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What to tell Apple Apologists who claim anyone who speaks facts is "down on Apple" (i.e., they conflict with Apple Marketing)?

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Arlen Holder

Nov 15, 2019, 7:01:38 PM11/15/19
What to tell Apple Apologists who claim anyone who speaks facts is "down on
Apple" (i.e., they conflict with Apple Marketing)?

This post is intended to form a permanent record for future reference:
a. Anyone who speaks facts about Apple products
b. That the Apple Apologists don't like
c. These Apple Apologists claim is "down on Apple".

And yet, the fact is that the problem is not that people who speak facts
are down on Apple; but that people who are apologists can't comprehend
anyone who speaks the factual truth about Apple products.

That is, to these Apple Apologists, if you speak facts about Apple which
conflict with the Apple Marketing messages, then you must hate Apple.

The apologists like Barry Margolin can't comprehend that not everyone who
owns Apple products drinks the JimJones' punch from Apple Marketing.
o Apple employee fired today for stealing photo from Genius bar customer's iPhone

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 23:14:53 -0000 (UTC), Lewis wrote:

>> That doesn't matter to Arlen -- if they're not perfect, they're shit.
> So Arlen knows Arlen is shit.

*This post is for Barry Margolin, and any _adult_ that is on this ng.*

While Lewis can't be expected to own adult cognitive skills, I'm going to
presume, a priori, that Barry Margolin was educated in the Boston area, as
was I, where that alone may indicate that Barry might very well own adult
cognitive skills.

This post is a chance for Barry Margolin to _exercise_ those adult skills.

Hence, this post is mostly for adults - where I assume Barry is one.
a. Notice I own _plenty_ of Apple products & plenty of Android products
b. Note I proved (beyond doubt) what Android does that iOS can't do
(I didn't even get started - those screenshots just scrape the surface.)

Hence, I ask Barry Margolin, whom I presume owns adult cognitive skills:
Q: Barry: Did I prove there was plenty on Android that isn't on iOS?

So maybe, just maybe, the Apologists "dont' know shit", and hence
o Maybe, just maybe, everything "Arlen" says, is a factual certainty.

Assuming Barry agrees, then he must realize that I speak the truth about
iOS, with respect to the lack of fundamental modern app functionality that
is on Android. Period. (We can argue about degrees - but those apps simply
do not exist on the Apple App Store and they exist in droves for Android).

Moving forward with facts, and still assuming Barry Margolin owns adult
cognitive skills, Barry implied that I'm down on Apple, per se, when he
"That doesn't matter to Arlen -- if they're not perfect, they're shit."

Where did Barry Margolin come up with that childish idea?

Hmmmm... I wonder if Barry Margolin is aware that I'm on the Android
newsgroup, where I'm pretty damn hard on Google's lack of privacy?

I suspect not, since all apologists are immune to facts; but given that I
suspect Barry Margolin might actually be an adult, then I will _apprise_
him of the fact.

For example, earlier today, in this thread, I clearly said I would NOT
install ANY Google product (e.g., Google Keep).
o What do YOU use for your todo/tobuy lists and why do you like that app?

[As an aside, any adult reader should read that thread and be amazed at how
actual adults converse on a Usenet newsgroup, when apologists aren't there
- trust me - you'll be shocked - almost everyone posts as adults!]

Now, Barry Margolin ... if you are an adult, do you comprehend (using those
adult cognitive skills) that I'm as hard on Google as I am on Apple for

Probably not.

So let's prove even more so that I'm as hard on Google as I am on Apple,
even as the adults on don't say what you apologists say
which is that I'm only hard on Google. (You apologists only have 7
responses to fact, one of them is to blame the bearer of the fact.)

Look at this, Barry Margolin, and comprehend it using adult cognition:
o Is there any free FUNCTIONALITY that you need to do on Android, that you can't do WITHOUT a Google Account?

Hmmm... Barry Margolin ... does that appear to be a factual question that,
if posted here on the child-like Apple newsgroups, would garner me a claim
of "lying"?

