[Abuse][Chinese] Yuyuko's Smart Reimu - True End

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Mar 4, 2009, 10:23:10 PM3/4/09
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
The chinese version of yuyuko and her smart Reimu. Posted by request:
if somebody wants to translate it into English please go ahead.





















































































Mar 5, 2009, 12:08:05 PM3/5/09
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
ah... finally... it's what i have been waiting for, someone plz
translate it >_<

> "ゆっきゅりしち.......んほおおおおおおおおおおおおお!!!"

> 原本幼ゆっくり出生後的第一句話,在轉身看向母親的地方後就ゆっくり的變成這樣子了。
> "ゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆ~!這素什嘛麻麻啊!!!"
> 二十七隻幼ゆっくり齊聲合唱。改造ゆっくり靈夢原本達到欣喜的本能,瞬間消散,但想想畢竟還是自己的孩子,還是ゆっくり的回應吧!

> "ゆ...ゆゆ...っ...く..........."

> 因為嘴巴疼痛的厲害,要發出聲音不容易,自己也因為懼怕疼痛也好一陣子沒說話了,但為了讓孩子們能ゆっくり,自己也要努力才行。
> "ゆっくりしていってね!!"
> "ゆっきゅりしちぇいっちぇね~~~~"
> 孩子們高興的共鳴了。

> 但......不對,不是自己的聲音!改造ゆっくり靈夢將視線朝聲音的主人看去。

> "ゆ~!"
> 短短絕望的吶喊,映入眼簾的僅有美麗惡魔的倩影。
> 幽幽子。
> 想尖叫、想嘶吼、想躍出去保護孩子,但恐懼與憤恨讓大腦一時短路。
> "ゆっきゅりしちぇいっちぇね~~~~"
> "ゆ~媽嘛~~"
> "ゆっ~原來嘛嘛在這裡~"
> 不太對勁,孩子們全都開心的向幽幽子躍去,好像真的是它們的母親一般。
> "為蘇摩喔喔喔喔喔~~~~"
> 不顧疼痛,即使餡從嘴角破皮而出,改造ゆっくり靈夢奮力的喊出疑問。

> "ゆっきゅりしち.......んほおおおお!!!"

> "這素什嘛麻麻啊!!好噁心啊啊啊~~"
> "麻麻救命啊啊~~不能ゆっきゅ啊"
> 剛剛的聲量似乎嚇著了孩子們,但不只聲音,自己樣貌也是。
> 但還是不合常理,即便如此,幼ゆっくり不可能隨便認人類為母。
> 即使生母多醜陋,可愛又無邪的孩子們絕對不會做出背親這類可惡的事。
> 在改造ゆっくり靈夢不解之時,它發現了一個可怕的可能。
> 幽幽子的異樣,幽幽子原本頭上的ZUN帽變成了靈夢的髮飾。
> "ゆ~!"
> 改造ゆっくり靈夢倒吞了一口氣,看的越仔細越感到可怕。
> 那是自己的髮飾,不知何時被幽幽子拿走並戴上了。
> 這樣餡子腦還是一丁點的孩子們很有可能受騙了。
> "麻麻~那是什蟆啊"
> "麻麻~肚子好餓喔~~"
> "麻麻~想ゆっきゅり要喔~"
> 被孩子們以異樣眼光看待,改造ゆっくり靈夢的內心餡焦了一半,但比起這個,原本該被孩子們的笑容圍住,並一起ゆっくり的位置完全被幽幽子給取代了。
> 改造ゆっくり靈夢感受到超越憤恨的另一種感情。
> "那是好吃的食物喔~"
> "ゆ~!"
> 改造ゆっくり靈夢頓時無法思考,這女人的話語完全超出它的想像。
> "好粗的食物喲~~~"
> "肚子好餓喔~~"
> "能ゆっきゅり了喔~"
> 更超乎想像的事出現了,原本是自己的孩子們全部撲了上來,但這舉動並非討取親情的愛護,還是給予絕望的反叛。
> 咬~~

> "ゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆ~!不要噗.........."
> 孩子們無情的開始咬起自己的內餡。
> "ゆ噗.........."

> "嚼!嚼!好!幸......噗噗噗噗!"

> 因為是不容易健忘的腦子餡,改造ゆっくり靈夢馬上就能回神,瘋狂的想吐出孩子,但早已咀爛入肚成餡。
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> 改造ゆっくり靈夢靜靜的站著,兩眼失神,好像在確認什麼一樣。
> 沒過多久,莖上仍完整的孩子又掉了數個下來。
> 當然,都投向幽幽子的懷抱~(星星)
> 白玉樓的地下每天都不亂上演著這齣慘劇。
> 一直到周圍森林裡的ゆっくり艾莉絲種都幾乎滅絕時,改造ゆっくり靈夢的精力也似乎用盡了。
> 已經懷不出能ゆっくり的健康孩子了,可能是改造的後遺症,加上長期的精神迫害,體內的內餡似乎變的很污濁,生出來的孩子不是死胎就是生理機能有殘缺。
> 但改造ゆっくり靈夢也無多餘精力去感受這事實,天天不是被幽幽子教育的渾身是傷,就是被強姦後所生下的孩子嘲笑、撕咬,嘴裡的食物永遠是自己生的幼ゆっ
> くり。
> 漸漸的改造ゆっくり靈夢已經失去能ゆっくり的感覺了,生下的孩子就直接吃掉,已經什麼都不想多想了,已經有好久好久沒有說"ゆっくりしていってね!"了
> 呢。
> 經過了數個月,改造ゆっくり靈夢連孩子都生不出來了,節出來的果僅是普通的紅豆饅頭而已。除了身體快到極限之外,大概跟心理因素也有很大的關係。
> "感覺不好玩了耶~"
> 今天也沒什麼戰果的幽幽子抱怨道。
> "乾脆最後來玩玩看在ゆっくり身上穿幾個洞才會死吧~"
> 對於幽幽子的提議,改造ゆっくり靈夢不吭一聲,只默默的往地上看,大概是怎樣都無所謂了吧~

> "幽...幽幽子大人..."

