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(rev 1.1) Definition of Satan (Shaitan, etc.): Mutilator of Life Energies, and of Souls (people) into ENJOYING to inflict Evil - premature death of Bruce Lee and of Mozart {HRI 20100711-V1.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jul 12, 2010, 4:32:00 AM7/12/10
Definition of Satan (Shaitan, etc.) - Mutilator of Life Energies, and
of Souls into ENJOYING to inflict Evil

11 July 2010
{HRI 20100711-V1.1}

(Version 1.1
on 12 Jul 2010)

(suits foreign
language readers)

(view Summary
by skipping
indented text)


Had they had this knowledge, Mozart and Bruce Lee
would have lived to the end of their life spans.


Absence of Evil, and only Good Life Energy, IS NORMAL.

OF COURSE it is normal, to be in Good Life Energy:

It gives health, understanding, happiness and the intense joy
of sharing life with normal people.


The society of Earth however, has been made devoted to denying, to
hiding or to falsely "understanding" Evil,

and therefore they (Evil people) are excluding 'understanding life
itself' from "science," and they replaced life with molecules.
*{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V3.1}


It is so bad, that I even had to bring back to you, what is also your

'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil.'
*{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}


It has become THAT bad, that I even had to tell you, what the major,
Harmfully Altered Life Energies ARE:

1. Drugging Euphoria,
2. Repelling Ugliness Energy,
3. Blackout or Unconsciousness Energy, and
4. Hate and Pain Energies

- often formed as a 'cocktail' with layers to feel through
from 1. on the outside, to 4. as a core -
*{HRI 20070331-V2.7}

which I have explained elsewhere for you, in considerable
detail. *{HRI 20091203-V3.1}

The medical trade however, rather wants that you take drugs, in order
to hide your headache, to DENY and HIDE and make you wrongly "under-
stand" your Pain, and to DENY and thus HIDE the source of it:

Pain Energies INFLICTED on you - by someone Evil, incarnate or not,
and inflicted now, or, in some, possibly distant past and touched
upon now by 'triggering' Energies.

In other words, you were MADE to know nothing, and to know
everything FALSELY, BY the medical profession and its "science,"
ABOUT your headaches. *{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V3.1}


Indeed, the society of Earth is devoted to denying, to hiding or to
falsely "understanding" Evil - yes, it maliciously excludes the
understanding of 'life itself,' from "science,"

since Benjamin Franklin and Lavoisier decided so, for all
scientists in the world, at the center of science then,
which was in Paris, France, around 1784.

They did not want their own nature felt or understood, so
they struck that - understanding and healing life - off from
the subject of science,

with the well-known "argument" - still in common use by
sociopaths - that

what is observed, "is not scientifically proven," and
"cannot be explained or understood."

Of course "it can not be understood or proven," because
the society, on Earth, is devoted to denying, to hiding
the nature of, or to wrongly "understanding," life itself.
*{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A}

Mind you: I even had to tell you, what a Living Organism is,

the definition and functioning of which - of your OWN body -
"science" has 'successfully' excluded from our knowledge... *
*{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V3.1}



Again: The society of Earth is devoted to denying, to hiding or to
wrongly "understanding" Evil.

INSTEAD, so various Earth-bound religions and philosophies tell us,

"Evil must be suffered."

Yes, and even further opposed they are, to the simple activity of
understanding Evil, when they tell us:

"Stop desiring life" "....because 'life is suffering'."

How Insane can you get?

Very, and evermore so:

There is no downward limit to Insanity or Evil.


Indeed, the society on Earth, is devoted to denying, to hiding or to
wrongly "understanding" Evil.

Yet Insanity, disease and suffering, ALL derive from denying,
hiding or wrongly "understanding" Evil!




