educational curricula are never diluted with Islamic propaganda.​
Sultan Of Sokoto’s Daughter Graduates From U.K University<>
Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Saad Abubakar’s daughter, Fatima Abubakar recently graduated from a university in the United Kingdom. Her father and the Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, were present to celebrate her graduation held at Brighton, United Kingdom, on Thursday 20th July, 2017..<>

​I can never have anything against al-Islam which I, as a Yoruba man and not Arab, don't know what it means. What I have said is that it was satanic to murder Deborah Samuel Yakubu in the name of Islam and that has caused gangsterism to take the centre stage and all that is left is unbridled grandstanding and overpouring of arrant tantrums.
S. Kadiri

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: 25 May 2022 01:22

To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Like a real House-Negro

Dear Baba Kadiri


“do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting (his) wife”

The authentic African man who is honour-bound, and duty-bound, knows when, how and where to drop his nuclear bomb on the one who would be foolish enough to cross the line - the suicidal line, crossing which leads to self-annihilation of any such miscreant mortal man.

If he is not in possession of nuclear weapons, then any other suitable weapon that is at hand/handy should be used to do the necessary job of dispatching the miscreant to his earthly destiny.

On the 16th of September 2019, somebody said something to my wife, I took her home and five minutes later returned to the scene where the somebody had said something that I didn’t like. I returned unarmed , but the cowardly miscreant had disappeared because he must have felt that his end was near. He was tall and gangly alright but it would have taken me less than 20 seconds to have him on the floor and another ten seconds to send him to deep sleep ( of course he didn’t know that ) and the fat one would have taken the penalty shot right between the legs.

If I wanted to, I could have planned his demise to happen a little later, with me myself far, far away from the scene of the crime.

There are a whole lot of differences between your typical tom and the real Jungle man

You who like boasting about true Yoruba man-hood, listen carefully to what El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz<> whose Youruba name is Omowale <> , listen carefully to what he has to say here:<>

“There’s nothing in our book, the Quran — you call it “Ko-ran” — that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That’s a good religion. In fact, that’s that old-time religion. That’s the one that Ma and Pa used to talk about: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and a head for a head, and a life for a life: That’s a good religion. And doesn’t nobody resent that kind of religion being taught but a wolf, who intends to make you his meal.”

The way you talk about Sheikh Ibrahim Maqari<> is disgraceful, I should have thought is beneath you, and I will not sleep so low as to start some idiotic tittle-tattle altercation with you about him, about blasphemy or about house niggers,

“ Wole Soyinka is a true Black Nigerian… true son of the soil of Nigeria” and the missionary son of a preacher man was NOT CORRECT…

About your other request, that I “ reproduce in printed letters what she was reported to have said”, kindly disabuse yourself of the idea that I’m your some kind of errand-boy / message-boy at your beck and call to be reproducing reported calumnies and blasphemies uttered against the Prophet of Islam, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam -

I told Emmanuel our Edo Brother about what I read and posted to this forum earlier on<>, that the miscreant had exclaimed in Sokoto; “ Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad !” and Emmanuel's exact words were “ That was being suicidal!”

Please take note: I do not intend to fraternise or keep the company of anyone who is inimical to the interests of al-Islam either here, right now, or in the Hereafter

On Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 23:46:05 UTC+2 ogunlakaiye wrote:
​Menahem Hamelberg,

Let it be known to you that if anyone should slap my wife in my presence, as you hypothetically presumed, I will do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting my wife. Sentimental and emotional actions are not recognised in law. If, in defence of my wife, I should slap the slapper of my wife the police on arrival at the scene of the incident will arrest me and the person that slapped my wife for assaults and disturbing public order. Although the law permits self-defence, my wife is not absolutely permitted under the law to retaliate by slapping back at your hypothetical slapper of her face. The law requires her to report the violator of her face to the police for arrest and trial in the court of law. Religious fanatics believe in vengeance of eye for eye and tooth for tooth but secularized societies are against that doctrine because simple gumption dictates that the doctrine of eye for eye and tooth for tooth may lead to the entire society becoming blind and toothless. So, Cornelius, if Mohammad or Jesus is insulted, it is only them that should feel insulted and take action if they can and have the will to do so and not any dumb-ass-headed person who is neither genetically nor racially related to Jesus or Mohammad.

How can one define Blasphemy in a secular and multi religious country like Nigeria? Blasphemy after all must mean different things to different people, depending on the choice of deity one has chosen religiously. And paper heads who think with the intestines and not the brain are asking Nigerian Government to pass law to criminalise blasphemy. Yet, religious pretenders have already smuggled section 204 into the Nigerian criminal code that stipulates a two-year imprisonment for public insult on religion. At the same time, Sections 38 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression. Since the Constitution is superior to other laws in Nigeria Sections 38 and 39 of the 1999 Constitution supersede Section 204 of the Nigerian Criminal Code in application.

Sheik Ibrahim Maqari had drawn his Islamic redlines which no one should cross and which trespassers have to pay with their own lives in Nigeria. His Islamic redline in Nigeria is an expression of his cultural inferiority garbed in truculent and tortured inability to discover his self-worth. A Sheik, according to the dictionary is a head of an Arab tribe, therefore, Ibrahim Maqari should move to an Arab land to become a Sheik where he can draw his Arab-Islamic red lines not in Nigeria. If he thinks he is an Arab, he should look into the mirror for his true image and real self. The wannabe Black Arab in Nigeria, Sheik Ibrahim Maqari twitted, "If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you (sic) should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves." The twit justified the murder of Deborah Samuel Yakubu by Islamic predators who accused her of Blaspheming their prophet and what the Sheik was saying in reality is that if the Nigeria could not stop the alleged blasphemy against the Islamic prophet by Deborah Samuel Yakubu, then Muslim predators should not be blamed for taking laws into their hands to murder her. Wole Soyinka is a true Black Nigerian and he was actually correct, being the true son of the soil of Nigeria to demand the arrest and the trial of that counterfeit Nigerian Arab Sheik for his complicity in the murder of Deborah Samuel Yakubu.
S. Kadiri

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: 23 May 2022 20:03
To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

May the Lord have mercy on us all.

"Nothing sits on nothing in a nothing of many nothings a nothing king<>"

Here’s Baba Kadiri sounding off:

“Whatever Deborah Samuel Yakubu might have uttered which was interpreted to imply disrespect to the Islamic prophet, it is only the prophet himself who should feel the disrespect and react accordingly and not any stupid house-niggers on his behalf. In law, one is allowed to avenge the slap on one's own face by a slapper but it is criminal for one to avenge the slap on the face of another person than self. Can you extrapolate a slap on another person's face to your own face?”

If, (God forbid) someone were to slap Baba Kadiri’s beloved wife would he simply stand idly by and ask the same dumb-ass question?

I fully endorse the statement STOP BLASPHEMY<> issued by Muslim Solidarity Forum Sokoto<> and fully resonate with Muslim Groups Ask Nigerian Government To Pass Laws Criminalising Blasphemy<>,

The sane one should also take it for granted that I strongly disagree with Mr Soyinka's titanic reaction. It is well-intended, no doubt, he is speaking up in good conscience, supposedly as the good conscience of the Naija Nation, and as usual, what the iconic human rights veteran says resonates through the media waves, but I think that it’s wrong, overblown, it misses the target and in the circumstances, considering all the hysteria and sense of moral outrage fanning the air and fuelling the flames from all directions, calling for the head of the Chief Imam at the Abuja Mosque to roll, is probably nothing less than just one more strong-headed, knee-jerk reaction from Nigeria’s Shakespeare.

Someone (he?) may be surprised that I disagree, but I do disagree - strongly - and confidently - and you are my witness, for the very simple reasons that I’ll explain and everyone should understand my simple explanation in contrast with Mr Soyinka’s trademark tirade, the dense & deep Soyinka-esque style of polemic which one had to trudge through before finally coming to the crux of the matter: He is confident that “Both the Sultan and Professor Maqafi cannot be right.”

Well, of course, they can both be right, and in this case, in my judgement, they are both truly, absolutely right, and the one does not contradict the other.

Mr Soyinka himself is not infallible, he does not claim to be the new Pope, nor does he enjoy a monopoly on interpretation, even if there is a Southern consensus on what he says, he could be humble enough to take a step back and reconsider that he may have misread and thereby misunderstood what the Imam of the Abuja Mosque Sheikh Ibrahim Maqari<> said because, of course, given his background, the less than omniscient Professor Soyinka has obviously read into Profesor Ibrahim Maqari’s statement much more than Professor Maqari actually said - at least on the surface. Professor Soyinka with all his own personal, foreordained prejudices, whims and caprices, his backlog of irritations with land encroachments by Fulani herdsmen, the Boko Haram menace, his disappointment and disillusion with the Nigerian Presidency etc, he has imputed to Sheikh Professor Dr Ibrahim Maqari ‘s terse communique, much more than the Sheikh actually said or intended on paper and only Sheikh Ibrahim himself is in a position to elaborate on what he intended, which does not mean that every individual reader does not have the freedom to arrive at his/ her own subjective understanding or interpretation of the message.

This is what the Sheikh said on Twitter <> that is causing all the brouhaha :

“It should be known to everyone that we the Muslims have some red lines beyond which MUST NOT be crossed. The dignity of the Prophet (PBUH) is at the forefront of the red lines.

“If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves.”

Catholics have their Popes some of whom have been proven to be less than infallible human beings throughout the ages.<> Others have other authorities such as Babalawos, big, pompous bishops officiating in and out of their cassocks, Pentecostal pastors carrying their crosses on their chests, husbands, wives, mistresses, gang leaders, high court judges “taking bribes on the side”, ransom kidnappers, bank governors, teachers of big and little grammar etc all have their flocks,

Another way of looking at the mess: A few others “could be living in another country, under another name<>” , i.e under a name other than God’s Ineffable name <> , because the way I understand it - some people, such as e.g Wole Soyinka believe themselves to be living either in the kingdom of Satan’s anarchy or under or side by side with First Citizen Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigerian Constitution<>, a Muhammadu Buhari that was democratically elected as Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala ‘s highest political representative in secular Nigeria which is largely governed by the aforementioned still amendable 1999 Nigerian Constitution and not by Sharia Law, the Ten Commandments, or the Sermon on the Mount.<>

As the late Rabbi Jacob Neusner<> puts it, on page 19 of “A Rabbi talks with Jesus<>”

“When I accept the yoke of the commandments of the Torah and do them,I accept God’s rule. I live in the kingdom of God, which is to say, in the dominion of Heaven, here on earth. That is what it means to live a holy life: to live by the will of God in the here and now.”

This thread is hinged on Human rights activist and Nobel Laureate in Literature Wole Soyinka’s sermon from the heights of the moral high ground that he believes that he occupies, and in his own judgement self-righteous Soyinka with feet on the ground is delivering the sermon from somewhere up in the clouds, but certainly below heaven, which is certainly OK with me, that at least he is not claiming that he delivered this message sitting on the throne on God as that would have been another good example of blasphemy in thought and word but not in actual deed, enough reason for the all the Pharisees to unite in stoning him and by all the Pharisees I mean the Muslim Pharisees, if indeed such holy people exist, and of course, the other Bible thumping Pharseees, the Pentecostal pastors and the evangelical bigots among them.

All that Soyinka and other critics could say is that what is missing from the Abuja Imam’s terse message, is the message that even when a congregation of Muslims are tried by suffering extreme provocation, mob rule/the mob mentality should not be allowed to take over - so in addition to expressing an understanding of the extreme provocation that led to " If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves", what's called for is an explicit exhortation that our Muslim Brethren control their nafs al ammarah<> and try to not take the law into their own hands.

That the Imama did not give such advice in that short message, does not mean that the highly cultivated Imam has not given more goodly Islamic advice elsewhere.

It is not OK to curse a Prophet in the presence of his followers; it is not OK to burn the Holy Quran outside the mosques, and it is not OK to piss on the grave of dearly departed when you go on pilgrimage or on Ziyarat <>

Once again, for those who care and have the time I recommend ISLAM: Past, Present, and Future<> by Hans Küng<>

On Saturday, 21 May 2022 at 22:07:58 UTC+2 toyinfalola wrote:

[Site logo image]

Ben Ezeamalu posted: "Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, has urged the Nigerian government to remove from office Ibrahim Maqari, the Imam of Abuja Mosque, over his comments following the mob killing of Deborah Samuel, a student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto. Mr S" Premium Times Nigeria<>

Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric<>


Ben Ezeamalu

May 21

Mr Soyinka said the cleric should be tried under any existing laws that approximate hate rhetoric, incitement to murder and abuse of office.

Read more of this post<>



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Cornelius Hamelberg

May 30, 2022, 11:51:41 PM5/30/22

Dear Baba Kadiri,

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord

Of the 613 Mitzvot also known as the 613 commandments ( with various commentaries on them if you care to investigate the links a little further) of the essence is, every morning and evening, this affirmation : 

 Shema Yisrael which is intrinsic and inseparable from the commandment to love God

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.”


Whilst, as you say, you may be “affectionately related to  ( your) wife physically” etc, I trust that the Shema and love for HASHEM sufficiently address all the material, abstract, romantic, poetic analogies you may want to entertain about you and the physicality of your wife, who you can also see, feel, touch and be touched by, speak to and be spoken to, dance with, love and cherish.

 In Thailand and Japan, you are forewarned that you had better not speak in a derogatory manner about the King of Thailand or the Emperor of Japan, respectively, for reasons that would soon become apparent to you…

 Re - your words, “Sheik Ibrahim Magari's Islamic redline in Nigeria that stipulates death sentence for trespassers”

Again, you’re bearing false witness against Sheikh Magary;  that’s not exactly what he said. And, by the way, I have not seen him, and I like him! 

Understanding other people’s religion/ way of life/ cherished cultural & ethical values etc could be a key to solving many of the local problems, and world problems not least of all in faraway places like Ukraine ( to “seek peace and pursue it”) also in  the Middle East and the escalation we're witnessing between little Rwanda and DRC (nothing to do with religion, all to do with unbridled greed and banditry ( for the DRC’s mineral wealth) and a lack of respect for the DRC’s territorial integrity 

In all of these matters, including the upcoming  Presidential elections in Nigeria  ‘ which ( conspiracy theory?) I think is a giveaway to the APC by the PDP fielding damaged goods like Atiku - even if he’s all set to garner votes from Boko Haram’s nebulous North-East - unless of course together (with his enablers) they plan to rob the country dry),  your legalistic mindset ought to try to understand and ought not to belittle or despise this prime Islamic factor: 

Love for the Prophet of Islam salallahu alaiihi wa ssllam - and to get it in the chest and clear in your head to not forget that Islam is 100% against corruption, hypocrisy, lawlessness, alcoholism, and terrorism.

You have successfully made your point ad nausea, that Nigeria is not an Islamic State, that Nigeria's 1999 federal Constitution rules supreme and can ride roughshod over Sharia Law, anywhere within the borders of The Federal Republic of Nigeria. Maybe something should be done about this? 

Since you are so fiercely anti-Arab and anti-Hebrew prophets as being of any relevance to you, speak less of them foisting their beliefs on you, even by means of gentle persuasion, BTW, I wonder how you relate to commandments 36 - 43 - from your Yoruba nationalistic and cultural perspective:

36. Not to missionize an individual to idol worship—Deuteronomy 13:12

37. Not to love the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9

38. Not to cease hating the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9

39. Not to save the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9

40. Not to say anything in his defense—Deuteronomy 13:9

41. Not to refrain from incriminating him—Deuteronomy 13:9

42. Not to prophesize in the name of idolatry—Deuteronomy 18:20

43. Not to listen to a false prophet—Deuteronomy 13:4

44. Not to prophesize falsely in the name of G‑dDeuteronomy 18:20

45. Not to be afraid of killing the false prophet—Deuteronomy 18:22

On Mon, 30 May 2022 at 20:55, Salimonu Kadiri <> wrote:
​Dear Menahem Hamelberg,

Some Nigerian Muslim lunatics tortured and murdered a young girl in Sokoto State Nigeria, claiming that the girl had insulted their prophet who happened to be neither a Nigerian nor an African. Islam is an Arabic religion and Nigerians (Africans) who adopt it seem to be more Arabs than the Arabs themselves. What the murderers of Deborah Samuel Yakubu are now claiming to be the cause of their beastlike action against her has not been submitted for public scrutiny that is to say, there is no evidence that she had ever mentioned the name of the prophet of Islam in the transcript of her WhatsApp group discussions which was in Hausa language and not in Arabic. Setting aside sentiments and emotions, if Deborah did actually insult the Islamic prophet, no Islamist has the right to retaliate on her except Muhammed himself and even then, it should be done verbally and not by murder. Blasphemy as mentioned in Section 204 of the Nigerian Criminal code attracts only two years imprisonment but it is inapplicable because Sections 38 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution which guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression are superior to the Blasphemy law.

Your analogy about my wife being slapped in my presence with the prophet of Islam being insulted in the presence of Islamists are unrelated and incomparable. While I am affectionately related to my wife physically, the Islamists have only read or heard about the prophet of Islam who they have never met and have had any personal relation with physically. All that had been attributed or credited to the prophet of Islam were hearsay that have never been verified and proved right. There is a great difference between science and belief, because while the former demands (requires) empirical evidence the latter is imagined/accepted to be true without proof. I agree with you that the judiciary in Nigeria is corrupt and the process of getting justice is too long. Nevertheless, it doesn't make sense that the solution to long process to get justice is jungle and predator's justice, especially when it concerns blasphemy. Islam is a religion of peace and it cannot thrive on coercion and intimidation. Inviolability of human life and illegality of mob action should be the corner stones of any good religion. There is no law in Nigeria that grants power to any individual or a religious group to take the life of another person on account of blasphemy. Sheik Ibrahim Magari's Islamic redline in Nigeria that stipulates death sentence for trespassers amounts to setting up a parallel government to the Federal government of Nigeria and thereby committed high treason. Thus, he or anyone celebrating the lynching of Deborah Samuel Yakubu is automatically guilty of murder by association. Soyinka is not a deity and if someone should make a distasteful statement about him to the knowledge of his admirers, the only right thing to do is to reciprocate with corrective statement. It is not allowed in law for some coconut-head persons to embark on murdering the person who had assaulted Soyinka verbally.
S. Kadiri

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: 28 May 2022 15:36
To: <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Dear Baba Kadiri,

Don’t impute violence to your truly. I’m more of a David Dellinger sort of fellow. The miscreant in question (a “piano player”) disappeared because knowing what he had said when pretending to be drunk, he feared the possibility of a scene like this overtaking him and bringing him to justice, depending on his answers when he would have been asked, just these two questions:

“ Does Cornelius Ignoramus look like a bitch? 