> "怎麼了?妖夢~?"
> 每次都是最晚出現善後的妖夢,這次出現的很早,當然改造ゆっくり靈夢沒有心思去察覺。

> "幽幽子大人...您也玩膩了吧...這隻ゆっくり能不能任交給我處置?"
> "........"
> "幽幽子大人..."
> 妖夢露出像是小孩向父母要求玩具的表情。
> "........好吧~就給妳玩吧~"

> "哀~~~玩來玩去還是DC好玩呢~~"
> 幽幽子伸個懶腰,將髮飾和電ゆ拍交給妖夢後就消失了。陰暗房間只剩下妖夢和ゆっくり。
> "ゆっくり?妳還記得我嗎?"

> "........"

> 改造ゆっくり靈夢一樣無動靜,幾乎跟死了沒兩樣。
> 妖夢將插在腐爛內餡裡的鋼管取出,沒有了支撐的鋼管,上額老爛的內餡幾乎塌了下來,五官被腫脹的內餡壓的模糊,身體沒有一處是圓滑平整的,佈滿腐黑色澤
> 和凹凸皺摺的,已經看不出有ゆっくり的樣子,遠看像座小泥山丘。
> 即使變成這副模樣,但它還是有到妖夢腰部的高度,所以用半靈將它運出去。
> 妖夢把它帶到自己的房間後,稍微用沾溼的手將變形的內餡移均勻,已經成潰爛的部份就先切除,在瘀餡的地方塗上向永琳借來的ゆっくり專用藥膏(原本是ゆっ
> くり鈴仙用的),餡子不足的地方就用其他紅豆餡先填補進去。
> 就這樣維持了一個星期的工作,改造ゆっくり靈夢的意識有點回復了。
> 不快是改造種,回復機能比一般ゆっくり快很多,但有一部分已經因為後遺症而過度老化,沒有辦法完全回復到最完整的狀態。
> "ゆっくりしていってね。"

> "ゆ....く......!"

> 每天妖夢只對它說ゆっくりしていってね。因為之前改造ゆっくり靈夢的嘴巴塞滿了孩子們的內餡,因為塞太多來不及消化,久而久之就和口腔旁的內餡融合在一
> 起造成肥厚過度無法正確發音。
> 現在多餘的內餡清除掉之後,妖夢在讓它習慣正確的發音。因為本身沒有忘記語言的緣故,幾週後就回復正常了,但後遺症是說ゆっくりしていってね以外的話會
> 結巴。
> "ゆっくりしていってね。"
> "ゆっくりしていってね!"

> "妖...妖~~妖夢夢~謝謝~妳呢!"
> 有點結巴,但改造ゆっくり靈夢還是很努力的把話說完了。
> "恩...因為內餡被換了不少,有些事應該已經記不得了,妳還有記得哪些事嗎?"
> "ゆ~"
> "........"
> "ゆ~完~完...全不記得了喔~"
> "只記得很痛很痛~然後妖夢來救我了~"
> ".......這樣啊."

> 妖夢有點高興,將縫好的髮飾戴在它僅有稀疏毛髮的凹洞頭上,這種結果還不算太差,因為它努力活下來了。
> 確認改造ゆっくり靈夢沒有忘記生存本能後,妖夢將它放生了。告別前,妖夢告訴她黃昏前去人之里附近的竹林旁等待,有一個叫慧音的人會帶她到能ゆっくり的
> 地方。
> "妳今後是用怎樣的方式ゆっくり下去,我不會干涉,不會讚揚也不會訓誡。"
> "妳不要感謝我。我並不是拯救妳,我只是在做能滿足我自己的事。"
> 說畢,妖夢告別了改造ゆっくり靈夢。
> "ゆっくりしていってね!"
> "ゆっくり~していってね!"
> 直到妖夢的身影完全消失後,改造ゆっくり靈夢停下了呼喊。

> "妖夢~靈...靈夢..還有..有記得一件事..事喔~"

> "就是要殺了妖夢還有幽幽子喔!"
> 在久違的森林裡,改造ゆっくり靈夢快速的跳著。自從被永琳抓去當實驗品時,就再也沒有回到森林裡了。現在,改造ゆっくり靈夢腦中滿滿的復仇計畫。
> "ゆっくりしていってね!"
> "ゆっくりしていってね!"
> "ゆ!"
> 在接近湖邊處,不停的吶喊聲得到了回應,而且不只一隻,而是一群。
> "ゆっくりしていってね!"
> 改造ゆっくり靈夢高興的跳出,急著想接觸久違的同伴。
> 是ゆっくり靈夢、ゆっくり魔里沙、ゆっくり帕丘莉家族組成的小族群,親加子算算也有五十來隻。
> "能一起馬上ゆっくり呢!"
> 改造ゆっくり靈夢馬上貼近一個親ゆっくり魔里沙,當她準備要摩擦臉時,臉頰受到強大的衝擊。
> "這是什麼啊啊啊啊!"
> "根本不能ゆっくり的傢伙呢!"
> "好噁心的臉喔!這種髒髒的東西~ゆっくり的死吧"
> "趕快離開喔!不然就讓妳ゆっくり的死!"
> 被這些話語震驚,改造ゆっくり靈夢回過神發現自己躺在草地上,剛剛的衝擊似乎是親ゆっくり魔里沙撞的。

> "為...為什麼要...這要...這麼說啊...啊啊啊!"
> "我可...可是..ゆっくり的...的神...神喔!"
> "我比人....人人...人...類還..還...聰明喔!"

