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resist US aggression

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25 févr. 2002, 09:25:3525/02/2002

Who Are the Real Terrorists?
By Ralph Schoenman
After the explosions that destroyed the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and
Dar es Salaam had done their work, the first soldiers on the scene
were special units of the Israeli armed forces and high level agents
of the Mossad, Israel's "intelligence" agency.

The Pentagon was quick to declare that it would take months of sifting
through the debris and of intelligence work to determine the
authorship of the bombings.

Within two weeks, U.S. rulers launched a combined assault upon
Afghanistan and Sudan. The Tomahawk cruise missile weighs 2,650 pounds
and carries 1,000-pound warheads. Seventy-five of them, carrying 80
warheads, struck Khartoum from the Red Sea and four warships and a
submarine launched multiples of this arsenal against Afghanistan from
the Arabian Sea, according to the San Francisco Chronicle (Aug. 21).

The pretext for these attacks was the claim that a terrorist
organization masterminded by Saudi dissident Osama Bin Laden had not
only bombed the two U.S. embassies but had imminent plans to attack
targets in the United States and around the world.

Secretary of Defense William Cohen, former Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger, and Congressperson Lee Hamilton orchestrated these claims
with the ominous assertion that the United States had launched the
first strike in a protracted war and they declared, as cited in The
Washington Post (Aug. 21) that Osama Bin Laden "was linked to the
mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing and to [a] plot to blow
up New York City landmarks."

Who really is Osama Bin Laden?
The New York Times detailed in a feature article one month ago that
Osama Bin Laden had been trained, financed and under the direction of
the CIA for a period of years and was brought to Afghanistan by the
CIA after intensive instruction in armed attack, assassination, and
the setting up of front organizations for U.S. intelligence

At the time of the bombing of the World Trade Center, James Fox,
assistant FBI director, declared within moments of the explosion that
the person who planted the explosives was Mohammed A. Salameh, who
used a yellow Ford Econoline van for the purpose. His biography was
widely distributed, and the New York Times declared him a "Suspect
Tied to Islamic Fundamentalist Sect."

What has emerged, however, is that the telephone number and apartment
listed on the rental agreement for the van carrying the explosives
belonged to Guzie Hadas -long established as a Mossad operative.
(International Herald Tribune, March 8, 1993)

It was further disclosed that the man who proposed the bombing to
followers of Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman was Emad Ali Salem "a high level
Egyptian intelligence officer and informant of the FBI who provided
the FBI with taped conversations and all other evidence." (Muslim
World Monitor, July 4, 1993)

Not only that. "Salem was the source of plans to blow up the Lincoln
and Holland tunnels, the United Nations, other targets and
assassinations. He played the role of agent provocateur!" (Ibid.)

The FBI agent and Egyptian intelligence officer "provided the safe
houses in which the bombs were manufactured, helped purchase the
firearms and materials to be used in the attacks." (Ibid.)

All the documents concerning the plans to blow up the World Trade
Center and all the documents concerning plans for the Lincoln and
Holland Tunnels and other targets were in the hands of the FBI since
1990. Fifty storage boxes of documents concerning plans to blow up the
World Trade Center with full detail "sat" in police and FBI hands, as
confirmed by the Los Angeles Times (July 4, 1993). The FBI had advance
plans and full documentation. In every meeting with the recruits for
these operations, Salem was "wired" and the FBI was informed that
Salem himself had made the proposals.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Fundamentalist group in Afghanistan led by
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who worked with 0sama Bin Laden, received $3.3
billion in official U.S. funds from the CIA.

A phony pretext
The U.S. missile attack upon a pharmaceutical plant in Khartoum was
claimed to have destroyed "precursors" for VX nerve gas and
biochemical weapons.

The largest producer of biological weapons in the world is the
Pentagon. A remarkable book, "Clouds of Secrecy," by Leonard Cole,
with a foreword by former Senator Alan Cranston, cites how the
Pentagon secretly tested biological agents in 239 sites in the United
States over a period of 20 years. Trillions of bacteria were released
affecting over 10 million people. The army used seratin marcensens in
the Bay Area, causing a ten-fold increase in meningitis.

Biological agents were used in the New York subway system, the school
systems of Minneapolis and St. Louis. The Black population was
targeted. Trillions of bacilli have been involved "exposing the young,
the old and the medically compromised to infections at 239 sites
around the country." (New York Times Book Review)

Official state terror
The missile attacks upon the civilian population of Khartoum and of
Afghanistan are part of a vast campaign of official state terror which
includes the terrorizing of the American people with operations
planned and executed by U.S. rulers.

Vast military budgets - $9 trillion in 40 years - sustain the profits
of the ruthless oligarchy who rules America through a network of
clandestine agencies at the service of banking and corporate capital.

There is a clear and present danger to these rulers: the financial and
economic crisis leapfrogging from Asia and Russia to the heartland of
corporate capital in the United States.

The repressive measures now being touted by our rulers require the
pretext of sinister forces targeting the American people. The authors
of the reign of terror are the U.S. rulers themselves, and the working
poor of every country are their permanent victims.

There is a protracted war - a class war between the vast majority of
suffering humanity and the 2% who own 90% of the wealth in America and
use the power of the state to maintain their rule through
ever-increasing repression and the massive armed force which comprises
the most concentrated manifestation of state terror the world has even

The Democratic and Republican parties and all their elected officials
join hands in celebrating the state terror which rains destruction on
the peoples of the world.

In every country we must build a political movement independent of the
political servants of finance capital. The struggle against war,
hunger, social decay, and human suffering requires that we unite
across frontiers.

Let us build together the political movements and parties capable of
removing from power the criminal few whose brutality can never be
appeased and upon whose defeat rests the very survival of humanity.

Ralph Schoenman is an editorial board member of The Organizer
newspaper. If you like this article and would like to find out more
about The Organizer, send in for a subsription for $12 by writing to
T.O., 4104 - 24th St. #440, San Francisco, CA 94114.

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