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Key to restore Love in people: Sensing-removing Hate Energy Sociopaths inflict, that Blocks Love - Fine Particle Physics - {FPP 20160217}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Feb 17, 2016, 7:54:16 AM2/17/16
A Key to restoring Love in people, is by sensing-removing the Hate
Energy that Sociopaths inflict on them and that Blocks their Love

{FPP 20160217}

(Fine Particle Physics)

(for summary,
skip indented)

(I have tried
to make chapters
with headers)


(back to the nature of Life)

You will have to look at and understand others - what these
radiate and intend - in order for YOUR life to blossom:

Life is not an 'ego-trip' - in which you do not have to look at
others and should block, by meditation etc., your awareness of
others "in order to be blissful and not bothered by 'what should
not exist':"

That is NOT the nature of Life - but, it is "sold to you"
as "the remedy for your life, for anyone's life."


(what is this 'now,' that is going on... now?)

To live in the present, means, you might agree, being aware of
what exists in the present, isn't it. And

the present (that what is present, that what exists in the
present) does consist almost entirely, of

what was created (what was done and what happened and was
made) in the past - you might be willing to observe -


existing equally as reality in the present,

as an example:

You buy tickets, and you set your alarm-clock,
because of the reality about the future that
EXISTS IN THE PRESENT and guides most of your
and anybody's actions NOW, (that is, you don't
throw away your plane tickets, and you don't
switch off your alarm clock, because that
future is very much part of your present), so

what you are extremely aware of IN THE PRESENT and
what is a most vital part of the present, while it
guides most of your actions IN THE PRESENT,

the reality that is PART of the present, is:

what is most likely going to happen (such as day and night)
and what most likely does CONTINUE TO EXIST (objects, for
example, that you know and count on to continue to exist)
- to exist in at least the near future.



Living in the present, means being aware of what happened (to
you and other people) in the PAST, PLUS what will (then likely)
happen (to you and to other people) in the FUTURE. *[LIP]


The Sociopaths want to severely mess with your and with
anyone's Awareness, so these have tried in all ways
possible, *(a) to DESTROY the definitions that are
describing life correctly - such as the ones given above.




(Introduction) (to UNDO your forced, spiritual "education")

Now you do want to ditch, you want to throw away - because
it is all false and INTENDED to PREVENT you from knowing
what Life actually IS - you want to throw your EDUCATIONAL
INTELLIGENCE [YEI], the "assumed and given knowledge of
Life," that you carry with you as a burden, overboard:

your spiritual 'Educational Intelligence' *[YEI]

(the "knowledge" about the nature of life and of
your life and of everyone's life, "knowledge" that
you have been given, and that you then assumed and
accepted as "true")

in particular from 'New Age' sources and earlier, from
Buddhism and Hinduism sources and from those writers who
made that "knowledge" palatable to people in Europe and
then also in America

- ANY and ALL of such and similar sources, including
any 'revealed' and any 'channeled,' and any Drug-
induced "knowledge" - you have to throw out to
then re-evaluate it,

because ALL that "knowledge" is DESIGNED, INTENTIONALLY
designed, to PREVENT you from actually understanding Life:


That "knowledge" is preventing you from understanding Life
...BY THE METHOD OF providing your desire to know, with

very false, INTENTIONALLY fake and vile "knowledge,"

which has been sold to you and much of which you
then also accepted, at times, as "the ultimate truth
about Life," "only for spiritually very evolved
people, who can and want to know and understand it,"
etc., etc.. [CSTC]



(Introduction continued - part 2)

You must assume, that "it is true:"

for instance "because people with lesser awareness
and understanding, do not want, or even refuse, to
know about it."

Or you must assume, that "it is true:"

"because it comes from an admired and revered
person, or from a well-proven medium or psychic,"

or it even comes "from God" "revealing himself as
a speaking, intending and acting INDIVIDUAL" who
succeeded in deluding a prophet about the actual
nature of God, [NDG]

DENYING the actual nature of God and instead,
deluding a prophet into accepting an INDIVIDUAL
who claims, by means of whatever miracles, to be
"the one and only God"

giving the prophet (always very, very bad, very
manipulative) "knowledge"

"that others can not receive from this God,"
but "must accept from his prophet, and must
believe and work with,"

as "knowledge by which to explain and to guide
their life" - the life of ALL people, even,
because that individual "is the only God there


That, the various methods of "assuming the truth of data,"
does DELIBERATELY hide the actual knowledge about also
your life, about, how also your life works.

(Old Testament)

As far as God is concerned, you definitely have to
differentiate between two things:

An individual or spirit (who by definition has
intentions and feelings and knowledge, and who can
act and perceive and communicate, even only as a
spirit) of unusual abilities and showing these,

is often referred to, as for instance in the Old
Testament, as 'God' (or 'G-d' or Jaweh) - it's an
individual by definition, and by actual proof of
his deeds.