> 改造ゆっくり靈夢大怒,她不了解最優秀的自己為何被如此對待。
> "這傢伙說話怪怪的呢!"
> "真討厭~根本不能ゆっくり到極點的傢伙呢!"
> 四周都是ゆっくり們的嘲笑和辱罵聲。比較大的親ゆっくり們將改造ゆっくり靈夢圍起來,體型上改造ゆっくり靈夢輸了一截。

> "為...為什麼不...不能...理理...解呢!"
> "我可...可是能帶...帶領...大家打倒人類的神...神喔!"
> "我比誰....誰誰......都還..還...ゆっくり喔!"
> 不理會改造ゆっくり靈夢,親ゆっくり們開始輪流衝撞了。
> "這傢伙聽不懂呢!"
> "好噁心好噁心~竟然不肯走~就ゆっくり的死吧~!"
> "為...為什麼啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!"

> 身體開始受到連續撞擊,改造ゆっくり靈夢雖然強壯,但多次承受比它還巨大的親ゆっくり們的撞擊,還是會吐出內餡。
> 一個重心不穩,改造ゆっくり靈夢被撞倒了,親ゆっくり們不放過這機會,輪流跳上去採壓,每壓一次改造ゆっくり靈夢就會吐出一些內餡。

> "要...報仇...報仇...啊啊...啊!"
> "妳們...要成為...為為...我的部下...才對啊"

> 除了親ゆっくり們以外,子ゆっくり和幼ゆっくり也一起加入採壓的行列,改造ゆっくり靈夢強韌的身體也無法承受五十幾隻ゆっくり連續的壓力,右眼球噴出,
> 一半牙齒也粉碎了。
> 這時有隻幼ゆっくり咬了改造ゆっくり靈夢瘀餡無法回復的底部。
> "ゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆ!!"
> 這股刺痛讓某個開關開啟般的,改造ゆっくり靈夢壓扁那隻幼ゆっくり,從較軟弱的子ゆっくり和幼ゆっくり的空隙衝出去,一路壓扁了數十隻ゆっくり。
> "為什麼要做這種事啊啊啊啊!"
> "別想逃走!~把孩子們還來啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!"
> 親ゆっくり魔里沙擋在改造ゆっくり靈夢衝刺的路徑前面。
> "ゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆ!!"
> "ゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆ!!"
> "ゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆ!!"
> 正面撞到的親ゆっくり魔里沙整個顏面爆餡。有顆飛出的眼球直接貫穿一旁衝過來想幫忙的子ゆっくり,親ゆっくり魔里沙後面的ゆっくり們一起被衝擊推到湖
> 裡,再也沒上浮來。
> "ゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆ!!"
> "為什麼要做這種事啊啊啊啊!~把孩子們還來啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!"
> 被改造ゆっくり靈夢的怪力嚇著,ゆっくり們頓時亂成一團,有些嚇的無法動彈,有些已經在逃跑了。
> "別想逃走!~要妳們後悔啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!"
> 改造ゆっくり靈夢咬起一隻比她大的親ゆっくり帕丘莉,開始揮舞擊地,滿地幼ゆっくり們的屍首。最後跟鬆脫的牙齒一起,將親ゆっくり帕丘莉投出去,直接命
> 中縮在一旁發抖的子ゆっくり們。一團豆沙大爆,把湖水調成紅豆汁。

> "ゆ....為什麼........"

> 改造ゆっくり靈夢獨自躺在湖邊,滿地的豆渣,自己的身上也是。完全不明白,如此優秀的自己為何不能被接受。

> "....算...算了...一定...有ゆっくり能..能...理解我的偉大....."

> 改造ゆっくり靈夢拖著沉重的步伐前進,剛剛失去了不少餡,即使吃了地上的屍首,還是覺得很疲勞。
> "很優秀的ゆっくり呢。"
> "!"
> 這渴求的讚賞,改造ゆっくり靈夢往聲音的主人看去。
> 八意永琳。
> 改造ゆっくり靈夢記的很清楚,八意永琳是改造自己的人,讓自己變的很偉大的人,可以利用她讓自己變的更偉大。
> "ゆっくりしていってね!"
> "我喜歡優秀的ゆっくり,要不要來我家呢~"
> 永琳的邀約。
> "老太婆!妳给我..我..聽著!當靈夢..的..的部下吧!"

> "把我變的更...更偉大!等我殺了幽幽....幽....幽...幽子之後就讓妳一起在她的家ゆっくり!"
> "........."

> "老太婆!沒有聽到嗎!"
> 改造ゆっくり靈夢不耐煩的說著。
> "好~好!過來吧!"
> 永琳的伸出雙手,跟以前帶她回去改造的時候一樣。改造ゆっくり靈夢一躍而上,想永琳當時抱住她的時候還溫柔的摸摸她的頭呢,改造ゆっくり靈夢欣喜的進入
> 永琳的懷中,永琳溫暖的手摸著改造ゆっくり靈夢的頭。

> "老太婆!反應真慢!好沒用......ゆ?"


