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SF2 TCE Match Ups

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jarret guill

Apr 6, 1992, 3:15:57 AM4/6/92
Here is a list of the best characters to use against other characters. I
just want to say before hand: THIS is only my opinion and the the relative
Dallas area players use of the characters.

Opponent | Best counter Opponent

Bison | Zangief
| Guile
| Blanka

Guile | Blanka
| Vega
| Dhalsim
| Guile

Blanka | Balrog
| Guile
| Chun Li

Chun Li | Balrog
| Ken,Ryu and Sagat
| Bison (be very careful with the flaming torepedo)

Zangief | Blanka
| Guile

Ken/Ryu | Blanka
| Bison
| Guile

Dhalsim | Ken/Ryu {Ken is better because of the speed of hurricane}
| Bison
| Vega/Chun Li
| Balrog (* jump all fireballs and smash his leg *)

Balrog | Ken,Ryu
| Zangief
| BIson

Sagat | Guile
| CHun Li
| Blanka

Vega | Guile
| Ken/Ryu
| Sagat

Honda { only seen played four times after about 40 hours of play }
| Chun Li,Vega
| Guile
{ with his walking fast hands, he should develop potential }

These are NOT in order of dominance and they are NOT Capcom's opinion.
Many of the characters above have other GREAT opponnets used to beat them
but these are my picks and the picks most players around Dallas use. If yu
know of counter opponnets that you think are better/worse/equal then post
and we can all learn techniques with ALL the characters against ALL the

Instead of playing with your BEST character try playing with a new or old
character. To contradict my earlier post of Bison being dominant was
premature. After the learning the changes to SF2 TCE you will see that
their is NO one dominant player. If you think your oponent is the BEST then
post the reasons and we can relay counters. Right now I can win bigtime
with Guile still, but other players have no mastered the newest and most
effective tactics. Until the late summer of 1991, Guile was not dominant
around Dallas. When his devestating combos and near immposible tactics
were learned he immediatly became SUPER popular and overpowering to all
characters except a good Dhalsim. Infact, Dhalsim was the last character
around here to really get played. He turned out to be VERY DOMINANT. Oh,
these statments refer to SF2 regular if you have not already noticed.

Possible a character will become dominant, but I dont expect to see anymore
Guile's or DHalsim's like on SF2 reg.

Have you noticed that Blanka gets hit be all projectiles unlike the beta
version. Well, Blanka has been improved greatly without the invinciility.
If he had this invincibility there are several very defensive tactics that I
can think about now. Ryu and Ken would be mince meat after every fireball
if he did not have to block them, still can ball but not near as fast as you
could with the invincibility.

Several new combos learned

jumping fierce,jab,sonic boom motion with roundhouse
use jab,short sonic boom punches to fake the opponent, then headbutt

jumping roundhouse, low round. tiger, jab tiger uppercut =) corner combo
tiger fierball, then throw =) blahh same as ryu and ken in SF2 reg
tiger fireball then SUPER knee attack if they are jumping close
jumping roundhouse, foward, tiger uppercut

jumping roundhouse, jab, fierce flame torpedo
neckkick, jab, sonic boom with roundhouse
VERY CHEESE MOVE: strong flame and throw

jumping roundhouse, repeated jabs
jumping roundhouse, roundhouse, roll triple hit hit or screaming eagle
{ the roll triple will not hit if they block but takes of block damage

In conclusion, play a variety of players. I just started playing Zangief two
days ago and already can beat the best Bisons with the awesome walking
Although I still play Guile when a good opponent keeps winning, it is very
rewarding to beat a person who only plays, for instance Blanka, with a new
boss. Some of those (1 character only) people begin to bug me. I pick just
about all the players and try new tactics. You lose more this way but you
can win more experience in the long run. Some of the people I have played
this week have only played to old characters. At the first, they only lost
to Bison or us playing old characters. Now it bugs them to no end when I
kick their ass with Balrog. Usually they think he SUCKs untill I show them
his real power.

Well enough of my endless blahh. Respond with your personal counter
opponents and new tactics pertaing to SF2 TCE. By the way, has Capcom
released official names to the new moves?

ONe last thing: Vega has a air throw, not the screaming eagle backdrop. He
becomes horizontal kinda and then slings them across the screen with his
claw extended. I still have a hard time doing the air throw instead of a
normal fierce air kick. Does anyone know the specifics on his air throw?
Hold a certain direction or be under the opponent?

Computer Honda vs Bison>>> With Bison do repeated head stomps(razor kicks).
The computer is set on the maximum difficulty and still falls for it 90%
percent of the time. Once got 9 in a row without Honda defending.

TurboCit Salamandria -- (214) 238-5539

Jeffrey D. Lake

Apr 9, 1992, 4:10:45 AM4/9/92
In article <>, (jarret guill) writes:
> Here is a list of the best characters to use against other characters. I
> just want to say before hand: THIS is only my opinion and the the relative
> Dallas area players use of the characters.
> Opponent | Best counter Opponent
> ====================================
> Guile | Blanka
> | Vega
> | Dhalsim
> | Guile
> Sagat | Guile
> | CHun Li
> | Blanka
Contradicting your opinion(it's a free world) I feel that Sagat is en
EXCELLENT Guile killer. None of the master Guile players could match
up against the decent Sagat players. His tiger balls are too fast and
that LONG leg disrupts a simple Guile standing roundhouse.
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