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(rev 1.2) (Travolta's) Ugliness: Rape of (some)one's (sexual) Life Energy - {HRI note 20120514-V1.2}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

May 16, 2012, 9:10:30 AM5/16/12
(Travolta's) Ugliness: Rape of (some)one's (sexual) Life Energy

14 May 2012
{HRI note 20120514-V1.2}

(Version 1.2
on 16 May 2012)


(suits foreign
language readers)





(on journalism in general - skip, to go directly to
the subject of the title)

Once again, I have to write this, because no one else does

- not even those (on-line as 'Radar, Gawker or Huffing'*)
who do like to pride themselves in being "free
journalists" -

obviously also THEIR mind is neither free, nor educated
about freedom. (And if you do not know about even your
own Life Energy, then it is not possible, at all, to be
free, in any sense of the word.) [FPP]

WITHOUT that knowledge, of Life Energy, you are
hardly more than a manipulated moron, no matter HOW
good your intentions, and no matter how high your
intelligence may be.


This applies also to those "free" journalists, who "wrote
about" China's (blind but nevertheless) very responsible
and very ethical, currently very well-known activist Chen:

THE journalists uniformly FAIL to mention by name, those
Criminal Minds who give the respective orders or formulate
the obvious demands, and who have vast amounts of the
community's money used - to protect Criminal Minds; money

that pays for the atrocities inflicted on China's
activist Chen and on others; and

that pays for the Chinese Internet Firewall, which
was designed by a Sociopath, Fang Binxing; and

that pays for its concentration camps, etc., created
by Mao, Jang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Zhou Yongkang; and

that pays ALSO for the support of other, even more
Evil regimes, and for generally keeping Criminal
Minds in positions of authority, in particular as
heads of state, as in Cuba, Sudan, Syria, etc. etc..


Globally, all heads of state on Earth, are too self-
centered, too isolated or too insular in their thinking
and in particular their monetary short-sightedness, [DOP]

so they would not point out BY NAME the sources of Evil,

- though all voters (except Criminal Minds)
do expect EXACTLY THAT of politicians -

and our politicians rather comply with the demands of
Sociopaths to NOT expose them, much less demanding
PUBLICLY that they MUST step down, as these harm people
in a big way and continuously. [FIL]



So I do have to mention the sources of Evil, (again and
again, till finally THE journalists - and till the AP's
Tom Curley, supposing he is capable of any improvement -
will do it by themselves) - mention the sources of Evil:


(Also) in the activist Chen's case, the sources of Evil
are INDIVIDUALS who are Criminal Minds and thus need to be
exposed as such and REMOVED:

OF COURSE they are instantly screaming, that "you
are interfering in their internal affairs:"

They ARE Criminal Minds or Sociopaths, you know!

President Hu Jintao and his Security Chief Zhou Yongkang,
and more precisely, now Meng Jianzhu, the minister of
public security, (holding currently also the post of the
recently deposed Security Chief Zhou Yongkang) *(8)(9)

who - and a few others - are ALSO responsible for
maintaining the inconceivable atrocities to Mankind,
'called' North Korea.


So I had to write - and when other pressing research
allows it, I then continue to update and to streamline -
the 'Introduction to Journalism Course {IJC}.' [IJC]


(preamble end)




The Ugliness, that John Travolta refers to,*(1) is sexual rape of
(some)one's (sexual or other) Life Energy. [ANTIN]


You observe further,*(2) that Criminal Minds DEFEND each other.


And it is in particular hurtful, that Criminal Minds

(most obvious that is, with Criminal Minds in charge of
a country - such as Russia's, China's and Syria's
Criminal Minds currently, their Criminal Minds)

want to have everyone, and everything, regarded and thought of as
being the REVERSE of actuality:


The victim of rape or repression "is Evil," in particular when
you are OPPOSING being raped or oppressed or attacked, then you
are classified, by Criminal Minds, as "an attention-grabbing
fraud presenting fake evidence."

Or in possibly spiritual terminology of the Criminal Mind,
then "the victim deserved it," "it is fulfilling his
Karma," or "the victim 'pulled it in on himself':" [NDG]

In whatever way, that might be accepted by some part of
the society, the victim is described as "the Evil party,"
and "Everyone is Evil - so the accusation is never really
wrong, spiritually seen anyway." Etc..


