Re: Q Anon is the tip of the iceberg

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non lue,
25 févr. 2021, 13:13:4525/02/2021

for me nationalism is and was merely a best means to a generalized end the end being the survival of the interest of the middle class as fitting into the conceived nation state. It would be crazy to pursue this edict to a mad end which would be nobody who is patriotic, or nobody who is looking out for the interest of their own people, is inherently bad, and in my opinion it's a neutral thing it's like having buck teeth or not it's just as a feature. The rise of nationalist leaders in Brazil and Boris Johnson if you will he's not really a nationalist leader, and the US was symptomatic of globalism not working for the middle class that simple! Even nationalists are quite aware of the effect of the Smoot Holly tariff at the beginning of the depression and how it turned the depression into the great depression. As historian Pat Moynihan stated some years ago the road to Hiroshima and Auschwitz flowed through Smooth Holly so yes policies do have their effects don't they?

I am deeply concerned about the way the Democrats are profoundly affiliated with the globalist who are basically China facing businesses that have evolved into oligarchis. these I would submit don't serve the interest of the US middle class nor of the middle class anywhere else in the world thus we may all have something in common just as the globalist billionaires have something in common they're hunger for Chinese money. if there was a conspiracy to oust orange man, it was performed not by antifa or BLM but by the billionaires and their media consulties. But that's just a guess on my part! The impact of the new administration's policies may get us into a situation where we are involved in hyperinflation as in the 1970s high unemployment as in the 1970s and political repression. this would constitute a destabilized America and its impacts upon the rest of the world should be noted.

On Thursday, February 25, 2021 Bruno Marchal <> wrote:

On 24 Feb 2021, at 15:30, Telmo Menezes <> wrote:

As an outside observer, I can't help but notice the following pattern in American politics: every presidential election is now seen as a civilization-threatening event, where each side believes that the other side is literally pure evil in its crystalized form, and that if they win, life as we know it will be over. We have now been through several iterations of this, and the reality is that nothing ever seems to happen, one way or the other.

I think that before Trump, most Dems and Rep saw themselves as adversary, but not as enemy. Only with Trump, the adversary has become a scapegoat, an enemy, the responsible of all wrongs. Trump does not seem to be able to dialog, not even with its close accomplices. Trump is the worst enemy of … Trump. I think that his case is close to being pathological.

Let me propose a (I know, perhaps crazy), alternative hypothesis:

Your limbic system has been hijacked for clicks. The presidency is not as important as you think it is. Most people are mostly incompetent. China is incompetent, Russia is incompetent, the CIA is incompetent and so on and so forth. Very little of what they do matter to you or me in any way, shape or form.

There is no class consciousness in the 21st century in the west. There will be no revolt of the middle classes. Antifa is just a bunch of college kids doing what college kids do. BLM protests created no problems of any significance whatsoever. Statues don't matter, cancel culture doesn't matter, the alt-right doesn't matter, none of it matters. Most of the public personalities on both the right and the left are entertainers making a living. Nothing of what they say matters.

If Trump would have said what he knew about covid-19 in February 2020), May people would still be alive. 
If Trump would have won the second term election: I think that democracy would not have survived, on the whole planet, and the whole planet would be like … Texas today. I mean without water, ...

The stuff that matters is boring: laws, education, serious journalism. If the legal system, or education, or newspapers give you an emotional rush, you're probably getting counterfeit goods. Being able to talk to each other without accusing the other side of being nazis or harvesting babies for adrenochrome is what probably matters. There is no conspiracy. There is just short-term greed, and new technologies that create environments that we did not evolve for. 

If short term greed is satisfy by honest means, there is no problem, but when lies are made at the top, soon the belly, the health, and the basic needs disappear, leading to suffering. 

I detest Trump, but I detest him because he's a dumb and mean narcissist who sets a horrible example. I don't like bullies, and I hate it when they win. Otherwise, he didn't matter. He accomplished nothing of any significance, good or bad.

I think he did one good thing, and a tun of very bad things, and his endangering of democracy is not yet terminated. Thanks to him, there are QAnon people in the government. That’s very bad. 

The covid fuck-up probably had more to do with American culture and overall circumstances than anything else. The lack of a real public health system,

That’s because prohibition and free-market are inconsistent. Then, the abandon of rigour in the fundamental human science makes people accepting inconsistencies, which lead to human catastrophes. Even the “electric crisis” in Texas comes from the worst political isolationnisme possible, and a willingness to refuse a free-market for electricity. 

the self-reliant mentality that has a great side and a horrible side, the glorification of work at all costs, the social inequalities that force a lot of people to work at all costs. All stuff that was already there, and will keep being there. Every country in the world thought they were very smart about covid until they weren't. If one compares covid to the Spanish flu, it's unfolding in exactly the same way. The curves look the same, it's uncanny.

Biden won't matter either, nor will Kamala.

When good willing people can do compromise, people have a bigger chance to drink when thirsty or to eat when hungry. And kids have more chance to get a solid education, and become less prone to lies. I fear as much Sanders than Trump, and the task will not be easy for Biden and Kamala, but I leave them a chance, and at least, they are of the type of beings capable of conceding losing elections. Trump, it seems to me, has clearly shows his envy to be a dictator, which it is the first time in the US that this could have happened. Without the honesty of the Republicans in Georgia, Trump might have become the 46th president, and I don’t even want to imagine the state of the US after that.

Is there a lot of stuff that we should improve in the world? Oh yes! But none of this has anything to do with that.

I think that the democracy is the base to make any long-term improvement possible. Of course, it is a “living” thing, and so it can get sick, and even die.

For me, democracy is a symptom of our Löbianity: the knowledge that we don’t know the truth, nor can we know what is the best for us, and the consequence: let us try and see if it works, and letting people judge if it works, by oscillating between alternative solutions.

Paul Valery said that the human choice is between war and logic. Democracy is the attempt to use logic, and argumentation around a table, instead of bloody war on a battlefield, and I think it is a key progress. It prevents dark lasting ideology of possible bully monarchs. 



Am Mi, 24. Feb 2021, um 04:14, schrieb spudboy100 via Everything List:

Well look at it this way The billionaires the globalist all the same funded and conspired with news media according to Time magazine a couple of weeks ago to get their China money back which was the essence of their opposition to the orange man. Going forward it's going to be more interesting to see what happens with the US domestic economy first, and then see if the so-called Democrats decide to use political oppression on top of this. What I am guessing is that if and when they do, and it is no certainty, we'll see a rebellion in the USA, because not everybody in this continent is so easily persuaded by whatever Obama and Kamala and of course Joe have to say about things specifically don't lose sight of the fact that it is there oligarchy that is running things now and not the US middle class and I think things will break along class lines if it when things go bad especially economically. Peace out!

On Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Bruno Marchal <> wrote:

On 21 Jan 2021, at 01:34, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

Bruno, I completely agree and will be delighted to be proven wrong, as thus, the new people (basically Obama's people) have a turn again at bat (US baseball reference). QANON, I ignored because they produced nothing useful, Basically, a disinformation campaign, and many of these in the past seemingly, were not all by the Soviets, the Chinese Communist Party, but were spun up by US advertising agencies. All in the name of psychological warfare. 

I don’t think we can compare the lying propaganda (of the USSR for exemple) with the advertising in the US. Even the lies on drugs could be criticised, and the truth be known, like with the book of Jack Herer. He has not been sent in jail, nor his family get under threats. Threats in politics in something new in America, and seems to come up through Trump and those who enabled him. That is very grave, but, thank God, the US is still a democracy. But the Republican Party is very sick, that is what we can say.


Here is my questions for the departed Orange President? Where is your evidence of massive, successful, voter fraud? 

Since you had mentioned back in 2016 when you ran against Hillary,

I ran for nobody. After one week of Trump’s campaign I predicted (wrongly) that he would not get more than one vote. I am vey naïve, but once he promised he would show his taxes, I knew he was a crook. I am a republican, just horrified by Donald Trump and most of his acolytes. For me you can put Trump at the extreme left. You need this to lick Putin and Kim-Young-Un feet...

and quoted a study that indicated illegals in the US voting, you must have expected vote fraud, so why not take the steps to ensure that it would be difficult to conduct mass fraud??

The election in the US are very well organised. To have mass fraud is basically impossible. You would need thousands of democrats becoming (fake) member of the Republican Party. At this hours, we would have many whistleblowers using some doubt, at the least. But none of this occur, and no people witnessing frauds have maintained their claim under oath. I think, with Crebs, that: those were the most secure election ever made on the planet.

Now, the facts that republicans continue to fear Trump worry me. They will lose the election and the honour, and that’s the best case scenario for the US.


-----Original Message-----

From: Bruno Marchal <>


Sent: Wed, Jan 20, 2021 10:41 am

Subject: Re: Q Anon is the tip of the iceberg

On 17 Jan 2021, at 08:22, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

Universities are the autocratic kings of censorship and repression.

Some universities are like that, with some degree. When I was young, there were some excellent course in philosophy alongside with course which were pure and simple propaganda.

Then even the math departement was politicised, after may 1968. You needed to be communist to be well seen by the geometers, to be socialist to be well seen by Algebraists,  and to be capitalist to be analyst (calculus). Well, not as clearcut at this, but that was in the air, and some student got bad note for not applauding some local ideology, which was outrageous,

Some have fight on this and win, others have fight and got many problems. It all depends on the character of many individuals, but of course, the pré-eminance of the human general law “the boss is right” does not help.

