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How Does Enterprise Corruption Stabilize Wages?

مرّة مشاهدة واحدة
التخطي إلى أول رسالة غير مقروءة


غير مقروءة،
04‏/10‏/2007، 5:08:01 م4‏/10‏/2007

How Does Enterprise Corruption Stabilize Wages?


Wage Transfer
Wage Inflation Irony; $1,000.00 Per Hour
What Is The Function Of An Accountant?
We Have Seen The Enemy And It Is.. Wage Inflation
The Actual Reason For Anti-Trust Legislation
Depressions Stabilize Wages
War & Religion Stabilize Wages
Labor Has Never Been Affordable
The Statue Of Liberty

Every industrial revolution introduces a financial challenge.

Every industrial industrial revolution introduces a financial threat.

Consumer desire for cheap products and services.. is not new.

Wage control throughout history has always been and will always
continue to be achieved.. by cooking the balance-sheets.. and not
getting caught.

If during the course of business you conclude that you have to begin
cooking your company's books it is obvious that you have determined
that there is something you cannot afford or something you will not be
able to afford.

It is called "Payroll".

Simply put.. book-cooking creates cheap labor.

Enterprise corruption solves.. labor problems.

What Is The Function Of An Accountant?

Accountants help management solve their labor problems by cooking
management's balance sheets.. all over the globe.

Arthur Anderson has been stabilizing global wages since 1913.

UBS has been stabilizing wages since 1912.

Watch how many times global accountancies blame failure as an excuse
for inaccurate money-counting in the next 100 years.

As the books are being cooked the question the accountants often ask
is "What ever happened to the labor movement?"

The answer?

Arthur Anderson.

Arthur Anderson.. and all four other major global accountancies.

Labor doesn't cook-the-balance sheets.. management does. Accountants

How many other ways are working wages stabilized?

By making sure enterprise corruption is too confusing for jurors.
By selecting a jury that finds enterprise corruption to be too
By revising the subject of enterprise corruption.. out of history.
Exemptions & waivers from regulation
Failure of regulation.
Lack of oversight
Foreign nation building
Industrial treason
Economic treason
Debasement of the vehicle of monetary exchange
Underfunded enforcement of financial regulation
Rising wages.. "threatens national security".

Rising wages threatens government.

Rising wages threatens management.

Government is management.

Management controls.. law.

Law controls wages.

When service-workers out-earn management.. market corruption is

Rising wages have threatened national security throughout history.

Failure of government, failure of regulation, and failure of the
system all stabilize wages. So the question becomes: If stabilization
of wages is critical to a nation's economy and national security and
wages can be stabilized by failure of regulation.. then why not
pretend to fail?

The Reality Of Industrial Revolution And The Reality Of Complexity:

Money is power.

Regardless of supply, demand, and complexity of labor.. designers of
law cannot be put into a position where they are out-earned by those
expected to follow the laws that lawmakers legislate.

Management must win.

Management controls law.

Jack Welch made this clear when he pronounced "Corporations must

Management can't control labor without big government.

Labor cannot be permitted to out-earn management.

Followers can not be permitted to out-earn leaders so leaders resort
to the time-tested practice of theft by taking which is excused by
"failure of regulation" which is little more then theft.. by playing

In the final innings of the big "management-versus-labor" ball-game
management "wins" by counting money inaccurately and then government
protects the behavior. Management wins by cheating. Cheating
permitted by government. Cheating designed by government. Cheating
excused by.. failure.

And then as management revises history, management asks: "What
happened to the labor movement?"

This is how John Ashcroft referred to the reality of management and
labor and corporate governance: "The Perfect Is The Enemy Of The Good"

There are an unlimited number of ways to cheat.

Wage Inflation Irony; $1000.00 Per Hour

Many professions are paid a lot of money to lower the cost of labor
and the reality is.. it costs a lot of money to stabilize the world's

Some lawyers charge as much as $750.00 to $1,000.00 per hour to
stabilize wages.

The church has a point when it states that Hillary Clinton is an
outspoken globalist but George H. W. Bush charged 4.4 million to
stabilize wages by outsourcing jobs to foreign lands. The
abbreviation for "jobs crossing the globe" is "Global Crossing".

Stabilizing wages doesn't come cheap. Throughout every industrial
revolution in history the efforts to stabilize wages ended up creating
more millionaires than ever before.

Juror & Shareholder Tip: Wars and threats of wars identify which
nations are having labor problems.

The Actual Reason For Anti-Trust Legislation

Anti-trust legislation was not passed to criminalize anti-competitive
behavior, monopolization of industry and conspiracy to commit
organized crime and enterprise corruption.

Anti-trust legislation was originally passed to control wages and
control the labor movement occurring at the time the legislation was

History has been revised to make it seem otherwise.

