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(V2.0) Awareness Level Zero: Ability to become Aware of Sociopaths - rolling back common "Solutions about Sociopaths" - {AWL-Zero 20160103-V2.0}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jan 10, 2016, 8:30:00 AM1/10/16
Awareness Level Zero: Ability to become Aware of Sociopaths
- rolling back common "Solutions about Sociopaths"

3 January 2016
{AWL-Zero 20160103-V2.0}

(Version 2.0
on 10 Jan 2016)



The whole 'game' indeed, of Sociopaths, that these play (or rather,
that these 'wage') everywhere on Earth, on all levels of the society,
in ALL sciences and religions and philosophies

is, to make you and anyone UNABLE or UNWILLING to look for and unable
or unwilling to determine who are Sociopaths, or else, to make you
and anyone unable or unwilling to expose and stop these.

Of course, you are big and strong and wise and well-intentioned,
so "you can handle Sociopaths very well, even just by yourself."

That illusion is also fostered by the Sociopaths in you, in me,
in anyone of some capacity and good intentions -

the bitter truth is, however, that also you are largely
UNWILLING or UNABLE to look for Sociopaths:



You have "Solutions" to Sociopaths.


The well-known, typical Buddhist-Hindu "Solution to Sociopaths"
is, that "you did it all to yourself - if not recently, then it
is what you did in lives past that however must mysteriously
remain unknown or falsely 'known' to you."

I never really managed to buy into that, due to a very
strong sense of Justice, coupled with an unparalleled
aversion against Hate,

and my soul being armored with an extraordinary
sense of absolute Beauty, and with a basic Awareness
of absolute Truth (of that what happened caused by
whom, out of what intention) - even when Sociopaths
managed to shroud me in their Unconsciousness Energy
and to pull me into their Ugliness Energies.


A typical Christian "Solution to Sociopaths" is, to try and
connect to the pure Life Energy of God or of The Creation, via
Christ, which of course will tend to pull you out of the Bad
Energy (the Lies, the Ugliness and the Hate etc.) of the

BUT then the Christians give that Energy, out of Compassion,
BACK TO the Sociopaths.

And INSTEAD of detecting the Sociopaths, you so give them
Life Energy which feeds their Evil, and makes them "equal" and
"normal" and "good" - and that NOT ONLY HIDES THEM,

but in reality, in real life, it makes them exert MORE
forceful and MORE intelligent, MORE deceptive, MORE
"compassionate and caring," even more "beautifully"
hidden Evil. [ODE]

That is the result of giving a Sociopath your
absolute Love and absolute Beauty and absolute

They become more compassionately and more intelligently
and more forcefully ...Evil. Very Evil, very destructive.

As I had to find out this life time, and which I reported
to you in various publications.

And endless list of "Solutions about Sociopaths," you can fill
in here,

which the Sociopaths invented and forced upon you and upon the

The sanest society has the least of these, and the most
destructive society, uses and enforced the most such "Solutions
about Sociopaths."

This is all due to the tremendous and overwhelming force of Harmful
Life Energy, that is exerted by the Sociopaths themselves, and by
their helpers, the Destructive Cowards, [DDC-17]

THEIR INTENTIONS, including their CORE, the core of their soul which
consists of (innate) VIOLENT Hate, Ugliness and Lies - (opposing as
these do, absolute Love, absolute Beauty and absolute Truth). [TOS]




All the various religions, philosophies, and sciences then

(in social sciences - including law, history, politics and
military -

and in medical sciences - in particular about disorders or
suffering "without a known cause," or that are "incurable")

all these do offer - and many are even based on -

"SOLUTIONS in order NOT TO LOOK at Sociopaths:"

to AVOID looking at Sociopaths.


So you roll that back, with the aim of achieving a basic Level of
Awareness we call Zero: {AWL-Zero}

The Ability to be aware of Sociopaths, and to become aware of
existing (but for you still undetected) Sociopaths.


YOU GO AND FIND THE SOLUTIONS that you use - and those you have used -
and you replace these again with looking at the intentions and nature
of the Sociopath(s) concerned.

And when you are very caring, you also may start to find the
"Solutions" that OTHERS have used, and are using, to not have
to look at Sociopaths.

