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Resurrecting Dead Alien Life

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2008年7月30日 14:29:112008/7/30
As a biblical, young-universe creationist, I suspect that God may have
created life all over the universe at time of the original creation.
Some or all of those life-bearing worlds may have been destroyed in
Venus-like style (or in Mars-like style?) at the either the Fall of
Man and/or the Flood of Noah. This view makes two predictions about
life and/or evidence of past life which are significantly different
than what evolutionist/big-bangers would expect to find.

One: Complete, global ecosystems, alive or extinct, everywhere there
is exo-life. No worlds with a few stuggling microbes clinging to the
edge of existence at hydrothermal vents only, etc. Or else, maybe,
Gardens of Eden containing all life, which was waiting to be expanded
planet-wide. But complete ecosystems, in any case. Not just
unicellular creatures: ALL the intended flora and fauna were created
as adult species on site, all at once!

Two: No human peers. The biblical world view suspects no human-
equivalent aliens. All worlds were for colonization and management,
eventually, by us earth-humans, in the original plan of creation.

Aside from all the hatemongering this will likely generate, I actually
want to make a point that could be agreed upon in common between
evolutionists and creationists: if we find dead, fossilized creatures
on other worlds, attempts to genome and ultimately resurrect these
creatures would be a worthwhile pursuit.

Aside from all the difficulties in achieving the goal of resurrecting
extinct creatures on earth, such as dinosaurs, this "Alien
Resurrection" [:-)] would require providing appropriate environments
for the exocreatures. This is its own challenge, since the ORIGINAL
environments were likely different than the DESTROYED environments we
are likely to encoounter (re: Venus, Mars, etc.)

Of course, the scientific-biblical view is not surprised to find NO
life, anywhere in the cosmos. But the existence of life elsewhere in
the universe is no kind of antibiblical, nor exclusively evolutionary,
concept. While I am not primarily trying to continue the creation/
evolution/ID debate itself here, that is probably inescapable. I may
or may not join in (I have plenty of things to deal with, having just
moved from one state to another, and do not frequently get to a
computer these days); but I can simply point to creationist sources
for those sincerely curious, such as . But the point of
this is NOT that debate: you can find that all over the internet! It
is to point out that A.) Exolife should not be considered antibiblical/
anticreationist and B.) ALL parties should realize that resurrection
of extinct life is probably ultimately possible, since it does not
violate even the known (no less future-discoverable) laws of
PHYSICS....and resurrection of extinct alien life, such as what NASA
hopes to find, even in this solar system, is therefore probably also
realizable. IF exobiology is a subject that will someday have subjects!

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