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windows update-error 80080005

34 megtekintés
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2008. jún. 22. 10:49:002008. 06. 22.
i use windows vista home premium 32 bit
i tried to chech for windows update , but i see windows update error 80080005

PA Bear [MS MVP]

2008. jún. 22. 13:34:552008. 06. 22.
Are you currently running Vista or Vista SP1?

What anti-virus application or security suite is installed? What
anti-spyware applications (other than Defender)? What third-party firewall
(if any)?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin http://aumha.net
DTS-L http://dts-l.net/

Repair Sydney DatumIT.com.au@discussions.microsoft.com Computer Repair Sydney DatumIT.com.au

2009. jún. 16. 4:23:012009. 06. 16.

> DatumIT.com.au wrote:
this is not a 3rd party issue with firewall or av etc, nor is it related to
SP's it is to do with the update service not starting. I am diagnosing issue
now and will update u shortly.

Shenan Stanley

2009. jún. 16. 5:37:352009. 06. 16.
batool wrote:
> i use windows vista home premium 32 bit
> i tried to chech for windows update , but i see windows update
> error 80080005

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

> Are you currently running Vista or Vista SP1?
> What anti-virus application or security suite is installed? What
> anti-spyware applications (other than Defender)? What third-party
> firewall (if any)?

Computer Repair Sydney DatumIT.com.au wrote:
> this is not a 3rd party issue with firewall or av etc, nor is it
> related to SP's it is to do with the update service not starting. I
> am diagnosing issue now and will update u shortly.

You do realize that there is not likely a *single* solution for this issue.
Over the years, there have been several solutions and several causes.

For example - you are responding (for some unknown reason) to one of only
few of these reported issues - and one that the conversation died on fairly


A quick search reveals it is not alone:

Although it may be one of the newer (only *approaching* one year old, not
quite there at the time of this posting by 6 or so days.)

My suggestion...

Download, install, run, update and perform a full scan (separately) with the
following two applications (freeware versions are the ones to use for this):



After performing a full scan with one and then the other and removing
whatever they both find completely, you may uninstall these products,
if you wish.

Then follow the instructions here:

How do I reset Windows Update components?

Then reboot and try your updates again.

Come back and tell everyone what you found so that others might benefit when
searching the Internet.

Shenan Stanley
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

PA Bear [MS MVP]

2009. jún. 16. 16:28:272009. 06. 16.

Computer Repair Sydney DatumIT.com.au wrote:

WTH are you and why are you replying to my post (let alone a post & thread
from 22 June *2008*)?

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