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How terrorist minds work*.

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2006/02/21 14:33:502006/02/21
Terrorist thoughts. A sample of sentences and thoughts typical from
the terrorist's world (allahists, Isalmics, muslims, mohamethans,
arabs, turks, persians, bolivarians, antijews, leftists, indigenists,
racists, etc.) This sample can be used to show up a person has the
terrorist character. To detect a terrorist mind behind the demagogical
promises of a politician or a prophet.

If the president of a country or entity has dictatorial powers and his
performance shows this kind of thoughts and actions, that country /
entity really is a terrorist one no matter if US, Europe, UN, or
whoever recognize this. You must define the enemy to fight and control
it more efficiently. Terrorists are not humans, just humanoids (human
like beasts). So they do not deserve UN Human Rights use; rights they
do not recognize others have.

If many religion leaders behave like terrorist teachers and leaders,
you must conclude without any error probability that such a religion is
terrorist in essence. So, that believing does no deserve any respect
from others. Same applies to any political or economical ideology
(communism, extreme left wing, anti globalization, anti free commerce,
private property enemies, etc.)

FROM Libyan Leader Col. Muhammar Ghaddafi:

* the riots that took place in Paris last fall were "only the
beginning of the armed struggle of the Muslims against discrimination
in Europe" (discriminating to muslins means Europeans do not believe
in koran bullshit)

* "European schools that teach the children that the Muslim
Prophet was not a messenger of Allah but a liar," must be blown up. (
mohameth is really a myth, mohamethanism as a whole is no more than a
big lie to evil deceivers rule their slaves by terror on the non
existent allah and the book of lies, barbarisms and hate recipes they

* "probably one day Europe will be subordinated to the Islam."
(shit on allah, the ridiculous mohameth, and all players in the koran

* "We have to reopen the dossier with Italy. The Congress asks the
end of relations with Italy," Said the President of Libya's
Parliament, in a fiery speech on national television, strongly
attacking Italy. (Nationalist feelings in ignorant are always a good
thing to mass deceivers goals)

* "The time has come for the people to act against the cartoons
that mock our prophet and against the Italian Minister for Reforms who
has launched a crusade against Islam." (Menaces of using more
terrorism or like mob crime execution orders?)

* The whole Muslim world took notice that Italy too was an "infidel
country" that "disrespects Islam" (So Italy must be terrorized.)
(What kind of respect deserves such a kind of terrorist ideology and

* "The Italian Minister asked the Pope to start a new Crusade
against islam, he wants to use force against islam. They want to raise
the Cross in the land of Islam. We say no." ( Mohamethans religion
main base is to oblige all to believe in the same ignorance, so there
is not any way civilized humanity can negotiate with them, all other
religions have good men as prophets; this one as history shows was
created by a gang of criminal bandits)

(By the way, crusades can now be well understood and approved under
that time circumstances because the mohamethans in those times behaved
in a way as savage and criminal as they do in present times. The
military whole defeat of terrorists mohamethans, muslims or how they be
named (bolivarians, etc.), is a must to human civilization)

* "In Lebanon, muslim gangs sack Christian neighborhoods and vandalize
churches. While many muslim leaders have denounced the violence and
appealed for calm ( hypocrites), no muslim leader anywhere has
denounced the cross burnings. No civilized person should miss or
pretend not to see the symbolism, and what it means for us all." From Not far from US, in venezuela similar
crimes are being carried on by bolivarian government against Jews,
Europeans immigrants and their private property.

FROM Danish Imam Ahmed Abu Laban; (
(supposedly moderate.)

* In October 1995, Abu Laban led a group of 500 Muslim demonstrators
in Copenhagen angrily denouncing the capture of Talaat Fouad Qassem,
one of the most senior leaders of the notorious Egyptian terrorist
organization Al-Gama`at al-Islamiyya. (All imams and mohamethan
religious lieders must be terrorists because their faith in koran

* October 6, 1995]: "Some 500 Muslims demonstrated Friday to protest
the disappearance of a militant Muslim leader who went missing during a
trip to Croatia last month. Spokesman Ahmed Abulaban said Egypt, the
United States and Croatia "are the beneficiaries" of the disappearance
of Talaat Fouad Qassem who has been living in Denmark since 1992 as a
political refugee.

