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Getting Your Lost Life Force Back To Yourself - {HRI 20090712}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jul 12, 2009, 7:19:51 AM7/12/09
Getting Your Lost Life Force Back To Yourself

12 July 2009
{HRI 20090712}
{also FPP 20090712}

'Creatures shall be found on earth
who will always be fighting,
one with another.

There will be no bounds
to their malice...
the gratification of their desire
shall be, to deal out death,
affliction, labour, terror
and banishment, to every living thing.'

Leonardo da Vinci


You might ask a kind, pleasant, lighthearted, loving person, to ask
you these questions, and to reserve a few hours for that.

That is much preferable to (much more powerful than) asking yourself
the questions by your lonesome self, so you might send or show this
to someone else, and ask what he or she thinks of it, and then,
whether he or she likes to do this with you together, as

a pleasant way of 'hanging out together,' of having a great time
together, to fill in some idle time, to get to know each other
better, to increase friendship, and what have you (else) - basically,
to have a great and responsible time together. *(a)



A. Sociopaths obtain your Life Force, by "being superior to you."

Repetitive questions (you might ask a kind, pleasant, lighthearted,
loving person, to ask you these questions):

Demand and get an answer to 1., then an answer to 2., then an answer
to 3. and to 4.:

It is not rational, of course, to have a sociopath be superior
to you, it is not rational, to be in a situation where a
sociopath is senior to you.

So the answers might not necessarily be rational, at all. But
they should express the genuine feeling that is contacted by
the question.

And if you get some weird answer, you might check, with "Is this
how you really feel about it?" And "How should I understand
this?" or

if the answer is very weird to you, "Can I understand this?"
- to which the answer might be "No," because sociopaths are the
source of extreme irrationality, and you are basically asking
for that irrationality to be contacted - so that now own control
of the Energy is re-established, is restored, is returned to the
rightful owner.

This gets (is intended, obviously, to get) you (or the person desiring
to get his own Energy back under his own control) more connected to
this subject, the subject of becoming more in control of one's own
Energy (own thoughts, own feelings, memory, joy of being alive,
ability to perceive others, own beauty, force to handle own body and
the environment, ability to think, past skills, ability to defend
one's' body from illness, ability to prevent accidents, ability to
help others, etc, are all - contained in - Life Energies).

1. How was a sociopath superior to you?

2. How is a sociopath still superior to you?

3. How could a sociopath in future be superior to you?

4. Except when this (a vast return of own Energies) has occurred
already, repeat 'Get an answer to 1., then an answer to 2., then
an answer to 3.,' repeat it till a VERY considerable return of own
Energy occurs.


B. Sociopaths obtain your Life Force, by throwing lies at you (one of
the lies, that they throw at you, is that "they, a sociopath (a
dictator, an artist, a guru, a judge, a parent, a boss, a god,
etc,) is superior to you."

When a sociopath has obtained your Life Force and that of others, he
or she may indeed seem and feel "superior to you,"

much like a thief who has stolen most of your money that you
worked hard to obtain, and who has stolen the money of others,

"is now superior to you."

Thoughts, feelings, etc., are Particles, Life Energy Particles,
so they can be thrown at you, projected at you. Sociopaths
(Criminal Minds) like to deny this, so that they can induce
thoughts and feelings in you and others, "as if these are your
own." Life Energy "does not exist," is the basic lie (a lie
promoted by scientists like Lavoisier and Descartes, and by
Benjamin Franklin (when he was) in France, for instance).

Repetitive questions:

1. What lie did a sociopath throw or project at you?

2. What lie is a sociopath projecting at you now?

3. What lie will a sociopath project at you in future?

4. Except when this (a vast return of own Energies) has occurred
already, repeat 'Get an answer to 1., then an answer to 2., then
an answer to 3.,' repeat it till a VERY considerable return of own
Energy occurs.

About demanding and getting an answer to 1., then an answer to 2.,
then an answer to 3., and do 4.:

The sociopath has created and will continue to create the Energy
(the spiritual Force) to block and prevent the question from being
answered, and even from being asked, yes, from being considered,

"You should do sports, etc., which by definition does not look
at sociopaths, nor at how people lose and keep losing their most
vital Life Force, but it, doing sports creates MORE Life
Energies, and stupidity about life" (exactly what the sociopaths
want), rather than returning to you and restoring in you, your
own Life Energies - which are necessary for your life, and which
are vast, (which you will see) if you get them back. *(b)

Repeating 'Get an answer to 1., then an answer to 2., then an answer
to 3,' this gets (is intended, obviously, to get) you

(or your friend, who is desiring to get his own Energy back under
his own control, gets, by means of the questions)

more connected to the subject, the subject of becoming more in
control of one's own Energy

(in control of his own thoughts, own feelings, his memory, his
joy of being alive, his ability to perceive others, his own
beauty, his force to handle his own body and his environment,
his ability to think, his past skills, his ability to defend his
body from illness, his ability to prevent accidents, his ability
to help others, etc, - all are ENERGIES).


