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Jun 11, 2009, 5:14:48 PM6/11/09
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In large measure, the social, political and economic battles being
fought in the USA are Wars of Words, only. A typical man or woman in
this country, often-times, is too shy to speak-up in their own
behalf. Shy people, none-the-less, get warm feelings of contentment
each time they hear someone fluent like Nancy Pelosi or Newt Gingrich
talk about their disparate ideals for America.
Following every election day, the voters, willingly, relinquish the
total control of their lives and futures to politicians whose main
qualifications are: They have huge egos, excellent name recognition,
and the backing of one of the two major political parties.
Rush Limbaugh has been voted… ‘the voice’ of the Republican Party.
He is the personification of verbal excellence! Rush has a
detective’s analytical abilities, and a psychic’s insights. But in
spite of all of his ‘reach to the masses’ via his wide media exposure,
Rush Limbaugh couldn’t care less about actually SAVING the USA from
the calamities which he so loves to expound about. I know that such
is a truth, because over the past year I kept Limbaugh apprized that
my New Constitution of the United States of America is in-the-offing
to SOLVE the very problems that he so loves to complain about.
Effectively, Rush Limbaugh’s ego is getting in the way of his stated
ideals. He wants this country’s flaws to go uncorrected, so that he
can keep talking, eloquently, about those things until Doom’s Day…
Too many “Doctor’s” don’t want to have their apt diseases be cured…
The individuals who give heartfelt speeches probably get a tremendous
high for doing so, well. Actor Jon Voight made a televised speech
which cut-to-the-quick by tagging President Barack Obama a FAILURE
from day one. Voight is certainly correct about that. While his
speech was comforting to those, like me, who share Voight’s views,
feeling contentment from listening to any such speech makes the
listeners less likely to join a movement which can actually CORRECT
the problems—that Obama’s getting elected (at all) highlights.
In her own media-amplified ways, CNN’s Campbell Brown used her cutesy
cuteness during the 2008 Presidential Campaign to help get Barack
Obama elected. Now that the novelty of that is wearing off, finally,
Brown is pointing out some of Obama’s failings. Effectively, she is
playing both ends against the middle to attract a bigger TV audience.
Her (unconstitutional) influence on the past or future elections can
be easily corrected.
The negative start to Obama’s Presidency is being neutralized in the
media by (unconstitutional) polls which show that Obama still has the
“well wishes” of a large number of Americans. Few will deny that
Barack; Michele; their two model daughters, and that lovable (black
and white) dog, seem to be good PR for the USA. Seeing Obama saunter
off his helicopter, looking all GQ and smiling, and waving toward the
expectant media keeps saying… “all is well”. Unfortunately, Obama’s
speeches and superficial charm are causing Americans to be much too
trusting. The TITANIC—which Obama has convinced a majority of us is…
UNSINKABLE, has yet to strike that iceberg. He is directing that the
USA go full speed ahead into the night, straight toward known ice
floes. That makes Barack Obama a very dangerous man, indeed. From
day one Barack Obama should have said:

“The USA is bankrupt. The only way out of that conundrum is for us
to tighten our belts and start REDUCING the size of government!
Relatives and neighbors should start looking out for those who are
dear to them. No government program—with the recognized great
inefficiencies of most of those—can be the provider-of-last-resort for
the entire country. For as long as necessary, taxes will remain at
their present level until our debt is paid down. To speed that
process, the USA will, within the next six months, reduce by 50% the
number of its Armed Forces stationed throughout the world. Never
again shall the USA—by military pressure—try to determine what form of
government any other country has. But make no mistake: This country
will be on the forefront of the diverse military technology necessary
to protect ourselves and our allies from armed aggression. Beginning
today, we will start doing the latter in the most cost efficient ways
possible. The survival of the USA entails making major economic
choices, not just political ones. “The price of freedom is eternal
vigilance.” …

Unfortunately, it is too depressing to be told that the USA is in its
final days. The naïve among us see Obama looking all cool and
collected while he goes around the world apologizing for our (still)
proud history. If that man’s stoney expression and tooth smiles were
the only barometer of this country’s prospects, things might be OK…
During the 2008 campaign, I tagged Obama the ANTI-CHRIST, because he
is duping people into continuing our failed political ways, until our
very doom. And Obama started doing so because his biracial background
made him feel that it was his destiny to become President, even though
his “only” qualification was that he once taught… The Constitution.
In most blatant ways, Barack Obama never understood, nor respected,
its high basic premise: That a fair democracy is the immutable
foundation on which our nation is built.

