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Wacky definitions

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christian gadeken

1992年10月8日 下午4:09:041992/10/8
Akira: (verb) To reach such a high level of psychic power you
can't control it. Ex:Kyousuke Akira'd and blew up the disco.

Ako/Bko thing" (noun) A running fight so destructive you can follow
it from a distance just by watching for the smoke.
Ex:Ranma and Ryouga did the Ako/Bko thing through the zoo and all
the animals escaped.

Dirty Pair event: (noun) any incredibly destructive and casualty-
causing event which is no-one's fault in particular.
Ex:"Due to a minor Dirty Pair event, Southern China is now
mostly uninhabitable."

Bubblegum: (prefix) Roughly equivalent to "Mechacyberpunk-"

Macek: (verb) To rewrite a story according to your own preferences,
with no regard for the original material.
Ex:Jim Macek'd "King Lear" and gave it a happy ending.

C h r i s t i a n G a d e k e n

Yakumo: "But I really did destroy a monster in Hong Kong!"
Saru : "Ahem, ahem"
Yakumo: "Saru, do you believe me?"
Saru : "Where's my Hong Kong souvenir?"

Martin Rose

1992年10月8日 晚上7:23:401992/10/8
In article <81...@ut-emx.uucp> (christian gadeken) writes:
>Akira: (verb) To reach such a high level of psychic power you
>can't control it. Ex:Kyousuke Akira'd and blew up the disco.
>Ako/Bko thing: (noun) A running fight so destructive you can follow
>it from a distance just by watching for the smoke.
>Ex:Ranma and Ryouga did the Ako/Bko thing through the zoo and all
>the animals escaped.
>Dirty Pair event: (noun) any incredibly destructive and casualty-
>causing event which is no-one's fault in particular.
>Ex:"Due to a minor Dirty Pair event, Southern China is now
>mostly uninhabitable."
>Bubblegum: (prefix) Roughly equivalent to "Mechacyberpunk-"
>Macek: (verb) To rewrite a story according to your own preferences,
>with no regard for the original material.
>Ex:Jim Macek'd "King Lear" and gave it a happy ending.

[Heh heh heh heh :) ]

Face fault : (noun) falling to the ground, landing on your face. Ex: Lum
flew through the door and Ataru did a face fault.

Minmei : (noun) exceedingly cute female character with large eyes that
shimmer frequently. Cranial content is usually somewhat lacking. Synonym:
Space Woo-woo.

Minmay : (verb) behaving in the fashion of a Minmei. Ex: HEY! Can't you
read? The sign says "No Minmaying"!

3-M : (verb) abbrev. of Macross Missile Massacre. Synonym: Scott Bernard.

chainsaw : (verb) synonym for Macek.
The High Diggy-Hoek of | Free TV | "Stupid" is a
Chihuahua-Wala Land | -------------------------- | boundless (Martin Rose) | You Get What You Pay For | concept.


1992年10月8日 晚上7:16:451992/10/8
In article <81...@ut-emx.uucp> (christian gadeken) writes:
>Akira: (verb) To reach such a high level of psychic power you
>can't control it. Ex:Kyousuke Akira'd and blew up the disco.

While we're here:

Tetsuo (tet' soo oh) v. To run head-on into an obstacle, usually on a
motorcycle or in an aircraft or automobile, and explode violently.

(As someone mentioned after this definition appeared in the UF3 glossary, this
makes Tetsuo somewhat analogous to a Ford Pinto.)

>Ako/Bko thing" (noun) A running fight so destructive you can follow
>it from a distance just by watching for the smoke.
>Ex:Ranma and Ryouga did the Ako/Bko thing through the zoo and all
>the animals escaped.
>Dirty Pair event: (noun) any incredibly destructive and casualty-
>causing event which is no-one's fault in particular.
>Ex:"Due to a minor Dirty Pair event, Southern China is now
>mostly uninhabitable."
>Bubblegum: (prefix) Roughly equivalent to "Mechacyberpunk-"
>Macek: (verb) To rewrite a story according to your own preferences,
>with no regard for the original material.
>Ex:Jim Macek'd "King Lear" and gave it a happy ending.


Robotech (ro' bo tek) v. 1. To take various bits of plotline which are not at
all connected and jam them together until they almost fit into one continous
story. 2. In missiles, to scatter in a random direction after launch, then
converge from several directions on the target. (Thought to confuse/defeat
anti-missile systems.)