“Does Cornelius  Ignoramus look like your nigger?”

Back in London, I had a good friend like  Derek otherwise known as “Cool Black” - from Guyana,  Marvin Gaye’s personal bodyguard who would have accompanied me to do the questioning. Yet, see how Marvin died.  And just look at the kinds of house niggers assassinated Malcolm...

Just as you say, wisdom is universal and is not necessarily based on colour even if some of it takes on local colour because it is culture-dependent. That’s how Bedu Annan introduced me to Kwame Anthony Appiah’s then major popular publication, “In My Father’s House”   -that wisdom is not dependent on race etc…

With your insistence on Let it be known to you that if anyone should slap my wife in my presence, as you hypothetically presumed, I will do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting my wife.”, of course, what you have in mind is an ideal society, be it Sweden, or Nigeria where reporting the matter to the Police could be the beginning of  the long legal process of someone’s pain and grievances being addressed 

I think that I have told you before that since circa July 1970  when I spent my first summer in Sweden, till today, 28th May 2022, I have listened to Swedish Radio on less than four ( 4) occasions and the first time that I did, it was quite accidentally, to Radio Sweden in 1985, and this is exactly what I heard: “ Nigeria: between the airport and my hotel, I was robbed twice: first by the military, and then by the Police! “ At a slightly later date, I suppose that in telling his tale he would have to update us with the third robbery, this time by his Bank Manager at Savannah Bank, at No.10 Aba Road in Port Harcourt, of the sum of £6,000 Sterling.

That’s why I’m still chuckling quietly to myself as I imagine you running from the scene of the crime (the slap) as fast as your sprightly legs can carry you to the nearest Police Station in Sokoto to make a report that e.g a miscreant perhaps one of the homeless Almajiris or indeed another hungry Nigerian policeman had slapped your beloved and you hoping that the police constable at the desk where you file your report, will accompany you to find, identify and arrest whoever the miscreant is, because, nobody is above the law!

 Back to a more sordid reality, consider what happened to Ngugi Wa Thiong'o when he returned to Kenya  - in his case, four men were later arrested.

Baba Kadiri’s sorrowful l litany continues to point at the glaring absence of a functioning juridical system that should systematically implement what we would like to see as the rule of law in the absence of which people will tend to take the law into their own hands; since there’s already the general feeling that justice delayed is justice denied, that’s why in some instances immediate street justice is served. - as happened with Deborah Yakubu. 

Obviously, that’s what Sheikh Maqary is talking about; criminalise some forms of blasphemy such as Torah, Bible and Quran-burning etc and  instead  of lynching the miscreant / accused - the matter will be taken to court -  all this in the interests of peaceful coexistence 

On Sat, 28 May 2022 at 06:17, Cornelius Hamelberg <> wrote:
Dear Baba Kadiri, 

It's 4.58 a-m,  I  have now read through your excellent treatise and I'm still shuffering and Shmiling as a grass widower.

I'd just like to make this one point, re- your interpretation of what Brother Malcolm said :

"Please observe that Malcolm X did not say in part of his speech that you quoted that a Muslim should assault anyone that assaults another Muslim. Rather, he emphasized that Islamic religion taught them to be intelligent, be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if anyone puts his hand on YOU send him to the cemetery. Self-defence is an inherent part of any law whether in a theocratic, democratic or autocratic setting. Logically illustrated in law, it is Kadiri alone who in self-defence has the right to deal personally with anyone that assaults him and not Cornelius irrespective of whatever may be his personal relation or affection to Kadiri."

Well, that is one of the Malcolm X quotations that I know by heart - and somehow until about two years ago, I had been mistaken about the exact wording which chivalry clearly remembered as " but if anyone puts his hand on YOUR WOMAN  send him to the cemetery!" ( R.I.P.) 

Baba Kadiri, please stop sounding like a Yoruba missionary! Surely there's not that much difference between you and YOUR WOMAN  ( one flesh) when it comes to protecting and defending her honour and even sending somebody to the cemetery,  on her and your behalf,  if need be?
On Friday, 27 May 2022 at 23:43:45 UTC+2 ogunlakaiye wrote:
Menahem Hamelberg, ​I have to thank the owner of Heaven, called OLÓRUN in Yoruba language, that you decided on that fateful 16 September 2019, to take your wife home before returning to the scene of verbal assault on her with the intention to strike at the person who had earlier assaulted her only to find out that the *miscreant* had disappeared. Had you met him and executed your plan, you might have been sentenced to a life term imprisonment and, as of date, glorious Gloria would never have had the opportunity to address you as *Cornelius the wise* based on all the wisdom you have been disseminating on this forum to the pleasure of many of us. I don't know what verbal assault your chosen miscreant threw at your wife, but you as a staunch believer of 'an eye for an eye' should or ought to have understood that 'a verbal assault' could only be reciprocated with a 'verbal assault.' You cannot say because you treasure your blood being sacrosanct, therefore, you must draw a machete to behead a mosquito on your thigh. I once witnessed an altercation between a concave-nosed Turkish man and a swastika-necklaced Swede here in Sweden. Enmeshed in his Turkish traditional belief that the greatest insult one could belch out to a person is to say I will 'Fuck' your mother and he decided to demean his Swedish opponent with that expression. And the Swede responded spontaneously, please do it if she allows it. The Swedish man's reply indicated the power of brain over brawn because he was certain that his mother would never allow the Turk to mount on her sexually and if the Turk by any chance should forcibly mount on her, he will be arrested, tried, and jailed for rape. Thus, while a brawn would pull off his clothes to engage in physical combat to avenge an impracticable but contemptuous remark meant only to cause annoyance, the brain would just dismiss such remark as day-dreaming and leave the brawn to live in his deluded life.

Despite of what you and I know about Africa, I am surprised to read about your "authentic African man who is honour-bound and duty bound," and who "knows when, how and where to drop his nuclear bomb on the one who will be foolish to cross the line..." Your authentic African man who is honour-bound and duty-bound has been chopping off the hands of his fellow African brothers in a competition of who among them should send diamond and gold to Antwerp while his fellow citizens are living in penury and abject poverty. Your authentic African man who is duty and honour bound has been sending cocoa beans to Europe for their chocolate and beverage consumptions while his African brothers are toiling in the cocoa plantations for nothing. And your authentic African man who is honour and duty bound has been exporting crude oil at $100 per barrel while importing refined crude oil at $130 per barrel. The list of what your authentic African man who is honour and duty bound is doing to under develop Africa is infinitesimal and I am certain that you know that, but you are only pretending to be smart.

Pouring water on the back of a duck and tacitly referring to me as a Tom and yourself as a jungle man you wrote, "There are a whole lot of differences between your typical tom and the real jungle man." Well, my dear Menahem Hamelberg, it is very easy to take a monkey out of the jungle but it is impossible to take the jungle out of the monkey. The real jungle man of yours truly, is what Lord Lugard already in 1922 referred to as the African Negro whose insensitivity to pain and disregard for life whether his own or others cause him to appear callous to suffering. Most importantly, Lugard observed that the African Negro, your real jungle man, has the courage of a fighting animal - an instinct rather than a moral virtue. The problem of Africans is that we have so much muscles but little or no brains at all. The Yoruba people have three axioms saying (i) OGBÓN JU AGBÁRA; (ii) ALÁGBÁRA MÁ MÈRÒ BABA ÒLE; and (iii) ÌGBÉRAGÁ KÒ DARA. These are literally translated to (i) Wisdom is greater than strength (raw power); (ii) A thoughtless strong man is the father of laziness (weakling) and (iii) Arrogance is not good. Reflecting on the axioms serially, we find that although the Blackman was physically strong than the Whiteman, the latter was wise to exploit the former as slaves in the US and the Caribbean islands. Since the Blackman is incapable of making use of his power (strength) for his own benefit, he becomes the father of laziness and still the black man is arrogant for being exploited.

My grandmother used to tell us who were her grandchildren a Yoruba folklore that illustrated the three Yoruba axioms mentioned above. It was about a Lion King in the Jungle who summoned all the animals in his kingdom to a meeting. He told all the animals that he had noticed that whenever he roared in a bid to prey for his meal, all animals used to panic, even though it was only just one of them that he intended to kill. Therefore, Lion King suggested that a register be created where each animal would register for an appointed day to come to him to be killed for meal instead of him roaring and they panicking. All animals except the elephant agreed to the Lion King's proposal and surprisingly Fox was the first to register to be the meal of Lion King the following morning. At the agreed time, the following morning, Fox did not present himself to be eaten up by the Lion King. By noon, the Fox showed up and breathing heavily he told the Lion King that there was another Lion in the vicinity who had tried to prey on him on his way to the lion therefore, he urged the Lion King to first deal with the rival Lion before making meal out of him. The Lion King beckoned to the Fox to lead him to where the rival Lion was. Fox led the Lion King to a well nearby and pointed that the rivalling lion was inside there. The Lion King peeped inside the well and not knowing that it was his shadow that he saw roared and the shadow charged back causing the Lion King to jump into the well to deal with his rival. And there the Lion King perished in spite of his strength because of his thoughtlessness, arrogance and lack of wisdom.

Dear Menahem Hamelberg, I regret to observe that you have quoted part of the speech of Omowale Malcolm X as reported in his *Message to the Grass Roots* (p.12, Malcolm X Speaks) to imply that he was an Islamic warrior fighting for Islamic imperialism which is totally false. The same Malcolm X said on p. 20-21 as follows, "I'm not out to fight other Negro leaders or organizations. We must find a common approach, a common solution, to a common problem. As of this minute, I've forgotten everything bad that the other leaders have said about me, and I pray they can also forget the many bad things I've said about them. The problem facing our people here in America is bigger than all other personal or organizational differences. Therefore, as leaders, we must stop worrying about the threat we seem to think we pose to each other's personal prestige, and concentrate our efforts toward solving the unending hurt that is being done daily to our people here in America." Then on p.24 he declared, "Although I'm still a Muslim, I'm not here tonight to discuss my religion. I'm not here to try and change your religion. I'm not here to argue or discuss anything that we defer about, because it's time for us to submerge our differences and realize that it is best for us to first see that we have the same problem, a common problem - a problem that will make you catch hell whether you're a Baptist, or a Methodist, or a Muslim, or a Nationalist. Whether you're educated or illiterate....." Please observe that Malcolm X did not say in part of his speech that you quoted that a Muslim should assault anyone that assaults another Muslim. Rather, he emphasized that Islamic religion taught them to be intelligent, be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if anyone puts his hand on YOU send him to the cemetery. Self-defence is an inherent part of any law whether in a theocratic, democratic or autocratic setting. Logically illustrated in law, it is Kadiri alone who in self-defence has the right to deal personally with anyone that assaults him and not Cornelius irrespective of whatever may be his personal relation or affection to Kadiri.

Why did Malcolm X speak the way he did at that time? It was because the Christian religion was being used to justify and perpetuate the racial persecution of Black Americans and some Black American leaders were asking persecuted blacks to accept their fate and follow the counsel of Jesus in the Bible. Jesus, they claimed in Mathew Chapter 5 verses 43-44 admonished thus, "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you." Further in Luke Chapter 6 verses 27-29 Jesus, they claimed, admonished, "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you; Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also." Malcolm X did not like the Biblical counsel that the Black Americans were being indoctrinated with, therefore, he called for revolution against the persecution and exploitation of Black Americans thus, "Revolution is never based on begging somebody for an integrated cup of coffee. Revolutions are never fought by turning the other cheek. Revolutions are never based upon love-your-enemy and pray-for-those-who-spitefully-use-you. And revolutions are never waged singing WE SHALL OVERCOME (p.50, Malcolm X Speaks)."

I believe in freedom of religion but I don't believe in religious freedom to murder anyone as in the case of Deborah Samuel Yakubu in Sokoto. The transcript of the voice WhatsApp group in which Deborah objected to its use for religious propaganda has been made public and nowhere in the voice note was it found that Deborah Samuel Yakubu said according to you, "Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad." Even if the invented exclamation remark credited to Deborah were true, that would reasonably not turn her to a miscreant, much less an invitation to Sokoto's Almajirai (children beggars) to murder her. The constitution and the criminal codes in Nigeria do not permit anyone to murder another person on a loose accusation of blasphemy against a religion or a prophet. And if blasphemy were to be criminal in Nigeria, only the courts are allowed to try and convict breachers of law and not any rag-rapped-headed and religious red-line drawer. According to the 2006 population census, Sokoto State contained 3 million, 702 thousand, 6 hundred and seventy-six people. Since 1999, Sokoto State's government has collected billions of dollars as revenue allocations from the Federal government. Yet, literacy rate in Sokoto State is said to be only 15% resulting in millions of children flooding the streets with bowls in their hands to beg for alms (the so-called almajirai). The Sharia led states in Northern Nigeria, just like in Sokoto State, make Almajirai the basis of their political power and livelihood. The Almajirai who stoned Deborah Samuel to death did not contain any sons of the leaders in Sokoto State. Their children are in faraway USA, United Kingdom and other European countries studying in secular societies that are never governed by sharia law and whose educational curricula are never diluted with Islamic propaganda.
Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Saad Abubakar’s daughter, Fatima Abubakar recently graduated from a university in the United Kingdom. Her father and the Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, were present to celebrate her graduation held at Brighton, United Kingdom, on Thursday 20th July, 2017..

​I can never have anything against al-Islam which I, as a Yoruba man and not Arab, don't know what it means. What I have said is that it was satanic to murder Deborah Samuel Yakubu in the name of Islam and that has caused gangsterism to take the centre stage and all that is left is unbridled grandstanding and overpouring of arrant tantrums.
S. Kadiri

Sent: 25 May 2022 01:22

To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric
Like a real House-Negro 

Dear Baba Kadiri 


“do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting (his)  wife”

The authentic African man who is honour-bound, and duty-bound,  knows when, how and where to drop his nuclear bomb on the one who would be foolish enough to cross the line  - the suicidal line, crossing which leads to self-annihilation of any such miscreant mortal man.

If he is not in possession of nuclear weapons, then any other suitable weapon that is at hand/handy should be used to do the necessary job of dispatching the miscreant to his earthly destiny. 

On the 16th of September 2019, somebody said something to my wife, I took her home and five minutes later returned to the scene where the somebody had said something that I didn’t like. I returned unarmed , but the cowardly miscreant had disappeared because he must have felt that his end was near. He was tall and gangly alright but it would have taken me less than 20 seconds to have him on the floor and another ten seconds to send him to deep sleep ( of course he didn’t know that ) and the fat one would have taken the penalty shot right between the legs.

If I wanted to, I could have planned his demise to happen a little later, with me myself far, far away from the scene of the crime. 

There are a whole lot of differences between your typical  tom and the real Jungle man 

You who like boasting about true Yoruba man-hood, listen carefully to what El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz whose Youruba name is Omowale , listen carefully  to what he has to say here: 

“There’s nothing in our book, the Quran — you call it “Ko-ran” — that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That’s a good religion. In fact, that’s that old-time religion. That’s the one that Ma and Pa used to talk about: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and a head for a head, and a life for a life: That’s a good religion. And doesn’t nobody resent that kind of religion being taught but a wolf, who intends to make you his meal.”

The way you talk about Sheikh Ibrahim Maqari is disgraceful, I should have thought is beneath you, and I will not sleep so low as to start some idiotic tittle-tattle altercation with you about him, about blasphemy or about house niggers,

 “ Wole Soyinka is a true Black Nigerian… true son of the soil of Nigeria” and the missionary son of a preacher man was NOT CORRECT…

 About your other request, that I “ reproduce in printed letters what she was reported to have said”,  kindly disabuse yourself of the idea that I’m your some kind of errand-boy / message-boy at your beck and call to be reproducing reported calumnies and blasphemies uttered against the Prophet of Islam, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam - 

I told Emmanuel our Edo Brother about what I read and posted to this forum earlier on, that the miscreant had exclaimed  in Sokoto; “ Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad !”  and Emmanuel's exact  words  were “ That was being suicidal!” 

Please take note: I do not intend to fraternise or keep the company of anyone who is inimical to the interests of al-Islam either here, right now, or in the Hereafter 

On Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 23:46:05 UTC+2 ogunlakaiye wrote:
​Menahem Hamelberg,

Let it be known to you that if anyone should slap my wife in my presence, as you hypothetically presumed, I will do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting my wife. Sentimental and emotional actions are not recognised in law. If, in defence of my wife, I should slap the slapper of my wife the police on arrival at the scene of the incident will arrest me and the person that slapped my wife for assaults and disturbing public order. Although the law permits self-defence, my wife is not absolutely permitted under the law to retaliate by slapping back at your hypothetical slapper of her face. The law requires her to report the violator of her face to the police for arrest and trial in the court of law. Religious fanatics believe in vengeance of eye for eye and tooth for tooth but secularized societies are against that doctrine because simple gumption dictates that the doctrine of eye for eye and tooth for tooth may lead to the entire society becoming blind and toothless. So, Cornelius, if Mohammad or Jesus is insulted, it is only them that should feel insulted and take action if they can and have the will to do so and not any dumb-ass-headed person who is neither genetically nor racially related to Jesus or Mohammad.

How can one define Blasphemy in a secular and multi religious country like Nigeria? Blasphemy after all must mean different things to different people, depending on the choice of deity one has chosen religiously. And paper heads who think with the intestines and not the brain are asking Nigerian Government to pass law to criminalise blasphemy. Yet, religious pretenders have already smuggled section 204 into the Nigerian criminal code that stipulates a two-year imprisonment for public insult on religion. At the same time, Sections 38 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression. Since the Constitution is superior to other laws in Nigeria Sections 38 and 39 of the 1999 Constitution supersede Section 204 of the Nigerian Criminal Code in application.