These things were done by that individual,
several thousand years ago, and there is very
clear evidence (as during World War Two), that
he is long gone and has abandoned all and
everyone, or has lost - whichever applies in
his case - either his advanced technology or
his miracle powers.

(New Testament)

In the same vain, some people like to refer to Jesus
Christ, an individual, as 'God.' He very definitely
had tremendous miracle powers. [JCNL]

And Jesus Christ himself, referring to 'His Father
in Heaven,' did like to address his spiritual father
as 'God,' as AN INDIVIDUAL (not a nice one, at all,
by the way) - whom he expected to do certain things
but who did not, and to whom he talked, as "his
father in heaven."

Unfortunately, Jesus Christ did a lot of lying about
why he was punished by this 'father in heaven' and
was forced to suffer on Earth,

lacking the data, people have spun tales of
"greatness" about it, and he was lying about

why he was almost never using his vast, tremendous
abilities here - and when he very sporadically did,
even then, NOT with the purpose to bring some order
into the affairs of Earth or of his country, much
less to provide or even seek some understanding
about the conditions prevailing on Earth, [JCNL]

NOR did he bring about in himself and in
others, any understanding of his own abilities
- about how his miracles were, obviously,
possible. [SDRJC]

Instead, Jesus Christ created a vast, vast, vast
amount of confusion, about himself, and about God,
and about Heaven - a really big mess of two thousand
years, now,

a heritage that many used, in order to build
religions upon it, of even much more confusion and
with lies even more captivating and cruel or bizarre

as with the Quran or the Book of Mormon,


Some used it, to make very violent religions
in which Sociopaths thrived, others made very
meek religions refusing to defend people
against Sociopaths, so that Sociopaths thrived.

In any case, they were heavily oppressing the Joy
that Life is,

and advocating suffering - that indeed Earth's
Sociopaths do provide profusely -

as the method and THE way "to reform the soul,"

which is "rewarded" then by entrance or by
re-entrance into some kind of heaven.

Such religions and practices provide very FALSE,
very malicious "knowledge"

- and they HAVE TO, in order to hide the Sociopaths,
they MUST provide VERY false and fake "knowledge."


Occasionally though, in those two thousand years,
some very decent and intelligent, caring people did
try to pick up whatever pieces could be of value,
in order to then lead, at least to lead some people
then, in a normal direction towards enjoying life.


(Introduction continued - part 3)

Which will bring us, further below, to the other,
and ACTUAL definition of God [NDG]

- and it is the only possible Monotheistic
definition of God, as we know it already
from Akhenaten, who defined God as the
Source Energy of The Creation, of Life
itself -

which thus is not an individual, in that IT DOES
TO IT, to its Life Energy, the basis of all of The

And (if the Sociopaths have not managed to fully
break your connection to it), you ARE connected to
that, to God, to a greater or lesser extent: [NDG]

God IS the source Energy of The Creation.

It is what Jesus Christ connected to (also
during his return, two thousand years later,
in his life time as 'Doctor Dahesh,' it is
what he connected to, to perform his
miracles also then), [JCNL]

and it is also what Bernd Groening,
etc., etc., could very intensely connect

to use that Source Life Energy for re-creating
and for repairing life forms, and for
Perceiving life's past and likely future:

for doing things for people, that - in Fine
Particle Physics - are not miracles at all,
because here, these actions are understood.


Actions however, that fill the uneducated with

and that, on the other hand, trigger the
Sociopaths' rage, revulsion and their bitter

(Sociopaths have everything in reverse:

your Love, they RIDICULE your Beauty.

{note on 17 Feb 2016})

And some Sociopaths then compulsively write
dissertations, "to prove to you", that "Jesus
Christ did not exist:"

They try to murder him posthumously...


(Sociopaths Hate God and feel "God is Hating them")

By the very mutilated nature of THEIR soul, they,
the Sociopaths, do HATE God most intensely. [ODE]

So, the Sociopaths loudly proclaim, and compulsively
write books that "prove," that God "does not exist,"

yes, even, that "The Creation (Life Energy) does not
exist," and that "Life springs from molecules," and
- in case you did not know - a caterpillar turns
into a butterfly... "by chance," as Darwin's Hate
of Life, would have you believe...

Even Tenzin, the 'Dalai Lama,' who abandoned
not only Tibet but had already betrayed the
vary nature and advanced knowledge of Tibet's
culture' (Lamaism, natively called 'Bon Po'),

this over-famous Buddhist who very wrongly
does let himself be trusted - and revered as
if he is the soul, the reincarnation, of the
Great Lama (the 'Dalai Lama'),

he, the present Tibetan impostor does casually
proclaim to his deluded Buddhist followers
(even on camera, and with a sly smirk):

"There is no God."

