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Re: OT: Damn, Ron Paul essentially ties Ames Poll, gets no props

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N∅ M∅ ∅baMa∅

Aug 15, 2011, 9:23:12 PM8/15/11
On Aug 14, 7:06 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> The fascists want a pretty face that'll follow orders, Ron Paul ain't
> that guy.

Yet another Useful Liberal Fascist JackAss Idiot parroting twisted
Communist Party propaganda lies.

You can't hide in your closet any longer.
We all know how Marxists like you must confuse the ignorant masses
with twisted lies in order to win them over.

Give it up! - Even your former handlers have seen the light:

We now use the internet to turn the spot light on the likes of you:

The Europeans have exposed your NAZI "teeth in gum" relationship with
the Communist Party:

Hitler learned from your kind very well and the result predictable.
Your murders continue to be counted and documented:

Video: Death Threats Against Wis. Republicans (Content Warning)

Fascist Union Thug's Death Threats in Wisconsin

Fascist Union Activist to WI State Senators: You Will Die

Fascism is a form of government which centers all power [House, Senate
and Judiciary] in a single party [Liberal Fascist JackAss Democrats]
headed by an absolute dictater [0baMa0 Tse Dung].


Anyone who is NOT a public Union/Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/
Communist is a Fascist according to Useful Liberal JackAss Idiots.
Anyone who refutes a public Union/Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/
Communist is a moron according to Useful Liberal JackAss Idiots.

As admits,
the left routinely applies the term "fascist" to any Republican
political leader. In Britain The Guardian, BBC, and other liberal
media pounced on purported links between the Bush family and
corporations that had dealings with Nazi Germany. The fact that
Prescott Bush, George W. Bush's grandfather, was a "director and
shareholder" with companies that had indirect financial dealings with
Germany in the 1930s would hardly seem damning, however. Much the
same could be said for many other affluent individuals in America or
Britain at the time. Every American today with mutual fund holdings
is invested, at least indirectly, in Hugo Chavez's Venezuela. Does
that make them Marxist revolutionaries?

Talk of Hitler became a lot more common during the Bush years, when it
was accepted wisdom on the left that George Bush was worse than
Hitler. Then there was Nancy Pelosi, who spent weeks back in 2010
complaining of the Tea Party's so-called "swastika signs" -- signs
that did not signal an alliance with fascism but opposition to it.
Pelosi was hardly alone in accusing the Tea Party of fascism. Marc
Rubin, writing for, referred to Tea Party members as
"text book fascists." He went on to pin the neo-fascist label on Tom
Tancredo, presumably because of Tancredo's concerns over illegal
immigration. If those concerns make Tancredo a fascist, they would
make the majority of Americans who share those concerns fascists as
well. But that's pretty much how the left sees America.

The immediate response of liberals such as Chris Matthews to the Ryan
"Path to Prosperity" was to characterize it as a killer not just of
babies and old people but of "half the people who watch this show."
This attempt to portray the GOP plan as genocidal is just another
example of the fascist rhetoric. It appears that Matthews is
attempting to portray the Ryan plan as some sort of Final Solution.

It's not just loose cannons on MSNBC who resort to fascist innuendo.
Obama's speechwriters are good at crafting sinister suggestions even
without using the "F" word. Obama's budget speech of April 13
actually set the tone for the current debate. With Rep. Ryan sitting
on the front row, Obama lectured his audience that the GOP plan would
kick "someone's grandparents" out of nursing homes and cause children
with autism and Down's syndrome to "fend for themselves." It is well
known that Hitler sent legions of the disabled to concentration camps
to be gassed, but the suggestion that a plan to actually save Medicare
and Medicaid resembles the Holocaust, if that is what Obama intended,
is repellent. It was one more proof, as if we needed any more, of a
fatal weakness in the character of this President. He is a man whose
entire existence is devoted to gutter politics. For such a man,
statesmanship and dignified leadership are inconceivable.

The plan truth is that America can no longer afford this sort of
reckless partisanship on the part of the chief executive. The fact
that Obama disagrees with Rep. Ryan's budget plan does not justify
accusations of killing sick children or tossing old folks out on the
street. That kind of rhetoric may pass for wit in the sixth grade,
but it is juvenile coming from the President.



If you haven't read the book, watched all of the above and understood
what was said, don't bother responding with your public UNION, LIBERAL
FASCIST, JackAss Idiot, Communist Party propaganda lies.

