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Getting excel file schema strange effect

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Alexander Orhideev

не прочитано,
25 апр. 2002 г., 05:48:5025.04.2002
Here it is :

I have a table Customers in an Access DB.
I need an Excel sheet with the same structure as the Customers table,
so that the user can enter new customers and then the Access
application will import them to the Customers table.

So, to make a template excel file I tried two ways :

1) (in Access2000) Tools-->Office Links-->Analize it with Excel ...
(this action outputs Excel 95 file)
2) (in Access2000) File-->Export... (export to Excel97-2000 format)

In both of the ways I got Customers.xls with 1 Sheet Customers in it.
So far so good.

Then I used ADO to get the strucure of the excel file :
With cnExcelSource
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & strFileName & _
";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
End With
Dim rstSchema as New ADODB.Recordset
Set rstSchema = cnExcel.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables)

In case 1) rstSchema contains only one record - "Customers$" - the
sheet name OK
In case 2) rstSchema contains 2 records "Customers" and "Customers$"
(the excel file still have only one sheet, and the following import
works OK with both parameters "Customers" and "Customers$" - it looks
like that OpenSchema returns 2 names for the same sheet - standard
"Customers$" sheet name , and the actual name of the table "Customers"
without sign $)

Does someone know why rstSchema returns two sheet names in the second
case ?


Douglas Laudenschlager [MS]

не прочитано,
25 апр. 2002 г., 12:08:4825.04.2002

The object name without the dollar sign is an Excel named range.

When you use the Jet database engine to export to Excel format, and it
creates the destination "table" in the process, it always creates a
worksheet and a named range with the same name. (Don't ask me why someone
decided on that behavior!)

You may want to read up on some of the known issues working with Excel as a
datasource. List follows.


Using ADO and ADO.Net with Excel: Resources and Known Issues
April 23, 2002

To locate a specific Microsoft Knowledge Base article online, use;en-us;qNNNNNN
where "NNNNNN" represents the 6-digit article number
preceded by the "Q"

Q257819 HOWTO: Use ADO with Excel Data from Visual Basic or VBA
Q303814 HOWTO: Use ADOX with Excel Data from Visual Basic or VBA
Q278973 SAMPLE: ExcelADO Shows How to Read/Write Data in Excel Workbooks
Q195951 HOWTO: Query and Update Excel Data Using ADO From ASP

Transferring Data into Excel
Q247412 INFO: Methods for Transferring Data to Excel from Visual Basic
Q295646 HOWTO: Transfer Data from ADO Data Source to Excel with ADO
Q246335 HOWTO: Transfer Data from ADO Recordset to Excel with Automation
Q319951 HOW TO: Transfer Data to Excel Using SQL Server DTS (pending)
Q306125 HOW TO: Import Data from SQL Server into Microsoft Excel

Known Issues (most recent listed first)
Q319998 BUG: Querying Open Excel Worksheet Using ADO Causes Memory Leak
Q316831 PRB: Cannot Configure Data Connections to Excel Files (pending)
Q316809 BUG: No ADO Connection Error When Excel Workbook Is Not Found
Q316756 PRB: Error Using ADO.Net OleDbDataAdapter to Modify Excel Workbook
Q314763 FIX: ADO Inserts Data into Wrong Excel Columns
Q300948 BUG: Incorrect TABLE_TYPE Is Returned for Excel Worksheets
Q294410 ACC2002: Nulls Replaced w/ Next Field's Data Exporting to Excel
Q293828 BUG: Excel File Size Grows When You Edit ADO Recordset
Q288343 BUG: Excel ODBC Driver Disregards FirstRowHasNames/HDR Setting
Q246167 PRB: Collating Sequence Error Opening XLS as ADO Recordset
Q211378 XL2000: 'Could Not Decrypt File' Error with Password-Protected File
Q194124 PRB: Excel Values Returned as NULL Using DAO OpenRecordset (mixed
data types)
Q189897 XL97: Data Truncated to 255 Characters with Excel ODBC Driver (Rows
To Scan)

VB/VB.Net (most recent listed first)
Q318373 HOW TO: Use GetOleDbSchemaTable with Excel in Visual Basic .Net
Q316934 HOW TO: Use ADO.Net to Retrieve and Modify Records in Excel
Q311731 HOW TO: Query and Display Excel Data Using ADO.NET, VB .NET
Q306022 HOW TO: Transfer Data to an Excel Workbook Using Visual Basic .NET
Q302094 HOWTO: Fill/Retrieve Excel Data Using Arrays From VB .Net

ASP/ASP.Net/Web (most recent listed first)
Q317719 HOW TO: Export Data in DataGrid on an ASP. NET WebForm to Excel
Q311194 HOW TO: Use ASP.NET to Display Database Data in Excel
Q308247 HOW TO: Use ASP.NET to Query and Display Database Data in Excel
Q307603 HOW TO: Write Binary Files to the Browser Using ASP.NET & VB
Q306572 HOW TO: Query and Display Excel Data Using ASP.NET, ADO.NET
Q276488 HOWTO: Use ADODB.Stream to Read Binary Files to the Browser
Q257757 INFO: Considerations for Server-Side Automation of Office (Excel on
Q199841 HOWTO: Display ASP Results Using Excel in IE with MIME Types
Q195951 HOWTO: Query and Update Excel Data Using ADO From ASP

SQL Server/DTS (most recent listed first)
Q321686 HOW TO: Import Data into SQL Server from Microsoft Excel (pending)
Q319951 HOW TO: Transfer Data to Excel Using SQL Server DTS (pending)
Q306397 INFO: Use Excel with SQL Server Linked Servers and Distributed
Q306125 HOW TO: Import Data from SQL Server into Microsoft Excel
Q281517 PRB: Transfer of Data from Jet 4.0 OLEDB Source Fails w/ Error (DTS
& Excel)
Q236605 PRB: DTS Wizard May not Detect Excel Column Type for Mixed Data
Q231880 BUG: Import Wizard Fails if Excel File Open During Import/Export
Q207446 BUG: Cannot Import Excel 97 Spreadsheet with 256 or More Columns

XML (most recent listed first)
Q319180 HOWTO: Transform Dataset to Spreadsheet XML for Microsoft Excel
Q307021 HOW TO: Transfer XML Data to Microsoft Excel 2002 with VB .NET
Q285891 HOWTO: Use VB or ASP to Create an XML Spreadsheet for Excel 2002
Q278976 HOWTO: Transform Excel XML Spreadsheet for Server-Side Use

ADO within Excel (most recent listed first)
Q291199 XL2002: "Invalid Use of New Keyword" Error Using ADODB Library
Q263498 BUG: Run-Time Error 5 Using Add Method of QueryTables Collection
Q244761 XL2000: How to Use ADO to Return Data to a ListBox or ComboBox
Q228633 OFF2000: "Catastrophic Failure" Error Running Samples.xls Macro
Q225059 XL2000: "Invalid Use of New Keyword" Error Using ADODB Library
Q215154 XL2000: Excel does not support OLE DB Data Links

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Alexander Orhideev

не прочитано,
29 апр. 2002 г., 04:41:0329.04.2002
10x Doug

Great help :)!

regards, sunsande ("Douglas Laudenschlager [MS]") wrote in message news:<K$UvBOH7BHA.2340@cpmsftngxa07>...

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