Wanted by Egypt on charges of attempting to overthrow the secular
government, Qassem was ordered out of Croatia on Sept. 18, and left for
an unknown destination, according to Croatian officials. Under
President Clinton's anti-terrorism initiative, Qassem's name was put on
a list of people to whom transfer of funds are to be blocked. The
initiative also froze the U.S. assets of groups the U.S. deemed used
terrorism to subvert peace activities. Qassem also appears on a U.S.
Department of Justice list of possible co-conspirators to Sheik Omar
Abdel-Rahman, an Egyptian religious leader, and nine other Muslims who
have been convicted of conspiring to bomb the United Nations and other
buildings in New York. The demonstrators, including Qassem's pregnant
wife Amani Farouk, went to the Croatian embassy where Abulaban, a
Copenhagen imam, handed over a letter to a diplomat. Before
dissolving, demonstrators raised their fists and shouted 'God is Great'
outside the downtown Copenhagen building... Qassem, 38, co-founded the
outlawed al-Gamaa al-Islamiya, which has been blamed for much of the
violence in a three-year campaign by militants to restore strict
Islamic rule."

Seeing the beard of his partners burning, terrorist bolivar II make his
beard wet." Bolivarian dictator hurried to take venezuelan monetary
reserves out from USA, Nobody knows now where venezuelan gold and money

FROM Chavez (bolivarian communist drug terrorist venezuelan dictator),
and his puppets choir:

* "There is wealth for everyone in the world but that wealth is owned
by a minority of Christ killers descendents," (The Jews! )

* "a minority has stolen the world wealth" (the Jews)

* Bolivarians have to turn their look to their roots in muslims" (to
fight against the Jews)

* An order to act anyway against Caracas Jews School Hebraica, to
allow chavez show Iran's president factual chavez position against

* "Holocaust is a lie of Jews propaganda"; "Israel must be cleared
from the map of the world" As per chavez full explicit support to
Iran's president on his statements.

* Invitation to visit venezuela to the Iran's president following the
statements and proposal of the "good axis in Latin America including
venezuela, cuba, Iran, and other" (terrorist states).

Ref. (1) Google

Ref (2)

Note: Fidel Castro has invited Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to
Cuba on the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the
United States. Non-Aligned ( a terrorist) summit in Havana from
September 11-16, 2006. Ahmadinejad expressed gratitude for Cuban
support for Iran's nuclear program. cuba, venezuela and Syria voted
against an International Atomic Energy Agency resolution to refer Iran
to the UN Security Council due to worries about its nuclear weapons
program. Iranian Parliament leader Ghulam Ali Haddad Adel will also
visit Cuba.

* Invitation to venezuela to Hammas and Hezbollah;

* Racist discriminating activities including anti Jews propaganda
broadcasted by Radio Nacional, YVKE radio, channel 8 TV, Viva TV,
TeleSur TV, and many bolivarian venezuelan radio broadcasting entities.

* Brochures, and many impressed papers to propagate in poor
neighborhoods, bolivarian schools, and to the army people, the hate
against Jews.

* The letter to Carlos Illich Ramirez Sanchez (jackal the terrorist
in France jail) send by chavez, letter in which an apology of terrorism
is made.

Ref. Post in google =

* BIV Bank, a bank used by chavez to do dirt money laundry, is now
opening offices all over the terrorist world (paraguay, Iran, cuba,
etc. This is a new mean to protect and manage funds of terrorists and
drug traffickers without any possibility of control from western
counterterrorism intelligence. The criminal bolivarian bank.

This kind of actions protect terrorists from actions as that done by US
on funds of "KindHearts that is the progeny of Holy Land Foundation and
Global Relief Foundation, which attempted to mask their support for
terrorism behind the façade of charitable giving,"

Refs: (1) freezing the assets of "KindHearts," an Ohio-based Islamic
charity, URL

Ref. (2) Holy Land's founders were convicted in Texas of funding
Hamas. URL =,2933,153402,00.html

Ref (3) Terrorism Investments of the 50 States"

FROM Mohammed Yousaf Qureshi (Mohabat Khan mosque of Peshawar/Pakistan)
Ref (01)

* After Friday 2006.Feb.18 prayers: the mosque and an affiliated
religious school would give $25,000 and a car to anyone who killed one
of the artists responsible for the cartoons, and also said a local
jewelers' association had offered a $1 million bounty.

* "If the West can place a bounty on Osama bin Laden" and his top
deputy, Ayman Zawahiri, we can also announce a reward for killing the
man who has caused this sacrilege of the holy prophet," (shit on such
a mythical evil prophet)

Ref Washington Post;

All religious and political leaders followers of islam, must by their
religion become terrorists! Not any chance to be different.

