ANN: Django website redesign launched

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Jannis Leidel

Dec 16, 2014, 4:12:54 PM12/16/14
Hi everyone,

We're incredibly proud to share with you the new design of the Django website, the documentation and the issue tracker.

This is a long time coming and we couldn't be happier to finally ship it :)

As you can imagine, there will be bugs, so please bear with us and report issues to the issue tracker at

More infos about the redesign and its history can be found in the blog post:

Happy coding, everyone!



Fred Stluka

Dec 16, 2014, 4:17:40 PM12/16/14

Care to summarize what has changed?  At first glance, it looks like
mostly the same excellent content and the same sensible
organization of info, with the same useful mechanisms like the
ability to easily flip between different versions of the docs.

Are the changes mostly to do with CSS styles, colors, fonts,
presentation of info?  Or is there a change to the content or the
navigation, as well?

Fred Stluka -- --
Bristle Software, Inc -- -- Glad to be of service!
Open Source: Without walls and fences, we need no Windows or Gates.

Jose Regalado

Dec 16, 2014, 4:18:53 PM12/16/14
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José Luis Regalado
Linux User nº 280381
WhatsApp / Telegram +58 416 1705119

Carol Willing

Dec 16, 2014, 4:34:51 PM12/16/14
Thanks to all that made this happen. Much more user friendly. Bravo!

Tim Chase

Dec 16, 2014, 5:36:29 PM12/16/14
> As you can imagine, there will be bugs, so please bear with us and
> report issues to the issue tracker at

I appreciate the clarification/distinction between Django-Users and
Django-Developers mailing-lists. I don't remember them being this
blatant before.

I did notice that, if remote-font-loading is disabled, certain icons
don't come out intelligently. To demonstrate what would happen if
the font-file was unavailable, you can use Firefox, go to about:config
and set "browser.display.use_document_fonts" to 0.

If the icons were mapped into spots that correspond to an actual
Unicode for something similar, they'd show up even if the fonts don't
load as long as the local font supports that code-point. Examples:

- The envelope in the mailing-list sign-up boxes appears locally as a
digital/8-segment-display "20". Unicode has an icon-designation for
an envelope: "\N{ENVELOPE}" (U+2709).

- the "new page" icon that is used along the right side-bar could be
"\N{PAGE FACING UP}" (U+1F4C4), "\N{DOCUMENT}" (U+1F5CE), or
"\N{PAGE}" (U+1F5CF)

- the megaphone by the "Read More" could be mapped into "\N{CHEERING

- The three icons on the main page (lightning bold, lock, speedometer)
at least two could use "\N{LIGHTNING MOOD}" (U+1F5F2) and
"\N{LOCK}" (U+1F512). I wasn't able to come up with something in
stock Unicode to signify scaling except possibly "\N{WORLD
MAP}" (U+1F5FA)

- on the /start/ page, there are some plus-signs that would render if
"\N{HEAVY PLUS SIGN}" (U+2795) was used instead. (I did notice that
this page works well even if JS is disabled. Major kudos there!)

Based on the underlying CSS, it looks like there might be a lot more
than just the ones I discovered in the first 5min of reading. I tend
to discover these font issues since I generally fly with the above FF
setting configured because some sites choose fonts that are hard for
me to read. Disabling remote fonts solves that for me (FF doesn't
offer a more granular permission for font-loading, AFAIK).

They're not a major concern, but a nice-to-have. I can paste this
into a Github issue if you want to track it there.


Links to the Unicode icons if you want examples:

Tom Evans

Dec 16, 2014, 6:07:41 PM12/16/14
Good work, it looks a lot cleaner.


In the documentation, the page title "Documentation" always used to
link back to the index page for the current documentation version. Now
it appears there is only a link in the "You are here" section of the

The cleaner look makes much less information visible on a page,
particularly on small screens. For instance, on my laptop screen
(1280x800), on part 4 of the tutorial in the documentation, the fold
now is at the "{% if error_message %}" in the first code block, where
as in the old style the entire code block and the subsequent paragraph
is visible. Similarly, on the index page, the only part of the index
visible above the fold is "First steps".