On the other hand the aggressor - the predator on other's Life
Energy, the perpetrator of (sexual or other) assault - "is a
winner," and

having acquired the Energy to show that he is "the winner
over others," he now can enforce, that he

"is a shining example of integrity and of care for others," and
thus he "is the poor victim who is being maliciously targeted
with false accusations that rob HIM (the aggressor) of his good
name." And "he is targeted really to get at his money and for
others to seek fame by attacking him." *(3)

I never told you this, but Criminal Minds have everything


And "his poor wife" (Kelly Preston, who has been covering him,
John Travolta, up, all those years)

- according to 'Scientology' doctrine (and its 'marriage
counseling'), which they both openly subscribe to -

she, as his wife, must have known all along about his sexual

Yet Criminal Minds (at Foxnews*(10) for instance) depict her,
as if she "does not know of anything," and as if

- she, playing, or being assigned the role of 'the poor
and naive, vulnerable wife and mother,' 'who must be
kept from the public turmoil' -

she "must be suffering tremendously from all the disgusting
accusations made publicly against her fine and beloved husband
and father of their children." *(10)




The ROLE MODEL of actor John Travolta, is l. ron hubbard (known for
'Scientology') who, l. ron hubbard, is himself a well-known predator
on the achievements and Life Energy of others, and who is

a VIOLENT rapist of others' Life Energy, of other's identity Energy
and Beauty Energy, and of others' sexual Energy too. *(4)
(And see points 1.-5., below)

So you can figure out, what the "friends" of John Travolta are
like, now and all the way back to the days of his 'Welcome Back,
Kotter' TV-series, his days of allowing sexual rape and "getting
to enjoy it." *(5)


It further also shows the "PRETEND to be honest and PRETEND to
be caring about each other"-type culture of Oprah Winfrey and
such, of people like Barbara Streisand, George Clooney, Steven
Spielberg, Robert Redford, and the like, or of "in-the-now"
Eckhart Tolle, for that matter: [FALEV][LIP]


Finding the greatest JOY in PRETENDING to be honest towards each other
and in PRETENDING to be caring about others,

often even in charities - "to support medical research" or
as "caring about the war-torn population of Sudan," etc.,

- INSTEAD OF exposing The Medical (cancer etc., etc,
etc.,) Fraud; and,

INSTEAD of demanding publicly and vocally the removal of
Criminal heads of state, of Sudan's Bashir, in this
example. [FIL][DDC series]


Criminal Minds experience greatest joy in 'PRETENDING to be honest
towards each other, and in PRETENDING to be caring about others'

AND demanding to be admired and recognized for that as if it is the
real thing - and to be supported in that by you,

as if they are "being better than others."

Obviously they are very successful in keeping you as Stupid and
as Blind as they want to have you be and remain.

Not the least thanks to THE journalists. [IJC][APJUNP]

Truth however, is absolute, whether you like it or not. [APJUNP]




The Harmful Energies of Travolta's ROLE MODEL - whom he believes in
and adores and admires - l. ron hubbard,*(7)

the Harmful Energies that also this individual inflicts, are: [DPFI]

(I repeat it over and over, so one glorious and joyful
day, it may actually 'pass your "blood-brain" barrier'
so to speak,

or so that it may penetrate through or get behind the
Energies (which are PARTICLES, you dopes, and which you
can thus REMOVE from your dopey heads) Life Energy

inflicted by Criminal Minds into your forehead and
other body parts

- the Firewall that Criminal Minds have inflicted, and do
maintain around your head (more poetically but also
more accurately expressed) - which consists of)


1. Drugged Euphoria feelings (consisting of FORCEFULLY
inflicted, Harmful Life Energy of Drugging Euphoria),

which intends also to make you Blind and Numb to your
feeling other Harm inflicted by them on you (2.-5., below),
they inflict on you ALSO

2. Ugliness feelings (consisting equally of FORCEFULLY
inflicted, Harmful Life Energy, by which these ALSO intend
to hide and make you Blind and Numb to their infliction of
3.-5.), they inflict on you ALSO

3. Unawareness and Unconsciousness feelings (consisting of
FORCEFULLY inflicted, Harmful Life Energy, also to make you
Blind and Numb to feeling and understanding the infliction of
4.-5., below),

making you selectively unaware as you know it from hypnotism,

or even inflicting full unconsciousness, or sleep

- ridiculed by George Clooney in his 'The Men Who Stare
at Goats' movie, which in turn is based on the
Sociopath Jon Ronson's book of the same title)' -

and they inflict on you

4. Pain-Hate feelings (consisting of FORCEFULLY inflicted,
Harmful Life Energy PARTICLES,

which you can and do feel inflicted on your skin, or inside
your body, AS ACTUAL PAIN,

and - inflicted as "obviously your own feelings" - it
further intends and serves them, to prevent the
discovery (of 5., below, of their lies about it and)

WHO inflicts these Harmful Energies on you.

