Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] Re: [africanworldforum] Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay

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Sep 23, 2014, 2:05:11 AM9/23/14
to peter opara [NIgerianWorldForum], africanworldforum@googlegroups com,,,,,,,,,, Vin Otuonye,,,,,,,,
Nwoke Ogbuonyeiro:
I am sure you need to read mine and Nwachukwu's more closely. He is not attempting to steal your history; there is the need to understand that we have more things that unite is than those that divide us.
We need not forget our differences but to understand them.
There is no doubt, Yoruba and Igbo have certain cultural differences, even in the manner of eating!
That the Igbo (that left Yoruba land hurriedly) at the outbreak of the war had their property returned to them is something you do not need to downplay. Can you honestly say that the same magnanimity was extended to Igbo in other regions?
While you are still rummaging your memory, let me quickly tell you that tough talking is part of the weapon of war for a war commander! An Adolf Hitler threatened to land his plane at Buckingham palace; it took an equally tough leader in Winston Churchill in also talking the nation to stand firm against that braggadocio.
Can anyone bring evidence of a single Biafran civilian (child, mother, father) whose blood was spilled in response to Adekunle's statement?
We can not continue to base our opinions on sentiments. True, the Igbo suffered incalculable damage to their self dignity during the war. That war was fratricidal, as well as gratuitous! We must not in our mind be playing up the preparation for another war. The great Israeli war generals (Moshe Dayan, Yitzhak Rabin, Ariel Sharon etc), in their later lives, were painstakingly apostles of peace. You fought the civil war, may be, as a member of the boys' company. But I do not think it is helpful to the cause of nation building to think that another civil war can do the land any good. It may just be a Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). I am sure both Ojukwu and Gowon, in retrospective appreciation of the pre-war events, would have approached the Aburi summit differently if given another opportunity. Is it a coincidence that the two dramatis personae in the entire saga that eventually led to the civil war , Ojukwu and Gowon, did not put down anything as regards war memoirs? I am sure you know it is not for want of scholarship; Ojukwu had a Master of Arts from Oxford and Gowon has a PH.D from Warwick!
There is a lesson to learn from the collective wisdom of these two gentlemen which should also inform our reasoning too.
We shall talk the rest on phone.
Fare thee well, my brother.
Rotimi Fashakin.
Maranatha! The King is coming.

"peter opara [NIgerianWorldForum]" <> wrote:


Brother Rotimi,

Be it known to you that Nwachukwu's thinking is limited if only in the matter in question.

Igbo security is not limited to favors done an Igbo by a Yoruba. Not at all. Igbo being and sensibilities cannot excuse or entertain needling by Yoruba on Igbo experience in Nigeria. Not at all. 

And Roth, you know many of them here from your end who think and indeed believe Igbo experience in Nigeria, even such as Adekunle expressed and meted to Igbo were deserving. None other than Soyinka deemed Igbo experience in Nigeria as genocide. Are Igbo to move on and not react, as some of your folk find such experience a thing of in your face mockery?

Nwachukwu's limited thinking is that Igbo must not react. That is absurd.

As to favors Nigerians do to each other, do you and Nwanchukwu want me to tell you the number of Yoruba fellows - men and women I have willingly assisted or done favors not because they were Yoruba or because they were Nigerians but simply because they are human beings? Do you and Nwachukwu want me to tell you Yoruba who have been done high echelon favors in Nigeria by high echelon Igbo?

It is not favors done individual Igbo by Yoruba that is the matter, the matter is universal Yoruba mockery of Igbo experience, sordid experience they were meted to Igbo in Nigeria and by Nigerians at every turn here and else where.

I can tell you, and I stand by it that any favors done any Igbo by Yoruba is cancelled out by opinions held and expressed by a Yoruba in favor Awo's policy to starve Biafra old, young and infirm; Adekunle's policy to kill everything that moved in the east as long they were hu

Vin Otuonye

Sep 23, 2014, 8:02:32 AM9/23/14
to africanworldforum@google, NWF, okonkwonetworks,,, Imo Congress, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,,,,,,,,,,
Peter Opara is right on the money. Nwachukwu has a limited knowledge of the issue under discussion. As Peter stated, the issue is not favor done by individual Igbo or Yoruba to the other that matters but Yoruba mockery of Igbo tragic experience. Talking about favors, I talk about my experience with my Yoruba childhood friend Kayode all the time.
And who really is talking about another civil war? How come when we talk about our tragic experience you guys always think of another civil war? Is Igbo waging any war right now? If you want to see war, Boko Haram is doing it not Igbo.
Vin Cool Breeze Otuonye


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Ayo Ojutalayo

Sep 23, 2014, 10:54:03 AM9/23/14
to, NWF, okonkwonetworks,,, Imo Congress, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,,,,,,,,,,

There will be no "Yoruba mockery of Igbo tragic experience" if you people stop abusing and insulting Yorubas that participated in the civil war on the federal side. It is absolutely your choice.

Ayo Ojutalayo

From: Vin Otuonye <>
To: "africanworldforum@google" <>; NWF <>; okonkwonetworks <>; "" <>; "" <>; Imo Congress <>; Nebukadineze Adiele <>; Wharfery Snake <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 8:02 AM
Subject: [africanworldforum] RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay

Vin Otuonye

Sep 23, 2014, 11:02:20 AM9/23/14
to africanworldforum@google, NWF, okonkwonetworks,,, Imo Congress, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,,,,,,
Finally you are coming out in your true color. Now you know all this talk about you defending Ike Nwachukwu, Ukpabi Asika, etc are nothing but hogwash to deceive the unwary. It is to spite Igbo people because any Igbo reject is your friend or hero.
I understand you are a lawyer. Please come with me. How many times do I have to say here (and I remember saying it to you Ayo Ojutalayo) that Igbo criticism of Yoruba personalities is not a criticism of the Yoruba race/tribe.
Ayo, honestly, it is juvenile thinking when you equate Igbo criticism of Yoruba personalities like Awolowo, Obasanjo and Adekunle as criticism of Yoruba race. Did we not praise Chief Adeniran Ogunsanya?
Ayo, please grow up.
Vin (Wonder Boy - Courtesy of Stevek) Otuonye
Subject: [africanworldforum] Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay

Ayo Ojutalayo

Sep 23, 2014, 12:00:36 PM9/23/14
to, NWF, okonkwonetworks,,, Imo Congress, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,,,,,

You must really be a wonder boy. You don't think I owe it to people that (on my behalf) worked to keep Nigeria from disintegration whether they are Yoruba, Igbo or Northerner, to defend them? Incidentally, you guys targets for the civil war are more Yorubas than any other ethnic group. It is only when the person being defended by me is Yoruba that you and your co-travelers pay attention.

Ayo Ojutalayo

Cc: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 11:02 AM
Subject: [africanworldforum] RE: Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay

Vin Otuonye

Sep 23, 2014, 12:07:42 PM9/23/14
to africanworldforum@google, NWF, okonkwonetworks,,, Imo Congress, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,,,,,,
Please thank Stevek for the 'wonder boy'. The truth is out of our subconscious mind the truth cometh. Out of Stevek's subconscious mind, he finally admitted that I am a wonder boy. The next thing I am going to do is patent it. The question you used asked yourself is why is it always Igbo vs Yoruba in this civil war thing? Even the Hausa/Finally and other Northern minorities (with the exception of Jerome Niang Yakubu) that were heavily involved don't ridicule Ndigbo the way some of you Yoruba do.
Finally, you know what I wrote about you below is right.
Vin Wonder Boy Otuonye

Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:59:41 +0000
Subject: Re: [africanworldforum] RE: Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay

peter opara

Sep 23, 2014, 12:09:37 PM9/23/14
to, NWF, okonkwonetworks,,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,,,,,,,,

To Steveks below, I say Amen.

ayo ojutalayo has assorted afflictions - he was lobotomized to the point of retardation, he is a psychiatric case afflicted with severe phobia - xenophobia that makes it impossible for him to think right. The target of his phobia inside Nigeria is everything, the subhuman that he is, he will depart this earth with tears in his eyes that Igbo are still standing....that Biafra as a country is being referenced time and again, and might indeed come is going be a rest life and after life for the worm that goes by ayo ojutalayo. Such a miserable soul.


You and not telling Ayo what he doesn't already know. Therefore, it a waste of bandwidth.

I would, simply, have told Ayo that, at one time Ojukwu was so superior to Awo that he released Awo from prison, never the other way around.

You know, I have this theory. If a tribalist have brains, he/she will really do a lot of damage.

But, fortunately, a person with brains would know that speaking a different language and living somewhere else doesn't make you inferior or superior. So, they are never tribalistic.

On the other hand, a tribalist...
Washington, DC, USA

A society of supine lambs breeds erect wolves. - Stevek
A wise man proportions his beliefs to the evidence - David Hume

daniel Akusobi

Sep 23, 2014, 1:44:04 PM9/23/14
to,,,,,,, Imo Congress,,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake, NWF,, okonkwonetworks,,

Go research on why Igbos feel that Yoruba betrayed a trust.
May be Ojukwu should have let Pa Awo rot in prison. Was he not convicted of treason by a court in Nigeria?
War casualties are understandable but the casualties Awo created after the war with his £20 policy is more painful because we, the Igbos, could not pose any resistance on that like we did in some of the battle fields , before being caught alive in that policy.
Awo's policy continued till now as could be evidenced in the deplorable condition of the Niger bridge, the moving of the goal post when it was time for Ekwueme to seek the presidential position. When NPN court judge denied Ojukwu a position his people voted him in. He won a Senate seat and was deprived a sitting by NPN for fear of  his out smarting all of them them combined.

4) When they created the geopolitical zones and sand witched Igbo between the SS.
Go check that map of the Geo zones of Nigeria and say if the figure  shows some idea of geometry or may be the plan was to still Isolate the Igbos so they can easily be defined and marginalized without incurring the wrath of Cross River and Akwaibom people. Akwa Ibom by location is not supposed to be called a SS state. It fits into a SE puzzle.

Nigeria wants us, the Igbos to feel good for the so called appointment of some Igbos to some federal positions as though it is a favor instead of a right based on the federal character scheme.
Igbos  do not need such pacifications. We are no kids that could be tauted and quietened with MacDonald's French fries.
We need that bridge built like now and we need the toll fee planed deleted from the contract because it is unfair for us, Igbos,  to pay to use a road and bridge built in our land, unless such would apply to such roads and bridges in other states.
I believe some of these late policies on the Igbos post the war were designed by Awo, so the Igbos would feel the pain of loosing the war much longer and deeper.

Ayo Ojutalayo

Sep 23, 2014, 8:06:58 PM9/23/14
to, NWF, okonkwonetworks,,, Imo Congress, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,,,,,,,

" . . . at one time Ojukwu was so superior to Awo that he released Awo from prison, never the other way around."
. . . Stevek


The Military Governor of Eastern Region, Lt Col Emeka Ojukwu, released Awolowo from prison and the Head of State, General Gowon sent a plane from Lagos to go and bring Chief Awolowo from prison in Calabar? Does it make sense to you that Ojukwu released Awo but it was to Gowon in Lagos that Awo went, straight from prison? Can you remember I once said there is Igbo blood flowing in your veins? It is a secret you are keeping from the forums so that you could sound independent and objective. But you are sounding stupid.
Ayo Ojutalayo

From: 'peter opara' via AfricanWorldForum <>
To: "" <>; NWF <>; okonkwonetworks <>; "" <>; "" <>; Imo Congress <>; Nebukadineze Adiele <>; Wharfery Snake <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [africanworldforum] RE: Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay

Ayo Ojutalayo

Sep 23, 2014, 11:51:30 PM9/23/14
to,,,,,,, Imo Congress,,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake, NWF,, okonkwonetworks,,
"I believe some of these late policies on the Igbos post the war were designed by Awo, so the Igbos would feel the pain of loosing the war much longer and deeper." . . . Daniel Akusobi


You have been brain washed to believe Awo is the cause of every thing that is not going well for Igbo, even almost 50 years after the war!!! For your information, the Head of State, General Gowon released Awo from Calabar Federal prison and sent a plane to bring Awo to meet in Lagos. Military Governor Ojukwu had nothing to do with Awo's release. If Ojukwu did, Awo would have gone to Ojukwu and not to Gowon from prison.

Ayo Ojutalayo

From: daniel Akusobi <>
Cc:;; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; Imo Congress <>; "" <>; "" <>; Nebukadineze Adiele <>; "" <>; Wharfery Snake <>; NWF <>; "" <>; okonkwonetworks <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: [africanworldforum] Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay

Vin Otuonye

Sep 24, 2014, 6:50:21 AM9/24/14
to africanworldforum@google,,,,,,, Imo Congress,,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake, NWF,, okonkwonetworks,,
This is you and your lies again. Gowon had no control of Eastern Region when Awo was released from Calabar Prison. Ojukwu had full exclusive control of Eastern Region as the military governor and yes, it was Ojukwu not Gowon that released Awo from Calabar Prison. Why do you like to distort historical facts? Ayo, please stop lying.
Vin Otuonye


Sep 24, 2014, 7:12:47 AM9/24/14
to Vin Otuonye [NIgerianWorldForum], africanworldforum@googlegroups com,,,,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake, NWF,, okonkwonetworks,,
So when Ojukwu released Awo, what was the gain for him?
May be you confused this one with Wale Ademoyega, Emmanuel Ifeajuna and Victor Banjo who were released and became active Biafran combatants. We knew Gen Yakubu Gowon released him as one of the first acts as head of state and immediately made him vice chairman of the federal executive council and minister of finance.
This narrative from you, I am afraid, gravitates towards revisionism!

Rotimi Fashakin.
Maranatha! The King is coming.

"Vin Otuonye [NIgerianWorldForum]" <> wrote:

This is you and your lies again. Gowon had no control of Eastern Region when Awo was released from Calabar Prison. Ojukwu had full exclusive control of Eastern Region as the military governor and yes, it was Ojukwu not Gowon that released Awo from Calabar Prison. Why do you like to distort historical facts? Ayo, please stop lying.
Vin Otuonye

"I believe some of these late policies on the Igbos post the war were designed by Awo, so the Igbos would feel the pain of loosing the war much longer and deeper." . . . Daniel Akusobi


You have been brain washed to believe Awo is the cause of every thing that is not going well for Igbo, even almost 50 years after the war!!! For your information, the Head of State, General Gowon released Awo from Calabar Federal prison and sent a plane to bring Awo to meet in Lagos. Military Governor Ojukwu had nothing to do with Awo's release. If Ojukwu did, Awo would have gone to Ojukwu and not to Gowon from prison.

Ayo Ojutalayo

From: daniel Akusobi <>


Sep 24, 2014, 8:59:46 AM9/24/14
to rotfash, Vin Otuonye [NIgerianWorldForum], africanworldforum@googlegroups com,,,,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,,
As a matter of logistics, if Ojukwu had declared himself law in the Eastern Enclave (Biafra), that includes Calabr, and Gown cannot even reach there with the renowned 3MCDO at the time, do you think that a plane can land and take off from Calabar prison just because Gowon at Dodan Barracks in Lagos - in a political move - ordered his release if Ojukwu didn't allow it? Do you think that if Ojukwu countered Gowon's order from Lagos, the staff at Calabar Prison would have insisted on obeying Gowon?
It is in little matters like this that the mutual relationship to stand together for the truth that benefits all - like we are standing togethet for Buhari - is forged and strengthened,
Washington, DC, USA

A society of supine lambs breeds erect wolves. - Stevek
A wise man proportions his beliefs to the evidence - David Hume

From: 'rotfash' via OkonkwoNetworks <>
To: "Vin Otuonye [NIgerianWorldForum]" <>; "africanworldforum@googlegroups com" <>
Cc:;;;;;; Imo Congress <>;; Nebukadineze Adiele <>;; Wharfery Snake <>; NWF <>;; okonkwonetworks <>;;
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] RE: Dan Akusobi: Re: Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay
So when Ojukwu released Awo, what was the gain for him?
May be you confused this one with Wale Ademoyega, Emmanuel Ifeajuna and Victor Banjo who were released and became active Biafran combatants. We knew Gen Yakubu Gowon released him as one of the first acts as head of state and immediately made him vice chairman of the federal executive council and minister of finance.
This narrative from you, I am afraid, gravitates towards revisionism!
Rotimi Fashakin.
Maranatha! The King is coming.

"Vin Otuonye [NIgerianWorldForum]" <> wrote:

This is you and your lies again. Gowon had no control of Eastern Region when Awo was released from Calabar Prison. Ojukwu had full exclusive control of Eastern Region as the military governor and yes, it was Ojukwu not Gowon that released Awo from Calabar Prison. Why do you like to distort historical facts? Ayo, please stop lying.
Vin Otuonye
"I believe some of these late policies on the Igbos post the war were designed by Awo, so the Igbos would feel the pain of loosing the war much longer and deeper." . . . Daniel Akusobi


You have been brain washed to believe Awo is the cause of every thing that is not going well for Igbo, even almost 50 years after the war!!! For your information, the Head of State, General Gowon released Awo from Calabar Federal prison and sent a plane to bring Awo to meet in Lagos. Military Governor Ojukwu had nothing to do with Awo's release. If Ojukwu did, Awo would have gone to Ojukwu and not to Gowon from prison.

Ayo Ojutalayo
From: daniel Akusobi <>
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Ayo Ojutalayo

Sep 24, 2014, 10:41:27 AM9/24/14
to, rotfash, Vin Otuonye [NIgerianWorldForum],,,,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,,

Are you deliberately telling lies or you have forgotten the timeline of events? As of the time Gowon took over as Head of State, there was not-yet, the power struggle between the Federal government (Gowon) and Eastern Region (Ojukwu). The plane sent by Gowon after he released Awo could therefore not have been disallowed to land in Calabar by Ojukwu. By the way, Gowon had not yet moved to Dodan Barracks when he released Awo. It was at the Ikeja Garrison that Awo State. This confirms that Awo's release was one of the first acts of Gowon after taking over.

I hope Vin Otuonye is reading this. Igbos of his generation were brought up to believe Ojukwu released Awo. This is just one of many lies they were fed with, growing up.

Ayo Ojutalayo

From: 'Stevek' via AfricanWorldForum <>
To: rotfash <>; "Vin Otuonye [NIgerianWorldForum]" <>; "africanworldforum@googlegroups com" <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; Imo Congress <>; "" <>; Nebukadineze Adiele <>; "" <>; Wharfery Snake <>; "" <>; okonkwonetworks <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 8:59 AM
Subject: [africanworldforum] Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] RE: Dan Akusobi: Re: Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay


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Ayo Ojutalayo

Sep 24, 2014, 11:07:32 AM9/24/14
to,,,,,,, Imo Congress,,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake, NWF,, okonkwonetworks,,

You are too young to know the truth. If you have an open mind, you will learn: Gowon released Awo immediately he took over as Head of State, before power struggle between him and Ojukwu started. No Military Governor had exclusive control of his Region as of the time Gowon took over the federal government.
Ayo Ojutalayo

From: Vin Otuonye <>
To: "africanworldforum@google" <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; Imo Congress <>; "" <>; "" <>; Nebukadineze Adiele <>; "" <>; Wharfery Snake <>; NWF <>; "" <>; okonkwonetworks <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 6:50 AM
Subject: [africanworldforum] RE: Dan Akusobi: Re: Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay

Vin Otuonye

Sep 24, 2014, 12:45:16 PM9/24/14
to africanworldforum@google, rotfash, NWF,, Vin Otuonye,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,
Please read the interview below Rudolph Okonkwo had with Ojukwu in November 2011. Let's tell the truth and shame the devil. I wonder what you and Rotimi Fashakin have to say now.
Enjoy reading the interview.
My Last Interview With Dim Chukwuemeka Ojukwu - Rudolf Okonkwo

In June of this year, in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an interview with Ikemba.

by SaharaAdminFour Nov 26, 2011
In June of this year, in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an interview with Ikemba.