Let's move on, where I won't even cull the Windows newsgroups where I'm
"down on Microsoft" (according to Barry Margolin - simply because I speak
facts about Windows), or the Linux newsgroups where Barry Margolin would
claim I'm "down on Canonical", simply because I found the default GUI to be

Nope. This isn't the first time Barry Margolin proved to be completely
immune to facts, which, if he were back in Boston at school, would
instantly earn him an "F" for failing to comprehend even the most basic of

Let's look here, at this Android thread where I speak facts:
o 25 Million Android Phones Infected With Malware That ĄHides In WhatsAppĒ

Hmmmm... According to the odd "logic" of Barry Margolin, I must be down on
Google simply because I _reported_ a valid fact about Google that Barry
Margolin might not happen to like (because it conflicts with marketing).

Barry Margolin, if he owns adult cognitive skills, may wish to skim this:
o Google keeps a log of all digital receipts emailed to your GMail account.
where you'll note that affects EVERYONE (not just Android users).

And yet, Barry Margolin will remain immune to facts, it seems, if he reads
this and then doesn't say to himself, "hmmm... this guy reports the facts".

But there's more (way more), where, for example, Barry should look here:
o GSF independent free, ad free, email programs for Android on Google Play

Would you look at that?

Here is this guy, Arlen, who is only down on Apple (supposedly), who is
trying to find apps on the Google Play store that do NOT use the Google
Services Framework.

Maybe this guy Arlen does speak facts about any operating system?
Naaah. The Apple Apologists can't fathom anyone who doesn't drink the Jim
Jones' punch that Apple marketing feeds you apologists to believe.

Oh no! Here's _another_ Android thread Arlen posted on privacy!
o What are the common settings to change on an Android 7.0 Nougat phone for privacy?

For any adults on this newsgroup (if any exist), the point is clear, even
as apologists like Barry Margolin are incapable of comprehending facts at
the level of an adult, that I care about privacy on all platforms (don't
even get me started on disabling Cortana).

Here's another post, outlining advertiser free Google free apps:
o Android Free, GSF free, ad free APK app backup & restore programs for already installed apps (including system apps)

Now Barry Margolin likely doesn't have the adult cognitive skills to
comprehend this next reference, but boy oh boy, would he have a fit if I
tried to ask how to replace the Apple Mail app, would he not?
o Let's document the best known current free REPLACEMENTS for Google "mail" account - so all benefit from our efforts
o GSF independent free, ad free, email programs for Android on Google Play

This list of facts about Android can go on and on for a long time, where it
will always be noted the apologists can rarely provide even a _single_ fact
for the basis of their belief system - while I provide plenty for mine.

For example, here's a fact that I'm "down" on the cloud, even Google's!
o Do people of reasonable technical ability store their private data on the Internet (if so, for what gain?)

Notice the fact is I don't drink the JimJones' punch from ANY advertiser.
o Not Apple
o Not Google
o Not Microsoft or Canonical

There are so many of these threads, that I hope Barry Margolin has the
adult cognitive skills to comprehend I speak facts about all platforms:
o AndroidPolice says the latest Google Play Services 18.3.82 has a battery drain problem
o Google Play Store deprecated "Sun Pro Beauty Camera" and "Funny Sweet Beauty Selfie Camera" - remove them
o Kaspersky Labs reports "CamScanner" contains a trojan (100 million downloads, both iOS & Android)
o A nice GSF-independent free ad free dual-SIM cellular & wifi signal debugger on Android

In summary, the adults on this newsgroup who own basic adult cognitive
skills will have "heard" from the apologists that I am down only on Apple,
but what is really happening is the apologists have no adult response to

I speak facts about _all_ operating systems that I own.
o Only on the Apple newsgroups, are those facts considered anathema.

It seems the Apologists only have 7 basic responses to facts
o None of which are an adult response to facts.

One of their basic responses to facts is to claim I hate Apple, when the
fact is that own plenty of Apple products where what they see as "hating"
Apple is simply me stating facts about Apple they weren't fed by Marketing.

As always, this post is designed to be enshrined in the permanent record,
to show, in this case, that the apologists have no adult response to facts.
They, like Barry Margolin, form their belief system based on exactly 0
facts, and then, when you provide facts which easily DESTROY their belief
systems, they turn into instant children (because they have no adult
response to facts).