Mar 5, 2009, 4:19:26 PM3/5/09
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
GREAT, thanks a lot poweryoga, I'll get to translating this. Should be
done in a few days if i don't get sidetracked, but for now, i must
sleep >_>

> "ゆっきゅりしち.......んほおおおおおおおおおおおおお!!!"

> 原本幼ゆっくり出生後的第一句話,在轉身看向母親的地方後就ゆっくり的變成這樣子了。
> "ゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆ~!這素什嘛麻麻啊!!!"
> 二十七隻幼ゆっくり齊聲合唱。改造ゆっくり靈夢原本達到欣喜的本能,瞬間消散,但想想畢竟還是自己的孩子,還是ゆっくり的回應吧!

> "ゆ...ゆゆ...っ...く..........."

> 因為嘴巴疼痛的厲害,要發出聲音不容易,自己也因為懼怕疼痛也好一陣子沒說話了,但為了讓孩子們能ゆっくり,自己也要努力才行。
> "ゆっくりしていってね!!"
> "ゆっきゅりしちぇいっちぇね~~~~"
> 孩子們高興的共鳴了。

> 但......不對,不是自己的聲音!改造ゆっくり靈夢將視線朝聲音的主人看去。

> "ゆ~!"
> 短短絕望的吶喊,映入眼簾的僅有美麗惡魔的倩影。
> 幽幽子。
> 想尖叫、想嘶吼、想躍出去保護孩子,但恐懼與憤恨讓大腦一時短路。
> "ゆっきゅりしちぇいっちぇね~~~~"
> "ゆ~媽嘛~~"
> "ゆっ~原來嘛嘛在這裡~"
> 不太對勁,孩子們全都開心的向幽幽子躍去,好像真的是它們的母親一般。
> "為蘇摩喔喔喔喔喔~~~~"
> 不顧疼痛,即使餡從嘴角破皮而出,改造ゆっくり靈夢奮力的喊出疑問。

> "ゆっきゅりしち.......んほおおおお!!!"

> "這素什嘛麻麻啊!!好噁心啊啊啊~~"
> "麻麻救命啊啊~~不能ゆっきゅ啊"
> 剛剛的聲量似乎嚇著了孩子們,但不只聲音,自己樣貌也是。
> 但還是不合常理,即便如此,幼ゆっくり不可能隨便認人類為母。
> 即使生母多醜陋,可愛又無邪的孩子們絕對不會做出背親這類可惡的事。
> 在改造ゆっくり靈夢不解之時,它發現了一個可怕的可能。
> 幽幽子的異樣,幽幽子原本頭上的ZUN帽變成了靈夢的髮飾。
> "ゆ~!"
> 改造ゆっくり靈夢倒吞了一口氣,看的越仔細越感到可怕。
> 那是自己的髮飾,不知何時被幽幽子拿走並戴上了。
> 這樣餡子腦還是一丁點的孩子們很有可能受騙了。
> "麻麻~那是什蟆啊"
> "麻麻~肚子好餓喔~~"
> "麻麻~想ゆっきゅり要喔~"
> 被孩子們以異樣眼光看待,改造ゆっくり靈夢的內心餡焦了一半,但比起這個,原本該被孩子們的笑容圍住,並一起ゆっくり的位置完全被幽幽子給取代了。
> 改造ゆっくり靈夢感受到超越憤恨的另一種感情。
> "那是好吃的食物喔~"
> "ゆ~!"
> 改造ゆっくり靈夢頓時無法思考,這女人的話語完全超出它的想像。
> "好粗的食物喲~~~"
> "肚子好餓喔~~"
> "能ゆっきゅり了喔~"
> 更超乎想像的事出現了,原本是自己的孩子們全部撲了上來,但這舉動並非討取親情的愛護,還是給予絕望的反叛。
> 咬~~

> "ゆゆゆゆゆゆゆゆ~!不要噗.........."
> 孩子們無情的開始咬起自己的內餡。
> "ゆ噗.........."

> 改造ゆっくり靈夢飛躍起來,不管身上的傷痛、雙頰鋼管的刺傷、崩解的心,全力往地面上那些惡魔的孩子壓下去。 ...


Mar 31, 2009, 3:07:49 PM3/31/09
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Oh man, I can't wait for DOS to return and finish this.


Apr 7, 2009, 3:09:37 AM4/7/09
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
After a full night’s discipline from Yuyuko, Reimu has already lost
all her consciousness. Even if her skin didn’t break, and there’s no
other paste leaking from her body asides from her mouth, her whole
entire body is filled with bruises. Even the slightest movement like
frowning will send shooting spikes of pain through her entire body.
She woke up many times from her unconsciousness because of the pain,
then proceeded to pass out from the pain after waking up. After her
body finally got used to the pain enough so that she can maintain her
flickering consciousness, but she can’t walk or move anymore. Reimu's
instinct tells her that the slightest movement will send her back into
the unconsciousness from the pain.

Every day after the escape attempt, Yuyuko will eat a kabob of
yukkuris, koyukkuris that have been peeled, faces full of fear, but
has no eyes nor teeth nor tongue. But Reimu can recognize these
little koyukkuris with a glance because the little ribbons are still
there. Their happy healthy energetic lives are a shadow of the past,
as if it never existed. What’s in front of Reimu is just a shish-
kabob of strange, ugly manjus that can only shake and let out small
weird shrieks.