If you know that - correctly (Truth being absolute) - then
you just remove these Pains instantly, by recognizing their
nature and their source [IPA]):

Inflicted, Harmfully Altered Life Energy PARTICLES of

Do you get it now?!!!

All those are feelings inflicted with

5. a vast amount of lies (to hide the nature, of 1.-4. above,
with a myriad of medical terms and social BELIEFS), in order

to make these Harmful Energies (such inflicted feelings) -
and the havoc created with these

by the Criminal Minds who inflict such feelings on you
and on others, (with a vast amount of their lies)

to make that harm inflicted, wrongly understood and assigned
to a wrong cause, and thus difficult or "impossible" to
remove, and

this then gives rise to wholly false "science" such as is
The Medical "Science." *(6) [TPAT][HRPK]



The whole of the above (points 1.-5.) - together (in the
present version) 358 words or some two kilobytes of text -

SUMMARIZES some ten Tera-bytes (like ten trillion bytes)
of medical textbooks, AND on top of that, is vastly senior
to it.

You do the math... [HRPK]

...and maybe you will start to curb THE Medical Fraud, and
bring medical insurance premiums down to the norm of ONE
TENTH of what civilized citizens currently have to pay for
THE Medical Fraud. [MDSF][TPAT]

That would also lower your country's deficit by a hefty

- AND make thousands of millions of people actually
lead happy and largely disease-free and productive
lives of joy to the end of their days,

it will let your most beloved die peacefully at a
respectable age in good mental and good physical

What more do you want?

So this is what I demand of you, to have brought about by
the end of this (21st) century.

Yes, I know you want to PROTECT and HIDE the
Criminal Minds and "well-adjusted" Sociopaths
EXACTLY as these demand it of you.

So we will see, by the end of this (21st) century, whose
DEMAND is stronger - their demand on you, or MY demand on




Truth is absolute, regardless of what any "authority" may say or may
have managed to have accepted and did manage to make the community
use its money towards, as "science," (and as for instance in modern
"physics" [SHEFP]).

Truth is absolute - which is a tremendously valuable
philosophical tool - as I will explain at some time
to those who might not readily understand this.


Truth is DEFINED - in your soul:

You know, and any child knows, that in your soul, Truth is

as 'That what happened and who caused it with what intention,'

or in the present: 'That what happens and who caused or
causes it with what intention,'

and - to be complete - in the future: 'That what is likely
to happen and who has caused, is causing or will cause it,
creating or executing which intention.'


The SEEMING relativeness of Truth, lies only in the degree of or
TO WHAT EXTENT the Absolute Truth

- 'That what happened and who caused it with what
intention,' etc., -

is examined, known and understood, especially in a wider than
usual context, or from a wider point of view.

About a coin that is blue on one side and red on its other
side, one group teaches you, that

"it is a blue disc,"

while another group teaches you, that

"it is a red disc."

The WIDER or MORE TRUTHFUL viewpoint is, that 'it is a
coin, and that it is red at one side, and blue at the
other side.'

This applies not only in daily life, but also in natural
(in real) science, including natural (real) physics.



Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(*) See their respective newspaper articles on the subject.

(1) (May 7, 2012)

The Ugliness, that Travolta refers to as relayed by Plaintiff:

'8. "Defendant [Travolta] began screaming at Plaintiff, telling
Plaintiff how selfish he was; that Defendant got to where he is
now, due to sexual favors he had performed, when he was in his
'Welcome Back, Kotter' days; and that Hollywood is controlled by
homosexual Jewish men who expect [to grant you] favors [only] in
return for sexual activity [towards them]. Defendant [Travolta]
then went on to say, how he had done things in his past that
would make most people throw up."