Sheik Ibrahim Maqari had drawn his Islamic redlines which no one should cross and which trespassers have to pay with their own lives in Nigeria. His Islamic redline in Nigeria is an expression of his cultural inferiority garbed in truculent and tortured inability to discover his self-worth. A Sheik, according to the dictionary is a head of an Arab tribe, therefore, Ibrahim Maqari should move to an Arab land to become a Sheik where he can draw his Arab-Islamic red lines not in Nigeria. If he thinks he is an Arab, he should look into the mirror for his true image and real self. The wannabe Black Arab in Nigeria, Sheik Ibrahim Maqari twitted, "If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you (sic) should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves." The twit justified the murder of Deborah Samuel Yakubu by Islamic predators who accused her of Blaspheming their prophet and what the Sheik was saying in reality is that if the Nigeria could not stop the alleged blasphemy against the Islamic prophet by Deborah Samuel Yakubu, then Muslim predators should not be blamed for taking laws into their hands to murder her. Wole Soyinka is a true Black Nigerian and he was actually correct, being the true son of the soil of Nigeria to demand the arrest and the trial of that counterfeit Nigerian Arab Sheik for his complicity in the murder of Deborah Samuel Yakubu.
S. Kadiri     

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: 23 May 2022 20:03
To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Here’s Baba Kadiri sounding off:

Whatever Deborah Samuel Yakubu might have uttered which was interpreted to imply disrespect to the Islamic prophet, it is only the prophet himself who should feel the disrespect and react accordingly and not any stupid house-niggers on his behalf. In law, one is allowed to avenge the slap on one's own face by a slapper but it is criminal for one to avenge the slap on the face of another person than self. Can you extrapolate a slap on another person's face to your own face?”

If, (God forbid) someone were to slap Baba Kadiri’s beloved wife would he simply stand idly by and ask the same dumb-ass question?

The sane one should also take it for granted that I strongly disagree with Mr Soyinka's titanic reaction. It is well-intended, no doubt, he is speaking up in good conscience, supposedly as the good conscience of the Naija Nation, and as usual, what the iconic human rights veteran says resonates through the media waves, but I think that it’s wrong, overblown, it misses the target and in the circumstances, considering all the hysteria and sense of moral outrage fanning the air and fuelling the flames from all directions, calling for the head of the Chief Imam at the Abuja Mosque to roll, is probably nothing less than just one more strong-headed, knee-jerk reaction from Nigeria’s Shakespeare.

Someone (he?) may be surprised that I disagree, but I do disagree - strongly - and confidently -  and you are my witness, for the very simple reasons that I’ll explain and everyone should understand my simple explanation in contrast with Mr Soyinka’s trademark tirade,  the dense & deep Soyinka-esque style of polemic which one had to trudge through before finally coming to the crux of the matter: He is confident that “Both the Sultan and Professor Maqafi cannot be right.”

Well, of course, they can both be right, and in this case, in my judgement, they are both truly, absolutely right, and the one does not contradict the other. 

Mr Soyinka himself is not infallible, he does not claim to be the new Pope, nor does he enjoy a monopoly on interpretation, even if there is a Southern consensus on what he says, he could be humble enough to take a step back and reconsider that he may have misread and thereby misunderstood what the Imam of the Abuja Mosque Sheikh Ibrahim Maqari said because, of course, given his background, the less than omniscient  Professor Soyinka has obviously read into Profesor Ibrahim Maqari’s statement much more than Professor Maqari actually said - at least on the surface. Professor Soyinka with all his own personal, foreordained prejudices, whims and caprices, his backlog of irritations with land encroachments by Fulani herdsmen, the Boko Haram menace, his disappointment and disillusion with the Nigerian Presidency etc,  he has imputed to Sheikh Professor Dr Ibrahim Maqari ‘s terse communique, much more than the Sheikh actually said or intended on paper and only Sheikh Ibrahim himself is in a position to elaborate on what he intended, which does not mean that every individual reader does not have the freedom to arrive at his/ her own subjective understanding or interpretation of the message.

This is what the Sheikh said on Twitter that is causing all the brouhaha :

“It should be known to everyone that we the Muslims have some red lines beyond which MUST NOT be crossed. The dignity of the Prophet (PBUH) is at the forefront of the red lines.

“If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves.”

Catholics have their Popes some of whom have been proven to be less than infallible human beings throughout the ages. Others have other authorities such as Babalawos, big, pompous bishops officiating in and out of their cassocks, Pentecostal pastors carrying their crosses on their chests, husbands, wives, mistresses, gang leaders, high court judges “taking bribes on the side”, ransom kidnappers, bank governors, teachers of big and little grammar etc all have their flocks,

Another way of looking at the mess: A few others “could be living in another country, under another name” , i.e under a name other than God’s Ineffable name , because the way I understand it  - some people, such as e.g Wole Soyinka believe themselves to be living either in the kingdom of Satan’s anarchy or under or side by side with First Citizen Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigerian Constitution, a Muhammadu Buhari that was democratically elected as Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala ‘s highest political representative in secular Nigeria which is largely governed by the aforementioned still amendable 1999 Nigerian Constitution and not by Sharia Law, the Ten Commandments, or the Sermon on the Mount.

As the late Rabbi Jacob Neusner puts it, on page 19 of “A Rabbi talks with Jesus

“When I accept the yoke of the commandments of the Torah and do them,I accept God’s rule. I live in the kingdom of God, which is to say, in the dominion of Heaven, here on earth.  That is what it means to live a holy life: to live by the will of God in the here and now.”

This thread is hinged on Human rights activist and Nobel Laureate in Literature Wole Soyinka’s sermon from the heights of the moral high ground that he believes that he occupies, and in his own judgement self-righteous Soyinka with feet on the ground is delivering the sermon from somewhere up in the clouds, but certainly below heaven, which is certainly OK with me, that at least he is not claiming that he delivered this message sitting on the throne on God as that would have been another good example of blasphemy in thought and word but not in actual deed, enough reason for the all the Pharisees to unite in stoning him and by all the Pharisees I mean the Muslim Pharisees, if indeed such holy people exist, and of course, the other Bible thumping Pharseees, the Pentecostal pastors and the evangelical bigots among them.

All that Soyinka and other critics could say is that what is missing from the Abuja Imam’s terse message, is the message that even when a congregation of Muslims are tried by suffering extreme provocation,  mob rule/the mob mentality should not be allowed to take over - so in addition to expressing an understanding of the extreme provocation that led to " If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves",  what's called for is an explicit exhortation that our Muslim  Brethren control their nafs al ammarah and try to not take the law into their own hands.

 That the Imama did not give such advice in that short message, does not mean that the highly cultivated Imam has not given more goodly Islamic advice elsewhere. 

It is not OK to curse a Prophet in the presence of his followers; it is not OK to burn the Holy Quran outside the mosques, and it is not OK to piss on the grave of dearly  departed when you go on pilgrimage or on Ziyarat 

Once again, for those who care and have the time I recommend ISLAM: Past, Present, and Future by Hans Küng 

On Saturday, 21 May 2022 at 22:07:58 UTC+2 toyinfalola wrote:

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Ben Ezeamalu posted: "Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, has urged the Nigerian government to remove from office Ibrahim Maqari, the Imam of Abuja Mosque, over his comments following the mob killing of Deborah Samuel, a student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto. Mr S" Premium Times Nigeria

Mr Soyinka said the cleric should be tried under any existing laws that approximate hate rhetoric, incitement to murder and abuse of office.

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Assensoh, Akwasi B.

May 31, 2022, 11:04:03 AM5/31/22
to, Toyin Falola, Peyi Soyinka-Airewele, Olufemi Vaughan, Godwin Ohiwerei,, Cornelius Hamelberg,
Dear Brothers Kadiri and Hamelberg:

Thank you very much for your ongoing USA Africa Dialogue debate, with its occand Sasional hitches and other vibrant courtesies! By the way, I did not know that our Sweden-based and Sierra Leone-born Brother Hamelberg has acquired a Jewish-like first name, "Menahem". Is that a new one by baptism or by fire? Does Cornelius still apply, anyway?

Well, I want to be brief in order not to endanger my life and the lives of my innocent and non-sectarian family members. Instead, please keep on adding spice to our Dialogue. Also, with cheers to the bold ones!!

A.B. Assensoh.

From: <> on behalf of Salimonu Kadiri <>
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2022 5:30 AM
To: <>
Subject: [External] Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric
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​Dear Menahem Hamelberg,

Some Nigerian Muslim lunatics tortured and murdered a young girl in Sokoto State Nigeria, claiming that the girl had insulted their prophet who happened to be neither a Nigerian nor an African. Islam is an Arabic religion and Nigerians (Africans) who adopt it seem to be more Arabs than the Arabs themselves. What the murderers of Deborah Samuel Yakubu are now claiming to be the cause of their beastlike action against her has not been submitted for public scrutiny that is to say, there is no evidence that she had ever mentioned the name of the prophet of Islam in the transcript of her WhatsApp group discussions which was in Hausa language and not in Arabic. Setting aside sentiments and emotions, if Deborah did actually insult the Islamic prophet, no Islamist has the right to retaliate on her except Muhammed himself and even then, it should be done verbally and not by murder. Blasphemy as mentioned in Section 204 of the Nigerian Criminal code attracts only two years imprisonment but it is inapplicable because Sections 38 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution which guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression are superior to the Blasphemy law.

Your analogy about my wife being slapped in my presence with the prophet of Islam being insulted in the presence of Islamists are unrelated and incomparable. While I am affectionately related to my wife physically, the Islamists have only read or heard about the prophet of Islam who they have never met and have had any personal relation with physically. All that had been attributed or credited to the prophet of Islam were hearsay that have never been verified and proved right. There is a great difference between science and belief, because while the former demands (requires) empirical evidence the latter is imagined/accepted to be true without proof. I agree with you that the judiciary in Nigeria is corrupt and the process of getting justice is too long. Nevertheless, it doesn't make sense that the solution to long process to get justice is jungle and predator's justice, especially when it concerns blasphemy. Islam is a religion of peace and it cannot thrive on coercion and intimidation. Inviolability of human life and illegality of mob action should be the corner stones of any good religion. There is no law in Nigeria that grants power to any individual or a religious group to take the life of another person on account of blasphemy. Sheik Ibrahim Magari's Islamic redline in Nigeria that stipulates death sentence for trespassers amounts to setting up a parallel government to the Federal government of Nigeria and thereby committed high treason. Thus, he or anyone celebrating the lynching of Deborah Samuel Yakubu is automatically guilty of murder by association. Soyinka is not a deity and if someone should make a distasteful statement about him to the knowledge of his admirers, the only right thing to do is to reciprocate with corrective statement. It is not allowed in law for some coconut-head persons to embark on murdering the person who had assaulted Soyinka verbally.
S. Kadiri

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: 28 May 2022 15:36
To: <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Dear Baba Kadiri,

Don’t impute violence to your truly. I’m more of a David Dellinger sort of fellow. The miscreant in question (a “piano player”) disappeared because knowing what he had said when pretending to be drunk, he feared the possibility of a scene like this overtaking him and bringing him to justice, depending on his answers when he would have been asked, just these two questions:

“ Does Cornelius Ignoramus look like a bitch? 

“Does Cornelius  Ignoramus look like your nigger?”

Back in London, I had a good friend like  Derek otherwise known as “Cool Black” - from Guyana,  Marvin Gaye’s personal bodyguard who would have accompanied me to do the questioning. Yet, see how Marvin died.  And just look at the kinds of house niggers assassinated Malcolm...

Just as you say, wisdom is universal and is not necessarily based on colour even if some of it takes on local colour because it is culture-dependent. That’s how Bedu Annan introduced me to Kwame Anthony Appiah’s then major popular publication, “In My Father’s House”   -that wisdom is not dependent on race etc…

With your insistence on Let it be known to you that if anyone should slap my wife in my presence, as you hypothetically presumed, I will do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting my wife.”, of course, what you have in mind is an ideal society, be it Sweden, or Nigeria where reporting the matter to the Police could be the beginning of  the long legal process of someone’s pain and grievances being addressed 

I think that I have told you before that since circa July 1970  when I spent my first summer in Sweden, till today, 28th May 2022, I have listened to Swedish Radio on less than four ( 4) occasions and the first time that I did, it was quite accidentally, to Radio Sweden in 1985, and this is exactly what I heard: “ Nigeria: between the airport and my hotel, I was robbed twice: first by the military, and then by the Police! “ At a slightly later date, I suppose that in telling his tale he would have to update us with the third robbery, this time by his Bank Manager at Savannah Bank, at No.10 Aba Road in Port Harcourt, of the sum of £6,000 Sterling.

That’s why I’m still chuckling quietly to myself as I imagine you running from the scene of the crime (the slap) as fast as your sprightly legs can carry you to the nearest Police Station in Sokoto to make a report that e.g a miscreant perhaps one of the homeless Almajiris or indeed another hungry Nigerian policeman had slapped your beloved and you hoping that the police constable at the desk where you file your report, will accompany you to find, identify and arrest whoever the miscreant is, because, nobody is above the law!

 Back to a more sordid reality, consider what happened to Ngugi Wa Thiong'o when he returned to Kenya  - in his case, four men were later arrested.

Baba Kadiri’s sorrowful l litany continues to point at the glaring absence of a functioning juridical system that should systematically implement what we would like to see as the rule of law in the absence of which people will tend to take the law into their own hands; since there’s already the general feeling that justice delayed is justice denied, that’s why in some instances immediate street justice is served. - as happened with Deborah Yakubu. 

Obviously, that’s what Sheikh Maqary is talking about; criminalise some forms of blasphemy such as Torah, Bible and Quran-burning etc and  instead  of lynching the miscreant / accused - the matter will be taken to court -  all this in the interests of peaceful coexistence 

On Sat, 28 May 2022 at 06:17, Cornelius Hamelberg <> wrote:
Dear Baba Kadiri, 

It's 4.58 a-m,  I  have now read through your excellent treatise and I'm still shuffering and Shmiling as a grass widower.

I'd just like to make this one point, re- your interpretation of what Brother Malcolm said :

"Please observe that Malcolm X did not say in part of his speech that you quoted that a Muslim should assault anyone that assaults another Muslim. Rather, he emphasized that Islamic religion taught them to be intelligent, be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if anyone puts his hand on YOU send him to the cemetery. Self-defence is an inherent part of any law whether in a theocratic, democratic or autocratic setting. Logically illustrated in law, it is Kadiri alone who in self-defence has the right to deal personally with anyone that assaults him and not Cornelius irrespective of whatever may be his personal relation or affection to Kadiri."

Well, that is one of the Malcolm X quotations that I know by heart - and somehow until about two years ago, I had been mistaken about the exact wording which chivalry clearly remembered as " but if anyone puts his hand on YOUR WOMAN  send him to the cemetery!" ( R.I.P.) 

Baba Kadiri, please stop sounding like a Yoruba missionary! Surely there's not that much difference between you and YOUR WOMAN  ( one flesh) when it comes to protecting and defending her honour and even sending somebody to the cemetery,  on her and your behalf,  if need be?
On Friday, 27 May 2022 at 23:43:45 UTC+2 ogunlakaiye wrote:
Menahem Hamelberg, ​I have to thank the owner of Heaven, called OLÓRUN in Yoruba language, that you decided on that fateful 16 September 2019, to take your wife home before returning to the scene of verbal assault on her with the intention to strike at the person who had earlier assaulted her only to find out that the *miscreant* had disappeared. Had you met him and executed your plan, you might have been sentenced to a life term imprisonment and, as of date, glorious Gloria would never have had the opportunity to address you as *Cornelius the wise* based on all the wisdom you have been disseminating on this forum to the pleasure of many of us. I don't know what verbal assault your chosen miscreant threw at your wife, but you as a staunch believer of 'an eye for an eye' should or ought to have understood that 'a verbal assault' could only be reciprocated with a 'verbal assault.' You cannot say because you treasure your blood being sacrosanct, therefore, you must draw a machete to behead a mosquito on your thigh. I once witnessed an altercation between a concave-nosed Turkish man and a swastika-necklaced Swede here in Sweden. Enmeshed in his Turkish traditional belief that the greatest insult one could belch out to a person is to say I will 'Fuck' your mother and he decided to demean his Swedish opponent with that expression. And the Swede responded spontaneously, please do it if she allows it. The Swedish man's reply indicated the power of brain over brawn because he was certain that his mother would never allow the Turk to mount on her sexually and if the Turk by any chance should forcibly mount on her, he will be arrested, tried, and jailed for rape. Thus, while a brawn would pull off his clothes to engage in physical combat to avenge an impracticable but contemptuous remark meant only to cause annoyance, the brain would just dismiss such remark as day-dreaming and leave the brawn to live in his deluded life.

Despite of what you and I know about Africa, I am surprised to read about your "authentic African man who is honour-bound and duty bound," and who "knows when, how and where to drop his nuclear bomb on the one who will be foolish to cross the line..." Your authentic African man who is honour-bound and duty-bound has been chopping off the hands of his fellow African brothers in a competition of who among them should send diamond and gold to Antwerp while his fellow citizens are living in penury and abject poverty. Your authentic African man who is duty and honour bound has been sending cocoa beans to Europe for their chocolate and beverage consumptions while his African brothers are toiling in the cocoa plantations for nothing. And your authentic African man who is honour and duty bound has been exporting crude oil at $100 per barrel while importing refined crude oil at $130 per barrel. The list of what your authentic African man who is honour and duty bound is doing to under develop Africa is infinitesimal and I am certain that you know that, but you are only pretending to be smart.

Pouring water on the back of a duck and tacitly referring to me as a Tom and yourself as a jungle man you wrote, "There are a whole lot of differences between your typical tom and the real jungle man." Well, my dear Menahem Hamelberg, it is very easy to take a monkey out of the jungle but it is impossible to take the jungle out of the monkey. The real jungle man of yours truly, is what Lord Lugard already in 1922 referred to as the African Negro whose insensitivity to pain and disregard for life whether his own or others cause him to appear callous to suffering. Most importantly, Lugard observed that the African Negro, your real jungle man, has the courage of a fighting animal - an instinct rather than a moral virtue. The problem of Africans is that we have so much muscles but little or no brains at all. The Yoruba people have three axioms saying (i) OGBÓN JU AGBÁRA; (ii) ALÁGBÁRA MÁ MÈRÒ BABA ÒLE; and (iii) ÌGBÉRAGÁ KÒ DARA. These are literally translated to (i) Wisdom is greater than strength (raw power); (ii) A thoughtless strong man is the father of laziness (weakling) and (iii) Arrogance is not good. Reflecting on the axioms serially, we find that although the Blackman was physically strong than the Whiteman, the latter was wise to exploit the former as slaves in the US and the Caribbean islands. Since the Blackman is incapable of making use of his power (strength) for his own benefit, he becomes the father of laziness and still the black man is arrogant for being exploited.