Recently, in the 'Bridge of Spies' movie, you saw the
true story of ‎James B. Donovan, a US Navy lawyer of the
highest morality and dedication to justice, and rooted
in Saint Francis's way of dispelling Evil by replacing
it with Good. [ZTA]

Yet also this best of men, James B. Donovan, used well-
accepted SOLUTIONS to Sociopaths. For instance:

Opposing the very clear evidence about Soviet spy 'Rudolf
Abel,' by - even almost successfully - appealing to the
'Fourth Amendment'

which intends to protect the home from invasion
- without a legal warrant - invasion by those
Sociopaths who unfortunately do exist, also in
Law Enforcement and in other Government Agencies,


- but Sociopaths exist also amongst judges
that do issue search warrants -

and that includes the Destructive Cowards who by
definition do the bidding of Sociopaths, [DDC-17]

- exactly as the Sociopaths DEMAND it of you -
you do not look at the core nature and core
intentions of Sociopaths,

but instead you use "SOLUTIONS to Sociopaths,"
provided by them and by their associates.

{extended definition}



Other "Solutions to Sociopaths" you are familiar with:

"Jesus Christ - or the Mahdi, etc. - will come, to bring Justice
and Peace on Earth:"

"DON'T LOOK at or oppose Sociopaths."

"Evil is necessary or inevitable, for Good to be pursued and
come about"

"DON'T LOOK at or oppose Sociopaths."

Or even the blatant, "Evil does not exist - it is all relative."
Or in "science:" "Life is all molecules, and matter has no sense
of good or bad"


Those types of "Solutions," have endless variations, which I am
not going to list here, also because I have already mentioned
many of them in the Human Rights Issues.


There is quite another, highly unpleasant if not shameful aspect to
the use of "Solutions to Sociopaths:"

BY not looking at Sociopaths, you ALSO are prevented from
properly seeing and appreciating, supporting and aiding

those of most value and of truly good intentions,

those who are in particular the target of the Sociopaths,

who try to PREVENT you from connecting to such people.

Almost proverbial in detecting Sociopaths, are those who
keep asserting, that "Jesus Christ did not exist," or
"did not have the ability to restore life forms."
[Salim Onbargi]

This - very shameful and most destructive - aspect:

Confusing Sociopaths with very good people,

is the subject of many Human Rights Issues.



So you roll back those "Solutions," in order to return your ability
to look at Sociopaths - this is labeled as being basic:

Awareness Level Zero {AWL-Zero}.


You can simply look at times and situations, in which a Sociopath did
manage to mis-direct you.

Offering a "SOLUTION to Sociopaths"

- embedded in religion, philosophy, and sciences, not to
mention the morass and sewer of New Age spirituality -

they deceive, they blunt, they pull away, they smash or hit away
from you, the very Energy that you use and need for actively
Perceiving or for simply being Aware of, Sociopaths.

And when they do a very good job of mis-directing you, then this
results in your feeling "satisfied with the Solution."

The Sociopaths (or their helpers, the Destructive Cowards) have
"helped you solve" your problem with a Sociopath or with many

And of course, you don't at all have to be aware of the
existence of Sociopaths, or of a Sociopath, in order to
have a problem with them:

They do exist ANYWAY, whether you like to be aware of it
or not.

And when a Sociopath got you to figure out and to adopt a
SOLUTION about him or her, or about similar Sociopaths, you
may even feel "proud" about "having solved the matter," and
you are prone enthusiastically to also make others adopt that

Your SOLUTION "handles them."

In fact, the Sociopaths AVERTED your Perceiving and handling
them, BY getting you to figure out or to adopt and use the

All religions, including New Age and India's philosophies,
and current medical science,

are filled to the brim, with such "SOLUTIONS" to "handle
of such.

(Not to mention the current "time is relative"-type
"physics" and "astronomy" by the Sociopaths in
those sciences.)

They are intending to depress you below 'Awareness Level Zero,'
and they ARE depressing you BELOW 'Awareness Level Zero.'



So these are very sticky - your SOLUTIONS to Sociopaths are very
sticky - "because it solves the problem,"

that ANY Sociopath poses to people, and that ANY Sociopath
indeed does pose to you also.


Of course the only REAL solution to Sociopaths, is, to look at and be
aware of the core nature and core intentions of Sociopaths, and THUS


Truth is absolute, and so, a Sociopath IS a Sociopath, ALSO when you
are not aware of it - also when you are not aware of the condition of
his or her soul being that of a Sociopath - it still IS a Sociopath.