Even if Reimu wanted to to scream and curse at Yuyuko, she can’t open
her mouth. Besides her old wounds, Yuyuko also feeds Reimu her own
koyukkuris. She will savagely move Reimu’s mouth up and down to help
her mush the “food” in her mouth, every word and stream of screams
from her kids seeps into her bean paste brain with each chewing

Besides the maddening pain from her skin and filling, Reimu doesn’t
just wallow in despair and sorrow. She remembers this hate, and prays
every day for a chance to escape. She wants revenge. She wants this
big sister to never take it easy again! She keeps contemplating these
things in the midst of hopelessness.

A few days later, Yuyuko brought an Alice to Reimu.

“What is that?????”

Looking at the disgusting and torn up Reimu, no wonder Alice had this
sort of reaction.

“That’s the yukkuri that will let you feel refreshed!”
“Don’t joke with Alice!! How can that ugly thing let the very city
sect Alice feel refreshed??”

Reimu wanted to spew out some retorts, but the pain in her mouth
hasn’t gone away yet, so she decided to forget about it.

“So just~ like~ that~”

Yuyuko gently put her fingers on Alice’s cheeks, and started rubbing
her quickly.

“Fingers of the Hawk God~”

Because of Yuyuko’s vibrating finger technique, Alice instantly
reached her excited state.

“YUUUUUUUUUUUUU~~~!!! Alice wants to refreeeshhhhhhh!!!!”

Alice’s bodily fluids and sweat poured down her skin like a
waterfall. Alice turned completely red like a chili pepper, clearly
Yuyuko’s technique did the trick.

“Ok then!”

And Yuyuko suddenly let go of Alice, and Alice landed face first on
the ground with a splat.


And with the splat, Alice spit out some filling. But because she’s in
her excited state, Alice rushed up to the strange and disgusting
Reimu, disregarding her own leaking custard. She was just saying a
moment ago that something like this can’t let Alice feel refreshed…

“Hm, this worked pretty well. Lets try it on Youmu tonight~”

And while Yuyuko was talking to herself, Alice has already climaxed
seven times.

“YUUUUUUUUU! Even if Reimu is ugly and not city sect at all, let Alice
feel refreshed anywayyy!!!!”

In a little bit, Reimu sprouted around 100 yukkuris on her head, a
crazy amount. Looks like her wounds does not affect her incredible
reproductive abilities, and what’s even more amazing is that the
energetic Alice from just a second ago has already rotted into a black
charcoal like substance.

“Oh~ Amazing!”

Yuyuko happily clapped her hands, but these claps are the devil’s
praises in Reimu’s ears.

In a few hours, some of the koyukkuris are already starting to leave
the stems. This is also thanks to the modified bean paste body. This
time 27 koyukkuris, all Reimu types, left the stalk. Every single
birth prior to this were also Reimus, so its clear that modified-Reimu
takes precedence on the genetic side.


The normal greeting right after birth… turned into this after turning
around to look at their mother.

“YUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! Whad ish chissss?!!”

A 27 baby yukkuri chorus. The happiness that just streamed through
Reimu because of the birth evaporated like water on a hot skillet.
Well, afterall it’s still her little ones, she should still reply


Because of the savage pain in her mouth, it’s very hard to make
sounds. Reimu has also not spoken in a very long time because of the
fear of pain, but to let her little kids take it easy, she must work
hard too.

“Take it easy!”
“Dage id eajy~!”

The little ones happily responded. But… something’s wrong. It’s not
her own voice!! Reimu looked around at the voice’s owner.


A short wail of hopelessness, her eyes are filled with a beautiful


Want to scream, want to yell, want to leap to protect her little ones,
but fear and hate shorted out her brain for a second.

“Dage id eajy~”
“Yu~ Mwommie~”
“Yu~ So Mwommie wash here~!!”

Something’s wrong, the little koyukkuris happily hopped towards
Yuyuko, as if she was really their mother.


Disregarding the pain, even if her filling leaks out from the new
wounds in her mouth, Reimu desperately screamed out her question.

“Dage id e...NHOOOOOOO!!”
“Whad ish chis shing?!???”
“Whad ish chisss?! So dishgushingggg!!”
“Mwommie sabe Weimuuuuu! Can’ch chake id eajy anymoreeee!”

The scream just now seemed to have scared the little kids. Not only
the sound, but Reimu's whole entire look as well. But it still
doesn’t make sense, even like this there’s no way koyukkuris would
think a human is their mother. No matter how ugly their birth parent
is, the beautiful, innocent and cute little kids will never do
something unforgivable like refuse to recognize their birth mother.
Just when Reimu was befuddled by this event, she realized a scary

Yuyuko’s strange look, her ZUN hat has turned into Reimu’s ribbon.


The more she looked at it, the scarier the situation became. That’s
her own ribbon. She didn’t know when Yuyuko took the ribbon and put
it on. The little koyukkuris with their tiny bean paste brains have
been deceived.

“Mwommie~ Whad ish that~?”
“Mwommie~ Weimu ish hungwy~”
“Mwommie~ Weimu wantsh choo eat eajy~”

The strange stares from her own kids seared her heart. But compared
to this, the position that was supposed to be Reimu being surrounded
by her little kids happy smiles, and taking it easy has completely
been stolen by Yuyuko. Reimu felt for the first time a feeling that
surpasses hate.