Until recently, my cable provider didn’t include MSNBC in the line-
up. Sometimes I watch Glenn Beck. I realize that Beck gets upset
about the same issues which upset me. But there’s a fatalism
throughout his delivery which implies that he’s not very confident
that this country is… SAVABLE. Newt Gingrich, when interviewed
recently, implied that the door is open for his running for President
in 2012. Like Rush Limbaugh, Gingrich is very smart. But he seems
overly happy to keep playing the same failed political games, when
there is a one-day, New-Constitution-ratification-process that can
clean up our failed government once and for all! Can anyone tell me:
“What is the appeal of being associated with party dominated
government that has no Earthly idea what a balanced budget is?”

Every sentence in my New Constitution addresses one or more problems
relating to how well our laws and processes in the USA work. I
garnered hundreds of those just from watching, listening to, or
reading the media over the past 14 years. A recent problem that is
splitting this country down the middle is our diverse stances on gay
“marriage”. This week, Miss California USA got kicked out—at least
in part, because she doesn’t favor the latter. I don’t either! But I
have no problem whatsoever with letting there be (marriage-equivalent)
contractual relationships between gays—provided the word MARRIAGE is
only used to define heterosexual, contractual relationships. Below is
the short passage from my New Constitution which clears up that issue
once and for all:

“… Marriage (married) is a contractual heterosexual union; gaygement
(gayged) is a contractual homosexual union.”

Everyone reading this should ask yourselves this one question: “Is
allowing our promises-based political processes to continue, unabated,
more important than CORRECTING our ineffectual form of government?”

Some of you may feel comforted that CADS like David Letterman can make
Top-Ten-List humor at the expense of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. I
take comfort in knowing that once my New Constitution is ratified,
that Letterman would be out of a job in the media—in any capacity—
within 24 hours. And his “net worth” would be considerably less than
notable. BE IT KNOWN: Soon, the MEDIA will be made to toe-the-line!

Respectfully submitted,

John A. Armistead
AKA NoEinstein (on Google)



Jun 15, 2009, 5:56:00 PM6/15/09
to Views
I am pleased to note that the number of readers on ‘views’ has
increased since I’ve resumed talking about how to solve our country’s
problems on this site. For every reader there could be two other
people who hear at least part of what I am saying. The ‘grapevine’
pyramid can be very fast communication, indeed, if people will simply
talk to others about the issues that are important. Those readers who
agree or disagree with what I am saying, won’t you please make concise
replies so stating?

When I say that ‘Rhetoric Can Betray’, in a way, my rhetoric does
that, too. If a reader believes that what I’m saying needs to be
said, then, they may never reach the threshold of a Jon Voight to tell
from the heart what they too feel. It is ironic that Voight’s
daughter, Angelina Jolie, was voted the current most influential
Hollywood celebrity. She has a stately bearing that is never
frivolous. She empathizes with the plights of those less fortunate.
In short: She cares. Angelina’s areas of generous concern seem
‘liberal’. But Jon Voight’s attacks on the Obama presidency seem

Ask most people what our country’s biggest problem is and they will
say… ‘the economy’. Historically, the Republican Party is for
efficient government and a smooth-running and profitable economy.
However, the latter is true only for Republicans OUTSIDE of Congress.
FXNWS is pro conservatism. Glenn Beck was voted one of the most
influential people in the media. Beck could become really influential
if he would simply realize that the solutions to our nation’s problems
can’t be found within the present system of government that is “broke”
beyond being fixed. Unless Beck can come to that realization, he’ll
evolve into just another hot-air Rush Limbaugh, who is happier…
complaining, than he could ever be having the complained-about things
get fixed.