We then call the following definition, Awareness Level Zero:

to work towards and then regain and maintain, the Ability to
become Aware of Sociopaths, of

those individuals who enjoy to dominate, to deceive, and
to vampire on the Life Energy of you and others.




By looking for and finding any of the Solutions, often adopted from
others or "from the society,"

that you have used or are using as Solutions to Sociopaths,

you 'pry open the door to Awareness of the subject,' so to speak.



A solution that Sociopaths forced on me with considerable "success" on
their part was, to project at me - and then acting accordingly - that

"they want to and do assist me in my work and endeavors."

And "they are" (by secretly kicking others out and by secretly
incapacitating me) they made themselves "indispensable" to me,
and they projected with great certainty, that THEY are my best,
loyal and trustworthy friend" - also when they most obviously
were not at all, then "there were OTHER REASONS" for that,

and "they still want to assist me, in my work, etc.,"
while in fact - being Sociopaths - they offered their
assistance and "unconditional friendship," in order to
be able to DESTROY my work.

But the "SOLUTION" I used - and it was a Solution presented to
me BY the Sociopaths, sensing I would accept it:

"This person wants to and does try to assist me in my work and
endeavors, and supports my intentions."

In this way, "the Sociopath (seemingly) became sane" and "(seemingly)
helped me in doing good things,"

and the Sociopath was staying near enough, for me "to keep a
watchful eye on them:" for me "to notice and prevent them from
doing Evil,"

AND, a major factor, that they arduously were hiding from me,

that I felt I WANTED them to be near me, in order for me to feel
the Life Energy of MINE that they in fact had ALREADY obtained
from me (that is, tortured out of me in previous life times) and
that they were now using, projecting it at me "as their own Life
Energy," their "own Abilities," their "own Aliveness,"

and with that they managed to project at me and at others
around me, that "they are valuable people, and a friend,
a good person like me"

- this describes for instance my "falling in love"
with the girl I married, my compulsively, and
at a very young and naive (or innocent, as you
call it, at a very stupid, very uneducated) age,
wanting to be near the Energy she had vampired in
plenty of me,

tortured out of me, and my body at previous
life times

and that she LOVED to get more of, by "being in
love with me;" indeed her "love for me" did stop
instantly, as soon as I became able to block any
vampiring on my and my body's Energy - but

with that Life Energy of mine, they were able to behave
well, to hide their core Hate and Ugliness and Treachery,
their soul's actual condition,

they could hide it from me and from anyone,

using my (and also others') Life Energy that they
had vampired, as THEIR MASK.


In that way, the Sociopath "spared" me and others, and the
society at large, from seeing them:

from having to observe and to experience their actual,
EXTREME Hate for Life and for people (including for you
and for me), and their UNSPEAKABLE Ugliness and malice,
their JOY of Treachery,

that does indeed exist behind their mask,
behind the stolen Life Energy, that they
use and do present as "their own" in order
to HIDE their soul from view.

A view of their soul as it is, can be a very
distressing sight and experience, indeed,

or most astonishing in having to realize, that
in real life, such souls exist AT ALL,

when you are unprepared but faced with it - and you
are as naive as the Sociopaths want you to be

Then the experience, of getting a glimpse of
their soul as they really are, tends to give
weaker people a 'Psychotic Break:'

When weak people completely lose their
own control of their Perceptions and
emotions and Awareness;

and stronger souls might refer to it as
a 'Panic Attack,'

an assault on the control of their
own Life Energy for Perception and for
Awareness, and on their emotions and
intentions, and often also (an assault
on their Life Energy) for controlling
their body,

when they are exposed to getting a glimpse of
the actual nature of a Sociopath - the
EXTREME Hate for Life and for people, and
the UNSPEAKABLE Ugliness and malice of a
Sociopath creating and projecting

'Un-Life Energy:' Harmfully Altered
Life Energy that is Extremely toxic to
any part of Life

- Life, after all, consists of
Life Energy:

Thoughts, emotions, Perception,
Awareness, intentions, feelings,
abilities, all do consist of
Life Energy - and any part or
function of it, can be destroyed
by Harmful Life Energy inflicted
by Sociopaths.

Any Life Form, does consist
of Life Energy controlling and
acquiring molecules to become
and to remain a living organism
or body.