The lies of sociopaths are not rational, of course. So the answers
might not necessarily be rational, at all. But the answers should
express the genuine feeling that is contacted with the help of the

This should provide, for normal people a very (if not extremely) happy
and productive time, together. *(c)

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(a) The question is not for sociopaths, and you must not have a
sociopath asking you or anyone such questions - or any
questions, really - at all.)

(b) There are two times of my very, very noticeably getting
exceedingly VAST amounts of my Life Energy back.

One was, when I - by myself - pretty much in despair about the
help promised but denied to me, (it was when I, in 1976)
decided, that the promises of l. ron hubbard to me, were false,
and that his claim, that "he is so very much above me," is also
false. Thus I regained a very vast amount of my Energy, my
Leonardo da Vinci Energy, that he had stolen from me, had
claimed as "his own," (and that many people claim as "their own"
- I read, from the long-time professional medium Zeeuw, that he
met 23 or so people - already in Holland alone, I assume - who
claimed to have been Leonardo da Vinci) and that he could
continue to claim, as long as I remained unaware of it. Since
then, I believe that the sociopath, l. ron hubbard, lost most of
his ability to write his lies convincingly, and to hold his
false lectures, and to appear in front of people. Hardly
anything of note appeared after 1976, from his hand, except in
1977 some intensely false Bulletin about Psychosis, and some not
less false, but less harmful Bulletin with false platitudes
about Art and Communication, and then in 1978, his wholly false
"Sweat (sauna) program" and how to handle SPIRITUAL damage from
taking the drug LSD, by "purifying" the body.

With the return of my Energy, I could see (again) the soul of
people and Energy Particles that they throw or hold, etc. etc.,
and I could handle Energy to the extent that I could stop it (or
any object - objects are made up of Life Energy Particles)
before it would hit my body. Yet I had no education about all
those things, as it is still not taught in school despite all
pretenses to the contrary.

I have now created that science, Fine Particle Physics, that the
sociopaths Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, and previously
Lavoisier and Descartes, and Benjamin Franklin PREVENTED for
some centuries now, because Criminal Minds do not want to have
known and understood, that what detects THEM.

Naturally evolving from Newton's and later Planck's physics, and
entirely motivated by my care for Mankind, I took the next and
fundamental step, now, with the creation of Fine Particle

Another time of to me very, very noticeably getting exceedingly
VAST amounts of my Life Energy back, was when someone asked me,
repetitively, on my instruction,
"What lie did (the 'Scientology' major sociopath) Richard Reiss
throw at you?"
The answer plus the force of it from distant pasts, I found, was
'The lie, that "he is superior to me."' I then regained quite a
lot of my Energies for caring for the safety of planet Earth.
You and others probably would call it Angelic Energy. I will not
go into that here as it exceeds the understanding for this, the
present Human Rights Issue.

(c) Due to the nature of life, and its Energies, it should be
somewhat preferable (but certainly not necessary) to have someone
with the preferred (i.e. in most cases, naturally the opposite)
gender, if that freedom exists in your society or circle of
friends. In any case, separation of people according to their
gender, is already a suppression of one's Life Force, brought
about by the lies from sociopaths, by accepting the "superiority"
of them, also, and it has been a method of "solving problems"
about sociopaths.


(to be added)


'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights' (SLOHR)
{HRI 20060924-V3.2.1}
(24 September 2006 - Version 3.2.1 on 6 Aug 2007)

'Criminal Minds want to have everything seen and felt IN REVERSE'
{HRI 20090703-V1.0.1}
(3 July 2009 - Version 1.0.1 on 5 Jul 2009)

'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
{HRI 20040108-V2.0}
(8 January 2004 - Version 2.0 on 5 Jul 2009)

'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.7.4}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.7.4 on 5 June 2009)

'The First Law Of Economics' (FLE)
{HRI-20031201-V3.7.3} (the HRI was first issued on 18 July 2008)
(1 December 2003 - Version 3.7.3 on 8 Apr 2009)

(more to be added)


Copyright 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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