He worked to connect me to Ojukwu’s children who would facilitate the interview. Ikemba was then on his sick bed in a London Hospital. I drafted 12 questions in preparation. It later turned out that Ikemba was in no position to speak to me.
But ten years ago, I interviewed Ikemba in Boston. Though I met him several times after (including a 2004? private meeting in Maryland where I saw an Ojukwu, quite different from the one seen in public), that interview of July 9th 2001 became my last interview with him.
While dated in some ways, the interview is still relevant today as it was then.
As we reflect on the life and times of Dim Ojukwu who passed away this morning, here is an extract from the interview as published by
RUDOLF OKONKWO: “The Federation of Nigeria is today as corrupt, as unprogressive and as oppressive and irreformable as the Ottoman Empire was in Eastern Europe over a century ago. And in contrast, the Nigerian Federation in the form it was constituted by the British cannot by any stretch of imagination be considered an African necessity. Yet we are being forced to sacrifice our very existence as a people to the integrity of that ramshackle creation that has no justification either in history or in the freely expressed wishes of the people.”
That was you speaking in 1969. Do you still believe in those sentiments or have they changed?
OJUKWU: Regretfully, they haven’t changed. The worst thing about Nigeria is that here is a nation that has so much potential but the only problem is that everybody seems unprepared to face the problems or the realities of the Nigerian situation. There is absolutely no way you can look at the Nigerian federation, the way it was conceived, and say it is a good federation. One of the federating units is bigger than the other units. The other thing is that everything that has worked in Nigeria, or appears to have worked, seems very much to have been an imposition. The idea that sovereignty belongs to the Nigerian people is all fiction as far as Nigeria is concerned.
I was talking to somebody earlier on today, and I said that one of the problems we have is that we have refused to define our union. Yet, Nigeria is one place that, because of the many, many disparate units in the country, needs to work together. This imposes on us the need to define every step of our being so that every body knows his rights but, unfortunately, this is one thing that Nigerians are not willing to do. I don’t know why. If America says to you today that they are proud of the fact that, for two hundred years, they have been trying to make their union more perfect, it sounds very reasonable. But, in Nigeria, you are not even allowed to question your union, which is ridiculous. Even if Nigerians at a certain point, say ten years ago, thought one way, what right have we got to think that new thoughts, new brains, haven’t emerged that can work out something different. This idea of considering a national conference, an idea only put out to make Nigeria breakup, is one of the most ridiculous concepts Nigerians have.
It is the same thing that we are going through over resource control. Somebody says I want to control my resources and automatically everybody takes up arms, saying no, no, you mustn’t talk about it. Why mustn’t you? It is yours. If you say it isn’t then simply declare that nobody owns any resource. At that point I would ask you, who owns the northern landmass? Isn’t the land a natural resource? Why does it belong to the North alone? Why don’t we march up there and take our own share? If it’s land, the North can have it; if it is oil, then, of course, Nigeria must have it, not the people who found it under their soil. In any case, that you want to control it doesn’t mean that you want to take it all. No. The idea of all resources is to know who owns the resource and allow that person to negotiate his own place within the federation with the resources that he has. We the Igbos, whatever we have under the ground, will negotiate, and I make this quite boldly, our place in Nigeria using our own rather high-level manpower.
In Nigeria you say you have a democracy but you don’t allow parties to spring up as parties normally would anywhere in the world. What is INEC? Registering a party? Why? They can take note of the existence of a party but they haven’t got any executive right over its functions. There is nothing wrong with me personally setting up a party purely for the interest of the people of Umudim in Nnewi. I wouldn’t win a national sort of mandate, I am sure, but if I choose to safeguard the right of a minute group, why shouldn’t I? If I choose that my political party should be one that protects four-legged animals, why shouldn’t I? Why can’t I go into politics determined that culture is essentially religion or that religion is essentially culture and determined to protect the culture of our people, why not? Even today, they have a Christian Democratic Union of Germany. In Nigeria, because of that word Christian, it will be banned. You cannot have a Christian Democratic Union in Nigeria. Why? So, generally, I say that I would like to see a more mature approach. Stop treating Nigerians all over, across the board, as children.
I don’t know who decided on a structure of 36 states, but I say, if we decide to review it, why shouldn’t we? Those states, you and I must understand, were mainly punitive creations rather than a need for economic advancement of Nigeria or Nigerians. Let us stop burying our heads in the sand. We have had national emergencies and managed to get out of it. Let us look at each other eyeball to eyeball and decide the type of country that we want to live in. I believe that is essential.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: For over a year now, you have been calling for the formation of an Igbo political party where Igbos would be majority, rather than the current situation where Igbos are minority in a majority party. You have argued consistently that it is the only way for Igbo agenda to receive the attention it deserves. What progress has been made towards the establishment of such a party? And following the same reasoning, why are you not supporting the formation of a country where Igbos would be majority?
OJUKWU: You caught me short there. The formation of a country where Igbos would be majority? I have never opposed it. If the Igbos feel that things are best for them in a country of their own, why shouldn’t they have it? If after all we have been going through in Nigeria we feel that Biafra is best, we have every right to seek to re-create Biafra or any other place. Let us not make the mistake of thinking that this world is a prison. You are what you are for as long as it is comfortable for you. That is how I see it. I have continued to say that in Nigeria what we require is a nation that we can build together. You will understand where I am coming from better if you understand that I was brought up in the Pan-Africanist tradition. I believe that, not only would it be better for the Black man anywhere if we in Africa find a way of joining hands, all of us - Ghanaians, Nigerians, Basotho, Sierra-Leoneans, etc. - it would be wonderful. Now, with that at the back of my thoughts you can understand that the only problem that will not permit that is man becoming beast to his fellow man because of the accident that puts power into the hands of somebody.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: You seem to be traveling across the globe searching for someone to take the baton from you. Is there nobody at home who is capable? What attributes are you looking for in the potential leader you are searching for?
OJUKWU: To start with, it is clear to me that I can’t suddenly wake up one morning and say, here, I have found him. It doesn’t ever work that way. More than anything else, what I am trying to do is to wake up the youths of our society. That power, the way I see it, is not my personal preserve. I think that more people should come forward and when they do, very simply, one day, another leader would emerge. I would like also to stress, in the context of this, that whatever it is that people admire in what I have done, let them remember also that I did most of them when I was 33. So, I don’t want a group of people laid back, always waiting for something to be served them on a platter of gold. Come out; show your hands, struggle; take over the baton, I wouldn’t fight you.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: You once said that whoever wants this baton should snatch it if it wasn’t given to him or her. Some observers think that Chief Ralph Uwazurike is fighting to snatch the baton from you but rather than receive the support of the king makers, he is being persecuted by the governments of Imo and Abia States in conjunction with the Obasanjo’s administration, making laws aimed at keeping MASSOB down. How does this hostile environment help your search for the emergence of a new Igbo leadership?
OJUKWU: There is absolutely no question of MASSOB or Ralph Uwazurike not being received by me. I like Ralph. We get on very well. He even saw me to the airport when I was leaving. That close we are. When you talk about the establishment, what you find is one of my problems about the Nigerian structure. What the governments of Abia or Imo are doing; whatever positions they have taken about Ralph Uwazurike are not Igbo positions. They are reflecting what they imagine would be pleasing to Obasanjo and his government. That’s all.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: Once again, Nigeria is seeing an upsurge in ethnic violence. There is a total breakdown of law and order. Large quantities of arms are being imported into the country. Is Nigeria a failed State?
OJUKWU: It is always difficult to know which is rumor and which is fact, more so in a place like Nigeria. Certainly, it is clear that the forces of law and order have tended to fail the citizenry. It is equally true that under Obasanjo’s government, though called democratic, more people have been killed for various reasons; that life has not been secured under his government. It is equally true that throughout his government in the two years, Nigeria has had ethnic problems. These are factors, I suppose, with which one can judge the success or failure of Obasanjo’s government. And it is also the factors that would indicate to you that there are underlying problems of Nigeria that need to be looked into and that if Obasanjo is not looking well into them, then he is not doing his job. That’s how I see it.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: Revisionist historians and their political friends are tearing apart the History of Nigeria. You are a major player in those years. It could safely be said that the history of Nigeria from 1966 to 1970 is nothing but the biography of Chief Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu. Why have you remained silent on this?
OJUKWU: I do not remain silent. No. And I am happy that you asked this question. When you are not vested with authority, it is always difficult to get your voice heard in Nigeria. I say this, and it is not being big headed, singularly, I am probably the most popular politician in the country. Proof: I only have to step out on the roads and you see what happens. In fact, I amuse myself and I laugh also, very often finding myself in a position where I introduce the “successful” ones who side by side with me waged the struggle. They succeeded; I “failed”, but when we get to Nigeria today, it would be expected of me to introduce them. That is the position. But the other thing that you might be alluding to, is this question of writing a book about the war. I must confess that my attitude is slightly different from yours on that matter. I am more preoccupied with the immediate future. When I came back from exile, I was asked something nearly the same as you are now asking, and I said God in his infinite mercy gave us two eyes and both of them are facing forward. He could have given us one eye in front and one behind, but he didn’t. All that he has done that for, in my view, is always to remind us that the future is more important than the past. And that, indeed, is my own feeling. The other thing is that Generals who have delusions about their earned professionalism spend years and miles and miles of paper trying to tell the world how they waged a struggle and without help won it single handedly. So, those who think they are brilliant Generals let them write. I am a historian, social scientist; I am more preoccupied with what would happen to this unit called Nigeria tomorrow, the next day, and the day after. Whenever I get down pen and paper, and I will be getting them more and more, it will be an effort to help Nigerians discover themselves, not to glorify a past that really didn’t exist.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: How did you receive the news that you fought the civil war over resource control? When you hear statements like the one which said you sent Biafran troops into Midwest with the sole aim of taking over Nigeria and making it an Igbo dominated country, how do you react? What does such rewritten history tell you about the people who make such statements?
OJUKWU: I laugh because it is most unintelligent. The people who say this sort of thing are people who remain fixated at a certain point in history. What they are repeating ad nauseam is the propaganda with which they fought a war that ended full 30 years ago. I urge them to wake up and look at the new situation. Nobody went across the Niger to loot banks. All the banks that have been looted till today, were looted by prominent servants of the Federal Government.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: Modern day analysts have opined that the Ojukwu that died in 1970 would have been more powerful than the living Ojukwu of this day. Why didn’t you stay and fight until the end?
OJUKWU: Consider committing suicide? I am asking. What I considered was to fight the war to the best of our ability and give a leadership to our people for as long as I could. If you remember, when I left Biafra I went in search of peace. I went trying to get hold of Houphouet-Boigny, the president of the Ivory Coast. He happened to be in Cameroon. By the time he came back and we had a discussion, my number two, General Effiong, had surrendered. That was the way it came about. But all that notwithstanding, I know many people would have loved a dead Ojukwu but I would not oblige them. I intend to live for very, very, much longer and I intend also to be quite vocal in politics for as long as I can.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: Some agitators for a New Biafra are signaling their intention to establish a government in exile if it could not be achieved at home. Did you ever consider doing so when you left Biafra?
OJUKWU: Consider? Yes, but I dismissed it.
OJUKWU: Because I didn’t see what good it would do. Oh, it would do me personal good because some people would still look upon me as a Head of State and they would certainly, in certain places, give the red carpet receptions. But, is that what life is all about? Life is about the betterment of the lot of the millions of people at home. I had to consider very seriously what possible reaction a government that, for three years, had intent on genocide would have on such situation vis-à-vis our people who are still captive within the Nigerian situation.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: Your critics think that you came back from exile, fought and recovered your father’s properties but you have not done enough to help other Igbos to recover their so-called abandoned properties. Is that a fair judgment?
OJUKWU: I will always have critics and whatever it is, they have every right to their opinion. I am satisfied in my mind that I have done as much as I can, and I am continuing to try to do more to help as many of my compatriots as I can. What am I expected to have done? What did I do even for my father’s properties, my inheritance? I went to court. If I am going to court for Ndigbo, I think the very first thing that I would have to prove is my locus. I believe that Nigeria’s concept about my locus does not permit me to assume certain national responsibilities. That’s just one thing. There are many others but in any case, I am satisfied that I have led delegations, talked about our people who lost their jobs, retired army officers and so on. Slowly, we are getting a hearing and I shall continue doing what I can. But that wouldn’t stop anybody from criticizing me.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: Until recently, the Biafran veterans and the dead Biafrans have been neglected. The same is being said about those who financed the war. The fear out there is that failure to appreciate those who made sacrifices in the past would not encourage others to help when such a need arises. Have you been able to say thank you? And when will Igbos do the same?
OJUKWU: We do what we can in a circumstance that we are in control of. Even this morning, I thanked Israel for whatever help they had given us. I am constantly thanking other people whenever I meet them. I take it upon myself to maintain the symbolism of Biafra. I thank them. But that is not the issue here. The true issue is that people gave us sympathy. But financing the war? That is an odd concept. Nobody financed any war. What happened was that Nigerians decided that they would like to put a final solution to Igbo problem. They unleashed a massacre. We tried to contain them; they unleashed a second wave more vicious than the previous one. I looked upon the situation, did the best I could for our people who were scattered all over Nigeria. I said okay, this is our boundary. If you can find your way back to within this area, whatever there is within this area would be shared amongst all of us. You have as much right here as anybody who happened to be here. That actually is another way of seeing the declaration of Biafra and they had a goal and aim in their flight. The other thing to bear in mind is that we didn’t really wage a war. What we did was resist Gowon’s coup d’état and I hope that he would enter the Guinness Book of Records as the person who has waged a coup longer than any body else because the whole three years, he was actually trying to legitimize his coup.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: A common trend in Igbo political discourse has been the labeling of those with dissenting opinion as saboteurs. It was prevalent during the war and continued till this day. Does it mean that there will always be Ifeajunas and Banjos in Igbo socio-political life and must they always be killed?
OJUKWU: During the war, there were saboteurs. I understand that historically. Our people didn’t fully understand the enterprise of saying no to Nigeria. A lot thought, in fact, that it would end much quicker. A lot thought that perhaps, even, it would be less painful. But in the course of our propaganda, they were labeled saboteurs. After the war, I am not aware of dissenters that have been labeled saboteurs. Perhaps, some people with loose sort of language might have, but I am not very much aware of that. Since the end of the war, there have been dissents, but then, that is the essence of democracy. There will always be dissenters. I don’t expect every Igbo man, woman, and child to agree with me. No. If they did, I would probably pull out, wondering what had gone wrong. There would be dissent but my aim is that amongst the Igbos, there should always emerge clearly an Igbo agenda to which the majority of Ndigbo would find adherence. I don’t think Ndigbo would all be in one political party. No. Forgive me if I use this as an example, the Jewish National Congress is an umbrella organization that encompasses all the Jews, but you now go from Likud to Labor and all that. They are different parties. America, for strength, is poised more closely than any other place at 50:50, those who agree and those who don’t. This is the strength of democracy. Therefore, when you say some of these things, I say, look at it less sentimentally. There is no way Igbos would all speak with one voice. But let one be more slightly strident than the others. That is what I look for.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: I overheard two Igbos talking about your marriage to Bianca. They were of the opinion that the marriage of the greatest Igbo man alive to the most beautiful woman ever produced by Igbo land, was a reward for all the sacrifices you made for Igbos. Do you feel adequately compensated?
OJUKWU: I can never be compensated enough on this matter. If, indeed, the question is my wife, she is the greatest thing that has happened to me. I don’t know what I have done to deserve so much compensation, but, if you call it compensation, I dedicate myself much further to the service of Ndigbo who in their wisdom gave me such compensation.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: There is a big debate going on in the Internet over whether Awolowo said to you that if the East should secede, the West would secede. The conversation supposedly took place in Enugu on May 6, 1967 and was pulled from what was titled, Ojukwu and Pa Awo Conversation and Speeches during the War in 1967. The information was claimed to have been classified but now declassified. Is this information authentic?
OJUKWU: Let’s stop fooling ourselves, please. When any Nigerian gets up and say, this is classified information that has recently been declassified, I say, classified by whom? Declassified by whom? Do you think we are in America where you have these things? In Nigeria nobody classifies anything and nobody has declassified anything. So, once it starts with that you know there is deception.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: They said you were the one that recorded this conversation.
OJUKWU: And then I declassified it recently?
RUDOLF OKONKWO: Prof. Aluko, Prof. Eni Njoku, Dr. Nwakanma, Dr. PNC Okigbo, Lt. Col. Imo, Chief J.I Onyia and many others supposedly attended the meeting.
OJUKWU: I find it quite amusing also that all the Igbo participants are dead.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: That is true.
OJUKWU: How come? Is it the death of Pius Okigbo that declassified the information?
RUDOLF OKONKWO: Did the meeting take place, and was there such an agreement?
OJUKWU: We’ve said this over and over again, so many times, and people don’t understand; they don’t want to actually. If you remember, I released Awolowo from jail. Even that, some people are beginning to contest as well. Awo was in jail in Calabar. Gowon knows and the whole of the federal establishment knows that at no point was Gowon in charge of the East. The East took orders from me. Now, how could Gowon have released Awolowo who was in Calabar? Because of the fact that I released him, it created quite a lot of rapport between Awo and myself and I know that before he went back to Ikenne, I set up a hotline between Ikenne and my bedroom in Enugu. He tried like an elder statesman to find a solution. Awolowo is a funny one. Don’t forget that the political purpose of the coup, the Ifeajuna coup that began all this, was to hand power over to Awo. We young men respected him a great deal. He was a hero. I thought he was a hero and certainly I received him when I was governor. We talked and he was very vehement when he saw our complaints and he said that if the Igbos were forced out by Nigeria that he would take the Yorubas out also. I don’t know what anybody makes of that statement but it is simple. Whether he did or didn’t, it is too late. There is nothing you can do about it. So, he said this and I must have made some appropriate responses too. But it didn’t quite work out the way that we both thought. Awolowo, evidently, had a constant review of the Yoruba situation and took different path. That’s it. I don’t blame him for it. I have never done.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: How does it feel like knowing that you are one of the world’s historical figures?
OJUKWU: I don’t know whether I am or not. But certainly, I do know that I am probably the most Nigerian of Nigerians alive today. I also know that the failure of Nigeria has created a reflex and that reflex can be called Biafra. I know that in the context of Biafra that existed, I am very important. Having said that, I feel that I have a responsibility to always point out the deficiencies of Nigeria and to keep alive the alternative. That’s why I say that there will always be, if not the Biafra of territory, Biafra of the heart.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: What does that mean?
OJUKWU: It is an attitude, a revolution, and a rejection of all the corruption and all the terrible things that you find in Nigeria. That will be always around, no matter where; in a little corner, people who want to change things and change them for the better and I am proud to be one of those.
RUDOLF OKONKWO: Thank you very much, Ikemba.
OJUKWU: Thank you.

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    Sep 24, 2014, 3:56:04 PM9/24/14
    "OJUKWU: We’ve said this over and over again, so many times, and people don’t understand; they don’t want to actually. If you remember, I released Awolowo from jail. Even that, some people are beginning to contest as well. Awo was in jail in Calabar. Gowon knows and the whole of the federal establishment knows that at no point was Gowon in charge of the East. The East took orders from me. Now, how could Gowon have released Awolowo who was in Calabar? Because of the fact that I released him, it created quite a lot of rapport between Awo and myself and I know that before he went back to Ikenne, I set up a hotline between Ikenne and my bedroom in Enugu. He tried like an elder statesman to find a solution. Awolowo is a funny one. Don’t forget that the political purpose of the coup, the Ifeajuna coup that began all this, was to hand power over to Awo. We young men respected him a great deal. He was a hero. I thought he was a hero and certainly I received him when I was governor. We talked and he was very vehement when he saw our complaints and he said that if the Igbos were forced out by Nigeria that he would take the Yorubas out also. I don’t know what anybody makes of that statement but it is simple. Whether he did or didn’t, it is too late. There is nothing you can do about it. So, he said this and I must have made some appropriate responses too. But it didn’t quite work out the way that we both thought. Awolowo, evidently, had a constant review of the Yoruba situation and took different path. That’s it. I don’t blame him for it. I have never done," Rudolf Okonkwo.
    Thanks Vin.  I hope this would rest Ayo's hallucination and revision of history.  I had wanted to redirect him early, but I thought it unnecessary as he doesn't want to learn the truth or take advice/counsel from those in the Know.
    Take care
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Vin Otuonye <>

    peter opara

    Sep 24, 2014, 4:59:28 PM9/24/14

    You guys annoy one to no end. Why do you say please to a vulture, ayo ojuatalyo? That subhuman who would rather you're not alive and kicking, you go saying please to it? Lobotomized ayo ojutalayo is an underneath earth habiiting worm that deserves no remonstration.


    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Sep 24, 2014, 5:43:58 PM9/24/14

    That Ojukwu said he released Awo does not mean that he released Awo. Common sense tells us that Awo would visit first, the person that released him. That was why Awo went to Ikeja to meet with Gowon, and NOT to Enugu to meet with Ojukwu. Gowon released Awo, and sent a plane to bring him to Ikeja Garrison.
    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Asagwara, Ken (EAL)

    Sep 24, 2014, 5:44:45 PM9/24/14

    Rotimi Fashakin:


    Please note the following inexactitudes and subjective conjectures in your piece below.


    It was then Col. Ojukwu that ordered the release of Chief Awo from Calabar prison. That when he got to Lagos, then Col. Gowon received him was all about political engineering as Gowon was in need of legitimacy given the then political crisis in national leadership. And Awo took advantage of the opportunity presented in meeting Gowon to pledge his loyalty to his government. That sometime in 1967 Gowon offered him the Finance Ministry portfolio as well as, the Vice-Chairmanship of the Federal Executive Council and he accepted fell into Awo’s game plan. Yoruba opportunism at its highest, period.


    The Eastern Region led by then Col. Ojukwu as General Ironsi appointed Military Governor on January 17th, 1966 seceded from Nigeria on May 30th, 1967 and Ojukwu became Biafra’s Head of State. “The Ahiara Declaration” a copy of which is in my library as I write was proclaimed on June 1, 1969. It has nothing to do with the Declaration of Biafra on May 30th, 1967. It is a 29 page document that embodies the Principles of the Biafran Revolution enunciated in Mbaise village known as, Ahiara. Hence the sobriquet, “The Ahiara Declaration”.


    Moving on....


    You queried:

    When Ironsi was Head of State, did Ojukwu defer to him? Or was he fully in charge, away from the superintending control of Gen. Ironsi?


    You see, General Ironsi was Col. Ojukwu’s military superior by at least three senior ranks. And Ojukwu’s appointment came from General Ironsi. There was no way that Ojukwu will have failed to defer to General Ironsi as his superior and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. Anything other than that will have been insubordination which is a serious offence in the military. Besides. Ojukwu was a disciplined military officer given to following the military hierarchical order of command.


    You further queried:

    If Ojukwu deferred to Ironsi as Head of State, why is it difficult to comprehend that, without a coup or mutiny, he could not have refused the superintending control of Gowon?

    Again come with me. Gowon was never Ojukwu’s senior nor superior in the Nigerian Army. In order to maintain military discipline and order across the country, Ojukwu insisted that the next superior in rank to General Ironsi should take over as Nigeria’s Military Head of State. And that man was Brigadier Ogundipe who just because a Northern army sergeant refused his orders and barked back at him, he threw down his pistol, fled and took refuge on one of Nigeria’s Naval Ship. And from there, he fled to London on self-imposed exile. After Brigadier Ogundipe made his dash for refuge and safety in London, the next in lines of succession to General Ironsi were Brigadiers Bassey, Ekpo and Col. Adebayo. The Northern mutineers refused any of them to succeed General Ironsi.


    Henceforth, indiscipline pervaded the ranks and file of the Nigeria Army; the repercussions of which were the 1966 pogrom against the people of the Eastern Region, particularly the Igbo all over the North; failure to implement an agreed Accord in Aburi, Ghana that was to have averted secession; the Declaration of Biafra; the Federal Government declaration of war and invasion of Biafra. In addition were six more coups two of which failed and four succeeded. Two of the failed coups saw the retributive merciless killings of some of the best military personnel in the Nigeria Army; especially, the failed Dimka coup in which most of the officers and men killed were from the Middle-Belt. Similar killings happened in the failed coup to oust the evil genius, IBB. Also, factor in the military aviation disaster during the same IBB’s regime in which the cream de la crop of the Nigeria Military were killed. And finally, the near “Failure State Status” that Nigeria has remained since those years are all attributable to the break down in discipline and respect for senior ranks which Ojukwu fought very hard to avert.


    Country man Rotimi, if you really believe in facts, those are the facts which you left out in your piece. Hope you may now revise your priors.




    Mazi KC Prince Asagwara



    From: []
    Sent: September-24-14 10:20 AM
    Subject: Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] RE: Dan Akusobi: Re: Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay




    I read you loud and clear. Matter of history is about exactitude and not to be subjected to conjecture.

    You and I have found ourselves on the same side with vociferous support for GMB because it is our conviction.

    I should not be gored into moving with the crowd - as regards an assertion- when the facts of history are clearly against it.

    Let us chronicle the events:

    1, As Lt. Col, Ojukwu was CO of the 5th Batallion in Kano before the January 15, 1966 coup.


    2, After the abortive coup, he was appointed (on 19th January, 1966) military governor of the Eastern region while Major General Ironsi was Head of State.


    3, On 24th May, 1966, Ironsi government promulgated the Unification decree which effectively removed the nation's federal structure and replaced it with a Unitary structure that effectively made the central government the governing authority over the Nation state with the regions/states as mere appendages!


    4, On 29th July, 1966, Lt Col Yakubu Gowon became Head of State after a successful counter coup.


    5, On 3rd August, 1966, Chief Obafemi Awolowo was released from Prison and Gowon, as Head of State, was at the Lagos end to welcome him. Shortly afterwards, he was appointed Federal commissioner for Finance and Vice chair, federal executive council.


    6, Lt. Col. CO. Ojukwu was Military governor of Eastern region until 27TH MAY, 1967 (with the Ahiala declaration of the republic of Biafra).

    These are the FACTS.



    1, When Ironsi was Head of State, did Ojukwu defer to him? Or was he fully in charge, away from the superintending control of Gen. Ironsi?


    2, If Ojukwu deferred to Ironsi as Head of State, why is it difficult to comprehend that, without a coup or mutiny, he could not have refused the superintending control of Gowon?



    I tend to believe that it was Gowon who gave the order for Awo's release but Ojukwu facilitated it.


    Rotimi Fashakin


    On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 2:04 PM, " [NIgerianWorldForum]" <> wrote:



    OJUKWU: We’ve said this over and over again, so many times, and people don’t understand; they don’t want to actually. If you remember, I released Awolowo from jail. Even that, some people are beginning to contest as well. Awo was in jail in Calabar. Gowon knows and the whole of the federal establishment knows that at no point was Gowon in charge of the East. The East took orders from me. Now, how could Gowon have released Awolowo who was in Calabar? Because of the fact that I released him, it created quite a lot of rapport between Awo and myself and I know that before he went back to Ikenne, I set up a hotline between Ikenne and my bedroom in Enugu. He tried like an elder statesman to find a solution. Awolowo is a funny one. Don’t forget that the political purpose of the coup, the Ifeajuna coup that began all this, was to hand power over to Awo. angryangryangryangryangryangryangryangryWe young men respected him a great deal. He was a hero. I thought he was a hero and certainly I received him when I was governor. We talked and he was very vehement when he saw our complaints and he said that if the Igbos were forced out by Nigeria that he would take the Yorubas out also. I don’t know what anybody makes of that statement but it is simple. Whether he did or didn’t, it is too late. There is nothing you can do about it. So, he said this and I must have made some appropriate responses too. But it didn’t quite work out the way that we both thought. Awolowo, evidently, had a constant review of the Yoruba situation and took different path. That’s it. I don’t blame him for it. I have never done.



    Posted by: rotimi fashakin <>



    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Sep 24, 2014, 5:50:50 PM9/24/14
    to, rotfash, NWF, Vin Otuonye,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,

    That Ojukwu claimed to have released Awo did not mean that he did. Ojukwu was only talking like a politician. Read my response to Nebu and decide who released Awo. A military Governor had no authority to release Awo. Gowon who released Awo sent a plane to Calabar prison to bring Awo to meet him in Ikeja, Lagos

    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Subject: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

    Gregg Ukaegbu

    Sep 24, 2014, 6:00:46 PM9/24/14
    to, rotfash, NWF, Vin Otuonye,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,

    That Ojukwu claimed to have released Awo did not mean that he did. Ayo Ojutalayo


    Ayo—You are full of it.


    And what is what you think word against Ojukwu’s categorical statement?


    Please, respect yourself.




    From: []
    Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 5:50 PM
    To:; rotfash; NWF; Vin Otuonye
    Cc:;; Imo Congress;; Nebukadineze Adiele; Wharfery Snake;; okonkwonetworks;
    Subject: Vin, Gowon released Awo: Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison




    That Ojukwu claimed to have released Awo did not mean that he did. Ojukwu was only talking like a politician. Read my response to Nebu and decide who released Awo. A military Governor had no authority to release Awo. Gowon who released Awo sent a plane to Calabar prison to bring Awo to meet him in Ikeja, Lagos


    Ayo Ojutalayo

    From: Vin Otuonye <>
    To: "africanworldforum@google" <>; rotfash <>; NWF <>; "" <>; Vin Otuonye <>
    Cc: "" <>; "" <>; Imo Congress <>; "" <>; Nebukadineze Adiele <>; Wharfery Snake <>; "" <>; okonkwonetworks <>; "" <>
    Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 11:45 AM
    Subject: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

    Please read the interview below Rudolph Okonkwo had with Ojukwu in November 2011. Let's tell the truth and shame the devil. I wonder what you and Rotimi Fashakin have to say now.
    Enjoy reading the interview.

    My Last Interview With Dim Chukwuemeka Ojukwu - Rudolf Okonkwo

    In June of this year, in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an interview with Ikemba.

    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Sep 24, 2014, 6:06:11 PM9/24/14
    to, rotfash, NWF, Vin Otuonye,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,

    What is your problem? If Ojukwu did not release Awo, and he claimed he did, does that mean he did? Ojukwu, a  military governor could not have released a prisoner from federal prison. Gowon who released Awo sent a plane to Calabar to bring Awo. What more evidence do you need that Ojukwu did not release Awo?
    Ayo Ojutalayo

    From: Gregg Ukaegbu <>
    To:; 'rotfash' <>; 'NWF' <>; 'Vin Otuonye' <>;
    Cc:;; 'Imo Congress' <>;; 'Nebukadineze Adiele' <>; 'Wharfery Snake' <>;; 'okonkwonetworks' <>;
    Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 5:00 PM
    Subject: RE: Vin, Gowon released Awo: Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

    Gregg Ukaegbu

    Sep 24, 2014, 6:10:21 PM9/24/14

    Common sense tells us that Awo would visit first, the person that released him. Ayo


    To get Ikeja, Awo must first get out of the Eastern Region.


    Awo can’t get out of Eastern Nigeria without Ojukwu’s formal release and permission to travel—that’s what common sense says, not the gibberish in red above.


    To get out of prison and fly out of Eastern Region, Ojukwu must approve.


    This is getting silly and foolish. 


    (I think Ojukwu and Awo met in Calabar prison before the release, I’m not sure but will check into it)



    Abraham Madu

    Sep 24, 2014, 6:23:02 PM9/24/14
    to, Nmenme Ndiigbo, Talk Naija, Igbo Radio, Igbo Basics, Kingsley Nnabuagha, Nebukadineze Adiele, Poet Against Child Abuse, Chido Nwangwu, Nnanta Uwadineke, Ezeana Achusim, Ayo Ojutalayo, African GM, George Kerley, SE. PE. Jerome Niang Yakubu, Asusu Igbo Ndi Otu Abrahamogu Anusiobi Madu, Amauche Ude, Aginam O., Stephen Uche, Naijaobsever, Baduba54, Ken Asagwara, Chidi Igwe, Ude
    Rotimi Fashakin:
    Engineer Rotimi Fashakin is sent to primary school to learn his basic history lesson well by Prof Emeritus KC Prince Asagwara .
    Ya kpotuba !
    Ya gazie


    Posted by: "Asagwara, Ken (EAL)" <>



    Gregg Ukaegbu

    Sep 24, 2014, 6:23:46 PM9/24/14
    to, rotfash, NWF, Vin Otuonye,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,



    You ask:


    What is your problem? If Ojukwu did not release Awo, and he claimed he did, does that mean he did?


    No, the issue is; What is your problem?


    There is no Ojukwu did not release Awo.


    There is no Ojukwu claimed he did.


    Ojukwu released Awo, period.

    Vin Otuonye

    Sep 24, 2014, 6:25:29 PM9/24/14
    to Ayo Ojutalayo, africanworldforum@google, rotfash, NWF,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,
    The truth is you really want to keep to your lies because it does not tally with what you want to hear. Everything Nebu wrote is correct. Ayo, note further that Gowon is alive and has not contradicted Ojukwu's assertion that he, Ojukwu not Gowon, released Awo. You are the only one saying that Gowon released Awo. One of the attributes of elders is for them to say the truth. Please say the truth and let the devil be shamed.
    Vin Cool Breeze Otuonye

    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Sep 24, 2014, 9:41:17 PM9/24/14
    to, rotfash, NWF,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,
    I am not aware anybody asked Gowon to  confirm or contradict Ojukwu's assertion. Even if Gowon read Ojukwu's assertion, it would be childish of him to make a statement unless asked about it. You guys can make arrangement to go to Gowon for clarification since he is still alive.

    Ayo Ojutalayo

    From: Vin Otuonye <>
    To: Ayo Ojutalayo <>; "africanworldforum@google" <>; rotfash <>; NWF <>
    Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 6:25 PM
    Subject: [africanworldforum] RE: Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Sep 24, 2014, 9:58:10 PM9/24/14
    to, rotfash, NWF, Vin Otuonye,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,

    Go on deceiving yourself. Newspapers carried Gowon and Awo's photograph when Awo was taken to Gowon in Ikeja, with news report of Awo thanking Gowon for releasing him.
    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 6:23 PM
    Subject: RE: Greg: Re: Vin, Gowon released Awo: Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

    daniel Akusobi

    Sep 25, 2014, 2:08:06 AM9/25/14
    to,, naijaintellects@googlegroups com,, daniel Akusobi

    There was Biafra for about 30 months
    under Ojukwu's control as head of state until the war ended. Gowon was not in charge of Biafra those days and could not have been directing her affairs including the prisons in Biafra.
    Read this below, if you have not done so yet, an excerpt from an interview Ojukwu granted to a journalist some time ago:

       " OJUKWU: We’ve said this over and over again, so many times, and people don’t understand; they don’t want to actually. If you remember, I released Awolowo from jail. Even that, some people are beginning to contest as well. Awo was in jail in Calabar. Gowon knows and the whole of the federal establishment knows that at no point was Gowon in charge of the East. The East took orders from me. Now, how could Gowon have released Awolowo who was in Calabar? Because of the fact that I released him, it created quite a lot of rapport between Awo and myself and I know that before he went back to Ikenne, I set up a hotline between Ikenne and my bedroom in Enugu. He tried like an elder statesman to find a solution. Awolowo is a funny one. Don’t forget that the political purpose of the coup, the Ifeajuna coup that began all this, was to hand power over to Awo. We young men respected him a great deal. He was a hero. I thought he was a hero and certainly I received him when I was governor. We talked and he was very vehement when he saw our complaints and he said that if the Igbos were forced out by Nigeria that he would take the Yorubas out also. I don’t know what anybody makes of that statement but it is simple. Whether he did or didn’t, it is too late. There is nothing you can do about it. So, he said this and I must have made some appropriate responses too. But it didn’t quite work out the way that we both thought. Awolowo, evidently, had a constant review of the Yoruba situation and took different path. That’s it. I don’t blame him for it. I have never done"

    ( Ojukwu).
    Go figure out the meaning of the content of his direct speech as excerpted above.
           Pa Awo and the Igbos.
    Awo was trusted by Ojukwu same way Ifeajuna and Nzeogwu did before the war.
    Awo would have been an
    "Igbo made"  president or prime minister of Nigeria, and would have enjoyed the support and loyalty of Ojukwu and ndi Igbo if  Gowon had not staged his 30 month continuous coup against ndi Igbo.
    Awo's change of mind over his agreement with Ojukwu on the possibility of an Oduduwa sovereignty,   is one of the reasons some of us believe his inability to honor his words , and turn around to become the master planner of strategies to dismantled Biafra is unimaginable of an honest man.