At least, in a working democracy, we can change the boss from time to time. That is a real progress, and perhaps the only one since Plato, in the human science.

It is no mistake that the most tyrannical of presidents Wilson and Obama arrived from the realm of professorship. I would add FDR and his internment camps, but he did free more peeps, than he imprisoned to say the least, so good on him. 

So what to do? My part is easy! Wait for errors on the side of the ruling class, that affects the middle class, and when enough uncorrected problems pile up, people, naturally will react. Repression from social media and the banks will be one thing that initiates a back-reaction (right outta optical physics).

If the Dems do well with economic recovery, then it will be sunny skies for them.  Once Kamala gets in gear, we will see what her leadership takes us? 

Let us give them a chance. We will see.


On Saturday, January 16, 2021 Philip Benjamin <> wrote:

[John K Clark]

“No universities are doing any censoring either and for exactly the same reason, although I do think threatening to expel students for what they say is a very unproductive thing to do”

[Philip Benjamin]

   There are hundreds if not thousands of instances to the contrary. Some are listed below. That is why I call these Universities WAMP—Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism).


2.  LOS       

     ANGELES ( — Attorneys for a California State University, Northridge scientist who was terminated from his job after discovering soft tissue on a triceratops fossil have filed a lawsuit against the university.


    Astronomer Sues the University of Kentucky, Claiming His Faith Cost Him a Job


    A Psychiatry Professor fired after speech opposing puberty-blocking drugs sues university


    A Chapman University law professor who has come under fire for his election fraud claims and participation in a rally led by President Donald Trump just before the insurrection at the Capitol fought back Monday against critics who are calling for his ouster from the university



       Big science has expelled smart new ideas from the classroom ... What they forgot is that every generation has its Rebel! That rebel, Ben Stein (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) travels the world on his quest, and learns an awe-inspiring truth … that educators and scientists are being ridiculed, denied tenure and even fired – for the crime of merely believing that there might be evidence of design in nature, and that perhaps life is not just the result of accidental, random chance. To which Ben Says: Enough! And then gets busy. NOBODY messes with Ben.

Philip Benjamin  


From: <> On Behalf Of John Clark

Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2021 6:12 AM



Subject: Re: Q Anon is the tip of the iceberg


On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 10:00 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:


> For me, all I need to see is which companies are doing the censoring?


To censor someone you need the power to imprison or kill them if they say something you don't like, so no company is doing any censoring, some of them may want to but none of them are able to because only governments have enough power to do that. I'm not saying companies don't have any power at all because they do, and sometimes they use the power they do have unwisely, and that's a problem, but the solution is not to give even more power to the government because it already has quite enough power thank you. So what is the solution?  I don't know, there may not be one, there is not always a solution to every problem and that's why we live in an imperfect world and probably always will, but we should try to make the imperfections as small as possible. And if history has taught us anything it's that  giving even more power to the government, which is already the most powerful institution in our society, will not make the world perfect.


> Which universities are censoring for the "safety of the students"


No universities are doing any censoring either and for exactly the same reason, although I do think threatening to expel students for what they say is a very unproductive thing to do. And I think the idea that university students are such delicate snowflakes that they need protection from harsh language or exposure to views different from their own is ridiculous; they're not gonna be in college for their entire life and sooner or later they're going to have to toughen up if they want to live in the real world. So that's a problem, but the world is full of problems and some of them we just have to live with. I know one thing for sure: a government edict banning such a practice would cause more problems than it solved.


> We had 7 months of sporadic riots and the liberals (which I sometimes side with) and now they freak out when conservatives targets the capital.


If you are not freaked out by a murderous mob of Stormtrumper zombies staging a coup d'état by attacking the Capital Building which contained the Vice President and every single member of the House and Senate in an attempt to overturn the Constitution of the USA and a free election to keep their "Dear Leader" in power indefinitely then there is something very seriously wrong with you!  


John K Clark.


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Philip Benjamin

non lue,
26 févr. 2021, 10:41:5626/02/2021


      “The impact of the new administration's policies may get us into a situation where we are involved in hyperinflation as in the 1970s high unemployment as in the 1970s and political repression. this would constitute a destabilized America and its impacts upon the rest of the world should be noted”.

[Philip Benjamin]

      According to Terrence M. McCoy, Gordon Grey Fellow of International Journalism, Columbia University, March 15, 2012 “American exceptionalism” was a pejorative term coined by the civilized PAGAN Communist dictator Joseph Stalin (an ex-Seminarian), not by the aristocratic French political philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville, 1835 ( “Stalin ridiculed America for its abnormalities, which he cast under the banner of exceptionalism, Daniel Rodgers, a professor of history at Princeton…….”,

       Why the Marxist ridicule? Because America is NOT the product of TM, Talmud, Yoga, Mantras, New Age, Jungian sorceries, occultism, Freudian follies, entomologist Alfred Kinsey fabrications and frauds ( etc. West in general is an Augustinian transformational (awakened) product (; America in particular is the result of the “Two Great Awakenings”. The Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism) – WAMP-the-Ingrate- is totally ignorant of these FACTS !!  and want to be identified with the rest of the scholarly, civilized PAGAN world of un-awakened consciousness, thus ceasing to be a standard setter.  

        Politics is irreconcilably divided into two camps un-awakened PAGAN & awakened NON-PAGAN. Paganism is on the ascendency in the West, especially on the campuses. Catastrophic malady is inevitable.   

        From a scientific point of view, awakening refers to the extrinsic energization of the non-electric, non-entropic, bio twin formed from the moment of conception from  bio dark-matter and its chemistries.   

Philip Benjamin      


From: spudboy100 via Everything List <>
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: Q Anon is the tip of the iceberg


for me nationalism is and was merely a best means to a generalized end the end being the survival of the interest of the middle class as fitting into the conceived nation state. It would be crazy to pursue this edict to a mad end which would be nobody who is patriotic, or nobody who is looking out for the interest of their own people, is inherently bad, and in my opinion it's a neutral thing it's like having buck teeth or not it's just as a feature. The rise of nationalist leaders in Brazil and Boris Johnson if you will he's not really a nationalist leader, and the US was symptomatic of globalism not working for the middle class that simple! Even nationalists are quite aware of the effect of the Smoot Holly tariff at the beginning of the depression and how it turned the depression into the great depression. As historian Pat Moynihan stated some years ago the road to Hiroshima and Auschwitz flowed through Smooth Holly so yes policies do have their effects don't they?

I am deeply concerned about the way the Democrats are profoundly affiliated with the globalist who are basically China facing businesses that have evolved into oligarchis. these I would submit don't serve the interest of the US middle class nor of the middle class anywhere else in the world thus we may all have something in common just as the globalist billionaires have something in common they're hunger for Chinese money. if there was a conspiracy to oust orange man, it was performed not by antifa or BLM but by the billionaires and their media consulties. But that's just a guess on my part! The impact of the new administration's policies may get us into a situation where we are involved in hyperinflation as in the 1970s high unemployment as in the 1970s and political repression. this would constitute a destabilized America and its impacts upon the rest of the world should be noted.

On Thursday, February 25, 2021 Bruno Marchal <> wrote:

On 24 Feb 2021, at 15:30, Telmo Menezes <> wrote:

As an outside observer, I can't help but notice the following pattern in American politics: every presidential election is now seen as a civilization-threatening event, where each side believes that the other side is literally pure evil in its crystalized form, and that if they win, life as we know it will be over. We have now been through several iterations of this, and the reality is that nothing ever seems to happen, one way or the other.

I think that before Trump, most Dems and Rep saw themselves as adversary, but not as enemy. Only with Trump, the adversary has become a scapegoat, an enemy, the responsible of all wrongs. Trump does not seem to be able to dialog, not even with its close accomplices. Trump is the worst enemy of … Trump. I think that his case is close to being pathological.


John Clark

non lue,
26 févr. 2021, 11:59:1526/02/2021
On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 1:13 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

> Even nationalists are quite aware of the effect of the Smoot Holly tariff at the beginning of the depression and how it turned the depression into the great depression. As historian Pat Moynihan stated some years ago the road to Hiroshima and Auschwitz flowed through Smooth Holly

I basically agree..., but "even" the nationalists? I think you mean ESPECIALLY the nationalists! The Smoot Hawley Tariff Act was passed by a Republican Congress and signed by Republican president, and it was intended to curtail free trade, and it did exactly that; and thus it turned a garden-variety recession into a worldwide decade long depression. And there has been no greater opponent to free trade in the last century than Donald J Trump, the man even proudly said "I am a Tariff Man".  

> I am deeply concerned about the way the Democrats are profoundly affiliated with the globalist

I am deeply concerned about the way the Republicans are profoundly affiliated with QAnon. Globalists have brains, QAnon doesn't.

> The impact of the new administration's policies may get us into a situation where we are involved in hyperinflation as in the 1970s

Republicans have been predicting that every single year for the last 50 years, except of course for the years in which they held the presidency, because everybody knows deficit spending only matters when a Democrat is President. And In 1930, the same year Republicans passed the Smoot HawleyTariff Act, they also opposed  increasing Government spending because they were worried about inflation even though at the time the country was mired in the opposite sort of economic catastrophe, deflation. And deflation can be every bit as harmful as inflation as events soon proved.
John K Clark   See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 


Bruno Marchal

non lue,
31 mars 2021, 12:44:4731/03/2021

On 26 Feb 2021, at 16:41, Philip Benjamin <> wrote:

  From a scientific point of view, awakening refers to the extrinsic energization of the non-electric, non-entropic, bio twin formed from the moment of conception from  bio dark-matter and its chemistries. 