On a related note, the larger font and increased spacing also means
that the line length before wrapping is reduced. The maximum line
length in a code block in the documentation is around 73 characters,
compared to around 97 characters in the old style. Several lines in
the code block in the new page wrap, whilst in the old style none did
(I suspect the code blocks were originally written so that they would
not need to wrap with the old style).

I'm no style guru, but is the CSS styling of selected text necessary
for the design to work? I found it surprising - my initial thought was
"grrr, why can't I select any text", as the pastel blue is very washed
out on my cheap work panel and I found it difficult to notice that any
text is selected.

FYI, I am comparing these pages:

Apart from these minor things, looks really good!


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Ari Davidow

Dec 16, 2014, 6:15:09 PM12/16/14
to django-users
>On a related note, the larger font and increased spacing also means
>that the line length before wrapping is reduced. The maximum line
>length in a code block in the documentation is around 73 characters,
>compared to around 97 characters in the old style. 

Since, at text sizes, the eye can track about 65 characters in a line, the change is good, and welcome. About 20 years ago, having heard this claim from typographers for many years, we tested on some web pages. We'd have the volunteers read something that was set as wide as the screen, then at other dimensions narrowing to about 40 characters. Sure enough, once the lines were wider than 60-70 characters, on average, we'd ask people what they thought about "X" and we'd as often as not get the response, "Oh, 'X' isn't on this page." 

Given indentation, this isn't always a python issue, but it is worth bearing in mind.


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Jannis Leidel

Dec 16, 2014, 6:34:54 PM12/16/14
Yes, that would be really appreciated. Part of our upcoming work is to improve accessibility issues like this. A ticket on the GitHub issue tracker ( would be a great start to collect those infos.


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Jannis Leidel

Dec 16, 2014, 6:39:06 PM12/16/14

> On 16 Dec 2014, at 17:17, Fred Stluka <> wrote:
> Jannis,
> Care to summarize what has changed? At first glance, it looks like
> mostly the same excellent content and the same sensible
> organization of info, with the same useful mechanisms like the
> ability to easily flip between different versions of the docs.

Yeah, the content hasn't changed much, so you can think about this change as a new skin to make it look less outdated than before. We're also now using techniques like a responsive layout to cater to the current growing mobile web audience.

> Are the changes mostly to do with CSS styles, colors, fonts,
> presentation of info? Or is there a change to the content or the
> navigation, as well?

All links should continue to work, and if not then it's a bug. We do have a new /start/ page that has some more info. More coming soon :)


> Thanks!
> --Fred
> Fred Stluka -- --
> Bristle Software, Inc -- -- Glad to be of service!
> Open Source: Without walls and fences, we need no Windows or Gates.
> On 12/16/14 11:09 AM, Jannis Leidel wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We're incredibly proud to share with you the new design of the Django website, the documentation and the issue tracker.
>> This is a long time coming and we couldn't be happier to finally ship it :)
>> As you can imagine, there will be bugs, so please bear with us and report issues to the issue tracker at
>> More infos about the redesign and its history can be found in the blog post:
>> Happy coding, everyone!
>> Jannis
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Jannis Leidel

Dec 16, 2014, 6:44:01 PM12/16/14

> On 16 Dec 2014, at 19:07, Tom Evans <> wrote:
> Good work, it looks a lot cleaner.
> However:
> In the documentation, the page title "Documentation" always used to
> link back to the index page for the current documentation version. Now
> it appears there is only a link in the "You are here" section of the
> sidebar?

Good catch, mind opening a ticket for that?

> The cleaner look makes much less information visible on a page,
> particularly on small screens. For instance, on my laptop screen
> (1280x800), on part 4 of the tutorial in the documentation, the fold
> now is at the "{% if error_message %}" in the first code block, where
> as in the old style the entire code block and the subsequent paragraph
> is visible. Similarly, on the index page, the only part of the index
> visible above the fold is "First steps".

Fixed in

> On a related note, the larger font and increased spacing also means
> that the line length before wrapping is reduced. The maximum line
> length in a code block in the documentation is around 73 characters,
> compared to around 97 characters in the old style. Several lines in
> the code block in the new page wrap, whilst in the old style none did
> (I suspect the code blocks were originally written so that they would
> not need to wrap with the old style).

