mozmill vs mochitest

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Tomas Pelka

2011年1月31日 16:27:392011/1/31

I'm trying to understand mozmill. Why do we have two different
frameworks/suites mozmill and mochitest? I know that mochitest is in
tree and it require recompile Firefox every time somebody want to
use/run it, mozmill don't. But it is really huge. If I understand it
correctly mochitest is more like blackbox testing tool, right?

On the other hand mozmill is from my point of view more like whitebox
testing tool. Am I right?

What is the relation of mozmill and mochitest?

I saw some failures in mozmill tests, do you mozilla guys have some how
to debug mozmill test cases?

Thank you all for your comments.

Tomas Pelka

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Geo Mealer

2011年1月31日 17:22:472011/1/31

Mochitest is the white-box oriented testsuite and Mozmill is the black/gray-box oriented test suite. More specifically, mochitest is mostly used by the developers to build unit tests, and Mozmill is mostly used by the QA team to build end-to-end regression tests.

The debugging features of Mozmill aren't particularly well-developed. We debug by using dump() to output to command line, or controller.window.alert() to pause execution with a modal dialog, as well as simply by watching the tests execute.

Geo Mealer


Tomas Pelka

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Clint Talbert

2011年2月17日 22:35:492011/2/17
Additionally, Mochitest is a browser-based tool. If you're not writing
a browser, it really doesn't make sense to use it.

Mozmill also has a few other interesting features like a common way to
share modules among tests, ability to restart the application under test
between tests, some level of record/replay testing, etc. Mozmill has an
API that attempts to make it easier to write the tests without digging
through the internals of interfaces to make things happen. We're going
to be simplifying that API in 2.0 as well to make it even easier and
align more with selenium 2.0's API which more people will be familiar
with, so it won't be a large jump for folks to start writing Mozmill tests.


PS Sorry about not responding to this group earlier, my email client has
not been checking this folder for messages and it appeared to be "READ". :(

Tomas Pelka

2011年2月18日 03:37:482011/2/18
Thank you Clint for info.

Tomas Pelka

Henrik Skupin

2011年2月18日 09:03:252011/2/18
收件人、Clint Talbert
Clint Talbert wrote on 2/18/11 4:35 AM:

> Mozmill also has a few other interesting features like a common way to
> share modules among tests, ability to restart the application under test
> between tests, some level of record/replay testing, etc. Mozmill has an
> API that attempts to make it easier to write the tests without digging

Oh and something which hasn't been said yet:

In case of our Firefox tests, all of them are executable even in
localized builds. Mochitest would have this capability but nearly all
the tests written so far, are only en-US compatible.

Beside the restart tests we have an alive connection between the CLI
process and the application under test and could do a lot of nifty
things on the CLI side by simply sending messages. We don't really use
that feature at the moment, but it will probably come into play once we
want to have access to system dialogs and events.

Further Mozmill can send reports in plain JSON format which we are using
to display results in our dashboard (under construction):

Henrik Skupin
QA Execution Engineer
Mozilla Corporation

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