From a scientific point of view that is a (vague) theory. I will wait for the axioms, and the consequences, and the means of testing.

If by Pagan you mean the believer in Matter, you seem doubly Pagan to me, as you assume two sorts of matter.

Personally I tend to see (weak) Materialism as a lasting superstition. It will disappear from the natural science, or the science of the observable, like vitalism has disappeared from biology.

What what I see are universal machine measuring numbers and inferring all sorts of relation betweens those numbers. And yes, some claim bizarre things about those things not capturable by numbers, and they are correct on this. 

When doing metaphysics with the scientific method, we can use, today, the tools provided by mathematical logic, to distinguish better the realities (“models” or “interpretations” in the sense of logician) and the theories/machines/words/numbers/finite-thing we are tackling about, and can be talking with, or “in” (standard use).

I have no idea of your assumptions, and invoking dark matter is very weird, do you mean a theory with axions? I am not sure anybody have found a theory of Dark Matter, and I am personally skeptical on any ontological matter, as there are no evidence for that (despite Newtonian physics would contradict Mechanism, and be an evidence against mechanism if it were true).

Gödel’s theorem protects Mechanism from Diagonalisation à la Lucas-Penrose, and it happens that it protects mechanism from many misuse of quantum mechanics, that it predicts “semantically” and “syntactlcally”, and this without ontological commitment, just the usual simple fact of the type 2+2=4 or KSK = S, ... 


Philip Benjamin

non lue,
2 avr. 2021, 10:15:5002/04/2021

[Philip Benjamin]

     First of all, just a cue: most if not all postings here are responses to the postings of somebody else. I identify certain things, especially occultist mysticism, as WAMP [Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism)] and not science, which does not refer to any particular person(s), rather a self-description or a general observation .  Paganism is genuinely germane here, since civilized and erudite pagan Augustine’s “instant transformation” pulled the West out from Greco-Roman PAGANISM, philosophies, polytheistic superstitions and “unknown gods” into a path of knowable universe and investigative explorations that finally led to the development of science and technologies which the rest of the pagan world of civilizations and mystic scholarships could not initiate. The WAMP is a stealing beneficiary of that Augustinian Trust, including the Five Day workweek, Sabbaticals, etc. which are uniquely Scriptural and unheard of in other cultures.  That is not  “white trash” (N/A to Philip Benjamin anyway) as some here label, but a hard historical fact. 

    As regards Bruno Marchal’s musings below, some general points need be enumerated.

1 .  Ones’ worldview is not necessarily science, even if it be based on scientific observations. Bohr’s Taoism or Jungian sorceries are not

      necessarily sciences. They are worldviews based on the notions of particle-wave dualism and the BOTH & logical fallacy. Wave-

      likeness is not waviness. Particles behave like waves which can be described mathematically by via AS IF logic. 

2 . Bio dark-matter is to astrophysical dark-matter, as bio light-matter (Periodic Table) is to astrophysical light-matter (H & He).

3 . laws of chemistry are universal. Chemical bonds are spin-governed particle configurations of duets and octets.    

4 . It is more unethical than unscientific to deny chemistry to 95% of unknown matter, but accept that for 5% of the known matter.

5 . Bio dark-matter particles of negligible mass with respect to electrons may compose of axions, monopoles and/or neutrinos or

     something else.

6 .  There is an “Additional Mass” reported on growth, and the same mass missing on death of organisms grown in hermetically sealed


      These experiments are reproducible and there is no legitimate reason why the WAMP do not repeat them for confirmation.

7 .   There is an increase of biophoton emission rate by an order of magnitude across the taxa (from human cells to plant cells in

        Petri-dish). Also, the biophoton emission rates increase with stress on the cell growth with a burst of biophotons at cell death.

 Note: All references to all these experiments have been cited before. 

 Philip Benjamin


From: <> On Behalf Of Bruno Marchal
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: Q Anon is the tip of the iceberg



On 26 Feb 2021, at 16:41, Philip Benjamin <> wrote:


  PB. From a scientific point of view, awakening refers to the extrinsic energization of the non-electric, non-entropic, bio twin formed from the moment of conception from  bio dark-matter and its chemistries. 

Bruno Marchal

non lue,
6 avr. 2021, 11:05:2606/04/2021
On 2 Apr 2021, at 16:15, Philip Benjamin <> wrote:

[Philip Benjamin]
     First of all, just a cue: most if not all postings here are responses to the postings of somebody else. I identify certain things, especially occultist mysticism, as WAMP [Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism)] and not science, which does not refer to any particular person(s), rather a self-description or a general observation .  Paganism is genuinely germane here, since civilized and erudite pagan Augustine’s “instant transformation” pulled the West out from Greco-Roman PAGANISM, philosophies, polytheistic superstitions and “unknown gods” into a path of knowable universe and investigative explorations that finally led to the development of science and technologies which the rest of the pagan world of civilizations and mystic scholarships could not initiate.

I use the term “pagan” for “non confessional theology”, and in particular the line:

Parmenides, Pythagorus, Plato, Moderatus of Gades, Plotinus, Proclus, … Damascius … the Universal Turing machine (the indexical digital mechanist one in particular).

I take it as a meliorative. I would say that science somehow ended when theology was taken from science to “religious authoritarian institution”, who use wishful demagogic thinking, authoritative arguments and fairy tales, in place of trying to solve problems.

The Renaissance, unlike 13th century Islam, was only half enlightenment, as the main and most fundamental science metaphysics/theology/philosophy has been maintained in charlatanism, literature, politics… 

The WAMP is a stealing beneficiary of that Augustinian Trust, including the Five Day workweek, Sabbaticals, etc. which are uniquely Scriptural and unheard of in other cultures.  That is not  “white trash” (N/A to Philip Benjamin anyway) as some here label, but a hard historical fact.  

We might both appreciate St-Augustin, but maybe for the exact opposite reason… (I don’t know).

    As regards Bruno Marchal’s musings below, some general points need be enumerated.
1 .  Ones’ worldview is not necessarily science,

It is science if the theory is not claimed as true, and is presented in a sufficiently precise way that it is testable/refutable.

even if it be based on scientific observations. Bohr’s Taoism or Jungian sorceries are not
      necessarily sciences.

OK. (That can be debated as some of their statements are theorem in the physics derived from the theology (the Solovay G* logic) of the arithmetically sound machines. You might to study some of my papers(*).

They are worldviews based on the notions of particle-wave dualism and the BOTH & logical fallacy. Wave-
      likeness is not waviness. Particles behave like waves which can be described mathematically by via AS IF logic. 

I do not assume a physical ontological reality, nor do I assume any theory. 

I do not doubt about the existence of a physical reality, but I do not take it as the fundamental theory a priori.
My work shows how to test such ontological existence, and thanks to “Quantum Mechanics without Wave Collapse”, a rather strong case can be made that Nature favours Descartes’ Mechanism (and its immaterialism and non physicalism) instead of Aristotle ’s physicalism/materialism.

I can explain that Mechanism and Materialism, widely confused, are in complete opposition to each others, and inconsistent when taken simultaneously.

2 . Bio dark-matter is to astrophysical dark-matter, as bio light-matter (Periodic Table) is to astrophysical light-matter (H & He).

One of my goal is to just understand term like “matter” and “physical”, so I avoid to invoke them, before I get enough of them. All I got is a a statistic on relative computational state in arithmetic (in the standard model of arithmetic or in all models of arithmetic: computation is an absolute notion in logic, set theory, etc.)

3 . laws of chemistry are universal.

I expect this as a theorem of arithmetic/machine-theology.

Chemical bonds are spin-governed particle configurations of duets and octets.    
4 . It is more unethical than unscientific to deny chemistry to 95% of unknown matter, but accept that for 5% of the known matter.
5 . Bio dark-matter particles of negligible mass with respect to electrons may compose of axions, monopoles and/or neutrinos or
     something else.
6 .  There is an “Additional Mass” reported on growth, and the same mass missing on death of organisms grown in hermetically sealed
      These experiments are reproducible and there is no legitimate reason why the WAMP do not repeat them for confirmation.
7 .   There is an increase of biophoton emission rate by an order of magnitude across the taxa (from human cells to plant cells in
        Petri-dish). Also, the biophoton emission rates increase with stress on the cell growth with a burst of biophotons at cell death.
 Note: All references to all these experiments have been cited before.  

My methodology to formulate and solve the mind-body problem makes it impossible to use those 4-> 7 points, unless you show them testable and, either theorem in machine theology, or refuting it. If they are merely consistent, they might belong to geography/history (the contingent first person plural history).

You might study my “large public” presentation in Amsterdam in 2004. See blue link below.
Since then I do not more mention “arithmetical realism” because it is part of the classical Church-Turing thesis.

My work asks for some familiarity with the 1930s discoveries of the logicians: the universal machine, essential incompleteness, non-expressibility of (arithmetical) truth in arithmetic. To be sure Löb’s theorem 1955, and Solovay arithmetical completeness of the modal logic G* in 1976 play an important rôle. 