At best, he does not know what he is talking about
and is too uneducated - or too vulgar, or both - to
think or say, what DEFINITION of God he then would
be referring to, if any.


(Introduction continued - part 4)

So, I want you to throw all that "education" OUT, in order
to re-evaluate it, [YEI]

and please stop bothering me - and yourself and others -
with "how you need Darkness in order to see or appreciate
Light" and, "how Evil is necessary for life" and, "that
things happen for a reason," and "how you learn from
suffering 'because you are here to learn'," or telling me,
that "only unhappiness, suffering or fear will drive
progress" ("else people would remain in a paralyzing state
of eternal 'happiness' and do nothing") [DSKEY],[HFE]

or, telling me, that "Sociopaths are needed in order to
inflict Evil that OTHERS are obliged to experience, to
fulfill an 'obligation to suffer',"

the Sociopaths teach you, that "you must suffer
now" ...for Evil that you must have committed in
past (but unknown) lives,"

or telling me, that - though admittedly, they do lead
a cunning life of Evil, Sociopaths do so, IN ORDER TO
EVOLVE into good and normal beings," [ODE],[HFE]

or telling me, that "Sociopaths are 'NOT doing Evil
to others, to you;"

yes, even telling me that "Good and Evil do not exist at
all" [ODE],[HFE]

in a great perversion of "unattached observation"
"of the whole, undivided by what is Good or Evil:"

The ultimate irresponsibility for and blissful Hate
of Life - fully "rationalized" with fancy words,
like 'Undividability'' or 'A-dvaita,' 'Advaita,'
to define the ego-trip called Hinduism.

And further - in abject laziness or likely with much worse
intentions - telling me, that "All people (that thus also
Sociopaths) are basically good."


Do throw out ALSO and re-evaluate - and please stop
bothering me and yourself and others with - the malicious
"knowledge" of "Evolution of souls" and "the coming
'Awakening' of the people of Earth"

- also those are ideas promoted by Sociopaths

or on the other hand, any upcoming "doom of Earth."

(Like the 'Year-2012 Doomsday' - a counting
exercise, really, in wholly arbitrary
numbers - "at the twelfth year of the
millennium, on the twelfth day of the twelfth
month and at the hour of twelve past twelve:"

"Earth blows up", first in Tokio, and
then 17 hours later, when it is twelve past
noon in Los Angeles, it blows up again,
....according to an ancient Mayan calender.

'Twelve' must be their 'unlucky number.')


(Introduction continued - part 5)

Often they have their mouth full of "denouncing your 'ego'
and you must give up your 'ego', as the root of all your
Evil and sorrow" - as they politely spit that word at you,
in New Age and Buddhist circles - [BEGO],[IPEHAB]

"how you must drop, abandon, your own self, your
identity, your desires, etc.,"

using all the blissful practices that are
based on it

- as a mote of dust, you must let yourself
blow away on the slightest breath of any
Sociopath -

all their blissful "knowledge of Life" is in fact intended
only FOR the 'ego' (meaning, that IN REALITY it is without
ANY concern or thought of others, at all - they are in
reality following egoistical ideals, an 'ego-trip,'

which they may call

"enlightenment" and "spiritual freedom from
'the suffering called Life'," or "meditation"

and, loudly enough to drown out the truth,
they proclaim, that they want to achieve the
very opposite of 'ego' or of 'self-interest:'

It's very tricky, very 'convoluted' and 'inverted'
- how Sociopaths do achieve their "success."

They pretend it, to NOT be on an 'ego-trip' BY
living communally in a group - which does
however not create any actual community-life
or normal group-life AT ALL,

but these spiritual or religious 'communities'
are solely to accommodate, facilitate and
encourage each others' spiritual egoistic
purposes - of members, and of their guru.

By 'New Age' gurus and 'New Age' writers avidly brought to
the West - all their "knowledge," is NOT ABOUT LIFE BUT
ABOUT WITHDRAWING FROM LIFE - in a wholly egoistical

but coated in altruism as "also wanting others to achieve
that bliss..."

It OPPOSES Life, it opposes the very goal of
Life itself. [DSKEY]

That, opposing life, is very much in line with the
Sociopaths' goals and intentions:

FOR OTHERS to withdraw from Life (and for others
to withdraw from protecting Life, and to make others
withdraw from protecting your life).