Arlen Holder

Nov 15, 2019, 8:46:06 PM11/15/19
Here is a post, for reference, which in response to apologists who claim
that iOS has "functionality" that isn't available on Android, where the
fact remains that the apologists claim anyone who knows these facts, must
dislike Apple, simply for _knowing_ these facts.

(Admittedly, very few Apple owners likely comprehend these basic facts,
simply because either (a) they only know what marketing fed them, or (b)
they don't even own Android devices so they don't know any better).

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 18:53:17 -0500, nospam wrote:

>> o *Every day I do things on Android that are _impossible_ in iOS.*
> actually, you just think you do, but even if that was the case, so what?

Hi nospam,

As you're well aware, I own plenty of iOS & Android devices.
o Where I actually _know_ the functionality difference between them.

For example, this is a side-by-side of my iOS/Android homescreens:

Do you even realize how many modern capabilities are shown on the Android
side of that single screenshot, which are _impossible_ on the iOS launcher?

> no device does everything. pick the best tool for the job.

And yet, on iOS, there are exactly 0 tools that do the job!

For example, almost every day I open my "system" folder on Android, where
it has so much app functionality that isn't on iOS that it would make a
lesser man's head spin.

Do you have this modern "App Drawer" functionality on iOS, nospam?

Do you have this modern ability on iOS, all by its itty bitty self, to list
the installed apps (system or otherwise) to a huge variety of formats
(e.g., text. html, csv, XML, whatever), sent to any number of programs on
the phone, or, most often, directly to an editable text file (containing
the full URLs to those apps, if desired) on the phone?

Do you have this modern ability on iOS to extract any app at any time and
then re-use that app on almost any other device on the planet, even if that
app is no longer in the official app store and even if you never archived
it prior?

Do you have this modern capability of choosing _any_ app store you want?

This is just a single-folder off-the-cuff ad hoc sampling of the types of
modern functionality on Android we use every day which is _impossible_ on
iOS, despite the fact you incessantly brazenly fabricate iOS functionality
which you know doesn't exist.

HINT: You know as I know, that iOS has _none_ of those modern capabilities,
and yes, I realize you'll brazen fabricate them in your next post, but
you'll always fail this simplest of the simplest test of an apologist
bullshitter, nospam, since you can _never_ point to the simple app url:
o Name just one

> every day i do things on ios that are impossible on android.
> whop de do.

Name just one.

That is, name a single FUNCTIONALITY (not a brand name, not a trade name,
not something imprisoned inside the walled garden that I wouldn't want to
do anyway, not something that requires a second computer, etc.)...

Let's see if you can back up your claims, even once, nospam.
o Name a single free functionality that I would care about
o That you do on iOS... that I can't do on Android?

Remember, I have both iOS and Android devices to test this on.
o Name just one

If it's not free, then I might not test it, but I can look it up.
o Name just one

If it's not something that I would want to do, that's OK too.
o Name just one

>> As for the "number" of devices, all I need is "one", but you know I own
>> three iPads, and that my kids & grandkids (mostly the girls) have iPhones.
> three is not 'a lot'.

Play your silly games, nospam.

Again, you ignore facts (e.g., iPods), but nonetheless, you ignored the
fact that I said one is enough to test your bullshit claims nospam.
o Why do Apple Apologists constantly brazenly fabricate what turns out to
be wholly imaginary Apple functionality?

> and whatever your kids and grandkids might own does not in any way
> count to *your* total.

Play your silly games, nospam.

Remember, you're the one constantly sending people on fruitless wild-goose
chases which, since I have iOS devices, I know are doomed to failure simply
because you brazenly fabricated the functionality (ask Wade Garrett or Ant
if they were successful following your wholly imaginary functionality which
David Empson clearly stated simply did not exist):
o Why do the Apple Apologists constantly send poor unsuspecting iOS users
on wild goose chases?

> however, the real problem is you don't know how to use any of them to
> their fullest, and that goes for android devices too.

Play your silly games, nospam.

Let's give your imaginary belief system a simple adult test, shall we?