Hmm, that may require a new ticket, especially if it turns out that we have to fix the rST files in the docs. Can you open a ticket with the examples you mention?

> I'm no style guru, but is the CSS styling of selected text necessary
> for the design to work? I found it surprising - my initial thought was
> "grrr, why can't I select any text", as the pastel blue is very washed
> out on my cheap work panel and I found it difficult to notice that any
> text is selected.

Fixed in

> FYI, I am comparing these pages:
> Apart from these minor things, looks really good!
> Cheers
> Tom
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Jannis Leidel <> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We're incredibly proud to share with you the new design of the Django website, the documentation and the issue tracker.
>> This is a long time coming and we couldn't be happier to finally ship it :)
>> As you can imagine, there will be bugs, so please bear with us and report issues to the issue tracker at
>> More infos about the redesign and its history can be found in the blog post:
>> Happy coding, everyone!
>> Jannis
>> --
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Brad Rice

Dec 16, 2014, 9:48:44 PM12/16/14
I noticed today when I went in to look something up. I like it.

Schmitt, Christian

Dec 16, 2014, 10:58:00 PM12/16/14
Somehow I hate it. The website is the worst website I've seen since a long time.
The contrast is really aweful.
The issue Tracker got unusable due to the colors that aren't focused on readability.

Overall it looks like a mess, just to have a new design.

Doesn't look like a designer or a graphic guy had his hands on that.
I can't realized why some should replace a good and usable design which had some practical usage and also a good readability with the "thing" we have now.

Sorry but I will stick to the old docs as for now or use the PDF ones with my custom style (since your colors are aweful, too).

Django should focus on a clear design which is helpful for readability and not this stupid mess.

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Russell Keith-Magee

Dec 16, 2014, 11:16:31 PM12/16/14
to Django Users
On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 2:38 AM, Jannis Leidel <> wrote:

> On 16 Dec 2014, at 17:17, Fred Stluka <> wrote:
> Jannis,
> Care to summarize what has changed?  At first glance, it looks like
> mostly the same excellent content and the same sensible
> organization of info, with the same useful mechanisms like the
> ability to easily flip between different versions of the docs.

Yeah, the content hasn't changed much, so you can think about this change as a new skin to make it look less outdated than before. We're also now using techniques like a responsive layout to cater to the current growing mobile web audience.
As Jannis says, it's mostly visual at the moment - with one exception: the homepage. The old layout didn't give us space to highlight community projects, education projects, or the Django Software Foundation. We have those now, and we have space to put others as they arise in the community.

Russ Magee %-)

Russell Keith-Magee

Dec 16, 2014, 11:23:11 PM12/16/14
to Django Users
On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 6:55 AM, Schmitt, Christian <> wrote:
Somehow I hate it. The website is the worst website I've seen since a long time.
The contrast is really aweful.
The issue Tracker got unusable due to the colors that aren't focused on readability.

Overall it looks like a mess, just to have a new design.

Doesn't look like a designer or a graphic guy had his hands on that.
I can't realized why some should replace a good and usable design which had some practical usage and also a good readability with the "thing" we have now.

Sorry but I will stick to the old docs as for now or use the PDF ones with my custom style (since your colors are aweful, too).

Django should focus on a clear design which is helpful for readability and not this stupid mess.
Thanks for the feedback. Sorry you don't like what we've rolled out.

I can assure you that we *did* engage a "designer or graphic guy" in this process - several in fact - and they all have significant experience in designing "usable designs" with "practical usage". The blog post announcing the launch has the details. 

The old design was a classic, but you can't say it didn't have problems - from a technical perspective, it was almost unusable on mobile devices; from a functional perspective, it didn't provide a way for us as a project to highlight community efforts, or draw attention to the DSF or provide calls to action for people who aren't discovering Django for the first time.

If you've got specific feedback - something we can actually fix or address, not "I don't like it" - please open a ticket. We've already had some comments raised about contrast, which the team is looking into. If there's something else we should know about, let us know and we can address it.

Russ Magee %-)

Cal Leeming

Dec 17, 2014, 12:01:56 AM12/17/14
Personally I really like it.