9. "Defendant [Travolta] explained [that] when he started, he
wasn't even gay and that the taste of 'cum' [sperm fluid] would
make him gag.
Defendant [Travolta] also said that he was smart enough to learn
to enjoy it, and, when he began to make millions of dollars,
that 'it all became well worth it'."

10. "Defendant [Travolta] further explained, that the high class
[people] in this world always favor same-sex relationships; that
sex with beautiful, fit men, is actually more intense; and if
Plaintiff [the sexually assaulted masseur] would just be open-
minded enough to let it happen, he would experience the best
fucking of his life."'

File: 13 Naughtiest Bits From the Masseur Lawsuit Against John
Travolta - The Daily Beast.html ...
... 13-naughtiest-bits-from-the-masseur-lawsuit-against-john- ...
... travolta0.html


(2) (May 10, 2012)

Criminal Minds defend each other, and they distract from and
generalize and misidentify the Crimes of others:

Flagrant examples worth quoting here:

' ... the rich, famous and powerful are on the receiving end of
this sort of thing all the time'

'But aren't there two such allegations?

There are indeed, but as with a saucer flap, once somebody
reports a UFO and it gets picked up [shown] on the news, [then
suddenly] everybody is seeing them.

This can even happen with allegations of sexual assault:

Last year there was a genuine sex attacker on the loose in
Cumbria [UK], but that didn't stop two young women [from] coming
forward with entirely fictitious claims of sexual assault.

We don't know, why Mr Travolta appears to like massage, perhaps
he has some sort of muscular problem, but it is easy to see why
a heterosexual male in his position would choose male masseurs:

Apart from a possibly jealous wife, he might want to avoid
fabricated 'kiss and tell' stories - as has frequently happened
to actors, to rock stars and even to soccer players.

If that was his motive, he has 'come unstuck' [failed] in a big

Again, what are we to make of these allegations? The second one
has been supplemented with a claim that he said "Hollywood is
controlled by homosexual Jewish men who expect favors in return
for sexual activity."

Hmm, well Travolta does look a bit like Mel Gibson, so perhaps
this guy [the masseur assaulted by Travolta] 'got his wires
crossed,' [confused Travolta with Mel Gibson] or, more likely,
didn't do his homework.


As stated, allegations of this nature are made all the time:

While President Bill Clinton was caught with his trousers down,
literally, or more likely with his flies unzipped, it was not
only Monica Lewinsky with whom he was accused of having
'unprofessional relations,' and the other allegations [against
him] are all but forgotten now.'

(very slightly edited for foreign language readers, from)

Op-Ed: The case of John Travolta and the male masseurs is
nothing new - By Alexander Baron, May 10, 2012 in Entertainment

File: Op-Ed: The case of John Travolta and the male masseurs is
nothing new -


(3) From newspaper articles similar to *(2)

'After the first lawsuit was filed, Travolta's rep released a
statement adamantly denying the claim:

"This lawsuit is complete fiction and fabrication. None of the
events claimed in the suit, ever occurred. The plaintiff, who
refuses to give their [his] name, knows that the suit is a
baseless lie," the statement said.

"The plaintiff's attorney has filed this suit to try and get his
15 minutes of fame. John intends to get this case thrown out and
then he will sue the attorney and plaintiff for malicious
prosecution." '


(4) (to be added as indicated)

(5) See under (1), above.

(6) (to be added as indicated)

(7) See [ASRJS] under References, below.


(8) (Published on Wednesday 25 April 2012 00:00)

'Zhou Yongkang, in the ruling party's main newspaper yesterday,
urges legal officials, to closely follow policies set by
president Hu Jintao. "Let us unify even more closely around the
party centre with comrade Hu Jintao as general secretary," he

The lengthy article repeatedly mentions Mr Hu's signature
"scientific development" doctrine [as] setting a course for
rapid social and economic development under strict Communist

Mr Zhou, the party's security boss and one its highest ranking
officials, wields enormous influence over the police and
paramilitary forces [that are] charged with maintaining order
at a time of growing unrest over corruption and uneven

Yet his authority has come under questions about his ties to
former party official Bo Xilai, ... '

File: Chinese party boss pleads for unity amid Bo Xilai row
- International - ...
... chinese-party-boss-pleads-for-unity-amid-bo-xilai-row-1-2253337


(9) (Last Updated: May 14, 2012)

' ... operational control of the security apparatus has been
given to Meng Jianzhu, the minister of public security,
according to the Financial Times, which cited three senior Party
members and diplomats who had been told about the matter.'