    Like one of you, that man that said he recorded all Adekunke said about his bravery, agreed, Awusa could never have  won Igbos in that war without the help of Awolowo.
    He also forgot to append that Awusa and Yoruba joint military task force would never have been able to take over Biafra without the help of Britain and Russia,  2 world military super powers.
    Your take home tonight on this are :
    Igbos loved Awo until he defected. Some of is still love him .
    That Igbos would hate such Yoruba persons such as Awo, for  his role in the war, love him for his role and understanding of Nigeria and how he unlike Zik, he  capitalized on chance to enhance his people.
    That Ojukwu's mission - save his people from extermination, keep them from harms way, by urging them home and waging a defense against Gowon and his cronies that  converted Awusa civilian madness to an organized military force against fellow Nigerians, and chose to take the war to them when they ran away from danger zones in the North, to their home in the East.
    That there was no Biafra before the massacres in the North and before 1967.  Biafra was a reactionary establishment,  a race saving endeavors.
    Igbos cannot reasonably hate all Yorubas because of Adekunle, Awo and Obasanjo. Doing so will be a dishonor to the good Yorubas  has been to us. Most of us, our business successes could be traced to Lagos, arguably another Igbo land, outside Igbo.
    Your disgraced late uncle,
    Adekunle,  cannot stand  or pass any test of loyalty to any law. He was a criminal and a cannibal.
    Those of you praising him for disobeying every law of war on the book, may as well be praising all our public officers looting our country , Nigeria, dry.
    There is no way anyone flouting a set rule, the way Adekunle reported he did, can be said to be honorable.

    He admitted he had to starve other people, none Igbos, he found in the Eastern region,  in order to ensure no Igbo baby gets corn meal , corn beef, quaker Oath and multivite, powdered milk, joro,  from humanitarian bodies during the war, so he won't make the deadly mistake, he would think, feeding an Igbo child.
    We can say he executed Awo's plans well.
    This discussions will resurrect when OBJ dies. Watch it!
    Sorry, I thought I could stay a day without making a statement about the war here.

    Ezeana Igirigi Achusim

    Sep 25, 2014, 2:32:41 AM9/25/14
    to, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
    Siro Wiwa was not released. If he was, Ayo would not give credit to Igbo who could have engineered his release. If Awo was not released, Ayo would not have the opportunity to not give Igbo the credit. 

    I wonder who convicted Awo? Did Ayo know where the northerners wanted Awo to serve his sentence so they could sock it to him? Did Ayo know that  Easterners intervened and had Awo serve his sentence in the East? 

    At the time the events were unfolding, no one was thinking about Ayo giving credit to Igbo. Betrayal of Igbo by the very persons who benefitted from Igbo generosity is not new or isolated. Did Aluko not find refuge in Igbo land with his family when the SW was unsafe for them? £20 for Igbo fortune was a gross betrayal. Leave Ayo alone. Siro Wiwa could have been saved. But Igbo did not kill him. Who knows what will happen tomorrow. We learn from experience. But it is good to be good. If we were to do it again, would Ojukwu release Awo? You bet. 

    And I am

    Ezeana Igirigi Achusim
    Nwa Dim Orioha 

    Sent from my iPhone

    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Sep 25, 2014, 2:33:49 AM9/25/14

    May be you think Biafra had been declared by the time Awo was released from Calabar. Awo did not need Military Governor Ojukwu's permission to get out of Eastern Region. Ojukwu had noting to do with operations of the federal prison in Calabar, and the plane sent from Lagos to bring Awo did not need the permission or approval of the military governor. It is silly and foolish not to accept the truth now that it is being made known to you clearly, even if you grew up not knowing the truth.
    Ayo Ojutalayo

    From: Gregg Ukaegbu <>
    Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 6:09 PM
    Subject: RE: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Sep 25, 2014, 3:02:23 AM9/25/14
    to,, naijaintellects@googlegroups com,, daniel Akusobi
    "There was Biafra for about 30 months under Ojukwu's control as head of state until the war ended. Gowon was not in charge of Biafra those days and could not have been directing her affairs including the prisons in Biafra." . . . . Daniel Akusobi


    You are bent on believing what you grew up believing to be true even though it is not true. There was not yet a Biafra at the time of Awo's release from Calabar prison. That is why Ojukwu could not have rightly claimed to be in charge of the federal prison in Calabar or that he gave permission for the plane sent by Gowon to land in Calabar.
    Ayo Ojutalayo

    From: daniel Akusobi <>
    To:;; "naijaintellects@googlegroups com" <>;; daniel Akusobi <>
    Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 2:07 AM
    Subject: Re: Greg: Re: Vin, Gowon released Awo: Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Sep 25, 2014, 3:27:52 AM9/25/14
    to, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
    "Betrayal of Igbo by the very persons who benefitted from Igbo generosity is not new or isolated."
    . . . . Ezeana Igirigi Achusim

     Almost 50 years after the war, you are still enslaved to war propaganda and you refuse to accept the truth even when the truth is shown to your korokoro eyes!
    Ayo Ojutalayo

    From: via AfricanWorldForum <>
    To: "" <>
    Cc: "<>" <>; "<>" <>; "<>" <>; "<>" <>; "<>" <>; "<>" <>; "<>" <>; "<>" <>; "<>" <>; "<>" <>; "<>" <>; "<>" <>; "<>" <>
    Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 2:31 AM


    Sep 25, 2014, 5:04:32 AM9/25/14
    to, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

    I am providing you information from a Biography titled A WILL IN THE WIND written by me to help understand and discuss the trend of Igbo-Yoruba politics at the time in question without any bias or sentiments. 
    The reading is to remove speculations or third party invention of issues or contentions within the broad spectrum of events in that era.
    A Will in the Wind - (A Biography of High Chief Dr. J.E. Babatola) was published by Samadek Publishers, Lagos, 2008 - The author is Babatola, Jadesola   ISBN 9783830848 9789783830844, OCLC 673450581 Description xiv, 398 p. : ill. ; 22 cm - It is a 398 pages biography. Enjoy the reading:
    ''...Chief Babatola claimed that he influenced Governor Fajuyi on several occasions to negotiate and secure the release of Chief Obafemi Awolowo from prison custody, but the attempts were thwarted by the Supreme Military Command until Col. Adebayo took over the Government of Western Nigeria and had his way.
                In May 1966, a group of disbanded politicians in the West were sponsored by another bunch of Northern politicians and they hatched a plot at Ibadan to revenge the January 1966 revolution in which Northern and Western elements were largely affected. The conspiracy focused on a region wide strike and disturbances capable of destabilizing and paralyzing the Fajuyi administration and the Military as a whole. Several secret meetings were hosted by former Akintola’s henchmen to initiate the strike, but the plot leaked to Chief J.E. Babatola and he subsequently contacted Governor Fajuyi to forestall the action. Those investigated and found to be involved in the secret plot were rounded up and detained and they included Oba C.D. Akran, Barrister Obisesan, Chief Osuntokun, Chief Tifase and Professor Sanya Onabamiro.
                Apparently, Col. Fajuyi appreciated the services rendered by Chief Babatola and ensured that he was neither victimized nor troubled by various Igbo cum NCNC interests along with their Yoruba counterparts who mounted several offensives against Babatola and AG loyalists at the national level.
    An incident of note occurred at Ibadan which involved Professor Kenneth Dike (of Ibadan University). The Professor reported various unfounded allegations and stories to the Head of State, Gen. Aguiyi-Ironsi, against Babatola and AG leaders like Odebiyi, Wuraola Esan and S.O. Lalekan while they were working to secure the release of Chief Awolowo from prison. Chief (Mrs) H.I.D. Awolowo was aware of the incident. It took the intervention of Governor Fajuyi to avert any serious harm arising over the incident. Otherwise Babatola and others would have been placed in detention.
    Fajuyi administration also commissioned a Tribunal to probe the frauds and embezzlement committed by political appointees of the First Republic with a view to retrieving their ill-gotten wealth acquired through corruption and abuse of public office. The Tribunal was also empowered to impose appropriate penalties on offenders in order for it to serve as a deterrent to future politicians. The Tribunal began public sittings in April 1967 and was headed by Justice Shomolu.
    The Shomolu Tribunal tried all former Ministers including Babatola and cleared Chief Babatola “…for his clean hands…’. However, several NNDP leaders served long term detentions and imprisonment for their dishonesty. Late Chief Bisi Onabanjo had to compliment Chief J.E. Babatola in one of his Aiyekoto columns published by the Nigerian Tribune quoting Shomolu Tribunal for discharging Chief Babatola due to his “…exceptionally honest behaviour…”.
                On July 29th 1966, Governor Adekunle Fajuyi was murdered alongside Gen. Ironsi through another military putsch which took place at Ibadan while the Head of state was deliberating with Traditional rulers from Western Nigeria after doing same in the North.
                Chief Babatola noted that the activities of several powerful Northern elements in the coup plot would not pass his suspicion unnoticed, though it was the names of Danjuma and Muritala that rang the bell among others.
    Chief Babatola believed that the July 1966 event emanated from the promulgation of Decree No. 34 of 24th May, 1966 and the inability of Northern elites under the military administration to have their way or to deal with coup plotters of the failed January 1966 coup among others. He stated that the fear of the Northerners grew out of their inability to hold unto the reins of power after Decree No. 34 promulgation that led to violent demonstrations in the North between 29th May and 1st June 1966. He noted that the resultant effect led to the summoning of Conference of Northern Emirs and Chiefs in Kaduna on 2nd June and the 18th June 1966 pronouncements of the Sultan of Sokoto - Sir Abubakar III that an internal consultation of community leaders in the various regions should be held with the Head of State towards advising the National Military Government. No doubt, Gen. Ironsi took to the advice by undertaking familiarization tours of the regions and meetings with traditional heads while coup plot was going on simultaneously and it ended in a tragedy at Ibadan.
    According to Babatola, on the fateful day of Fajuyi’s assassination along with Gen. Ironsi, he was informed of the incident at Ibadan Grammar School by his cousin - Mr. S.S. Olajiga. Babatola believed that the military manoeuvers made under the close watch of the Chief of Army Staff – Lt. Col. Yakubu Gowon enabled the coup plotters to achieve their objectives when the Supreme Military Commander was out of his domain. His suspicions were supported by the emergence of the calibre of Northern elements in the Army who took part in the coup plot and the subsequent elevation of Gowon to the seat of power above many of his superiors with the repeal of Decree No 34.
                 No doubt, the vacuum created by Fajuyi’s exit paved way for Colonel Robert Adeyinka Adebayo, a native of Iyin Ekiti, who later retired as a Major General to succeed as the Military Governor of the West after several military manoeuverings on 2nd August, 1966. 
                Chief Babatola noted that on assumption of office of Governor Adebayo, he began to turn around some major policy approaches of Fajuyi on issues of governance under the previous administration...In March 1967, Chief Babatola had an open confrontation with Governor Adebayo when a reconciliation patch-up between him and the Governor was sponsored by Chief J.A. Ani and Prince Samuel Adejugbe during the Governor’s visit to Ado-Ekiti...The result of the settlement eased the tension between them though it did not resolve the fundamentals of their disagreement until they became closer partners during the politics of the Second Republic.
    According to Chief Babatola, the praise-worthy acts of General Adebayo as a Governor and his current relation with him were recounted thus:
    ‘…General Adebayo’s attempt at unifying the Yoruba Leaders out of political differences which evolved in the First Republic in order to present a common front for the Yorubas and to protect their interest and influence in the settlement of the bitter quarrel between the Head of State Col. Yakubu Gowon and the Military Governor of the East - Col. Emeka Ojukwu were commendable…Another patriotic act of Gen. Adebayo was his role at influencing the release of Chief Obafemi Awolowo from prison as well as his hosting of the Conferences of Yoruba Leaders of Thought at Ibadan including that of 12th August 1966 where Chief Obafemi Awolowo was elected as Leader with the reluctance of Chief Fani-Kayode and his peers of the defunct NNDP…Gen. Adebayo and…my late junior brother, Col. Afolabi Babatola were close friends and acquaintances… As the Chairman of Yoruba Council of Elders who succeeded the Late Ven. Emmanuel Alayande, General Adebayo accorded me due recognition as the Leader and Chairman of Ekiti Council of Elders at the meetings of Yoruba Elders the general consensus among Ekiti Elders was that I was their leader per excellence. Even now the Yoruba Elders under General Adebayo toe the same path…’
    After Chief Awolowo’s release from prison, the process of bringing Yoruba leaders together to find peace involved various platforms. According to Babatola, the leadership intervention and efforts of Governor Adebayo did the magic. He admitted that it was a good instance to show that ‘the desire of Governor Adebayo is to bring the Yoruba together and this is praise worthy’.  
    Chief Babatola recalled in his memoirs that Governor Adebayo addressed a Yoruba Leaders’ meeting held on Wednesday 16th November, 1966 at the Western Hall at Agodi, Ibadan, and stated as follows:
    “…Western Nigeria which had been in travail for a much longer time than any other part of the Federation ...We needed to ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness…for the wrongs which those of us who claim to be leaders have committed against each other, and particularly for the deep injury which we have inflicted upon the common people….. It has always gladdened my heart to see the diverse elements…who for several years have not been on speaking terms politically. I see men who ought to have been soured by suffering but who bear up cheerfully…Anyone who has felt the pulse of the common people of this Region and indeed of this Federation, will admit , if he is honest, that their burning desire is to see that justice, fairplay  and integrity form the basis of any  governmental system…Some people have tried to confuse issues by asking how Chief Awolowo can be leader of the Yorubas when the obas who are natural rulers are there…we have always paid homage and reverence to our Obas…(yet)…Chief Awolowo as leader of the Yorubas, is in a different category…And I wish to remind you that a leader is often what his followers make him…As a Yoruba man and citizen of Nigeria, my own choice is clear, it is peace, amity and cooperation …”
    On invitation, Chief Babatola attended some meetings of the Yoruba Leaders of Thought where members were informed that the Eastern Nigeria was in a verge of secession. The situation prompted Babatola in collaboration with Chief G.B. Akinyede, Chief J.A. Anisulowo and Mr. Agunbiade Bamishe to convene another meeting to discuss the need for members to develop a blueprint on policy statements and the emergence of likely States in Western Nigeria if a Sovereign State of Odua (Oduduwa) should arise in the event of any unforeseen circumstance.
    At the said meeting, Chief Babatola said that a proposal built on Odua nation should be founded on the philosophy of Chief Awolowo that “…any attempt for the East to break away, Western Region People will reconsider their own fate…’ He therefore declared that the emergence of Biafra State and the failure of Nigeria to remain as one ‘…would result in the independence of Western Nigeria as a Sovereign State…”
    However, Babatola noted that Late Chief Bola Ige (SAN) who attended the meeting did not comment against the idea but left to divulge the discussions to both Chief Awolowo and Governor Adebayo in a manner that left him and others in a negative light.
    No doubt, at the next Yoruba Leaders meeting presided by Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Babatola and his group were castigated by the Leader publicly for advocating ‘…a disintegration of the federal structure of Nigeria…”. It took the personal efforts and restraint of HRH Oba Peter Agunlejika II (The Owa Obokun of Ijeshaland), HRH Oba Daniel Aladesanmi II (The Ewi of Ado-Ekiti) and Chief Mrs. Ogunlesi to avert open disaffection between Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the Leader and Babatola, his ardent follower at the meeting. Some of the Yoruba leaders opposed to Babatola’s previous stance on issues used the platform to find fault with him just as Chief Obafemi Awolowo regarded it as being ‘…detrimental to their present efforts…”
    Babatola then pointed out to Chief Awolowo at the meeting that ‘…as a Federalist, it is imperative for the Leader (Awolowo) to always accommodate divergent views and ensure that all interests are protected when the need arises, either within a Nigerian Federation or in the comity of Yoruba as a nation-state, now or in future…rather than consider such proposal as a betrayal or insurrection…’ Hence, the opportunity for the Yorubas to plan for a separate State ended abruptly.
    According to Chief Babatola, the truth of the matter is that he never advocated for Nigeria’s disintegration. He admitted that he would prefer Nigeria to remain as a federation than be dismembered into smaller nation-states though he would also support the move for Odua Republic in the West, if the East is allowed to go as Biafra for obvious reasons. This made him to conclude at the meeting that ‘…the Western Nigeria’s interest in the Federation should be well protected and not affected by any dismembering of the Nigerian geo-polity...’
    Thereafter, Babatola decided to avoid attendance of subsequent meetings of the Yoruba Leaders until after the civil war so as to avoid any further disagreements and misunderstanding over such matters. In later years, Chief Babatola learnt authoritatively that it was the briefs at the disposal of Governor Adebayo and Chief Obafemi Awolowo based on information received from late Chief Bola Ige at their meeting that actually informed the negative and provocative reactions of Chief Obafemi Awolowo when he castigated him for agitating for ODUA REPUBLIC as an alternative.
    Though Babatola …ensured Ewi’s participation in the amicable negotiations between Col. Ojukwu and Col. Gowon, the failure of the negotiations led to the civil war in 1967. Babatola then admitted that he could not categorically assert the success of the Biafran succession plan going by the various futile negotiations made between November 1966 and 7th May, 1967, but he later predicted the failure of the Biafran succession in 1968 and wrote in his memoirs thus: “…Biafra assumption of the spirit of self-determination would fail because it lacked the resources and international acceptability to succeed…For now, I have become a spectator rather than an actor in the field of statecraft… …”


    The above information sums up the position of a participant and stakeholder in the 1966-70 political events to explain the following:
    1. The factors and circumstances that motivated the release of Awolowo from prison 
    2.  The role of those who worked for and against it. (Ojukwu was a factor in the East, no doubt, but he didn't champion the release of AWO. If he had worked against it, he would have incurred the Yorubas' wrath, the world and SMC)
    3. The ironical position of Awolowo on the succession of Biafra as a factor for possible succession of Odua didn't actual state that Awo wanted the nation divided. (What he implied is that for the EAST t be allowed to go, the WEST will no longer be willing to be enslaved under the hegemony of the NORTH). 
    4. The actual profile of Awolowo is that of a Federalist. He desired to maintain Nigeria as a Federal State and he wanted to become the President. (Though he achieved ONE, he couldn't achieve the OTHER).
    5.  The position of the Yoruba Leaders and Gov. Adebayo to see Nigeria as ONE rather as divided further paralyzed the idea of towing with the creation of ODUA Republic, despite the fact that Awo saw it as an alternative.
    6.   Unless we put sentiments aside, we cannot see or speak the truth - The Igbos and Yorubas are major competitors in Nigerian polity and their inability to cooperate and worked together allowed the North to have their way and other ethnic minorities to eventually break away - The soul of modern Nigerian nation and polity was originated founded on the faith and beliefs of the Yorubas and Igbos until they began to see each other as COMPETITORS rather than friends. Both have the fears and blames, though the greatest came from Igbos misinterpretation and misrepresentation of value-facts and leadership attributes.

    Below is another Chapter that discussed the Yoruba-Igbo Strand in Nigeria Politics from a Book titled: This Fiery Man (An Insight into the political Thoughts of Chief J.E. Babatola) authored by Babatola, Jadesola -  Samadek Publishers, Lagos, 2008 ISBN 9783830856, 9789783830851. A 135 pages Essay in History book:
    Going down the memory lane, it is obvious that the Igbos introduced division to Nigerian politics. Oluwole Alakija in 1948 reacted to emerging Igbo-Yoruba political contention and differences in one of his writings. I could recall that the whole essence of Yorubas assertiveness in the Nationalistic struggle which I joined behind Chief Awolowo was due to the aspirations and contradictions of the obvious Igbo leadership in Nigeria which could not be divorced from the Igbo cultural antecedents.
    Though, it was apparent that Dr. Azikiwe consistently opposed tribalism as a bane of national polity, yet his objectives and ambitious pursuit were premised on the predominance of Igbo people in party and political leadership as evident in the composition of his political supporters. Often his utterances showed that he was misguided about Yoruba leaders. This raised our suspicions and provoked great divide that led to the rise and formation of the Northern Peoples Congress (NPC) and the Action Group (AG) to secure a tribal balance with Eastern dominated National Council of Nigerian Citizens (NCNC).
    Dr. Azikiwe’s pronounced leadership in the nationalistic struggles exhibited inclination towards emphatic nationalism though his Igbo lieutenants exhibited inverse relationship with passion for modern nationhood built on a long-standing indigenous experience of large-scale organizations where Igbos were indirectly the first citizens by culture, leadership succession and political accessibility. The most significant outcome of the Yoruba-Igbo strands in the late 40’s resulted in the emergence of Zik as the President of Ibo State Union coupled with his paramount position in the NCNC, which were interpreted as a means whereby to impose Ibo domination over Nigeria.
    Azikiwe’s personal belief and confession in the allocation and use of power, his intolerance for political competition and rivalry, his shunning every political movement that he could not dominate and his consuming passion to become Nigeria’s first President at the expense of others were other issues of contention. What strengthened Yoruba’s suspicion of Azikiwe’s tribalism was embedded in his pronouncement that ‘Nigeria should be dismembered into 8 protectorates of a Federal System which coincided with existing tribal boundaries’, a position which the NCNC upheld until September 1951.
    Azikiwe’s statements at public gatherings and frequent press criticisms on traditional institutions of the Yoruba and Hausa states and their products were the last vestige of his assault and antagonism that created permanent features of political division in Nigeria.
    Dr. Azikiwe used his political activities and journalistic enterprise to invite the entrance of Igbos into Nigerian politics. He approached and constituted an undisputable threat to the position of several Northern and Western Nationalists and leaders alike. Hence, he allowed others to challenge his political leadership, recognition and aspirations within the commonwealth and thereby promoted cultural nationalism.
    Moreover, the position of Dr. Azikiwe between 1948 and 1951 provided a positive proof of his quest for absolute political power and tribal dominance to the detriment of other Nigerians, to such an extent that the play to dismember Nigeria in line with ethnic regions was an attempt to break the mid-Westerners from South-West and the Middle Belters from the Northerners in a regionalized Nigeria. If Azikiwe had not intruded himself upon the Nigeria political scene with tribal tensions and separatism which was lacking when the NCNC was under the leadership of foremost nationalist and Yoruba man, Herbert Macaulay, Nigeria could have greatly overcome the disunity and tribal politics that emerged during the struggle for Nigeria’s Independence and thereafter.
    A striking feature in the nationalist agitations was the prominence of South-Easterners in a glaring large-scale but tribal Nationalistic programme that excluded the Northerners and South-Westerners. One of their very provocative practices was the display of their plan for supremacy at national political platforms and at the nation’s institutes among which the Ibadan University College played a conspicuous role as the centre of learning and youth forum starting from 1949. Another factor was that the Igbos had constituted themselves into a sizeable but exclusive group in every urban centre across Nigeria since 1945.
    Only a few Yorubas like me were braced for a challenge with Great Zik and his fellow Igbo tribalists by supporting the emergence of a platform like Egbe Omo Oduduwa which was founded as a cultural organization for the Yorubas in the late 40’s but later transformed into the instrument for launching the Action Group as a political party in 1950.

    1.         I am reproducing these documented and verifiable facts based on a written Biography or perception of someone who served as in the following capacities in the politics and governance of Western Nigeria. Chief J.E. Babatola, the Olora of Ado-Ekiti DBA (Staton), B.A. (London), STC (St. Andrews) is my father and made those assertions clear, which I verified from various documentary and eye witness accounts before publishing it. For avoidance of doubt, he served during the period in question in the following capacities viz.
    a.     Councilor, Ado-Ekiti District Council
    b.     Member, Western House of Assembly (1956-1964)
    c.      Parliamentary Secretary (Minister of State) at different times in the 
                                                                              i.      Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs
                                                                            ii.      Ministry of Justice
                                                                          iii.      Office of the Premier (Chief Obafemi Awolowo)
    d.     An attendee of Constitutional conferences in Nigeria and in UK
    e.      Minister of Home Affairs and Information (succeeded Anthony Enahoro)
    f.       Minister of Labour
    g.     Relieved of his Ministerial duties because he followed Awolowo and opposed SL Akintola in 1962/63 political upheaval in the West
    h.     He participated in various process of Nigeria's independence and governing process.

    2.         No one is a Saint in Nigeria polity and no one should see the other as a betrayer here. Leaders had goofed and taken steps that seem to be more advantageous or beneficial to their causes or which better project their aspirations. Even where they failed or erred, the nation needs to find its feet and move on with true spirit of reconciliation, integration and national progression.  
    3.       The only way out is to retrace our steps and fight a way-out to redefine NIGERIA POLITY rather than brick-batting. Fighting over the dead or misdeed or miscalculations of the past will take us nowhere.   
    Ekiti State University

    ''...Freedom does not consist in the dream of independence from natural laws, but in the knowledge of these laws,...freedom of the will, therefore, means nothing but the capacity to make decisions with knowledge of the subject...'' Engels
    ''...The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship without sacrifice...When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always...An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am prepared to kill for." - Mahatma Ghandi  


    Sep 25, 2014, 6:50:06 AM9/25/14
    to,, rotimi fashakin,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,,,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,,,, Edo Global,,, Ode-Besilu's Group,, Joseph (CDC/OID/NCPDCID) Igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui, gukaegbu@comcast net, Val Ojo,,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude, Odua,,, idowubobo@yahoo com, info
    "Gen Afis,
    According to Adeyinka Adebayo who was the Military Governor of Western Region after Adekunle Fajuyi's murder,he  "recommended his(Awo's) release and he was released......". Of course, since he was NOT appointed to the position by Ojukwu, he could also  NOT have made the recommendation to Ojukwu. Gowon became the EFFECTIVE Head of State on August 1, 1966. Awo was released on August 3, 1966."

    Leye Ige 

    Afis comment: Thank you sir, Alagba Leye Ige. 
    I am not familiar with dates, yours above are the facts as I have heard it stated many times from the past. 
    Precise dates is what I could not remember. 

    Rex Marinus and his brother Obi Nwakanma have always been the Yoruba's Cyber-Amusement Park. The Two-in-one guy always sounds logical, but he fabricates without owning a Shoe Factory.

    Thanks for clearing up the Inyanminrin fog.
    Inyanminrins are waste of time.
    Sent from my iPad

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    Sep 25, 2014, 6:51:50 AM9/25/14
    to,, Odua,,, OLAOLUWA JOHNSON JP, Dododawa,,, Abraham Madu, Adeniran Adeboye,,,,,, Olushola Fashedemi, mbosowo Donald,,,,,,, elewuoye@gmail com, Yona Maro, Emmanuel asiwe, kingsley Nnabuagha, minister El rufai, elombahperspective@gmail com,, Moshood Olayinka, Baduba54,,, ige leye@yahoo. com,, Nebu,
    "Gen Afis,
    According to Adeyinka Adebayo who was the Military Governor of Western Region after Adekunle Fajuyi's murder,he  "recommended his(Awo's) release and he was released......". Of course, since he was NOT appointed to the position by Ojukwu, he could also  NOT have made the recommendation to Ojukwu. Gowon became the EFFECTIVE Head of State on August 1, 1966. Awo was released on August 3, 1966."

    Leye Ige 

    Afis comment: Thank you sir, Alagba Leye Ige. 
    I am not familiar with dates, yours above are the facts as I have heard it stated many times from the past. 
    Precise dates is what I could not remember. 

    Rex Marinus and his brother Obi Nwakanma have always been the Yoruba's Cyber-Amusement Park. The Two-in-one guy always sounds logical, but he fabricates without owning a Shoe Factory.