Name just one app functionality (i.e., an actual app on the app store) that
you claim exists on iOS - that you claim that I said didn't exist on iOS?
o Name just one

Likewise, we'll give you the same simple test of all bullshitters like you,
nospam, who make claims they can never back up with even a single fact,
about Android, shall we?

Name just one app functionality (i.e., an actual app on the play store)
that you claim exists on Android - that you claim that I said didn't exist
on Android?
o Name just one

Note: The reason you will fail this simplest test of imaginary belief
systems, nospam, is that your brain forms a belief system based on exactly
0 facts, much like young children do with respect to the Tooth Fairy.

>> You know I give out phones and iPods as stocking stuffers (more often
>> Android though lately, simply because of its inherent fantastic value).
> gifts also do not count as ownership.

Play your silly games nospam.
o When I need to test iPhones, for example, versus iPads, I have a supply.

You can only play games with silly semantics.
o Like all child-like apologists, you have no adult response to facts.

>> You don't remember my screenshot editing questions for the Mac, for
>> example?
> i remember quite well that you were told exactly how to edit screen
> shots using entirely native apps (no third party anything), including
> adding curvy arrows and various other markups you said you wanted, with
> precise step by step instructions how to do it, and despite all of
> that, you continued to rant that it could not be done, just as you
> always do.

The main point is that I've used Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

Nonetheless, if you know _anything_ about how Paint.NET freeware does
curved arrows, you will cry when you have to use the Mac native apps to
perform the same task.

Even the best Linux apps pale in comparison.

>> Or the test that proved the Mac was didn't natively support the
>> OpenVPN protocol?
> open vpn is fully supported on mac and ios using any of several third
> party clients, just as it is on windows, linux and android, which also
> require a third party client.

Play your silly games nospam.
o Either you're too stupid to note the word "native", or,
o You yet again ignore facts you don't like.

But the fact you don't like the fact doesn't change that fact.

The fact is that no common consumer platform natively supports the OpenVPN
protocol - despite the fact you claimed in the past numerous times (AIR)
that the Mac does (but it's no better than all the rest).

> The OpenVPN protocol is not one that is built into ...

What's your point?
o It's not natively built into the Mac, nor Windows, nor Linux.
o It's not built into iOS nor Android either.
You're the one claiming that the Mac is somehow (magically?) better (AIR).

The fact is that the Mac does NOT natively support modern VPN protocols.
o None of the common consumer platforms do.

Play your silly games, nospam.
o Play

>> Each time I try to do something simple on iOS, like graph WiFi signal
>> strength over time for all access points, I find out there are no apps on
>> the iTunes app store that allow you to do that.
> more accurately, every time you try to do something simple, you turn it
> into a colossal clusterfuck and fall flat.

Play your silly games nospam.

You always claim that what I do with iOS is a clusterfuck when the reality
is that I can do with iOS what almost nobody on this group can do in many

For one common example that I do every single day, how do you instantly
turn any iOS device in the entire world into a READ/WRITE USB stick?

I can do it easily.
o In fact, I do it almost every day (copying movies over USB).

If you think you can do what I do with iOS, name how you do that!

What you're seeing here is that apologists have no adult response to fact.


Nov 15, 2019, 9:56:59 PM11/15/19
Arlen Holder <> wrote:
> Name just one app functionality (i.e., an actual app on the play store)
> that you claim exists on Android - that you claim that I said didn't exist
> on Android?
> o Name just one

There is one useful thing I can do with a native iOS app that I haven’t
found a way to do with Android. Not saying it can’t be done, just that I
haven’t found it.

Using Safari I can send a webpage link to the Home Screen. This saves the
effort of opening Safari and navigating through all the Bookmarks to find
the one I want. By saving the hyperlink and webpage icon to the Home Page I
can merely tap on it and it will open Safari and navigate to the page in
one fell swoop. This functionality is common on Windows desktop computers
and probably other operating systems. I’ve tried it on the iOS Google
Chrome web browser and a Samsung Galaxy S6 to no avail.

If you want to test it yourself:
— open Safari and navigate to a website
— tap the Send To icon on the bottom toolbar
— tap Send To Home Screen

You should find an icon on the Home Page now.

