uv ratio question

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Manuel Huertas Marchena

2013年4月27日 下午2:07:422013/4/27
收件者:softimage list

Hi there!

I am wondering if someone knows how to set uv island ratio to many objects or even into uv islands of the same object.
In maya I use a really useful plugin called "uv ratio pro", its a nifty plugin that allows you to set uv ratio from a uv island
or object and as I ve said previously, re-apply it across many objects / uv islands.

I struggle a little bit with xsi when having to handle many objects and have a consistent uv ratio without too much hand manipulation.
I was wondering how do you guys approach uv ratio across objects, or if you know a way to achieve something similar, maybe with ice?

Thanks for your time!


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Vincent Ullmann

2013年4月28日 清晨6:47:292013/4/28

We usualy use UV-Layout
(its a awsome standalone with a quite good XSI-Plugin)

Doing it in ICE shouldnt be possible:
Get Get "PolyhonArea" and Calcutale a UV-Area by "Vertex-to-node" "NodePosition" and "SomeMath"

Manuel Huertas Marchena

2013年4月28日 上午10:42:132013/4/28
收件者:softimage list
Hi Vincent,

Thanks, yes uvlayout is a great tool indeed! I use it as well,
but I was thinking that for objects with less complicated topology I could keep everything just in xsi,
for simple stuff I unwrap using the roadkill plugin with lscm works quite well...  but I was missing the uvratio part in the process...

I ll check out a bit more about ice, if someone can give me another pointer for ice that'll be cool, I am bit new to it.

if not well I guess I'll stick with uvlayout for everything..
I hope autodesk gives us more uv tools on the next release...

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Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2013 12:47:29 +0200
From: vincent...@googlemail.com
To: soft...@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: uv ratio question

Vincent Ullmann

2013年4月28日 下午3:27:412013/4/28

just noticed...
"Doing it in ICE shouldnt be possible:" -> of course everythign should be possible in ICE ;-)

Here is a little test i just did.
I calculated the UV-Area of every Polygon. Get the total sum = Total Area coverd in UV-Space
Compared this to the total Area in 3D-Space
And scaled the UVs to match this.

So you get a working relaotion between UV-Size and Word-Size.
Of course you would like to use the additional Factor.

Its not complete tested yet. Just a quick Proof-of-conzept

Vincent Ullmann

2013年4月28日 下午5:23:382013/4/28

- Works with PolyIslands and multiple Objects
- Can normalize to 0-1-Space (based on first Input (in this Case the Grid))


Manuel Huertas Marchena

2013年4月29日 凌晨12:11:042013/4/29
收件者:softimage list
Hey Vincent!

Thanks a lot for taking the time putting those examples together and also for sharing the ice compound!
That looks to be what I've been looking for, actually it might be even better, as it ll be dynamically controlled with ice, rather than hand scaled!

I ll look to in detail this week, thanks once again for your help!

> Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2013 23:23:38 +0200

> From: vincent...@googlemail.com
> To: soft...@listproc.autodesk.com
> Subject: Re: uv ratio question
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