My grandmother used to tell us who were her grandchildren a Yoruba folklore that illustrated the three Yoruba axioms mentioned above. It was about a Lion King in the Jungle who summoned all the animals in his kingdom to a meeting. He told all the animals that he had noticed that whenever he roared in a bid to prey for his meal, all animals used to panic, even though it was only just one of them that he intended to kill. Therefore, Lion King suggested that a register be created where each animal would register for an appointed day to come to him to be killed for meal instead of him roaring and they panicking. All animals except the elephant agreed to the Lion King's proposal and surprisingly Fox was the first to register to be the meal of Lion King the following morning. At the agreed time, the following morning, Fox did not present himself to be eaten up by the Lion King. By noon, the Fox showed up and breathing heavily he told the Lion King that there was another Lion in the vicinity who had tried to prey on him on his way to the lion therefore, he urged the Lion King to first deal with the rival Lion before making meal out of him. The Lion King beckoned to the Fox to lead him to where the rival Lion was. Fox led the Lion King to a well nearby and pointed that the rivalling lion was inside there. The Lion King peeped inside the well and not knowing that it was his shadow that he saw roared and the shadow charged back causing the Lion King to jump into the well to deal with his rival. And there the Lion King perished in spite of his strength because of his thoughtlessness, arrogance and lack of wisdom.

Dear Menahem Hamelberg, I regret to observe that you have quoted part of the speech of Omowale Malcolm X as reported in his *Message to the Grass Roots* (p.12, Malcolm X Speaks) to imply that he was an Islamic warrior fighting for Islamic imperialism which is totally false. The same Malcolm X said on p. 20-21 as follows, "I'm not out to fight other Negro leaders or organizations. We must find a common approach, a common solution, to a common problem. As of this minute, I've forgotten everything bad that the other leaders have said about me, and I pray they can also forget the many bad things I've said about them. The problem facing our people here in America is bigger than all other personal or organizational differences. Therefore, as leaders, we must stop worrying about the threat we seem to think we pose to each other's personal prestige, and concentrate our efforts toward solving the unending hurt that is being done daily to our people here in America." Then on p.24 he declared, "Although I'm still a Muslim, I'm not here tonight to discuss my religion. I'm not here to try and change your religion. I'm not here to argue or discuss anything that we defer about, because it's time for us to submerge our differences and realize that it is best for us to first see that we have the same problem, a common problem - a problem that will make you catch hell whether you're a Baptist, or a Methodist, or a Muslim, or a Nationalist. Whether you're educated or illiterate....." Please observe that Malcolm X did not say in part of his speech that you quoted that a Muslim should assault anyone that assaults another Muslim. Rather, he emphasized that Islamic religion taught them to be intelligent, be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if anyone puts his hand on YOU send him to the cemetery. Self-defence is an inherent part of any law whether in a theocratic, democratic or autocratic setting. Logically illustrated in law, it is Kadiri alone who in self-defence has the right to deal personally with anyone that assaults him and not Cornelius irrespective of whatever may be his personal relation or affection to Kadiri.

Why did Malcolm X speak the way he did at that time? It was because the Christian religion was being used to justify and perpetuate the racial persecution of Black Americans and some Black American leaders were asking persecuted blacks to accept their fate and follow the counsel of Jesus in the Bible. Jesus, they claimed in Mathew Chapter 5 verses 43-44 admonished thus, "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you." Further in Luke Chapter 6 verses 27-29 Jesus, they claimed, admonished, "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you; Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also." Malcolm X did not like the Biblical counsel that the Black Americans were being indoctrinated with, therefore, he called for revolution against the persecution and exploitation of Black Americans thus, "Revolution is never based on begging somebody for an integrated cup of coffee. Revolutions are never fought by turning the other cheek. Revolutions are never based upon love-your-enemy and pray-for-those-who-spitefully-use-you. And revolutions are never waged singing WE SHALL OVERCOME (p.50, Malcolm X Speaks)."

I believe in freedom of religion but I don't believe in religious freedom to murder anyone as in the case of Deborah Samuel Yakubu in Sokoto. The transcript of the voice WhatsApp group in which Deborah objected to its use for religious propaganda has been made public and nowhere in the voice note was it found that Deborah Samuel Yakubu said according to you, "Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad." Even if the invented exclamation remark credited to Deborah were true, that would reasonably not turn her to a miscreant, much less an invitation to Sokoto's Almajirai (children beggars) to murder her. The constitution and the criminal codes in Nigeria do not permit anyone to murder another person on a loose accusation of blasphemy against a religion or a prophet. And if blasphemy were to be criminal in Nigeria, only the courts are allowed to try and convict breachers of law and not any rag-rapped-headed and religious red-line drawer. According to the 2006 population census, Sokoto State contained 3 million, 702 thousand, 6 hundred and seventy-six people. Since 1999, Sokoto State's government has collected billions of dollars as revenue allocations from the Federal government. Yet, literacy rate in Sokoto State is said to be only 15% resulting in millions of children flooding the streets with bowls in their hands to beg for alms (the so-called almajirai). The Sharia led states in Northern Nigeria, just like in Sokoto State, make Almajirai the basis of their political power and livelihood. The Almajirai who stoned Deborah Samuel to death did not contain any sons of the leaders in Sokoto State. Their children are in faraway USA, United Kingdom and other European countries studying in secular societies that are never governed by sharia law and whose educational curricula are never diluted with Islamic propaganda.
Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Saad Abubakar’s daughter, Fatima Abubakar recently graduated from a university in the United Kingdom. Her father and the Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, were present to celebrate her graduation held at Brighton, United Kingdom, on Thursday 20th July, 2017..

​I can never have anything against al-Islam which I, as a Yoruba man and not Arab, don't know what it means. What I have said is that it was satanic to murder Deborah Samuel Yakubu in the name of Islam and that has caused gangsterism to take the centre stage and all that is left is unbridled grandstanding and overpouring of arrant tantrums.
S. Kadiri

Sent: 25 May 2022 01:22

To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric
Like a real House-Negro 

Dear Baba Kadiri 


“do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting (his)  wife”

The authentic African man who is honour-bound, and duty-bound,  knows when, how and where to drop his nuclear bomb on the one who would be foolish enough to cross the line  - the suicidal line, crossing which leads to self-annihilation of any such miscreant mortal man.

If he is not in possession of nuclear weapons, then any other suitable weapon that is at hand/handy should be used to do the necessary job of dispatching the miscreant to his earthly destiny. 

On the 16th of September 2019, somebody said something to my wife, I took her home and five minutes later returned to the scene where the somebody had said something that I didn’t like. I returned unarmed , but the cowardly miscreant had disappeared because he must have felt that his end was near. He was tall and gangly alright but it would have taken me less than 20 seconds to have him on the floor and another ten seconds to send him to deep sleep ( of course he didn’t know that ) and the fat one would have taken the penalty shot right between the legs.

If I wanted to, I could have planned his demise to happen a little later, with me myself far, far away from the scene of the crime. 

There are a whole lot of differences between your typical  tom and the real Jungle man 

You who like boasting about true Yoruba man-hood, listen carefully to what El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz whose Youruba name is Omowale , listen carefully  to what he has to say here: 

“There’s nothing in our book, the Quran — you call it “Ko-ran” — that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That’s a good religion. In fact, that’s that old-time religion. That’s the one that Ma and Pa used to talk about: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and a head for a head, and a life for a life: That’s a good religion. And doesn’t nobody resent that kind of religion being taught but a wolf, who intends to make you his meal.”

The way you talk about Sheikh Ibrahim Maqari is disgraceful, I should have thought is beneath you, and I will not sleep so low as to start some idiotic tittle-tattle altercation with you about him, about blasphemy or about house niggers,

 “ Wole Soyinka is a true Black Nigerian… true son of the soil of Nigeria” and the missionary son of a preacher man was NOT CORRECT…

 About your other request, that I “ reproduce in printed letters what she was reported to have said”,  kindly disabuse yourself of the idea that I’m your some kind of errand-boy / message-boy at your beck and call to be reproducing reported calumnies and blasphemies uttered against the Prophet of Islam, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam - 

I told Emmanuel our Edo Brother about what I read and posted to this forum earlier on, that the miscreant had exclaimed  in Sokoto; “ Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad !”  and Emmanuel's exact  words  were “ That was being suicidal!” 

Please take note: I do not intend to fraternise or keep the company of anyone who is inimical to the interests of al-Islam either here, right now, or in the Hereafter 

On Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 23:46:05 UTC+2 ogunlakaiye wrote:
​Menahem Hamelberg,

Let it be known to you that if anyone should slap my wife in my presence, as you hypothetically presumed, I will do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting my wife. Sentimental and emotional actions are not recognised in law. If, in defence of my wife, I should slap the slapper of my wife the police on arrival at the scene of the incident will arrest me and the person that slapped my wife for assaults and disturbing public order. Although the law permits self-defence, my wife is not absolutely permitted under the law to retaliate by slapping back at your hypothetical slapper of her face. The law requires her to report the violator of her face to the police for arrest and trial in the court of law. Religious fanatics believe in vengeance of eye for eye and tooth for tooth but secularized societies are against that doctrine because simple gumption dictates that the doctrine of eye for eye and tooth for tooth may lead to the entire society becoming blind and toothless. So, Cornelius, if Mohammad or Jesus is insulted, it is only them that should feel insulted and take action if they can and have the will to do so and not any dumb-ass-headed person who is neither genetically nor racially related to Jesus or Mohammad.

How can one define Blasphemy in a secular and multi religious country like Nigeria? Blasphemy after all must mean different things to different people, depending on the choice of deity one has chosen religiously. And paper heads who think with the intestines and not the brain are asking Nigerian Government to pass law to criminalise blasphemy. Yet, religious pretenders have already smuggled section 204 into the Nigerian criminal code that stipulates a two-year imprisonment for public insult on religion. At the same time, Sections 38 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression. Since the Constitution is superior to other laws in Nigeria Sections 38 and 39 of the 1999 Constitution supersede Section 204 of the Nigerian Criminal Code in application.

Sheik Ibrahim Maqari had drawn his Islamic redlines which no one should cross and which trespassers have to pay with their own lives in Nigeria. His Islamic redline in Nigeria is an expression of his cultural inferiority garbed in truculent and tortured inability to discover his self-worth. A Sheik, according to the dictionary is a head of an Arab tribe, therefore, Ibrahim Maqari should move to an Arab land to become a Sheik where he can draw his Arab-Islamic red lines not in Nigeria. If he thinks he is an Arab, he should look into the mirror for his true image and real self. The wannabe Black Arab in Nigeria, Sheik Ibrahim Maqari twitted, "If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you (sic) should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves." The twit justified the murder of Deborah Samuel Yakubu by Islamic predators who accused her of Blaspheming their prophet and what the Sheik was saying in reality is that if the Nigeria could not stop the alleged blasphemy against the Islamic prophet by Deborah Samuel Yakubu, then Muslim predators should not be blamed for taking laws into their hands to murder her. Wole Soyinka is a true Black Nigerian and he was actually correct, being the true son of the soil of Nigeria to demand the arrest and the trial of that counterfeit Nigerian Arab Sheik for his complicity in the murder of Deborah Samuel Yakubu.
S. Kadiri     

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: 23 May 2022 20:03
To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Here’s Baba Kadiri sounding off:

Whatever Deborah Samuel Yakubu might have uttered which was interpreted to imply disrespect to the Islamic prophet, it is only the prophet himself who should feel the disrespect and react accordingly and not any stupid house-niggers on his behalf. In law, one is allowed to avenge the slap on one's own face by a slapper but it is criminal for one to avenge the slap on the face of another person than self. Can you extrapolate a slap on another person's face to your own face?”

If, (God forbid) someone were to slap Baba Kadiri’s beloved wife would he simply stand idly by and ask the same dumb-ass question?

The sane one should also take it for granted that I strongly disagree with Mr Soyinka's titanic reaction. It is well-intended, no doubt, he is speaking up in good conscience, supposedly as the good conscience of the Naija Nation, and as usual, what the iconic human rights veteran says resonates through the media waves, but I think that it’s wrong, overblown, it misses the target and in the circumstances, considering all the hysteria and sense of moral outrage fanning the air and fuelling the flames from all directions, calling for the head of the Chief Imam at the Abuja Mosque to roll, is probably nothing less than just one more strong-headed, knee-jerk reaction from Nigeria’s Shakespeare.

Someone (he?) may be surprised that I disagree, but I do disagree - strongly - and confidently -  and you are my witness, for the very simple reasons that I’ll explain and everyone should understand my simple explanation in contrast with Mr Soyinka’s trademark tirade,  the dense & deep Soyinka-esque style of polemic which one had to trudge through before finally coming to the crux of the matter: He is confident that “Both the Sultan and Professor Maqafi cannot be right.”

Well, of course, they can both be right, and in this case, in my judgement, they are both truly, absolutely right, and the one does not contradict the other. 

Mr Soyinka himself is not infallible, he does not claim to be the new Pope, nor does he enjoy a monopoly on interpretation, even if there is a Southern consensus on what he says, he could be humble enough to take a step back and reconsider that he may have misread and thereby misunderstood what the Imam of the Abuja Mosque Sheikh Ibrahim Maqari said because, of course, given his background, the less than omniscient  Professor Soyinka has obviously read into Profesor Ibrahim Maqari’s statement much more than Professor Maqari actually said - at least on the surface. Professor Soyinka with all his own personal, foreordained prejudices, whims and caprices, his backlog of irritations with land encroachments by Fulani herdsmen, the Boko Haram menace, his disappointment and disillusion with the Nigerian Presidency etc,  he has imputed to Sheikh Professor Dr Ibrahim Maqari ‘s terse communique, much more than the Sheikh actually said or intended on paper and only Sheikh Ibrahim himself is in a position to elaborate on what he intended, which does not mean that every individual reader does not have the freedom to arrive at his/ her own subjective understanding or interpretation of the message.

This is what the Sheikh said on Twitter that is causing all the brouhaha :

“It should be known to everyone that we the Muslims have some red lines beyond which MUST NOT be crossed. The dignity of the Prophet (PBUH) is at the forefront of the red lines.

“If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves.”

Catholics have their Popes some of whom have been proven to be less than infallible human beings throughout the ages. Others have other authorities such as Babalawos, big, pompous bishops officiating in and out of their cassocks, Pentecostal pastors carrying their crosses on their chests, husbands, wives, mistresses, gang leaders, high court judges “taking bribes on the side”, ransom kidnappers, bank governors, teachers of big and little grammar etc all have their flocks,

Another way of looking at the mess: A few others “could be living in another country, under another name” , i.e under a name other than God’s Ineffable name , because the way I understand it  - some people, such as e.g Wole Soyinka believe themselves to be living either in the kingdom of Satan’s anarchy or under or side by side with First Citizen Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigerian Constitution, a Muhammadu Buhari that was democratically elected as Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala ‘s highest political representative in secular Nigeria which is largely governed by the aforementioned still amendable 1999 Nigerian Constitution and not by Sharia Law, the Ten Commandments, or the Sermon on the Mount.

As the late Rabbi Jacob Neusner puts it, on page 19 of “A Rabbi talks with Jesus

“When I accept the yoke of the commandments of the Torah and do them,I accept God’s rule. I live in the kingdom of God, which is to say, in the dominion of Heaven, here on earth.  That is what it means to live a holy life: to live by the will of God in the here and now.”

This thread is hinged on Human rights activist and Nobel Laureate in Literature Wole Soyinka’s sermon from the heights of the moral high ground that he believes that he occupies, and in his own judgement self-righteous Soyinka with feet on the ground is delivering the sermon from somewhere up in the clouds, but certainly below heaven, which is certainly OK with me, that at least he is not claiming that he delivered this message sitting on the throne on God as that would have been another good example of blasphemy in thought and word but not in actual deed, enough reason for the all the Pharisees to unite in stoning him and by all the Pharisees I mean the Muslim Pharisees, if indeed such holy people exist, and of course, the other Bible thumping Pharseees, the Pentecostal pastors and the evangelical bigots among them.

All that Soyinka and other critics could say is that what is missing from the Abuja Imam’s terse message, is the message that even when a congregation of Muslims are tried by suffering extreme provocation,  mob rule/the mob mentality should not be allowed to take over - so in addition to expressing an understanding of the extreme provocation that led to " If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves",  what's called for is an explicit exhortation that our Muslim  Brethren control their nafs al ammarah and try to not take the law into their own hands.

 That the Imama did not give such advice in that short message, does not mean that the highly cultivated Imam has not given more goodly Islamic advice elsewhere. 

It is not OK to curse a Prophet in the presence of his followers; it is not OK to burn the Holy Quran outside the mosques, and it is not OK to piss on the grave of dearly  departed when you go on pilgrimage or on Ziyarat 

Once again, for those who care and have the time I recommend ISLAM: Past, Present, and Future by Hans Küng 

On Saturday, 21 May 2022 at 22:07:58 UTC+2 toyinfalola wrote:

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Ben Ezeamalu posted: "Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, has urged the Nigerian government to remove from office Ibrahim Maqari, the Imam of Abuja Mosque, over his comments following the mob killing of Deborah Samuel, a student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto. Mr S" Premium Times Nigeria

Mr Soyinka said the cleric should be tried under any existing laws that approximate hate rhetoric, incitement to murder and abuse of office.

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Cornelius Hamelberg

May 31, 2022, 1:25:30 PM5/31/22
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

And when did the Rev. Wofa Akwasi acquire the title “Osagyefo”?  

I thought that there was only one of his kind. 

Do unrepentant blasphemers go to heaven?   

I suppose this is what the professor would deem significant questions asked to satisfy some kind of  idle African-like social curiosity: 

Rev Profesor Assenoh  “ did not know that our Sweden-based and Sierra Leone-born Brother Hamelberg has acquired a Jewish-like first name, "Menahem". Is that a new one by baptism or by fire? Does Cornelius still apply, anyway?”

“Cornelius “still applies dear Professor. So does my second name “Edward” and my surname Hamelberg spelt with one em.

