TL;DR: This weekend I hacked together a site to cure my yubnub withdrawal, feel free to give it a shot: Jonathan, I got YubNub data in a scrape effort a while back, and got some more recently by scraping, for stuff I missed a while ago. But that doesn't make it mine to use like this. If you have any objection to me hosting it like this, just say so and it will be gone.
That said: I've had ideas for a while to build something like YubNub, but more wiki-like (so edits/fixes can go through without the site admin's intervention). In fact, before I even started using YubNub, I built my own (MultiSeek, as linked above) but it was purely hard-coded for my own purposes. About a year ago I stopped using it because YubNub was just too much better. So I already had the domain.
But now YubNub is down. And I'm going through withdrawal. So this weekend I hacked together some code to just handle the scraped command data I had. (I gathered it, mostly, a while ago to help me learn about what all the commands are, especially the fancy ones. And to consider what features I might have missed, if I were to build my own replacement.) I've only tested it with a few of the key commands I use, but I /believe/ it supports all the syntax. It's purely read-only on the set of data I already have. Both the version I got live, and the additional stuff I got from this weekend, is about a year old (specifically, some from Nov and some from ~Jun last year), so if you've created things recently they won't be there. But it's a lot better than nothing.
AFAIK nothing is logged (except perhaps server errors), and it's served over HTTPS. But this is a purely personal project and I offer no guarantees nor warranties of any kind.