Because of this, the 'Un-Life Energy,'
the Harmful Life Energy of Sociopaths,
can - and does - inflict harm onto any
aspect of life, also on your life, and
on any Life Form or living organism,
also on your body.

All Life Energy consists of PARTICLES,
Fine Particles as in Fine Particle
Physics, {iFPP}

and these Particles thus, can equally be
projected OR removed,

and the Sociopaths inflict Harmful Life
Energy Particles - thus affecting,

hindering, stultifying, mutilating
or destroying,

any part of being alive.

{extended definition}




You might then consider - and I would say, quite correctly - that
regaining Awareness of Sociopaths

- Awareness Level Zero, as I have called it, the ability to
become Aware of Sociopaths -

is of major influence in securing a happy life for yourself and for
others, not to mention Peace, [DOP]

as we are faced with some hundred million Sociopaths living on
Earth, spread over all levels of society,

many under the "successful" cover of "helping, leading and
freeing people," (which you may accept, as your "SOLUTION"
to Sociopaths, see above),

are Sociopaths,

regardless of their educational level, their wealth or lack of
wealth, regardless of their religion or lack of it, regardless
of their gender (male or female), their race, their nationality
or even their age

- as it solely is the (and unfortunately irreparable)
condition of their soul.

And that does not even include the deceased Sociopaths (or the
demons as deceased Sociopaths are called by some),

who - the deceased ones - do EQUALLY create and inflict their
'Un-Life' Energy, their Harmful Life Energy Particles, on you
and on anyone, ALSO after their death - being souls, after all.




In other words, living itself, is a major 'defense operation' to
detect and protect yourself and others from the inflictions of


Wholly their opposite, and arguably

the most Loving and most Beautiful, and
most Intelligent and Truthful spirit
on Earth and well beyond,

I do remain yours faithfully etc. etc. etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30



Your Ability to become Aware of Sociopaths - you might understand - is
strongly OPPOSED by the Sociopaths, by any Sociopath.

The Ability of becoming and staying Aware of Sociopaths, does
consist of a type of Life Energy,

and you thus have to restore that type of Life Energy, you have
to regain it, to create it again, for - of course - becoming
Aware of Sociopaths.

You might understand, I repeat, that that is strongly OPPOSED by
the Sociopaths, by any Sociopath

- that your Energy is supposed to sense, to feel,
to Perceive, or to figure out and detect.

That then tells you, how you LOSE that ability, how you lose
your Life Energy, of the ability to become and remain aware of

It - that type of Life Energy of yours - is constantly
smashed away, misdirected or deceived,

by the very Sociopaths whom your Energy is supposed
to sense, to feel, to Perceive, or to figure out.


And then there are the "kind" helpers of the
Sociopaths - the Destructive Cowards -

who "spare you from having to know about and be
aware of Sociopaths."

Imagine kindergarten teachers telling you,
not to worry about crossing the street:

"There ARE NO cars [Sociopaths] on the road
to destroy your life if you don't see them

"Just be happy, and all will take care of

"Leave it to others, to be aware of
Sociopaths" - "it makes you sick with worry,
to want to detect Sociopaths."

That is '#ALL_IN_REVERSE' of course: What DOES make
you sick and worry, is to NOT sense or detect those
Sociopaths who try to destroy your life.

But Sociopaths want to have all seen, felt, known
and "understood" 'in reverse.'

And their HELPERS, the Destructive Cowards, do
greatly assist them, in that.


Supposing you want to pursue happiness in life for
yourself and with others, then

we want to be aware of these things.

The Sociopaths want you to call life "a game." "Life is a game," they
like to state, that that is the essence of Life. But only FOR THEM,
it "is the essence of life."

Accordingly, VAST amounts of Life Energy are directed towards
and put into people fighting each other.

It's what Sociopaths do: Make people fight each other.

...INSTEAD of detecting and recognizing the Sociopaths, who do want
people to fight and to compete in the first place.

You may notice, that in competitions (at non-group or 'solo-
effort' sports in particular), Sociopaths are NOT detected,
and may win and are hailed as winners.

As long as they keep to the rules that are observed, or,
as the case may be, are not detected in breaking these.

As much so in the society, Sociopaths may win in business
or in politics or in entertainment, also in family life,

as long as they keep to the rules that are observed, or
as the case may be, as long as they are not detected nor
stopped in their breaking rules and laws.