FROM Zafar ul-Haq, a senior leader of the party Pakistan Muslim League
(a moderate!) Ref (01):

* After midday prayers, hundreds of bearded men spilled out of a
mosque and into an intersection, where speakers atop a platform truck
denounced the Danish cartoons while also leveling broader criticisms
against Musharraf and his alliance with the West. (The alliance of left
wing Europeans and Americans to mohamethans, the alliance of drug
terrorists to mohamethans is a fact)

* "The United States invaded Afghanistan five years ago and killed so
many innocent Muslims," (many really terrorist talibans. How many
really innocent persons were killed by talibans?)

* "None of the Muslim leaders made an effective plea against this
invasion or that of Iraq,"

* "The West thought that since the Muslims had kept quiet on
Afghanistan (¿?), Iraq and Guantanamo, they would not speak out about
the blasphemous cartoons as well," (the facts show that whole islam is
a real bloody blaspheme against civilization and religion).

* "But we will die for protection of the holy prophet's honor." (We
die?? This professional deceiver sends other to die and kill others in
order to protect his privileges)

* "The friends of America are the traitors of Pakistan." (the same is
always said by the bolivarian terrorist chavez of venezuela in their
meetings )

Ref Washington Post;

FROM Dalil Boubakeur, president of the French Council of the Muslim

* " publish the offensive cartoons was an act of "real provocation
towards the millions of Muslims living in France." (Do muslins have the
right to dominate French people to oblige them to believe such a kind
of stupidity as mohamethan's religion?)

FROM Italians proterrorists lawyers in action:

* "The recruitment of volunteers to fight in Iraq against American
soldiers cannot be considered under any point of view a terrorist
activity." Milan Court of Appeals on November 2005:

* "recruiting fighters for the Iraqi conflict constituted guerrilla
warfare and not terrorism." Milan-based judge, Clementina Forleo. In
January 2005.

* "Ansar al Islam was structured as an Islamic combatant
organization, with a militia trained for guerrilla activities and
financed by groups in Europe and orbiting in the sphere of Islamic
fundamentalism, without having goals of a terrorist nature, goals
probably shared by only some of its members." Milan-based judge,
Clementina Forleo. In January 2005.

Ref. Recruiting Suicide Bombers Ruled Not Terrorism. Italian Judges
Uphold Acquittals For Men Seeking Recruits To Fight U.S. Troop

>From Nederland also proterrorists lawyers?: An Amsterdam court will
judge members of the Hofstadgroep, the home-grown group that planned
various attacks inside the Netherlands (including the assassination of
Theo van Gogh),

>From Belgian also proterrorists lawyers?. A Brussels court will render
a verdict against a maxi-cell linked to the Moroccan Islamic Combatant
Group. In both cases a new anti-terrorism legislation is being tested.

On Saudi Arabia, Iran and Syria's holy partnership. "While Syria and
Iran are profiting from the Danish cartoon controversy, Saudi Arabia
has really been the main driver behind this whole charade. " read more
here. .

Opportunities to start charade: the Hajj (the Pilgrimage which millions
of stupid muslim attend); the meeting of the Organization of the
Islamic Conference in Riyadh.

FROM The Conference:

(1) created an observatory against Islamophobia citing the example of
the Danish cartoons.

(2) Saudi King Abdullah's goal is to unite the Muslims of the World
and defend them (attack westerners as the koran says) The mohamethans
argue the classical scheme of Muslims being oppressed by the West
(because westerners but also the remaining world do no respect
mohamethans obsolete and ridiculous taboos.) The Wahhabi regime was the
first country to recall its Ambassador in Denmark and started the
boycott of Danish products.

FROM Interior Minister of Saudi Arabia Prince Nayef: Called on
international religious institutions and especially the Vatican to step
in to defend the Muslims (the Vatican agreed to do). He added

* "If freedom has reached this degree, I think it (freedom) is
unacceptable no matter what". The same attitude bolivarians have in

United Arab Emirates planning to control US strategic facilities using
Dubai Ports World? New York City Passenger Ship Terminal in Manhattan,/
Port Authority terminal in Newark, New Jersey, / terminals in four
other major port cities: Philadelphia, Baltimore, Miami and New

By John Smith " The US and the West in general are making a serious
mistake if they hand over control of 21 ports to an Arab company, owned
by an Arab government.

