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vb6 reading foxpro database with SQL - field type adDBDate

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Bart Deraedt

non lue,
30 déc. 2001, 14:27:0730/12/2001
maybe you should use the "Variant"-datatype in VB

this datatype can contain almost anything

"Linda White" <> wrote in message
> I am new to Visual Basic and am faced with the task of
> reading records in a Foxpro database for specific dates.
> The field type is adDBDate. There must be some way to do
> this. I am able to connect and read records using the
> other fields, but not adDBDate type fields.
> Can anyone help?

Douglas Laudenschlager [MS]

non lue,
31 déc. 2001, 14:43:1531/12/2001


Can you tell us more about what you mean when you say that you "can't read"
date fields in a Foxpro database file? I'm sure you don't mean that a
SELECT statement fails to retrieve them...


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Linda White

non lue,
31 déc. 2001, 15:36:3231/12/2001
Yes, the select statement fails to retrieve records when I
specify a specific date. Select * from Brekfile where
emplid = '086040' and timedate = 03/28/00 returns the
following when opening the record set.
[Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Operator/operand
type mismatch. -2147217913

timedate As Date The field type in the foxpro database is
adDBdate 133 (yyyymmdd). Looking at the raw date, it is
yyyymmdd format and the record exists.


Douglas Laudenschlager [MS]

non lue,
31 déc. 2001, 15:48:1831/12/2001

Have you tried single quotes around the date constant? I don't have a
ready-to-test Foxpro sample set up, but that's what you would need with SQL

Select * from Brekfile where emplid = '086040' and timedate = '03/28/00'

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