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(rev 2.3) The Treacherous Head of State - 'Balance of Power:' "Power of Evil to be kept equal to Power of Good" - {HRI 20080222-V2.3}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Apr 18, 2008, 9:10:52 AM4/18/08
The Treacherous Head of State - 'Balance of Power:'
"Power of Evil to be kept equal to Power of Good"

22 February 2008
{HRI 20080222-V2.3}

(quoted and edited *
on 22 Feb 2008)

(Version 2.3 ***
on 18 Apr 2008)

(view Summary
by skipping


Balance of Power: "Power of Evil must be kept equal to Power of Good."

Balance of Power: "I have to maintain friendship with Criminals, so
that I can maintain my 'freedom' - 'freedom' from
having to give my support to decent people, to my
actual friends, and"

"then I don't have to answer to decent people, to my
actual friends, for any evil deeds,"

"because I always can get what I want, from my
Criminal 'friends'." *(0a)

Balance of Power: "If I maintain friendship with Criminals, then I can
blackmail my actual friends - I can extort decent
and caring people - 'in exchange for' my stopping
some of my support for Criminals." *(0a)



That is the "friendship" that Russia's Putin
has extended to France's Sarkozy (since their
Heiligendamm meeting *(0b)).

Putin to Sarkozy:

"If you assist me to maintain my
Criminality towards Russia, and
towards the other European countries,
and towards the American people,
and towards Venezuela and Cuba and
China, and towards Libya, etc.,"

"then I will reward you well..."


Interesting "definitions" of 'politics' ensue, and

strange "definitions" of 'friendship' as well, on Earth.

Sarkozy making a big public display of "friendship"
to Britain's Brown, and the British, and earlier,
to America's Bush, and to the Americans,

and then he is stabbing these, and the
other European Union countries in the back,

by doing what the sociopath, the Criminal
Head of State, Russian's Putin wants


"to the benefit of France's Sarkozy, and of
France, being awarded by Putin,"

"and 'thereby - so he claims, to further
make his treachery seem 'right' -by keeping
some form of influence over Putin's evil'."

Then Angela Merkel joined in that evil "to protect
the German interests..." *(4a)

How Insane *(3a) can you (he/she) be made?

Very, very, very Insane... *(4b)



What Criminal heads of state, like Putin, and Hu Jintao

- who are the subject of the source HRI from which this
Human Rights Issue has been quoted and evolved -

(what Criminal heads of state)

really want, is to be freely as Criminal,

and for any other Criminal heads of state to be freely as
Criminal as well, as freely

as any of them wants to be without being stopped by decent people,

and this is why Putin and Hu Jintao also oppose any actual Democracy.



Thus - what THEY don't say, and what your friendly head of state
also does not say,

for very nebulous "reasons" of "good neighborly behavior"

to observe "business customs,"

so that I have to use my most valuable time and efforts to write
this, again:


They in actual fact do OPPOSE any legal security and security of
expression and security of possession for others, *(5) while

CLAIMING to be 'strong leaders, that you need for "stability",'

and they attack MOST VIOLENTLY anyone who exposes and
stops their Crimes - like Putin did and does right now

law and freedom

being established globally by the Democratic and
free states of Earth by means of the European Union
(but not by France's Sarkozy and Germany's Merkel,
right now - 20080402) and

by the NATO DEFENDING the people of various
countries, their possessions and freedoms,

against also Putin's Criminality,


free countries that Putin describes with the utmost
Insanity as one rather is used to hearing it from
North Korea's violent dictatorship

- North Korea, a "country" that Putin and
Hu Jintao SUPPORT (!) -

malicious lies and Insanity promoted WITH JOY,
by Putin, in his public speeches and in his
political and secret acts,

depicting FRIENDLY, civilized and caring countries,

"being enemies that threaten Russia."


In actual fact, he, Putin, is talking

(he is himself the one being Insane
and HE is a threat to the Russian
nation, and so, like all Criminal
Minds he is actually talking to
himself, when he addresses others)

and the Russian opposition parties,
though squashed by the dictatorship of
Putin, are well aware of Putin's
Insanity and Criminality AGAINST Russia.




Of course, destroying global peace and DESTROYING stability

- that, as I explained elsewhere, Putin and Hu Jintao do very
actively destroy, both openly and secretly (via their
'proxies' North Korea, Sudan, Iran, Mayanmar, Syria, etc.) -

destroying global peace (and also the environment, by preventing
stability and continuing to foment strife with their Criminal

is not economical at all,

except maybe seemingly so, for a short while and to a few people
who are shown only the short term "benefits." *(1a)


And of course a thief or a dictator does NOT want any
security at all for people, certainly not globally.