“That’s delicious food!”

Reimu’s thought suddenly stopped in their tracks at this unforeseen
event. This woman’s words completely took her by surprise.

“Delishious food~”
“Tummy is hungwy~”
“Can dage it eajy now~”

Even more unbelievable, her little kids all jumped on her, but this is
not the happy rub-rub that a parent would expect. This is the final
resistance for her hopelessness.

“YUUUUUUUUU~ Don’t ead…”

Her little kids started to savagely eat her own filling.


Her mouth was held in place by Yuyuko, and she couldn’t make any
noise. All she can do is watch her beloved kids slowly eat her
fillings, and saying “Happiness~!” It hurts! Because her skin has
been pounded to a sheet-thin texture, the baby yukkuris can easily rip
out a small chunk if they just bit a little bit harder. The searing
pain from her wounds almost let Reimu black out, but such a
comfortable fate did not befall Reimu, as the pain from her filling
being torn away yanked her savagely back into consciousness from the

“Sho sweet~”
“Weimu was shirshty too~”
“Weimu can chake id eajy now~!”

Just when Reimu can only silently cry, the little koyukkuris gathered
up beneath her to drink her tears. Yuyuko slowly lifted Reimu.


A little baby yukkuri has been flatted by her own body.


Her silent cries has reached an apex.

“Mwommie~!! Sabe Weimuuuu~!!”
“Why ish delishious food doing chisss????”
“Mwommieeee!! Can’ch chake id eajyyyy!!!”

The little kids are scared out of their wits. Reimu wanted to explan,
but her mouth has been sealed shut by Yuyuko’s hands.

“Don’t be afraid little ones~ That’s a bad mister food, little ones be
brave and defeat it~”

As she was saying that, Yuyuko tipped Reimu over to her side. The
little kids followed suit with their “mother”, and followed up with
little slams against Reimu’s feet. Even if there isn’t much strength
behind the individual hits, but because of the old wounds, numerous
hits still bring a tremendous pain.

“Weimu will ged wevenge for big shish!!!”

The little yukkuris slam into Reimu with all their might. Reimu
slowly remembered that because she was pushed over, it seems like some
of the stalks on her head has been crushed or bruised.

(Stop!!! Don’t hurt your little sisters~!!)

Of course nobody can hear her silent cries. She didn’t dare to
carelessly move around. As opposed to her body’s wounds, she’s more
worried that anything she does will hurt the other little kids.

(Yuyuko~!! Forgive me~!! I will give birth to however many yukkuris
you want, but please let Reimu and some of her little ones go~!)

Her pleading, pitiful stares at yuyuko for forgiveness… but…

“Food should behave like food~ Be thankful that I let your little ones
taste you~ How does feel to be eaten and ripped apart by your little
ones? Little ones~ Is this thing tasty?”
“Id ish sho tashty~”
“Shank you Mwommie~!! Id is sho tashty~”
“Weimu can chake id eajy like chis~”

The little koyukkuris response shattered what little sanity Reimu
had. What kind of kids say that their parent is tasty? These are
little kids that can’t take it easy at all!

“Mwommie~ Everyone~ Look ad chis~”

One of the little koyukkuris found the little unborn koyukkuris on
Reimu’s head.

“Mwommie~ Chis weird shing has more weird shigns ~”
“Mwommie~ Can Weimu ead id?~”

A lot of them got smushed, and a lot of them are bruised beyond
recognition… but at least half of them are still alive… probably.

“Of~ Course~”

Yuyuko smiled.

Reimu flew into the air, heedless of the pains on her body, the
stabbing pain from the iron tube through her cheeks, her broken heart,
and stomped on the devil’s children on the ground with all her might.


The Koyukkuris didn’t even have a chance to let out a whine, they all
became a small pile of paste.

“Mwommieeeee~! Sabe Weimuuuu!~~”

The one living koyukkuri fled towards Yuyuko, but Reimu caught up to
her and and snatched her up immediately.

“Munch~! Munch~! Hapin…UGHHHHHHHHH!!!”

Because her bean paste brain was modified to not be so forgetful, she
immediately remembered and tried to throw up her little kid crazily,
but it was already mushed to a paste and was lodged firmly in her
stomach. Reimu stood still, eyes glazed over as if she was trying to
check something. In a few moments, a few of the still intact little
koyukkuris on her stalk fell. Of course, they all hopped towards
Yuyuko’s warm embrace~

Everyday in Hakugyokurou, this tragedy repeats. When all the Alices
in the forest surrounding Hakugyokurou seemed to have been used to
extinction, Reimu’s energy seemed to have run out as well. She can no
longer give birth to healthy easy little kids anymore. Maybe it’s
because of the side effects from being modified by Eirin on top of the
long term mental abuse, Reimu’s filling seemed to have become murky;
the kids being born are either still-borns or have some sort of
crippling disorder.

But Reimu has already lost the ability to feel this reality. Everyday
is filled with either Yuyuko’s abuse that leaves wounds all over her
body, or the teasing, and the tearing bites from her own rapist
children. Her food is forever her own little yukkuris.
Gradually Reimu has lost the feeling of being easy. She eats all her
little kids and has stopped thinking about it. She hasn’t said “take
it easy!” for a very very long time.