The footer menu contrast is a little bright with the white/light green, however it's worth noting that the color/contrast experience will vary depending on what equipment your using. Typically if a site has been designed on an Apple Thunderbolt/MBP Retina display, then it will look a bit crappy on many PC monitors (even the higher quality ones). I used to complain about site designs all the time when I was on a PC, since switching to an MBP most of these problems disappeared. The same goes for font weight, and indeed font rendering, typically OS X renders fonts much cleaner than Windows. (This is on the assumption that you are using a PC).

Three spots (the design agency) look like they are using Macs in their office according to their office photos, so this might help explain why.

However there are a few bugs;

* code.djangoproject has some indenting issues on header tags (e.g. getting involved), and the shaded underline is weird, you can see this white background box around it then some grey fading... very strange.

* code.djangoproject ticket list table is "bleeding" over the right hand edge

* code.djangoproject query form is not properly designed, small font with oddly placed form elements and incorrect use of spacing;

Gotta head to bed so I'll cut this short, hope this helps though.


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Mark Furbee

Dec 17, 2014, 12:15:54 AM12/17/14
Looks slick to me! Clearly with mobile and responsive design in mind, but that's what we have to keep in mind these days.

Great job to all contributors involved in this redesign!

Torsten Bronger

Dec 17, 2014, 4:21:53 AM12/17/14

Cal Leeming writes:

> [...]
> The footer menu contrast is a little bright with the white/light
> green, however it's worth noting that the color/contrast
> experience will vary depending on what equipment your
> using. Typically if a site has been designed on an Apple
> Thunderbolt/MBP Retina display, then it will look a bit crappy on
> many PC monitors (even the higher quality ones). [...]

I think this doesn't matter. Besides the fact that my screen is
calibrated and I nevertheless tilt the screen when I visit the new
website to gain contrast, a website should be optimized for
sub-optimal conditions rather than the best ones.


Torsten Bronger Jabber ID:

Sithembewena Lloyd Dube

Dec 17, 2014, 8:44:30 AM12/17/14
I like the new design. A lot. Thank you!

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Sithu Lloyd Dube

Cal Leeming

Dec 17, 2014, 8:59:55 AM12/17/14
I am inclined to agree that a site should try and look the same on all devices (in terms of color/contrast etc) but this simply isn't possible in the real world. The majority of users do not calibrate their equipment, and even when they do, the result will vary massively depending on the quality of your gear. Don't get me wrong, there is some equipment out there that will render as beautifully as the Apple gear, but it will be a very small percentage of users that owns this. I've seen laptops retailing over £1k which are damn near impossible to calibrate.

Furthermore, it's quite difficult to make a beautiful "retina" design whilst also satisfying the needs of other devices. I had this discussion with another company back when I was a PC user, and their response was simply "our target audience for our site is Mac users, tough luck." In my own experience, to compensate for these subpar devices you have to avoid things like "thin" font weights, close contrasts and even certain colors.

One option is to use two different styles and switch them out using feature detection. Or you could try and construct a design/color scheme which satisfies both needs (though I'm yet to see one). Or you can choose based on your target audience.

Note: design is not my first skill and these are only things I've picked up from experience, working with other designers and reading articles. I couldn't explain the in-depths of why these problems happen.


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Dec 17, 2014, 9:37:45 AM12/17/14
The new web design look really modern, clean and nice.
Something I would suggest is to reduce the "Smartphone feeling" on desktop computers.
For example, I have a 26" monitor, and in the "Overview" page I can not look at the 5 overview points at the same time. I need to keep scrolling up and down.
As the content is not necessarily supposed to be viewed sequentially, I personally prefer to have more content at the same time in the view.


Torsten Bronger

Dec 17, 2014, 10:17:38 AM12/17/14

Cal Leeming writes:

> I am inclined to agree that a site should try and look the same on
> all devices (in terms of color/contrast etc)

I didn't mean this. What I meant was that a webpage should work
well on all devices in terms of legibility and usability. It may
work better on one device than on the other, but there should be a
minimal quality.

As far as I am concerned, just add contrast and I'm fine with the
new design. And I'm sure that the higher-contrast scheme would also
work on Apple devices.