Depressions Stabilize Wages

In 1837 The English monarchy has yet to speak English and the
Victorian Age began as well as did.. another depression during the
midst of a transportation revolution.

A Victorian age is when a minority of American citizens begin behaving
as if fourth-of july style independence from the crown never happened.

Victorian ages are created by depressions. Victorians wouldn't be
victorians without depressions. Victorian ages.. stabilize wages.

Juror & Shareholder Tips:

Any statesman proclaiming a desire to "renew American civilization" is
likely to be expressing a desire to renew.. the Victorian age.
If you wish to "renew America" you might have to include renewing..
Communism, fascism, totalitarianism and socialism and all of the other
"isms" stabilize wages as well.. but "their" forms of wage-
stabilization are considered evil. Unlike consumers in a democratic
republic.. consumers in "those" nations want.. expensive products and

Oddly enough the money in every nation and every form of government
and every form of religion throughout the world is counted.. by the
same top-five (now four) global accountancies. But these top-five
(now four) global accountancies only cook the balance sheets of
corporations in America? What are the odds?

Labor Has Never Been Affordable

If labor were affordable there would be:

no "calls for volunteerism"
no "national interest"
no "calls for national service"
no "calls for civic duty"
no "works programs"
no need for religion
One of the primary reasons industrial and economic treason (foreign
technology transfers) on the part of leaders and statesmen needs to be
covered-up is that the point in time will come when labor is expected
to become so unaffordable that the calls come out for free-labor in
the name of "national service".

It seems to be the civic duty of bankers, statesmen, and management to
send U.S. jobs to other nations but the civic duty of labor to perform
domestic labor on a volunteer basis.

But the desire for free labor comes in the form of a lot of other
reasons for free labor other than the desire for free labor. Here is
a list of reasons offered up for free labor:

because President Kennedy made a call for free labor in his speech
citizenship (reason for free-labor)
serve your country (while we build the nations of your foreign
competition.. on your dime)
its proper for America to ask its youth for service (free labor)
charging for your services is selfish
free labor ends poverty
So while youths were busy signing up for selective service, Tyco and
Enron were busy handing free technology to their foreign job
competition. Technology which ironically.. they paid for.

But yet with the apparant inabilty for a nation to afford it labor
costs somebody still seems to be able to afford $1,000.00 per hour
legal fees.

The foreign nation-building for job outsourcing of the 1990s created
more millionaires then ever before yet the cost of labor is still so
unaffordable there is still a call for free-labor by the name of
national service.

The Statue Of Liberty

Weird how one country would promote immigration - to a completely
different country?

In January of 1882 the French stock market crashed officially
rendering the nation of France as the land of no.. opportunity. So
France decided to put up a statue.. in America.

France had been planning on the market debasement and the emigration
promotion since 1876. France thought the depressed and unemployed in
America need more immigrants to compete with.

France was planning the construction of the Panama canal at the same

In 1886 the same year as May Day, the Statue of Liberty was unveiled.
The French workers are revolting again like there is no tomorrow and
at the same time they are busy building a statute.. to install in
America.. to promote immigration to.. go figure.. America.

Now who needed the statue worse? It is interesting how France should
give a damn about. America's labor problems?

France was so helpful. They supplied an immigration statue and a new
immigration trade route too and during a U.S. depression to boot.

When big canal projects like the Panama canal are about to begin
construction the statement "there ain't no jobs" can always be heard.

Coordinated stock market crashes create immigrant waves.

Europe has promoted immigration.. to America since the 1500s. This is
called globalization.. and outsourcing.

Without fail Europe promotes waves of emigration every time Europe's
banks and corporate monopolies steal the citizens money.

We just removed your money from you, now please go away.

Nobody telegraphed the message to the depressed, unemployed Europeans
that the land of opportunity just debased its stock market to create
depressed, unemployed Americans all during an industrial revolution.

Waves of emigration has been a successful way to cover-up enterprise
corruption for a very long time.

Coordinated stock market debasement, crash-labor, depression-labor,
immigrant-labor, are also good ways to afford the construction of more
canals like the Panama canal.

In hindsight America should have given a statue of liberty to France
so the French could get some canals and s-t built for America. It
might have given them something to do instead of revolting all the
live long day.

Inscription on the base of the statue are a lot of words: "Give Us
Your Tired And Poor.. So They Can Compete With The Wage Levels Of Our
Tired And Poor.."

Juror & Shareholder Tip: Wherever you find a lot of words you will
find a lot of cheap labor. Where there is a demand for cheap labor
there is and industrial revolution and where there is an industrial
revolution there is.. enterprise corruption.

Think of things with a lot of words:

the state media
the statue of liberty
the constitution
the bible (of any religion)
As angry as we pretend to be at the nation of France we never seem to
give them their statue back.

next: What Is The Connection Between Enterprise Corruption & Slavery?

Ó Copyright enterprisecorruption 2007. All rights reserved.

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