...So that THEY, the Sociopaths, can control and
dominate all and everyone, and so that THEY, the
Sociopaths, can take away and devour everyone's Life


(Introduction continued - part 6)

(Life is not an 'ego'-type activity, at all)

Life IS NOT an 'ego'-type activity. Life IS ALSO NOT a
"living in the present without awareness of who others
are, of who is good and who is evil."

Those, made spiritually that poor, are really living
'like sheep on the meadow,' 'like a flock of geese'
or 'like herrings in the sea,'

UNAWARE of the nature of Life, UNAWARE of the
present, unaware of what is going on in the present,
but convinced, that "they are very aware of the

So the Sociopaths did re-define 'the present,'
IN ORDER TO achieve THEIR purpose:

to not be seen as they were and are and
will be - Hating and acting to destroy
and paralyze Life.

Life is NOT SIMPLE, at all. Life is NOT handled, by being
unaware of most of it, by giving in to the Sociopaths, and
agreeing to their Hating most of Life THAT much, that it
becomes "invisible" to you, and therefor "does not exist"
for you.

Even lifeforms (living organisms) are NOT SIMPLE, and
science has not even BEGUN to discover that

- resulting in a huge list of "incurable diseases
and disorders 'caused by the body' or by

(While OMITTING the major and the governing part
of any life form - Life Energy - as "not existing"
because the Sociopaths say it doesn't exist,

they arrogantly and very stupidly claim, with
Darwin, as "science," that

"all that a life form consist of - all there is
to be examined, all that CAN be examined - is the
molecular-biology part of life forms."

Even that part, the molecular part, is not
simple at all.


(Introduction continued - part 7)

Life IS Life, and Life is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, than what
the Buddhist, New Age, Hindu etc., etc., "experts," or the
gurus and mediums and psychics, did "educate you in" and
"taught you, about your spirituality."

This is particularly annoying, when that spiritual
"knowledge" comes from - is given by - true mediums
and true clairvoyants:

NEVER accept as "must also be true," their professed
"understanding" and "knowledge" and "explanations,"
OF LIFE, and ABOUT incidents they see:

Only accept - and demand, that they tell you - what

and demand them NOT to "translate" that what they
sense or see, into 'being acceptable-to-the-society
or social correctness' etc..

NOT: "corrected and filtered that 'the
society,' or you, will not object to it."

('The society in general,' which means in fact
the people - most all people, really - who
are cowed by the Sociopaths

into wanting only "acceptable" data and into
wanting to 'receive' "allowed" observations

Sensing-Perceiving ONLY 'whom and what the
Sociopaths do want you to look at'

- and THAT is made up mostly of delusions
(of Life Energy that carries Perceptions,
feelings, and thoughts) that Sociopaths
PROJECT at you and at anyone, "as true,"
in order to delude and 'gaslight' people.

Like a Sociopath would project the
malicious ENERGY of delusion at a police
officer, that "you are Evil and must be


And then you have a whole group of Psychotics,
like David Icke and Alex Jones and such, and the
Sociopaths goading them on,

who do thrive on 'providing you with "esoteric
data" that the society does NOT allow or that
the society frowns upon,'

AS IF THAT - 'it being not accepted by the
society at large' - "proves the data to be

often including and advocating hallucinating drug
use, "to obtain insight," as for instance David Icke
does and advocates, and as many Shamans too, use and
promote drugs, to alter Perception.

BY filling up the data-vacuum with their very
'loud' though esoteric "data," by misdirecting
and pretending to have "solved" mysteries,

they actually do PREVENT or kill the curiosity
and drive of others, to really investigate and
really to dig up ACTUALLY hidden data that IS
of relevance.


(Introduction continued - part 8)

What they provided you with as "highest knowledge about
Life and about the Universe, or about the society, even,"

is all FALSE and fake "knowledge" INTENTIONALLY to HIDE

But it has been 'poured down your throat' and you accepted
it, or parts of it, and so it formed your Educational
Intelligence [YEI]

- 'to make yourself feel "Intelligent",' and, to
feel, that "you know things,"

to impress yourself, and other 'spiritually-
educated people,' with your "great knowledge of

absorbing Steiner's Anthroposophy, or
Blavatsky's Theosophy, or Yogananda's even
taller tales and pretenses,

not to mention their roots in India's
spiritual traditions, which follow the
same path and which, in similar
arrogance, are

"in possession of the knowledge of Life

In fact it is to appease the Sociopaths BY NOT ACTUALLY
FINDING OUT ABOUT LIFE, not actually to find out about
Perception and not actually to find out about Awareness,
and not actually defining Truth, and not at all finding
out about Sociopaths,

it is, to avoid ANYTHING, that would anger the Sociopaths.