Jorge C. Leitão

Dec 17, 2014, 10:28:39 AM12/17/14
Dear Django community,

I would like to congratulate you very much for this. I'm very pleased to see that the work in Django is much better presented to the world, which I think we all agree is an important component of the project.

Generally speaking, I like very much the overall look and feel of the website. I imagine it is very hard to agree on them, specially since it is a component that has some intrinsic subjectivity.

I have a question regarding the layout:

In the previous website there was a noticeable difference between the website UI and the UI of the issue tracker. Are we aiming to keep that difference or do we aim to make them indistinguishable?

This is because it seems that some elements of the tracker were changed to blend with the new look, but others don't. Specifically:

- In the main content of the issue tracker the horizontal lines have a shadow in the bottom; The other sections don't.
- In the issue tracker, some content is boxed (e.g. wiki), while other doesn't (new ticket), and the boxes are corner-rounded (while the website has rounded elements besides buttons).
- In the wiki of the issue tracker, the font seems to be "blurred"(?), compare with sidebar.

I would prefer the same look of the issue tracker for consistency, but since that section of the website is aimed to developers of Django, there can be a rational to make it different. Could we clarify this so we know what is a bug to report and what is an intended feature?

In any case, the quality of Django website conveys now much better the quality of the Django project. Thank you for that.


Mike Dewhirst

Dec 17, 2014, 11:28:31 AM12/17/14
On 17/12/2014 7:59 PM, Cal Leeming wrote:
> you have to avoid
> things like "thin" font weights

I'm interested to know what fonts are being used so I can install them
on my machine. Chrome and Firefox make text on the new site look ragged.
Windows 8.1.

Other than that, <big> +1 </big>


Rakan Alhneiti

Dec 17, 2014, 12:04:14 PM12/17/14
God job everyone!

Do you think the Overview page should have the logos of the "Sites using Django"? it would be more visually appealing, in addition, people might be more aware of the logos than just plain names. What do you think?

Best Regards,

Sithembewena Lloyd Dube

Dec 17, 2014, 1:19:02 PM12/17/14
I second Rakan's suggestion regarding the use of logos. Here's a perfect example of the concept (and how effective it is):

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Sithu Lloyd Dube


Dec 17, 2014, 1:28:29 PM12/17/14
On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 5:58:00 PM UTC-5, Christian Schmitt wrote:
Somehow I hate it. The website is the worst website I've seen since a long time.
The contrast is really aweful.
The issue Tracker got unusable due to the colors that aren't focused on readability.

Clearly.  My audit extension flags 47 contrast problems on the home page alone.  The site is not very accessible contrast wise.

Doesn't look like a designer or a graphic guy had his hands on that.

It clearly had a designer,  but they don't grok usability.

I hate to be "that guy" but this is not really an improvement other than it works on mobile now ...

Daniele Procida

Dec 17, 2014, 1:39:21 PM12/17/14
to, Rob, Django Users
We'd hate you to be "that guy" too. However, so far you are "that guy", since merely announcing that you have identified numerous accessibility issues is useless.

The repository is <>. It's all open. If you're able to suggest or make improvements, you know what to do if you want to stop being "that guy".


Vijay Khemlani

Dec 17, 2014, 1:44:42 PM12/17/14
I really like the new design, the old one felt way too cluttered with too much information on the main page and overwhelmed new users.

And... haters gonna hate.

Congrats to the team!

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Tim Chase

Dec 17, 2014, 1:56:51 PM12/17/14
On 2014-12-16 19:34, Jannis Leidel wrote:
>> On 16 Dec 2014, at 18:37, Tim Chase wrote:
>> if remote-font-loading is disabled, certain icons don't come out
>> intelligently. To demonstrate what would happen if the font-file
>> was unavailable, you can use Firefox, go to about:config and set
>> "browser.display.use_document_fonts" to 0.
>> If the icons were mapped into spots that correspond to an actual
>> Unicode for something similar, they'd show up even if the fonts
>> don't load as long as the local font supports that code-point.
>> I can paste this into a Github issue if you want to track it
>> there.
> Yes, that would be really appreciated. Part of our upcoming work is
> to improve accessibility issues like this.