After a few months, Reimu can’t give birth to koyukkuris anymore. All
the fruits that ever fall down from her stalk are normal red-bean
manjus. Directly related to the limits of her physical strength, her
mental stability probably has a great deal to do with this as well.

“This doesn’t feel fun anymore…”

Yuyuko complained after having an unproductive day.

“Lets see how many holes I can put in this Yukkuri before it dies~”

Reimu is indifferent towards Yuyuko’s suggestion. She just stared
silently on the ground as if nothing really mattered anymore.

“Hm? What is it Youmou?”

Youmou always clean up after Yuyuko is done. This time she appeared
early, but of course Reimu has no mind to care about those little

“Yuyuko-sama…. You’re bored now right…? Can you let me handle this
Yukkuri? “

Youmou gave an expression like a little kid begging her parents for a

“…. Alright. You can have her. Aye… After everything Dreamcast is
still the most fun…”

Yuyuko got up and stretched, gave Reimu’s ribbon and the electrified
yu-swatter to Youmu and disappeared. The dark room has only Youmou
and yukkuri.

“Yukkuri, do you still remember me?”

Reimu is still motionless, as if she was dead. Youmou took out the
metal pipe that was inside Reimu’s rotting filling. Without the
support of the pipe, the rotting filling that made up of Reimu’s upper
forehead almost collapsed in upon itself. Her facial features
squashed by the bloated rotting filling, there’s not a single place on
her body that is smooth and round. Her body is filled with rotting
black marks and bumpy skin folding over itself, you can’t tell that
this was once a yukkuri anymore. It looks more ilke a small mud mound
from a distance. Even if she looks like this now, but Reimu still has
a height up to Youmou’s waist, so Youmou used her half-spirit to carry
Reimu out.

Youmou brought Reimu back into her own room, and smoothed out the
bumpy filling with some water. The rotting parts were cut away, and
Youmou rubbed some Yukkuri-medicine (originally created for yukkuri
Reisen). The parts that didn’t have enough paste filling was replaced
with other red bean pastes. After a weeks worth of maintenance, Reimu
finally regained some consciousness. What an incredible modified-
yukkuri, the recover time is much faster than normal yukkuris. But
there’s still a small part that has permanently damaged as a side
effect, so Reimu was unable to recover to her most healthy form.

“Take it easy.”

Every day after that, Youmou only said “Take it easy” to Reimu.
Before, Reimu’s mouth was filled with her children’s filling, and they
merged together with her mouth’s bean paste because there was too much
in her mouth and Reimu couldn’t digest it on time. This caused
excessive fattening in her mouth and Reimu was unable to properly
prounounce things. After cutting away the excess paste, Youmou was
letting Reimu get used to a normal speaking pattern again. Because
she never forgot how to speak, a few weeks later she returned to
normal. The side effect that remained was that if Reimu said anything
else other than “Take it easy”, she would stutter.

“Take it easy.”
“Take it eas!”
“Y…Y…Youm..mmou… T..Thhhank you!”

A little bit of stuttering, but Reimu still finished the sentence with
some effort.

“Hm…. Because I switched out a lot of your filling, you probably don’t
remember some things. What things do you remember?”
“Yu….R..Reimu… doesn’t…. r…remember…..an…anything….~”
“Ju…Just…. Lots… of hurt…hurt…. And…. Youmou saved Reimu…”
“…. I see.”

Youmou is a little happy, and she put the fixed-up Ribbon back on the
bumpy, balding head of Reimu’s. This result isn’t too bad, because
she worked very hard to stay alive. After making sure that Reimu
hasn’t forgotten her survival skills, Youmou let her go. Before she
left, Youmou told her to goto the bamboo forest outside the human
village, and someone named Keine will bring her to a place where she
can take it easy.

“You should take it easy in your own way after this. I will not
interfere, praise, nor punish you. Don’t thank me, I’m not saving
you, I’m just doing something that would make myself feel satisfied.”

After leaving that bit with Reimu, Youmou bid farewell.

“Take it easy!”
“Take~ it~ easy~!”

After Youmou disappeared completely, Reimu stopped her yelling.

“Y…Youmou… R..Reimu… r…remembers…o…one th…thing….~”
“To kill Youmou and Yuyuko!!!”

In the forest she yearned for ever since her capture by Eirin as a
test subject, she hasn’t been back to the forest since. Now, Reimu’s
head is filled with plan after plan for revenge.

“Take it easy~!”
“Take it easy!”

Around the lake, her nonstop calls were answered. It’s not only just
one yukkuri either, it’s a whole herd.

“Take it easy!”

Reimu happily hopped out into the opening, eager to be around her own
kind once again. It’s a small herd made up of Reimus, Marisas, and
Patchoulis. Counting in the parents and the little koyukkuris,
there’s at least 50 yukkuris.

“Can take it easy together~!”

Reimu immediately went up to a Marisa to rub-rub with her when she
received a savage blow to her face.

“What is this??????”
“Something that can’t take it easy at all!”
“What a disgusting face! Ugly dirty thing should die easy!”
“Hurry and leave easy! Or we will let you die easy!”

Shocked by the words, when Reimu came to she realized she was standing
on the grass. The blow seemed to have come from the parent Marisa.

“W…Whyyyy wo….wouldddd yo…youuuu sayyyy thaaaaatttt!!! R..Reimu’s a
God amongst….y…yukkuris!!! R…Reimui is…s…s…smarter than

Reimu was furious, she couldn’t understand why her superior self was
being treated like this.