File: Power Taken From Chinese Security Czar Zhou Yongkang | Regime |
China | Epoch Times.html ...
... power-taken-from-chinese-security-czar-zhou-yongkang-236708.html



Foxnews was particularly explicit and vocally attempting to cover up
Travolta's despicable deeds:

No doubt some journalists are trying to "protect" the financial
interests of those who - unwisely - invested their money in Travolta
movies, AT THE EXPENSE OF those sexually assaulted.

Though, reportedly, Travolta's 'Gotti' movie has stopped production
due to financing problems.

A further obvious motive of such journalists must be, to keep the lid
on the sexual perversions and sexual assaults by famous Hollywood
producers, that Travolta is 'spilling the sexual assault beans on'
via the plaintiff in the sexual assault case against him.


Foxnews "journalism:"

File: Kelly Preston being kept out of public eye during husband John
Travolta's sex suit scandal, source says | Fox News.html
http://www.foxnews.com ...
... 2012/05/10/kelly-preston-being-kept-out-public-eye-during- ...
... husband-john-travolta-sex-suit/


Of further interest to general journalism [IJC]:

As the Criminal Mind is wont to do, these INTENTIONALLY divert from
the actual subject, and these INTENTIONALLY sow confusion IN ORDER
to hide Criminality and to make it seem harmless or "normal,"

by CONFUSING in this case habitual sexual ASSAULT and attempted RAPE,
which are criminal offenses in most countries, confusing Criminality

with entirely different things, like sexual infidelity, secret sexual
love, and on the other hand showing or 'leaking' loving sexual acts
publicly in order to gain attention,

and generally trivializing Criminal assault.

'Ian Drew, senior editor at celebrity magazine US Weekly, said,
there has even been speculation about Travolta's sex life, but
it doesn't stick to the A-list movie star.'

'Then there's Kim Kardashian - little known until her sex tape
surfaced. Now, shes a star. Where Travolta is concerned, said
Ian Drew, 'this is just one of those stories that the media is
fascinated in, but the general public doesn't really care.'

(Reporting By Piya Sinha-Roy)
Travolta's career can overcome sex scandal
Reuters | 03:08 AM,May 12,2012
By Piya Sinha-Roy LOS ANGELES (Reuters)

File: Travolta's career can overcome sex scandal, IBN Live News.html ...
... travoltas-career-can-overcome-sex-scandal/997706.html


'Howard Bragman, a veteran celebrity publicist, adding, "None of
us were there and none of us know what happened, but I've seen a
lot of phony lawsuits against celebrities... so I look at these
with a very cynical eye." '

'Travolta, who shot to fame in the 1970's on the TV show 'Welcome
Back, Kotter,' and with movies such as 'Saturday Night Fever'
and 'Grease,' suffered a career lull in the late 1980's. But he
bounced back with gritty roles in films such as 1994's 'Pulp

'Others have faced it too...

Several high-profile stars have faced sex scandals in the past
and, although they hit rocky patches for various lengths of
time, they managed to put their careers back on track.

Golfer Tiger Woods, who saw his marriage torn apart by a torrid
sex scandal in 2009, went to sex rehab, and still remains among
the US' top professionals.
Hugh Grant, Rob Lowe, all saw their names splashed across
headlines in various sex scandals and were able to return to the

Then there's Kim Kardashian - little known until her sex tape
surfaced. Now, she's a star.'

John Travolta's got no scandal fever
Reuters May 13, 2012

File: John Travolta's got no scandal fever - Hindustan Times.html ...
... John-Travolta-s-got-no-scandal-fever/Article1-855152.aspx


'Sensational as this all is, the lawsuits probably won't prove as
damaging to Travolta's career ...'