This reminds me of a recent, widely publicized real-life story, in
which a Sociopath - in charge of an organization claiming to help
people more than anything does help others - the Sociopath in charge,
was making a contest, creating a 'game,' between some twenty of his
top people who were all 'eternally dedicated to helping people and

They had fallen out of his favor and were being punished by
him, always for 'being bigger than him, the Sociopath himself,'
or for not being slavish enough in allowing him to command their
Life Energy, to command their abilities, to command their work,
to command their personal life,

WHILE they pledged themselves TO BE enslaved, or,

in the words of those so enslaved:

to let themselves be "organized," their whole life owned really,
and "commanded" and "guided"

BY the Sociopaths, (in this example the commanding
Sociopaths are l. ron hubbard, and his living deputy
David Miscavige)

in the words of those enslaved by those Sociopaths:

"in order best to help the biggest amount of people."

The Sociopath (the living one, of course) organized a 'game' for
those he accused of and punished for not unquestioningly
following the orders and intentions of the Sociopaths, he
organized a 'game'

for them to fight AGAINST each other, for them to prove to
each other and to him, that they really WERE dedicated to
helping people,

and then to show him, 'who of all of them, was THE MOST
dedicated to helping people,' and would then be allowed,
to stay on serve the Sociopaths "in dispensing (giving) help
to people by promoting and practicing 'the only hope
Mankind ever had and ever will have'." [HRO]


In this way, most of their Energy for helping people, went into
fighting each other, "to prove and show to each other, who served
the group best."

You find this in ALL groups commanded by Sociopaths, like in the
groups who supported Mao or Stalin or Hitler.

Commanded by Sociopaths and taking over the doctrines (the ideas
about life) that the Sociopaths feel "is life,"

in which "life is a game of overwhelming others, in order
to win against others,"

the 'Endsieg' or Final Victory, (by Germany, 1945)
the 'Cultural Revolution,' (Mao)
the 'Communist International,' (Marx-Lenin)
the 'Islam's Ummah or Brotherhood' (its Prophet)

the dedicated "helpers of people," did start more and more to

against those whom they offered help,

and even against those who also accepted and even bought
help from the group of dedicated helpers..

So it pays largely, to regain the ability to be aware of actual



[ODE] 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2} [ODE]
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)!topic/alt.philosophy/tTuAy8agBHo
(mono font):!topic/alt.conspiracy/YE6x_-kdsmc

[DOP] 'Natural Definition of Peace'
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.9-t} [DOP]
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.9-t on 24 Dec 2011)!original/
(reposted with subject 'Natural Definition of Peace' on 20110811)

[TOS] 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1} [TOS]
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)!original/soc.culture.europe/SdJpNimO1hQ/KTd3elWfN70J

[HRO-V3.4-Intro] 'l. ron hubbard motivated by RAGING Jealousy
and VIOLENT Hate - introducing Version 3.4 of [HRO] #1
{Intro HRO 20081017-V3.4} (enclosed) [HRO-V3.4-Intro]
(23 November 2014)!topic/alt.religion/5dEBLYoljNg

[HRO] 'Natural Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the
individual, Scientology founder)'
(optimized for foreign-language students)
{HRO 20081017-V7.0} [HRO]
(17 October 2008 - Version 7.0 on 4 June 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/ri0gX0TzkAM
PDF-version(0.1) of Natural Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard
(Satan, Scientology founder) - Version 7.0
file: 20081017-V7.0-pdf-V0.1 Natural Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard
(Satan, Scientology founder).pdf
file: 20081017-V7.0-pdf-V0.1 Natural Human Rights Order\
on l. ron hubbard (Satan, Scientology founder).pdf

[DDC-17] 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part Seventeen: 'Understand
Cowards, for handling them - not Beethoven' '
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi17-V2.2.1} [DDC-17]
(11 December 2007 - Version 2.2.1 on 13 Dec 2007)

[ZTA]'What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent
to each other - in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite'
{HRI 20060305-V2.7} [ZTA]
(5 March 2006, Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.7 on 2 Nov 2010)!topic/

[Salim Onbargi]

Salim Onbargi, 'Born Again With Doctor Dahesh,' 1993 New York,
(Daheshist Publishing Co., New York) [Onbargi-Dahesh]

[An engineer with very little understanding of spiritual
matters, encounters the psychic, and travels as the
psychic's companion, for some time, in the Middle East
- a highly interesting account and clear viewpoint:

Very confusing though, is (and this is why I am reluctant
to recommend it without explanations) the complete lack
of understanding by the psychic himself, of his own,
indeed totally awesome and tremendous abilities - his
complete lack of understanding how he connects to the
Source Energy of The Creation, and of how and when he can
NOT, and why he can sometimes and other times not connect
to those Energies, and giving others very debilitating and
frustrating "advice," through his lack of understanding
the source of Energy and of his own abilities, which are,
of course, not abilities that everyone just can conjure up
by chanting or writing some formula - a tremendous lack of
understanding his own self and the mechanisms involved,
resulting in him dying a biological death of long and
painful bodily sickness, that he could NOT repair - after
living an active life of showing his abilities and his
rather sick and sickening "understanding" of these
abilities, and his repulsive lack of understanding people
and global situations, largely determined by the fact
that he had and has no purpose to remedy these: "If you
know about the power of the Source Energy of the Creation"
- Energy that HE could at times tap into - "THEN all will
be fine, simply if you believe and know, that that Energy
exists." Which is a very childish attitude, and not caring
at all for Earth nor for Mankind on Earth, much like we
know it from so many others who claim to "care."]



I enclose, for your convenience:

'Awareness Level Basic Questions (for AWL III-VI)' - {AWL 20150513}

Some Awareness Level Questions - AWL Series

13 May 2015
{AWL 20150513}


[AWL] series = the Awareness Level series


How to raise your Awareness at the basic Levels (III to VI)


(to AWL-III) (1-3) (to penetrate-remove Euphoria)
(to AWL-IV) (1-5) (to penetrate-remove Ugliness)
(to AWL-V) (1-5) (to penetrate-remove Unawareness)
(to AWL-VI) (1-17) (to penetrate-remove Hate and Pain)
(How much work and time should you spend on this?)
Notes (1),(2)
Footnote (*)
References (16)(including web link)
Copyright notice




(to AWL-III):
(use as repetitive, very therapeutic questions*)

(III-1) What Euphoria REPLACED some reality in your life?

(III-2) Who was REPLACING a part of the reality of your life,
with Euphoria?

(III-3) What Euphoria by [who, above] REPLACED some reality in
you life?



(to AWL-IV):
(use as repetitive, very therapeutic questions*)

(IV-1) What is too Ugly to look at?

(IV-2) WHO is too Ugly to really look at and look through?

(IV-3) What Ugliness is too much to look at - that you however
should look at?

(IV-4) WHO created too much Ugliness to look at?

(IV-5) What Ugliness of [who, above], is too much to look at?



(to AWL-V):
(use as repetitive, very therapeutic questions*)

(V-1) What were you made Unaware of?

(V-2) Who was making you Unaware of something?

(V-3) What Unawareness (Black) Energy, is too much to look at -
that you however should look at?

(V-4) Who inflicted Unawareness (Black) Energy that is too much
to look at?

(V-5) What Unawareness (Black) Energy from [whom, above], is too
much to look at - that you however should look at?



(to AWL-VI):
(use as repetitive, very therapeutic questions*)

(VI-1) What Hate Energy is present, currently, that you could
sense or know is there?

(VI-2) Who is now producing Hate Energy?

(VI-3) What is [who, found above] Hating now?

(VI-4) Who was producing and inflicting Hate Energy?

(VI-5) What did [who, found above] Hate?

(VI-6) Into what part of your body (including also your brain)
was Hate or Pain Energy inflicted at some time?

(VI-7) Who (which soul) could it be, who at some time inflicted
Hate or Pain Energy (Particles) into some part of your
body (including, into your brain)?

(VI-8) Who (which soul) at some time tried to inflict, or did
even succeed in inflicting Hate Energy into your soul?

(VI-8.a) For whom or for what were you then made to feel Hate?

(VI-8.b) How long did that Hate last?

(VI-9) Who is Hating you? [there are some 100 million Sociopaths,
so you don't accept 'Nobody' for your answer]

(VI-10) What is [who, found above] Hating you for?

(VI-11) Who is SECRETLY Hating you? (see also VI-9, above)

(VI-12) What is [who] SECRETLY Hating you for?

(VI-13) Who is openly Admiring or assisting you, but SECRETLY
Hating you? (see for instance [HRO])

(VI-14) What is [who] openly Admiring you for or assisting you in,
but in fact, SECRETLY Hating you for?

