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OPERATION BITE: U.S. to attack Iran April 6

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2007年3月27日 13:01:292007/3/27

Operation Bite: April 6 sneak attack by US forces against Iran planned,
Russian military sources warn
By Webster G. Tarpley
Online Journal Contributing Writer

WASHINGTON DC, -- The long awaited US military attack on Iran is now on
track for the first week of April, specifically for 4 am on April 6, the
Good Friday opening of Easter weekend, writes the well-known Russian
journalist Andrei Uglanov in the Moscow weekly "Argumenty Nedeli." Uglanov
cites Russian military experts close to the Russian General Staff for his

The attack is slated to last for 12 hours, according to Uglanov, from 4 am
until 4 pm local time. Friday is the sabbath in Iran. In the course of the
attack, code named Operation Bite, about 20 targets are marked for bombing;
the list includes uranium enrichment facilities, research centers, and

Socialist 'Max the Canuck' on
Tues, Mar 22 2005 3:05 pm said to a conservative poster:

"Since I'm a left wing feller, I wanna make sure you look as bad as

Chili Finger

2007年3月27日 16:21:162007/3/27
You should have post this to iran.general , give them a heads up.

Chili Finger

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