By “theology of machine” or “theology of number” I mean mainly the modal logic G1* and its intensional variants.

G1 axiomatises completely the provable part of the self-reference logic (By a theorem of Solovay +Visser), and G1* axiomatises the true part (idem). 
G1 is included in G1*. 
G1* minus G1, which is not empty (by incompleteness) axiomatises the “surrational” corona in between rational and irrational.

The variants of Theaetetus definition of knowledge make sense in this context. The main point is that G* shows them all equivalent (they all “see” the same truth, in fact the sigma_1 truth), but G1 proves none of those equivalence. The self-referentially correct machine believes correctly that they obey very different logics (intuitionist, quantum logic, …).

With p sigma_1 we have

G* proves p <-> ([]p) <-> ([]p & p) <-> ([]p & <>t) <-> ([]p & <>t & p)

But G does not proves any of those equivalence. They all belong in the proper theological part of the theology (which, from the machine perspective transcend its “science” (G)).

“[]p” is Gödel’s beweisbar (provable) predicate (<>p is ~[]~p, “~” is the negation), p is an arbitrary partial computable, provable (if true) sentences of arithmetic/computer-science.



Marchal B. The computationalist reformulation of the mind-body problem. Prog Biophys Mol Biol; 2013 Sep;113(1):127-40

Marchal B. The Universal Numbers. From Biology to Physics, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 2015, Vol. 119, Issue 3, 368-381.

B. Marchal. The Origin of Physical Laws and Sensations. In 4th International System Administration and Network Engineering Conference, SANE 2004, Amsterdam, 2004.

Plotinus PDF paper with the link:
Marchal B. A Purely Arithmetical, yet Empirically Falsifiable, Interpretation of Plotinus’ Theory of Matter. In Barry Cooper S. Löwe B., Kent T. F. and Sorbi A., editors, Computation and Logic in the Real World, Third Conference on Computability in Europe June 18-23, pages 263–273. Universita degli studi di Sienna, Dipartimento di Roberto Magari, 2007.

 Philip Benjamin
From: <> On Behalf Of Bruno Marchal
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: Q Anon is the tip of the iceberg
On 26 Feb 2021, at 16:41, Philip Benjamin <> wrote:
  PB. From a scientific point of view, awakening refers to the extrinsic energization of the non-electric, non-entropic, bio twin formed from the moment of conception from  bio dark-matter and its chemistries. 
From a scientific point of view that is a (vague) theory. I will wait for the axioms, and the consequences, and the means of testing.
If by Pagan you mean the believer in Matter, you seem doubly Pagan to me, as you assume two sorts of matter.
Personally I tend to see (weak) Materialism as a lasting superstition. It will disappear from the natural science, or the science of the observable, like vitalism has disappeared from biology.
What what I see are universal machine measuring numbers and inferring all sorts of relation betweens those numbers. And yes, some claim bizarre things about those things not capturable by numbers, and they are correct on this. 
When doing metaphysics with the scientific method, we can use, today, the tools provided by mathematical logic, to distinguish better the realities (“models” or “interpretations” in the sense of logician) and the theories/machines/words/numbers/finite-thing we are tackling about, and can be talking with, or “in” (standard use).
I have no idea of your assumptions, and invoking dark matter is very weird, do you mean a theory with axions? I am not sure anybody have found a theory of Dark Matter, and I am personally skeptical on any ontological matter, as there are no evidence for that (despite Newtonian physics would contradict Mechanism, and be an evidence against mechanism if it were true).
Gödel’s theorem protects Mechanism from Diagonalisation à la Lucas-Penrose, and it happens that it protects mechanism from many misuse of quantum mechanics, that it predicts “semantically” and “syntactlcally”, and this without ontological commitment, just the usual simple fact of the type 2+2=4 or KSK = S, ... 

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John Clark

non lue,
6 avr. 2021, 11:32:5706/04/2021
à 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List
On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 11:05 AM Bruno Marchal <> wrote:

> I use the term “pagan” for “non confessional theology”

Since you were the only one in the world who knows Brunospeak rather than telling us what the synonyms in your homemade language are it might be more interesting to all of us who don't speak that tongue if you would try doing some actual philosophy instead. On second thought that's probably not feasible because to do that you would be required to actually have something to say.

John K Clark

Lawrence Crowell

non lue,
7 avr. 2021, 12:55:0607/04/2021
à Everything List
I am not following this thread any more. I noticed Bruno writing about Gödel's theorem and mechanism. The role of such is hard to nail down.  My take on the role of undecidability theorems in physics is below.

There is a famous story that John Wheeler asked Kurt Gödel whether his incompleteness theorems played any role in quantum mechanics, where upon Gödel threw Wheeler out of his office. Most usual answers about whether Gödel's theorem plays a role in physics is met with negativity by both mathematicians and physicists.

Gödel's theorems are about a mathematical system with the power of first order logic or that is recursive not being able to make a complete list of all provable propositions about itself. Gödel showed this by illustrating how a free variable in a predicate can be the Gödel number for that predicate, which as itself a Gödel number is outside a list of such number in the manner of Cantor's diagonalization. This is Gödel's first theorem. The second theorem says that if there are unprovable theorems, which tacitly state their unprovability they must be true. This is because if they are false it leads to a contradiction that they are provable. However, the first theorem is most important here.

This would pertain to physics with the question of whether physics can ever represent itself within itself. This runs into some issues, where Godel's theorem and the Cantor diagonalization implies an axiomatic system that has an infinite number of propositions. If we consider a proposition as some set of bits or quantum bits, then clearly what is accessible to any observer is finite. In fact the universe appears to conspire mightily to prevent any observer from accessing an infinite amount of anything. Singularities are hidden behind event horizons, even if the observable universe is infinite its expands in a way that leaves only a finite portion observable.

We may consider the issue of hypercomputation. A trivial case of this is a switch that flips every halving of each interval of time, so if the initial interval is a second then an infinite number of switch flips occur in the next second. Malement-Hogarth spacetime have properties with Cauchy horizons that pile up incoming signals. It is then possible for an infinite computation to occur that can be accessed by an observer in a finite time. This hypercomputation permits a machine to compute beyond the limits of the Church-Turing thesis. However, these spacetimes may be pathological. In the case of the infinite flipping of the switch, the asymptotic divergence of the frequency of switch flipping means the ultimate limit is energy large enough to cause the switch to become a black hole. The inner horizon of a Kerr or Reisner-Nordstrom blackhole is continuous with I^+, so an infinite number of null rays pile up there in a Cauchy horizon. This could be a set up for a hypercomputations. However, Hawking radiation decays the black hole so it is not eternal. Nature appears to conspire to prevent any circumvention of the Church-Turing thesis. This is exactly what we might expect if Gödel's theorem plays a role in nature.

The natural physics to look at is quantum mechanics, where the observer is ultimately a quantum system that is accessing information about a quantum system. The observer plus system is a whole system that is in this setting self-referential. Recent work with the Frauchiger-Renner theorem and measurements related to the Wigner's friend have demonstrated limits on the capacity of quantum mechanics to access information about itself.  This may have ultimately consequences for issues involving the foundations of quantum mechanics, in particular the Born rule, and with cosmological issues for how the universe is structured so that information physics conforms to the Church-Turing thesis.


Philip Benjamin

non lue,
9 avr. 2021, 10:45:5309/04/2021

[Bruno Marchal]

We might both appreciate St-Augustin, but maybe for the exact opposite reason… (I don’t know)…… I do not doubt about the existence of a physical reality, but I do not take it as the fundamental theory a priori.

[Philip Benjamin]

   Augustine is a historical figure—a physical reality. He pulled the civilized Greco-Roman PAGAN (HEATHEN) West from superstitions and illusory imaginations (including the unknown gods whom Rabbi Saul of Tarsus had already identified as the Risen Messiah—Acta chapter 17) into a path that eventually favored science, technologies, inventions and innovations. There is only one way to appreciate him—historicistic (i.e. a theoretical method in which history is seen as a standard of value or as a determinant of events).    


The Telegraph Sarah Knapton Publishing date:Apr 08, 2021   

“Physicists have seen signs that a mystery force is interacting with other particles in a manner never witnessed before. It may explain some of the deepest puzzles in modern physics, such as what dark matter is made from, or why there is an imbalance of matter and antimatter in the universe”. [Philip Benjamin]


non lue,
11 avr. 2021, 22:44:0811/04/2021
How about this article and embedded paper, from some physicists employed by Microsoft?

Basically, that the cosmos is really a self-learning computer is a conclusion that suggests that laws are hard to pin down because the "Operating System," (Blessed, be He-She-It-Them) is always coming up with new understandings? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <>

Bruno Marchal

non lue,
14 avr. 2021, 06:17:0014/04/2021
On 12 Apr 2021, at 04:44, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

How about this article and embedded paper, from some physicists employed by Microsoft?

Basically, that the cosmos is really a self-learning computer is a conclusion that suggests that laws are hard to pin down because the "Operating System," (Blessed, be He-She-It-Them) is always coming up with new understandings? 

The physical universe cannot be a computer, because  that implies Mechanism, but Mechanism makes the physical universe into a non computable statistics on all (relative) computations, which cannot be emulated by any computer.