Another thing that comes to mind is if I send a hyperlink to someone via
iMessage it will include a small picture and text rather than a generic
hyperlink icon. The recipient can actually get a preview of what the
hyperlink is about before they click on it. I don’t think this
functionality exists in Android but perhaps you do.

Arlen Holder

Nov 15, 2019, 10:32:56 PM11/15/19
On Sat, 16 Nov 2019 02:56:55 +0000 (UTC), badgolferman wrote:

> There is one useful thing I can do with a native iOS app that I haven┤
> found a way to do with Android.

Hi badgolferman,

You're not an apologist, hence a completely different conversation ensues.

I re-posted your question to its own thread, with Android newsgroups added.
o What app functionality you do on iOS you wish you could do on Android?

The goal is to answer your question there, since that's a more appropriate
place, where _this_ thread is about what to tell Apologists who have this
childish response that anyone who doesn't drink the Apple MARKETING
JimJones' punch, somehow is out for Apple.

What those childish apologists don't realize, since their belief systems
are comprised of exactly zero facts, is that I speak facts about _all_
operating systems. They just happen to ignore those basic facts.

Anyway, let's take your question over there, where I'm sure the answer will
be forthcoming, as almost everything can be done on Android (as with

Usenet is where purposefully helpful adults publicly share information.

Arlen Holder

Jan 26, 2020, 6:05:13 AM1/26/20
On Thu, 23 Jan 2020 20:38:50 -0000 (UTC), اثا×اعاغاه wrote:

> Is there no such thing as balance?
> You don't see anything good about Apple?

Regarding, this astute thread by JF Mezei:
o iCloud backups are [N]OT encrypted

Hi "roctb" (aka "a guest", in Russian),
*It's interesting that you have such an _unbalanced_ view of the facts.*
(Which is trivial to prove, and I easily prove that case below.)

What you don't seem to comprehend are even the most basic of the facts.
o Yet, you formed your belief system in the almost total absence of fact.

You, "roctb", appear to be _immune_ to the fact I post facts all the time
on a variety of newsgroups, where you seem to be unaware of these facts:
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
*NOTE: Only on the Apple newsgroups, are posting facts considered "Lies".*

For example, I posted this fact just yesterday on the Windows newsgroups:
o *Microsoft Leaves 250M Customer Service Records Open to the Web*
*Only on the Apple newsgroups would that simple fact be called a "lie".*

And, for example, I post Google flaws all the time on the Android ng.
o *New 0-Day Flaw Affecting Most Android Phones Being Exploited in the
*Only on Apple newsgroups is posting of an OS flaw considered a "lie".*

And, for example, I posted of this Firefox flaw in the Linux newsgroup:
o *Firefox 72.0.1 fixes a security vulnerability that is actively
*Only on Apple newsgroups are people posting mere facts called "Liars"*

What's interesting is that I post helpful tutorials on iOS newsgroups, and
yet, you're apparently completely _immune_ to this most basic of facts.

For example, these are facts you seem to be _immune_ to, "roctb":
o *How to easily archive your iOS device as a free USB stick*
o *Upcoming $330 7th Generation 2019 iPad to retain the headphone jack!*
o *Save this to connect your mobile device to your home WiFi far away*

You, "roctb", just proved that you are completely _immune_ to facts...

The fact is that I post facts all the time on _lots_ of newsgroups, Roctb.
o You just don't seem to _like_ facts, that's all.

You appear to consider it unbalanced for someone to post mere facts.
o Yet, you seem to only complain when the facts are about Apple.

That fact, in and of itself, tells us a lot about you, Roctb.
Speaking facts about all operating systems, where, speaking facts about
Apple operating systems is considered being "down on Apple" apparently.

Arlen Trolder

Jan 27, 2020, 12:22:18 AM1/27/20
Arlen Holder wrote:


I have not received any feeding from this thread for ten days.
It is time to bump this thread. Although I will be replying to
myself, I will pretend I am replying to someone else...

...just like I do in many of my other "bait line" threads.


Jan 27, 2020, 1:06:43 AM1/27/20
Talking to yourself must be a step up from talking to the sky. Due to cut
backs in spending, you were let out of the sanitarium?