(Introduction continued - part 9)

If they WOULD be interested in any spiritual progress,
including in reincarnation of which they claim "it is
advancing the soul's development or 'evolution'," then

they would NOT ONLY want to actually DEFINE
Awareness, and Perception, and Truth, but

they would ALSO want to examine (not speculate or listen
to some Sociopath guru like Joan Grant's Seth Speaks,'
or from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, etc. etc. etc.,
"informing" them - but they would by themselves actually
want to examine that)

what I would say, is then most VITAL data to obtain

HOW almost all people, when they start a new life (when
they are born, how is it then, that people do) lose their
awareness of their past, IN PARTICULAR their awareness of
their past friends, but also of their enemies (of the
Sociopaths in their past).

But their "wisdom" - all their religion or their
philosophy - does intend, and is DESIGNED

to make people UNAWARE of Sociopaths (both of living
and of deceased Sociopaths), and,

to make people UNAWARE of simply their ACTUAL past
(of what really did happen to them and others, and
caused by whom intending what - and instead),

to make people UNAWARE of the actual future, too,
and replaced, by practically ALL of them, with the
most despicably Ugly and harmful lies.


Now that you are, or might be, relieved from all the
IMPOSED ballast of your Educational Intelligence [YEI]

- the ballast imposed on you IN ORDER to debilitate
your spirituality, your knowledge of yourself and
of others,

ballast thus IMPOSED on you INTENTIONALLY by the
Sociopaths: to torpedo your life and the life of
anyone around you, too - (but)

when you now defend yourself AND OTHERS against that, we
can get onto the subject,

of actually describing real life - using Fine Particle
Physics as the, by far best and easiest method to describe
Life correctly.

(Introduction end)






(restoring Love, in people)

Now that I know some Fine Particle Physics, I can understand better
what I am doing and how I am restoring Love in people. [DLAH]

This understanding, gives me much more control over it, and it
is vital to restoring my ability when it, at times, gets
damaged by some Sociopaths.

Knowing now, what I am doing, helps me to understand how I cheer
people up.


(to Perceive or not to Perceive)

And understanding this, helps me, to assess - at any time when I am
being with people - how strong my Perception Energy of them is (my
Energy for Perceiving-sensing them, for Perceiving-sensing their soul
of course).

How strong my Perception Energy of them is:

strong enough so that I can give them (their soul) some
'breathing space,' so to speak, 'fresh air,' some call it,
I do give them,

in particular BY my pushing away from them, the standard Hate
Energy PARTICLES that the Sociopaths in the society are
continuously bombarding everyone - including you - with,

and secondarily, I push, at least partly, away from someone, any
Hate Energy inflicted on them EARLIER, that I know about or that
I sense around someone's soul: Hate Energy, that the Sociopaths
have inflicted on that person IN THE PAST. [PLDHD]

People are souls.

And the fact, that currently many Sociopaths of "science"
do teach you and your children "NOT to be souls but to be
brain-molecules," and that "journalists" and "writers"
are shamelessly taking this over, that Extreme Ugliness,

is in itself ALREADY an infliction of tremendous Hate (of
Hate Energy Particles), on you and on anyone, by them.

It is extremely upsetting to people, to be given "as
true" - [to be pushed down to Awareness Level 'Minus
One,' (see 'Extras', below, and] to be taught - that

"they are not a soul."



(looking at people as they are)

So I look AT THEM, at their soul. This - looking at them
AS WHO THEY ARE [HRD-01] - in itself already considerably
diminishes their upset about themselves,

whether they know it or not, THAT they are upset,
and regardless of whether they know or not, in what
way, the Sociopaths do "scientifically" depress
them. [Nuremberg Laws]

People are - their soul is - affected by all kinds of very
strong and very "clever" (meaning difficult to recognize and
thus difficult to shake off) Hate Energy Particles:

Harmful Life Energy PARTICLES that convey HATE and
confusion, that even may inflict pain

- but what you call, and what some medicos call, 'stress,'
or using all kind of fancy "medical" names,

without actually looking at it, MUCH LESS looking at,
which Sociopath(s) do or did inflict the Hate Energy now
and/or in your past.

I look at their soul, and THUS I can sense what they are
bombarded with, that Blocks their natural Love and their natural
Connection with people, with Life:

They are bombarded in particular with Hate Energy, and
with other Harmful Life Energy Particles.

That does very obviously cause loneliness, and a VAST
number of other "Disorders." In the Introduction, above,
I hopefully made it clear:

All the Earth's remedies do carefully and intentionally
AVOID and circumvent, to address those, the Sociopaths,
who with their Life Energy INFLICT the Disorders, the
loneliness, etc., on others, and HOW they manage to do

But, as the Sociopath "sees" it, and also tells you:
"It is all caused by yourself, in the big 'ego-trip'
called Life."