If “I” am a machine, Reality is not Turing emulable, and the physical reality too. We already know that the arithmetical reality is not Turing emulable.

In fact, the physical universe cannot be an ontological reality. It is not a thing, but a first person plural experience. (Assuming Descartes + Turing…).


non lue,
15 avr. 2021, 22:36:5415/04/2021

Have you considered that you are limiting the capability of the cosmos to change and adapt? It may have a feature that may have fooled Turing, until Turing caught on, because given enough time and health, Turing is adaptable too?

Bruno Marchal

non lue,
6 mai 2021, 08:51:3806/05/2021
On 16 Apr 2021, at 04:36, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

Have you considered that you are limiting the capability of the cosmos to change and adapt?

… change and adapt to what? With Mechanism, we cannot invoke our personal ontological commitment, especially when doing Metaphysics.

No, I agree that there is an apparent cosmos, a persistent illusion, and it might or not be seen as adapting itself to the reality of the number relations. It has not much choice in this “matter”.

It may have a feature that may have fooled Turing, until Turing caught on, because given enough time and health, Turing is adaptable too?

To be sure Turing was a naturalist. He missed the contradiction with (weak) materialism. But if you meant the Church-Turing thesis; I tend to think that this is a very serious thesis. I would need some solid argument to tell it refuted. Then, Mechanism itself is my working hypothesis, although I can argue that there are many evidence, and none for materialism, like the greek already understood less formally.


non lue,
6 mai 2021, 20:59:3906/05/2021
On material versus non-material, Bruno, let us consider how science best functioned over the last 2 centuries, and settle on 2 points that scientists do; observe (detect) and measure. I would say that things that are difficult naturally to either detect or measure, we relegate to the 'non-material.' We have trouble seeing something and measuring it (maybe in specific units of measure?), and this it can also be termed Platonic, which is your area of focus.  Perhaps, in 100 years, the best scientists in the world will be synthetic and have greater resources available and readily detect and measure things we find very difficult and costly to study today. A Higgs particle, Dark matter, all the fun things need to be measured properly and we likely won't be able to conduct research sitting in earth orbit. Imagine gigantic radio, gamma ray, infrared telescopes hanging at the solar systems edge? Freeman Dyson said that if we want new discoveries we need to invest in better equipment. Until these new observations, I say, Its all Platonic. 

Lawrence Crowell

non lue,
10 mai 2021, 07:30:0810/05/2021
à Everything List
An old warning and piece of advice is in order. Never try to teach a pig to sing. If you do you get covered in mud and you just really piss off a pig.


Bruno Marchal

non lue,
24 mai 2021, 04:10:2824/05/2021

On 20 May 2021, at 04:24, wrote:

Heh! Your dissertation reminded me of a very old Hindu tale of a Sadhu who advised the great Raja about life being nothing but an illusion (maya). They were mounted on an elephant when it bucked them off, and charged them. The Raja said, "Ha! the elephant kicked us off! The Sadhu replied, "that was an illusion your highness." The Raja's eyes narrowed and he said, "Yes, but then the beast charged and you ran from him!" The Sadhu responded, "That too, was an illusion your majesty."

For me, I am treating the world as real because it's simpler that way.

The physical world? Me to. In fact, mechanism makes the physical world arguably more real than physics. Indeed, physicist extrapolate both its reality and its laws by extrapolation, where mechanism derives it from arithmetic.

The reality of the physical reality is never put in doubt. Only the idea that the physical reality is fundamental, i.e. the god (what need to be assumed and is judged to be not explainable by anything else)  is put in doubt.

The idea of it being all platonic and thus, untestable outside the platonic realm which is everywhere, makes things complex.

Complex? I don’t think so. There is only two equations Kxy = x and Sxyz = xz(yz), which a kid can understand in less than 5 minutes, because (unlike F = ma = GmM/r^2) it is literal K 4 5 = 4 (K is just a projection of a first coordinate, and S is just simple combination). F = ma requires to assume much more, and need a bit of calculus to be exploited.

Anyway, My point is that if we want save even just an atom of explanation power in Darwin, we need digital mechanism (implicit in Darwin), and all what I say is derived from mechanism. Any other theory requires to postulate a physical universe (which is what I am skeptical about) and actual infinities in it (and to abandon basically all current science, as for example, quantum mechanics (without collapse) is (up to now) implying mechanism (not just a consequence).

And then, with mechanism, we get the first person, consciousness, and the precise and testable relation between Quanta.
I derived the necessary many-world aspect of physics from logic and mechanism well before I discover that some physicists were already there.

In fact if it is all real as most believe, then that also makes things very complex, but eventually measureable.

Mechanism explains why some number are measurable. My whole point is that mechanism is testable, and indeed, quantum mechanics was the prediction, and the confirmation.

Again, perhaps wrongly, Bruno, suspect the universe got its start as a one in an Octillion -th, Boltzmann Brain, as opposed lots Boltzmann Brains popping into existence all over the place.

Not at all. Reread the derivation. The universe is what emerge from all programs in arithmetic, this includes all Borltzman Brain, but they have no special role at all, and in fact might have no role at all. The physical universe is explained by elementary arithmetic. It is derivable from the general first person indeterminacy, but it appears already in the soul. Quantum logic appears in the three material modes (the knowable, the observable and the sensible).

My theory is not “my” theory. My theorem is that it is the theory of all arithmetically sound Turing machine.

Again, who knows, but it seems enjoyable and perhaps workable as a premise. 

The only premise is that we can survive with a digital brain/body. It is Descartes, Darwin. Diderot call this “rationalism” (which makes sense with Occam razor).

From that premise,  it is proven that the theory of everything is entirely given by ANY Turing universal machine + induction (like PA, or combinator + combinator induction, or by you or anyone: the physical universe is in our “head", or in the head of any arithmetically sound machine. I found the proof of the necessity of this, including the many histories, about 45 years ago, but it took me 30 years to get the theology precise enough to get the propositional physics, which confirm that physics rise from a quantum logical algebra arising from the partial computable propositions (the leaves of the universal dovetailed, aka the sigma_1 arithmetical, or combinatorical reality. The entire theory is given by


1) If A = B and A = C, then B = C
2) If A = B then AC = BC
3) If A = B then CA = CB


4) KAB = A
5) SABC = AC(BC)

But any Turing complete theory would do, so classical logic +

0 ≠ s(x)
s(x) = s(y) -> x = y
x = 0 v Ey(x = s(y))    
x+0 = x
x+s(y) = s(x+y)

Works as well and give the same theology, and thus the same physics. Theology and physics appears to be independent of the choice of the theory, as long as it is Turing universal, and has no induction axioms. That one is in the mind of the combinators/machine/words/numbers.

There is nothing speculative, as I do not claim that Mechanism is true, just that it leads to many histories obeying quantum logic, and that has been confirmed since, and has to be tested all the time, until it is refuted and we learn something then. 

Confirmation is not proof, but there are no “proof” concerning any notion of Reality (that is why, by definition, theology is the fundamental science). It is too bad that we tolerate it belonging to people using argument per authority (like in Church, Temple, or anything out of academia).

I think that if the very basic element of greek, or machine, theology was taught in school, the religious superstition and fairy tales would be relegated in between the horoscope and the necrology in the Sunday magazine.
Unfortunately, about 1/3 of academies are still “pseudo-religious” in the metaphysical domain (with the dogma of matter) and we have rather regressed since my childhood, and now we can see again, with things like scientology, QAnon, … how that lack of rigour is so useful for the manipulators and liars… (that was the goal of taking science (with theology) out of academy

Science is born in -500 with Pythagorus and Parmenides, and is dead since Damascius. 

We will leave the Middle-Age when theology, the non confessional science is back to the academy of science. Note that the Renaissance in Islam in the 12/13th century has been complete, unlike the European Renaissance (brought by the Islam golden age) which is only half-enlightenment, as the fundamental science per definition (theology) has not yet come back to reason, only the natural sciences have been restituted, and the fundamental science remains in the hand of argument by authority, literal reading of sacred text, dogma (matter), etc.



-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <>
Sent: Wed, May 19, 2021 7:18 am
Subject: Re: Was, Re: The theology of number, (Now) The Universe Learns (not released on April 1st)

On 7 May 2021, at 02:59, wrote:

On material versus non-material, Bruno, let us consider how science best functioned over the last 2 centuries, and settle on 2 points that scientists do; observe (detect) and measure.


I would say that things that are difficult naturally to either detect or measure, we relegate to the 'non-material.' We have trouble seeing something and measuring it (maybe in specific units of measure?), and this it can also be termed Platonic, which is your area of focus.  Perhaps, in 100 years, the best scientists in the world will be synthetic and have greater resources available and readily detect and measure things we find very difficult and costly to study today. A Higgs particle, Dark matter, all the fun things need to be measured properly and we likely won't be able to conduct research sitting in earth orbit. Imagine gigantic radio, gamma ray, infrared telescopes hanging at the solar systems edge? Freeman Dyson said that if we want new discoveries we need to invest in better equipment. Until these new observations, I say, Its all Platonic. 

The antic Dream Argument already shows that no observation at all can confirm an ontological existence. 

When scientists observe, the bet on measurable numbers, and try to infer mathematical relations between the measurement, and indeed, physics is very impressive in that regard.