Just my little additions...

yeah yeah don't remind me

mosh! nosh! mosh! don't stop moving! or: the problem of dining punks
just one of the many pressing metamechanical problems being addressed at
the institute for applied wedge physics and petrarcosmology worcester ma searching for a way to fill up this last line properly

Chadwick Ngan

1992年10月9日 凌晨1:26:441992/10/9

Parn: (verb) To charge headlong into the nearest foe only to bounce off due to
inferior skill/power. Note this is different from Uwaa (q.v.) in that
said person survives the incident.
Ex. Kou rushed to GP01 and attacked Gato only to be beaten repeatedly in
ep 1 & 2 of 0083.

Uwaa: (verb) To fight someone whom you should never have bothered with and paid
for your mistakes.
Ex. The nameless pilots who faced a newtype in Gundam series.

Sheeta "the Elf"

Donald Wihardja

1992年10月9日 上午10:05:041992/10/9
Hikaru: v. 1. To compeletely refuse to have a clue whatsoever to what is
going on around oneself. 2. To refuse to believe that one is being dumped.
3. to verbally communicate at an annoyingly high pitched voice.
n. 1. A person who constantly hikaru'd 2. A person who everyone else
try to "protect" by keeping him/her clueless, with the connotation of being
gullible enough to be so.

Donald Wihardja
CS Department, Cornell University
Ithaca, New York.

Sea Wasp

1992年10月9日 上午10:41:101992/10/9

Here's a few more, some anime related, some not (some mine, and some
written originally by David Gerrold in Starlog):

KIRK (v): To break or severely test the Prime Directive, as in,
"This used to be a great planet 'til they kirked it."

SEIYA(v): To absorb tremendous punishment and keep on going, fixated
on a single goal: "Rocky Balboa did a Seiya and won the heavyweight title."
Also, to fall off a cliff and climb up it repeatedly.

KAOS(n): A deus-ex-machina, often in the form of a wizard who COULD
do everything that all the heroes do, but can't seem to be bothered.
See also DOSH(ko).

DOSH, Doshko(n): A wise man who knows all the answers but can't
be bothered to tell them to you -- you have to find out yourself. As
a verb, to behave as a Dosh: "Ben Kenobi really doshed Luke."

SAGAN (n): An uncountable number: billions and billions and
billions: "Captain, we're sagan kilometers from our previous position!"
"Impossible! The universe isn't that big!"

Sea Wasp


1992年10月9日 下午1:20:001992/10/9
In article <>, (Chadwick Ngan) writes...

D-load: (verb) To launch as many missiles from an Armored Veritech/Valkyrie
as it is capable of launching. Usually used against a large number of targets.
WARNING: Avoid doing this while wearing a Dirty Pair T-shirt. Unexpected things
may happen, and it won't be your fault!

Kick-Ass Mode: (noun) An obvious change in the plot of an anime, sometimes
accompanied by a change in the appearance of characters or mecha or starships,
that implies that the good-guys will now "kick ass" and beat the holy fuck out
of their opponents.
Draco Draconis Ebonius | "Good Night, and may the Good Lord take
aka Ebony the Black Dragon | a Viking to you."--Tales from the Floating
aka Aaron F. Johnson | Vagabond
"I'm a Black Dragon trapped in a White Man's Body!!! YARK!!!"

Nobody WANTS my opinions!!!


1992年10月9日 下午1:03:471992/10/9
In article <> (JOHNSON, AARON FLEMING) writes:
>D-load: (verb) To launch as many missiles from an Armored Veritech/Valkyrie
>as it is capable of launching. Usually used against a large number of targets.
>WARNING: Avoid doing this while wearing a Dirty Pair T-shirt. Unexpected things
>may happen, and it won't be your fault!

Oh, which reminds me, I forgot one:

Scott Bernard (skot' ber nard') v. To fire all one's available missiles at a
single or small number of targets, esp. from an Alpha or Legioss mecha, when
the target is at best worthy of one to three of them. Note that it is possible
to Scott Bernard other missile-rich mecha as well, including various Destroids,
mobile missile platforms, and the SDF-1. (Remember Force of Arms? :-)



Predecrement David

1992年10月9日 下午2:57:381992/10/9
Madoka (Mah Doe Ka): (v) (1) To discover one has an unexpected inate
ability/forte just in the nick of time. (2) To subdue an opponent
with such an unexpected and untrained ability. eg.: Max Madoka'd
Myria when they first played an arcade fighter game.

| David Blume | Minami: "Yeah. Always, always, always!" |
| | Kazuya: "Yeah..." --"Touch" in the KOR Movie |
+-finger acct. for prefs----------------------------------------------------+

Derek Upham

1992年10月9日 晚上11:16:441992/10/9

>Kick-Ass Mode: (noun) An obvious change in the plot of an anime, sometimes
>accompanied by a change in the appearance of characters or mecha or starships,
>that implies that the good-guys will now "kick ass" and beat the holy fuck out
>of their opponents.