(pushing away the Hate)

Simply looking at them with the purpose to push away from their soul,
any Hate Energy that they are and were subjected to, does unblock and
restores some of their natural desire to Love

- to Love Life, to Love people,

yes, obviously also, their desire to Love you.


Simply looking at you with the purpose to push away from your soul,
any Hate Energy that you are and were subjected to, does unblock and
restores some of your natural desire to Love

- to Love Life, to Love people,

yes, obviously also, your desire to Love me.

Indeed one could say: 'If it's Blind, it's NOT Love!'


The action appears to be 'fail-safe,' in my current experience - now
that I understand [with Fine Particle Physics], what I am doing:

When I look at someone's soul with the intention to remove
inflicted Hate Energy,

I do ALSO detect those,

who are not representing the normal case, in which Hate
Energy is inflicted ON THEM, they are not normal at all,
BUT (and I then, by consequence detect those),

who are the SOURCE OF HATE ENERGY: The Sociopaths themselves.


So once again, as always, my intense and PERSISTENT Love for people,
does serve me in the end to find methods - more and more easily and
more and more safely - for recognizing the Sociopaths.




The Key is not just to give your Love to people, BUT THE KEY IS, to
RE-OPEN, to free up people's natural Love - in this case BY YOU
sensing and thus pushing away from them, the common Hate Energy
(Particles), that ANYONE's soul on Earth is bombarded with and that
Blocks people's free and natural love.

A child might still be freely and naturally loving, being
still unhindered:

not yet having met the fate of a sufficiently cunning and
forceful Sociopath or Sociopaths, to smack the child down.

To some extent you do sense and thus you do push away from
people - especially from people you like and care about - you
automatically tend to push away from them, the Hate Energy
Particles that they and that everyone on Earth is surrounded
with, is bombarded with.

And again:

The Key is not Love BUT KEY is, to RE-OPEN people's own Love BY YOU
sensing-pushing away, the Blocking Hate Energy Particles, that
anyone's soul is being bombarded with, on Earth, and that anyone has
been bombarded with in his or her past.

Once more:

Now that I know some Fine Particle Physics, I can understand better
what I am doing and how I am restoring Love in people.

A Key action is, to Restore Love BY Sensing the Infliction of
Hate on people, that Hinders their Love from opening up.

There DOES exist a constant stream of Hate, inflicted on anyone.

Hate is a type of damaged, Harmful Life Energy PARTICLES, these
are created and inflicted by Sociopaths (by alive and also by
deceased Sociopaths, being souls working with Life Energy) on
people, on anyone.

And not only is there a constant stream of Hate inflicted
on anyone, but ALSO, in the past of anyone,

there have been VERY SEVERE streams of Hate infliction, on their
soul. On your soul, on my soul, on anyone's soul, in the past.

DENYING to and about people, that they are a soul, IS ITSELF A SEVERE
INFLICTION OF HATE on all people. [PJH]

Denying to and about people, that they have suffered before, intends
and produces ALSO A SEVERE INFLICTION OF HATE on all people. [PLDHD]




(Perceiving the soul of others)

In order to sense or Perceive the stream of Hate inflicted on anyone,
you have to sense, to Perceive, a person's soul.

If you are above Awareness Level Minus One (meaning, if you are free
enough, to be Aware that you are a Soul),

then you sense the soul of someone else naturally when you look at
a person

and your senses are not currently Blinded by the
infliction of Harmful Energy from some Sociopath(s)

who want(s) to and who succeeded to destroy your
ability to sense - destroyed, for instance during
your sleep, by Blocking and removing some or much
of your Perception Energy; (but)

when your sight is NOT limited BY THE Sociopaths, to you being
able ONLY to sense photons, of course, which then makes you
Perceive nothing, except the physical appearance or skin of a








(notes on Awareness Levels)

At this occasion, I like to already share with you, some other things
of major social interest

- (what, after observations related to it, I formulated
on 31 January 2016):

Awareness Level Minus One (below Zero):

(Regained) Awareness of being a Soul.

Awareness Level Minus Two (below Zero):

(Regained) Ability to Sense Feelings of Others.

- (and what, after observations related to it, I formulated on
2 February 2016):

Awareness Level Minus Three:

(Regained) Ability to continue to be Aware of past
occurrences being actual (Aware of the existence of
absolute Truth).

Awareness Level - now tentatively labeled, Level VI-A:
Ability to be Aware of Others' Awareness Level

(see also: 'Most valuable ability on Earth, is
instantly to judge whom you have in front of you'
- to be published)

- (and what, after observations related to it on 13 February
2016, I formulated, as follows):

These various Awareness Levels, seem to correspond to

'the different "Spiritual Languages of Thought," that
people are "speaking," are engaged in, are working with
and communicate in - which determines what they like to
(or like not to) think about and by consequence like to
do (or like not to do).'