LIBERAL FASCIST Left-wing roots of the Nazis:

LIBERAL FASCISM, Marxism, National Socialism [NAZI] and Juche
[N.Korea] are left-wing brothers:

NAZI Origins of LIBERAL FASCISTS Global Warming - While this may sound
odd to many who have bought into the Marxian propaganda over the years
that the Nazis were right wing capitalistic extremists, Greens who
signed up for the Nazi Party were actually very typical of the day.
Between 60% and 70% of the German Greens were NAZI Party members,
compared to only 10% of the population at large.


Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian:


The LIBERAL FASCIST Path to Socialism:


"Just as the Left was drawn to the communist killing machines of
Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Castro, so too it is now attracted to
radical Islam."

"The contempt that German Hitlerytes had for "Bolshevism" or "marxist
Jews" generally should also not mislead us in assessing the similarity
between National Socialism and Communism. Leftist sects are very prone
to rivalry, dissension, schism and hatred of one-another. One has only
to think of the Bolsheviks versus the Mensheviks, Stalin versus
Trotsky, China versus the Soviet Union etc. Similarity does not
preclude rivalry. Hitler and Stalin were literally brothers in arms
BEFORE they became rivals. That socialist brothers sometimes fall out
should not prevent us from noting the brotherhood concerned."


"The fundamental dogma of all brands of socialism and communism is
that the market economy or capitalism is a system that hurts the vital
interests of the immense majority of people for the sole benefit of a
small minority of rugged individualists. It condemns the masses to
progressing impoverishment. It brings about misery, slavery,
oppression, degradation and exploitation of the working men, while it
enriches a class of idle and useless parasites."

"This doctrine was not the work of Karl Marx. It had been developed
long before Marx entered the scene. Its most successful propagators
were not the Marxian authors, but such men as Carlyle and Ruskin, the
British Fabians, the German professors and the American
Institutionalists. And it is a very significant fact that the
correctness of this dogma was contested only by a few economists who
were very soon silenced and barred from access to the universities,
the press, the leadership of political parties and, first of all,
public office. Public opinion by and large accepted the condemnation
of capitalism without any reservation."


Dr. Ludwig von Mises -


"The term 'planning' is mostly used as a synonym for socialism,
communism, and authoritarian and totalitarian economic management.
Sometimes only the German pattern of socialism-Zwangswirtschaft-is
called planning, while the term socialism proper is reserved for the
Russian pattern of outright socialization and bureaucratic operation
of all plants, shops, and farms. At any rate, planning in this sense
means all-around planning by the government and enforcement of these
plans by the police power. Planning in this sense means full
government control of business. It is the antithesis of free
enterprise, private initiative, private ownership of the means of
production, market economy, and the price system. Planning and
capitalism are utterly incompatible. Within a system of planning
production is conducted according to the government's orders, not
according to the plans of capitalists and entrepreneurs eager to
profit by best filling the wants of the consumers.

"But the term planning is also used in a second sense. Lord Keynes,
Sir William Beveridge, Professor Hansen, and many other eminent men
assert that they do not want to substitute totalitarian slavery for
freedom. They declare that they are planing for a free society. They
recommend a third system, which, as they say, is as far from socialism
as it is from capitalism, which, as a third solution of the problem of
society's economic organization, stands midway between the two other
systems, and while retaining the advantages of both, avoids the
disadvantages inherent in each.

"These self-styled progressives are certainly mistaken when they
pretend that their proposals are new and unheard of. The idea of this
third solution is very old indeed, and the French have long since
baptized it with a pertinent name; they call it interventionism.
Hardly anybody can doubt that history will link the idea of social
security, more closely than with the American New Deal and with Sir
William Beveridge, with the memory of Bismarck whom our fathers did
not precisely describe as a liberal. All the essential ideas of
present-day interventionist progressivism were neatly expounded by the
supreme brain-trusters of imperial Germany, Professors Schmoller and
Wagner, who at the same time urged their Kaiser to invade and to
conquer the Americas. Far be it from me to condemn any idea only on
account of its not being new. But as the progressives slander all
their opponents as old-fashioned, orthodox, and reactionary, it is
expedient to observe that it would be more appropriate to speak of the
clash of two orthodoxies; the Bismarck orthodoxy versus the Jefferson


Dr. Ludwig von Mises - 1952 -

The origins of the modern left can be traced back to the famous
passage in Rousseau’s Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of
Inequality, in which he condemned the institution of private

“The first man, who after enclosing a piece of ground, took it into
his head to say, ‘this is mine,’ and found people simple enough to
believe him, was the real founder of civil society.”

Added Rousseau: “How many crimes, how many wars, how many murders, how
many misfortunes and horrors, would that man have saved the human
species, who pulling up the stakes or filling up the ditches should
have cried to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you
are lost, if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong equally to
us all, and the earth itself to nobody!”