Я гость в отеле


Jan 27, 2020, 1:12:52 AM1/27/20
Nice night for a walk... nothing to wear? Laundry day? One short of a six
pack? Favorite movie, 12 monkeys by chance?

Arlen Holder

Jul 1, 2020, 2:55:00 PM7/1/20
On Wed, 1 Jul 2020 14:10:03 -0400, Alan Browne wrote:

> Apple does dominate in one way, of course. They make margin.
> Oodles of it.
> Apple also dominate in getting into the heads of people who somehow hate
> them.

Hi Alan Browne,

Regarding your factually correct comments in this thread just now...
o Direct public quote from Sr. Apple exec:
"*Apple does NOT have a dominant position in _ANY_ market*"

You're astutely correct, IMHO, on two important factual assessments:
o You only fail on the third count because you're an apologist after all.

Luckily, you're a "type II" apologist, (IMHO), which means you're not they
way you are out of maliciousness, but you think the way you do about me
simply because you're unduly swayed by MARKETING and you hate that I'm not.

However, if you keep making sense like you did on your first two point I
might have to ignore your hatred for folks who comprehend facts and
perhaps, someday, remove you from the apologists' category, as Apple _does_
have one thing (and one thing only) making it the best in class, and, in
fact, the best in the world.

... ... *MARKETING* ... ...

If there was a law against monopolizing the thought process of people's
brains, Apple would be the first company broken up as a result of that law.

So, you're astutely correct, IMHO, on two important factual assessments:
1. Due to MARKETING, Apple makes "ooodles" of profit margin indeed, and,
2. That profit margin is due to MARKETING "getting into people's heads".

The only place you're dead wrong is in me hating Apple, which I don't (I
buy plenty of Apple products and I only speak well cited facts about them).

I do hate that Apple MARKETING has bamboozled the dumber people which is
why I don't particularly trust disingenuous people like nospam & Jolly
Roger who sadistically send those innocent Apple users (one of whom was me,
years ago) on wild-goose chases that have absolutely no hope of fruition.

Why Lewis, Jolly Roger, Alan Baker, Joerg Lorenz, and nospam brazenly
fabricate functionality for iOS that simply doesn't exist is beyond me.

What I hate are two things, you confuse with Apple (where I don't hate
Apple since they're simply manipulating what turns out to be a rather
ignorant customer base into spending a lot of money to allay their fears):

Apple customers are inherently afraid of almost everything out there
o Where MARKETING palliates their fears with glossy MARKETING messages

What I dislike are people like nospam making claims that simply waste
people's time, since his credibility is no better than that of the result
of a coin toss....

And what I dislike are people like Alan Baker, Jolly Roger, Lewis, et al.,
who claim that any and all facts about Apple products are "lies by liars".

I also dislike when Type II Apologists, of which you are one (IMHO), like
Steve Scharf claim repeatedly that the Qualcomm royalties went _down_ per
iPhone, when, in fact, they went up (by 130%) and then they're not man
enough to admit they can't even comprehend a news article correctly.

In summary, you should realize, by now, I speak, FACTS about Apple
products, where I speak facts about Windows, Linux, and Android products
also - but you apologists can't comprehend something that balanced.

What you fear is Windows, Android, etc., while what Android and Windows
users fear is _not_ Apple - not in the least (as you noted, in the sense of
Apple's lack of market dominance in _any_ category).

Notice it's always the Apple owners who react so "funnily", which I think
is simply due to their abject fear, where that fear is well known to Apple
MARKETING - who preys most on people who are the most driven insane by fear

In short, you made two astute comments, but you don't understand that
someone who speaks facts about any operating system (whether that's
Windows, Linux, iOS, or Android), is simply stating facts.

You don't _like_ those facts perhaps...
o But the fact you don't like facts doesn't change the fact they're facts.

See also:
o *What to tell Apple Apologists who claim anyone who speaks facts is "down on Apple"*
(i.e., they conflict with Apple Marketing)?
Apple users are a cult which can't fathom anyone speaking facts about it.

Arlen Holder

Dec 19, 2020, 9:18:23 AM12/19/20
UPDATE for the permanent record on how these strange apologists think.