But Criminal Minds have everything in reverse, so they
do shout the opposite, to the little stupid lambs and
some Associated Press journalists who (still) listen to


The current (meaning, the 10 February 2007) public
Sociopathic "rant" of Putin, is entirely and only
aimed at driving people insane and at helping other
Sociopaths to stay in power.

This was also the only aim of Putin's "diplomatic"
visits (in 2007) to the Middle East:

To drive people insane - to MAKE people Criminal,
to make people NOT OPPOSE Crime.



Balance of Power

When they can not achieve to FORCE people to
be Criminal, then they do demand a 'Balance
of Power' - the next best "defense position"
of a Criminal Mind:

"People have to have the right to be
evil, and need places to freely be
evil, unchecked,"

or, in other words, "being sovereign,"
and "protected by international law,"
and "without interference in their
internal affairs" and "their security"


which is, how THEY would like, or
even demand, that others should

"understand" the "rights 'they can
insist on having'" as derived from
"sovereignty," from "international

which is not and never has
been the purpose of those
legal concepts nor of those
international laws:

It is NOT

to create and maintain a regime of evil,
and that,

NOT merely to terrorize a part of
a TOWN or of a PROVINCE, as common
criminals like to accomplish it,


which you know typically from
Venezuela and Honduras and Cuba,

so that any Criminal can choose the side of
evil, and flee there from (the wrath of) those
harmed and victimized by the Criminal,

(to flee from prosecution, for instance,
- if we go back to Europe - fleeing

for murder committed against a very
valuable and courageous person - let's
say, murder perpetrated by pouring
Polonium in the tea of the victim, and

the murderer seeking protection by a
Criminal government, even being offered
a seat in that country's parliament)

and to have a base, from which to continue to
inflict harm - "on others:"



Suddenly, people who happen 'not to live
in the same country,' are supposed to
be "others."

And "it is OK to harm 'others'," because

ah... well, ah, you see, ah...

"because they are 'others'," and "you
have to choose SOMEONE TO HARM, isn't
it, so, primarily you choose 'OTHERS',"

rather than those of 'your own'
group - at least openly, (whom)

to murder, or to steal from, and to harm
by spreading lies.


"It is also much safer," within a country
of evil leaders, for those leaders to
brand the others, like Israel, to be
"the enemies:"

I don't see the Israelis having
ever been evil to the Iranians,

but on the other side, there are
violent Criminals, who, with
Khomeini, have been allowed by
then US president Jimmy Carter,

to build a country of evil, called
'the Islamic State of Iran,' and

so they have to shout (some Arab custom
it seems, it is, to shout) that "Israel
is evil" and "must be wiped out,"

things to this effect are
supposed to be found written
in the Koran (Quran), so I
have been told by Palestine

"for Islam to succeed as
dictatorship by Supremacy of its
Doctrine, opposing Democracy and
also freedom,"

if we have to believe
'Fitna,' the movie quoting
the Quran,

all of which, some primitive
ISLAMIC people claim, "is
fully correct in every word
and phrase,"


indeed, for the Criminals to have
some more 'breathing space,' or

'Lebensraum' as they said in their
PREVIOUS life time, in which they
were openly allowed and encouraged

- much like in Iran now, it is
NOT A HATE CRIME, but it is
encouraged, even organized,
by its "government," to shout
in whole group choirs, 'Kill'
(this or that country's people
or individuals),

to "punish" a 'Western "crime"'
of exposing THEIR actual and
very severe Criminality - *(5a)

in this case to feel contempt for
and to lie about, and

to freely destroy any Jewish
person ...and be 'abiding by law,'
in doing so.




Such is the nature of Putin and of Hu Jintao

(who are the subject of the Human Rights Issue (*)
from which this text is quoted and edited)

and what these say - together with their 'adviser,' Henry
Kissinger, what they say - now (20080401) joined by the
treacherous Sarkozy of France - is:




Balance of Power

'There has to be a balance between powers' - "the bad cops and the
good cops must be equally strong and be equally well equipped"

- and 'that is only fair,' because "life is a game" -

and (so they like you to see their utter Insanity and their

"A BALANCE OF POWER DOES PROTECT THE WEAK from being obliterated by
either side."


"There has to be a balance between good and evil" - is, what they
mean very literally

but, they can, of course, not say that exactly as they
mean it.



What they mean with Balance of Power

What they mean, is:

"If we do NOT, at this time, manage to
dominate global organizations, then:"

"The United Nations Organization must be
a balanced representation of all
countries" - MEANING,

"It must represent a balance between good
and evil, and must be composed of and
must be controlled by good and by evil
heads of state,"

"as long as we can not manage to
have it - the United Nations
Organization - FULLY dominated by
evil individuals (by dictators)."



For your convenience, I will again give the definition of Democracy.

