Open Type System

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D. Green-Lank

non lue,
9 nov. 2010, 02:23:1609/11/2010
à gosu-lang
You've heard some talk about the open type system, and I believe there
is at least one example of using it in the samples available for
download. But if you'd like to get up and running quickly playing with
this feature of the language, just add the Gosu jars and libs to your
classpath, and compile and run the following code (it contains its own
"main" method)... This will create a typeloader that creates a single
type called "foo.MyType" with a single method called "sayHello" that
accepts a string as a parameter, and returns a string... It then
pushes that typeloader onto the global typeloader list, and then
launches the built-in Gosu editor... At this point you can execute a
line of code to use your newly created type such as
"print( foo.MyType.sayHello( 'David' ) )"... Enjoy

import gw.lang.reflect.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

public class Main {

public static void main( String... args ) throws Exception {
Gosu.main( "-e", "print( 'foo' )" ); // initialize Gosu - I'm sure
there's a better way
TypeSystem.pushGlobalTypeLoader( new MyTypeLoader() );
Gosu.main( "-g" );

private static class MyTypeLoader extends TypeLoaderBase {
public IType getType( String fullyQualifiedName ) {
return new MyType( this );

public Set<? extends CharSequence> getAllTypeNames() {
return Collections.singleton( "foo.MyType" );

public List<String> getHandledPrefixes() {
return Collections.emptyList();


private static class MyType extends TypeBase {

private final ITypeLoader _loader;

public MyType( ITypeLoader loader ) {
_loader = loader;

public String getName() {
return "foo.MyType";

public String getRelativeName() {
return "MyType";

public String getNamespace() {
return "foo";

public ITypeLoader getTypeLoader() {
return _loader;

public IType getSupertype() {
return IJavaType.OBJECT;

public List<? extends IType> getInterfaces() {
return Collections.emptyList();

public ITypeInfo getTypeInfo() {
return new MyTypeInfo( this );


private static class MyTypeInfo extends TypeInfoBase {

private final IType _ownersType;

public MyTypeInfo( IType ownersType ) {
_ownersType = ownersType;

public List<? extends IPropertyInfo> getProperties() {
return Collections.emptyList();

public IPropertyInfo getProperty( CharSequence propName ) {
return null;

public CharSequence getRealPropertyName( CharSequence propName ) {
return null;

public List<? extends IMethodInfo> getMethods() {
List<IMethodInfo> methods = new ArrayList<IMethodInfo>();
methods.add( new MethodInfoBuilder()
.withName( "sayHello" )
.withParameters( new
ParameterInfoBuilder().withName( "who" ).withType( IJavaType.STRING ) )
.withReturnType( TypeSystem.get( String.class ) ) //
same as IJavaType.STRING - could also use
TypeSystem.getByFullName( "java.lang.String" )
.withCallHandler( new IMethodCallHandler() {
public Object handleCall( Object ctx, Object... args )
return "Hi, " + args[0];
} )
.build( this ) );
return methods;

public List<? extends IConstructorInfo> getConstructors() {
return Collections.emptyList();

public List<IAnnotationInfo> getDeclaredAnnotations() {
return Collections.emptyList();

public IType getOwnersType() {
return _ownersType;


D. Green-Lank

non lue,
9 nov. 2010, 03:13:0409/11/2010
à gosu-lang
One correction, getType( String fullyQualifiedName ) should probably
check that fullyQualifiedName is equal to "foo.MyType", otherwise
return null.


non lue,
19 nov. 2010, 08:08:2319/11/2010
à gosu-lang
Thanks for the sample! I was able to get some TypeLoading done on my
own, including trying out the sites Dynamic example with code

There doesn't seem to be a way to accomplish TypeLoading in Eclipse?
Or am I just missing something?

D. Green-Lank

non lue,
19 nov. 2010, 16:43:0119/11/2010
à gosu-lang
I don't think Eclipse respects typeloaders yet. The built-in Gosu
editor does, however. Just be sure to launch it using the main() from
the example above, rather than using There's also a special
manifest entry you can add to any Jar file in the classpath in order
to get other typeloaders added automatically, "Gosu-Typeloaders",
which should be set to a space-delimited list of fully qualified class
names of typeloaders to include in the typesystem.


Scott McKinney

non lue,
19 nov. 2010, 19:38:1419/11/2010
à gosu-lang
Sure, the Eclipse plug-in supports Gosu type loaders. Check out the
UseCustomDynamicType example that employs the DynamicType loader.

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