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***FAO Mr Guy Chapman***

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Nota Bene

no leída,
2 oct 2008, 10:14:142/10/08
Dear Mr Chapman

Right, now that I'm using my real details, you have no excuse not to
afford the group, and me, the courtesy of a proper reply, considering
that I'm trying (through gritted teeth) to be polite to you.

Would you like to have a debate on road safety via email? I tell you
what: if you agree, and follow through, I'll stop posting to this
newsgroup for as long as our discussion lasts. You (and others) are
always saying "This isn't the place for discussing speed
cameras/anti-motorist measures/etc"; if you want to show that you
meant that, and that it wasn't just one of many excuses not to have a
discussion that you were afraid of losing, now's the chance to do so.

Do you think you can have a civilised debate on speed cameras,
anti-motorist measures et al, without feeling the need to show off or
dodge difficult points? (Let's face it, you've done both with me,
plenty of times, and one has to wonder why.) Do you really think you
can win such a debate without playing dirty? Are you being entirely
honest about not being anti-motorist? Do you genuinely have no
agendas or vested interests to hide? Here's an opportunity to show
it, not just to me, but to your many other detractors.

Show us that we're wrong, that you really care about making the roads
safer, and that you're not just some extremist car-hating socialist
who pretends to be respectable and a fan of road safety so that he can
ram his cranky ideology down people's throats. Show us that your
sneering, hateful, obnoxious bile towards all anti-camera posters was
borne out of a passion for road safety, rather than a hatred of
motorists and those who defend them. Show that you really can
dispassionately and rationally point out flaws in what Paul Smith
said, and that you didn't simply decide to dismiss him out of hand
because you liked cameras for anti-motorist reasons. Show that there
was a good reason for your hate campaign against Paul Smith, and it
wasn't just anger on your part against someone who was pointing out
facts about cameras which you personally didn't want the general
public to know.

If you really believed what you said, you would surely jump at the
chance to do this. It's time to have a real debate, if you're brave
enough. It's time for you to confront difficult questions head on,
rather than chickening out and calling them "Drivel". If a question
is difficult, it's likely to be because your viewpoint is flawed in
some way, however minor, and it's time for you to accept that, rather
than insulting the person who exposes the flaw by asking the difficult
question. No-one is completely right about everything; what makes
someone great is not that they're always right, but that they are
honest with themselves about when they're wrong. If you want to be as
great, respectable and wonderful a person as you like to pretend to be
(and clearly want people to think you are), you've got to accept that
you're not always right, and you don't know everything there is to
know. And pretending otherwise doesn't help in the long run.

Are you up to the challenge, or are you too scared of having a real,
logical debate about cameras etc without your mates to show off to? Do
you want to try to advance the debate, or are you too afraid that your
hatred of motorists will be humiliatingly exposed? (Remember, in the
oh-so-unlikely event that that does happen, it's only by private
email, so you'd only have to deny that the exchange took place if and
when I was to post it up. I'm hoping that you might be willing to be
a bit more honest and happy to answer difficult questions if you're
confident that your every word isn't visible to the whole world. Don't
you ever wish that you could have a genuine debate without having to
watch what you type and worry about what everyone thinks the whole

Guy J Chapman: the time has come. It's time to show that you really
believe what you purport to think about cameras, and you have no
hidden anti-motorist agendas or similar. If you do indeed care about
road safety, let's have the debate. Or if I've been right all along
about you being a lying motorist-hating troll, just make another lame
excuse and chicken out of a proper discussion. Guy J Chapman, it's up
to you.

Cheers and thanks

Guy J Cuthbertson

PS - Telephones.

Just zis Guy, you know?

no leída,
2 oct 2008, 10:23:072/10/08
On Thu, 02 Oct 2008 15:14:14 +0100, Nota Bene
<d1erd2erd3...@ho6tma7il.co8m> said in

>Right, now that I'm using my real details

False. I do not believe that your family name is Bene and your
parents christened you Nota.

Another nym added to the trollbox.

May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after posting.

85% of helmet statistics are made up, 69% of them at CHS, Puget Sound


no leída,
2 oct 2008, 11:08:062/10/08
On Thu, 02 Oct 2008 15:23:07 +0100, "Just zis Guy, you know?"
<> wrote:

>On Thu, 02 Oct 2008 15:14:14 +0100, Nota Bene
><d1erd2erd3...@ho6tma7il.co8m> said in
>>Right, now that I'm using my real details
>False. I do not believe that your family name is Bene and your
>parents christened you Nota.


You really are the limit. You're an absolute, impossible, despicable
cunt. You NEVER answer points that you don't want to; you just make
pathetic, ludicrous excuses instead. Why the fuck do you bother with
Wikipedia, forums and usenet, all of which rely on debate, when you
are so reluctant to reply properly to anyone who says anything other
than "You're completely right about everything, and you're the

And what made you so bitter and twisted that you're so incapable of
being polite to *anyone*? Why do you think everyone hates you, even
in places where you're surrounded by fellow motorist-haters?

Seriously, what made you like this? Were you abused? Are you
secretly gay? Why do you have such a problem with *everyone*? Why
are you so determined for everyone to have a problem with you?

Get stuffed, you complete and utter piece of shit. You are seriously,
terminally fucked up. I can't believe it. Today you've shown me that
you're even worse than I thought. I'm ashamed to be the same species
as you.

Rob Morley

no leída,
2 oct 2008, 11:36:522/10/08
On Thu, 02 Oct 2008 15:14:14 +0100
Nota Bene <d1erd2erd3...@ho6tma7il.co8m> wrote:

> You (and others) are
> always saying "This isn't the place for discussing speed
> cameras/anti-motorist measures/etc";

That will be because it's a group about cycling, not motoring or
general transport issues. But you seem too stupid/obsessive/determined
to prove a point to have noticed.

> if you want to show that you
> meant that, and that it wasn't just one of many excuses not to have a
> discussion that you were afraid of losing, now's the chance to do so.

Discussion is not competitive, it's an exchange of ideas, beliefs,
experiences. Why would anyone show any interest in your beliefs, other
than to deride them, when you appear to be a total loon? Let's imagine
for a moment that speed cameras kill thousands of people, that draconian
anti-motorist laws are denying the common man his basic human rights,
and that there's a conspiracy of cyclists determined to hide this truth
from the world, in order to further their evil plan to get more people
riding bicycles on the road. Who do you think would be the best people
to tell about it? Obviously the conspirators have a hidden agenda, it
can't just be about making the roads a safer and more pleasant place to
be for the public good, so you won't sway them with logical argument and
a mass of statistics - they are determined to further their aims
regardless of the truth, so you'd be wasting your time. You'll never
win, no matter how right you are, because they just won't accept the
truth if it doesn't suit them. Better to tackle the legislators who,
while doubtless pursuing their own agendas, have to present some
semblance of interest in the welfare of the masses (at least more than
a bunch of rabid cyclists in some Internet backwater). Write to your
MP, start a petition to the Prime Minister, get some airtime on local
TV and radio (they love a story about an underdog fighting for justice,
and it could be just the rallying cry that the oppressed masses are
waiting for). Don't hide your light under a bushel in here, get out
there and change the world.

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