My siblings who came after me are  Harold, Patrick, Michael, and Helga.

Menahem/s  are many.

There’s the original Menahem 

There’s Rebbe Menachem Schneerson // Rebbe Menachem Schneerson

There’s Menachem Begin

There’s ( not so famous)  my great Yemeni-Ethiopian Jewish friend Menachem Harari who grew up in Argentina.

About Menahem Hamelberg, you had better enquire from Dear Baba Kadiri, I guess he uses Menahem in a  generic sense. Not to worry.

I don’t know of any Menahem that was baptised ( by water).

Could merely sprinkling a few drops of water on a baby’s head really save his ass from eternal damnation? I also wonder. 

If he is a worrier, even much more worrying is what James the Brother of Jesus says about favouritism and nepotism etc  in James 2, and what he proposed in  James 2: 10 :

“For the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as a person who has broken all of God’s laws.”

Good song; Who by fire

Salimonu Kadiri

May 31, 2022, 7:06:34 PM5/31/22
​Dear Menahem Hamelberg,

Before the advent of religious imperialism/colonialism, the Yoruba people of Nigeria right from the beginning of creation had the following Yoruba words in their language : OLÓRUN = GOD; OLÚWA = LORD; ELÉDÙMARÈ = ALMIGHTY; and OLÙGBÀLÀ = SAVIOUR. The idea of God, the creator of earth and owner of heaven, was not transmitted to the Yoruba people through Judaism or Islam. Virtually every language in Nigeria has a name for their creator before the Jewish/Islamic religion intruded into Nigeria. The Hausa word for God is UBANGIJI and in Fulani, it is GENO but Islamic imperialism has brainwashed the Hausa and Fulani people to abandon their original linguistic word for God to the Arabic word ALLAH. The difference between Africans in general vis á vis the Jews and Arabs is that Africans never had some smart people who claimed they were messengers of God whom God had spoken to for onward delivery of his message to mankind. What makes Africans a laughing stock for other human races is our stupid religious pretence of being more Arabs than the Arabs themselves and being Jews more than the Jews. That is why in the 21st century we find Nigerians wrapping their heads with 20 metres long and one metre wide cloths under over 40 degrees Celsius warm sunshine in the name of Islam. Consequently, their brains are overheated beyond boiling point and their actions become irrational and detrimental to human behaviour and living. That was why the Muslim lunatics in Sokoto could implement their stone-aged belief with the help of 21st century technology. The WhatsApp group where the Muslim lunatics claimed that Deborah Samuel Yakubu had insulted their prophet is a non-Muslim technology and discussions therein were limited to members of that WhatsApp group and not beyond. Deborah Samuel Yakubu was never in the streets of Sokoto with megaphone to publicly denounce the prophet of Islam, yet, cave men with stone-aged mentality constituted themselves to a court of law to find her guilty of blasphemy and sentenced her to a gruesome death.

If there is a law in Thailand or Japan forbidding anyone to make a negative remark on the King or the Emperor, anyone visiting the two countries has to obey the laws there. But the Thais or Japanese citizens in Sierra Leone who riot in Freetown because their King or Emperor has been insulted there will be tried and convicted for disturbing public order because Thai and Japanese laws are not valid and applicable in Sierra Leone. Nigeria is not an Islamic State and Nigerians are not Arabs and nobody can Arabize or Islamize a Nigerian against his/her will. As for your beloved Sheik Ibrahim Magari, why Soyinka called for his arrest and prosecution was because that religious parasite justified the lynching to death of Deborah Samuel Yakubu because, according to him, she had crossed the Islamic red line. So, I am not bearing false witness against that parasite who lives on the labour of Nigerians by chanting verses of Arabic Quran. Generally, one can ask, what are the values of Quranic and Biblical claptraps, gobbledygook, hocus-pocus and obscurantism? And realistically, how many verses of Quran or Bible make one plate of Tuwo, Eba, or rice on which Nigerian Christian and Islamic men of God feed without actually working?
S. Kadiri

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: 31 May 2022 00:52
To: <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Dear Baba Kadiri,

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord<>

Of the 613 Mitzvot <> also known as the 613 commandments ( with various commentaries on them if you care to investigate the links a little further) of the essence is, every morning and evening, this affirmation :

Shema Yisrael<> which is intrinsic and inseparable from the commandment to love God<> :

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.”

Whilst, as you say, you may be “affectionately related to ( your) wife physically” etc, I trust that the Shema and love for HASHEM sufficiently address all the material, abstract, romantic, poetic analogies you may want to entertain about you and the physicality of your wife, who you can also see, feel, touch and be touched by, speak to and be spoken to, dance with, love and cherish.

In Thailand and Japan, you are forewarned that you had better not speak in a derogatory manner about the King of Thailand<> or the Emperor of Japan,<> respectively, for reasons that would soon become apparent to you…

Re - your words, “Sheik Ibrahim Magari's Islamic redline in Nigeria that stipulates death sentence for trespassers”

Again, you’re bearing false witness against Sheikh Magary<>; that’s not exactly what he said. And, by the way, I have not seen him, and I like him!

Understanding other people’s religion/ way of life/ cherished cultural & ethical values etc could be a key to solving many of the local problems, and world problems<> not least of all in faraway places like Ukraine<> ( to “seek peace and pursue it”) also in the Middle East <> and the escalation we're witnessing between little Rwanda and DRC <> (nothing to do with religion, all to do with unbridled greed and banditry ( for the DRC’s mineral wealth) and a lack of respect for the DRC’s territorial integrity

In all of these matters, including the upcoming Presidential elections in Nigeria ‘ which ( conspiracy theory?) I think is a giveaway to the APC by the PDP fielding damaged goods like Atiku - even if he’s all set to garner votes from Boko Haram’s nebulous North-East - unless of course together (with his enablers) they plan to rob the country dry), your legalistic mindset ought to try to understand and ought not to belittle or despise this prime Islamic factor:

Love for the Prophet of Islam <> salallahu alaiihi wa ssllam - and to get it in the chest and clear in your head to not forget that Islam is 100% against corruption, hypocrisy, lawlessness, alcoholism, and terrorism.

You have successfully made your point ad nausea, that Nigeria is not an Islamic State, that Nigeria's 1999 federal Constitution rules supreme and can ride roughshod<> over Sharia Law, anywhere within the borders of The Federal Republic of Nigeria. Maybe something should be done about this?

Since you are so fiercely anti-Arab and anti-Hebrew prophets as being of any relevance to you, speak less of them foisting their beliefs on you, even by means of gentle persuasion, BTW, I wonder how you relate to commandments 36 - 43 -<> from your Yoruba nationalistic and cultural perspective:

36. Not to missionize an individual to idol worship—Deuteronomy 13:12<>

37. Not to love the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9<>

38. Not to cease hating the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9<>

39. Not to save the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9<>

40. Not to say anything in his defense—Deuteronomy 13:9<>

41. Not to refrain from incriminating him—Deuteronomy 13:9<>

42. Not to prophesize in the name of idolatry—Deuteronomy 18:20<>

43. Not to listen to a false prophet—Deuteronomy 13:4<>

44. Not to prophesize falsely in the name of G‑d<>—Deuteronomy 18:20<>

45. Not to be afraid of killing the false prophet—Deuteronomy 18:22<>

On Mon, 30 May 2022 at 20:55, Salimonu Kadiri <<>> wrote:
​Dear Menahem Hamelberg,

Some Nigerian Muslim lunatics tortured and murdered a young girl in Sokoto State Nigeria, claiming that the girl had insulted their prophet who happened to be neither a Nigerian nor an African. Islam is an Arabic religion and Nigerians (Africans) who adopt it seem to be more Arabs than the Arabs themselves. What the murderers of Deborah Samuel Yakubu are now claiming to be the cause of their beastlike action against her has not been submitted for public scrutiny that is to say, there is no evidence that she had ever mentioned the name of the prophet of Islam in the transcript of her WhatsApp group discussions which was in Hausa language and not in Arabic. Setting aside sentiments and emotions, if Deborah did actually insult the Islamic prophet, no Islamist has the right to retaliate on her except Muhammed himself and even then, it should be done verbally and not by murder. Blasphemy as mentioned in Section 204 of the Nigerian Criminal code attracts only two years imprisonment but it is inapplicable because Sections 38 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution which guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression are superior to the Blasphemy law.

Your analogy about my wife being slapped in my presence with the prophet of Islam being insulted in the presence of Islamists are unrelated and incomparable. While I am affectionately related to my wife physically, the Islamists have only read or heard about the prophet of Islam who they have never met and have had any personal relation with physically. All that had been attributed or credited to the prophet of Islam were hearsay that have never been verified and proved right. There is a great difference between science and belief, because while the former demands (requires) empirical evidence the latter is imagined/accepted to be true without proof. I agree with you that the judiciary in Nigeria is corrupt and the process of getting justice is too long. Nevertheless, it doesn't make sense that the solution to long process to get justice is jungle and predator's justice, especially when it concerns blasphemy. Islam is a religion of peace and it cannot thrive on coercion and intimidation. Inviolability of human life and illegality of mob action should be the corner stones of any good religion. There is no law in Nigeria that grants power to any individual or a religious group to take the life of another person on account of blasphemy. Sheik Ibrahim Magari's Islamic redline in Nigeria that stipulates death sentence for trespassers amounts to setting up a parallel government to the Federal government of Nigeria and thereby committed high treason. Thus, he or anyone celebrating the lynching of Deborah Samuel Yakubu is automatically guilty of murder by association. Soyinka is not a deity and if someone should make a distasteful statement about him to the knowledge of his admirers, the only right thing to do is to reciprocate with corrective statement. It is not allowed in law for some coconut-head persons to embark on murdering the person who had assaulted Soyinka verbally.
S. Kadiri

From:<> <<>> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <<>>
Sent: 28 May 2022 15:36
To:<> <<>>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Dear Baba Kadiri,

Don’t impute violence to your truly. I’m more of a David Dellinger sort of fellow. The miscreant in question (a “piano player”) disappeared because knowing what he had said when pretending to be drunk, he feared the possibility of<> a scene like this <> overtaking him and bringing him to justice, depending on his answers when he would have been asked, just these two questions:

“ Does Cornelius Ignoramus look like a bitch?

“Does Cornelius Ignoramus look like your nigger?”

Back in London, I had a good friend like Derek otherwise known as “Cool Black” - from Guyana, Marvin Gaye’s personal bodyguard who would have accompanied me to do the questioning. Yet, see how Marvin died. And just look at the kinds of house niggers assassinated Malcolm...

Just as you say, wisdom is universal and is not necessarily based on colour even if some of it takes on local colour because it is culture-dependent. That’s how Bedu Annan introduced me to Kwame Anthony Appiah<>’s then major popular publication, “In My Father’s House<>” -that wisdom is not dependent on race etc…

With your insistence on “Let it be known to you that if anyone should slap my wife in my presence, as you hypothetically presumed, I will do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting my wife.”, of course, what you have in mind is an ideal society, be it Sweden, or Nigeria where reporting the matter to the Police could be the beginning of the long legal process of someone’s pain and grievances being addressed

I think that I have told you before that since circa July 1970 when I spent my first summer in Sweden, till today, 28th May 2022, I have listened to Swedish Radio on less than four ( 4) occasions and the first time that I did, it was quite accidentally, to Radio Sweden <> in 1985, and this is exactly what I heard: “ Nigeria: between the airport and my hotel, I was robbed twice: first by the military, and then by the Police! “ At a slightly later date, I suppose that in telling his tale he would have to update us with the third robbery, this time by his Bank Manager at Savannah Bank, at No.10 Aba Road in Port Harcourt, of the sum of £6,000 Sterling.

That’s why I’m still chuckling quietly to myself as I imagine you running from the scene of the crime (the slap) as fast as your sprightly legs can carry you to the nearest Police Station in Sokoto to make a report that e.g a miscreant perhaps one of the homeless Almajiris or indeed another hungry Nigerian policeman had slapped your beloved and you hoping that the police constable at the desk where you file your report, will accompany you to find, identify and arrest whoever the miscreant is, because, nobody is above the law!

Back to a more sordid reality, consider what happened to Ngugi Wa Thiong'o when he returned to Kenya <> - in his case, four men were later arrested.

Baba Kadiri’s sorrowful l litany continues to point at the glaring absence of a functioning juridical system that should systematically implement what we would like to see as the rule of law<> in the absence of which people will tend to take the law into their own hands; since there’s already the general feeling that justice delayed is justice denied, that’s why in some instances immediate street justice is served. - as happened with Deborah Yakubu.

Obviously, that’s what Sheikh Maqary<> is talking about; criminalise some forms of blasphemy such as Torah, Bible and Quran-burning etc and instead of lynching the miscreant / accused - the matter will be taken to court - all this in the interests of peaceful coexistence

On Sat, 28 May 2022 at 06:17, Cornelius Hamelberg <<>> wrote:
Dear Baba Kadiri,

It's 4.58 a-m, I have now read through your excellent treatise and I'm still shuffering and Shmiling as a grass widower.

I'd just like to make this one point, re- your interpretation of what Brother Malcolm said :

"Please observe that Malcolm X did not say in part of his speech that you quoted that a Muslim should assault anyone that assaults another Muslim. Rather, he emphasized that Islamic religion taught them to be intelligent, be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if anyone puts his hand on YOU send him to the cemetery. Self-defence is an inherent part of any law whether in a theocratic, democratic or autocratic setting. Logically illustrated in law, it is Kadiri alone who in self-defence has the right to deal personally with anyone that assaults him and not Cornelius irrespective of whatever may be his personal relation or affection to Kadiri."

Well, that is one of the Malcolm X quotations that I know by heart - and somehow until about two years ago, I had been mistaken about the exact wording which chivalry clearly remembered as " but if anyone puts his hand on YOUR WOMAN send him to the cemetery!" ( R.I.P.)

Baba Kadiri, please stop sounding like a Yoruba missionary! Surely there's not that much difference between you and YOUR WOMAN ( one flesh) when it comes to protecting and defending her honour and even sending somebody to the cemetery, on her and your behalf, if need be?
On Friday, 27 May 2022 at 23:43:45 UTC+2 ogunlakaiye wrote:
Menahem Hamelberg, ​I have to thank the owner of Heaven, called OLÓRUN in Yoruba language, that you decided on that fateful 16 September 2019, to take your wife home before returning to the scene of verbal assault on her with the intention to strike at the person who had earlier assaulted her only to find out that the *miscreant* had disappeared. Had you met him and executed your plan, you might have been sentenced to a life term imprisonment and, as of date, glorious Gloria would never have had the opportunity to address you as *Cornelius the wise* based on all the wisdom you have been disseminating on this forum to the pleasure of many of us. I don't know what verbal assault your chosen miscreant threw at your wife, but you as a staunch believer of 'an eye for an eye' should or ought to have understood that 'a verbal assault' could only be reciprocated with a 'verbal assault.' You cannot say because you treasure your blood being sacrosanct, therefore, you must draw a machete to behead a mosquito on your thigh. I once witnessed an altercation between a concave-nosed Turkish man and a swastika-necklaced Swede here in Sweden. Enmeshed in his Turkish traditional belief that the greatest insult one could belch out to a person is to say I will 'Fuck' your mother and he decided to demean his Swedish opponent with that expression. And the Swede responded spontaneously, please do it if she allows it. The Swedish man's reply indicated the power of brain over brawn because he was certain that his mother would never allow the Turk to mount on her sexually and if the Turk by any chance should forcibly mount on her, he will be arrested, tried, and jailed for rape. Thus, while a brawn would pull off his clothes to engage in physical combat to avenge an impracticable but contemptuous remark meant only to cause annoyance, the brain would just dismiss such remark as day-dreaming and leave the brawn to live in his deluded life.

Despite of what you and I know about Africa, I am surprised to read about your "authentic African man who is honour-bound and duty bound," and who "knows when, how and where to drop his nuclear bomb on the one who will be foolish to cross the line..." Your authentic African man who is honour-bound and duty-bound has been chopping off the hands of his fellow African brothers in a competition of who among them should send diamond and gold to Antwerp while his fellow citizens are living in penury and abject poverty. Your authentic African man who is duty and honour bound has been sending cocoa beans to Europe for their chocolate and beverage consumptions while his African brothers are toiling in the cocoa plantations for nothing. And your authentic African man who is honour and duty bound has been exporting crude oil at $100 per barrel while importing refined crude oil at $130 per barrel. The list of what your authentic African man who is honour and duty bound is doing to under develop Africa is infinitesimal and I am certain that you know that, but you are only pretending to be smart.

Pouring water on the back of a duck and tacitly referring to me as a Tom and yourself as a jungle man you wrote, "There are a whole lot of differences between your typical tom and the real jungle man." Well, my dear Menahem Hamelberg, it is very easy to take a monkey out of the jungle but it is impossible to take the jungle out of the monkey. The real jungle man of yours truly, is what Lord Lugard already in 1922 referred to as the African Negro whose insensitivity to pain and disregard for life whether his own or others cause him to appear callous to suffering. Most importantly, Lugard observed that the African Negro, your real jungle man, has the courage of a fighting animal - an instinct rather than a moral virtue. The problem of Africans is that we have so much muscles but little or no brains at all. The Yoruba people have three axioms saying (i) OGBÓN JU AGBÁRA; (ii) ALÁGBÁRA MÁ MÈRÒ BABA ÒLE; and (iii) ÌGBÉRAGÁ KÒ DARA. These are literally translated to (i) Wisdom is greater than strength (raw power); (ii) A thoughtless strong man is the father of laziness (weakling) and (iii) Arrogance is not good. Reflecting on the axioms serially, we find that although the Blackman was physically strong than the Whiteman, the latter was wise to exploit the former as slaves in the US and the Caribbean islands. Since the Blackman is incapable of making use of his power (strength) for his own benefit, he becomes the father of laziness and still the black man is arrogant for being exploited.