Thanks for all the effort put into improving the site and its


Marcelo Barbero

Dec 17, 2014, 1:59:17 PM12/17/14
I don't like the new design.

Subjective flaws: too much space wasted, childish style (I exclusively
use PCs to access the web).

Objective flaws: fonts look ugly, with unclear edges and weird shapes
in the "w" letter ( in my Windows XP with Firefox and Chrome).

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Dec 17, 2014, 2:07:26 PM12/17/14

On Wednesday, December 17, 2014 8:39:21 AM UTC-5, Daniele Procida wrote:

We'd hate you to be "that guy" too. However, so far you are "that guy", since merely announcing that you have identified numerous accessibility issues is useless.

Ok.  Tell the designer to google "chrome accessibility tester extension" and install the first match.

It will then flag the places where the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are not being followed;

The repository is <>. It's all open. If you're able to suggest or make improvements, you know what to do if you want to stop being "that guy".

I'm not a designer.  I can't make good suggestions on how to improve things, since I would most definitely make it worse.

Bobby Mozumder

Dec 17, 2014, 3:59:39 PM12/17/14
For the Documentation, one suggestion I have is that the body font that’s more different from the source code font.

It looks like you’re using Roboto (a Helvetica clone) for the body text and Incosolota for the source code. They’re a little too similar. Also, Roboto isn’t a good font for descriptive sentences and paragraphs. It’s more of a short text font for titles, subheadline, and captions.

You generally don’t write long paragraphs with Helvetica, and you shouldn’t do that in Roboto either.



Dec 17, 2014, 7:36:54 PM12/17/14

On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 8:12:54 AM UTC-8, Jannis Leidel wrote:
Hi everyone,

We're incredibly proud to share with you the new design of the Django website, the documentation and the issue tracker.

This is a long time coming and we couldn't be happier to finally ship it :)

As you can imagine, there will be bugs, so please bear with us and report issues to the issue tracker at

More infos about the redesign and its history can be found in the blog post:

Happy coding, everyone!


Count me with those who generally like the new layout.  The main page looks a little sparser on a large screen, but the documentation pages make much better use of space.  I think the fonts are just fine.  My main suggestion would be to use slightly more background contrast with the right-hand side bar and the code blocks.  The contrast difference is subtle enough to not be clear about where the boundaries are unless you're focusing directly on them, but noticeable enough to be distracting when you're trying to concentrate on content.,  

Carsten Fuchs

Dec 17, 2014, 7:43:02 PM12/17/14
Hi all,

Am 17.12.2014 um 20:36 schrieb llanitedave:
> Count me with those who generally like the new layout. The main page
> looks a little sparser on a large screen, but the documentation pages
> make much better use of space. I think the fonts are just fine. My
> main suggestion would be to use slightly more background contrast with
> the right-hand side bar and the code blocks. The contrast difference is
> subtle enough to not be clear about where the boundaries are unless
> you're focusing directly on them, but noticeable enough to be
> distracting when you're trying to concentrate on content.,

+1, this is exactly my impression and opinion as well! :-)

Many thanks to everyone for their great work!

Best regards,

Ben Gorman

Dec 17, 2014, 9:46:00 PM12/17/14
Awesome job to everyone involved.  I'm a fan of the (much needed) improvements to the website.

John Schmitt

Dec 17, 2014, 10:40:50 PM12/17/14
Looks nice to me.

Pardon me please for being naive, but will the fonts, colours, and layouts be ported to the Django app itself?

That is, will the new layout and colour scheme be available to my Django 1.7 app if I were to do the following?

$ pip install Django --upgrade


Carl Meyer

Dec 17, 2014, 10:45:40 PM12/17/14
Hi John,
No, none of these changes affect the Django codebase. The Django admin
is the only part of Django that has a layout or color scheme, and it is
not related to the Django website.



Thomas Leo

Dec 18, 2014, 4:37:06 PM12/18/14
The new Design looks great! Awesome job!

One thing I really like about is the ability to show/hide the side bar. The new design features a very large sidebar, being able to toggle it would be awesome. 

Also as previously mentioned trac doesn't look right yet.
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