(VI-15) What is too Hateful to look at - that you however should
look at?

(VI-16) Who is too Hateful to look at - whom you however should
look at?

(VI-17) What Hate of [who, found above] is too much to look at?


(This - completing this Awareness Level VI, then leads naturally
to the next Awareness Levels, VII - XII, as these are about
detecting and protecting against vampirism on your Life Energy.)





(How much work and time should you spend on this?)

How much work and time should you spend on this?

Enough to BECOME aware of these things, and then,

enough to become and remain somewhat free of the effects of the
attacking (Harmful) Energies, and then, which goes hand in hand,

enough, to detect and shield off from you and from your body -
and not to associate with - those who produce those Energies,

(which they will inflict on ANYONE, thus ALSO on you, even
if they are "your best friend for life")

and to detect and remove the Harmful Energies from your body,
when or after these are inflicted,

(not to have headaches anymore, for instance, or resolve
these very quickly)

to protect and restore your soul as well as your body,

and then also shielding or helping others to restore themselves.




Arguably the most Loving and most Beautiful, and
most Intelligent and Truthful spirit
on Earth and well beyond,

I do remain yours faithfully etc. etc. etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30




(1) You do this 'Solo' (alone), or with a well-intentioned, calm
assistant, who keeps you focused on repeating the question and
on answering each time.

Especially when alone, 'Solo,' you may want to use a LEF-Meter
to guide your attention towards the most significant answers.

An advanced, modern LEF-meter reads Fluctuations at least up to
ten Hertz (10 Hz), which then shows the Fluctuations of Hate
Energy and of Ugliness Energy, for instance, between five and
ten Hertz.

This can be a big help, in detecting and thus neutralizing those

- which, after all, are PARTICLES of Life Energy (of the
Harmfully Altered kind).

If you do this with an assistant (to keep you focused on
the question and on answering it repetitively),

your assistant may want to ALSO use a LEF-Meter on himself
(additionally to yours, which you see),

because he (the person assisting you) does have his
attention and thus his Life Energy Fluctuations,

in tune with you (but also with himself and with

This may aid in finding more significant answers (much)
faster, if you are well in tune (and depending, of course,
on the Awareness Level of your assistant:

You may cancel out each others' Blind Spots and
aversions to looking at certain things or people.


(2) You can figure out (formulate) more questions - repetitive
questions to yourself: to find, look at and thus free up 'stuck'
Energy about your helping others whom you are or were in some
way connected with.

Formulate questions accordingly - which you might call
'Flow Two':

... that ANOTHER should however look at
... in ANOTHER's life

to restore in them (by means of YOUR looking) some (more)
understanding of the subject - and to increase your own
Understanding of them, at the same time.

Formulate questions accordingly - which you might call
'Flow Three':

... that PEOPLE should however look at.
... in PEOPLE's life

to make you look at, how people in general might increase
their understanding of the subject



(*) Repetitive, very therapeutic questions:

You repeat a question and answer it each time asked, in order to
INCREASE the amount of Connection-Perception Life Energy towards
the subject of that question.

You repeat it, till you have become 'well-enough' connected to
it (your feeling-sensing-remembering-Perceiving it)

- to your current satisfaction in relation to your current
level of understanding the subject.

You can always take it up again after you have increased
your understanding on other subjects:

There is no limit to Awareness nor to Understanding or Ability.

' This is of course NOT for Sociopaths to do, as their
INTENTION is, to bring about either a FALSE "Connection,"
or else to bring about a 'NO Connection' (a Blocked
"Connection" - see definition of Unawareness) to the



[AWL-III-VI] 'Awareness Levels Three, Four, Five and Six: Ability to face
Drugged Euphoria(3), Ugliness(4), Unawareness(5), Hate-Pain(6)
Energy, inflicted by the Sociopath soul of l. ron hubbard e.a.'
{HRI 20150121} [AWL-III-VI]
(21 January 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/esuhRDVzeRg

TWELVE - Abilities to detect and prevent removal of your own
Life Energy: while awake, asleep, sick, near or after death,
or in infancy'
{HRI 20150123} [AWL-VII-XII]
(23 January 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/wIfn1GWitKk

