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[PATCH] Suppress optimization on core_ops_cgp.c

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Andy Dougherty

не прочитано,
22 мар. 2007 г., 09:03:3822.03.2007
– Perl6 Internals
core_ops_cgp.c usually overwhelms my system. It's a combination of the
compiler and the system. It apparently doesn't cause problems elsewhere.

Alas, there appears no more narrowly-focused approach other than to turn
off optimization for everyone, so that's what this patch does. Better
would be a way for specific end-users to specify this -- either via
command line options or hints file overrides, or something.

--- parrot-current/config/gen/makefiles/ 2006-08-20 19:15:20.000000000 -0400
+++ parrot-gcc/config/gen/makefiles/ 2007-03-21 12:20:04.829996000 -0400
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
src/spf_render.c -{-Wformat-nonliteral} # noisy
src/tsq.c -{@optimize@} # never optimize tsq.c!
src/ops/core_ops_cg.c -{@optimize@} # takes too long
+src/ops/core_ops_cgp.c -{@optimize@} # takes too long
src/ops/core_ops_switch.c -{@optimize@} # Overwhelms some compilers.
src/py_func.c +{-Ipmc} # include pmc_default.h

Andy Dougherty

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