    Thanks for clearing up the Inyanminrin fog.
    Inyanminrins are waste of time.
    Sent from my iPad

    On Sep 24, 2014, at 5:44 PM, "Asagwara, Ken (EAL)" <> wrote:



    Sep 25, 2014, 8:09:39 AM9/25/14
    to Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
    Awolowo was convicted by a Yorubaman, Hon. Justice Sodeinde Sowemimo, in 1963, who apologized to Awolowo during the sentencing that his hands were tied.
    To show his own travails during the trial, he wrote a book titled, 'My Lord, What a Morning' after a Christian hymn that had the following refrain and words after the trial ended:
    My Lord, what a morning!
    My Lord, what a morning!
    O my Lord, what a morning!
    When the stars begin to fall.
    1 You will hear the trumpet sound,
    To wake the nations underground,
    Looking to my God’s right hand,
    When the stars begin to fall.
    2 You will hear the sinner cry,
    To wake the nations underground,
    Looking to my God’s right hand,
    When the stars begin to fall.
    3 You will hear the Christian shout,
    To wake the nations underground,
    Looking to my God’s right hand,
    When the stars begin to fall.
    From the lyrics, one can glean that sentencing Awolowo to 10 years that day was very traumatic to Hon. Justice Sowemimo and against his will. That means he was toio much of a good jurist to ignore the overwhelming evidence or he was doing the will of a more powerful force that wanted to see Awo jailed.
    If the reason was because of the compelling powerful force, then all should understand Awolowo's starge behavior after release from prison because the same compelling force was there; only this time, it was even more compelling because it had guns and freedom to kill!
    The story of the Nigerian Civil War is a lot more complicated than the Ayos - on one side, and the Ezeana's - on the other side make it appear to suit their own narrow purposes.
    Washington, DC, USA

    A society of supine lambs breeds erect wolves. - Stevek
    A wise man proportions his beliefs to the evidence - David Hume

    "OJUKWU: We’ve said this over and over again, so many times, and people don’t understand; they don’t want to actually. If you remember, I released Awolowo from jail. Even that, some people are beginning to contest as well. Awo was in jail in Calabar. Gowon knows and the whole of the federal establishment knows that at no point was Gowon in charge of the East. The East took orders from me. Now, how could Gowon have released Awolowo who was in Calabar? Because of the fact that I released him, it created quite a lot of rapport between Awo and myself and I know that before he went back to Ikenne, I set up a hotline between Ikenne and my bedroom in Enugu. He tried like an elder statesman to find a solution. Awolowo is a funny one. Don’t forget that the political purpose of the coup, the Ifeajuna coup that began all this, was to hand power over to Awo. We young men respected him a great deal. He was a hero. I thought he was a hero and certainly I received him when I was governor. We talked and he was very vehement when he saw our complaints and he said that if the Igbos were forced out by Nigeria that he would take the Yorubas out also. I don’t know what anybody makes of that statement but it is simple. Whether he did or didn’t, it is too late. There is nothing you can do about it. So, he said this and I must have made some appropriate responses too. But it didn’t quite work out the way that we both thought. Awolowo, evidently, had a constant review of the Yoruba situation and took different path. That’s it. I don’t blame him for it. I have never done," Rudolf Okonkwo.
    Thanks Vin.  I hope this would rest Ayo's hallucination and revision of history.  I had wanted to redirect him early, but I thought it unnecessary as he doesn't want to learn the truth or take advice/counsel from those in the Know.
    Take care
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Vin Otuonye <>
    To: africanworldforum@google <>; rotfash <>; NWF <>; ayoojutalayo <>; Vin Otuonye <>
    Cc: develop-nigeria <>; ogbunwezeh <>; Imo Congress <>; roteemee <>; Nebukadineze Adiele <>; Wharfery Snake <>; jokwara <>; okonkwonetworks <>; ogbuonyiero <>
    Sent: Wed, Sep 24, 2014 11:45 am
    Subject: Ojukwu released Awo from Prison
    Please read the interview below Rudolph Okonkwo had with Ojukwu in November 2011. Let's tell the truth and shame the devil. I wonder what you and Rotimi Fashakin have to say now.
    Enjoy reading the interview.
    My Last Interview With Dim Chukwuemeka Ojukwu - Rudolf Okonkwo
    In June of this year, in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an interview with Ikemba.

    daniel Akusobi

    Sep 25, 2014, 8:11:40 AM9/25/14
    to,,, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

    Dee Achusim.
    We pray not to have a situation again that would require a release of an  Awo or Ayo from any Igbo based prison.
    Igbos are not as heartless as a great portion of Pa Awolowo, nor  humorless and emotion stripped  as Ayo.
    You will be surprised at what I would do if am in charge of Biafra, should there be another one , as was the case with Ojukwu during the war.
    I will release them, and let them repeat their acts,  biting the fingers that fed them, if they wish.  I will also pray that they live long enough to brood over their lack of  love of people outside their tribe, should they become monsters again.
    Same Ayo, or somebody else here, had in one peace, stated Ojukwu had begged a Yoruba senior soldier to take over the leadership of Nigeria during the later crises preceding the war, and he, the Yoruba soldier, refused and ran away, thereby giving Gowon a room to become head of state.
    Ojukwu, like a lot of some other Igbos,  love Yorubas , we live more peacefully with the Yorubas than with Awusas, and made / make a lot of our monies in Yoruba land.
    Ayo and his ilks here want the world to believe that every Yoruba is Adekunle and Awo and himself.  Most Igbos don't see it that way. We rather see , here at least, the Olas, and Woles and never the Olaninyis ( those Yorubas  who like to waste Igbo humans and Igbo wealth )
    We shall let Ayo continue to lie like a dog with flees. Such distortions he spreads here won't change any existing truth about the release of Awo nor the cannibal,  Adekunle confessed he was.

    DEVELOP NIGERIA NETWORK................. Building Nigeria of our Dream
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    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Sep 25, 2014, 8:28:04 AM9/25/14
    to, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Sep 25, 2014, 9:44:46 AM9/25/14
    to, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
    "Chief Babatola claimed that he influenced Governor Fajuyi on several occasions to negotiate and secure the release of Chief Obafemi Awolowo from prison custody, but the attempts were thwarted by the Supreme Military Command until Col. Adebayo took over the Government of Western Nigeria and had his way." . . . Jadesola Babatola

    Did someone not tell us that the Supreme Military Council had agreed to release Chief Awolowo, and that the announcement was to have been made by Fajuyi during Ironsi's visit to Ibadan, the visit during which he was killed? I am always suspicious of information that was/is not at public domain which is what Obi and Nebu feed us with on these forums.

    Ayo Ojutalayo

    From: 'JADESOLA BABATOLA' via AfricanWorldForum <>
    Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 5:03 AM


    Sep 25, 2014, 10:23:21 AM9/25/14
    to, Odua, rotimi fashakin,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,,,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,,,, Edo Global,,, Ode-Besilu's Group,, Joseph (CDC/OID/NCPDCID) Igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui, gukaegbu@comcast net, Val Ojo,,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude,, idowu, info,,, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
    These Inyanminrin peoples are doing their foolish Dance routine again.
    I wonder why Alagba Ayo Ojutalayo keeps engaging these Igbos.
    Ojukwu released Awo, was Awo a Decca record? 
    No be release sef, na increase una go see.
    Dumb pricks!
    Let them keep the foolish discussion among themselves.
    "Gen Afis,
    According to Adeyinka Adebayo who was the Military Governor of Western Region after Adekunle Fajuyi's murder,he  "recommended his(Awo's) release and he was released......". Of course, since he was NOT appointed to the position by Ojukwu, he could also  NOT have made the recommendation to Ojukwu. Gowon became the EFFECTIVE Head of State on August 1, 1966. Awo was released on August 3, 1966."

    Leye Ige 

    Afis comment: Thank you sir, Alagba Leye Ige. 
    I am not familiar with dates, yours above are the facts as I have heard it stated many times from the past. 
    Precise dates is what I could not remember. 

    Rex Marinus and his brother Obi Nwakanma have always been the Yoruba's Cyber-Amusement Park. The Two-in-one guy always sounds logical, but he fabricates without owning a Shoe Factory.

    Thanks for clearing up the Inyanminrin fog.
    Inyanminrins are waste of time.

    Sent from my iPad

    daniel Akusobi

    Sep 25, 2014, 10:35:06 AM9/25/14
    to,, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

    There is a better way to access the truth on this issue. The best is hearing it from the horses mouth. I reposted Ojukwu's statement on the issue, you refused to buy that. I thought  you may like to hear from a Yoruba, so I forwarded a statement from late Sam Aluko, you refused to believe that too. I think hearing their voice on the same issue will convince you better.
    You may get some right answers to some of your concerns on who let Awo free if you would have the patience to join them when your time comes. All, Ojukwu, Aluko Sr, Awo, Adekunle,  are in jail ( heaven or hell or both combined, never coming back here again.
    Aguyi Ironsi did not make the announcement and did not let Awo out of jail.
    Events overtook such a plan and Awo remained in jail until Ojukwu took control of his own country, Biafra, and every establishment therein. He also releases Awo.


    Rich Adetule

    Sep 25, 2014, 1:11:32 PM9/25/14
    to, Odua, rotimi fashakin,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,,,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,,,, Edo Global,,, Ode-Besilu's Group,, Joseph (CDC/OID/NCPDCID) Igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui, gukaegbu@comcast net, Val Ojo,,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude,, idowu, info,, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
    I still don't get it why the Yorubas will continue to stress their nerves to defend who released Pa Awolowo and other repetitive discussions about Yorubas people. It is only cnn I do know that repeats the same news over and over until you dose off. 

    We should by now forecast the next topics in this forum that our igbo brother will bring forth whenever there is dull movement. It Is either Awo or Yoruba. Why are we wasting our valuable time and having sleepless nights to defense things that will NEVER convince our neighbor across the Niger?

    Today, the Igbos is shifting and vigorously pushing its historical boundary from Pre-independent, Regional era (Western, Mid-West and even Biafra Republic political territory) towards the heartland of Benin Kingdom and nobody is talking. 

    By the time Awo issue cools down they will raise another boiling topic about the Yorubas their "sworn enemy" Before you know it their boundary would have been at Enun Owa, Ooduduwa Palace at Ile-Ife. 


    Sent from my iPhone

    Rex Marinus

    Sep 25, 2014, 3:57:01 PM9/25/14
    to, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    Stevek, the late Justice Sowemimo clarified his position in a published interview in the late 1980s, on what he meant by his hands were tied. He did say that as a Judge, the weight of the evidence before him made it impossible for him not to dispense justice in spite of the caliber of the man before him. He was no "apologizing" to Awo, and he was clear on that fact; he was simply sorry for Awo. Those are two different situations.
    And Ayo, whether Ojukwu released Awo or not is material at this point only as a way of situating the politics of that history. You have hinted that Ojukwu would have used the occasion for a photo-op. But consider the following: that (a) on 3 August 1966, Awo was inconsequential to the general thrust of Ojukwu's work and the unfolding national event. Awo was not in power, and he was at best a factional leader of one of the two factions of the political divisions in Western Nigeria. The Ladoke Akintola faction, who were the primary targets of the Fajuyi regime in Ibadan, and potentially the direct beneficiaries of the murder of Fajuyi and naturally allies of the July coup would certainly not rejoice at that prospect; (b) It was not in Ojukwu's interest to make a great show of Awo's release, given that every intelligence report available to Gowon and the northern political leadership as at that period still considered the January 15, 1966 coup an Igbo/Yoruba coup (UPGA coup they called it) of which the chief beneficiary was to be Awo. In fact, to make a photo-op of the event of releasing Awo would have given validity to the action of the coup makers, given that Awo's release that August violated every reason and the primary mission of the July 29 coup from the standpoint of the leaders of that coup.  In any case, it will be up to you to believe either Robert Adeyinka Adebayo or Sam Aluko, given the two accounts in which they've alluded to the Awo release: one a direct quote (Aluko).
    I'd like to revise my time-line, for indeed Gown made his first broadcast on August 1, 1966 (in which he had made reference to the unsustainability of the Nigerian Federation). I did mix up the time-line slightly, working from my misreading of Peter Enahoro's "Why I Left Nigeria" published in the Transition Magazine of 1968. It is true that Gowon made a broadcast in the morning of Tuesday August 1, the same day Major Ekanem was shot on Carter Bridge; in the evening of August 1, Ojukwu countered with a broadcast rejecting Gowon's authority. He was in control of the East from then on, and the command of the Nigerian Army had collapsed. The only power in the East that had the authority to release Awo was Ojukwu, because the Federal government was in a state of transition; there was no government, at least from the point of view of the government in the East.  This is precisely the reason that both sides went to war. There was never a time from August 1 1967 that Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos or took orders that were effected in the East. This is the crucial point. But, what the heck, it is unlikely to make sense to you.
    Obi Nwakanma



    Sep 25, 2014, 5:19:25 PM9/25/14
    to Rex Marinus,, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Just one historical point. Was both Major Ekanem and Col. Ekpo killed on Carter bridge or am I mistaken about Col. Ekpo. Col. Ekpo might have been killed at Abalti Barracks.
    Washington, DC, USA

    A society of supine lambs breeds erect wolves. - Stevek
    A wise man proportions his beliefs to the evidence - David Hume

    Stevek, the late Justice Sowemimo clarified his position in a published interview in the late 1980s, on what he meant by his hands were tied. He did say that as a Judge, the weight of the evidence before him made it impossible for him not to dispense justice in spite of the caliber of the man before him. He was no "apologizing" to Awo, and he was clear on that fact; he was simply sorry for Awo. Those are two different situations.
    And Ayo, whether Ojukwu released Awo or not is material at this point only as a way of situating the politics of that history. You have hinted that Ojukwu would have used the occasion for a photo-op. But consider the following: that (a) on 3 August 1966, Awo was inconsequential to the general thrust of Ojukwu's work and the unfolding national event. Awo was not in power, and he was at best a factional leader of one of the two factions of the political divisions in Western Nigeria. The Ladoke Akintola faction, who were the primary targets of the Fajuyi regime in Ibadan, and potentially the direct beneficiaries of the murder of Fajuyi and naturally allies of the July coup would certainly not rejoice at that prospect; (b) It was not in Ojukwu's interest to make a great show of Awo's release, given that every intelligence report available to Gowon and the northern political leadership as at that period still considered the January 15, 1966 coup an Igbo/Yoruba coup (UPGA coup they called it) of which the chief beneficiary was to be Awo. In fact, to make a photo-op of the event of releasing Awo would have given validity to the action of the coup makers, given that Awo's release that August violated every reason and the primary mission of the July 29 coup from the standpoint of the leaders of that coup.  In any case, it will be up to you to believe either Robert Adeyinka Adebayo or Sam Aluko, given the two accounts in which they've alluded to the Awo release: one a direct quote (Aluko).
    I'd like to revise my time-line, for indeed Gown made his first broadcast on August 1, 1966 (in which he had made reference to the unsustainability of the Nigerian Federation). I did mix up the time-line slightly, working from my misreading of Peter Enahoro's "Why I Left Nigeria" published in the Transition Magazine of 1968. It is true that Gowon made a broadcast in the morning of Tuesday August 1, the same day Major Ekanem was shot on Carter Bridge; in the evening of August 1, Ojukwu countered with a broadcast rejecting Gowon's authority. He was in control of the East from then on, and the command of the Nigerian Army had collapsed. The only power in the East that had the authority to release Awo was Ojukwu, because the Federal government was in a state of transition; there was no government, at least from the point of view of the government in the East.  This is precisely the reason that both sides went to war. There was never a time from August 1 1967 that Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos or took orders that were effected in the East. This is the crucial point. But, what the heck, it is unlikely to make sense to you.
    Obi Nwakanma


    You started this "Ojukwu released Awo"; and I asked if you meant it or you were kidding but you did not reply. I hope you now know the truth if you did not before now.
    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Okechukwu Okonjo

    Sep 25, 2014, 5:31:25 PM9/25/14
    to, Rex Marinus, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    Senseless discussion. It is simple - Awo was an outright bastard, Ojukwu an eventual asshole, and Adekunle mentally retarded ...You people should be using your energy for organizing your "tribes" (I'd rather say 'nations') as Nigeria packs up, instead of this endless senseless debate. 

    Rex Marinus

    Sep 25, 2014, 6:02:23 PM9/25/14
    to Stevek,, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    Stevek, Ekanem was shot on Carter bridge. It was Col. Anthony Eze who was nearly killed in Abalti barracks. Ekpo later became Chief of Army Staff under Gowon. I do not know of any Ekpo that was killed in the period. I salute you.
    Obi Nwakanma



    Sep 25, 2014, 6:36:39 PM9/25/14
    to,, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Thanks. You have to.pardon. I was cooped up at IDH, Yaba, with chicken pox. I wasbitchibg as hell as we kept hearing machine gun fire at Abalti - Shuwa at work.


    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


    Posted by: Rex Marinus <>



    Ayo Ojutalayo

    Sep 25, 2014, 7:55:40 PM9/25/14
    to, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,,, Omo Oodua, Rex Marinus,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    "There was never a time from August 1 1967 that Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos or took orders that were effected in the East. This is the crucial point." . . . Obi Nwakanma


    Just remember the following, and update your History:
    - that Gowon effectively took over as Head of State on the 1st of August  1967
    that Awo was released on the 3rd of August 1967
    - that a plane went from Lagos (not Enugu) to pick Awo from Calabar federal prison
    - that Gowon sent despatch riders to bring Awo from the Ikeja Airport
    - that the first point of call of Awo in Lagos was Gowon's temporary office at the Ikeja Garrison
    - that Awo thanked Gowon for releasing him from prison
    - that Awo's transportation to Ikenne was arranged by Gowon.

    I salute you.
    Ayo Ojutalayo


    Sep 25, 2014, 8:22:40 PM9/25/14
    to, rotfash, NWF, Vin Otuonye, <>, <>, <>, Imo Congress, <>, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake, <>, okonkwonetworks, <>, Odua,,
    "That Ojukwu claimed to have released Awo did not mean that he did".......Ayo Ojutalayo

    "Gen Afis,
    According to Adeyinka Adebayo who was the Military Governor of Western Region after Adekunle Fajuyi's murder,he  "recommended his(Awo's) release and he was released......". Of course, since he was NOT appointed to the position by Ojukwu, he could also  NOT have made the recommendation to Ojukwu. Gowon became the EFFECTIVE Head of State on August 1, 1966. Awo was released on August 3, 1966."

    Leye Ige 
    Sent from my iPad

    On Sep 24, 2014, at 6:00 PM, "Gregg Ukaegbu" <> wrote:

    That Ojukwu claimed to have released Awo did not mean that he did. Ayo Ojutalayo


    Ayo—You are full of it.


    And what is what you think word against Ojukwu’s categorical statement?


    Please, respect yourself.




    From: []
    Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 5:50 PM
    To:; rotfash; NWF; Vin Otuonye
    Cc:;; Imo Congress;; Nebukadineze Adiele; Wharfery Snake;; okonkwonetworks;
    Subject: Vin, Gowon released Awo: Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison




    That Ojukwu claimed to have released Awo did not mean that he did. Ojukwu was only talking like a politician. Read my response to Nebu and decide who released Awo. A military Governor had no authority to release Awo. Gowon who released Awo sent a plane to Calabar prison to bring Awo to meet him in Ikeja, Lagos


    Ayo Ojutalayo

    From: Vin Otuonye <>
    To: "africanworldforum@google" <>; rotfash <>; NWF <>; "" <>; Vin Otuonye <>
    Cc: "" <>; "" <>; Imo Congress <>; "" <>; Nebukadineze Adiele <>; Wharfery Snake <>; "" <>; okonkwonetworks <>; "" <>
    Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 11:45 AM
    Subject: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison



    Please read the interview below Rudolph Okonkwo had with Ojukwu in November 2011. Let's tell the truth and shame the devil. I wonder what you and Rotimi Fashakin have to say now.
    Enjoy reading the interview.

    My Last Interview With Dim Chukwuemeka Ojukwu - Rudolf Okonkwo

    In June of this year, in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an interview with Ikemba.


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    Vin Otuonye

    Sep 25, 2014, 8:50:07 PM9/25/14
    to Ayo Ojutalayo, africanworldforum@google, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim, Rex Marinus,, NWF,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,
    You tire me sef. Gowon is still alive. Do yourself a big favor. Go interview Gowon and asked him who released Awo. In fact, add this to it: there was never a time after the July 29, 1966 coup that Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos and took orders that were effected in the East.

    Leye Ige

    Sep 25, 2014, 8:57:42 PM9/25/14
    to,, rotfash, NWF, Vin Otuonye, <>, <>, <>, Imo Congress, <>, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake, <>, okonkwonetworks, <>,,
     "consider the following: that (a) on 3 August 1966, Awo was inconsequential to the general thrust of Ojukwu's work and the unfolding national event. Awo was not in power, and he was at best a factional leader of one of the two factions of the political divisions in Western Nigeria.... "
    (1) IF Awo was "inconsequential",the "unfolding national event" would NOT center around his release; an action which CHANGED the course of events
    (2) IF Awo was "inconsequential" the January 15 coupists would NOT say they were planning on handing over power to him.
    (3) IF Adetokunbo Ademola was "sorry" for Awo; WHY did he, IMMEDIATELY after sentencing Awo, along with others, embark on several missions, to  get Awo released through various unworkable means? This FACT, ALONE, proves that Adetokubo Ademola's judgement was NOT based on ANY weight of evidence BUT on external factors of which NCNC(Zik) and NPC were major participants.

    The Ladoke Akintola faction, who were the primary targets of the Fajuyi regime in Ibadan, and potentially the direct beneficiaries of the murder of Fajuyi and naturally allies of the July coup would certainly not rejoice at that prospect;
    (1) IF this is TRUE--how come it was this faction that eventually nominated Awo as the Leader of the Yoruba? Which means, the political issues of that era was NOT so lineal.
    (2) IF this is TRUE, how come the "Akintola faction" PREVAILED on Adeyinka Adebayo to accept the Governorship, with Awo's release as a condition?

     (b) It was not in Ojukwu's interest to make a great show of Awo's release, given that every intelligence report available to Gowon and the northern political leadership as at that period still considered the January 15, 1966 coup an Igbo/Yoruba coup (UPGA coup they called it) of which the chief beneficiary was to be Awo
    IF this is TRUE-- Ojukwu MUST be politically DAFT--for there would have been NOTHING to scare the July 29 coupists than to see Awo on the "other side".

     In fact, to make a photo-op of the event of releasing Awo would have given validity to the action of the coup makers, given that Awo's release that August violated every reason and the primary mission of the July 29 coup from the standpoint of the leaders of that coup. 
    The "ONLY" reason for July 29 was REVENGE,  in the PROCESS of which Allies had to be sought; agreeing to release Awo from jail was their ACE.

     In any case, it will be up to you to believe either Robert Adeyinka Adebayo or Sam Aluko, given the two accounts in which they've alluded to the Awo release: one a direct quote (Aluko). 
    No one has YET posted the source of this Aluko quote--BUT Adeyinka Adebayo's can be found in newspaper interviews in 2003, 2008, 2011 and 2013.
     Leye Ige


    Posted by: Afis <>
    Messages in this topic (1)
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    Vin Otuonye

    Sep 25, 2014, 9:00:16 PM9/25/14
    to Kolawole Onifade,, africanworldforum@google,, Imo Congress,,,, Wharfery Snake, okonkwonetworks, NWF, Nebukadineze Adiele,,, naijaelections, naijaintellects
    Mr. Kolawole Onifade:

    Gowon commanded that Awo be released and just like that Awo is released in the East, right? Does that make sense to you in light of the prevailing situation at the time in Nigeria? Who released Awo in the East? Nigeria federal marshalls? Nigeria troops?  Kola, let's use common sense. Gowon is still alive. Please do us the favor of interviewing him and hear his account since you said Ojukwu's statement can never be the gospel truth. Whose statement should then be the gospel truth? Yours? And if I understand correctly, you were not even involved.
    Vin Cool Breeze Otuonye

    Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 11:00:56 -0400
    Subject: Re: [develop-nigeria] Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

    Ojukwu's statement can NEVER be the gospel truth in this matter. He is an interested party. Of course his account of events must paint him in heroic light!

    Neither is the historical fabrication posted by the Biafran Revisionist Obi Nwakanma. If we take Nwakanma's account at its face value, then we accept a lie that there was a power vaccum between Aug. 1 to Aug. 9 1966. How does that sound to you?

    The coupists had indeed, chosen Yakubu Gowon and he went ahead to release Awolowo. That was a masterstroke by a government seeking to assuage the West and enlist it as a critical partner in the anticipated face off between the North and the SE.

    Any other "version" is the now familiar Biafran historical revisionism. We have trod this path several times. And as long as the likes of Obi Nwakanma lurk around this forum, it behoves us to call him out as a liar whose appeal is limited to his fellow Biafran irredentists.


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    Sep 25, 2014, 9:05:28 PM9/25/14
    to, Odua,,, rotfash, NWF,, Vin Otuonye,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,
    Rudolf Okonkwo is a pathological liar. Stop peddling his half Truth, Vin Otuonye.
    I once wrote to him on NigeriaWorld when he came up with an essay "The Trouble with Yoruba".
    The guy hates Yoruba, so what good is the interview?
    Tani esinsin koba gbe bi o se elegbo?

    On Wednesday, September 24, 2014, Vin Otuonye <> wrote:
    Please read the interview below Rudolph Okonkwo had with Ojukwu in November 2011. Let's tell the truth and shame the devil. I wonder what you and Rotimi Fashakin have to say now.
    Enjoy reading the interview.
    My Last Interview With Dim Chukwuemeka Ojukwu - Rudolf Okonkwo

    In June of this year, in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an interview with Ikemba.

    by SaharaAdminFour Nov 26, 2011
    In June of this year, in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an interview with Ikemba.

    He worked to connect me to Ojukwu’s children who would facilitate the interview. Ikemba was then on his sick bed in a London Hospital. I drafted 12 questions in preparation. It later turned out that Ikemba was in no position to speak to me.

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      Vin Otuonye

      Sep 25, 2014, 9:11:42 PM9/25/14
      to afis,, africanworldforum@google,, NWF, Ayo Ojutalayo,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,
      You are always a day or two days late in responding to issues raised in this group. What has Rudolph Okonkwo hating Yoruba got to do with anything? Rudolp Okonkwo had an interview with Ojukwu and the issue of who release Awo is just one tiny bit of the discussion. There were other issues covered in the interview. So, how can you say the guy hate Yoruba? Belong long, you'll say I hate Yoruba too even though my formative years were all in Yorubaland.
      Afis, hate is a strong word. Rudolph Okonkwo doesn't hate Yoruba. It's all in your head.
      Vin Otuonye

      Wilson Iguade

      Sep 25, 2014, 9:22:39 PM9/25/14
      to Vin Otuonye, Ayo Ojutalayo, africanworldforum@google, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim, Rex Marinus,, NWF,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,, Esan Forum

      Please read below, I hate to be PLAIN, one of them is a LIAR, you be the judge. (Boldfaced mine).

      "There was never a time from August 1 1967 that Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos or took orders that were effected in the East. This is the crucial point." . . . Obi Nwakanma


      "there was never a time after the July 29, 1966 coup that Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos and took orders that were effected in the East." By Vin

      Which is it - August 1st 1967
      Or July 29th, 1966

      Folks, this is why I do not take part in this bullshit: Awo/Ojukwu/Zik or happenings of the 1950s/1960s Nigeria DEBATE, because one does not know who to trust. Even reputable historians are biased given how their perspectives are informed. 

      God help us. "I"

      Sent from my iPhone

      Vin Otuonye

      Sep 25, 2014, 9:40:37 PM9/25/14
      to Wilson Iguade, Ayo Ojutalayo, africanworldforum@google, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim, Rex Marinus,, NWF,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,, Esan Forum
      I don't know the liar here. But I know that you Wilson Iguade don't know your history. You don't know Nigeria's history.
      Obi Nwakanma has his reasons and I have my reason. All you need do is ask why I wrote what I wrote.
      Nzeogwu coup was in January 1966, right?
      Danjuma and Murtala Mohammed revenge/counter coup was in July, July 29, 1966.
      Ojukwu refused to recognize Gowon as Head of State after the July 29, 1966 coup because Gowon then was not the most senior military officer in Nigeria. Brigadier General Ogundipe was. Ojukwu asked Ogundipe to take over that leadership role as the Supreme Military Commander. Ogundipe got scared and took off and ran out of the country.
      So from July 29, 1966 when the revenge coupist struck and Ironsi's whereabouts cannot be accounted, there is a power vacuum and Ojukwu failed to recognize Gowon as Head of State and he refused to take orders from Lagos - the seat of government.
      Is it clear to you now?
      Vin Cool Breeze Otuonye

      Wilson Iguade

      Sep 25, 2014, 9:47:02 PM9/25/14
      to Vin Otuonye, Ayo Ojutalayo, africanworldforum@google, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim, Rex Marinus,, NWF,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,, Esan Forum

      You are right, am not a historian. However, I know a lie when I see it. Here is an example:

      There was never a time from August 1 1967 that Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos or took orders that were effected in the East. This is the crucial point." . . . Obi Nwakanma


      "there was never a time after the July 29, 1966 coup that Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos and took orders that were effected in the East." By Vin

      Again, I don't give a flip about 1950s and 1960s histories. I believe in making history so your type can argue about it. Period! God bless. "I"

      Sent from my iPhone

      Ayo Ojutalayo

      Sep 25, 2014, 10:06:06 PM9/25/14
      to Wilson Iguade,, africanworldforum@google, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim, Rex Marinus,, NWF,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,, Esan Forum

      That Ojukwu did not recognise Gowon as Head of State did not mean that Gowon was not the Head of State, did it? As Head of State, he announced release of Awo and sent a plane to go and bring him from Calabar. Meanwhile, he appointed a new Governor for Western Region and he was recognised by the international community!