Democracy basically means

seeing what people - all people, from local to global - need,

and, what they need of course as a main thing, is, to be asked
what life they want to live together, what they want to do

and that means - even if asked locally, like for a town
or for a country, still - what people there want for ALL
people, from local to global, all people included,

and not just "your own local interests at the expense of
your neighbors;"


so it is: asking, what people do like to spend their efforts and
money on, and how they like to do so,

and it is: making it possible for them to do so,

again, it means: asking ALL people concerned,

with solely the exception of severely Criminal Minds, who
are cared for, and not of course as they wish, but they
can be asked how they wish to be restrained, and, equally
of course,

these have no right whatsoever to vote or otherwise to
determine the activities of others. *(2a)

{definition of Democracy} **

Thus a Global Executive also has to be elected Democratically,
and not by half a bunch of Criminal heads of state, "who make
up some antiquity left over from the 1945 World War, the
'Security Council' - comprised largely of 'thugs and goons'
as exceptionally, it was expressed correctly on the CNN TV news
network about one dictatorship."

Criminal Minds have everything in reverse:

"government and business and material necessities GOVERN
people," (as in China)

and in Germany they have the peculiarity, that
'Traffic lights are senior to people,' (not a joke).


The truth is of course, which also Criminal Minds know very
well, but in order to dominate you, they hide and reverse the
truth, which is:

Government, business and material, are there TO SERVE PEOPLE and
to give a better and more happy life to PEOPLE, and that does
of course and by nature, include neighboring countries as well.

How SERVICE ORIENTED is your government? How much justice
does it provide? How much vital information does it make
available freely to everyone?

That applies to the United Nations Organizations, as
well, and even to a PROPER, Democratic, JUST, global
Selection and global Election of its head,

able to make understood and to implement the First
International Law. *(6a)


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(*) Quoted and edited from:

'We Could Now Have Had A Future Of Peace On Earth - Were It Not
For The Sociopaths Putin And Hu Jintao - 'Balance of Power' and
'People are all Equal' '
{HRI 20070207-V3.7}
(7 February 2007 - Version 3.7 on 21 Feb 2008)
{HRI 20070207-V3.7-t} (Version 3.7-t on 21 Feb 2008)

(**) See under (5)

(***) See 'Issue Note,' below.

(0a) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part Four: Churchill cowarded by
'FDR' Roosevelt'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi4-V1.0.1}
(15 November 2007)

(0b) 'France's Sarkozy Was Hypnotized By Russia's Putin - by means of
extremely malicous, spiritual force'
{HRI note 20070618-V2.0}
(18 June 2007 - Version 2.0 on 28 June 2007)

(1a) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.2}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)

(2a) 'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
{HRI 20040108-V1.2.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.2.1 on 9 Aug 2007)

(3a) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (DOI)
{HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.3.3 on 13 May 2007)

(4a) 'Germany's Merkel Endangering Europe, By Feeding 'Vladolf'
Putin's Evil'
{HRI note 20071016-V1.1}
(16 October 2007 - Version 1.1 on 16 Oct 2007)

(4b) 'ALSO Germany's Merkel shall NOT do what Putin wants - (FLOHR)'
encloses {HRI 20060601-V3.1}
(19 October 2007)

(5) 'China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the United Nations Organization (UN,
{HRI 20060429-V3.5} - it quotes from {HRI 20060427-V1.1}
(29 April 2006 - Version 3.5 on 19 Mar 2008)

(5a) 'EXPOSING evil in Islam: Exposing Hate, IS THE OPPOSITE of
'Inciting to Hate' - but Criminal Minds have everything
in reverse - 'Fitna' and 'Obsession,' the movies'
{HRI 20080402-V3.3}
(2 April 2008 - Version 3.3 on 17 Apr 2008)

(6a) 'Explaining the First International Law (FIL)'
{HRI 20070531-V1.3}
(31 May 2007 - Version 1.3 on 1 June 2007)


'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.2}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)

'Is This Your Role on Earth? - A Very Simple Observation' (YRE)
{HRI 20070629-II-V2.1-Q1-V3.3.1}
(2 July 2007 - Version 3.3.1 on 7 Jan 2008)

' "Balance of Power" IS a Criminally Insane "reporting" term'
{HRI 20060111}
(11 January 2006)

Issue Note:

(***) The preceding issue was labeled {HRI 20070207-V3.7-q1-V2.0}:

'The Treacherous Head of State - Sarkozy: Balance of Power -
"Power of Evil to be kept equal to Power of Good" '
{HRI 20070207-V3.7-q1-V2.0}
(7 February 2007 - quoted 22 Feb 2008 - Version 2.1, 2 Apr 2008)


Copyright 2007-2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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