Around the 1830s, a faction of French liberals gravitated toward
Romanticism and the philosophy of the late Rousseau, proclaiming that
capitalism, private property, and the increasing complexity of modern
society were agents of moral decay -- both for the individual and for
society at large. This is essentially the worldview that has made its
way, through history, into the collective mind of the modern left; it
is a worldview calling for a revolution that not only will topple the
existing capitalist order and punish its corrupt leaders, but that
also will replace that order with a socialist regime where the utopian
ideals of perfect justice and equality will reign. Such an ambition
can be put into effect only by a totalitarian state with the authority
to micromanage every facet of human life, precisely the end-point
toward which the policies and crusades of the modern left are

When the term “liberalism” (from the Latin word liberalis, meaning
“pertaining to a free man”) first emerged in the early 1800s, its
hallmarks were a belief in individual rights, the rule of law, limited
government, private property, and laissez faire economics. These would
remain the defining characteristics of liberalism throughout the
liberal epoch (generally identified as the period of 1815-1914). Yet
the modern left, which portrays itself as the agent of enlightened
commitment to “liberal” causes, in fact stands for the antithesis of
each of the foregoing liberal ideals. Contrary to its self-definition,
the left is neither “liberal” nor “progressive,” but rather a
reactionary force that seeks to resurrect the traditions that
characterized the epoch which preceded the rise of classical

The following is from The World Book Encyclopedia, 1947 edition:
The chief characteristics of Fascism are as follows:


Fascism, like all forms of government, rests firmly on the sincere
consent of a large part of the population... To maintain this consent,
the Fascist leadership must cut off the people from any information
which might cause them to doubt the complete correctness of the fixed
Fascist principles... All forms of communication are carefully
censored, so that the public will receive only those facts that the
dictators want known... Travel to other countries must be controlled,
and freedom of speech and assembly must be rigorously suppressed...

The Racist Propaganda Conference for Teachers

Unions and Communists March Side By Side at May Day Rally

May Day rally in Los Angeles, co-sponsored by the SEIU and various
communist groups

George Soros Media Matters' war against Fox

If you have not yet seen "The Cartel" you owe it to yourself and the
children of the U.S.A. to do so:


Fascism in Italy and Germany at first won the support of the wealthy
classes, both landed and industrial...

These people saw in Fascism a protection against the demands of
farmers and other workers... Both regimes at first upheld the rights
of private property... They subjected the working classes to a
rigorous discipline... As soon as they were firmly established, the
dictators began to limit profit, impose capital levies, and regulate
business in great detail...

Employment Rates under Liberal Fascism



Fascism depends upon the police to crush all opposition or dissent.
Secret police spy on the whole population, and any casual remark
against the regime leads to swift and severe punishment... Opposition
parties are dissolved. Intellectual, athletic and recreational
organizations are usually brought under the control of the Fascist
authority... The ruthlessness of the police gradually becomes less
noticeable... This is because within a year or so after a Fascist
government takes power, vigorous opponents of the regime have either
left the country, been killed or jailed...

LIBERAL FASCIST union thugs trying to upend the results of Wisconsin
elections by force.

Read more:

Vice President Joe Biden’s staff lock journalist in a closet for

(Both Fascist and Communist leaders make use of the police state...
Every absolute government has used the police state to some degree...
It was highly developed among the ancient Assyrians...)



Fascism is highly nationalistic... It tries to identify its principles
with the country, so that disagreement will look like treason... Some
other country, or some group within the country, is chosen to serve as
the "enemy" and made to appear as the cause of all evils or
misfortunes... For example, the Nazis in Germany represented their
movement first as a crusade against the Jews, then as a fight against
Communism and later as a struggle against the "attacks" from whatever
neighboring country they wished to subdue or occupy... Extreme
nationalism often becomes a kind of racial fanaticism... Sometimes it
combines racial and religious bigotry...

When you hear the Liberal Fascist JackAss propaganda that THEY are the
true patriots then you know the time is near. Look for it from the
socialist Labor Unions such as the SEIU!


Fascism maintains among the people a permanently warlike frame of
mind... Every citizen feels that he is mobilized against enemies of
the regime from within, and against possible foreign foes... The
dictator usually comes to power during a period of economic crisis or
depression... He relieves the depression partly by employing many
people in the making of armaments... To justify this procedure, he
must convince the people that the country is threatened, and must
point toward some of the enemies against whom the armaments may be

Listen to 0baMa0's rhetoric and his fascistic support from the

Billionaire George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the
global organization that promotes the military doctrine used by the
Obama administration to justify the recent airstrikes targeting the
regime of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya.