My grandmother used to tell us who were her grandchildren a Yoruba folklore that illustrated the three Yoruba axioms mentioned above. It was about a Lion King in the Jungle who summoned all the animals in his kingdom to a meeting. He told all the animals that he had noticed that whenever he roared in a bid to prey for his meal, all animals used to panic, even though it was only just one of them that he intended to kill. Therefore, Lion King suggested that a register be created where each animal would register for an appointed day to come to him to be killed for meal instead of him roaring and they panicking. All animals except the elephant agreed to the Lion King's proposal and surprisingly Fox was the first to register to be the meal of Lion King the following morning. At the agreed time, the following morning, Fox did not present himself to be eaten up by the Lion King. By noon, the Fox showed up and breathing heavily he told the Lion King that there was another Lion in the vicinity who had tried to prey on him on his way to the lion therefore, he urged the Lion King to first deal with the rival Lion before making meal out of him. The Lion King beckoned to the Fox to lead him to where the rival Lion was. Fox led the Lion King to a well nearby and pointed that the rivalling lion was inside there. The Lion King peeped inside the well and not knowing that it was his shadow that he saw roared and the shadow charged back causing the Lion King to jump into the well to deal with his rival. And there the Lion King perished in spite of his strength because of his thoughtlessness, arrogance and lack of wisdom.

Dear Menahem Hamelberg, I regret to observe that you have quoted part of the speech of Omowale Malcolm X as reported in his *Message to the Grass Roots* (p.12, Malcolm X Speaks) to imply that he was an Islamic warrior fighting for Islamic imperialism which is totally false. The same Malcolm X said on p. 20-21 as follows, "I'm not out to fight other Negro leaders or organizations. We must find a common approach, a common solution, to a common problem. As of this minute, I've forgotten everything bad that the other leaders have said about me, and I pray they can also forget the many bad things I've said about them. The problem facing our people here in America is bigger than all other personal or organizational differences. Therefore, as leaders, we must stop worrying about the threat we seem to think we pose to each other's personal prestige, and concentrate our efforts toward solving the unending hurt that is being done daily to our people here in America." Then on p.24 he declared, "Although I'm still a Muslim, I'm not here tonight to discuss my religion. I'm not here to try and change your religion. I'm not here to argue or discuss anything that we defer about, because it's time for us to submerge our differences and realize that it is best for us to first see that we have the same problem, a common problem - a problem that will make you catch hell whether you're a Baptist, or a Methodist, or a Muslim, or a Nationalist. Whether you're educated or illiterate....." Please observe that Malcolm X did not say in part of his speech that you quoted that a Muslim should assault anyone that assaults another Muslim. Rather, he emphasized that Islamic religion taught them to be intelligent, be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if anyone puts his hand on YOU send him to the cemetery. Self-defence is an inherent part of any law whether in a theocratic, democratic or autocratic setting. Logically illustrated in law, it is Kadiri alone who in self-defence has the right to deal personally with anyone that assaults him and not Cornelius irrespective of whatever may be his personal relation or affection to Kadiri.

Why did Malcolm X speak the way he did at that time? It was because the Christian religion was being used to justify and perpetuate the racial persecution of Black Americans and some Black American leaders were asking persecuted blacks to accept their fate and follow the counsel of Jesus in the Bible. Jesus, they claimed in Mathew Chapter 5 verses 43-44 admonished thus, "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you." Further in Luke Chapter 6 verses 27-29 Jesus, they claimed, admonished, "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you; Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also." Malcolm X did not like the Biblical counsel that the Black Americans were being indoctrinated with, therefore, he called for revolution against the persecution and exploitation of Black Americans thus, "Revolution is never based on begging somebody for an integrated cup of coffee. Revolutions are never fought by turning the other cheek. Revolutions are never based upon love-your-enemy and pray-for-those-who-spitefully-use-you. And revolutions are never waged singing WE SHALL OVERCOME (p.50, Malcolm X Speaks)."

I believe in freedom of religion but I don't believe in religious freedom to murder anyone as in the case of Deborah Samuel Yakubu in Sokoto. The transcript of the voice WhatsApp group in which Deborah objected to its use for religious propaganda has been made public and nowhere in the voice note was it found that Deborah Samuel Yakubu said according to you, "Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad." Even if the invented exclamation remark credited to Deborah were true, that would reasonably not turn her to a miscreant, much less an invitation to Sokoto's Almajirai (children beggars) to murder her. The constitution and the criminal codes in Nigeria do not permit anyone to murder another person on a loose accusation of blasphemy against a religion or a prophet. And if blasphemy were to be criminal in Nigeria, only the courts are allowed to try and convict breachers of law and not any rag-rapped-headed and religious red-line drawer. According to the 2006 population census, Sokoto State contained 3 million, 702 thousand, 6 hundred and seventy-six people. Since 1999, Sokoto State's government has collected billions of dollars as revenue allocations from the Federal government. Yet, literacy rate in Sokoto State is said to be only 15% resulting in millions of children flooding the streets with bowls in their hands to beg for alms (the so-called almajirai). The Sharia led states in Northern Nigeria, just like in Sokoto State, make Almajirai the basis of their political power and livelihood. The Almajirai who stoned Deborah Samuel to death did not contain any sons of the leaders in Sokoto State. Their children are in faraway USA, United Kingdom and other European countries studying in secular societies that are never governed by sharia law and whose educational curricula are never diluted with Islamic propaganda.​
Sultan Of Sokoto’s Daughter Graduates From U.K University<>
Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Saad Abubakar’s daughter, Fatima Abubakar recently graduated from a university in the United Kingdom. Her father and the Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, were present to celebrate her graduation held at Brighton, United Kingdom, on Thursday 20th July, 2017..<>

​I can never have anything against al-Islam which I, as a Yoruba man and not Arab, don't know what it means. What I have said is that it was satanic to murder Deborah Samuel Yakubu in the name of Islam and that has caused gangsterism to take the centre stage and all that is left is unbridled grandstanding and overpouring of arrant tantrums.
S. Kadiri

From:<> <<>> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <<>>
Sent: 25 May 2022 01:22

To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <<>>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Like a real House-Negro

Dear Baba Kadiri


“do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting (his) wife”

The authentic African man who is honour-bound, and duty-bound, knows when, how and where to drop his nuclear bomb on the one who would be foolish enough to cross the line - the suicidal line, crossing which leads to self-annihilation of any such miscreant mortal man.

If he is not in possession of nuclear weapons, then any other suitable weapon that is at hand/handy should be used to do the necessary job of dispatching the miscreant to his earthly destiny.

On the 16th of September 2019, somebody said something to my wife, I took her home and five minutes later returned to the scene where the somebody had said something that I didn’t like. I returned unarmed , but the cowardly miscreant had disappeared because he must have felt that his end was near. He was tall and gangly alright but it would have taken me less than 20 seconds to have him on the floor and another ten seconds to send him to deep sleep ( of course he didn’t know that ) and the fat one would have taken the penalty shot right between the legs.

If I wanted to, I could have planned his demise to happen a little later, with me myself far, far away from the scene of the crime.

There are a whole lot of differences between your typical tom and the real Jungle man

You who like boasting about true Yoruba man-hood, listen carefully to what El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz<> whose Youruba name is Omowale <> , listen carefully to what he has to say here:<>

“There’s nothing in our book, the Quran — you call it “Ko-ran” — that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That’s a good religion. In fact, that’s that old-time religion. That’s the one that Ma and Pa used to talk about: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and a head for a head, and a life for a life: That’s a good religion. And doesn’t nobody resent that kind of religion being taught but a wolf, who intends to make you his meal.”

The way you talk about Sheikh Ibrahim Maqari<> is disgraceful, I should have thought is beneath you, and I will not sleep so low as to start some idiotic tittle-tattle altercation with you about him, about blasphemy or about house niggers,

“ Wole Soyinka is a true Black Nigerian… true son of the soil of Nigeria” and the missionary son of a preacher man was NOT CORRECT…

About your other request, that I “ reproduce in printed letters what she was reported to have said”, kindly disabuse yourself of the idea that I’m your some kind of errand-boy / message-boy at your beck and call to be reproducing reported calumnies and blasphemies uttered against the Prophet of Islam, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam -

I told Emmanuel our Edo Brother about what I read and posted to this forum earlier on<>, that the miscreant had exclaimed in Sokoto; “ Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad !” and Emmanuel's exact words were “ That was being suicidal!”

Please take note: I do not intend to fraternise or keep the company of anyone who is inimical to the interests of al-Islam either here, right now, or in the Hereafter

On Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 23:46:05 UTC+2 ogunlakaiye wrote:
​Menahem Hamelberg,

Let it be known to you that if anyone should slap my wife in my presence, as you hypothetically presumed, I will do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting my wife. Sentimental and emotional actions are not recognised in law. If, in defence of my wife, I should slap the slapper of my wife the police on arrival at the scene of the incident will arrest me and the person that slapped my wife for assaults and disturbing public order. Although the law permits self-defence, my wife is not absolutely permitted under the law to retaliate by slapping back at your hypothetical slapper of her face. The law requires her to report the violator of her face to the police for arrest and trial in the court of law. Religious fanatics believe in vengeance of eye for eye and tooth for tooth but secularized societies are against that doctrine because simple gumption dictates that the doctrine of eye for eye and tooth for tooth may lead to the entire society becoming blind and toothless. So, Cornelius, if Mohammad or Jesus is insulted, it is only them that should feel insulted and take action if they can and have the will to do so and not any dumb-ass-headed person who is neither genetically nor racially related to Jesus or Mohammad.

How can one define Blasphemy in a secular and multi religious country like Nigeria? Blasphemy after all must mean different things to different people, depending on the choice of deity one has chosen religiously. And paper heads who think with the intestines and not the brain are asking Nigerian Government to pass law to criminalise blasphemy. Yet, religious pretenders have already smuggled section 204 into the Nigerian criminal code that stipulates a two-year imprisonment for public insult on religion. At the same time, Sections 38 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression. Since the Constitution is superior to other laws in Nigeria Sections 38 and 39 of the 1999 Constitution supersede Section 204 of the Nigerian Criminal Code in application.

Sheik Ibrahim Maqari had drawn his Islamic redlines which no one should cross and which trespassers have to pay with their own lives in Nigeria. His Islamic redline in Nigeria is an expression of his cultural inferiority garbed in truculent and tortured inability to discover his self-worth. A Sheik, according to the dictionary is a head of an Arab tribe, therefore, Ibrahim Maqari should move to an Arab land to become a Sheik where he can draw his Arab-Islamic red lines not in Nigeria. If he thinks he is an Arab, he should look into the mirror for his true image and real self. The wannabe Black Arab in Nigeria, Sheik Ibrahim Maqari twitted, "If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you (sic) should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves." The twit justified the murder of Deborah Samuel Yakubu by Islamic predators who accused her of Blaspheming their prophet and what the Sheik was saying in reality is that if the Nigeria could not stop the alleged blasphemy against the Islamic prophet by Deborah Samuel Yakubu, then Muslim predators should not be blamed for taking laws into their hands to murder her. Wole Soyinka is a true Black Nigerian and he was actually correct, being the true son of the soil of Nigeria to demand the arrest and the trial of that counterfeit Nigerian Arab Sheik for his complicity in the murder of Deborah Samuel Yakubu.
S. Kadiri

From:<> <<>> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <<>>
Sent: 23 May 2022 20:03
To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <<>>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

May the Lord have mercy on us all.

"Nothing sits on nothing in a nothing of many nothings a nothing king<>"

Here’s Baba Kadiri sounding off:

“Whatever Deborah Samuel Yakubu might have uttered which was interpreted to imply disrespect to the Islamic prophet, it is only the prophet himself who should feel the disrespect and react accordingly and not any stupid house-niggers on his behalf. In law, one is allowed to avenge the slap on one's own face by a slapper but it is criminal for one to avenge the slap on the face of another person than self. Can you extrapolate a slap on another person's face to your own face?”

If, (God forbid) someone were to slap Baba Kadiri’s beloved wife would he simply stand idly by and ask the same dumb-ass question?

I fully endorse the statement STOP BLASPHEMY<> issued by Muslim Solidarity Forum Sokoto<> and fully resonate with Muslim Groups Ask Nigerian Government To Pass Laws Criminalising Blasphemy<>,

The sane one should also take it for granted that I strongly disagree with Mr Soyinka's titanic reaction. It is well-intended, no doubt, he is speaking up in good conscience, supposedly as the good conscience of the Naija Nation, and as usual, what the iconic human rights veteran says resonates through the media waves, but I think that it’s wrong, overblown, it misses the target and in the circumstances, considering all the hysteria and sense of moral outrage fanning the air and fuelling the flames from all directions, calling for the head of the Chief Imam at the Abuja Mosque to roll, is probably nothing less than just one more strong-headed, knee-jerk reaction from Nigeria’s Shakespeare.

Someone (he?) may be surprised that I disagree, but I do disagree - strongly - and confidently - and you are my witness, for the very simple reasons that I’ll explain and everyone should understand my simple explanation in contrast with Mr Soyinka’s trademark tirade, the dense & deep Soyinka-esque style of polemic which one had to trudge through before finally coming to the crux of the matter: He is confident that “Both the Sultan and Professor Maqafi cannot be right.”

Well, of course, they can both be right, and in this case, in my judgement, they are both truly, absolutely right, and the one does not contradict the other.

Mr Soyinka himself is not infallible, he does not claim to be the new Pope, nor does he enjoy a monopoly on interpretation, even if there is a Southern consensus on what he says, he could be humble enough to take a step back and reconsider that he may have misread and thereby misunderstood what the Imam of the Abuja Mosque Sheikh Ibrahim Maqari<> said because, of course, given his background, the less than omniscient Professor Soyinka has obviously read into Profesor Ibrahim Maqari’s statement much more than Professor Maqari actually said - at least on the surface. Professor Soyinka with all his own personal, foreordained prejudices, whims and caprices, his backlog of irritations with land encroachments by Fulani herdsmen, the Boko Haram menace, his disappointment and disillusion with the Nigerian Presidency etc, he has imputed to Sheikh Professor Dr Ibrahim Maqari ‘s terse communique, much more than the Sheikh actually said or intended on paper and only Sheikh Ibrahim himself is in a position to elaborate on what he intended, which does not mean that every individual reader does not have the freedom to arrive at his/ her own subjective understanding or interpretation of the message.

This is what the Sheikh said on Twitter <> that is causing all the brouhaha :

“It should be known to everyone that we the Muslims have some red lines beyond which MUST NOT be crossed. The dignity of the Prophet (PBUH) is at the forefront of the red lines.

“If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves.”

Catholics have their Popes some of whom have been proven to be less than infallible human beings throughout the ages.<> Others have other authorities such as Babalawos, big, pompous bishops officiating in and out of their cassocks, Pentecostal pastors carrying their crosses on their chests, husbands, wives, mistresses, gang leaders, high court judges “taking bribes on the side”, ransom kidnappers, bank governors, teachers of big and little grammar etc all have their flocks,

Another way of looking at the mess: A few others “could be living in another country, under another name<>” , i.e under a name other than God’s Ineffable name <> , because the way I understand it - some people, such as e.g Wole Soyinka believe themselves to be living either in the kingdom of Satan’s anarchy or under or side by side with First Citizen Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigerian Constitution<>, a Muhammadu Buhari that was democratically elected as Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala ‘s highest political representative in secular Nigeria which is largely governed by the aforementioned still amendable 1999 Nigerian Constitution and not by Sharia Law, the Ten Commandments, or the Sermon on the Mount.<>

As the late Rabbi Jacob Neusner<> puts it, on page 19 of “A Rabbi talks with Jesus<>”

“When I accept the yoke of the commandments of the Torah and do them,I accept God’s rule. I live in the kingdom of God, which is to say, in the dominion of Heaven, here on earth. That is what it means to live a holy life: to live by the will of God in the here and now.”

This thread is hinged on Human rights activist and Nobel Laureate in Literature Wole Soyinka’s sermon from the heights of the moral high ground that he believes that he occupies, and in his own judgement self-righteous Soyinka with feet on the ground is delivering the sermon from somewhere up in the clouds, but certainly below heaven, which is certainly OK with me, that at least he is not claiming that he delivered this message sitting on the throne on God as that would have been another good example of blasphemy in thought and word but not in actual deed, enough reason for the all the Pharisees to unite in stoning him and by all the Pharisees I mean the Muslim Pharisees, if indeed such holy people exist, and of course, the other Bible thumping Pharseees, the Pentecostal pastors and the evangelical bigots among them.

All that Soyinka and other critics could say is that what is missing from the Abuja Imam’s terse message, is the message that even when a congregation of Muslims are tried by suffering extreme provocation, mob rule/the mob mentality should not be allowed to take over - so in addition to expressing an understanding of the extreme provocation that led to " If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves", what's called for is an explicit exhortation that our Muslim Brethren control their nafs al ammarah<> and try to not take the law into their own hands.

That the Imama did not give such advice in that short message, does not mean that the highly cultivated Imam has not given more goodly Islamic advice elsewhere.

It is not OK to curse a Prophet in the presence of his followers; it is not OK to burn the Holy Quran outside the mosques, and it is not OK to piss on the grave of dearly departed when you go on pilgrimage or on Ziyarat <>

Once again, for those who care and have the time I recommend ISLAM: Past, Present, and Future<> by Hans Küng<>

On Saturday, 21 May 2022 at 22:07:58 UTC+2 toyinfalola wrote:

[Site logo image]

Ben Ezeamalu posted: "Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, has urged the Nigerian government to remove from office Ibrahim Maqari, the Imam of Abuja Mosque, over his comments following the mob killing of Deborah Samuel, a student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto. Mr S" Premium Times Nigeria<>

Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric<>


Ben Ezeamalu

May 21

Mr Soyinka said the cleric should be tried under any existing laws that approximate hate rhetoric, incitement to murder and abuse of office.

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Cornelius Hamelberg

May 31, 2022, 10:34:13 PM5/31/22

Dear Baba Kadiri,

It’s regrettable, how you could sink as low as to say such disgraceful and demeaning words about a weak servant of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

Prof. Sheik Ibrahim Ahmad Maqary

I pray that you repent of such hubris and eventually apologise to him, personally. 

He did not “ justify” what happened to Deborah Samuel Yakubu  - he explained, how, in the circumstances it was possible and I for one fully understand it.   NO The 1999 COnstitution of Nigeria has not been abrogated, nor is anyone gagging or tying the hands of Nigeria’s law enforcement agencies or preventing an investigation into the matter of what happened outside of the Whatsapp discussion which you seem to believe was the beginning and end of what led to an inevitable/avoidable tragedy.