“This thing can’t take properly!!”
“So disgusting~! Never seen something that can’t take it easy like
this one!”

Surrounding Reimu is a chorus of vicious comments and insults. The
bigger parent yukkuris started surrounding Reimu, looks like they’re a
bit bigger than her.

“W…Why can’t….you….und…understanddddd!!!
R..Reimu….is….is….someone….that….can lead…..everyone…. t…too…..
defeat…. the humans!!! R…Reimu can take…. It…. E…easier than
anyotherrrr yukkurriiii!!!”

Ignoring the Reimu, the parent yukkuris started ramming into her in

“This thing can’t understand!”
“Ooh, disgusting disgusting…. It refuses to leave!! Then die easy!!”

Her body started receiving repeated blows. Even though Reimu is very
strong because of her modifications, but after receiving repeated
blows from yukkuris larger than her, she still threw up some paste.
Knocked off balance, Reimu fell to the ground. The parent yukkuris
took this chance and started stomping on her in turn. Every time she
was stomped on she threw up a little paste.

“R..Rei…mu…. nee…needs…. Re..re…revenggeee!!! You…..sh…
should’ve….become….Reimu’s….. subordinates…..!!!!”

On top of the parent yukkuris, the koyukkuris and baby yukkuris joined
in the stomping. Even Reimu’s strong body couldn’t withstand 50
yukkuris repeatedly squashing her. Her right eye popped, and half of
her teeth were shattered.

Then a little baby yukkuri bit Reimu’s bruised and battered legs.


This sharp pain flipped some sort of switch in Reimu, and Reimu
smushed the baby yukkuri, and broke out through less-defended baby
yukkuris and koyukkuris side, squishing 10s of yukkuris along the

“Get back here!!!! Give back Marisa’s little oneeeesss!!!”

Parent Marisa blocked the sprinting Reimu’s path.


Reimu rammed into the parent Marisa, and Marisa’s entire face
exploded. Her eyeball flew through a koyukkuri that came over to
help, and the parent yukkuris behind Marisa was pushed into the lake,
never surfacing again.

“WHY WOULLLD YOU DO THAAAATTT!!! Give back our little oneeeees!!!”

Suddenly terrified by Reimu’s unearthly strength, the yukkuris
panicked and broke into a run. Some were frozen in place in fear,
others are already running away.

“Don’t think you’ll get away!!! Reimu will make you sorry!!!!!”

Reimu bit into a Patchouli that was larger than her, and started
swinging her around, smashing baby yukkuris and koyukkuris left and
right. Lastly, she threw Patchouli into a group of koyukkuris that
were shaking in fear on the side, her loose tooth following
Patchouli’s corpse. The koyukkuris exploded, their beanpaste coloring
the small lake’s water red.


Reimu is lying on the side of the lake, on the ground that’s streaked
with beanpaste. She is covered as well, but she still can’t
understand why her superior self wasn’t accepted by the group.

“F..Forget it…. There … wi…will be…. Yukkuris….t…that…. can….
Understand….Reimu’s greatness…”

Reimu crawled forward with heavy feet. She lost a lot of paste just
now, and even if she ate the corpses on the ground, she still felt
very tired.

“What a wonderful yukkuri.”

The long awaited praise. Reimu looked in the direction of the voice,
searching for its ownder.

Eirin Yagokoro.

Reimu remembers this very well. Eirin Yagokoro is the person that
modified her, and made Reimu into a superior yukkuri. Reimu can use
Eirin to make herself even greater.

“Take it easy!”
“I like first-class yukkuris, do you want to come to my house~?”

Eirin’s invitation.

“Old lady! L..Listen to Reimu!! B..Become R..Reimu’s subordinate..!
M..Make R..Reimu g…greater!!! A…After Reimu…. Kills…Y…Y..Y…Yuyuko….
Reimu will let you take it easy at her house!”
“O…Old lady!! Didn’t you hear Reimu!”

Reimu shouted with little patience.

“Ok ok! Come here!”

Eirin held out her hands, just like how she carried Reimu back
before. Reimu hopped into the air. Thinking back to when Eirin first
picked her up, Eirin gently petted her head… Reimu happily entered
Eirin’s embrace, and Eirin gently patted Reimu’s head with her warm

“Old lady! So Slow!! So useless……yu?”

A feeling of something draining from her body.

So cold.
So dark.
So scary.

Reimu’s remaining eye stared wide open... she couldn’t see anything
and she felt a terror as if she would never wake up again, but her
thinking has already stopped easy. Eirin callously discarded the
skullcap from Reimu on the floor, and started mixing her filling with
her hand.

“Did something go haywire? She should still be calling me big
sister~… Her outer shell became like this? Miss Yuyuko really overdid
it with her antics~…I can’t wait to dissect this when I get home~”

Eirin happily disappeared into the bamboo forest, hugging Reimu close
to her.

A few days later in the human village, someone fished up a scary
yukkuri that had no hair, no ribbon, and was filled with stitches from
head to toe.



Apr 7, 2009, 3:10:53 AM4/7/09
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
I saw that nobody translated this, so I decided to pick up on the
slack. This took a lot longer than I expected though, so it kinda
threw me off on the next project.


Apr 8, 2009, 9:52:20 AM4/8/09
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Thank you very much! One of the most waited translations ever.


Apr 21, 2009, 4:16:51 AM4/21/09
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
I've been working on it though actually, but I'm a lot slower since I
couldn't squeeze enough time to work on it ;/

Great job with the translation though.
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