'Even if the facts bear out the complaints, we've demonstrated a
surprising propensity to forgive entertainers on the subject of
sexual harassment or sexual battery;'

The lawsuits against John Travolta probably won't affect his
Los Angeles Times
Published: 00:03 May 14, 2012

File: gulfnews : Will John Travolta win the lawsuits against him?.html ...
... will-john-travolta-win-the-lawsuits-against-him-1.1022329




[HPJL] 'The Hollywood poem, and Jay Leno NOT EXEMPT from Human Rights
Order on 'Scientology' icon - (Travolta, plus trivia on Kristi
Alley's sexuality) [On Energy Vampirism]' [HPJL]
{HRI note 20110525-V2.3.1}
(25 May 2011 - Version 2.3.1 on 4 Jun 2011)

[ANTIN] 'Earth Condition in a Nutshell: REVERSAL of what is Normal -
the 'Anti-Normal' DEMANDS'
{HRI 20071208-V2.3} [ANTIN]
(8 December 2007 - Version 2.3 on 11 Apr 2012)
(former Title):
'The Anti-Normal: 'The Abnormal Must REPLACE the Normal'

[NDG] 'Natural Definition of God - the poem of poems - Monotheism,
and Examining Heaven and Hell' [NDG]
{HRI 20080406-V5.0}
(6 April 2008 - Version 5.0 on 17 May 2011)
Title changed from:
'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' [DGC] {HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

[FALEV] 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of
Destroying Your Emotional Integrity' [FALEV]
{HRI 20031110-V4.1}
(10 November 2003 - Version 4.1 on 8 Sept 2009)

[LIP] 'Living In The Present - Definition'
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2} [LIP]
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)

[FIL] 'The First International Law'
{HRI 20021124-V2.0.3} [FIL]
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0.3 on 21 Mar 2011)

[IJC] 'Introduction to Journalism Course'

[APJUNP]'(Associated Press) Journalists must not assume United Nations
staff privileges' (encl. 'Definition of Peace' V3.3)
{iJC note 20090201-V1.1} [APJUNP]
(1 February 2009 - Version 1.1 on 2 Feb 2009)

[DDC series] For example [DDC-17]:
'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part Seventeen: 'Understand
Cowards, for handling them - not Beethoven' '
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi17-V2.2.1} [DDC-17]
(11 December 2007 - Version 2.2.1 on 13 Dec 2007)

[DPFI] 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1} [DPFI]
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
(Version 4.2)

[TPAT]'The Two Parts Of Any Therapy (incl. Definition of Living Body)'
{HRI 20110703-V1.1.1} [TPAT]
(3 July 2011 - Version 1.1.1 on 4 Jul 2011)

[HRPK]'Human Rights Philosopher Knowledge Extends Very, Very Far Above
Any Person And Institution - the Human Rights Issues And You'
{HRI 20100728-V3.3} [HRPK]
(28 July 2010 - Version 3.3 on 27 Mar 2012)

[MDSF] 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health,
The Economy, and The United Nations'
(incl. definitions of 'Living Organism' (your body),
of 'Molecular Medicine,' 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V4.3.2} [MDSF]
(4 March 2010 - Version SL-V4.3.2 on 18 Oct 2011)

[VLEF] 'Vampirism by sociopaths, on your body's Life Energies
- facing Vampirism made easier by LEF meter use (Life
Energy Fluctuation electronic measurement)' [VLEF]
{FPP 20110101-V1.2}
(1 January 2011 - Version 1.2 on 3 Jan 2011)
(see also [IPA], below)

[RDCMD] 'Real Life Definition of Cult Member, here 'Scientology'
"'Sea Org' member" - Providing the Demon (here the rapist-
ghoul l. ron hubbard) with Life Energy' [RDCMD]
- (encl. {HRI draft 20090822-V1.4} 'Real Life Definitions ... ')
{HRI note 20090914-I-V2.1}
(14 September 2009 Add. Issue I - Version 2.1 on 17 Sept 2009) ...
... msg/4f87cfb7ccd407b6

[FPP] 'FPP' stands for 'Fine Particle Physics' (as opposed to Small
Particle Physics or Nuclear Physics, and Coarse Particle Physics
or Newtonian Physics - all three have entirely different and
largely incompatible sets of physical laws).

[DOP] 'Definition of Peace'
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.9-t} [DOP]
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.9-t on 24 Dec 2011)
(reposted with subject 'Natural Definition of Peace' on 20110811)

[ASRJS]'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (Source of Evil) (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
Definition of Satan, and 'Fuzzytheism')' [ASRJS]
{HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

[IPA] 'Innovation: Perception Aid, also for the Blind to Photons'
{FPP 20110422-V4.0} [IPA]
(22 April 2011 - Version 4.0 on 8 July 2011) ...
... msg/3a38dd286c235b9b?dmode=source
{FPP 20110422-V4.0-t} (with tabbed layout)



Copyright 2012 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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