Now, the metaphysical interpretations are more complex to proceed, and more complex to test. The EPR-Bell-Aspect story does illustrate that metaphysical can points can be tested, and my work similarly shows how to test weak-materialism (Aristotle) versus Pythagorus-Plato, and thanks to Everett sort of physics, a case is made that the empirical observation fits better with “only numbers” than with numbers + some personal or impersonal god, other than the non definable arithmetical reality, which plays the role of a very simple (conceptually) god, but one which restores all the nuance on truth already seen by the antic, and typically discovered by the introspective digital machines.

You seem to assume an ontological physical reality, but that cannot work with Mechanism. When doing theology with the scientific method, we cannot appeal to any god in any explanation, not a personal one, nor an impersonal one. That is just not valid, especially without any evidences. 
We should not confuse the physical evidences for a physical reality (there are tuns of them) with metaphysical evidences for an ontological physical reality, as this is equivalent with Aristotle assumption of the ontological existence of a physical reality.  A platonist always assume that he/she might be hallucinating, which is the <>[]f of G* or G1*…

non lue,
24 mai 2021, 17:39:2124/05/2021
Well, Bruno, as Freeman Dyson commented long ago, the better scientists devise and implement better equipment, the more likely fundamental discoveries will be found.  A radio telescope on earth or low earth orbit is capable and wonderful, but  a series of gigantic radio telescopes at the edge of the solar system is even better and we'd learn new things and refine out knowledge.

non lue,
24 mai 2021, 17:56:3124/05/2021
My view is that Big BB has a unique viewpoint that crystalizes its view as the Prime Observer, and nudges things from arithmetic into reality. How this hocus pocus occurs (cause and effect) is more than a bit above my consciousness, the specific mechanics of this. With theorists like Sean Carroll, the Boltzmann Brain is a troubling thing, because there would be a plenitude of observers arising like virtual particles (photons) out of the true vacuum flowing. I figured there may in all of these Brahma-cycles (not an Indian motorbike), one grand observer. But, I could be wrong and I am not looking for research funds to prove this theology wrong. Meanwhile here is an ancient magazine article in Discover from years ago, celebrating the Bruno explanation for reality.
this includes all Boltzmann Brain, but they have no special role at all,

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <>

Lawrence Crowell

non lue,
30 mai 2021, 09:58:5630/05/2021
à Everything List
The Boltzmann brain is only really a problem if the vacuum or spacetime of the observable universe is "eternal." It probably is not, and in fact there are reasons to suspect the vacuum of the universe has phantom energy. This will force the universe into a big rip in 10 trillion years or so. This is based on data with Hubble constant discrepancy. SN1 data with H = 74km/sec-Mpc and CMB data with H = 68km/sec-Mpc, So the entire observable universe may be ripped asunder down to and beyond quarks and leptons long before a BB is statistically possible.


non lue,
30 mai 2021, 21:12:5730/05/2021
The Big Rip is an interesting hypothesis and the concept is that when the false vacuum goes poof, there is the True Vacuum as a substrate. This may have been what Boltzmann had projected, as opposed to later theorists essays who came along after Boltzmann committed suicide. This is briefly, the earliest paper on this topic that I could quickly uncover: Martin Rees & Piet Hut 1983
My guess is that if the Universe possesses an Observer, an observer that thinks in the conventional way we humans understand thinking, then that BB, is perhaps a one time occurence, is the Mind of the Universe, or some mind that came up with a universe or a multiverse, simply by observing and evolving, maybe? I always liked Vilenkin of Tufts creation inflation proposal. 

And maybe not. It's like how the universe ends? Cyclic retraction expansion like Steinhardt & Turock, or Frampton & Baum, or a permanent collapse, eternal expansion to evanescence, False Vacuum Snaps Apart??? I suspect growing complexity is evolving, and uncovered by new discoveries, but in the meantime, BB answers some basic question, for me. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Crowell <>
To: Everything List <>
Sent: Sun, May 30, 2021 9:58 am
Subject: Re: Was, Re: The theology of number, (Now) The Universe Learns (not released on April 1st)

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Lawrence Crowell

non lue,
1 juin 2021, 09:45:3601/06/2021
à Everything List
The false and true vacuum are related by energy. The false vacuum is at higher energy, but also has a higher level of symmetry. The true vacuum is of broken symmetry. The false vacuum is transient or unstable and transitions by quantum tunneling or the Ginsburg-Landau mechanism, or Higgs, to the lower energy vacuum. There may be a transfer of symmetry parameters with degrees of freedom from the false to true vacuum.

Phantom energy is a case where the energy density of the vacuum in the observable universe increases by some mechanism. This means the true vacuum at low energy will recover the so called false vacuum as the FLRW vacuum of the observable universe is absorbed back into the de Sitter vacuum of the eternal inflationary spacetime.


Bruno Marchal

non lue,
2 juin 2021, 09:29:1102/06/2021
On 10 May 2021, at 13:30, Lawrence Crowell <> wrote:

An old warning and piece of advice is in order. Never try to teach a pig to sing. If you do you get covered in mud and you just really piss off a pig.

Really? We might discuss one day if the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings, ha ha…

All universal machine can understand, pig includes. If they don’t, it is a symptom of prejudices, brainwashing, …


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Bruno Marchal

non lue,
2 juin 2021, 09:35:4902/06/2021
On 24 May 2021, at 23:39, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

Well, Bruno, as Freeman Dyson commented long ago, the better scientists devise and implement better equipment, the more likely fundamental discoveries will be found.  A radio telescope on earth or low earth orbit is capable and wonderful, but  a series of gigantic radio telescopes at the edge of the solar system is even better and we'd learn new things and refine out knowledge. 

Do you think physics is necessarily the fundamental science? That is incompatible with the minimal amount of Mechanism we need to attribute any explanation power to Darwin or molecular biology, or QM (without collapse).

Then revised equipment can help, to refute or confirm the Mechanist hypothesis. Given that the many histories is the simplest startling prediction of mechanism, We could already said a long time ago that Nature confirms Mechanism. Today we can say more because this is also confirmed for the formal quantum logical nature of the observable.

There has never been any evidence that the physical reality is the ontological reality. Unfortunately, we have lost rigour in the fundamental science, and many people confuse the physical reality and the fundamental reality, without knowing that this confusion is a string hypothesis in the fundamental science.


Bruno Marchal

non lue,
2 juin 2021, 09:43:5202/06/2021
On 24 May 2021, at 23:56, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

My view is that Big BB has a unique viewpoint that crystalizes its view as the Prime Observer, and nudges things from arithmetic into reality.

Which reality? 

When we do theology or metaphysics, we cannot invoke “reality”, nor “god”, nor “truth” without adding much precision, and what we assume, and what is supposed to be derived.

There is no other big BB than elementary arithmetic. That follows immediately from the fact that the notion of computation is an arithmetical notion. A physical computer is an immaterial, arithmetical, computer implemented in some subset of the physical laws.

How this hocus pocus occurs (cause and effect) is more than a bit above my consciousness, the specific mechanics of this. With theorists like Sean Carroll, the Boltzmann Brain is a troubling thing, because there would be a plenitude of observers arising like virtual particles (photons) out of the true vacuum flowing. I figured there may in all of these Brahma-cycles (not an Indian motorbike), one grand observer. But, I could be wrong and I am not looking for research funds to prove this theology wrong. Meanwhile here is an ancient magazine article in Discover from years ago, celebrating the Bruno explanation for reality.
this includes all Boltzmann Brain, but they have no special role at all,

This cannot really works, as I have explained. Mathematicalism is less wrong than physicalism, once we assume mechanism, but even for the quanta, you need the full mechanist theology (G1*). I might come back on this if people are interested. Tegmark has progressed by using computationalism, but is still not aware that the physical reality is in the head of all universal numbers, as a by-product of incompleteness. 


Bruno Marchal

non lue,
2 juin 2021, 09:50:0602/06/2021
On 30 May 2021, at 15:58, Lawrence Crowell <> wrote:

The Boltzmann brain is only really a problem if the vacuum or spacetime of the observable universe is "eternal." It probably is not, and in fact there are reasons to suspect the vacuum of the universe has phantom energy. This will force the universe into a big rip in 10 trillion years or so. This is based on data with Hubble constant discrepancy. SN1 data with H = 74km/sec-Mpc and CMB data with H = 68km/sec-Mpc, So the entire observable universe may be ripped asunder down to and beyond quarks and leptons long before a BB is statistically possible.

With Mechanism, there is no universe, and thus no Boltzman brain per se. But there are a sort of equivalent in arithmetic.
Yet, they don’t play any role in the measure on all computational histories, although the details for proving this are rather tricky, and again involves the full theology of the universal machine (the provable and non provable (by a machine) consequence of Löb’s theorem for itself). Maybe I will send some summary, or a copy of some of my post on Facebook.