Yesterday on Meet the Press, David Gregory asked his panel of guests
whether it is good that Sarah Palin has attacked David Letterman for
his blatant abuse of influence in attacking her ‘image’ and her
family. I was taken aback that Gregory seemed to think that Letterman
was some sort of… above-reproach God that to attack would be a
sacrilege. If the truth be known, neither Gregory’s, nor any guest or
commentators’ views on any news show now in existence matters one wit
(or should matter one wit). Those shows are an affront to democracy
which my New Constitution will outlaw. Never again will any medium be
allowed to comment about news relating to the election of candidates
(or likely candidates) for public office, beyond the actual coverage
of the news. And never again will highly paid commentators and guests
get to have more influence on the outcome of elections than a typical

On Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer lauded Tim Russert for asking tough
questions (with a smile). Russert had pushed his attacks on guests in
proportion to his agreement with their ideologies. In effect,
Russert’s job gave him more influence on the outcome of elections than
any democracy can allow. Of course, it’s always good to get
recognition from one’s peers. But Bob Schieffer is simply too naïve
to understand that both he and Russert have fiddled with our (should
be) democratic processes to our country’s detriment. Hopefully, Bob
will live to see that travesty be reversed, and then some.

John A. Armistead

P. S.: The following is included because I found and read a printed
copy. The words still ring true. I take credit for Chief Justice
Roberts and Obama botching the swearing-in ceremony. Both those men
did wrong things that day, and no ’sea’ of tearful supporters can ever
make wrong things right.



It has been widely reported that NM Gov. Bill Richardson felt let down
that Barack Obama didn’t appoint him to be the next Secretary of
State. Two years ago Richardson manifested his desire to attain
higher offices when he ran for, but failed to get the support to win,
the Democratic nomination for President. Frustrated ambition was the
likely reason that Richardson waited late in the Democratic campaign
to endorse Obama. It is highly unlikely that he delayed so long
simply to “unify” Democrats. Ambition—as with the Deadly Sin of greed
or avarice—is a difficult motive to suppress.

Sunday afternoon, 01/04/09, Bill Richardson withdrew his name from
consideration to be Commerce Secretary. He did so because of charges
that Richardson appointees had awarded NM contracts to CDR Financial
Products Company, in exchange for large contributions such company
made to Richardson’s failed presidential campaign. The proximate
reason given for his withdrawal was that Richardson doesn’t wish to
tarnish Obama’s presidential objectives.

Sadly, the giving and the accepting of bribes is part and parcel to
political doings all over the world. But the widespread nature of
such vices don’t make them any less of a crime. Illinois Governor,
Rod Blagojevich, was soliciting bribes when he was caught offering to
appoint a replacement for Barack Obama’s about-to-be-vacant US Senate
seat in exchange for specific cash payments and/or subsequent
political considerations for himself and for his wife.

The US Constitution prohibits those in public office from accepting
any other payment for performing their duties. Soliciting bribes is
tantamount to soliciting furtive payments NOT allowed by the
Constitution. And to do so violates the primary Law of the Land—
without having to invoke the always-has-been-a-lame-process of

Illinois can easily lay claim to being THE most politically corrupt
state in the union. So, it is both likely and evident that corruption
was at the heart of Obama’s supposed “win” in the 2008 election. With
just two weeks remaining before the fateful inauguration of the
’Manchurian Candidate’, Obama, all thinking Americans, and especially
Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. should consider his probable

Hillary Rodham Clinton had the ‘momentum’ going into the final
primaries. But Obama clung to his “lead” in the delegate count—most
of which were garnered during the early primaries. However, the
entire drawn-out primary system is unconstitutional because there is
inequality of the “weight” of each vote cast. Those votes cast early
tend to carry more weight because the frontrunner, Obama, started
claiming the inevitability of his win, and thus stampeded later voters
his way, so they can “benefit” from Obama’s empty promises, too. Even
so, Clinton was neck-and-neck to Obama in the only vote count which is
now constitution—the popular vote.

In her consolation speech following the primaries, Hillary Clinton
said: “I will be on the frontlines of democracy.” And she said that
with a smile. But there were 18 million of her supporters who were
most dissatisfied with her treatment by the media, and by Obama’s
‘inevitability’ of winning mantra, contrary to the expected decorum of
any gentleman, regardless of the gender of the opponent. His
confident attitude implied he knew of corrupt strings which were
poised to be pulled to give him a win.

Most of Clinton’s supporters were probably aghast that Clinton, under
such circumstances, was so willing to bed-down-with-the-enemy, Obama,
and to do so with a smile. Obama had met with the Clintons in her New
York office, implicitly, to discuss her role in the upcoming
campaign. It was rumored that Clinton ‘might be’ a consideration to
become Vice President. Apparently, that plum was dangled, because
Clinton was clearly saddened that Joe Biden got the V. P. nod.