FINALLY a word to describe Voltron, Hades Project Zeormeyer, and Force
Five's StarVengers!

"Spaaace Novaaaa! Spaaace Thuuunderrrr!"


Derek Lynn Upham University of British Columbia Computer Science Department
"Ha! Your Leaping Tiger Kung Fu is no match for my Frightened Piglet Style!"

Christian Wagner

1992年10月17日 凌晨1:10:371992/10/17
In article <> (Predecrement David) writes:
>Madoka (Mah Doe Ka): (v) (1) To discover one has an unexpected inate
> ability/forte just in the nick of time. (2) To subdue an opponent
> with such an unexpected and untrained ability. eg.: Max Madoka'd
> Myria when they first played an arcade fighter game.

In the same vein.......

Kyosuke (Kee Yous Kay): (v) (1) To end up with exactly what you -didn't- want,
due to inaction or merely fate. (2) To end up in a ridiculous situation
which, you are sure, could only happen to -you-.
eg(1).: Darrell kyosuke'd himself when he proved unable to decide what
classes to take until they were all already full.


Akane (Ah Kahn Ay): (v) To protect someone from an imagined evil, which the
person being protected does not perceive.
eg.: Reagan akaned the US from the "Evil Empire" of the Warsaw Pact.

(This is Akane from the KOR OVA, -not- the Ranma 1/2 character.)

"Well, do you ever get the feeling that the Story's too damn real
and in the present tense?"
Christian Wagner -


1992年10月17日 下午6:17:291992/10/17

|>Akane (Ah Kahn Ay): (v) To protect someone from an imagined evil, which the
|> person being protected does not perceive.
|> eg.: Reagan akaned the US from the "Evil Empire" of the Warsaw Pact.
|>(This is Akane from the KOR OVA, -not- the Ranma 1/2 character.)
Good definition, lousy example. (Especially since Reagan's policies
caused the USSR to collapse.)


Predecrement David

1992年10月19日 中午12:28:071992/10/19
收件者: (Predecrement David) writes:
>Madoka (Mah Doe Ka): (v) (1) To discover one has an unexpected inate

> ability/forte just in the nick of time. (2) To subdue an opponent
> with such an unexpected and untrained ability. eg.: Max Madoka'd
> Myria when they first played an arcade fighter game.

Should read, "To reveal." After all, Madoka is probably aware of her
inate abilities. It is just that no one else knows until the moment of truth.

| David Blume | "These games aren't meant to be fun, |
| | "They're meant to be *played!*" Phil Requist |
+-finger acct. for prefs------------------------------------------------+

Christian Wagner

1992年10月24日 凌晨2:26:031992/10/24

Being a whacko pinko hippie lacking-in-family-values subversive (and also the
person who posted the original definition), I happen to think it's a damn fine

However, I have absolutely no interest in debating this. Take it to
talk.politics or whatever if you've got a problem with it, and maybe you can
find someone who's willing to argue the point. I have better things to do.

Christopher Leung

1992年10月24日 晚上8:49:121992/10/24
Speaking of wacky definitions, I was wondering if someone has compiled all of
these. If someone has could you please send me a copy via e-mail? I would
very much appreciate it (as well as laugh at them while reading them!) B)

Christopher Leung Internet:
"Save your speed, save energy, and then save your life."
-Leon McNichol


1992年10月27日 凌晨12:25:331992/10/27
In article <> (Christopher Leung) writes:
>Speaking of wacky definitions, I was wondering if someone has compiled all of

Yes folks, it has been done and is now available to you at no cost. Just send
e-mail to :

That's Operators are standing by:) B^{)

If I get a large number of requests I'll just post it instead

.sig??? We don' neeed no steenking .sig!!!!


1992年10月27日 凌晨1:46:591992/10/27
please send me a copy of the wacky definitions,
CHEN JiaTyan

Ed Goodwin

1992年10月27日 下午1:37:371992/10/27
Dear Earle-Co,

I saw your advertisement for "The Wacky Anime Definitions Compilation"
on "Up All Night E-Mail" this morning. I've gotta have it!! Please
send my free volume one to "". Attached
is my check for a gazillion dollars postage and handling.

thanks, Ed

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