This ties in again, to the Awareness Level of 'Being able
to Determine or Perceive what Level of Awareness Others
are able or comfortable to operate on,'

and it ties also in again, to what is the 'Most valuable
ability on Earth: instantly to judge whom you have in
front of you.'

- (and what, after observations related to it on 16 February
2016, I formulated, as follows):

Below Awareness Level Zero (which is the ability to be
aware of Sociopaths, below that) you have of course,

"Can't be aware of Sociopaths,"

but more so,

"DON'T WANT to be aware of Sociopaths,"

and even more so,

"Don't want OTHERS TO BE AWARE of Sociopaths,"

behind which, you will find of course:

"Making others UNAWARE of Sociopaths,"

and then we are back at people's 'ego-trip' practices -
doing these, and getting others to do such practices "to
improve themselves."

(I never told you before, but it happens to become
obvious, more and more, that 'Sociopaths have all
in reverse' - #ALL_IN_REVERSE.)

"The BLISS of NOT being aware of Sociopaths:" "Sociopaths
do not exist," or "All the Sociopaths of the past, have
become normal," or "I am not affected by Sociopaths: 'I am
immortal, invincible, etc.'" - "to achieve 'Nirvana,'
'Enlightenment,' 'Salvation,' etc. I have to make myself
(and also my friends) UNAWARE of Sociopaths."

These are things to be addressed, for someone to achieve
AND MAINTAIN, the basic, stable Level of Awareness
- called 'Awareness Level Zero' by me.






Arguably the most Loving and most Beautiful, and
most Intelligent and Truthful spirit
on Earth and well beyond,

I do remain yours faithfully etc. etc. etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30



(a) One such Sociopath - celebrated by other Sociopaths
in science as 'symbolizing the very notion of being
intelligent on Earth' and as "a genius" (to insult all
actual geniuses) - this Sociopath "scientifically-
mathematically" did away with the present (and by
consequence, with the past and with the future), by
"disappearing time," by making time "relative" - yes,
"frozen" even - as he saw it done in the cinema.

After he got a Nobel Prize for applying Newton's law of
motion-impact, to a photon, this Sociopath THEN believed
himself to be - now "legitimized" by him being a Nobel
laureate - "the expert on photons," and thus "ABOVE The
Creation - senior to what exists - as it is expected from
theoretical physicists."

Sociopaths have everything IN REVERSE.

By them, even mathematics and science itself, is
applied backwards, in reverse, reversed.

Mathematics IS a tool to look at and DESCRIBE
The Creation, which then RESULTS in physics - and
NOT the other way around:

It (mathematics and physics) is NOT a tool - as the
Sociopaths want it "understood" (with a 'Big Bang,'
with 'space-time' 'Singularities,' and even with a
'God Particle') - "that spawns, that brings about
The Creation." [SLAL],[YEI]

But, some Well-Adjusted Sociopaths, very well
educated, have, as "theoretical physicists,"
written hilarious books, showing just that...
and, that Sociopaths support each other - to
make us Stupid, and then to exploit our

{Einstein}{Hawking}{Higgs}{Hubble} [YEI]


*[LIP] (etc.) See under References, below.



[DLAH] 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life'
{HRI 20020729-V2.0} [DLAH]
(29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)

[PJH] 'To Stop Your Pain, by Perceiving Their Joy of Hating You -
Fine Particle Physics'
{FPP 20160115} [PJH]
(15 January 2016)

[PLDHD] 'Are 'Past Life Deniers' similar to 'Holocaust Deniers'?
Yes, they are extremely mean and malicious to people'
{HRI 20131006-V1.2} [PLDHD]
(6 Oct 2013 - Version V1.2 on 6 Jan 2014)!topic/

[BHHG] 'Why Buddhists and Hindus Hate God'
{HRI 20071021-V2.0}
(Advanced Fine Particle Physics {FPP 20071021-V2.0})
(encl. 'The "Become Perfect"-Mind-Control of Hinduism, Buddhism
and New-Age Cults' {HRI 20050514-V3.1})
(21 October 2007 - Version 2.0 on 21 Oct 2007)

[DPLBH] 'Christians and Muslims and Jews, who DENY past lives, drive
people into Buddhism and Hinduism and its various modern cults'
{HRI 20061105-V2.2} [DPLBH]
(5 November 2006 - Version 2.2 on 9 Nov 2006)

[KNTSBH] 'Koos Nolst Trenite far SENIOR to Buddhism or Hindu knowledge' -
with quotes from {HRI 20040619-V4.1} 'Explaining the Scale of
Sanity' [KNTSBH]
(11 October 2007 - publication date quotes from HRI 20040619)