On Sat, 19 Dec 2020 09:56:49 +1300, Your Name wrote:

> [1 quoted line suppressed]

All you Type III Apple apologists think alike.
o You think anyone who tells the factual truth, must be anti-Apple.

It happens all the time that these Type III apologist's brains simply can't
fathom that people can speak the truth about _all_ operating systems.

o I don't know why.

I suspect these TYPE III apologists _only_ read MARKETING shills
o Such that they've _never_ seen nor contemplated actual facts about Apple.

There's an entire thread on these strange people who claim you can only
speak good things about Apple, and even more so, if you say the truth about
Apple, you must be "anti Apple" (even if you own plenty of Apple hardware):
o What to tell Apple Apologists who claim anyone who speaks facts is "down
on Apple" (i.e., they conflict with Apple Marketing)?

The truth is I speak the truth about all operating systems I use, whether
that's Canonical's Ubuntu which they screwed up with Unity; or if it's
Windows 10 trying to force you to create a Microsoft Account, or if it's
Android where Google grabs your sqlite contacts database without even
giving you the opportunity to stop it (if you use the Google MUA).

Yet, these Type III apologists like Your Name are completely unused to
people who speak facts about all operating systems they use every day.

And then, these Type III apologists attack you (e.g., they attack Gordon
Moore simply for saying facts about Apple that they themselves don't like).

o I don't know why.

I suspect all these Type III apologists are cultists, who are so weak
minded that they allow MARKETING to set their definition of self worth.

For example, MARKETING tells 'em the camera quality of output is the best
o And yet, iPhones can barely break into the top 10 most of the time

Those are facts which, if you point them to the cites, they'll say that the
test reviewers were "bribed" (true story - from nospam himself), where any
outfit that doesn't put Apple in the top must be, by definition, bribed.

Can you believe what these Apologists actually believe?
o It's why I claim it's apologists who ruin this newsgroup for everyone.

Not the people who speak facts and who have _never_ been wrong on facts!
o Note: People obsess about "assessments" which are different from facts!

Did'ja ever wonder, for example, why TYPE III apologists always attack the
bearer of mere facts? I have. I believe that they have self identified with
Apple's MARKETING messaging (admittedly Apple's brilliant specialty).

So whenever Apple MARKETING messaging is show to be untrue, (e.g., battery
life claims, throttling excuses, hurdles in consumer repair, privacy leaks
galore, security leaps like you can't believe, they're so sophomoric,
etc.), these Type III apologists react with pure hateful vicious vitriol.

o I don't know why.

I suspect any truthful fact about Apple which conflicts with the MARKETING
messages Apple fed to these Type III apologists, is considered by these
TYPE III apologists as a direct attack against them (i.e., their self

Since they take all of their self worth from MARKETING, they themselves
can't fathom anyone else who actually looks at the facts, & not the BS.
One bug.... and the entire untested core iOS house of cards falls down.
Google asked "Was it really that easy?", to which the answer was "Yes".
Google proved iOS core code dating back to 1985 has _never_ been tested!

Alan Baker

Dec 19, 2020, 1:07:28 PM12/19/20
On 2020-12-19 6:18 a.m., Arlen Holder wrote:
> UPDATE for the permanent record

> The truth is I speak the truth about all operating systems I use, whether
> that's Canonical's Ubuntu which they screwed up with Unity; or if it's
> Windows 10 trying to force you to create a Microsoft Account, or if it's
> Android where Google grabs your sqlite contacts database without even
> giving you the opportunity to stop it (if you use the Google MUA).

Or when you claimed a note directing you to consult Apple's official
Privacy Policy was actually the policy itself...

> Yet, these Type III apologists like Your Name are completely unused to
> people who speak facts about all operating systems they use every day.
> And then, these Type III apologists attack you (e.g., they attack Gordon
> Moore simply for saying facts about Apple that they themselves don't like).

> For example, MARKETING tells 'em the camera quality of output is the best
> o And yet, iPhones can barely break into the top 10 most of the time

Where what you really mean is that you watch the DXOMark rankings every
day to catch those moments when Apple's iPhone is not in the top 10.
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