[SLOAT] 'What does l. ron hubbard's soul (Satan) lash out with,
at you, when you start to look at him (as he really is)?'
{HRI draft note 20150103} [SLOAT]!topic/soc.rights.human/RfrRMrMR3UY

[AWL-I] 'Awareness Level One: Restored Ability to Recognize the Soul
of Satan, of l. ron hubbard as he actually is'
{HRI draft note 20141230}' [AWL-I]
(30 December 2014)!topic/soc.rights.human/eMAIxMzMig4

[AWL-II] 'Awareness Level TWO: Restored Ability to LOCATE the Soul
of Satan, of l. ron hubbard as he actually is'
{HRI note 20150110-V1.1} [AWL-II]
(10 January 2015 - Version 1.1 on 11 Jan 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/uE-1XB91WmA


[SOS] 'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity'
{HRI 20040619-V4.1} [SOS]
(19 June 2004 - Version 4.1 on 16 May 2007)

[TTU] 'The Three Types of Unawareness Inflicted on you - and the
Definition of Awareness (actual, working, and proven)'
{FPP 20130911-V1.2} [TTU]
(11 September 2013 - Version 1.2 on 16 Sept 2013)!topic/it.politica/_vLzL-jZvwc

[RVKH] 'How to remedy Vampiring knockout hits (Unawareness)
inflicted by Sociopaths' [RVKH]
{draft HRI note 20130404-V1.0-t}
(4 April 2013 - Version 1.1 on 5 Apr 2013)

[MLRH] 'Drugged Hate, Drugged Ugliness and Drugged Unawareness -
inflicted by Sociopaths - Your refusal to really face Life'
{HRI draft note 20120425-V4.0} [MLRH]
(25 April 2012 - Version 4.0 on 26 Jun 2012 )

[SAWO] 'Scientology "Awareness Levels",' is a 'Contradiction in Terms'
(an oxymoron)'
{note 20120116} [SAWO]
(16 January 2012)

[MDSS] 'How with a Meter to Detect 'Satan's Soul,' and any Criminal
Minds - 'How To,' for the Common Man'
{HRI 20120109-V1.3-t} [MDSS]
(9 January 2012 - Version 1.3 on 18 Jan 2012)

[HOB] 'Can a person heal his own body? How Flat Is The Earth...'
{HRI note 20120105} [HOB]
(5 January 2012)

[UFPP] 'Unawareness, you know what that is? (Fine Particle Physics)'
{FPP note 20110624-V1.0.2} [UFPP]
(24 June 2011 - Version 1.0.2 on 24 Jun 2011)

'The Energy Layers - Energy Barriers That Prevent Awareness'
(9 May 2003)

'Awareness Scales and Enlightenment'
{HRI 20030408}
(8 Apr 2003)

'Mechanics Of Awareness, Perception, Memory And Forgetfulness'
{HRI 20020913}
(13 September 2002)




Copyright 2015, 2016 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to "handle"
Sociopaths, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.


Jan 10, 2016, 9:45:48 AM1/10/16
On 1/10/2016 8:29 AM, Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:

You probably could have been a bit more concise, it's
like what Stephen Hawking said about his famous book...

"Someone told me that each equation I included in the book
would halve the sales. I therefore resolved not to have
any equations at all."

I would tend to agree with the sentiment that reality
should be seen clearly, not masked with self-serving
defense mechanisms like mysticism or denial.

My way of doing that is to base my morality on whether
some event, opinion etc either brings the world closer
to a 'natural state' or farther away.

And use the principles of evolution, or more specifically
Complexity Science, to judge which direction some path
takes us.

A morality based on nature, not man or God.

For instance, an ideal or naturally evolving system
has two properties at simultaneous maximums.

1) the rules of operation
2) freedom of interaction


Darwinian evolution

1) rules of operation would be...'genetics'
2) freedom of interaction would be ...'natural selection'

If either aspect of a system is weak or dominated
by the other the system suffers and is pulled
farther away from being natural, evolving or


1) constitution (rules of operation)
2) Bill of Rights (freedom of interaction)

Market System

1) producers (rules of operation)
2) consumers (freedom of interaction)


1) facts (rules of operation)
2) imagination (freedom of interaction)


1) science (rules of operation)
2) philosophy (freedom of interaction)


1) gravity (rules of operation)
2) space-time (freedom of interaction)

And so on...


Jan 10, 2016, 9:49:46 AM1/10/16
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