      Ayo Ojutalayo

      On Thu, 9/25/14, Vin Otuonye <> wrote:

      Subject: [africanworldforum] RE: Obi Nwakanma: What to remember: Re: Ojukwu released Awo from Prison
      To: "Wilson Iguade" <>
      Cc: "Ayo Ojutalayo" <>, "africanworldforum@google" <>, "Ezeana Igirigi Achusim" <>, "Rex Marinus" <>, "" <>, "NWF" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Imo Congress" <>, "" <>, "Nebukadineze Adiele" <>, "Wharfery Snake" <>, "" <>, "okonkwonetworks" <>, "" <>, "Esan Forum" <>
      Date: Thursday, September 25, 2014, 8:40 PM

      I don't know the liar here. But I know that you Wilson
      Iguade don't know your history. You don't know
      Nigeria's history.
      Obi Nwakanma has his reasons and I have my reason. All you
      need do is ask why I wrote what I wrote.
      Nzeogwu coup was in January 1966, right?
      Danjuma and Murtala Mohammed revenge/counter coup was in
      July, July 29, 1966.
      Ojukwu refused to recognize Gowon as Head of State
      after the July 29, 1966 coup because Gowon then was not the
      most senior military officer in Nigeria. Brigadier General
      Ogundipe was. Ojukwu asked Ogundipe to take over that
      leadership role as the Supreme Military
      Commander. Ogundipe got scared and took off and ran out
      of the country.
      So from July 29, 1966 when the revenge
      coupist struck and Ironsi's whereabouts cannot be
      accounted, there is a power vacuum and Ojukwu failed
      to recognize Gowon as Head of State and he refused to
      take orders from Lagos - the seat of government.
      Is it clear to you now?
      Vin Cool Breeze Otuonye
      1967Or July 29th, 1966
      Folks, this is why I do not take part in this
      bullshit: Awo/Ojukwu/Zik or happenings of the 1950s/1960s
      Nigeria DEBATE, because one does not know who to trust. Even
      reputable historians are biased given how their perspectives
      are informed. 
      God help us. "I"

      Sent from my iPhone
      On Sep 25, 2014, at 7:50 PM, "Vin Otuonye" <>

      You tire me sef. Gowon is still alive. Do yourself
      a big favor. Go interview Gowon and asked him who
      released Awo. In fact, add this to it: there was never a
      time after the July 29, 1966 coup that Ojukwu
      recognized the authority in Lagos and took orders that were
      effected in the East.
      History:- that Gowon effectively took over as Head of State on the 1st of August  1967-  that Awo was released on the
      3rd of August 1967
      - that a plane went from Lagos (not Enugu) to pick
      Awo from Calabar federal prison- that Gowon sent despatch riders to bring Awo from
      the Ikeja Airport
      - that the first point of call of Awo in Lagos was
      Gowon's temporary office at the Ikeja
      Garrison- that Awo thanked Gowon for releasing him from
      - that Awo's transportation to Ikenne was
      arranged by Gowon.
      I salute you.
       Ayo Ojutalayo

      purposes. Stevek.Washington, DC,
      AchusimOdi-IsaaNwa Dim
      OjutalayoFrom: africanherald via AfricanWorldForum
      take advice/counsel from those in the Know. Take careNwachukwu  -----Original Message-----
      From: Vin Otuonye <>
      To: africanworldforum@google <>;
      rotfash <>; NWF <>;
      ayoojutalayo <>; Vin Otuonye
      Cc: develop-nigeria <>;
      ogbunwezeh <>; Imo Congress
      roteemee <>; Nebukadineze Adiele
      <>; Wharfery Snake
      <>; jokwara <>; okonkwonetworks
      ogbuonyiero <>
      Sent: Wed, Sep 24, 2014 11:45 am
      Subject: Ojukwu released Awo from
      Please read the interview below Rudolph Okonkwo
      had with Ojukwu in November 2011. Let's tell the truth
      and shame the devil. I wonder what you and Rotimi Fashakin
      have to say now.
      Enjoy reading the interview.My Last Interview With Dim
      Chukwuemeka Ojukwu - Rudolf Okonkwo In June of this year, in the midst
      of the controversies surrounding Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu
      Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an
      interview with Ikemba. by SaharaAdminFour
      Nov 26,
      2011 In June of this
      in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim
      Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of
      mine proposed an interview with
      Ikemba.He worked to
      you.Correct Me If I Am Right
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      Vin Otuonye

      Sep 25, 2014, 10:09:51 PM9/25/14
      to Wilson Iguade, Ayo Ojutalayo, africanworldforum@google, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim, Rex Marinus,, NWF,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,, Esan Forum
      Could it have occurred to you that Obi Nwakanma and yours truly are talking about two different things here? Take this for example: Obi Nwakanma may be talking about Ojukwu not recognizing orders from Lagos because if you take note the dates he mentioned, this was after the Republic of Biafra was declared and there is no need for Ojukwu to take any order from Lagos because Biafra is a separate entity from Nigeria. Republic of Biafra was born in May 1967.
      However, when I mentioned July 29, 1966 we were all still in one country, Nigeria.
      I hope that help.
      Vin Cool Breeze Otuonye

      Subject: Re: Obi Nwakanma: What to remember: Re: Ojukwu released Awo from Prison
      Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 20:46:35 -0500

      Vin Otuonye

      Sep 25, 2014, 10:23:25 PM9/25/14
      to africanworldforum@google, Wilson Iguade, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim, Rex Marinus,, NWF,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,, Esan Forum
      Don't be daft. Send what plane? Send plane to a hostile territory to bring Awo, does that make any sense to you? The next you'll say is that Gowon accompanied the pilot to get Awo. Does it occur to you that the plan could be shot down? Please reason like an adult not like a juvenile.
      Also, when did Gowon announce the release of Awo? How come we don't have information about this announcement? This announcement is no where in any archive in Nigeria. Surely, somebody in Nigeria must have heard about this announcement. Did you hear it Ayo? What date was the announcement made? Was a radio announcement? Was it a TV announcement? What type of announcement was it?
      An important information like that could not possibly happen without Nigeria newspapers carrying it? Which paper carried it? Did Nigeria Daily Times carry it? Did Awolowo's Tribune carry it?
      Please fill me in.
      You see how your lies have start crumbling down?
      Vin Cool Breeze Otuonye


      Wilson Iguade

      Sep 26, 2014, 12:04:46 AM9/26/14
      to,,, Imo Congress, africanworldforum@google, naijaintellects,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, NWF, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,,, Esan Forum
      Of all the presentations I have read thus far on who has the power to release Awo - this one, that of Kola's below makes the most sense to me.

      Questions follow:

      Suppose, Ojukwu wanted to release Awo, but Gowon, the HOS of Nigeria refused or rejected that proposal, can Ojukwu still proceed with releasing Awo? If so, release to which land/authority - the land/authority of Biafra or Nigeria? Not sure what the answer is. 

      Also, what is not clear in these postings, suppose Ojukwu said no to releasing Awo, and Gowon decided to proceed on releasing Awo, not sure how would Ojukwu stop it? What am trying to find out was Biafra Army in full force, August 1966, protecting the entire or any part of the Eastern Region? Regards. "I"

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Sep 25, 2014, at 10:34 PM, "Kolawole Onifade" <> wrote:

      Mr. Vin:

      Awolowo was imprisoned by the Federal government under federal laws. His release was authorized by the person recognized under the law as the Head of State. That there was a situation in the eastern part of the country does not detract from the fact that Yakubu Gowon was Nigeria's HOS on August 1, 1966. He was so recognized by a larger part of the federation and the international community.

      Could Ojukwu have disallowed the authorized release. Yes because he exercised control over the region where Awolowo was imprisoned.

      Did Ojukwu facilitate the release? Yes as military governor of the Eastern Region.

      Why did Ojukwu not refuse to recognize Gowon's order for Awolowo's release? Probably to endear himself to the SW and also because of his personal love and reverence for the man.

      You sure will agree with me that authorization is different from facilitation.

      So for Nwakanma and his co-travellers to flip logic by using the words interchangeably amount to intellectual fraud.


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      rotimi fashakin

      Sep 26, 2014, 12:34:16 AM9/26/14
      to, nigeriaworld,,,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,,,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,,,, Edo Global,,,, Joseph (CDC/OID/NCPDCID) Igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui, gukaegbu@comcast net, Val Ojo,,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude, Odua,, idowubobo@yahoo com, info
      If Ojukwu deferred to Ironsi as Head of State, why is it difficult to comprehend that, without a coup or mutiny, he could not have refused the superintending control of Gowon?” ---- Rotimi Fashakin.

      Mazi KC Prince Asagwara,
      I was in transit, hence my late response. I have decided to  continue in this discourse because there is the need to lay bare the facts of our history. Some younger folks are on these fora, which makes it imperative for us to inform correctly.
      Let me start with the excerpted statement above which was mine. Apparently, you did not grasp the import of that statement, which explains the laughable stuff you penned in yours below.
      Now, let's go:
      The Military understand that Coup d'etat is an aberration, so the first thing that is done is to suspend the constitution. When Major General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi became Head of State, the first decree he promulgated was the abrogation of the constitution. He knew that, with the constitution still subsisting, he did not have legal footing for any action. So, when a coup has taken place, there are many imponderables. One of these is who bears rule does not matter anymore. What matters is that everyone MUST defer to him!
      I shall give you three examples from our contemporary history.
      1, After the fact of the January 15, 1966, the coup leader, Major Kaduna Chukwuma Nzeogwu had a considerable measure of success in the North. In short, he was firmly in control in the North! But the Coup was not so successful in the South, of course because of the ethnically-biased compromised position of folks like Majors Emmanuel Ifeajuna and Okafor. For about three days, Nzeogwu did not get any meaningful word from his colleagues in the South. Meanwhile, his troops needed food and some necessities. So, he sent some officers to  Lt Col. Ojukwu, the CO of 5th Batallion in Kano for assistance. These officers were detained! Promptly, Nzeogwu put together a crack team headed by Major Onwuatuegi  to silence the dissent from Kano. It took the intervention of Lt. Col. Alexander Madiebo, an Artillery officer of Igbo extraction, for a major catastrophe to be averted! See, Nzeogwu was a Major and Ojukwu, a Lt. Col., the fact that a Coup had taken place which put Nzeogwu in superintending control of the Army, in the North, everyone needed to defer to him.
      2, After Lt. Col. Gowon became Head of State with the killing of Major Gen. Ironsi on 29th July, 1966, Colonel RA Adebayo was appointed the military governor of the western region. He agreed to serve as Military governor under Gowon!
      3, In 1983, a coup d'etat saw Major General Muhammadu Buhari becoming head of state. Major General Domkat Bali, the last of the Sandhurst-trained generation, was his senior. But he agreed to serve under him as Minister for Defense.
      Now let us consider the substantive issue....
      After the abortive coup of January 15, 1966 coup, Lt. Col Gowon appointed Col. Adebayo as the Military governor of Western region. I believe he had the authority to also appoint another in place of Lt. Col Ojukwu as Governor of Easter region. I believe he, for expediency, chose to let him alone. After all, Lt. Col. Hassan Katsina too was appointed Military Governor of the Northern region at the time Lt. Col. Ojukwu became Governor of the Eastern region! Gowon did not change him too when he became Head of State on 29th July, 1966.
      Perhaps, what may have informed your position was that, as at  29July,1966, Gowon and Ojukwu were wearing the same rank as Lt. Col., so they were equal. How mistaken you are! By his appointment, Gowon was above Ojukwu. I did say that Gowon ordered Awo's release from prison and Ojukwu facilitated it. That is how it is with constituted authority. Until the  Ahiala declaration on 27th May, 1967, the South East was still under the superintending control of the Federal government headed by Lt Col. Gowon.
      Ojukwu became governor of Eastern region in January, 1966. Why did he not release Awo then IF indeed he had the power to do so as governor? Why did he have to wait till August 3, 1966 when another Head of State came to Power? What was the strategic importance to Ojukwu to have released Awo? After all, we knew in 1982 when President Shehu Shagari granted pardon to Ojukwu, it was for the strategic reason of securing Igbo votes in the 1983 election, which, at that time, was in firm grips of Zik's NPP. Did it work? Yes, Chief CC Onoh (Bianca's father) became the governor of Old Anambra state! I remember when NPN came to campus square, Lagos in 1982, both Ojukwu and Benjamin Adekunle were on the same podium. On that day, Ojukwu started his speech extempore with: "I bring you fraternal greetings from our people across the Niger." He went on to acknowledge the presence of Benjamin Adekunle as "my brother standing behind me" and went on to pay glowing tribute to him. I just laugh when people that have shown some scholarship on these fora now recede to nauseous revisionism for the sake of some blinkered insularity! These are facts of history....
      So, i ask again: what was in it for Ojukwu to have released Awo?
      Let me put it simply: the role of Ojukwu in the release of Awo is akin to the IGP ordering the release of a high profile prisoner and the respective State Commissioner of Police deploying the machinery to effect the order! It should not get simpler than that!
      Thank you, i 've got to sleep. Jet lagged, tired and soporific effect already setting in.
       I salute you
      Rotimi Fashakin

      On Thursday, September 25, 2014 11:50 AM, 'Afis' via AfricanWorldForum <> wrote:

      "Gen Afis,
      According to Adeyinka Adebayo who was the Military Governor of Western Region after Adekunle Fajuyi's murder,he  "recommended his(Awo's) release and he was released......". Of course, since he was NOT appointed to the position by Ojukwu, he could also  NOT have made the recommendation to Ojukwu. Gowon became the EFFECTIVE Head of State on August 1, 1966. Awo was released on August 3, 1966."

      Leye Ige 

      Afis comment: Thank you sir, Alagba Leye Ige. 
      I am not familiar with dates, yours above are the facts as I have heard it stated many times from the past. 
      Precise dates is what I could not remember. 

      Rex Marinus and his brother Obi Nwakanma have always been the Yoruba's Cyber-Amusement Park. The Two-in-one guy always sounds logical, but he fabricates without owning a Shoe Factory.

      Thanks for clearing up the Inyanminrin fog.
      Inyanminrins are waste of time.
      Sent from my iPad

      On Sep 24, 2014, at 5:44 PM, "Asagwara, Ken (EAL)" <> wrote:

      Rotimi Fashakin:
      Please note the following inexactitudes and subjective conjectures in your piece below.
      It was then Col. Ojukwu that ordered the release of Chief Awo from Calabar prison. That when he got to Lagos, then Col. Gowon received him was all about political engineering as Gowon was in need of legitimacy given the then political crisis in national leadership. And Awo took advantage of the opportunity presented in meeting Gowon to pledge his loyalty to his government. That sometime in 1967 Gowon offered him the Finance Ministry portfolio as well as, the Vice-Chairmanship of the Federal Executive Council and he accepted fell into Awo’s game plan. Yoruba opportunism at its highest, period.
      The Eastern Region led by then Col. Ojukwu as General Ironsi appointed Military Governor on January 17th, 1966 seceded from Nigeria on May 30th, 1967 and Ojukwu became Biafra’s Head of State. “The Ahiara Declaration” a copy of which is in my library as I write was proclaimed on June 1, 1969. It has nothing to do with the Declaration of Biafra on May 30th, 1967. It is a 29 page document that embodies the Principles of the Biafran Revolution enunciated in Mbaise village known as, Ahiara. Hence the sobriquet, “The Ahiara Declaration”.
      Moving on....
      You queried:
      When Ironsi was Head of State, did Ojukwu defer to him? Or was he fully in charge, away from the superintending control of Gen. Ironsi?
      You see, General Ironsi was Col. Ojukwu’s military superior by at least three senior ranks. And Ojukwu’s appointment came from General Ironsi. There was no way that Ojukwu will have failed to defer to General Ironsi as his superior and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. Anything other than that will have been insubordination which is a serious offence in the military. Besides. Ojukwu was a disciplined military officer given to following the military hierarchical order of command.
      You further queried:
      If Ojukwu deferred to Ironsi as Head of State, why is it difficult to comprehend that, without a coup or mutiny, he could not have refused the superintending control of Gowon?

      Again come with me. Gowon was never Ojukwu’s senior nor superior in the Nigerian Army. In order to maintain military discipline and order across the country, Ojukwu insisted that the next superior in rank to General Ironsi should take over as Nigeria’s Military Head of State. And that man was Brigadier Ogundipe who just because a Northern army sergeant refused his orders and barked back at him, he threw down his pistol, fled and took refuge on one of Nigeria’s Naval Ship. And from there, he fled to London on self-imposed exile. After Brigadier Ogundipe made his dash for refuge and safety in London, the next in lines of succession to General Ironsi were Brigadiers Bassey, Ekpo and Col. Adebayo. The Northern mutineers refused any of them to succeed General Ironsi.
      Henceforth, indiscipline pervaded the ranks and file of the Nigeria Army; the repercussions of which were the 1966 pogrom against the people of the Eastern Region, particularly the Igbo all over the North; failure to implement an agreed Accord in Aburi, Ghana that was to have averted secession; the Declaration of Biafra; the Federal Government declaration of war and invasion of Biafra. In addition were six more coups two of which failed and four succeeded. Two of the failed coups saw the retributive merciless killings of some of the best military personnel in the Nigeria Army; especially, the failed Dimka coup in which most of the officers and men killed were from the Middle-Belt. Similar killings happened in the failed coup to oust the evil genius, IBB. Also, factor in the military aviation disaster during the same IBB’s regime in which the cream de la crop of the Nigeria Military were killed. And finally, the near “Failure State Status” that Nigeria has remained since those years are all attributable to the break down in discipline and respect for senior ranks which Ojukwu fought very hard to avert.
      Country man Rotimi, if you really believe in facts, those are the facts which you left out in your piece. Hope you may now revise your priors.
      Mazi KC Prince Asagwara
      From: []
      Sent: September-24-14 10:20 AM
      Subject: Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] RE: Dan Akusobi: Re: Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay
      I read you loud and clear. Matter of history is about exactitude and not to be subjected to conjecture.
      You and I have found ourselves on the same side with vociferous support for GMB because it is our conviction.
      I should not be gored into moving with the crowd - as regards an assertion- when the facts of history are clearly against it.
      Let us chronicle the events:
      1, As Lt. Col, Ojukwu was CO of the 5th Batallion in Kano before the January 15, 1966 coup.
      2, After the abortive coup, he was appointed (on 19th January, 1966) military governor of the Eastern region while Major General Ironsi was Head of State.
      3, On 24th May, 1966, Ironsi government promulgated the Unification decree which effectively removed the nation's federal structure and replaced it with a Unitary structure that effectively made the central government the governing authority over the Nation state with the regions/states as mere appendages!
      4, On 29th July, 1966, Lt Col Yakubu Gowon became Head of State after a successful counter coup.
      5, On 3rd August, 1966, Chief Obafemi Awolowo was released from Prison and Gowon, as Head of State, was at the Lagos end to welcome him. Shortly afterwards, he was appointed Federal commissioner for Finance and Vice chair, federal executive council.
      6, Lt. Col. CO. Ojukwu was Military governor of Eastern region until 27TH MAY, 1967 (with the Ahiala declaration of the republic of Biafra).
      These are the FACTS.
      1, When Ironsi was Head of State, did Ojukwu defer to him? Or was he fully in charge, away from the superintending control of Gen. Ironsi?
      2, If Ojukwu deferred to Ironsi as Head of State, why is it difficult to comprehend that, without a coup or mutiny, he could not have refused the superintending control of Gowon?
      I tend to believe that it was Gowon who gave the order for Awo's release but Ojukwu facilitated it.
      Rotimi Fashakin
      On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 2:04 PM, " [NIgerianWorldForum]" <> wrote:
      OJUKWU: We’ve said this over and over again, so many times, and people don’t understand; they don’t want to actually. If you remember, I released Awolowo from jail. Even that, some people are beginning to contest as well. Awo was in jail in Calabar. Gowon knows and the whole of the federal establishment knows that at no point was Gowon in charge of the East. The East took orders from me. Now, how could Gowon have released Awolowo who was in Calabar? Because of the fact that I released him, it created quite a lot of rapport between Awo and myself and I know that before he went back to Ikenne, I set up a hotline between Ikenne and my bedroom in Enugu. He tried like an elder statesman to find a solution. Awolowo is a funny one. Don’t forget that the political purpose of the coup, the Ifeajuna coup that began all this, was to hand power over to Awo. angryangryangryangryangryangryangryangryWe young men respected him a great deal. He was a hero. I thought he was a hero and certainly I received him when I was governor. We talked and he was very vehement when he saw our complaints and he said that if the Igbos were forced out by Nigeria that he would take the Yorubas out also. I don’t know what anybody makes of that statement but it is simple. Whether he did or didn’t, it is too late. There is nothing you can do about it. So, he said this and I must have made some appropriate responses too. But it didn’t quite work out the way that we both thought. Awolowo, evidently, had a constant review of the Yoruba situation and took different path. That’s it. I don’t blame him for it. I have never done.

      Posted by: rotimi fashakin <>

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      Vin Otuonye

      Sep 26, 2014, 12:51:24 AM9/26/14
      to, africanworldforum@google,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,, Eugene Iwuamanam,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,, Pius Ayinor,, Edo Global,,,,, joe igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude,, idowu,, Imo Congress,, okonkwonetworks, Wharfery Snake, Nebukadineze Adiele, NWF,
      Please note Ayo Ojutalayo is the one that started this thread. He is the one that lied that Gowon released Awo. All we did is just point him to the truth: Ojukwu not Gowon released Awo.
      But really, people like you are very tribalistic. You derive joy when people promote your tribe and say things like how good the Yoruba are as host, however, you don't even have the decency to give others credit. Igbophobia is a disease. Don't let it eat you.

      Subject: Re: [develop-nigeria] Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison
      Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 13:11:17 -0400
      CC:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IG.\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

      Ezeana Igirigi Achusim

      Sep 26, 2014, 1:09:53 AM9/26/14
      to,,,, Imo Congress, africanworldforum@google, naijaintellects,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,,, Esan Forum
      You are ignoring the point that the north wanted Awo to rot in jail, where they worked aggressively to send him. You are also ignoring the role Igbo played in making sure Awo spent the time in a comfortable jail in Calabar. You are also ignoring the fact that even though the north did not want Awo released, Gowon know the fallout that would follow if it was made known that Gowon did not want Awo released. If you think the north and Gowon cared about Awo and the Yoruba, how come Awo was not president? Was it not Ojukwu who released Awo that stated that Awo was the best president Nigeria never had? 

      It is an open secret that no one cares to give  Igbo any credit for any work well done. The railways are not running because Igbo say so. If railways were to run tomorrow because the Igbo say so, nobody will give Igbo the credit. 24/7 electricity is a dream, because Igbo say so. Should Igbo make 24/7 electricity happen, no one will give them credit. 

      Awo got released because Igbo said so. Siro got fried because Igbo did nothing. QED. 

      And I am

      Ezeana Igirigi Achusim
      Nwa Dim Orioha 

      Sent from my iPhone

      Posted by: Wilson Iguade <>
      Reply via web post Reply to sender


      Okechukwu Okonjo

      Sep 26, 2014, 1:15:46 AM9/26/14
      to,,,,, Imo Congress, naijaintellects,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,,, Esan Forum
      Senseless discussion. It is simple - Awo was an outright bastard, Ojukwu an eventual asshole, and Adekunle mentally retarded ...You people should be using your energy for organizing your "tribes" (I'd rather say 'nations') as Nigeria packs up, instead of this endless senseless debate. 


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      Okechukwu Okonjo

      Sep 26, 2014, 1:18:20 AM9/26/14
      to,, rotfash, NWF, Vin Otuonye, <>, <>, <>, Imo Congress, <>, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake, <>, okonkwonetworks, <>,,
      Senseless discussion. It is simple - Awo was an outright bastard, Ojukwu an eventual asshole, and Adekunle mentally retarded ...You people should be using your energy for organizing your "tribes" (I'd rather say 'nations') as Nigeria packs up, instead of this endless senseless debate. 

      Okechukwu Okonjo

      Sep 26, 2014, 1:21:01 AM9/26/14
      to, nigeriaworld,,,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,,,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,,,, Edo Global,,,, Joseph (CDC/OID/NCPDCID) Igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui, gukaegbu@comcast net, Val Ojo,,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude, Odua,, idowubobo@yahoo com, info
      Senseless discussion. It is simple - Awo was an outright bastard, Ojukwu an eventual asshole, and Adekunle mentally retarded ...You people should be using your energy for organizing your "tribes" (I'd rather say 'nations') as Nigeria packs up, instead of this endless senseless debate. 

      Bar. Obla

      Sep 26, 2014, 1:36:52 AM9/26/14
      to Vin Otuonye,, africanworldforum@google,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,, Eugene Iwuamanam,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,, Pius Ayinor,, Edo Global,,,,, joe igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude,, idowu,, Imo Congress,, okonkwonetworks, Wharfery Snake, Nebukadineze Adiele, NWF,
      Chief Obafemi Awolowo was released from Calabar on the 3rd August 1966 on the order of General Yakubu Gowon not The then Military Governor of the Eastern Group of Provinces, Colonel Chukwuemeka Ojukwu.sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
      From: Vin Otuonye
      Sent: Friday, 26 September 2014 05:51
      To:; africanworldforum@google
      Cc:;;;; Chidi Igwe;;; igbo events; Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso; Abraham Madu; Dominic Ogbonna;; Tajudeen Raji;; Eugene Iwuamanam;; Anthony Momah; Olushola Fashedemi;; Pius Ayinor;; Edo Global;;;;; joe igietseme; Charles Maduka; Nowa Omoigui;;;; Johnson Anyadike;;; 'Segun Olude;; idowu;; Imo Congress;; okonkwonetworks; Wharfery Snake; Nebukadineze Adiele; NWF;
      Subject: RE: Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

      Ezeana Igirigi Achusim

      Sep 26, 2014, 2:01:12 AM9/26/14
      to, africanworldforum@google, Wilson Iguade, Rex Marinus,,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,, Esan Forum

      Yep. We have a life o. We know that you and other Adekunle praise singers are sorry to see that we have a life. 

      And I am

      Ezeana Igirigi Achusim
      Nwa Dim Orioha 

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Sep 25, 2014, at 9:26 PM, "'Otito L. Koro' [NIgerianWorldForum]" <> wrote:


      Do you guys have a life???

      The civil war ended over 40 years ago. Please get over it,  and move on! 

      Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

      -------- Original message --------
      From: "Vin Otuonye [NIgerianWorldForum]" <>
      Date:09/25/2014 7:23 PM (GMT-08:00)
      To: "africanworldforum@google" <>,Wilson Iguade <>
      Subject: [NIgerianWorldForum] RE: Vin: Obi Nwakanma: What to remember: Re: Ojukwu released Awo from Prison


      >  Nwakanma: What to remember: Re: Ojukwu released Awo from
      >  Prison;

      >  Folks,
      >  Please read below, I hate to be PLAIN, one of them
      >  is a LIAR, you be the judge. (Boldfaced
      >  mine).
      >  "There was never a time from August 1 1967
      >  that Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos or took
      >  orders that were effected in the East. This is the crucial
      >  point." . . . Obi Nwakanma
      >  VERSUS
      >  "there was
      >  never a time after the July 29, 1966 coup that
      >  Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos and took orders
      >  that were effected in the East." By Vin
      >  Which is it - August 1st
      >  1967Or July 29th, 1966
      >  Folks, this is why I do not take part in this
      >  bullshit: Awo/Ojukwu/Zik or happenings of the 1950s/1960s
      >  Nigeria DEBATE, because one does not know who to trust. Even
      >  reputable historians are biased given how their perspectives
      >  are informed.
      >  God help us. "I"

      >  Sent from my iPhone
      >  On Sep 25, 2014, at 7:50 PM, "Vin Otuonye" <>

      >  wrote:

      >  Ayo:
      >  You tire me sef. Gowon is still alive. Do yourself
      >  a big favor. Go interview Gowon and asked him who
      >  released Awo. In fact, add this to it: there was never a
      >  time after the July 29, 1966 coup that Ojukwu
      >  recognized the authority in Lagos and took orders that were
      >  effected in the East.
      >  Vin
      >  Date: Thu, 25 Sep
      >  Subject: Obi Nwakanma: What to remember: Re: Ojukwu released
      >  Awo from Prison

      >  Thursday, September 25, 2014 2:56 PM
      >   Subject: RE:
      >  Stevek: Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from
      >  Prison
      >  Stevek, the late Justice Sowemimo clarified his
      >  position in a published interview in the late 1980s, on
      >  what he meant by his hands were tied. He did say that as a
      >  Judge, the weight of the evidence before him made it
      >  impossible for him not to dispense justice in spite of
      >  the caliber of the man before him. He was no
      >  "apologizing" to Awo, and he was clear on that
      >  fact; he was simply sorry for Awo. Those are two different
      >  situations.
      >  And Ayo,
      >  whether Ojukwu released Awo or not is material at this point
      >  only as a way of situating the politics of that
      >  history. You have hinted that Ojukwu would have used
      >  the occasion for a photo-op. But consider the

      >  following: that (a) on 3 August 1966, Awo was
      >  inconsequential to the general thrust of Ojukwu's
      >  work and the unfolding national event. Awo was not in
      >  power, and he was at best a factional leader of one of the
      >  two factions of the political divisions in Western Nigeria.
      >  The Ladoke Akintola faction, who were the primary targets of
      >  the Fajuyi regime in Ibadan, and potentially the direct
      >  beneficiaries of the murder of Fajuyi and naturally
      >  allies of the July coup would certainly not rejoice at
      >  that prospect; (b) It was not in Ojukwu's interest

      >  to make a great show of Awo's release, given
      >  that every intelligence report available to Gowon and
      >  the northern political leadership as at that
      >  period still considered the January 15, 1966 coup an
      >  Igbo/Yoruba coup (UPGA coup they called it) of which the
      >  chief beneficiary was to be Awo. In fact, to make a photo-op

      >  of the event of releasing Awo would have given validity to
      >  the action of the coup makers, given that Awo's release
      >  that August violated every reason and the primary mission of
      >  the July 29 coup from the standpoint of the leaders of that
      >  coup.  In any case, it will be up to you

      >  to believe either Robert Adeyinka Adebayo or Sam Aluko,
      >  given the two accounts in which they've alluded to the
      >  Awo release: one a direct quote (Aluko).
      >  I'd like to revise
      >  my time-line, for indeed Gown made his first broadcast on
      >  August 1, 1966 (in which he had made reference to the
      >  unsustainability of the Nigerian Federation). I did mix up
      >  the time-line slightly, working from my misreading of
      >  Peter Enahoro's "Why I Left Nigeria" published
      >  in the Transition Magazine of 1968. It is true that
      >  Gowon made a broadcast in the morning of Tuesday
      >  August 1, the same day Major Ekanem was shot on Carter
      >  Bridge; in the evening of August 1, Ojukwu countered with a
      >  broadcast rejecting Gowon's authority. He was in control
      >  of the East from then on, and the command of the
      >  Nigerian Army had collapsed. The only power in the East that
      >  had the authority to release Awo was Ojukwu, because the
      >  Federal government was in a state of transition; there was
      >  no government, at least from the point of view of the
      >  government in the East.  This is precisely
      >  the reason that both sides went to war. There was never a
      >  time from August 1 1967 that Ojukwu recognized the authority
      >  in Lagos or took orders that were effected in the East. This
      >  is the crucial point. But, what the heck, it is unlikely to
      >  make sense to you.
      >  Obi Nwakanma

      >  Date: Thu, 25
      >  Sep 2014 12:27:49 +0000
      >  From:
      >  To:;
      >  Subject: Stevek: Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu
      >  released Awo from Prison

      >  Stevek,
      >  You started this "Ojukwu released Awo";
      >  and I asked if you meant it or you were kidding but you did
      >  not reply. I hope you now know the truth if you did not
      >  before now. Ayo Ojutalayo
      >          From: 'Stevek'
      >  via AfricanWorldForum <>
      >   To: Ezeana Igirigi
      >  Achusim <>;
      >   Sent: Thursday,
      >  September 25, 2014 8:05 AM

      >   Subject: Re:
      >  [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison
      >  purposes. Stevek.Washington, DC,

      >  USA
      >  A society of supine lambs breeds
      >  erect wolves. -
      >  Stevek
      >  A wise man proportions his
      >  beliefs to the evidence - David
      >   Hume
      >   From: 'Ezeana
      >  Igirigi Achusim' via OkonkwoNetworks <>
      >   Subject: Re:
      >   [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison
      >  Siro
      >  Wiwa was not released. If he was, Ayo would not give credit
      >  to Igbo who could have engineered his release. If Awo was
      >  not released, Ayo would not have the opportunity to not give
      >  Igbo the credit.
      >  I wonder who convicted Awo? Did Ayo
      >  know where the northerners wanted Awo to serve his sentence
      >  so they could sock it to him? Did Ayo know that
      >   Easterners intervened and had Awo serve his sentence
      >  in the East?
      >  At
      >  the time the events were unfolding, no one was thinking
      >  about Ayo giving credit to Igbo. Betrayal of Igbo by the
      >  very persons who benefitted from Igbo generosity is not new
      >  or isolated. Did Aluko not find refuge in Igbo land with his
      >  family when the SW was unsafe for them? £20 for Igbo
      >  fortune was a gross betrayal. Leave Ayo alone. Siro Wiwa
      >   could have been saved. But Igbo did not kill him. Who knows
      >  what will happen tomorrow. We learn from experience. But it
      >  is good to be good. If we were to do it again, would Ojukwu
      >  release Awo? You bet.

      >  And I am
      >  Ezeana Igirigi
      >  AchusimOdi-IsaaNwa Dim
      >  OjutalayoFrom: africanherald via AfricanWorldForum
      >   take advice/counsel from those in the Know. Take careNwachukwu  -----Original Message-----

      >  From: Vin Otuonye <>
      >  To: africanworldforum@google <>;
      >  rotfash <>; NWF <>;
      >  ayoojutalayo <>; Vin Otuonye
      >  <>
      >  Cc: develop-nigeria <>;
      >  ogbunwezeh <>; Imo Congress
      >  <>;
      >  roteemee <>; Nebukadineze Adiele
      >  <>; Wharfery Snake
      >  <>; jokwara <>; okonkwonetworks
      >   <>;
      >  ogbuonyiero <>
      >  Sent: Wed, Sep 24, 2014 11:45 am
      >  Subject: Ojukwu released Awo from
      >  PrisonAyo:
      >  Please read the interview below Rudolph Okonkwo
      >  had with Ojukwu in November 2011. Let's tell the truth
      >  and shame the devil. I wonder what you and Rotimi Fashakin
      >  have to say now.
      >  Enjoy reading the interview.My Last Interview With Dim

      >  Chukwuemeka Ojukwu - Rudolf Okonkwo In June of this year, in the midst
      >  of the controversies surrounding Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu
      >  Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an
      >  interview with Ikemba. by SaharaAdminFour

      >  Nov 26,
      >  2011 In June of this
      >  year,
      >   in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim
      >  Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of
      >  mine proposed an interview with
      >  Ikemba.He worked to

      Posted by: "Otito L. Koro" <>


      Joe Attueyi

      Sep 26, 2014, 3:22:15 AM9/26/14
      to,, nigeriaworld,,,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,,,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,,,, Edo Global,,,, Joseph (CDC/OID/NCPDCID) Igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui, gukaegbu@comcast net, Val Ojo,,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude, Odua,, idowubobo@yahoo com, info
      1, After the fact of the January 15, 1966, the coup leader, Major Kaduna Chukwuma Nzeogwu had a considerable measure of success in the North. In short, he was firmly in control in the North! But the Coup was not so successful in the South, of course because of the ethnically-biased compromised position of folks like Majors Emmanuel Ifeajuna and Okafor. For about three days, Nzeogwu did not get any meaningful word from his colleagues in the South. Meanwhile, his troops needed food and some necessities. So, he sent some officers to  Lt Col. Ojukwu, the CO of 5th Batallion in Kano for assistance. These officers were detained! Promptly, Nzeogwu put together a crack team headed by Major Onwuatuegi  to silence the dissent from Kano. It took the intervention of Lt. Col. Alexander Madiebo, an Artillery officer of Igbo extraction, for a major catastrophe to be averted! See, Nzeogwu was a Major and Ojukwu, a Lt. Col., the fact that a Coup had taken place which put Nzeogwu in superintending control of the Army, in the North, everyone needed to defer to him.

      1) NZEOGWU led a coup. Needed supplies. Sent his men to Ojukwu. Ojukwu promptly detained the men.  

      And this is your first example of proof that '...when a coup has taken place, there are many imponderables. One of these is who bears rule does not matter anymore. What matters is that everyone MUST defer to him!

      Naija people sef na wao for una. So how did Ojukwu defer to NZEOGWU ?

      If you want to defend Ogundipe scampering to London or Adebayo deferring to Gowon , you should do better than this crappy example #1 IMHO

      Sent from my Iphone


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      Posted by: rotimi fashakin <>


      Joe Attueyi

      Sep 26, 2014, 3:55:13 AM9/26/14
      to, Vin Otuonye,, africanworldforum@google,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,, Eugene Iwuamanam,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,, Pius Ayinor,, Edo Global,,,,, joe igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude,, idowu,, Imo Congress,, okonkwonetworks, Wharfery Snake, Nebukadineze Adiele, NWF,
      Can you help those of us seeking the truth of history understand this better:

      1) so who effected this order by Gowon? Since Ojukwu was in charge of Eastern region and never accepted Gowon's authority as head of state?

      2) do you know whether the Feds under Gowon sent some federal marshals from Lagos to effect this order?

      3) What should one make of Prof Sam Aluko statement that contradicts yours. Given that Prof Aluko was in the East at this point in time and a regular visitor to Awo in Calabar , are you saying Prof Aluko is lying?


      Sent from my Iphone


      Posted by: "Bar. Obla" <>



      Sep 26, 2014, 6:30:39 AM9/26/14
      to, Odua,,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,, Eugene Iwuamanam,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,, Pius Ayinor,, Edo Global,,,,, joe igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude,, idowu,, Imo Congress,, okonkwonetworks, Wharfery Snake, Nebukadineze Adiele, NWF,
      "By the time Awo issue cools down they will raise another boiling topic about the Yorubas their "sworn enemy" Before you know it their boundary would have been at Enun Owa, Ooduduwa Palace at Ile-Ife." Alagba Adetule.

      Afis comment:  Good points made by Alagba Adetule below Vin Otuonye's moronic tantrums!
      You say let's stop this nonsense, Igbo morons jump in and will state: 
      "But really, people like you are very tribalistic. You derive joy when people promote your tribe and say things like how good the Yoruba are as host, however, you don't even have the decency to give others credit. Igbophobia is a disease."....Vin Otunoye.

      Alagba Adetule, we have much much more more bigger and badder problems on our hands ojare.
      Remember the Ijaw terrorists brought into Ekiti to rig elections?
      Please leave these Igbos alone, let them wallow in their Arguments to St Nowhere, let's focus on Ekiti for now.
      Sent from my iPad

      Rich Adetule

      Sep 26, 2014, 7:39:21 AM9/26/14
      to, nigeriaworld,,,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,,,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,,,, Edo Global,,,, Joseph (CDC/OID/NCPDCID) Igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui, gukaegbu@comcast net, Val Ojo,,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude, Odua,, idowubobo@yahoo com, info
      My bro 
      You should have gone to have your sound sleep jeje. No matter your spiritual efforts, convincing facts and figures and scholarly presentation of process and procedure in the Military high Command, our colleagues or brothers across the Niger now claiming part of Benin Kingdom will still bring the matter up on or before December 31st mid-night 2014.  

      Go sleep and I wish you sweet dreams.  

      Sent from my iPhone


      Sep 26, 2014, 7:39:28 AM9/26/14
      to, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,,, Omo Oodua, Rex Marinus,,,,,,,,,,,,,
      "Just remember the following, and update your History:
      - that Gowon effectively took over as Head of State on the 1st of August  1967
      -  that Awo was released on the 3rd of August 1967
      - that a plane went from Lagos (not Enugu) to pick Awo from Calabar federal prison
      - that Gowon sent despatch riders to bring Awo from the Ikeja Airport
      - that the first point of call of Awo in Lagos was Gowon's temporary office at the Ikeja Garrison
      - that Awo thanked Gowon for releasing him from prison
      - that Awo's transportation to Ikenne was arranged by Gowon.
      I salute you."
       Ayo Ojutalayo

      Alagba Ojutalayo, you said well. More grease to your elbow.

      On Thursday, September 25, 2014, 'Ayo Ojutalayo' via AfricanWorldForum <> wrote:
      "There was never a time from August 1 1967 that Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos or took orders that were effected in the East. This is the crucial point." . . . Obi Nwakanma


      Just remember the following, and update your History:
      - that Gowon effectively took over as Head of State on the 1st of August  1967
      that Awo was released on the 3rd of August 1967
      - that a plane went from Lagos (not Enugu) to pick Awo from Calabar federal prison
      - that Gowon sent despatch riders to bring Awo from the Ikeja Airport
      - that the first point of call of Awo in Lagos was Gowon's temporary office at the Ikeja Garrison
      - that Awo thanked Gowon for releasing him from prison
      - that Awo's transportation to Ikenne was arranged by Gowon.

      I salute you.
      Ayo Ojutalayo

      Subject: RE: Stevek: Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

      Stevek, the late Justice Sowemimo clarified his position in a published interview in the late 1980s, on what he meant by his hands were tied. He did say that as a Judge, the weight of the evidence before him made it impossible for him not to dispense justice in spite of the caliber of the man before him. He was no "apologizing" to Awo, and he was clear on that fact; he was simply sorry for Awo. Those are two different situations.
      And Ayo, whether Ojukwu released Awo or not is material at this point only as a way of situating the politics of that history. You have hinted that Ojukwu would have used the occasion for a photo-op. But consider the following: that (a) on 3 August 1966, Awo was inconsequential to the general thrust of Ojukwu's work and the unfolding national event. Awo was not in power, and he was at best a factional leader of one of the two factions of the political divisions in Western Nigeria. The Ladoke Akintola faction, who were the primary targets of the Fajuyi regime in Ibadan, and potentially the direct beneficiaries of the murder of Fajuyi and naturally allies of the July coup would certainly not rejoice at that prospect; (b) It was not in Ojukwu's interest to make a great show of Awo's release, given that every intelligence report available to Gowon and the northern political leadership as at that period still considered the January 15, 1966 coup an Igbo/Yoruba coup (UPGA coup they called it) of which the chief beneficiary was to be Awo. In fact, to make a photo-op of the event of releasing Awo would have given validity to the action of the coup makers, given that Awo's release that August violated every reason and the primary mission of the July 29 coup from the standpoint of the leaders of that coup.  In any case, it will be up to you to believe either Robert Adeyinka Adebayo or Sam Aluko, given the two accounts in which they've alluded to the Awo release: one a direct quote (Aluko).
      I'd like to revise my time-line, for indeed Gown made his first broadcast on August 1, 1966 (in which he had made reference to the unsustainability of the Nigerian Federation). I did mix up the time-line slightly, working from my misreading of Peter Enahoro's "Why I Left Nigeria" published in the Transition Magazine of 1968. It is true that Gowon made a broadcast in the morning of Tuesday August 1, the same day Major Ekanem was shot on Carter Bridge; in the evening of August 1, Ojukwu countered with a broadcast rejecting Gowon's authority. He was in control of the East from then on, and the command of the Nigerian Army had collapsed. The only power in the East that had the authority to release Awo was Ojukwu, because the Federal government was in a state of transition; there was no government, at least from the point of view of the government in the East.  This is precisely the reason that both sides went to war. There was never a time from August 1 1967 that Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos or took orders that were effected in the East. This is the crucial point. But, what the heck, it is unlikely to make sense to you.
      Obi Nwakanma


      You started this "Ojukwu released Awo"; and I asked if you meant it or you were kidding but you did not reply. I hope you now know the truth if you did not before now.
      Ayo Ojutalayo

      From: 'Stevek' via AfricanWorldForum <>
      Subject: Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

      Awolowo was convicted by a Yorubaman, Hon. Justice Sodeinde Sowemimo, in 1963, who apologized to Awolowo during the sentencing that his hands were tied.
      To show his own travails during the trial, he wrote a book titled, 'My Lord, What a Morning' after a Christian hymn that had the following refrain and words after the trial ended:
      My Lord, what a morning!
      My Lord, what a morning!
      O my Lord, what a morning!
      When the stars begin to fall.
      1 You will hear the trumpet sound,
      To wake the nations underground,
      Looking to my God’s right hand,
      When the stars begin to fall.
      2 You will hear the sinner cry,
      To wake the nations underground,
      Looking to my God’s right hand,
      When the stars begin to fall.
      3 You will hear the Christian shout,
      To wake the nations underground,
      Looking to my God’s right hand,
      When the stars begin to fall.
      From the lyrics, one can glean that sentencing Awolowo to 10 years that day was very traumatic to Hon. Justice Sowemimo and against his will. That means he was toio much of a good jurist to ignore the overwhelming evidence or he was doing the will of a more powerful force that wanted to see Awo jailed.
      If the reason was because of the compelling powerful force, then all should understand Awolowo's starge behavior after release from prison because the same compelling force was there; only this time, it was even more compelling because it had guns and freedom to kill!
      The story of the Nigerian Civil War is a lot more complicated than the Ayos - on one side, and the Ezeana's - on the other side make it appear to suit their own narrow purposes.
      Washington, DC, USA

      A society of supine lambs breeds erect wolves. - Stevek
      A wise man proportions his beliefs to the evidence - David Hume

      Subject: Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison
      Siro Wiwa was not released. If he was, Ayo would not give credit to Igbo who could have engineered his release. If Awo was not released, Ayo would not have the opportunity to not give Igbo the credit. 

      I wonder who convicted Awo? Did Ayo know where the northerners wanted Awo to serve his sentence so they could sock it to him? Did Ayo know that  Easterners intervened and had Awo serve his sentence in the East? 

      At the time the events were unfolding, no one was thinking about Ayo giving credit to Igbo. Betrayal of Igbo by the very persons who benefitted from Igbo generosity is not new or isolated. Did Aluko not find refuge in Igbo land with his family when the SW was unsafe for them? £20 for Igbo fortune was a gross betrayal. Leave Ayo alone. Siro Wiwa could have been saved. But Igbo did not kill him. Who knows what will happen tomorrow. We learn from experience. But it is good to be good. If we were to do it again, would Ojukwu release Awo? You bet. 

      And I am

      Ezeana Igirigi Achusim
      Nwa Dim Orioha 

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Sep 24, 2014, at 5:09 PM, "Gregg Ukaegbu" <> wrote:

      Common sense tells us that Awo would visit first, the person that released him. Ayo
      To get Ikeja, Awo must first get out of the Eastern Region.
      Awo can’t get out of Eastern Nigeria without Ojukwu’s formal release and permission to travel—that’s what common sense says, not the gibberish in red above.
      To get out of prison and fly out of Eastern Region, Ojukwu must approve.
      This is getting silly and foolish. 
      (I think Ojukwu and Awo met in Calabar prison before the release, I’m not sure but will check into it)
      That Ojukwu said he released Awo does not mean that he released Awo. Common sense tells us that Awo would visit first, the person that released him. That was why Awo went to Ikeja to meet with Gowon, and NOT to Enugu to meet with Ojukwu. Gowon released Awo, and sent a plane to bring him to Ikeja Garrison.
      Ayo Ojutalayo
      "OJUKWU: We’ve said this over and over again, so many times, and people don’t understand; they don’t want to actually. If you remember, I released Awolowo from jail. Even that, some people are beginning to contest as well. Awo was in jail in Calabar. Gowon knows and the whole of the federal establishment knows that at no point was Gowon in charge of the East. The East took orders from me. Now, how could Gowon have released Awolowo who was in Calabar? Because of the fact that I released him, it created quite a lot of rapport between Awo and myself and I know that before he went back to Ikenne, I set up a hotline between Ikenne and my bedroom in Enugu. He tried like an elder statesman to find a solution. Awolowo is a funny one. Don’t forget that the political purpose of the coup, the Ifeajuna coup that began all this, was to hand power over to Awo. We young men respected him a great deal. He was a hero. I thought he was a hero and certainly I received him when I was governor. We talked and he was very vehement when he saw our complaints and he said that if the Igbos were forced out by Nigeria that he would take the Yorubas out also. I don’t know what anybody makes of that statement but it is simple. Whether he did or didn’t, it is too late. There is nothing you can do about it. So, he said this and I must have made some appropriate responses too. But it didn’t quite work out the way that we both thought. Awolowo, evidently, had a constant review of the Yoruba situation and took different path. That’s it. I don’t blame him for it. I have never done," Rudolf Okonkwo.
      Thanks Vin.  I hope this would rest Ayo's hallucination and revision of history.  I had wanted to redirect him early, but I thought it unnecessary as he doesn't want to learn the truth or take advice/counsel from those in the Know.
      Take care
      -----Original Message-----
      From: Vin Otuonye <>
      To: africanworldforum@google <>; rotfash <>; NWF <>; ayoojutalayo <>; Vin Otuonye <>
      Cc: develop-nigeria <>; ogbunwezeh <>; Imo Congress <>; roteemee <>; Nebukadineze Adiele <>; Wharfery Snake <>; jokwara <>; okonkwonetworks <>; ogbuonyiero <>
      Sent: Wed, Sep 24, 2014 11:45 am
      Subject: Ojukwu released Awo from Prison
      Please read the interview below Rudolph Okonkwo had with Ojukwu in November 2011. Let's tell the truth and shame the devil. I wonder what you and Rotimi Fashakin have to say now.
      Enjoy reading the interview.
      My Last Interview With Dim Chukwuemeka Ojukwu - Rudolf Okonkwo
      In June of this year, in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an interview with Ikemba.



      Sep 26, 2014, 7:50:05 AM9/26/14
      to, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,,, Omo Oodua, Rex Marinus,,,,,,,,,,,,,

      We need to draw the shaft out of the wheat. If Ironsi and his SMC actually took a decision to release Awolowo a week before his assassination, it was rather belated, unknown and most probably unpopular idea for many in public domain. 

      Indeed, it was not known to my father as a Awolowo loyalist and close associate of Fajuyi probably because Fajuyi was busy preparing for Ironsi tour to the West at the time. Ordinarily, my father would have known about it and give the credit to Ironsi. He was very close to Fajuyi because they were relations at Ado-Ekiti and he was also Fajuyi's unofficial confidential adviser throughout his 6 months as Governor. He was also the Chief Mourner that delivered Ado-Ekiti community oration at Fajuyi's burial. The closeness of my father to Fajuyi was corroborated to me long ago by the late Samuel Asabia (former Deputy Governor of CBN), late Babatunde (former Private Secretary of Fajuyi) and Chief Ojo Falegan. 

      My father use to visit the Government House at Agodi most evenings when Fajuyi is at home to advise him on Government policies and memos presented for the Governor's consideration. If SMC actually approved it, it is either unknown to Fajuyi or Fajuyi was unable to divulge same to my father before he was assassinated with Ironsi. What my father knew was that many attempts earlier made by himself and other Awolowo loyalists to seek his release through Fajuyi and other sources were thwarted by Ironsi and SMC. 

      A turn around decision by Ironsi or SMC to release Awolowo might have been a strategy to finally bury the hatchet or to give Awolowo a conditional release. If Ironsi was to do it during his visit to Ibadan, maybe it was a TOP SECRET and to be ditched like a greek gift or as a surprise after putting the Yoruba leaders in suspense for so long. In fact such an act was an historical blunder on the part of Ironsi, because it was devoid of sincerity or best intention. To the best of knowledge of most participants and Yoruba leaders who eventually saw to Awolowo's release, General Adeyinka Adebayo took the credit because he pushed for it within a short period and Gowon conceded. 

      When someone wish to take credit for what someone else is about to do, he will not be seen to have stolen the idea if he also share the same intent and pursued it to a logical conclusion. How the New York Times got their own information is left to them, if it was true and not a sponsored propaganda. For us in this part, the one who ought to do it and delayed for so long is most likely seen as not being prepared or sincere about it. That is what makes the difference between Yakubu Gowon and JTU Aguiyi-Ironsi. 

      If actually Ironsi had the good intent, but it was Adebayo that delivered the good sauce through Gowon from records and information known to most people, Adebayo will be given the credit. Undisclosed intentions are likely to be thwarted since it is not in public domain. It is just a guess work. 

      The matter is even made pronounced by the fact that Adebayo continued to pursue steps to glorify Awolowo and to see to his elevation while working for the unity of Yoruba Leaders. That made it impossible for Awolowo to seek for the alternative dissolution of Nigeria, envisaged by Ojukwu during his visit to the East. In fact, Adebayo made sure that most Yoruba leaders share in the vision of Nigeria's unity rather than its dismemberment.

      Circumstances often change peoples intent when the tide doesn't seem to be favourable or more productive. That is another aspect of politics that we need to appreciate. Any aspiration unmade known at the appropriate time is only an alternative choice. Opportunity cost is a foregone alternative. 

      Let Nigeria move forward.

      Jadesola Babatola

      ''...Freedom does not consist in the dream of independence from natural laws, but in the knowledge of these laws,...freedom of the will, therefore, means nothing but the capacity to make decisions with knowledge of the subject...'' Engels
      ''...The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship without sacrifice...When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always...An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am prepared to kill for." - Mahatma Ghandi  


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      Vin Otuonye

      Sep 26, 2014, 7:56:47 AM9/26/14
      to Bar. Obla,, africanworldforum@google,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,, Eugene Iwuamanam,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,, Pius Ayinor,, Edo Global,,,,, joe igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude,, idowu,, Imo Congress,, okonkwonetworks, Wharfery Snake, Nebukadineze Adiele, NWF,

      Vin Otuonye

      Sep 26, 2014, 8:10:47 AM9/26/14
      to africanworldforum@google, NWF,,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,, Eugene Iwuamanam,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,, Pius Ayinor,, Edo Global,,,,, joe igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude,, idowu,, Imo Congress,, okonkwonetworks, Wharfery Snake, Nebukadineze Adiele,
      Joe, so you didn't know? Gowon sent Okoi to get Awo. Tell me, what is the difference between Okoi and Ayo Ojutalayo or rather, what do they have in common? Igbophobia. Hatred and/dislike for Igbo will kill is like a cancer growing inside some people. Ayo and Okoi have been infected.
      Vin Otuonye

      Subject: [africanworldforum] Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] Re: Ojukwu released Awo from Prison
      Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 08:54:32 +0100

      Joe Attueyi

      Sep 26, 2014, 8:17:51 AM9/26/14
      to, africanworldforum@google, NWF,,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,, Eugene Iwuamanam,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,, Pius Ayinor,, Edo Global,,,,, joe igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude,, idowu,, Imo Congress,, okonkwonetworks, Wharfery Snake, Nebukadineze Adiele,
      Bro, I am not sure exactly what Okoi's issue is. Ayo I understand. Anytime I read Okoi and remember that this man is supposed to be a lawyer, chief of his village, one time member of the national executive committee of a party that sought to rule Nigeria I shiver a little!


      Sent from my Iphone


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      Posted by: Vin Otuonye <>


      Wilson Iguade

      Sep 26, 2014, 8:21:06 AM9/26/14
      to,,,,, Imo Congress, naijaintellects,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,,, Esan Forum

      All Ezeana knows and will continue to know is "Igbo" based on my observations of his postings in the fora, the following have been noted:

      What color is the sky? Igbo.