If everybody has not learned the lesson to be learned from this, then the tragedy will most probably be repeated. All it should take is some Quran-burning infidel to go and try to desecrate the  Holy Quran outside the main mosque in Sokoto, just after the Friday Jummah prayers, on the mistaken notion that “Sections 38 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution which guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression are superior to the Blasphemy Law.” will save his sorry ass from lethal reprisals

About God, salvation, the Hereafter etc., has it ever occurred to you that you could be wrong and that perhaps, the way of life advocated by various strains of  Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, or  Buddhism could also be right and temperamentally suitable for the Yoruba people

I was only asking. 

To some extent, I quite sympathise with what you’re saying, your Yoruba Culture & Civilisation chauvinism, your sense of remorse about the Coca-Cola-i-zation of Yoruba culture under the impact of Evangelical Pentecostalism, despite, on the other hand, some of its good effects, from Samuel Ajayi Crowther - and some of the intended and unintended offshoots of missionary zeal and early missionary education,  pivotal figures such as Herbert Macaulay, icons of the Yoruba nation, such as Chief Obafemi Jeremiah Oyeniyi Awolowo who was a good friend of Israel, and, later in the offing, in the humanities, Soyinka,  Falola…

On the whole, it’s your hostility towards what you regard as the “imported”  universalistic religions of Christianity and Islam, that bothers me. We understand the aforementioned religions as universalistic because, with the former, Jesus is supposed to have given his followers The Great Commission  - to share the good news and thereby save all the souls that were created to be saved. As you are also aware, today, the Great Commission is actively targeting Jews and has resulted in the counter-missionary resistance through organisations such as Jews for Judaism which I understand backwards and forwards.

Also, the Great Commission is actively targeting Muslims - causing inevitable conflict wherever Christian missionaries like Bishop Kukah  are  - in Muslim territories, trying to convert everybody in Sokoto to Christianity as if he’s not aware that Islam avers Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam is The Last Prophet, indeed, he himself said in his last sermon, “ No Prophet shall come after me” and an even more exclusive claim asserted in the Quran, Surah Ali 'Imran - 85 


To be or not to be,

Where does that leave Baba Kadiri? 

Whilst you are so cocksure in condemning other people’s sacred religions “intruding”  you say, in your beloved piece of earth known as Nigeria, I trust that you have not lost sight of the ever expanding Yoruba religion which has taken wings  and is  now being firmly planted in the so called “New World”, in the Diaspora West 

Could Baba Kadiri care to share his thoughts about this? 

On Tue, 31 May 2022 at 21:06, Salimonu Kadiri <> wrote:
​Dear Menahem Hamelberg,

Before the advent of religious imperialism/colonialism, the Yoruba people of Nigeria right from the beginning of creation had the following Yoruba words in their language : OLÓRUN = GOD; OLÚWA = LORD; ELÉDÙMARÈ = ALMIGHTY; and OLÙGBÀLÀ = SAVIOUR. The idea of God, the creator of earth and owner of heaven, was not transmitted to the Yoruba people through Judaism or Islam. Virtually every language in Nigeria has a name for their creator before the Jewish/Islamic religion intruded into Nigeria. The Hausa word for God is UBANGIJI and in Fulani, it is GENO but Islamic imperialism has brainwashed the Hausa and Fulani people to abandon their original linguistic word for God to the Arabic word ALLAH. The difference between Africans in general vis á vis the Jews and Arabs is that Africans never had some smart people who claimed they were messengers of God whom God had spoken to for onward delivery of his message to mankind. What makes Africans a laughing stock for other human races is our stupid religious pretence of being more Arabs than the Arabs themselves and being Jews more than the Jews. That is why in the 21st century we find Nigerians wrapping their heads with 20 metres long and one metre wide cloths under over 40 degrees Celsius warm sunshine in the name of Islam. Consequently, their brains are overheated beyond boiling point and their actions become irrational and detrimental to human behaviour and living. That was why the Muslim lunatics in Sokoto could implement their stone-aged belief with the help of 21st century technology. The WhatsApp group where the Muslim lunatics claimed that Deborah Samuel Yakubu had insulted their prophet is a non-Muslim technology and discussions therein were limited to members of that WhatsApp group and not beyond. Deborah Samuel Yakubu was never in the streets of Sokoto with megaphone to publicly denounce the prophet of Islam, yet, cave men with stone-aged mentality constituted themselves to a court of law to find her guilty of blasphemy and sentenced her to a gruesome death. 

If there is a law in Thailand or Japan forbidding anyone to make a negative remark on the King or the Emperor, anyone visiting the two countries has to obey the laws there. But the Thais or Japanese citizens in Sierra Leone who riot in Freetown because their King or Emperor has been insulted there will be tried and convicted for disturbing public order because Thai and Japanese laws are not valid and applicable in Sierra Leone. Nigeria is not an Islamic State and Nigerians are not Arabs and nobody can Arabize or Islamize a Nigerian against his/her will. As for your beloved Sheik Ibrahim Magari, why Soyinka called for his arrest and prosecution was because that religious parasite justified the lynching to death of Deborah Samuel Yakubu because, according to him, she had crossed the Islamic red line. So, I am not bearing false witness against that parasite who lives on the labour of Nigerians by chanting verses of Arabic Quran. Generally, one can ask, what are the values of Quranic and Biblical claptraps, gobbledygook, hocus-pocus and obscurantism? And realistically, how many verses of Quran or Bible make one plate of Tuwo, Eba, or rice on which Nigerian Christian and Islamic men of God feed without actually working?
S. Kadiri 

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: 31 May 2022 00:52
To: <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Of the 613 Mitzvot also known as the 613 commandments ( with various commentaries on them if you care to investigate the links a little further) of the essence is, every morning and evening, this affirmation : 

 Shema Yisrael which is intrinsic and inseparable from the commandment to love God

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.”


Whilst, as you say, you may be “affectionately related to  ( your) wife physically” etc, I trust that the Shema and love for HASHEM sufficiently address all the material, abstract, romantic, poetic analogies you may want to entertain about you and the physicality of your wife, who you can also see, feel, touch and be touched by, speak to and be spoken to, dance with, love and cherish.

 In Thailand and Japan, you are forewarned that you had better not speak in a derogatory manner about the King of Thailand or the Emperor of Japan, respectively, for reasons that would soon become apparent to you…

 Re - your words, “Sheik Ibrahim Magari's Islamic redline in Nigeria that stipulates death sentence for trespassers”

Again, you’re bearing false witness against Sheikh Magary;  that’s not exactly what he said. And, by the way, I have not seen him, and I like him! 

Understanding other people’s religion/ way of life/ cherished cultural & ethical values etc could be a key to solving many of the local problems, and world problems not least of all in faraway places like Ukraine ( to “seek peace and pursue it”) also in  the Middle East and the escalation we're witnessing between little Rwanda and DRC (nothing to do with religion, all to do with unbridled greed and banditry ( for the DRC’s mineral wealth) and a lack of respect for the DRC’s territorial integrity 

In all of these matters, including the upcoming  Presidential elections in Nigeria  ‘ which ( conspiracy theory?) I think is a giveaway to the APC by the PDP fielding damaged goods like Atiku - even if he’s all set to garner votes from Boko Haram’s nebulous North-East - unless of course together (with his enablers) they plan to rob the country dry),  your legalistic mindset ought to try to understand and ought not to belittle or despise this prime Islamic factor: 

Love for the Prophet of Islam salallahu alaiihi wa ssllam - and to get it in the chest and clear in your head to not forget that Islam is 100% against corruption, hypocrisy, lawlessness, alcoholism, and terrorism.

You have successfully made your point ad nausea, that Nigeria is not an Islamic State, that Nigeria's 1999 federal Constitution rules supreme and can ride roughshod over Sharia Law, anywhere within the borders of The Federal Republic of Nigeria. Maybe something should be done about this? 

Since you are so fiercely anti-Arab and anti-Hebrew prophets as being of any relevance to you, speak less of them foisting their beliefs on you, even by means of gentle persuasion, BTW, I wonder how you relate to commandments 36 - 43 - from your Yoruba nationalistic and cultural perspective:

36. Not to missionize an individual to idol worship—Deuteronomy 13:12

37. Not to love the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9

38. Not to cease hating the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9

39. Not to save the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9

40. Not to say anything in his defense—Deuteronomy 13:9

41. Not to refrain from incriminating him—Deuteronomy 13:9

42. Not to prophesize in the name of idolatry—Deuteronomy 18:20

43. Not to listen to a false prophet—Deuteronomy 13:4

44. Not to prophesize falsely in the name of G‑dDeuteronomy 18:20

45. Not to be afraid of killing the false prophet—Deuteronomy 18:22

On Mon, 30 May 2022 at 20:55, Salimonu Kadiri <> wrote:
​Dear Menahem Hamelberg,

Some Nigerian Muslim lunatics tortured and murdered a young girl in Sokoto State Nigeria, claiming that the girl had insulted their prophet who happened to be neither a Nigerian nor an African. Islam is an Arabic religion and Nigerians (Africans) who adopt it seem to be more Arabs than the Arabs themselves. What the murderers of Deborah Samuel Yakubu are now claiming to be the cause of their beastlike action against her has not been submitted for public scrutiny that is to say, there is no evidence that she had ever mentioned the name of the prophet of Islam in the transcript of her WhatsApp group discussions which was in Hausa language and not in Arabic. Setting aside sentiments and emotions, if Deborah did actually insult the Islamic prophet, no Islamist has the right to retaliate on her except Muhammed himself and even then, it should be done verbally and not by murder. Blasphemy as mentioned in Section 204 of the Nigerian Criminal code attracts only two years imprisonment but it is inapplicable because Sections 38 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution which guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression are superior to the Blasphemy law.

Your analogy about my wife being slapped in my presence with the prophet of Islam being insulted in the presence of Islamists are unrelated and incomparable. While I am affectionately related to my wife physically, the Islamists have only read or heard about the prophet of Islam who they have never met and have had any personal relation with physically. All that had been attributed or credited to the prophet of Islam were hearsay that have never been verified and proved right. There is a great difference between science and belief, because while the former demands (requires) empirical evidence the latter is imagined/accepted to be true without proof. I agree with you that the judiciary in Nigeria is corrupt and the process of getting justice is too long. Nevertheless, it doesn't make sense that the solution to long process to get justice is jungle and predator's justice, especially when it concerns blasphemy. Islam is a religion of peace and it cannot thrive on coercion and intimidation. Inviolability of human life and illegality of mob action should be the corner stones of any good religion. There is no law in Nigeria that grants power to any individual or a religious group to take the life of another person on account of blasphemy. Sheik Ibrahim Magari's Islamic redline in Nigeria that stipulates death sentence for trespassers amounts to setting up a parallel government to the Federal government of Nigeria and thereby committed high treason. Thus, he or anyone celebrating the lynching of Deborah Samuel Yakubu is automatically guilty of murder by association. Soyinka is not a deity and if someone should make a distasteful statement about him to the knowledge of his admirers, the only right thing to do is to reciprocate with corrective statement. It is not allowed in law for some coconut-head persons to embark on murdering the person who had assaulted Soyinka verbally.
S. Kadiri

Sent: 28 May 2022 15:36

Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Dear Baba Kadiri,

Don’t impute violence to your truly. I’m more of a David Dellinger sort of fellow. The miscreant in question (a “piano player”) disappeared because knowing what he had said when pretending to be drunk, he feared the possibility of a scene like this overtaking him and bringing him to justice, depending on his answers when he would have been asked, just these two questions:

“ Does Cornelius Ignoramus look like a bitch? 

“Does Cornelius  Ignoramus look like your nigger?”

Back in London, I had a good friend like  Derek otherwise known as “Cool Black” - from Guyana,  Marvin Gaye’s personal bodyguard who would have accompanied me to do the questioning. Yet, see how Marvin died.  And just look at the kinds of house niggers assassinated Malcolm...

Just as you say, wisdom is universal and is not necessarily based on colour even if some of it takes on local colour because it is culture-dependent. That’s how Bedu Annan introduced me to Kwame Anthony Appiah’s then major popular publication, “In My Father’s House”   -that wisdom is not dependent on race etc…

With your insistence on Let it be known to you that if anyone should slap my wife in my presence, as you hypothetically presumed, I will do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting my wife.”, of course, what you have in mind is an ideal society, be it Sweden, or Nigeria where reporting the matter to the Police could be the beginning of  the long legal process of someone’s pain and grievances being addressed 

I think that I have told you before that since circa July 1970  when I spent my first summer in Sweden, till today, 28th May 2022, I have listened to Swedish Radio on less than four ( 4) occasions and the first time that I did, it was quite accidentally, to Radio Sweden in 1985, and this is exactly what I heard: “ Nigeria: between the airport and my hotel, I was robbed twice: first by the military, and then by the Police! “ At a slightly later date, I suppose that in telling his tale he would have to update us with the third robbery, this time by his Bank Manager at Savannah Bank, at No.10 Aba Road in Port Harcourt, of the sum of £6,000 Sterling.

That’s why I’m still chuckling quietly to myself as I imagine you running from the scene of the crime (the slap) as fast as your sprightly legs can carry you to the nearest Police Station in Sokoto to make a report that e.g a miscreant perhaps one of the homeless Almajiris or indeed another hungry Nigerian policeman had slapped your beloved and you hoping that the police constable at the desk where you file your report, will accompany you to find, identify and arrest whoever the miscreant is, because, nobody is above the law!

 Back to a more sordid reality, consider what happened to Ngugi Wa Thiong'o when he returned to Kenya  - in his case, four men were later arrested.

Baba Kadiri’s sorrowful l litany continues to point at the glaring absence of a functioning juridical system that should systematically implement what we would like to see as the rule of law in the absence of which people will tend to take the law into their own hands; since there’s already the general feeling that justice delayed is justice denied, that’s why in some instances immediate street justice is served. - as happened with Deborah Yakubu. 

Obviously, that’s what Sheikh Maqary is talking about; criminalise some forms of blasphemy such as Torah, Bible and Quran-burning etc and  instead  of lynching the miscreant / accused - the matter will be taken to court -  all this in the interests of peaceful coexistence 

On Sat, 28 May 2022 at 06:17, Cornelius Hamelberg <> wrote:
Dear Baba Kadiri, 

It's 4.58 a-m,  I  have now read through your excellent treatise and I'm still shuffering and Shmiling as a grass widower.

I'd just like to make this one point, re- your interpretation of what Brother Malcolm said :

"Please observe that Malcolm X did not say in part of his speech that you quoted that a Muslim should assault anyone that assaults another Muslim. Rather, he emphasized that Islamic religion taught them to be intelligent, be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if anyone puts his hand on YOU send him to the cemetery. Self-defence is an inherent part of any law whether in a theocratic, democratic or autocratic setting. Logically illustrated in law, it is Kadiri alone who in self-defence has the right to deal personally with anyone that assaults him and not Cornelius irrespective of whatever may be his personal relation or affection to Kadiri."

Well, that is one of the Malcolm X quotations that I know by heart - and somehow until about two years ago, I had been mistaken about the exact wording which chivalry clearly remembered as " but if anyone puts his hand on YOUR WOMAN  send him to the cemetery!" ( R.I.P.) 

Baba Kadiri, please stop sounding like a Yoruba missionary! Surely there's not that much difference between you and YOUR WOMAN  ( one flesh) when it comes to protecting and defending her honour and even sending somebody to the cemetery,  on her and your behalf,  if need be?
On Friday, 27 May 2022 at 23:43:45 UTC+2 ogunlakaiye wrote:
Menahem Hamelberg, ​I have to thank the owner of Heaven, called OLÓRUN in Yoruba language, that you decided on that fateful 16 September 2019, to take your wife home before returning to the scene of verbal assault on her with the intention to strike at the person who had earlier assaulted her only to find out that the *miscreant* had disappeared. Had you met him and executed your plan, you might have been sentenced to a life term imprisonment and, as of date, glorious Gloria would never have had the opportunity to address you as *Cornelius the wise* based on all the wisdom you have been disseminating on this forum to the pleasure of many of us. I don't know what verbal assault your chosen miscreant threw at your wife, but you as a staunch believer of 'an eye for an eye' should or ought to have understood that 'a verbal assault' could only be reciprocated with a 'verbal assault.' You cannot say because you treasure your blood being sacrosanct, therefore, you must draw a machete to behead a mosquito on your thigh. I once witnessed an altercation between a concave-nosed Turkish man and a swastika-necklaced Swede here in Sweden. Enmeshed in his Turkish traditional belief that the greatest insult one could belch out to a person is to say I will 'Fuck' your mother and he decided to demean his Swedish opponent with that expression. And the Swede responded spontaneously, please do it if she allows it. The Swedish man's reply indicated the power of brain over brawn because he was certain that his mother would never allow the Turk to mount on her sexually and if the Turk by any chance should forcibly mount on her, he will be arrested, tried, and jailed for rape. Thus, while a brawn would pull off his clothes to engage in physical combat to avenge an impracticable but contemptuous remark meant only to cause annoyance, the brain would just dismiss such remark as day-dreaming and leave the brawn to live in his deluded life.

Despite of what you and I know about Africa, I am surprised to read about your "authentic African man who is honour-bound and duty bound," and who "knows when, how and where to drop his nuclear bomb on the one who will be foolish to cross the line..." Your authentic African man who is honour-bound and duty-bound has been chopping off the hands of his fellow African brothers in a competition of who among them should send diamond and gold to Antwerp while his fellow citizens are living in penury and abject poverty. Your authentic African man who is duty and honour bound has been sending cocoa beans to Europe for their chocolate and beverage consumptions while his African brothers are toiling in the cocoa plantations for nothing. And your authentic African man who is honour and duty bound has been exporting crude oil at $100 per barrel while importing refined crude oil at $130 per barrel. The list of what your authentic African man who is honour and duty bound is doing to under develop Africa is infinitesimal and I am certain that you know that, but you are only pretending to be smart.