As a former employee of the DP World I can offer a unique insight into
the goings on of this company, and I'm afraid if you scrap beneath the
surface, its not all its cracked up to be. Did you know that several
times a year staff receive a company memo informing them that for that
particular month, one day's salary will be deducted and given to a
Palestine "charity"!!! Staff is allowed to refuse by informing Human
Resources Dept, but no one ever did knowing that this would lead to
being over-looked for promotions and/or not having your contract

I recall one poor Indian dock-side labourer on USD 500/month
complaining that he couldn't afford to make the payment as he had his
wife and three children back in India to feed. He promptly was fired!

They have a reputation and a track record of not honouring staff
contracts for expatriates, and I know of several employees who didn't
receive their end contract bonuses or whose personal effects were not
repatriated back to their home country. I mean, what can you do when
the company is owned by the government of UAE and Shariah law applies.
Let's not forget that UAE bans Israelis from visiting or working in
their country, and maps of the world have Israel blackened out. Even a
non-Israeli who has visited Israel and has an Israel visa in their
passport, is denied entry into the UAE.

Did you know the national shipping line of Israel - ZIM Line is not
allowed to call at any sea port in the UAE. Check out all the noise DP
World made on their website about one of its senior executives, Dave
Sanborn, being nominated by US President George W. Bush to serve as
Maritime Administrator, a key transportation appointment reporting
directly to Norman Mineta the Secretary of Transportation and Cabinet
Member. In fact, Dave Sanborn had worked for DP World for less than one


Similar dangerous situation refers to CITGO Oil refinery and gas
selling network, ruled by terrorist dictator chavez from bolivarian
venezuela. This man, like Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Omar al-Bashir of
Sudan and Kim Jong Il of North Korea, is a terrorist ruler.

FROM Iranian President Ahmadinejad and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
(Saudi daily Al Riyadh on February 3): Ahmadinejad told Abdullah

* "the offensive caricatures against the prophet were done to test
the will of Muslims and Islamic countries". (Really?)

* " Saudi Arabia and Iran enjoy in the Muslim world regarding
regional and international issue a major influence"

* "In light of the friendship between our two countries, we hope
for more cooperation and coordination to strengthen the solidarity in
the Muslim world." (That means cooperation in terrorism)

* "Iran has been on a diplomatic offensive in the Arab world in the
past few weeks, especially with diplomats visiting Tunisia, Algeria and
Syria. Their goal was to gather support for Iran's nuclear program
and prepare a counter offensive against the international community".
(Hammas and Iran president is going to cuba and venezuela to fix the
axe of terrorist countries against westerners and civilization)

* "Iran decided thanks to the cartoons to play the card of the Muslim
world oppressed by the West." " Denmark is going to chair the United
Nations Security Council when the issue of nuclear Iran and sanctions
is going to be addressed. "

FROM the Harmony Papers: Now it is clear that al Qaeda is a
decentralized organization that spends considerable time, (more than
our own intelligence community and armed forces) on studying "lessons
learned" from unsuccessful operations, both of itself and others (i.e.
the Muslim Brotherhood experience in Syria). It has, or at least has
had, a corporate structure that deals with everything from salaries to
vacation schedules. The complete blog is here.

Recent British intelligence assessment ( ) shows that
al Qaeda has a 50-year plan of attack.

"Harmony and Disharmony: Exploiting Al-Qa'ida's Organizational

More on cartoons charade.


Drew Curtis over at Fark apparently decided to risk Fatwahs and Jihads
galore by encouraging the Farkers to Photoshop sitcom situations for
Some of them were funny, some of them weren't, but here's my personal
fave (My apologies in advance to moderate Muslims who I know will find
this offensive, but it's important to support freedom of speech):

Maybe the USA got in late on the whole cartoon controversy and most of
the MSM was too wimpy to participate, but at least on the net the
images are being regularly shown and judging by this pic, which is
better than any of the originals, URL improved upon.

Humor: Leave a Message in the Anonymous Muslim Man Complaint Box (Some
Bad Language)

Female Reporter Stoned For Not Wearing A Headscarf At Turkish Cartoon

France: Iran Nuke Program a Military Cover,2933,185068,00.html

L 325 2006.Feb.20./ Azwaim


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2006/02/21 15:41:312006/02/21
havent found bush, cheney, rumsfeld, and so on in your list.

have a drink of noam chomsky.

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