      Jesus Christ is from what nation? Igbo

      Buddha was born in what nation? Igbo

      Who discovered USA? Igbo

      Who defeated Boko Haram? Igbo

      Who created drinkable water? Igbo

      Who was the first person to fly a plane? Igbo

      Who found the sun? Igbo

      Who raised the motion for Nigeria's independence? Igbo

      Which boxer fought Ali and was the only one that defeated Ali? Igbo

      Who can walk and chew gum at the same time while singing songs? Igbo

      Therefore, based on these notations, it is reasonably to conclude that Ezeana ONLY knows everything and nothing but "Igbo", an impressive limitation of knowledge given the reasoning and logic is nothing but Igbo, Igbo and more Igbo in Ezeana's Igbo world to a point now of diminishing returns. 

      Ezeana, believe it or not, is not helping the BRAND "Igbo". God bless. "I"

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      Vin Otuonye

      Sep 26, 2014, 9:11:03 AM9/26/14
      to africanworldforum@google, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,, igbo events, Omo Oodua, Rex Marinus,, NWF,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,
      Not more grease to his elbow but more grease to his mischievousness. When an old man refuse to stand for truth, you wonder if the world is coming to an end.
      Vin 'standing for the truth' Otuonye

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      Vin Otuonye

      Sep 26, 2014, 9:36:52 AM9/26/14
      to Imperial Merchant Trust Ltd,,, africanworldforum@google,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,, Eugene Iwuamanam,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,, Pius Ayinor,, Edo Global,,,, joe igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude,, idowu,, Imo Congress,, okonkwonetworks, Wharfery Snake, Nebukadineze Adiele, NWF,
      Don't be a coward. Use your real name. Imperial Merchant Trust Ltd is not a person's name. Besides, you don't know what the word "Absolute" means talk-less of the word "right".
      Vin Cool Breeze Otuonye

      Subject: Re: ||NaijaObserver|| Re: Ojukwu released Awo from Prison
      Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 14:24:10 +0100


      Sent from my iPad

      Posted by: "Bar. Obla" <>


      Vin Otuonye

      Sep 26, 2014, 9:42:32 AM9/26/14
      to africanworldforum@google, NWF,,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,, Eugene Iwuamanam,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,, Pius Ayinor,, Edo Global,,,,, joe igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude,, idowu,, Imo Congress,, okonkwonetworks, Wharfery Snake, Nebukadineze Adiele,
      My bro, this is what happens when some people allow their dislike for people (Ndigbo) eat them deep down.
      Also, you can now see why Okoi was beaten in the party's last primary. I feel bad for those who made him a chief in his village and I feel bad for his village. But in all honesty, you and I know that being a Chief means nothing. There are lots of 419 that are chiefs.
      On his being a lawyer, I'll withhold me comment for now.
      Vin Cool Breeze Otuonye

      Subject: [africanworldforum] Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] RE: Ojukwu released Awo from Prison
      Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 13:17:27 +0100

      daniel Akusobi

      Sep 26, 2014, 11:05:17 AM9/26/14
      to, naijaelections@yahoogroups com,,, imostate congress,, Tunji Timi Tola, naijaintellects@googlegroups com,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake, Jonas Okwara, okonkwonetworks, naijaobserver,,,, daniel Akusobi, Vin Otuonye, Eke Okoro

      Willie sef
      You just wrote a song and forgot to add:
      Who makes all the children in the world? Ans. Igbo.
      Who is God? Ans. Igbo.
      I think this thread is out living it's historical value.
      Can we take a short break and come back whenever OBJ joins Ojukwu and  Adekunle and Awo or we better send Ayo over there , the current residence of Awo, to record their voices and opinions on who took Awo out of jail.
      Jerome Iyang Yakubu Gowon will give him an express visa and ticket for the journey.
      I hereby withdraw my posting in which I had declared Awo an ingrate for biting the fingers that fed him. In that posting, I declared that Ojukwu released Awo from prison. Ayo  said I was wrong.
      You can see Willie that this Igbo thing is infectious. While praising you for your lyrics , I found myself proving you  right. Why do Nigeria had to wait for Igbos to be the pathfinders of everything you enumerated? I think all Nigerians are Igbo too because some things you did not mention , corruption for instance ,is not an Igbo invention but can be ascribed to them because they are the grand parents of other Nigerians that loot. Wha o!

      Hope you caught the jokes.
      Here is an epilog on these rants:

      Jerome Yakubu of Mahwah, has some extra Viagra and some cialis. He is ready to ship on demand. I hereby recommend he ships 7 tabs of Viagra each  to Afis and Ayo and Ola, and 2 to Nebu. Let them try them and report  back to us. Will caution them to try something different if they have had history of chest pain or use meds that prevent chest pain . Or if they weigh over 170 lbs respectively.
      Got to go and enjoy your day.

      Ayo Ojutalayo

      Sep 26, 2014, 11:25:31 AM9/26/14
      to, NWF,,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,, Eugene Iwuamanam,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,, Pius Ayinor,, Edo Global,,,,, joe igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude,, idowu,, Imo Congress,, okonkwonetworks, Wharfery Snake, Nebukadineze Adiele,

      You need to take time off the forums. Your language is unbecoming of you. You are now sounding like Nebu who we all know to lack manners when he writes. I remember reading you complained that Stevek refers to your profession in his writings. That is exactly what you have done here, referring to Okoi's personal life unnecessarily.
      Ayo Ojutalayo


      From: Vin Otuonye <>
      To: "africanworldforum@google" <>; NWF <>
      Cc: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; Chidi Igwe <>; "" <>; "" <>; igbo events <>; Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso <>; Abraham Madu <>; Dominic Ogbonna <>; "" <>; Tajudeen Raji <>; "" <>; Eugene Iwuamanam <>; "" <>; Anthony Momah <>; Olushola Fashedemi <>; "" <>; Pius Ayinor <>; "" <>; Edo Global <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; joe igietseme <>; Charles Maduka <>; Nowa Omoigui <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; Johnson Anyadike <>; "" <>; "" <>; 'Segun Olude <>; "" <>; idowu <>; "" <>; Imo Congress <>; "" <>; okonkwonetworks <>; Wharfery Snake <>; Nebukadineze Adiele <>; "" <>
      Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 9:42 AM
      Subject: [africanworldforum] RE: Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

      Wilson Iguade

      Sep 26, 2014, 11:43:01 AM9/26/14
      to, naijaelections@yahoogroups com,,, imostate congress,, Tunji Timi Tola, naijaintellects@googlegroups com,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake, Jonas Okwara, okonkwonetworks, naijaobserver,,,, daniel Akusobi, Vin Otuonye, Eke Okoro

      You are do sweet! I got it. Am a songwriter now, Naaaaa! 

      I don't think so, bro! Hehehe!

      We need to talk soon. God bless. "I"

      Sent from my iPhone


      Sep 26, 2014, 1:39:53 PM9/26/14
      to, NigerianWorldForum, Nmenme Ndiigbo,,,,, Imo Congress, naijaintellects,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,,, Esan Forum
      Were those an attempt in stand up comedy?
      You need to try again because you failed miserably.

      Last time you and Alhaji Okoi Obla were at each other's throats, I considered you a straight shooter.  Are you now saying that I was wrong?
      I just don't want to rush to judge you, but what in the world is going on in your head when you pecked the garbage below.

      Sent from my iPad

      Ezeana Igirigi Achusim

      Sep 26, 2014, 2:30:41 PM9/26/14
      to,,,,, Imo Congress, naijaintellects,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,,, Esan Forum

      All you have to do is state a contrary opinion civilly. If Jesus Christ is not Igbo, you tell us why he is not. You want me to toot your horn for you? It is not my fault that you don't have any horn to toot. 

      Let me tell you something else about the Igbo brand. It is kpom Kwem. The Igbo haters do not rely on what I write to try and tarnish the brand. Do you see the length they travel to prove that Ojukwu did not release Awo? Never mind that I was in the US, Siro Wiwa could have been spared execution if Igbo had intervened. If they did and Siro was spared, the same Igbo haters would downgrade the extent of Igbo involvement. 

      Here. Joe Igbokwe, Ozodi, and all the other Igbo in APC should be doing a lot more for the Igbo brand than my solitary self does against the brand in your opinion. But Igbo haters are deep seated and a million Joe Igbokwes and Ozodis will never have an impact on them. To visit his home town Nnewi, Joe has to drive on Lagos to Onitsha expressway and cross the Niger bridge. Why have you not fixed the road or bridge for his sake? You failed to do this because it has to do with Igbo. 

      On these same forum, you asserted that VC Aluko is not obligated to hire Igbo. I guess that was prompted by my disservice to the Igbo brand?

      Igbo are descendants of Adam and Eve. So was Jesus. Why is Jesus not Igbo? Look. Just read my posts over and over again before you respond. Or you will learn about a few things they forgot to teach in university classes. Tuition free. 

      Here is a question. Why do so many people hack on my email so often that my provider has to prompt me ever so often? The more the suckers hack, the more I know I am getting to them, and the more I tighten the screws. Otis Johnson will soon resurface and seize and spill the contents of computers used in the attempts. I got the death threats, and I have been waiting for the executioners. On these same forums. At least 2 people on these forums were privileged to read the death threats. To get to me , you have to drive or walk or fly. Need I say more? Ever heard of Igogo Ekiti or Eyin Ekiti or Dim Orioha? 

      And I am

      Ezeana Igirigi Achusim
      Nwa Dim Orioha 

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      Posted by: Wilson Iguade <>


      Wilson Iguade

      Sep 26, 2014, 2:30:58 PM9/26/14
      to, NigerianWorldForum, Nmenme Ndiigbo,,,, Imo Congress, naijaintellects,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,,, Esan Forum
      OE and Chief Ikechukwu N Agwu, let me say it this way - both of you are wrong and both of you are correct! 

      Hehehe! This is my version of "compromise", thus am giving credit to both of ya. Lol! 

      Lord have mercy on me. :)

      God bless. "I"

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Sep 26, 2014, at 1:23 PM, "Ikechukwu N. Agwu" <> wrote:

      Bro Wilson,
      You had won an oscar award for the best comedy in this fora. Your ward will be a bottle of Moët or any red wine of your choice. 
      I am proud to support your fictional utopian outlay as articulated below whether true or false that an Igbo invented everything inventible in Nigeria prior to 1966 and even now. 
      I always argue with my daughter that the Yorubas are more educated and progressive than Igbos. I will with bold face say hell no. She gave me some statistics based on her experience at university of Maryland college park? So, our children knows the fact with statistics but we the older men try to muffled  the truth from them. Sometimes, I may argue that they be the first but with time, we will exceed them and take over and ran with it. None made sense to her. 
      Igbo man will never be second regardless, I will tell her and this is final. 
      I believe in Igboness as superior being to the core. My opinion and only my humble self. It makes our life easy to some extend. 
      Life is good if you take it easy 

      Remain bless. 

      Chief Ikechukwu N Agwu
      Omereoha Nwachinemere

      Sent from my iPhone 4S

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      Wilson Iguade

      Sep 26, 2014, 2:59:08 PM9/26/14
      to Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,,,,,, Imo Congress, naijaintellects,, Nebukadineze Adiele,, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,,, Esan Forum

      Yours below was totally boring!!! Sorri O!

      Now, this is of interest to me:
      "Here is a question. Why do so many people hack on my email so often that my provider has to prompt me ever so often?"

      Response:  Ezeana, I have alerted this fora multiple times, desist from those email distributions in the fora that is not channeled VIA the respective forums. Put another way, do not "reply all" to those distributions where you see a long list of names and no forum name listed or maybe just one or two. This type distributions are fraudulent, because of the VIRUS or MALWARE it carries or implanted in the messages with some of those addresses used to cover viruses or malwares. So, when you "reply all" the bug(s) scan your computer for "whatever" information the malware or virus was intended to do. 

      I just read those postings and DELETE the sucker, if I reply, at all, I REMOVE the entire list of names and just send to the forums am a member of. 

      Again, what am saying my computer was HACKED numerous times via this TYPE fraudulent POSTINGS and upon seeking computer services multiple times I was advised on what I told you above. So, if you keep replying to those LONG LIST OF NAMES distribution postings that are ALSO not ARCHIVED to any forum because the crook involved do not want it ARCHIVED thus uses a bunch of names with "some" to hide viruses,   dat na your PALAVA.

      Don't say I have not helped an Igbo TOOT his/her horns. Peace! "I"

      Sent from my iPhone
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      peter opara

      Sep 26, 2014, 3:32:45 PM9/26/14
      to, africanworldforum@google, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,, igbo events, Omo Oodua, Rex Marinus,, NWF,,,,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,
      So IGUN IGUANA iguade, why engage or try to engage when you know nothing, and are so empty. You just shut up. That is what a moron like you should do keep off intelligent discourses oiled by living history facts.


      Posted by: Vin Otuonye <>


      Leye Ige

      Sep 26, 2014, 4:20:33 PM9/26/14
      to,, nigeriaworld,,,,,,, Chidi Igwe,,, igbo events, Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso, Abraham Madu, Dominic Ogbonna,, Tajudeen Raji,,,, Anthony Momah, Olushola Fashedemi,,,, Edo Global,,,, Joseph (CDC/OID/NCPDCID) Igietseme, Charles Maduka, Nowa Omoigui, gukaegbu@comcast net, Val Ojo,,,,, Johnson Anyadike,,, 'Segun Olude, Odua,, idowubobo@yahoo com, info
      "So how did Ojukwu defer to NZEOGWU ? If you want to defend Ogundipe scampering to London or Adebayo deferring to Gowon , you
      should do better than this crappy example #1 IMHO Joe"

      (1) A military coup is first and foremost a POLITICAL decision which is carried out with the aid of some sections of the armed forces; hence any response to it MUST be POLITICAL; otherwise it will be courting disaster--which is the foundation of war-lordism. That Ojukwu refused to obey Nzeogwu was NOT a function of military hierarchy/discipline but that of the then on-going coup attempt wherein there was, as at the time, no full understanding of who controlled POLITICAL power in the south, which was why Nzeogwu sent in his reinforcement to Kano. And WHY would Ojukwu ensconce himself in Kano and not send troops to contain Nzeogwu BUT Nzeogwu did send in his own troops to contain Ojukwu in Kano?
      (2) Ogundipe and Adebayo responded POLITICALLY, as they ought to: Of course, Ogundipe would be stupid to assume "control" of a mutinous entity in his own frontyard; the consultations between Adebayo and the Yoruba leaders were based on the conditionality of getting Awo out of jail WHILE the subject of Nigeria would be tackled as time went on; for it was very clear that the problems as at that time had EVERYTHING to do do the 1962 contrived crisis in the West. Unlike the militarist in Ojukwu who responded militarily to a POLITICAL issue, which also shows that Biafra was not about securing self-determination for the Igbo but for taking over Nigeria. Otherwise, while an Adebayo and the Yoruba did NOT hanker after who controls the Army but went for what they considered the most important POLITICAL issue of the day, Ojukwu was all about "seniority" in the Army; an army already bastardized by the January 1966 coup and its fall-out. For WITHOUT the POLITICAL
      settlement, the army would be useless or in the alternative, such an army would have to fight everybody and even the instigators of July 29 KNEW they CANNOT afford to do that.
      (3) As to who released whom: WHY did Ojukwu accede to Gowon's order for Awo to be released? WHY didn't Ojukwu reject the order and prevent it from being carried out since he did not recognize Gowon's authority? Even if the said order was made by an Ironsi SMC, WHY did Ojukwu even consider accepting anything or document from someone whose authority he did not recognize; for by doing so and not being an obstacle to its content, he is implicitly making the recognition. Otherwise, he, being a member of that SMC, ought to, on his own, effect the release and NOT wait until AFTER Gowon took over and made the order.
      Leye Ige
      On Fri, 9/26/14, Joe Attueyi [NIgerianWorldForum] <> wrote:

      Subject: Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] Re: [africanworldforum] RE: Dan Akusobi: Re: Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay
      To: "" <>
      Cc: "" <>, "nigeriaworld" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Chidi Igwe" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "igbo events" <>, "Mr. Seyi Olu Awofeso" <>, "Abraham Madu" <>, "Dominic Ogbonna" <>, "" <>, "Tajudeen Raji" <>, "" <>, "" <>, ""
      <>, "Anthony Momah" <>, "Olushola Fashedemi" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Edo Global" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Joseph (CDC/OID/NCPDCID) Igietseme" <>, "Charles Maduka" <>, "Nowa Omoigui" <>, "gukaegbu@comcast net" <>, "Val Ojo" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Johnson Anyadike" <>, "" <>, ""
      <>, "'Segun Olude" <>, "Odua" <>, "" <>, "idowubobo@yahoo com" <>, "info" <>
      Date: Friday, September 26, 2014, 3:21 AM


      1, After the fact of the January 15,
      1966, the coup leader, Major Kaduna Chukwuma Nzeogwu had a
      considerable measure of success in the North. In short, he
      was firmly in control in the North! But the Coup was not so
      successful in the South, of course because of the
      ethnically-biased compromised position of folks like Majors
      Emmanuel Ifeajuna and Okafor. For about three days, Nzeogwu
      did not get any meaningful word from his colleagues in the
      South. Meanwhile, his troops needed food and some
      necessities. So, he sent some officers to  Lt Col. Ojukwu,
      the CO of 5th Batallion in Kano for assistance. These
      officers were detained! Promptly, Nzeogwu put together a
      crack team headed by Major Onwuatuegi  to silence the
      dissent from Kano. It took the intervention of Lt. Col.
      Alexander Madiebo, an Artillery officer of Igbo extraction,
      for a major catastrophe to be averted! See, Nzeogwu was a
      Major and Ojukwu, a Lt. Col., the fact that a Coup had taken
      place which put Nzeogwu in superintending control of the
      Army, in the North, everyone needed to defer to
      Rotimi1) NZEOGWU led a coup. Needed
      supplies. Sent his men to Ojukwu. Ojukwu promptly detained
      the men.  
      And this
      is your first example of proof that '...when a coup has taken place, there are many
      imponderables. One of these is who bears rule does not
      matter anymore. What matters is that everyone MUST defer
      to him!
      Naija people sef na wao for una. So
      how did Ojukwu defer to NZEOGWU ?
      If you want to defend Ogundipe
      scampering to London or Adebayo deferring to Gowon , you
      should do better than this crappy example #1
      JoeSent from my

      On Sep 26, 2014, at 5:34 AM, "rotimi
      [NIgerianWorldForum]" <>


      Ojukwu deferred to Ironsi as Head of State,
      why is it difficult to comprehend that, without a coup or
      mutiny, he
      could not have refused the superintending control of
      Gowon?” ---- Rotimi

      Mazi KC Prince
      Asagwara,I was in transit, hence my late
      response. I have decided to  continue in this discourse
      because there is the need to lay bare the facts of our
      history. Some younger folks are on these fora, which makes
      it imperative for us to inform correctly.Let me start with the excerpted
      statement above which was mine. Apparently, you did not
      grasp the import of that statement, which explains the
      laughable stuff you penned in yours below.Now, let's go:The Military understand that Coup
      him.2, After Lt. Col. Gowon became Head
      of State with the killing of Major Gen. Ironsi on 29th July,
      1966, Colonel RA Adebayo was appointed the military governor
      of the western region. He agreed to serve as Military
      governor under Gowon!3, In 1983, a coup d'etat saw
      Major General Muhammadu Buhari becoming head of state. Major
      General Domkat Bali, the last of the Sandhurst-trained
      generation, was his senior. But he agreed to serve under him
      as Minister for Defense.Now let us consider the substantive
      issue....After the abortive coup of January
      15, 1966 coup, Lt. Col Gowon appointed Col. Adebayo as the
      Military governor of Western region. I believe he had the
      authority to also appoint another in place of Lt. Col Ojukwu
      as Governor of Easter region. I believe he, for expediency,
      chose to let him alone. After all, Lt. Col. Hassan Katsina
      too was appointed Military Governor of the Northern region
      at the time Lt. Col. Ojukwu became Governor of the Eastern
      region! Gowon did not change him too when he became Head of
      State on 29th July, 1966.Perhaps, what may have informed your
      position was that, as at  29July,1966, Gowon and Ojukwu
      were wearing the same rank as Lt. Col., so they were equal.
      How mistaken you are! By his appointment, Gowon was above
      Ojukwu. I did say that Gowon ordered Awo's release from
      prison and Ojukwu facilitated it. That is how it is with
      constituted authority. Until the  Ahiala declaration on
      27th May, 1967, the South East was still under the
      superintending control of the Federal government headed by
      Lt Col. Gowon.Ojukwu became governor of Eastern
      region in January, 1966. Why did he not release Awo then IF
      indeed he had the power to do so as governor? Why did he
      have to wait till August 3, 1966 when another Head of State
      came to Power? What was the strategic importance to Ojukwu
      to have released Awo? After all, we knew in 1982 when
      President Shehu Shagari granted pardon to Ojukwu, it was for
      the strategic reason of securing Igbo votes in the 1983
      election, which, at that time, was in firm grips of
      Zik's NPP. Did it work? Yes, Chief CC Onoh (Bianca's
      father) became the governor of Old Anambra state! I remember
      when NPN came to campus square, Lagos in 1982, both Ojukwu
      and Benjamin Adekunle were on the same podium. On that day,
      Ojukwu started his speech extempore with: "I bring you
      fraternal greetings from our people across the Niger."
      He went on to acknowledge the presence of Benjamin Adekunle
      as "my brother standing behind me" and went on to
      pay glowing tribute to him. I just laugh when people that
      have shown some scholarship on these fora now recede to
      nauseous revisionism for the sake of some blinkered
      insularity! These are facts of history....
      So, i ask again: what was in it for
      Ojukwu to have released Awo?Let me put it simply: the role of
      Ojukwu in the release of Awo is akin to the IGP ordering the
      release of a high profile prisoner and the respective State
      Commissioner of Police deploying the machinery to effect the
      order! It should not get simpler than that!Thank you, i 've got to sleep.
      Posted by: Joe Attueyi <>

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      Joseph Onuorah

      Sep 26, 2014, 9:36:58 PM9/26/14
      to, africanworldforum@google, Wilson Iguade, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim, Rex Marinus,, NWF,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,, Esan Forum
      When we search for truth without prejudice we find it and with that finding comes solutions that allow a country to heal. For now, we are searching for who to blame and who to hate. As a result we, as a country, remain in disarray!

      It is sad that the history of Nigerian civil war (a useless war!), written by a Nigerian, will not be believed because, Nigerians in general, write with emotions, prejudice and focus on self-actualization.  As a result, we depend on what foreigners tell us about us. Not good! This ugly behavior is unprecedented and thus must stop.


      > Subject: Re: Obi

      > Nwakanma: What to remember: Re: Ojukwu released Awo from
      > Prison
      > Folks,
      > Please read below, I hate to be PLAIN, one of them
      > is a LIAR, you be the judge. (Boldfaced
      > mine).
      > "There was never a time from August 1 1967
      > that Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos or took
      > orders that were effected in the East. This is the crucial
      > point." . . . Obi Nwakanma
      > VERSUS
      > "there was
      > never a time after the July 29, 1966 coup that

      > Ojukwu recognized the authority in Lagos and took orders
      > that were effected in the East." By Vin
      > Which is it - August 1st
      > 1967Or July 29th, 1966
      > Folks, this is why I do not take part in this
      > bullshit: Awo/Ojukwu/Zik or happenings of the 1950s/1960s
      > Nigeria DEBATE, because one does not know who to trust. Even
      > reputable historians are biased given how their perspectives
      > are informed. 
      > God help us. "I"
      > Sent from my iPhone
      > On Sep 25, 2014, at 7:50 PM, "Vin Otuonye" <>

      > wrote:
      > Ayo:
      > You tire me sef. Gowon is still alive. Do yourself
      > a big favor. Go interview Gowon and asked him who
      > released Awo. In fact, add this to it: there was never a
      > time after the July 29, 1966 coup that Ojukwu
      > recognized the authority in Lagos and took orders that were
      > effected in the East.
      > Vin
      > Date: Thu, 25 Sep

      > 2014 23:55:30 +0000
      > From:
      > To:;
      > Subject: Obi Nwakanma: What to remember: Re: Ojukwu released
      > Awo from Prison
      > "There
      > was never a time from August 1 1967 that Ojukwu recognized
      > the
      > authority in Lagos or took orders that were effected in the
      > East. This
      > is the crucial point." . . . Obi
      > Nwakanma
      > Obi,
      > Just remember the following, and update your
      > History:- that Gowon effectively took over as Head of State on the 1st of August  1967-  that Awo was released on the

      > 3rd of August 1967
      > - that a plane went from Lagos (not Enugu) to pick
      > Awo from Calabar federal prison- that Gowon sent despatch riders to bring Awo from

      > the Ikeja Airport
      > - that the first point of call of Awo in Lagos was
      > Gowon's temporary office at the Ikeja
      > Garrison- that Awo thanked Gowon for releasing him from

      > prison
      > - that Awo's transportation to Ikenne was
      > arranged by Gowon.
      > I salute you.
      >  Ayo Ojutalayo
      > purposes. Stevek.Washington, DC,
      > AchusimOdi-IsaaNwa Dim
      > OjutalayoFrom: africanherald via AfricanWorldForum
      > Prison  "OJUKWU: We’ve
      > have never done," Rudolf Okonkwo.  Thanks Vin.  I hope
      > this would rest Ayo's hallucination and revision of
      > history.  I had wanted to redirect him early, but I
      > thought it unnecessary as he doesn't want to learn the
      > truth or
      > take advice/counsel from those in the Know. Take careNwachukwu  -----Original Message-----

      > From: Vin Otuonye <>
      > To: africanworldforum@google <>;
      > rotfash <>; NWF <>;
      > ayoojutalayo <>; Vin Otuonye
      > <>
      > Cc: develop-nigeria <>;
      > ogbunwezeh <>; Imo Congress
      > <>;
      > roteemee <>; Nebukadineze Adiele
      > <>; Wharfery Snake
      > <>; jokwara <>; okonkwonetworks
      > <>;
      > ogbuonyiero <>
      > Sent: Wed, Sep 24, 2014 11:45 am
      > Subject: Ojukwu released Awo from
      > PrisonAyo:
      > Please read the interview below Rudolph Okonkwo
      > had with Ojukwu in November 2011. Let's tell the truth
      > and shame the devil. I wonder what you and Rotimi Fashakin
      > have to say now.
      > Enjoy reading the interview.My Last Interview With Dim

      > Chukwuemeka Ojukwu - Rudolf Okonkwo In June of this year, in the midst
      > of the controversies surrounding Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu
      > Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an
      > interview with Ikemba. by SaharaAdminFour
      > Nov 26,
      > 2011 In June of this
      > year,
      > in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim
      > Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of
      > mine proposed an interview with
      > Ikemba.He worked to
      > did I do even for my father’s properties, my
      > RUDOLF OKONKWO: How does it feel like knowing
      > that you are one of the world’s historical figures?
      > OJUKWU: I don’t
      > know whether I am or not. But certainly, I do know that I am
      > probably the most Nigerian of Nigerians alive today. I also
      > know that the failure of Nigeria has created a reflex and
      > that reflex can be called Biafra. I know that in the context
      > of Biafra that existed, I am very important. Having said
      > that, I feel that I have a responsibility to always point
      > out the deficiencies of Nigeria and to keep alive the
      > alternative. That’s why I say that there will always
      > be, if not the Biafra of territory, Biafra of the heart.
      > RUDOLF OKONKWO: What
      > does that mean?
      > OJUKWU: It is an attitude, a revolution, and a
      > rejection of all the corruption and all the terrible things
      > that you
      > find in Nigeria. That will be always around, no matter
      > where; in a little corner, people who want to change things
      > and change them for the better and I am proud to be one of
      > those.
      > RUDOLF
      > OKONKWO: Thank you very much, Ikemba.
      > OJUKWU: Thank
      > you.Correct Me If I Am Right
      > OpinionColumnShare on

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      > Otuonye: RE: Dan Akusobi: Re: Vin: Mockery of Igbo

      > experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army
      > Uniform-An EssayStevek,

      >  Are you
      > deliberately telling lies or you have forgotten the timeline
      > of events? As of the time Gowon took over as Head of
      > State, there was not-yet, the power struggle between the
      > Federal government (Gowon) and Eastern Region (Ojukwu). The
      > plane sent by
      > Gowon after he released Awo could therefore not have been
      > disallowed to land in Calabar by Ojukwu. By the way,
      > Gowon had not yet moved to Dodan Barracks when he released
      > Awo. It was at the Ikeja Garrison that Awo State. This
      > confirms that Awo's release was one of the
      > first acts of Gowon after taking
      > over.
      >  I hope Vin Otuonye
      > is reading this. Igbos of his generation were brought up to

      > believe Ojukwu released Awo. This is just one of many lies
      > they were fed
      > with, growing up.
      >  Ayo
      > Ojutalayo
      >   From:
      > 'Stevek' via AfricanWorldForum <>
      > To:
      > <>
      > Sent:

      > Wednesday, September 24, 2014 8:59 AM
      > Subject:
      > [africanworldforum] Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] RE: Dan

      > Akusobi: Re: Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience:
      > RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An
      > Essay
      >  Rotimi, As a matter of
      > logistics, if Ojukwu had declared himself law in the Eastern
      > Enclave (Biafra), that includes Calabr, and Gown cannot
      > even reach there with the renowned 3MCDO at the time, do you
      > think that a plane can land and take off from Calabar prison
      > just because Gowon at Dodan Barracks in Lagos - in a
      > political move - ordered his release if Ojukwu didn't
      > allow it? Do you think that if Ojukwu countered Gowon's
      > order from Lagos, the staff at Calabar Prison would have
      > insisted on obeying
      > Gowon? It is in little
      > matters like this that the mutual relationship to stand
      > together for the truth that benefits all - like we are
      > standing togethet for Buhari - is
      > forged and
      > strengthened, Stevek.Washington, DC,

      > USA
      > A society of supine lambs breeds erect wolves.
      > - StevekA wise man

      > proportions his beliefs to the evidence - David
      > Hume
      >  From:
      > 'rotfash' via OkonkwoNetworks <>
      > To:
      > "Vin Otuonye
      > [NIgerianWorldForum]" <>;
      > "africanworldforum@googlegroups com" <>
      > Cc:
      > Sent:
      > Wednesday, September
      > 24, 2014 7:11 AM

      > Subject:
      > Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] RE: Dan Akusobi: Re: Vin: Mockery
      > of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian
      > Army Uniform-An Essay
      >  Date: Wed, 24 Sep
      > 2014 03:49:37 +0000
      > From:
      > To:

      > Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in
      > Nigerian Army Uniform-An
      > Essay"I believe

      > some of these late policies on the Igbos post the war were
      > designed by Awo, so the Igbos would feel the pain of loosing

      > the war much longer and deeper." . . . Daniel
      > Akusobi
      >  Daniel,
      >  You have been
      > brain washed to believe Awo is the cause of every thing that
      > is not going well for Igbo, even almost 50 years after the
      > war!!! For your information, the Head of State, General
      > Gowon released Awo from Calabar Federal prison and sent a
      > <ogbuonyie --
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      Wilson Iguade

      Sep 26, 2014, 9:57:01 PM9/26/14
      to Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,, TALK TALKNIGERIA,, Global Reporters Vienna, okonkwonetworks, Esan Forum, africanworldforum, nigerianworldforum
      Edit part of prior message:

      Okpia Chuks, Emeka Ugwuonye, Esq., and Oderaigbo are the only TRUE defender of Igbo nation I would yield to, period! 