On Monday, May 24, 2021 at 4:56:31 PM UTC-5 wrote:
My view is that Big BB has a unique viewpoint that crystalizes its view as the Prime Observer, and nudges things from arithmetic into reality. How this hocus pocus occurs (cause and effect) is more than a bit above my consciousness, the specific mechanics of this. With theorists like Sean Carroll, the Boltzmann Brain is a troubling thing, because there would be a plenitude of observers arising like virtual particles (photons) out of the true vacuum flowing. I figured there may in all of these Brahma-cycles (not an Indian motorbike), one grand observer. But, I could be wrong and I am not looking for research funds to prove this theology wrong. Meanwhile here is an ancient magazine article in Discover from years ago, celebrating the Bruno explanation for reality.
this includes all Boltzmann Brain, but they have no special role at all,

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non lue,
4 juin 2021, 05:01:1404/06/2021
Yeah I suspect that physics is fundamental, but evolves as two physicists working for Microsoft wrote a month or two ago. See, it's just like mathematics, it evolves! The conjecture for both is how do they evolve? The mechanism?

non lue,
4 juin 2021, 05:07:2604/06/2021
One thought that has been adapted perhaps independently from physics, by psychologists, (for sure!) and math, is gratitude. The reality seems to like gratitude or so I filter things thru my murky cerebellum. This is my guess, but I am not preaching, I am here to learn. Many will disagree and I must respect this. The measure would be what I call a reaction-state. Some mechanism, a program, seems to observe, or so it seems to this cave man. 

Bruno Marchal

non lue,
7 juin 2021, 06:44:4007/06/2021
On 4 Jun 2021, at 11:01, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

Yeah I suspect that physics is fundamental, but evolves as two physicists working for Microsoft wrote a month or two ago. See, it's just like mathematics, it evolves! The conjecture for both is how do they evolve? The mechanism?

This assumes an ontological physical universe at the start. That is not valid when doing theology/metaphysics with the scientific method.

The conceptual assumption must be as simple as possible. We need (sigma_1)  arithmetic to define what is a machine, but then we get all computation. To add a physical universe leads to the difficult problem of relating it with the computation, without adding some magic (non Turing emulable element not present in the arithmetic viewed from inside).

There is a physical universe is not better than god made it, independently of such statement are true or false.

If physics is fundamental, the theory of evolution of Darwin has to be abandoned, as most of current physics, which relies implicitly on mechanism.

You cannot have both physics being fundamental, and mechanism true in the cognitive science. It simply cannot work.

Note also that there is not yet one evidence for a physical reality being primary. But I gave the tool to pursue that investigation. If Z1* depart from observation, then we will have some evidence that mechanism false, so that the metaphysical assumption of the materialist remains coherent, which is still not a reason to believe in it, as, on the contrary, there are evidence for mechanism, if only Darwin.

Physicist measure numbers, and infer relations between numbers. The idea that there is a universe at the origin of those relation is Aristotle theology, and as I say, it requires a strong non mechanist assumption, for which there is no evidence at all.


John Clark

non lue,
7 juin 2021, 10:37:2607/06/2021
à 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List

On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 9:43 AM Bruno Marchal <> wrote:

> Which reality? 

John  K Clark    See  what's on my new list at  Extropolis


non lue,
7 juin 2021, 20:37:4607/06/2021
At the end of all this Bruno, it comes down to what we may achieve with this information? It have sat thru several online discussion between a devoted Big Bang enthusiast versus a plasma universe orthodox. There also it is what we can achieve and yes, I do mean in the materialist, physicalist way. I do like the mystical aspects of physics and think that many observations of physicists in the past are valid indeed. I invoke Schrödinger's Cat sitting atop Wigner's Friend's shoulder giving advice on how to interpret Eugene's observations? On the other hand, I know that conjuring observers up to explain the universe, is not as helpful as having a working, commercial grade, fusion reactor at hand. One  paper done by somebody may gain you them the  Field's Prize. But a clever engineer solving fusion might save 8 billion lives and become wealthier than Bezos in the process.

Bruno Marchal

non lue,
13 juin 2021, 04:35:5313/06/2021
On 8 Jun 2021, at 02:37, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

At the end of all this Bruno, it comes down to what we may achieve with this information? It have sat thru several online discussion between a devoted Big Bang enthusiast versus a plasma universe orthodox. There also it is what we can achieve and yes, I do mean in the materialist, physicalist way. I do like the mystical aspects of physics and think that many observations of physicists in the past are valid indeed. I invoke Schrödinger's Cat sitting atop Wigner's Friend's shoulder giving advice on how to interpret Eugene's observations? On the other hand, I know that conjuring observers up to explain the universe, is not as helpful as having a working, commercial grade, fusion reactor at hand. One  paper done by somebody may gain you them the  Field's Prize. But a clever engineer solving fusion might save 8 billion lives and become wealthier than Bezos in the process.

My interest relies in understanding what is happening, using as less hypothesis as possible. Neither Big Bang or plasma can help, unless you explain where the appearances comes from. Using actual infinities it is not unreasonable to believe we can restaure some physical fundamental beings, but then, as I have explained, (but ask if you have any doubt about this) this will require some brain-mind identity thesis which is incompatible with the mechanist hypothesis in the cognitive science (not in physics!).
With mechanism, on the contrary, we directly get the many-dreams (aka many histories, “many-worlds”) from the assumption that 2+2=4 & Co, and the math shows that it leads to the quantum logical formalism with a highly symmetrical core. I found this by thought experiences, and then just doing the math. The main interest here is that by the Gödel-Löb-Solovay split between truth and provable, we get the whole theology/psychology of the machine, explaining consciousness, qualia, etc.

A clever engineer can save 8 billion lives, but without making theology coming back to science, those lives might be source of suffering, oppression, hunger, … for one millenium more.

You seem to believe in an ontological physical universe, but that theory requires Aristotle theology (with or without a creator) which requires to abandon Descartes, Darwin, … 

I am not sure if you are not confusing the many serious evidence for the existence of a physical reality, with some evidence that the physical reality is the fundamental reality, for which no evidences have been ever discovered: quite the contrary, science has begun with Plato’s understanding that there are no evidence that the physical universe is the fundamental reality.

What experimental physics does is measuring numbers and inferring the simplest possible relation between those numbers. It does not address the question of the why such relation exist, and how to relate them to the first person experience. It is a delicate subject because authorianism exist in this field since 1492 years, and the Renaissance is a trompe-l’oeil: it gave back the natural sciences to the academy, but keep the Aristotelian dogma in metaphysics in  the hands of those using argument by authority.

A problem is "strong atheism”, which is a variant (knowingly or unknowingly) of christianism:
 - same definition of God, and nervousness when we change the definition (as we do in science all the times, especially when a theory appears to be inconsistent)
- same “religious-belief”, which means dogma, in a primary substance, taken from Aristotle theology.

The god/non-god debate is just a trick by Aristotelian materialist to make us forget that the original question of the first (and last) rigorous theologians was about the primary or not physical reality. With digital mechanism, the antic dream argument becomes a theorem, and the physical reality is given by the many-worlds canonical and internal perspective of the arithmetical reality, as sees from inside (which is what took me 35 years to make mathematically precise, using eventually the Gödel-Löb-Solovay-Visser mathematical theology G1*. (G* + p->[]p).

When theology will come back at the academy, all the superstitions and fairy tales will be relegated in between the horoscope and the necrology in the Sunday Magazine, and science will be able to come back integrally to a bit more modesty and caution at the fundamental level. Without it, the manipulations and the lies will continue, and aggravate, leading to high but blind technology, and the fear will continued to be exploited.

I am optimistic for the long run, for our normal futures. But to understand as soon as possible that Aristotle is incompatible with Descartes could make it possible to avoid a lot of unnecessary suffering. 

Materialism will die in metaphysics, like vitalism did in biology: an hypothesis without any evidences which makes things much more complicated to hide or prevent some doubt in some part of the scientific exploration. We have just to transform the Renaissance. This is possible, as Islam did it in the 13th century. It lasted not very long, and I still don’t know exactly why, perhaps the spiritual maturity is lacking. It has regressed a lot during the 20th century, the humans still prefer the comfortable lies…


non lue,
13 juin 2021, 12:18:4913/06/2021
I am not saying we do not need theology, but I do contend for a hungry child, food is the only thing that changes the picture. So, I do agree with Abe Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and have modified the ladder to include being out of pain, Spiritual maturity may come to us as a species when we achieve various types of machine intelligence. We may also achieve it, IF we learn of an advance interstellar or intergalactic species? Robots building dyson spheres stars, somebody redoing a star's nuclear chemistry to make it last massively longer, which at least would be nicely humbling. I even like, materialistically, Alexey Turchin, putting good use to Freeman Dyson's Dyson Sphere.
See, All heaven needs to s plug outlet! The sun!!!

John Clark

non lue,
14 juin 2021, 10:22:2414/06/2021
à 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List,
On Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 12:18 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

> I am not saying we do not need theology,

Maybe you're not saying we don't need theology, but I certainly am. 

By the way, the post I'm responding to contained 14 iterations of quotes, that's quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes, and that makes it a bit difficult to figure out who is saying what to who so I have removed them. 

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


non lue,
14 juin 2021, 11:05:2914/06/2021
A wise idea to clear up the word clutter. New religions I hold we do not need. It's better to use science to upgrade them. If the universe does indeed learn as proposed by the physicist, then that's a good thing. Skeptic Michael Shermer paraphrasing Arthur C. Clarke, said: A sufficiently advanced alien intelligence is indistinguishable from God." 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 14, 2021 10:21 am
Subject: Re: Was, Re: The theology of number, (Now) The Universe Learns (not released on April 1st)

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Brent Meeker

non lue,
14 juin 2021, 15:54:0814/06/2021

On 6/14/2021 8:05 AM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
> New religions I hold we do not need. It's better to use science to
> upgrade them. If the universe does indeed learn as proposed by the
> physicist, then that's a good thing. Skeptic Michael Shermer
> paraphrasing Arthur C. Clarke, said: A sufficiently advanced alien
> intelligence is indistinguishable from God."