Here are the Three (3) Phases of Liberal Decay into Fascism:

1. Liberalism (Well Meaning, Nice Sounding, "Do-Gooder" Policies
Always Doomed to Fail)

2. Liberal-Progressivism (The Drive for Social Improvement through
Change and Promising Hope;
More Draconian Liberal Polices are Implemented to Transform The People
into a New Society that
Is Guided by 'The Party') The Party Elite Have Complete Power and Rule

3. Liberal-Fascism (The Rise of the Party Leader over 'The Party'
Ensuring the Unity and Uniformaty of 'The Party' and Enforcing The
Will of 'The Party' Over the People.) The Party Leader will Cleanse
'The Party' of All those Who Are NOT of 'The Party'; and 'The Party'
Will Cleanse the People of All Those Who Do NOT Support 'The Party'
and The Party Leader. The Party Leader Now Has Complete and Total
Power and Rules by the Force of His Iron Will.

Brother/Sister Are You "OF" 'The Party' ?

Does The Teaching Of 'The Party' Abide Within You ?

Does The Thoughts Of 'The Party' "Leader" Guide Your Thoughts ?

Let 'The Party' Change Your Life and Transform You !

Let 'The Party' Give You Hope and Renew You !
When you vote cut them off at the knees from your Tax Dollars.
Vote with your wallet.

Tim Crowley

Aug 15, 2011, 10:41:37 PM8/15/11
Paul is a racist k000k. He get's ignored cause he's the insane
fringe. He hasn't a chance in hell of being the President of this
great nation.


Aug 15, 2011, 11:13:54 PM8/15/11

? Ron Paul A Racist !

Oops We Got An Obama-Bot Playing The Obama-Race Card !!!
Damn -playing- The Great White "Liberal" RACE Card ! ! !

Aug 15, 2011, 11:14:54 PM8/15/11

Didn't his son made some kind of an appearance several months back ?
Sounded a lot worse than his daddy, btw. . .

Tim Crowley

Aug 15, 2011, 11:15:49 PM8/15/11
On Aug 15, 8:13 pm, RHF <> wrote:
> On Aug 15, 7:41 pm, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> > Paul is a racist k000k.  He get's ignored cause he's the insane
> > fringe. He hasn't a chance in hell of being the President of this
> > great nation.
> ? Ron Paul A Racist !
> Oops We Got An Obama-Bot Playing The Obama-Race Card !!!

Not a card, coward - just a fact.

hint: read the racist tracks he published, you won't look quite so
dumb if you get the info before you post.


Aug 16, 2011, 8:37:47 AM8/16/11
Tim Crowley wrote:

Most Americans are racist kooks; seems he'd fit right in. He has valid
views that are worth consideration. Since his economic views threaten
Boeing and the Banksters, he gets no face time on TV.


Aug 16, 2011, 8:48:13 AM8/16/11
Tim Crowley wrote:

Hint. If you want me to read something you have to show it to me. I've
know the guy for 35 years, he seems pretty mainstream for a Texan.

Tim Crowley

Aug 16, 2011, 10:20:54 AM8/16/11

hint: i'm not your mommy, it's your job to educate yourself, not

no wonder you so often fail.

Tim Crowley

Aug 16, 2011, 10:20:20 AM8/16/11

His views have been rejected by the vast majority of Americans. Most
Americans despise racist k000ks.

Message has been deleted


Aug 16, 2011, 2:22:18 PM8/16/11
On 11-08-16 12:01 PM, China Blue Tip Wrench wrote:
> In article<4e4a670c$0$12457$>,
> Ron who?

Out of touch much?

Aug 16, 2011, 4:09:01 PM8/16/11
> know the guy for 35 years, he seems pretty mainstream for a Texan.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

And that is very disturbing . I came across several Texans over the
years and for some unknown reason they appeared kind of arrogant and
troublesome to me . Or may be it is just my own personal view.


Aug 17, 2011, 2:34:36 AM8/17/11

Me Thinks "TC" Sees All NON Card Carrying
Liberal-Democrats as Racist

Republicans... Racist All !

Conservatives... Racist All !

Church Going Christians... Racist All !

Anti-Obama* Racist All !
* Don't Like His Liberal-Democrat Politics

Oops We Got An Obama-Bot Playing The Obama-Race Card !!!