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Sep 26, 2014, at 8:19 PM, "Wilson Iguade" <> wrote:

      Okpia Chuks,

      Okay, no problem. We good our "bond" is deep and goes a long way now for many many years. Okpia Chuks and Oderaigbo are the only TRUE defender of Igbo nation I would yield to, period! 

      I get your point. Now, if you can do me a favor and advise Chief Ezeana that his postings are not ehancing the Igbo BRAND because he just does not know how to PROMOTE or FIGHT for Ndigbo cause. 

      Thank you, Okpia Chuks. God bless. Iguade

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Sep 26, 2014, at 7:12 PM, "'Ezeana Igirigi Achusim' via OkonkwoNetworks" <> wrote:

      Okpia Iguade:

      I am still waiting for your proof that Jesus is not Igbo. You raised the issue, and I hope you have not abandoned the issue. You are free to consult the Pope to come up with any proof that Jesus is not Igbo. 

      And I am

      Ezeana Igirigi Achusim
      Nwa Dim Orioha 

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Sep 26, 2014, at 4:15 PM, "'Chukwuma S. Agwunobi' [NIgerianWorldForum]" <> wrote:


      Okpia Iguade:

      Ya gbu zee, zee. Oh boy, you need to chill out now. Abeg step on your brake a bit because you are driving at 100 MPH on a Speed Zone of 45 MPH.

      I am telling you this because Igbos has a say that goes like this "Ana Eti Ishi, Anya nebe" [When dem dey beat the Head, na eyes dey cry and drop tears.
      I think you got my drift. You and STEVEK are from old Mid-Western Region but it seems that whenever the Ngbati, Ngbati people descends on you guys, you will turn your focus on the Igbos.
      You know that I am a Mid-Western and Ngbati guys like you too.
      You have to understand what Igbos are talking about when they sound like they are bragging that they are the best in Nigeria.
      I want you, Stevek, Otulugbeke and Okpia Ewaen, the three old Mid-Westerners to tell me which part of Nigeria that fought a war and came out of with empty handed and recorded fantastic and astonishing grades in their exams within 6 months? Igbos blasted their exams in 1970, the same the war ended.
      In WAEC/GCE O/Level, many of them got Grades I Distinctions, that is aggregate 6-12
      In TCII-Teachers Grade II Certificate with Distinctions and Upper Credits
      In City & Guilds of London Part I, II, III to Full Technological Certificate with Distinctions and Upper Credits
      In HSC/GCE A/Level, they made it at Principals level. That is clearing 5-6 papers with A’s & B’s
      In their Degrees, with 1st Class and 2nd Classes 2-1/2-2
      In NCE, OND/HND with Distinctions and Upper Credits
      I wouldn’t talk about the Professional License Certificates like ACCA, ICAN, Chartered Engineer, Medicine? My of them cleared it. It is only the hard working people across the Niger that did this 6 months after the war.
      If you are doubting me, just take a look at the Ngbati, Ngbati owambe people. They are now behind Zamfara, Gombe, Niger, Kebbi, Jigawa even Farufaru people in education because they are confused and disorganized baggars since after June 12th. Their brains to read are no more the same since then. All that is in brains are Owambe, Emu, Amala, Sugar Mummies and Iya Fisi.
      But that wasn’t the case with Igbos after the war.  
      Okay, tell me how many Hausa/Fulani person that schooled in South and got the grades I mentioned above? Tell me how many Ngbati, Ngbati person schooled in UNN and 1st Class and 2nd Classes 2-1. Distinctions and Upper Credits in 1970? But Igbos did it at ABU, Kaduna Poly, UI, UNIFE, UNILAG, Yabatech and Adeyemi College of Education.
      Igbo ladies are not left behind on all these. They told their men that they are not pushovers on this. Go to College of Education, Abraka, Edo College, Hussey College, SPC, Government College, Idia College, Maria Goretti and see or read the havoc Igbo guys and ladies did in their various exams.
      That was why the Ngbati, Ngbati Press wrote that the core Igbos did fight the war and that they were reading while the minorities fought the war. I don’t blame them, I will say the same. When that didn’t fly, they shout, Olunwu Oba, awon Igbos, wan gbe Udu, expo. Can you imagine Bolekaja Aluko giving an Igbo person Ist Class or Grade I?
      How sad or shameful to see Igbos leaving the Examination hall of 3 hours in just 1 hour 45 minutes and watching other Nigerians turning their heads in wonderment whether these baggars across the Niger has Magnetic brains.
      Oh Boy, Iguade, let me talk like crying General Diya, “Why me no go cry” is replaced with why me no  brag and make inyanga as Igbo guys sef” to see my people disgracing the nonsense the Ngbati, Ngbati Examiners that dominated the Examination Boards dumped on their faces.
      Okpia Iguade, believe me, when these results was blasting the Nigerian Newspaper, there was a stampede by many Nigerian ladies to go marry Igbo guys so that they can give them belle to have Hot brain children like Igbos. At a point, Igbo ladies became jealous as they saw it marriage drain that they will ran out of their men to marry.
      My targets was mainly the Ngbati, Urohobos, BINIS and Esans ladies because of the landed properties in Lagos, Warri, Benin, Ubiaja and Uromi. So go to Okumagba Layout in Warri, GRA Benin, and Sacred Heart, Ubiaja and Ewohimi Road, Uromi, you will see my lands I got through Awufu from ladies from these tribes. Okpia Ewaen know my lands in Benin and he is the caretaker there.
      Oh Boy, chill out and stop all these trashing of Igbos. I will be at pain to see them respond and attack you. I wouldn't say anything no matter what you write about Igbos, but I will feel it if they attack you viciously. You cannot be writing and trashing them like that without them responding to you in likewise manner.
      And with this, I rest my case

      Chukwuma "Vicious Animal" Agwunobi
      Seattle, Washington USA


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      Posted by: "Chukwuma S. Agwunobi" <>


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      Ezeana Igirigi Achusim

      Sep 26, 2014, 10:06:48 PM9/26/14
      to, TALK TALKNIGERIA,, Global Reporters Vienna, okonkwonetworks, Esan Forum, africanworldforum

      It is enough that you yield to Igbo, who ever they are. I don't think you have any other options but to yield. 

      And I am

      Ezeana Igirigi Achusim
      Nwa Dim Orioha 

      Sent from my iPhone
      OkonkwoNetworks..........Building NIGERIA of our DREAM
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      Posted by: Wilson Iguade <>


      Wilson Iguade

      Sep 26, 2014, 10:19:19 PM9/26/14
      to Ezeana Igirigi Achusim,, TALK TALKNIGERIA,, Global Reporters Vienna, okonkwonetworks, Esan Forum, africanworldforum

      You bore the tears out of me, but more importantly you will NEVER, repeat NEVER understand what I meant because all you know is "Igbo", whatever that means to your limited knowledge outside of the word, yes a word "Igbo". 

      Please sir, stop boring the tears out of me, find a retired folk like you to share your limited subject matter with.

      Thank you, sir! "I"

      Sent from my iPhone

      peter opara

      Sep 26, 2014, 11:28:41 PM9/26/14
      to,, africanworldforum@google, Wilson Iguade,, Ezeana Igirigi Achusim, Rex Marinus,,,, Imo Congress,, Nebukadineze Adiele, Wharfery Snake,, okonkwonetworks,, Esan Forum
      There goes Joe2 Times. He appears here now as Joe Onuorah. What a creep. Guys have you noted the address or so - "Develop Nigeria". You see the wino ANUSkwute writing with the same address as Joe2Times. Joe2Times is busy recruiting Igbo traitors. He sure is out of luck for he has only been able to recruit a wino, a thief, a lifter of other peoples brain work, intellectual property, ANUSkwute, the thing that was peed out in the market in Umuakha Orlu by a perpetually inebriated Tiv Soldier. The two things Joe2Times and ANUSkwute find no truth in any Igbo argument. There you have traitors.


      Posted by: Joseph Onuorah <>



      Ezeana Igirigi Achusim

      Sep 27, 2014, 11:24:56 AM9/27/14
      to, TALK TALKNIGERIA,, Global Reporters Vienna, okonkwonetworks, Esan Forum, africanworldforum

      Now that I know what ruins your day, what do you think you will be getting in abundance? I love to bore folks like you to death. I asked you a simple question and you are dodging it because you know Ezeana is always right. And I am Igbo. I bet, if you are re-incarnated, you want to be Igbo. Your sisters are probably married to Igbo. I can feel your pain. 

      You are bored because either you don't have a horn to toot, don't know how to toot a gun, ashamed to toot your gun or just plane jealous that Ezeana has a nice horn to toot, knows how to toot a horn and is proudly tooting a horn. Igbo. 

      And I am

      Ezeana Igirigi Achusim
      Nwa Dim Orioha 

      Sent from my iPhone



      Sep 29, 2014, 10:26:40 AM9/29/14
      I really do not want to join issues with any contributor to this forum.
      but i just want to make some points. Firstly at the time Awo was
      released there was no Biafra then which means that Calabar prison was
      under the Federal control and Ojukwu was a military Adminstrator.
      Ojukwu did not have the power to release Awo.
      Secondly it widely quoted over the years that Awo statted that if the
      ibo are allowed to cede then the yoruba will follow. the statement is
      always read on the face value. There were conditions attach to the
      statement which were not meet. Awo did everything to persuade Ojukwu
      against the war but he was hell bent on declaring Biafra republic.

      -----Original Message-----
      From: daniel Akusobi <>
      To: africanworldforum <>;
      naijaintellects@googlegroups com <>;
      publisher <>; daniel Akusobi <>
      Sent: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 7:07
      Subject: Re: Greg: Re: Vin, Gowon released Awo: Re: [africanworldforum]
      Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

      There was Biafra for about 30 months
      under Ojukwu's control as head of state until the war ended. Gowon was
      not in charge of Biafra those days and could not have been directing
      her affairs including the prisons in Biafra.
      Read this below, if you have not done so yet, an excerpt from an
      interview Ojukwu granted to a journalist some time ago:
         " OJUKWU: We’ve said this over and over again, so many times, and
      people don’t understand; they don’t want to actually. If you remember,
      I released Awolowo from jail. Even that, some people are beginning to
      contest as well. Awo was in jail in Calabar. Gowon knows and the whole
      of the federal establishment knows that at no point was Gowon in charge
      of the East. The East took orders from me. Now, how could Gowon have
      released Awolowo who was in Calabar? Because of the fact that I
      released him, it created quite a lot of rapport between Awo and myself
      and I know that before he went back to Ikenne, I set up a hotline
      between Ikenne and my bedroom in Enugu. He tried like an elder
      statesman to find a solution. Awolowo is a funny one. Don’t forget that
      the political purpose of the coup, the Ifeajuna coup that began all
      this, was to hand power over to Awo. We young men respected him a great
      deal. He was a hero. I thought he was a hero and certainly I received
      him when I was governor. We talked and he was very vehement when he saw
      our complaints and he said that if the Igbos were forced out by Nigeria
      that he would take the Yorubas out also. I don’t know what anybody
      makes of that statement but it is simple. Whether he did or didn’t, it
      is too late. There is nothing you can do about it. So, he said this and
      I must have made some appropriate responses too. But it didn’t quite
      work out the way that we both thought. Awolowo, evidently, had a
      constant review of the Yoruba situation and took different path. That’s
      it. I don’t blame him for it. I have never done"
      ( Ojukwu).
      Go figure out the meaning of the content of his direct speech as
      excerpted above.
             Pa Awo and the Igbos.
      Awo was trusted by Ojukwu same way Ifeajuna and Nzeogwu did before the
      Awo would have been an
      "Igbo made"  president or prime minister of Nigeria, and would have
      enjoyed the support and loyalty of Ojukwu and ndi Igbo if  Gowon had
      not staged his 30 month continuous coup against ndi Igbo.
      Awo's change of mind over his agreement with Ojukwu on the possibility
      of an Oduduwa sovereignty,   is one of the reasons some of us believe
      his inability to honor his words , and turn around to become the master
      planner of strategies to dismantled Biafra is unimaginable of an honest
      man.Like one of you, that man that said he recorded all Adekunke said
      about his bravery, agreed, Awusa could never have  won Igbos in that
      war without the help of Awolowo.
      He also forgot to append that Awusa and Yoruba joint military task
      force would never have been able to take over Biafra without the help
      of Britain and Russia,  2 world military super powers.
      Your take home tonight on this are :
      Igbos loved Awo until he defected. Some of is still love him .
      That Igbos would hate such Yoruba persons such as Awo, for  his role in
      the war, love him for his role and understanding of Nigeria and how he
      unlike Zik, he  capitalized on chance to enhance his people.
      That Ojukwu's mission - save his people from extermination, keep them
      from harms way, by urging them home and waging a defense against Gowon
      and his cronies that  converted Awusa civilian madness to an organized
      military force against fellow Nigerians, and chose to take the war to
      them when they ran away from danger zones in the North, to their home
      in the East.
      That there was no Biafra before the massacres in the North and before
      1967.  Biafra was a reactionary establishment,  a race saving endeavors.
      Igbos cannot reasonably hate all Yorubas because of Adekunle, Awo and
      Obasanjo. Doing so will be a dishonor to the good Yorubas  has been to
      us. Most of us, our business successes could be traced to Lagos,
      arguably another Igbo land, outside Igbo.
      Your disgraced late uncle,
      Adekunle,  cannot stand  or pass any test of loyalty to any law. He was
      a criminal and a cannibal.
      Those of you praising him for disobeying every law of war on the book,
      may as well be praising all our public officers looting our country ,
      Nigeria, dry.
      There is no way anyone flouting a set rule, the way Adekunle reported
      he did, can be said to be honorable.He admitted he had to starve other
      people, none Igbos, he found in the Eastern region,  in order to ensure
      no Igbo baby gets corn meal , corn beef, quaker Oath and multivite,
      powdered milk, joro,  from humanitarian bodies during the war, so he
      won't make the deadly mistake, he would think, feeding an Igbo child.
      We can say he executed Awo's plans well.
      This discussions will resurrect when OBJ dies. Watch it!
      Sorry, I thought I could stay a day without making a statement about
      the war here.
       On Sep 24, 2014 6:06 PM, "'Ayo Ojutalayo' via AfricanWorldForum"
      &lt;; wrote:Greg,

      What is your problem? If Ojukwu did not release Awo, and he claimed he
      did, does that mean he did? Ojukwu, a  military governor could not have
      released a prisoner from federal prison. Gowon who released Awo sent a
      plane to Calabar to bring Awo. What more evidence do you need that
      Ojukwu did not release Awo?
      Ayo Ojutalayo

      From: Gregg Ukaegbu &lt;;
      To:; 'rotfash'
      &lt;;; 'NWF'
      &lt;;; 'Vin Otuonye'
      Cc:;; 'Imo
      Congress' &lt;;;;
      'Nebukadineze Adiele' &lt;;; 'Wharfery Snake'
      &lt;;;; 'okonkwonetworks'
      Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 5:00 PM
      Subject: RE: Vin, Gowon released Awo: Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu
      released Awo from Prison

      That Ojukwu claimed to have released Awo did not mean that he did. Ayo
      Ayo—You are full of it.
      And what is what you think word against Ojukwu’s categorical statement?
      Please, respect yourself.
      Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 5:50 PM
      To:; rotfash; NWF; Vin Otuonye
      Cc:;; Imo
      Congress;; Nebukadineze Adiele; Wharfery Snake;; okonkwonetworks;
      Subject: Vin, Gowon released Awo: Re: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu
      released Awo from Prison



      That Ojukwu claimed to have released Awo did not mean that he did.
      Ojukwu was only talking like a politician. Read my response to Nebu and
      decide who released Awo. A military Governor had no authority to
      release Awo. Gowon who released Awo sent a plane to Calabar prison to
      bring Awo to meet him in Ikeja, Lagos


      Ayo Ojutalayo

      From: Vin Otuonye &lt;;
      To: "africanworldforum@google"
      &lt;;; rotfash
      &lt;;; NWF
      &lt;;; ""
      &lt;;; Vin Otuonye
      Cc: ""
      &lt;;; ""
      &lt;;; Imo Congress
      &lt;;; ""
      &lt;;; Nebukadineze Adiele
      &lt;;; Wharfery Snake
      &lt;;; ""
      &lt;;; okonkwonetworks
      &lt;;; ""
      Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 11:45 AM
      Subject: [africanworldforum] Ojukwu released Awo from Prison

      Please read the interview below Rudolph Okonkwo had with Ojukwu in
      November 2011. Let's tell the truth and shame the devil. I wonder what
      you and Rotimi Fashakin have to say now.
      Enjoy reading the interview.
      My Last Interview With Dim Chukwuemeka Ojukwu - Rudolf Okonkwo

      In June of this year, in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim
      Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an
      interview with Ikemba.

      by SaharaAdminFour Nov 26, 2011

      In June of this year, in the midst of the controversies surrounding Dim
      Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu’s health, a contact of mine proposed an
      interview with Ikemba.

      He worked to connect me to Ojukwu’s children who would facilitate the
      interview. Ikemba was then on his sick bed in a London Hospital. I
      drafted 12 questions in preparation. It later turned out that Ikemba
      was in no position to speak to me.
      But ten years ago, I interviewed Ikemba in Boston. Though I met him
      several times after (including a 2004? private meeting in Maryland
      well into them, then he is not doing his job. That’s how I see it.
      RUDOLF OKONKWO: Revisionist historians and their political friends are
      tearing apart the History of Nigeria. You are a major player in those
      years. It could safely be said that the history of Nigeria from 1966 to
      1970 is nothing but the biography of Chief Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu.
      Why have you remained silent on this?
      OJUKWU: I do not remain silent. No. And I am happy that you asked this
      question. When you are not vested with authority, it is always
      difficult to get your voice heard in Nigeria. I say this, and it is not
      being big headed, singularly, I am probably the most popular politician
      in the country. Proof: I only have to step out on the roads and you see
      what happens. In fact, I amuse myself and I laugh also, very often
      finding myself in a position where I introduce the “successful” ones
      who side by side with me waged the struggle. They succeeded; I
      “failed”, but when we get to Nigeria today, it would be expected of me
      to introduce them. That is the position. But the other thing that you
      prevalent during the war and continued till this day. Does it mean that
      there will always be Ifeajunas and Banjos in Igbo socio-political life
      and must they always be killed?
      OJUKWU: During the war, there were saboteurs. I understand that
      historically. Our people didn’t fully understand the enterprise of
      saying no to Nigeria. A lot thought, in fact, that it would end much
      quicker. A lot thought that perhaps, even, it would be less painful.
      But in the course of our propaganda, they were labeled saboteurs. After
      the war, I am not aware of dissenters that have been labeled saboteurs.
      Perhaps, some people with loose sort of language might have, but I am
      not very much aware of that. Since the end of the war, there have been
      dissents, but then, that is the essence of democracy. There will always
      be dissenters. I don’t expect every Igbo man, woman, and child to agree
      with me. No. If they did, I would probably pull out, wondering what had
      gone wrong. There would be dissent but my aim is that amongst the
      Igbos, there should always emerge clearly an Igbo agenda to which the
      majority of Ndigbo would find adherence. I don’t think Ndigbo would all
      be in one political party. No. Forgive me if I use this as an example,
      the Jewish National Congress is an umbrella organization that
      encompasses all the Jews, but you now go from Likud to Labor and all
      that. They are different parties. America, for strength, is poised more
      closely than any other place at 50:50, those who agree and those who
      don’t. This is the strength of democracy. Therefore, when you say some
      of these things, I say, look at it less sentimentally. There is no way
      Igbos would all speak with one voice. But let one be more slightly
      strident than the others. That is what I look for.
      RUDOLF OKONKWO: I overheard two Igbos talking about your marriage to
      OJUKWU: We’ve said this over and over again, so many times, and people
      don’t understand; they don’t want to actually. If you remember, I
      released Awolowo from jail. Even that, some people are beginning to
      contest as well. Awo was in jail in Calabar. Gowon knows and the whole
      of the federal establishment knows that at no point was Gowon in charge
      of the East. The East took orders from me. Now, how could Gowon have
      released Awolowo who was in Calabar? Because of the fact that I
      released him, it created quite a lot of rapport between Awo and myself
      and I know that before he went back to Ikenne, I set up a hotline
      between Ikenne and my bedroom in Enugu. He tried like an elder
      statesman to find a solution. Awolowo is a funny one. Don’t forget that
      the political purpose of the coup, the Ifeajuna coup that began all
      this, was to hand power over to Awo. We young men respected him a great
      deal. He was a hero. I thought he was a hero and certainly I received
      him when I was governor. We talked and he was very vehement when he saw
      our complaints and he said that if the Igbos were forced out by Nigeria
      that he would take the Yorubas out also. I don’t know what anybody
      makes of that statement but it is simple. Whether he did or didn’t, it
      is too late. There is nothing you can do about it. So, he said this and
      I must have made some appropriate responses too. But it didn’t quite
      work out the way that we both thought. Awolowo, evidently, had a
      constant review of the Yoruba situation and took different path. That’s
      it. I don’t blame him for it. I have never done.
      Ojukwu. By the way, Gowon had not yet moved to Dodan Barracks when he
      released Awo. It was at the Ikeja Garrison that Awo State. This
      confirms that Awo's release was one of the first acts of Gowon after
      taking over.


      I hope Vin Otuonye is reading this. Igbos of his generation were
      brought up to believe Ojukwu released Awo. This is just one of many
      lies they were fed with, growing up.


      Ayo Ojutalayo

      From: 'Stevek' via AfricanWorldForum
      To: rotfash &lt;;; "Vin Otuonye [NIgerianWorldForum]"
      "africanworldforum@googlegroups com"
      Cc: "" &lt;;;
      "" &lt;;;
      &lt;;; ""
      &lt;;; Imo Congress
      &lt;;; ""
      &lt;;; Nebukadineze Adiele
      &lt;;; ""
      &lt;;; Wharfery Snake
      &lt;;; ""
      &lt;;; okonkwonetworks
      &lt;;; ""
      Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 8:59 AM
      Subject: [africanworldforum] Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] RE: Dan Akusobi:
      Re: Vin: Mockery of Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in
      Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay



      As a matter of logistics, if Ojukwu had declared himself law in the
      Eastern Enclave (Biafra), that includes Calabr, and Gown cannot even
      reach there with the renowned 3MCDO at the time, do you think that a
      plane can land and take off from Calabar prison just because Gowon at
      Dodan Barracks in Lagos - in a political move - ordered his release if
      Ojukwu didn't allow it? Do you think that if Ojukwu countered Gowon's
      order from Lagos, the staff at Calabar Prison would have insisted on
      obeying Gowon?


      It is in little matters like this that the mutual relationship to stand
      together for the truth that benefits all - like we are standing
      togethet for Buhari - is forged and strengthened,



      Washington, DC, USA

      A society of supine lambs breeds erect wolves. - Stevek

      A wise man proportions his beliefs to the evidence - David Hume


      From: 'rotfash' via OkonkwoNetworks
      To: "Vin Otuonye [NIgerianWorldForum]"
      "africanworldforum@googlegroups com"
      Cc:;;;;;; Imo
      Congress &lt;;;;
      Nebukadineze Adiele &lt;;;; Wharfery Snake &lt;;;
      NWF &lt;;;;
      okonkwonetworks &lt;;;;
      Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 7:11 AM
      Subject: Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] RE: Dan Akusobi: Re: Vin: Mockery of
      Igbo experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An

      So when Ojukwu released Awo, what was the gain for him?
      May be you confused this one with Wale Ademoyega, Emmanuel Ifeajuna and
      Victor Banjo who were released and became active Biafran combatants. We
      knew Gen Yakubu Gowon released him as one of the first acts as head of
      state and immediately made him vice chairman of the federal executive
      council and minister of finance.
      This narrative from you, I am afraid, gravitates towards revisionism!
      Rotimi Fashakin.
      Maranatha! The King is coming.

      "Vin Otuonye [NIgerianWorldForum]"
      &lt;; wrote:
      This is you and your lies again. Gowon had no control of Eastern Region
      when Awo was released from Calabar Prison. Ojukwu had full exclusive
      control of Eastern Region as the military governor and yes, it was
      Ojukwu not Gowon that released Awo from Calabar Prison. Why do you like
      to distort historical facts? Ayo, please stop lying.
      Vin Otuonye
      Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:49:37 +0000
      Subject: [africanworldforum] Dan Akusobi: Re: Vin: Mockery of Igbo
      experience: RE: Adekunle: The Hitler in Nigerian Army Uniform-An Essay
      "I believe some of these late policies on the Igbos post the war were
      designed by Awo, so the Igbos would feel the pain of loosing the war
      much longer and deeper." . . . Daniel Akusobi




      You have been brain washed to believe Awo is the cause of every thing
      that is not going well for Igbo, even almost 50 years after the
      war!!! For your information, the Head of State, General Gowon released
      Awo from Calabar Federal prison and sent a plane to bring Awo to meet
      in Lagos. Military Governor Ojukwu had nothing to do with Awo's
      release. If Ojukwu did, Awo would have gone to Ojukwu and not to Gowon
      from prison.


      Ayo Ojutalayo
      &lt;;; ""
      &lt;;; Imo Congress
      &lt;;; ""
      &lt;;; ""
      &lt;;; Nebukadineze Adiele
      &lt;;; ""
      &lt;;; Wharfery Snake
      &lt;;; NWF
      &lt;;; ""
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