Cruel, egocentric, prone to smiting, megalomanical,...maybe.  I hope we
don't run into one (or become one).

You cannot read part of the Bible allegorically and the rest of it
literally; if you believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, his crucifixion
and resurrection, and the depiction of the Great Judgment at the end
times you must also believe that God is sadistic, brutal, vengeful,
callow, cruel and savage - that God slaughters.
    --- Bill Moyers, address 9/9/05 Union Theological Seminary in New

John Clark

non lue,
14 juin 2021, 17:17:4414/06/2021
On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 11:05 AM <> wrote:

> New religions I hold we do not need.

I hold we don't need the old religions either.  

> Skeptic Michael Shermer paraphrasing Arthur C. Clarke, said: A sufficiently advanced alien intelligence is indistinguishable from God." 

Not the Christian God I hope! I love the quote by biologist Richard Dockins from his terrific book "The God Delusion". 

The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

Brent Meeker

non lue,
14 juin 2021, 18:12:4014/06/2021
Any relation to the biologist Richard Dawkins?

The God of the New Testament isn't any better.  Just read revelations.


Bruno Marchal

non lue,
3 juil. 2021, 07:29:1003/07/2021
On 13 Jun 2021, at 18:18, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

I am not saying we do not need theology, but I do contend for a hungry child, food is the only thing that changes the picture.

The only progress here, since Plato, is the invention of democracy, that Nature found before the humans, to be sure. But this works only if we succeed in avoiding voting for liars, fear exploiters, etc. of course the training in the belief in fairy tales does not help...

So, I do agree with Abe Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and have modified the ladder to include being out of pain, Spiritual maturity may come to us as a species when we achieve various types of machine intelligence. We may also achieve it, IF we learn of an advance interstellar or intergalactic species? Robots building dyson spheres stars, somebody redoing a star's nuclear chemistry to make it last massively longer, which at least would be nicely humbling. I even like, materialistically, Alexey Turchin, putting good use to Freeman Dyson's Dyson Sphere.
See, All heaven needs to s plug outlet! The sun!!!

Locally, but spiritual maturity is what we are born with, and lose it when we begin to feel superior, or “intelligent”. 

And we can expect the machine to fall in that trap too. Machine are just like kids, they need some recognition and some education.

I think that one of the problem with the humans is that they are not sure of what they want, which is even more problematic when they confuse reality and wishes.


Bruno Marchal

non lue,
3 juil. 2021, 07:36:0703/07/2021
On 14 Jun 2021, at 16:21, John Clark <> wrote:

On Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 12:18 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

> I am not saying we do not need theology,

Maybe you're not saying we don't need theology, but I certainly am. 

We need science and scientific attitude in all domain. Theology is just the science of the belief in any reality, with the understanding, foreseen by the greek, but proved by Gödel, when we assume mechanism, that nobody can prove that there isa reality (beyond personal consciousness).

The god/non-god debate is like a trick by believers in materialism (an hypothesis in theology, not in physics) to make us forget that the original doubt was about the nature of the physical reality: primary or secondary. The doubt was between mathematics and physics as best approach to the fundamental questions.

The theology (used in the greek original millenary sense) of the universal+ machine is a branch of mathematical logic/theoretical computer science. You can see Gödel’s theorem (<>t -> ~[]<>t) as the first theorem in machine theology.

When you say that we don’t need theology, I guess you mean that we don’t need the fake theology brought by the Roman mixing religion and state, which is indeed a blasphemy. It is bad for the state, and it is bad for science. The Russian made that error with biology. No science at all can be mixed with the state.


By the way, the post I'm responding to contained 14 iterations of quotes, that's quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes, and that makes it a bit difficult to figure out who is saying what to who so I have removed them. 

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



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Bruno Marchal

non lue,
3 juil. 2021, 07:43:4503/07/2021
On 14 Jun 2021, at 17:05, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

A wise idea to clear up the word clutter. New religions I hold we do not need. It's better to use science to upgrade them.

That the whole point. To bring back reason in theology, which is the fundamental science by definition, before we commit any ontological commitment, be it is a universe or in arithmetic, or whatever. That is what theology has been from Pythagorus and Parmenides ()500)  to Damascius (+500). 

Then we can see that the ideally sound universal+ (Löbian) machine have a rich mathematical theology, which is testable as it contains physics, and indeed QM-without-collapse confirms it strikingly well up to now, qualitatively and quantitatively.

If the universe does indeed learn as proposed by the physicist, then that's a good thing.

That is impossible once we bet that learning is a mechanical procedure, like with Darwin. In that case the physical universe Is a statistical pattern emerging from the (sigma_1) number relations.

Skeptic Michael Shermer paraphrasing Arthur C. Clarke, said: A sufficiently advanced alien intelligence is indistinguishable from God.” 

No machine can, indeed, distinguish an oracle/god (in Turing sense) from a machine more complex than themselves. But science is in prediction, using the simplest conceptual assumptions, not in any metaphysical certainties, despite some can exist (but have to remain private).


-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 14, 2021 10:21 am
Subject: Re: Was, Re: The theology of number, (Now) The Universe Learns (not released on April 1st)

On Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 12:18 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

> I am not saying we do not need theology,

Maybe you're not saying we don't need theology, but I certainly am. 

By the way, the post I'm responding to contained 14 iterations of quotes, that's quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes, and that makes it a bit difficult to figure out who is saying what to who so I have removed them. 

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



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Bruno Marchal

non lue,
3 juil. 2021, 07:48:1203/07/2021
That’s reason to come back to the God of Plato: which is truth with the understanding that anyone claiming to know it in a public way is a con artist.

Today we know that if Mechanism is true (Descartes, Darwin, Turing) then the God which is the less plausible is a physical universe. The physical reality admits a simpler explanation with a much weaker ontological assumption (arithmetic).



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non lue,
4 juil. 2021, 01:39:1504/07/2021
Not to be deliberately political, which I am not deliberately attempting to do, we have run anti-democratic in the US because of the social media types, and the boards of directors of corporations. This reminds me of the German industrialists
 of Weimar who believed they could influence the Nazis by offering and withholding donations. By the time some of them realized that the couldn't dare refuse them they were on their way to what happened and figuring as business people do that they would make the best of it, and throw in with Adolf. Training in fairy tales allows one to use their imagination as a survival tool. Often it pays off, and sometimes it is suicide.

Materialism will die only when it no longer produces goodies such as computers, and improved telescopes, for example. But then its more materialism, if we find programs baked-in to the universe's behavior, laws. Then we will still need equipment to still study the realm of Plato. Machines are probably the tool needed to build computers that kind change the cosmos over time, in life (not necessarily all carbon and water life), and jiggle things a bit here and there over vast amounts of time. This is just a possibility and not a sermon.

non lue,
4 juil. 2021, 01:56:3804/07/2021
Our descendents will have to see how far they can push things, Bruno. That is, if they can push things, and if we can as a species encourage the machinery to benefit us? Machines could do this making enjoyable discoveries, and enjoyable innovations. We do this to make people have better lives just as meta-goal because it feels better, at least for me, but then, I am just a bourgeoise. For my attitude, theology is a mental app for people to use. Some people, especially, some women, seem to glean ideas about the big Platonic network in the sky, and it seems to work, or, perhaps, I am just easily tricked?  Theologies are always welcome if they benefit people? Perhaps for some or many, the Schrodinger Equation can be a good substitute for a matra of The Lord's Prayer? \hat{H} \Psi=E \Psi

I don't know how I'd pronounce it as a prayer, though?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <>

Lawrence Crowell

non lue,
4 juil. 2021, 12:18:1104/07/2021
à Everything List
On Sunday, July 4, 2021 at 12:56:38 AM UTC-5 wrote:
Our descendents will have to see how far they can push things, Bruno. That is, if they can push things, and if we can as a species encourage the machinery to benefit us? Machines could do this making enjoyable discoveries, and enjoyable innovations. We do this to make people have better lives just as meta-goal because it feels better, at least for me, but then, I am just a bourgeoise. For my attitude, theology is a mental app for people to use. Some people, especially, some women, seem to glean ideas about the big Platonic network in the sky, and it seems to work, or, perhaps, I am just easily tricked?  Theologies are always welcome if they benefit people? Perhaps for some or many, the Schrodinger Equation can be a good substitute for a matra of The Lord's Prayer? \hat{H} \Psi=E \Psi

I don't know how I'd pronounce it as a prayer, though?

Calling it a prayer is a bit of an insult.


non lue,
4 juil. 2021, 20:21:2304/07/2021
Oh, I don't know if Schrodinger would sic his cat on me, or Wigner would sic his friend on me for such insolence? It may even be worthy of being a prayer as it describes reality? As a physicist you should not be shocked (yes of course appalled) that the peasants of the fields find some of your works intellectually and emotionally usable.  We glean the fields (electrodynamic or chromodynamic) for things to feed the mind and well as the belly. You should see, what we have done with Andrew Strominger and company's  Lectures on the Infrared Structure of Gravity and Gauge Theory. Wait! Better not, because we all have our strengths and weaknesses. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Crowell <>
To: Everything List <>
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