Pouring water on the back of a duck and tacitly referring to me as a Tom and yourself as a jungle man you wrote, "There are a whole lot of differences between your typical tom and the real jungle man." Well, my dear Menahem Hamelberg, it is very easy to take a monkey out of the jungle but it is impossible to take the jungle out of the monkey. The real jungle man of yours truly, is what Lord Lugard already in 1922 referred to as the African Negro whose insensitivity to pain and disregard for life whether his own or others cause him to appear callous to suffering. Most importantly, Lugard observed that the African Negro, your real jungle man, has the courage of a fighting animal - an instinct rather than a moral virtue. The problem of Africans is that we have so much muscles but little or no brains at all. The Yoruba people have three axioms saying (i) OGBÓN JU AGBÁRA; (ii) ALÁGBÁRA MÁ MÈRÒ BABA ÒLE; and (iii) ÌGBÉRAGÁ KÒ DARA. These are literally translated to (i) Wisdom is greater than strength (raw power); (ii) A thoughtless strong man is the father of laziness (weakling) and (iii) Arrogance is not good. Reflecting on the axioms serially, we find that although the Blackman was physically strong than the Whiteman, the latter was wise to exploit the former as slaves in the US and the Caribbean islands. Since the Blackman is incapable of making use of his power (strength) for his own benefit, he becomes the father of laziness and still the black man is arrogant for being exploited.

My grandmother used to tell us who were her grandchildren a Yoruba folklore that illustrated the three Yoruba axioms mentioned above. It was about a Lion King in the Jungle who summoned all the animals in his kingdom to a meeting. He told all the animals that he had noticed that whenever he roared in a bid to prey for his meal, all animals used to panic, even though it was only just one of them that he intended to kill. Therefore, Lion King suggested that a register be created where each animal would register for an appointed day to come to him to be killed for meal instead of him roaring and they panicking. All animals except the elephant agreed to the Lion King's proposal and surprisingly Fox was the first to register to be the meal of Lion King the following morning. At the agreed time, the following morning, Fox did not present himself to be eaten up by the Lion King. By noon, the Fox showed up and breathing heavily he told the Lion King that there was another Lion in the vicinity who had tried to prey on him on his way to the lion therefore, he urged the Lion King to first deal with the rival Lion before making meal out of him. The Lion King beckoned to the Fox to lead him to where the rival Lion was. Fox led the Lion King to a well nearby and pointed that the rivalling lion was inside there. The Lion King peeped inside the well and not knowing that it was his shadow that he saw roared and the shadow charged back causing the Lion King to jump into the well to deal with his rival. And there the Lion King perished in spite of his strength because of his thoughtlessness, arrogance and lack of wisdom.

Dear Menahem Hamelberg, I regret to observe that you have quoted part of the speech of Omowale Malcolm X as reported in his *Message to the Grass Roots* (p.12, Malcolm X Speaks) to imply that he was an Islamic warrior fighting for Islamic imperialism which is totally false. The same Malcolm X said on p. 20-21 as follows, "I'm not out to fight other Negro leaders or organizations. We must find a common approach, a common solution, to a common problem. As of this minute, I've forgotten everything bad that the other leaders have said about me, and I pray they can also forget the many bad things I've said about them. The problem facing our people here in America is bigger than all other personal or organizational differences. Therefore, as leaders, we must stop worrying about the threat we seem to think we pose to each other's personal prestige, and concentrate our efforts toward solving the unending hurt that is being done daily to our people here in America." Then on p.24 he declared, "Although I'm still a Muslim, I'm not here tonight to discuss my religion. I'm not here to try and change your religion. I'm not here to argue or discuss anything that we defer about, because it's time for us to submerge our differences and realize that it is best for us to first see that we have the same problem, a common problem - a problem that will make you catch hell whether you're a Baptist, or a Methodist, or a Muslim, or a Nationalist. Whether you're educated or illiterate....." Please observe that Malcolm X did not say in part of his speech that you quoted that a Muslim should assault anyone that assaults another Muslim. Rather, he emphasized that Islamic religion taught them to be intelligent, be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if anyone puts his hand on YOU send him to the cemetery. Self-defence is an inherent part of any law whether in a theocratic, democratic or autocratic setting. Logically illustrated in law, it is Kadiri alone who in self-defence has the right to deal personally with anyone that assaults him and not Cornelius irrespective of whatever may be his personal relation or affection to Kadiri.

Why did Malcolm X speak the way he did at that time? It was because the Christian religion was being used to justify and perpetuate the racial persecution of Black Americans and some Black American leaders were asking persecuted blacks to accept their fate and follow the counsel of Jesus in the Bible. Jesus, they claimed in Mathew Chapter 5 verses 43-44 admonished thus, "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you." Further in Luke Chapter 6 verses 27-29 Jesus, they claimed, admonished, "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you; Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also." Malcolm X did not like the Biblical counsel that the Black Americans were being indoctrinated with, therefore, he called for revolution against the persecution and exploitation of Black Americans thus, "Revolution is never based on begging somebody for an integrated cup of coffee. Revolutions are never fought by turning the other cheek. Revolutions are never based upon love-your-enemy and pray-for-those-who-spitefully-use-you. And revolutions are never waged singing WE SHALL OVERCOME (p.50, Malcolm X Speaks)."

I believe in freedom of religion but I don't believe in religious freedom to murder anyone as in the case of Deborah Samuel Yakubu in Sokoto. The transcript of the voice WhatsApp group in which Deborah objected to its use for religious propaganda has been made public and nowhere in the voice note was it found that Deborah Samuel Yakubu said according to you, "Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad." Even if the invented exclamation remark credited to Deborah were true, that would reasonably not turn her to a miscreant, much less an invitation to Sokoto's Almajirai (children beggars) to murder her. The constitution and the criminal codes in Nigeria do not permit anyone to murder another person on a loose accusation of blasphemy against a religion or a prophet. And if blasphemy were to be criminal in Nigeria, only the courts are allowed to try and convict breachers of law and not any rag-rapped-headed and religious red-line drawer. According to the 2006 population census, Sokoto State contained 3 million, 702 thousand, 6 hundred and seventy-six people. Since 1999, Sokoto State's government has collected billions of dollars as revenue allocations from the Federal government. Yet, literacy rate in Sokoto State is said to be only 15% resulting in millions of children flooding the streets with bowls in their hands to beg for alms (the so-called almajirai). The Sharia led states in Northern Nigeria, just like in Sokoto State, make Almajirai the basis of their political power and livelihood. The Almajirai who stoned Deborah Samuel to death did not contain any sons of the leaders in Sokoto State. Their children are in faraway USA, United Kingdom and other European countries studying in secular societies that are never governed by sharia law and whose educational curricula are never diluted with Islamic propaganda.
Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Saad Abubakar’s daughter, Fatima Abubakar recently graduated from a university in the United Kingdom. Her father and the Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, were present to celebrate her graduation held at Brighton, United Kingdom, on Thursday 20th July, 2017..

​I can never have anything against al-Islam which I, as a Yoruba man and not Arab, don't know what it means. What I have said is that it was satanic to murder Deborah Samuel Yakubu in the name of Islam and that has caused gangsterism to take the centre stage and all that is left is unbridled grandstanding and overpouring of arrant tantrums.
S. Kadiri

Sent: 25 May 2022 01:22

To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric
Like a real House-Negro 

Dear Baba Kadiri 


“do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting (his)  wife”

The authentic African man who is honour-bound, and duty-bound,  knows when, how and where to drop his nuclear bomb on the one who would be foolish enough to cross the line  - the suicidal line, crossing which leads to self-annihilation of any such miscreant mortal man.

If he is not in possession of nuclear weapons, then any other suitable weapon that is at hand/handy should be used to do the necessary job of dispatching the miscreant to his earthly destiny. 

On the 16th of September 2019, somebody said something to my wife, I took her home and five minutes later returned to the scene where the somebody had said something that I didn’t like. I returned unarmed , but the cowardly miscreant had disappeared because he must have felt that his end was near. He was tall and gangly alright but it would have taken me less than 20 seconds to have him on the floor and another ten seconds to send him to deep sleep ( of course he didn’t know that ) and the fat one would have taken the penalty shot right between the legs.

If I wanted to, I could have planned his demise to happen a little later, with me myself far, far away from the scene of the crime. 

There are a whole lot of differences between your typical  tom and the real Jungle man 

You who like boasting about true Yoruba man-hood, listen carefully to what El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz whose Youruba name is Omowale , listen carefully  to what he has to say here: 

“There’s nothing in our book, the Quran — you call it “Ko-ran” — that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That’s a good religion. In fact, that’s that old-time religion. That’s the one that Ma and Pa used to talk about: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and a head for a head, and a life for a life: That’s a good religion. And doesn’t nobody resent that kind of religion being taught but a wolf, who intends to make you his meal.”

The way you talk about Sheikh Ibrahim Maqari is disgraceful, I should have thought is beneath you, and I will not sleep so low as to start some idiotic tittle-tattle altercation with you about him, about blasphemy or about house niggers,

 “ Wole Soyinka is a true Black Nigerian… true son of the soil of Nigeria” and the missionary son of a preacher man was NOT CORRECT…

 About your other request, that I “ reproduce in printed letters what she was reported to have said”,  kindly disabuse yourself of the idea that I’m your some kind of errand-boy / message-boy at your beck and call to be reproducing reported calumnies and blasphemies uttered against the Prophet of Islam, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam - 

I told Emmanuel our Edo Brother about what I read and posted to this forum earlier on, that the miscreant had exclaimed  in Sokoto; “ Who the hell is Prophet Muhammad !”  and Emmanuel's exact  words  were “ That was being suicidal!” 

Please take note: I do not intend to fraternise or keep the company of anyone who is inimical to the interests of al-Islam either here, right now, or in the Hereafter 

On Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 23:46:05 UTC+2 ogunlakaiye wrote:
​Menahem Hamelberg,

Let it be known to you that if anyone should slap my wife in my presence, as you hypothetically presumed, I will do everything possible to get the person arrested by the Police for assaulting my wife. Sentimental and emotional actions are not recognised in law. If, in defence of my wife, I should slap the slapper of my wife the police on arrival at the scene of the incident will arrest me and the person that slapped my wife for assaults and disturbing public order. Although the law permits self-defence, my wife is not absolutely permitted under the law to retaliate by slapping back at your hypothetical slapper of her face. The law requires her to report the violator of her face to the police for arrest and trial in the court of law. Religious fanatics believe in vengeance of eye for eye and tooth for tooth but secularized societies are against that doctrine because simple gumption dictates that the doctrine of eye for eye and tooth for tooth may lead to the entire society becoming blind and toothless. So, Cornelius, if Mohammad or Jesus is insulted, it is only them that should feel insulted and take action if they can and have the will to do so and not any dumb-ass-headed person who is neither genetically nor racially related to Jesus or Mohammad.

How can one define Blasphemy in a secular and multi religious country like Nigeria? Blasphemy after all must mean different things to different people, depending on the choice of deity one has chosen religiously. And paper heads who think with the intestines and not the brain are asking Nigerian Government to pass law to criminalise blasphemy. Yet, religious pretenders have already smuggled section 204 into the Nigerian criminal code that stipulates a two-year imprisonment for public insult on religion. At the same time, Sections 38 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression. Since the Constitution is superior to other laws in Nigeria Sections 38 and 39 of the 1999 Constitution supersede Section 204 of the Nigerian Criminal Code in application.

Sheik Ibrahim Maqari had drawn his Islamic redlines which no one should cross and which trespassers have to pay with their own lives in Nigeria. His Islamic redline in Nigeria is an expression of his cultural inferiority garbed in truculent and tortured inability to discover his self-worth. A Sheik, according to the dictionary is a head of an Arab tribe, therefore, Ibrahim Maqari should move to an Arab land to become a Sheik where he can draw his Arab-Islamic red lines not in Nigeria. If he thinks he is an Arab, he should look into the mirror for his true image and real self. The wannabe Black Arab in Nigeria, Sheik Ibrahim Maqari twitted, "If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you (sic) should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves." The twit justified the murder of Deborah Samuel Yakubu by Islamic predators who accused her of Blaspheming their prophet and what the Sheik was saying in reality is that if the Nigeria could not stop the alleged blasphemy against the Islamic prophet by Deborah Samuel Yakubu, then Muslim predators should not be blamed for taking laws into their hands to murder her. Wole Soyinka is a true Black Nigerian and he was actually correct, being the true son of the soil of Nigeria to demand the arrest and the trial of that counterfeit Nigerian Arab Sheik for his complicity in the murder of Deborah Samuel Yakubu.
S. Kadiri     

Sent: 23 May 2022 20:03
To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Deborah Samuel: Soyinka calls for prosecution of Abuja cleric

Here’s Baba Kadiri sounding off:

Whatever Deborah Samuel Yakubu might have uttered which was interpreted to imply disrespect to the Islamic prophet, it is only the prophet himself who should feel the disrespect and react accordingly and not any stupid house-niggers on his behalf. In law, one is allowed to avenge the slap on one's own face by a slapper but it is criminal for one to avenge the slap on the face of another person than self. Can you extrapolate a slap on another person's face to your own face?”

If, (God forbid) someone were to slap Baba Kadiri’s beloved wife would he simply stand idly by and ask the same dumb-ass question?

The sane one should also take it for granted that I strongly disagree with Mr Soyinka's titanic reaction. It is well-intended, no doubt, he is speaking up in good conscience, supposedly as the good conscience of the Naija Nation, and as usual, what the iconic human rights veteran says resonates through the media waves, but I think that it’s wrong, overblown, it misses the target and in the circumstances, considering all the hysteria and sense of moral outrage fanning the air and fuelling the flames from all directions, calling for the head of the Chief Imam at the Abuja Mosque to roll, is probably nothing less than just one more strong-headed, knee-jerk reaction from Nigeria’s Shakespeare.

Someone (he?) may be surprised that I disagree, but I do disagree - strongly - and confidently -  and you are my witness, for the very simple reasons that I’ll explain and everyone should understand my simple explanation in contrast with Mr Soyinka’s trademark tirade,  the dense & deep Soyinka-esque style of polemic which one had to trudge through before finally coming to the crux of the matter: He is confident that “Both the Sultan and Professor Maqafi cannot be right.”

Well, of course, they can both be right, and in this case, in my judgement, they are both truly, absolutely right, and the one does not contradict the other. 

Mr Soyinka himself is not infallible, he does not claim to be the new Pope, nor does he enjoy a monopoly on interpretation, even if there is a Southern consensus on what he says, he could be humble enough to take a step back and reconsider that he may have misread and thereby misunderstood what the Imam of the Abuja Mosque Sheikh Ibrahim Maqari said because, of course, given his background, the less than omniscient  Professor Soyinka has obviously read into Profesor Ibrahim Maqari’s statement much more than Professor Maqari actually said - at least on the surface. Professor Soyinka with all his own personal, foreordained prejudices, whims and caprices, his backlog of irritations with land encroachments by Fulani herdsmen, the Boko Haram menace, his disappointment and disillusion with the Nigerian Presidency etc,  he has imputed to Sheikh Professor Dr Ibrahim Maqari ‘s terse communique, much more than the Sheikh actually said or intended on paper and only Sheikh Ibrahim himself is in a position to elaborate on what he intended, which does not mean that every individual reader does not have the freedom to arrive at his/ her own subjective understanding or interpretation of the message.

This is what the Sheikh said on Twitter that is causing all the brouhaha :

“It should be known to everyone that we the Muslims have some red lines beyond which MUST NOT be crossed. The dignity of the Prophet (PBUH) is at the forefront of the red lines.

“If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves.”

Catholics have their Popes some of whom have been proven to be less than infallible human beings throughout the ages. Others have other authorities such as Babalawos, big, pompous bishops officiating in and out of their cassocks, Pentecostal pastors carrying their crosses on their chests, husbands, wives, mistresses, gang leaders, high court judges “taking bribes on the side”, ransom kidnappers, bank governors, teachers of big and little grammar etc all have their flocks,

Another way of looking at the mess: A few others “could be living in another country, under another name” , i.e under a name other than God’s Ineffable name , because the way I understand it  - some people, such as e.g Wole Soyinka believe themselves to be living either in the kingdom of Satan’s anarchy or under or side by side with First Citizen Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigerian Constitution, a Muhammadu Buhari that was democratically elected as Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala ‘s highest political representative in secular Nigeria which is largely governed by the aforementioned still amendable 1999 Nigerian Constitution and not by Sharia Law, the Ten Commandments, or the Sermon on the Mount.

As the late Rabbi Jacob Neusner puts it, on page 19 of “A Rabbi talks with Jesus

“When I accept the yoke of the commandments of the Torah and do them,I accept God’s rule. I live in the kingdom of God, which is to say, in the dominion of Heaven, here on earth.  That is what it means to live a holy life: to live by the will of God in the here and now.”

This thread is hinged on Human rights activist and Nobel Laureate in Literature Wole Soyinka’s sermon from the heights of the moral high ground that he believes that he occupies, and in his own judgement self-righteous Soyinka with feet on the ground is delivering the sermon from somewhere up in the clouds, but certainly below heaven, which is certainly OK with me, that at least he is not claiming that he delivered this message sitting on the throne on God as that would have been another good example of blasphemy in thought and word but not in actual deed, enough reason for the all the Pharisees to unite in stoning him and by all the Pharisees I mean the Muslim Pharisees, if indeed such holy people exist, and of course, the other Bible thumping Pharseees, the Pentecostal pastors and the evangelical bigots among them.

All that Soyinka and other critics could say is that what is missing from the Abuja Imam’s terse message, is the message that even when a congregation of Muslims are tried by suffering extreme provocation,  mob rule/the mob mentality should not be allowed to take over - so in addition to expressing an understanding of the extreme provocation that led to " If our grievances are not properly addressed, then you should not be criticized for addressing them ourselves",  what's called for is an explicit exhortation that our Muslim  Brethren control their nafs al ammarah and try to not take the law into their own hands.

 That the Imama did not give such advice in that short message, does not mean that the highly cultivated Imam has not given more goodly Islamic advice elsewhere. 

It is not OK to curse a Prophet in the presence of his followers; it is not OK to burn the Holy Quran outside the mosques, and it is not OK to piss on the grave of dearly  departed when you go on pilgrimage or on Ziyarat 

Once again, for those who care and have the time I recommend ISLAM: Past, Present, and Future by Hans Küng 

On Saturday, 21 May 2022 at 22:07:58 UTC+2 toyinfalola wrote:

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Ben Ezeamalu posted: "Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, has urged the Nigerian government to remove from office Ibrahim Maqari, the Imam of Abuja Mosque, over his comments following the mob killing of Deborah Samuel, a student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto. Mr S" Premium Times Nigeria

Mr Soyinka said the cleric should be tried under any existing laws that approximate hate rhetoric, incitement to murder and abuse of office.

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