Sandbox Database Refresh: Friday, Dec. 19

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AdWords API Advisor

Dec 16, 2008, 7:08:58 PM12/16/08
to AdWords API Forum
So, unrelated to the current unplanned downtime that the Sandbox is
currently experiencing (see
for more details), the normal monthly Sandbox database refresh is
planned for this Friday, December 19.

It should involve brief downtime (I am going to assume that the
Sandbox will be otherwise up and running by then...) and following the
refresh all campaign and account data will be cleared out.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

AdWords API Advisor

Dec 19, 2008, 8:59:37 PM12/19/08
to AdWords API Forum

The Sandbox Database refresh that was originally scheduled for today
has been postponed, likely for two weeks. I'll post again with the
exact date when that's finalized.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Dec 16, 2:08 pm, AdWords API Advisor <>
> So, unrelated to the current unplanned downtime that the Sandbox is
> currently experiencing (see

AdWords API Advisor

Dec 29, 2008, 6:06:49 PM12/29/08
to AdWords API Forum
Hello Folks,

Sorry for the lack of advanced notice (which we'd like to provide
from now on), but the Sandbox database refresh that was originally
planned for Dec. 19 is taking place today instead. It will likely be
completed within the hour, and there may be a few minutes of downtime
while it's taking place.

The refresh will cause all existing Sandbox campaign and account data
to be cleared out.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Dec 19, 3:59 pm, AdWords API Advisor <>
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