Aug 17, 2011, 2:37:10 AM8/17/11
On Aug 16, 1:09 pm, wrote:
> On Aug 16, 8:48 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> > Tim Crowley wrote:
> > > On Aug 15, 8:13 pm, RHF <> wrote:
> > >> On Aug 15, 7:41 pm, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> > >> > Paul is a racist k000k.  He get's ignored cause he's the insane
> > >> > fringe. He hasn't a chance in hell of being the President of this
> > >> > great nation.
> > >> ? Ron Paul A Racist !
> > >> Oops We Got An Obama-Bot Playing The Obama-Race Card !!!
> > > Not a card, coward - just a fact.
> > > hint: read the racist tracks he published, you won't look quite so
> > > dumb if you get the info before you post.
> > Hint. If you want me to read something you have to show it to me. I've
> > know the guy for 35 years, he seems pretty mainstream for a Texan.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
- And that is very disturbing .
- I came across several Texans over the
- years and for some unknown reason they
- appeared kind of arrogant and troublesome
- to me .
- Or may be it is just my own personal view.

OK So the Texans you met 'appeared kind of
arrogant and troublesome'
-but- Did The Impress You as Being Racist ?


Aug 17, 2011, 2:41:58 AM8/17/11
On Aug 16, 5:37 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> Tim Crowley wrote:
> > Paul is a racist k000k.  He get's ignored cause he's the insane
> > fringe. He hasn't a chance in hell of being the President of this
> > great nation.

- Most Americans are racist kooks;
- seems he'd fit right in.
- He has valid views that are worth consideration.
- Since his economic views threaten Boeing
- and the Banksters, he gets no face time on TV.

M4* Mania -proclaims- Most Americans Are Racist Kooks
* Mucho Medical-Marijuana Madness [M4]
800+ "Dave -proclaims-" Posts Here at/on Rec.Radio.Shortwave


Aug 17, 2011, 2:55:30 AM8/17/11
On Aug 16, 7:20 am, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> On Aug 16, 5:37 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> > Tim Crowley wrote:
> > > Paul is a racist k000k.  He get's ignored cause he's the insane
> > > fringe. He hasn't a chance in hell of being the President of this
> > > great nation.
> > Most Americans are racist kooks; seems he'd fit right in. He has valid
> > views that are worth consideration. Since his economic views threaten
> > Boeing and the Banksters, he gets no face time on TV.

- His views have been rejected by the vast majority of Americans.

This is a Liberal-Democrat Talking Point
-aka- Dis-Information -ergo- Propaganda

Claiming that Ron Paul is NOT Mainstream.

- Most Americans despise racist k000ks.

NAH ! - Most American Despise Liberal Liars
and Reject Democrat Distortions -by- Obama-Bots

So then "TC" You must half-reject/despise yourself.
- = Tim Crowley = -
You Have Entered the "Arguing with Idiots" Zone
There is a sign post up ahead . . .
-and-it-reads- "You Are An Idiot !"
-for- Arguing with someone that you reasonably
believe to be a Total and Complete I D I O T [.]
*OMG/OMA* Let Us Pray . . .
This Has Been A 'Teachable Moment' ~ RHF©*
* © This is another Copy-Righted 'Brain Fart' of RHF
-wrt- 'Brain Fart' -yeah- This Idea(s) Stinks : Pew! [P!U!]


Aug 18, 2011, 7:14:25 PM8/18/11
On Aug 18, 5:31 am, Joe from Kokomo <> wrote:
- Yeah, we don't need no steenkin' doctor.
- Better we should go with "Preacher" Perry,
- Sarah "I can see Russia" Palin,
- Michele "Foot always in mouth" Bachmann,
- Mitt "Flip-Flop" Romney
- or that loud-mouth clown Trump.
- Now there are some -real- fringe kook candidates!
- Bwahahahahahaha...

-ah-gee-joe- How Soon We Forget . . .
Prez "BO" {Obama} Promises Again To Campaign
in All 57 States... Plus One To Go in 2012 !
The Official "BO" {Obama} 57 State Flag !
For the 2012 US Prez-A-Duntz-ial Camp-Pain ;;-}}
Remember When the ever so smart Barack Obama
[BO] claimed that there were 57 United States
. . . Plus One To Go . . .*
* NOTE - Not made-up but from BO's Own Mouth
in his very own words and voice; Live-On-Video;
and Recorded Forever as History . . . -rotfl-
In 2008 Barack Hussein Obama II -proclaims-
57 United States Plus One To Go ! ! !
Idiot's-R-Us : Barack Obama -proclaims- "57 US States"
- Except Sarah Palin Can Keep Alaska !
Braying-Donkey's-R-Us : In 2012 Prez Obama
Once Again Promises to Visit All 57 US States
Yeah I Know That I Am Being A Racist For
Point Out Any Mistake By-the-Great-One
Obama -aka- Prez-A-Duntz "BO" !
God {Allah} Bless America - Amen ~ RHF

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