[HRD-01] 'Natural Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE ONE and Preamble'
{HRD-01 20091223-V1.1} [HRD-01]
(23 December 2009 - Version 1.1 on 25 Dec 2009)

[YEI] 'Your Educational Intelligence: "How come, neurons are
mis-firing in your brain?" and "Why was Einstein immune
to it?" plus "The After-shocks of the Big Bang" '
{HRI 20130112-V2.0} [YEI]
(12 January 2013 - Version 2.0 of 1 Feb 2013,
published 29 Dec 2013)!topic/
show trimmed content also:!original/

[HFE] 'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire'
{HRI 20020201-V1.0.1} [HFE]
(1 February 2002 (Version 1.0 issued 20 Feb 2003)
- Version 1.0.1 on 9 June 2007)

[NDG] 'Natural Definition of God - the poem of poems - Monotheism,
and Examining Heaven and Hell' [NDG]
{HRI 20080406-V5.0}
(6 April 2008 - Version 5.0 on 17 May 2011)
Title changed from:
'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' [DGC] {HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

[BEGO] 'The lie "A Bodhisattva does not judge others" - more on
Buddhism: 'Ego,' 'Emptiness' '
{HRI draft note 20100219-II-V1.0} [BEGO]
(19 February 2010)

[ODE] 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2} [ODE]
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)!topic/alt.philosophy/tTuAy8agBHo
(mono font):!topic/alt.conspiracy/YE6x_-kdsmc

[IPEHAB] 'Intro to 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' '
{HRI 20060816-V5.2-Intro} [IPEHAB]
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 Intro, on 10 July 2008)

[PEHAB]'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.2} [PEHAB]
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 on 10 July 2008)!original/soc.culture.japan/h39IFCW6IFY/nkkp2zT-BHUJ

[CSTC] 'Complete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths
by easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' '
{HRI 20120815-1-V4.3} [CSTC]
(15 August 2012 - Version 4.3 on 2 Dec 2013)

[DSKEY]' 'Purpose of Life' (Meaning of Life) Definition Complete Now
- plus -
'Do Sociopaths KNOW they are Sociopaths, and do Sociopaths
ENJOY being so... Yes, Yes' '
{HRI 20120819-V3.4} [DSKEY]
(19 August 2012 - Version 3.4 on 11 Sep 2012)

[LIP] 'Living In The Present - Definition'
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2} [LIP]
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)

[SDRJC] 'The Sociopaths are denying and ridiculing the abilities of
Jesus Christ, AND they destroyed the science to understand
these abilities'
{HRI draft subject 20131121} [SDRJC]
(21 November 2013)!topic/alt.religion/xRTxDMzAISQ

[JCNL] 'Facing Life: Jesus Christ Never Was A Leader, And Never Will Be
- Nor Does He Want To Be One'
{HRI 20081005-V2.4} [JCNL]
(5 October 2008 - Version 2.4 on 10 Oct 2008)

[SLAL] 'Scientists look at life... but Sociopaths in "science," look for
Higgs Bosons, Singularities, Big Bangs, etc'
{note 20141222} [SLAL]
(22 December 2014)!topic/sci.physics/s6PXy21Wygo

[PJH] 'To Stop Your Pain, by Perceiving Their Joy of Hating You -
Fine Particle Physics'
{FPP 20160115} [PJH]
(15 January 2016)


[Nuremberg Laws]
"What you are is (what you are according to) your brain and your
body - NOT (according to) your soul."

In this way, Nazis thought they could HIDE their own soul:

The soul of any Sociopath, could then be HIDDEN because of
"being born in an Aryan body" or "not in a Jewish body."

(For which they had to juggle the concept of race and the
measurements of the head, to make it "identical" with
practicing a religion or with being born into a family of
a particular religion...

There IS NO REASON in Insanity.)

And on top of that, those very intelligent, forceful Sociopaths
were in charge of the whole nation AND were making the whole
nation fight against Mankind in order to achieve full domination
of Mankind, with a "Final Victory" or 'Endsieg.'

'At the annual party-rally held in Nuremberg in 1935, the
Nazis announced new laws which institutionalized many of
the racial theories [Hateful lies of "medical-science,"
about people and about people's nature] prevalent in Nazi
[Hitler's] ideology.'



Issue Note:

The Introduction, was written mainly on 8 February 2016, and
is a summarizing re-formulation of what I have written before
in detail and under their various subject titles.

The main text, about the current subject title, was written
mostly on 31 January 2016.

The Extras text, below the main text, is dated within the text-
portions themselves.

The date of this issue, is the date of publication of it.


Copyright 2016 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to "handle"
Sociopaths, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.

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