SetAccessor -> SetNativeDataProperty

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James Snell

May 19, 2024, 4:14:28 PMMay 19
to v8-dev
In Cloudflare Workers we just updated to v8 12.6 and spotted a new pending deprecation notice saying to move from using SetAccessor to SetNativeDataProperty. Unfortunately, there appears to possibly to be an issue with that when using a `v8::FunctionTemplate` and setting the accessor property on the `PrototypeTemplate()`

Take for example the following snippet (there are a few utility methods in here from the workerd codebase like check() and `js.str(...)` etc that are just helpers...

      auto tmpl = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(js.v8Isolate, nullptr);
      v8::Local<v8::String> foo = js.str("foo"_kj);

        [](v8::Local<v8::Name> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
          auto& js = Lock::from(info.GetIsolate());
        [](v8::Local<v8::Name> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> value,
           const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info) {
          KJ_DBG("Setter is called!");
        }, v8::Local<v8::Value>(), v8::PropertyAttribute::None);

      v8::Local<v8::Object> obj = check(tmpl->InstanceTemplate()->NewInstance(js.v8Context()));

      // The setter is not called in this case!
      check(obj->Set(js.v8Context(), foo, js.num(1)));

      // The setter IS called in this one
      check(obj->GetPrototype().As<v8::Object>()->Set(js.v8Context(), foo, js.num(2)));

In this case, the Setter configured on the obj prototype is not called when set via `obj->Set(...)`. 

The question is: with the intended move to `SetNativeDataProperty()` as communicated via the pending deprecation notice, is this a bug or is the behavior here intentional? Should setters provided `PrototypeInstance()->SetNativeDataProperty(...)` Just Work? Or am I just doing something wrong here?

Igor Sheludko

May 21, 2024, 4:37:31 AMMay 21
Hello James,

TL;DR;: the SetAccessor() Api creates data properties that behave differently than expected by JavaScript spec, see for details.

Indeed, if your code is relying on triggering a setter callback installed on the prototype object then the SetNativeDataProperty() does not fit your needs. The right way to go would be to use SetAccessorProperty() Api that'll define a proper accessor property in JavaScript sense and for such a property an attempt to store via a child object would trigger the setter callback.

While we are on the V8 Api changing topic, here's another cleanup project we are working on which might theoretically affect your code:

-- Igor

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Igor Sheludko

Software Engineer

Google Germany GmbH

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James Snell

May 21, 2024, 9:43:02 AMMay 21
to v8-dev
Excellent, thank you Igor. Probably the one suggestion I would make then is to expand either the doc comments around the deprecation notice or update the deprecation notice to reflect that `SetAccessorProperty()` might be more appropriate a replacement than `SetNativeDataProperty()`

Will take a look at how the other change may affect us! Thank you very much

- James

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