Clinton’s delegates to the convention began to desert her. And when
the role-call votes started pointing up that fact, Hillary Clinton
moved that Obama be elected by acclamation. She did so with… a
smile. Her facial expression was saying: Being SCREWED by Barack
Obama was great! (As usual, Bill Clinton had ‘other distractions’.)
Before Obama could get Bill Clinton on his side, there needed to a
serious BRIBE offered: Obama promised to appoint Hillary to be the
next Secretary of State. By doing so, if Obama could get even 5% of
Clinton’s former delegates, he could be assured of having a majority
against McCain.

Promises of political office(s) in exchange for… ENDORCEMENTS doesn’t
involve cash. But the process is the same greedy “give-to-me and I
will give-to-you” process that Gov. Rod Blagojevich was wishing to
capitalize on. President Elect Obama a BRIBER? Certainly. In the
cases of Senator Tom Daschle and Governor Richardson, Barack Obama was
the bribee. They would ENDORSE Obama in exchange for cabinet
appointments, as has already come to pass. No, the USA isn’t Nigeria…
So far, our corruption in this country hasn’t cost any lives. But
bribes FROM and TO our President Elect/President, are high crimes
worthy of having Obama immediately impeached. Fortunately, Obama
isn’t yet President. If Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. has the
balls, and if Roberts understands the SPIRIT of the Constitution,
Obama will never get a chance to become President! The most apt
question for Roberts is to find Obama’s answer to: “What in fact would
it be that Obama must swear to ‘uphold, protect, and defend, against
all enemies foreign and domestic’? Isn’t DEMOCRACY and fair play at
the very heart and soul of our Constitution? Then, how could Barack
Obama be allowed to take an oath which he violated at every turn
during his corrupt campaign? And how could Obama put his hand on the
Holy Bible and say, “…so help me God.” when for twenty years that
rascal was a prominent member of Jeremiah Wright’s “hate the USA”
congregation? The most basic tenet of the Holy Bible is: “Love thy
neighbor as thyself.” Why did Barack and Michelle Obama sit like lead-
bottoms in that hate congregation for twenty years? Is Obama suddenly
virtuous simply because he selects a hate-gays, TV minister to deliver
the invocation at his inauguration?

***The alternate route for disqualifying Barack Obama from becoming
President is three fold: (1.) The Constitution doesn’t condone having
political parties, in any way, be intermediaries in deciding who our
candidates for public office can be. (2.) The Constitution (i.e., the
SPIRIT of such) doesn’t condone having primaries be so drawn out in
their scheduling that there is an information and influence deficit
between the those who vote early and those who vote late. and (3.)
The SPIRIT of the Constitution doesn’t condone continuing to have the
now outdated Electoral College system be used, when an accurate
direct, DEMOCRATIC vote of the People in a single day is possible.

No votes by anyone are necessary for my argument against having Obama
become President to stand. All that is needed for Chief Justice John
G. Roberts, Jr. to SAVE the USA, is for him to proclaim that the 2008
presidential election was summarily unconstitutional. Such a
proclamation would be the first step in returning control of our
governments to the People. President George W. Bush should be happy
to get three more months to improve his public image, while the first
DEMOCRATIC election in our nation’s history proceeds simply,
economically, and efficiently. The media, pollsters, and
‘influential’ celebrities will be problems only if they are dumb
enough to violate the retroactive provisions in my New Constitution
which make it a felony for those to have any influence, whatsoever,
above their individual votes on any election or referenda.

The following links, and the threads therein, explain the motivations
for my writing our New Constitution. In just a three month period,
the institutions in this country will have been made to be more
properly ordered, so that in November of 2010 the American People can
vote—for the first time in our nation’s history—on ratifying my New
Constitution of the United States of America.

There was LOVE in my heart for the American People while I wrote the
New Constitution. That means: People of all races, colors and
creeds! If and when right things can start being done, MOST Americans
will benefit! And a new harmony will prevail throughout this Great

My New Constitution—which is poised and polished—can FIX our broken
government! To start to learn how that will be accomplished, skim the
latter months of my post, below, for more premises of, and excerpts
from, my ‘New Constitution of the United States of America’!

Respectfully Submitted,

— NoEinstein —

Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. can SAVE the USA!

Campaigning is a Science, too.
> __________
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