About one percent of Earth's incarnate or living population, are
'Satans' or severe sociopaths or severely anti-social personalities,
whose ONLY JOY consists of inflicting Evil.
*{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V3.1}

That means, we have some sixty million little Goerings or
Goebbelses or Himmlers or Hitlers or Stalins or Maos or Pol Pots
or Heidekis or Khomeinis, etc.,

or little Putins or Hu Jintaos or Chavezes or Castros or Mugabes
or Ghadaffis or Bashirs or Hanniyehs or Erdogans or Bin Ladens
or Khameneis, etc.,

incarnate and running around, on Earth

- and regardless of race, religion, gender, or age, or
nationality, wealth or education - because it is ONLY
a quality of their soul,

while currently some nations and some religions are much
more likely to foster and support Evil individuals, or
are even devoted to getting or keeping these in very
dangerous positions of authority.

Hence you must exercise 'Zero Tolerance for Evil Impulses,'
*{HRI 20060305-V2.5} (ZTA)

ALSO towards China (of Mao and Hu Jintao) and the dictatorships
of other countries kept in charge by China.


And some ten percent of Earth's incarnate population - at a rough
estimate (put by some at 25 percent) -

are frequently and at times severely engaged in generating and in
inflicting Evil Energies, also on self but in particular onto others,

they inflict the mentioned Harmfully Altered or Evil Energies
and often they feel it to be "necessary"

- "to secure an advantage for themselves," or

"as 'revenge,' or as 'punishment,'" etc..


Well over half of the society of Earth

- Earth being abundant in deliberately FALSE notions about Evil
and about life, *

and most lacking as it is, in any actual education about and
scientific study of Evil, *

yes, even to EXCLUDING from "science" - and PREVENTING people
from acquiring - an understanding of life itself

(a life form - your body too - being entirely a spiritual
organism that is acting upon molecules) - *

* all {HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V3.1}

I have ample reason to assume, that it is more than half of
Earth's population, that

can be deceived into generating and projecting, and acting upon,
Harmfully Altered or Evil Energies

WHEN (that generating and inflicting the Evil Energies) IS 'SOLD' AS
"Scientific," or as "religious," or otherwise





Again, in keeping with the fact, that the society of Earth is devoted
to denying, to hiding and to wrongly "understanding" Evil,

people invariably "define" Satan falsely

- above, I have defined it correctly BY OBSERVATION OF LIFE.
{observational definition}

Sociopaths (Satans) falsely define it, in order to DENY Evil
and to DENY the source of Evil,

they do 'put it "in yourself",' thereby denying, that SOMEONE
- a sociopath, a Satan - is inflicting Evil Energies onto

and, their lies being most ferocious and malicious,

THEY DO MISDIRECT YOU - so that you can not defend yourself -

and this is most likely, how Bruce Lee died,

by their claiming, that THEIR overwhelming spiritual (Harmful
Life Energy) attack on you, "is of YOUR OWN CREATION," "is
actually 'your own Energy' that you now see."

Hence the 'mirror scene,' in Bruce Lee's last movie before
he entered into coma, "Enter The Dragon," is now more
understandably confusing.

People invariably want you to "define" Satan falsely

as "your inner fear, for instance" and as "YOUR OWN PROBLEM WITH

and that does instantly MISDIRECT your defense,

you become unable to push the Harmful Energy away, because you,
tricked into very grave, and possibly fatal error, do mis-
identify its source:

You stay stuck in the Harmful Energies inflicted, which
could include also the Blackness of Unconsciousness
Energies (Disconnecting, Broken Life Energy Particles),

cutting you off from feeling your body or environment,
and thus preventing your communication with it,

as you experience in sleep and bad dreams.

I am quite sure, that Bruce Lee did not know this,
despite the vast knowledge he did have, of Kung Fu
and of life.





To define 'Satan,' abundantly and precisely, I wrote earlier, what I
quote here from {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}:

[m2] Of course I am intensely interested in the SOURCE of EVIL,
which indeed I found - not to be "an Engram,"

('a moment of physical pain and unconsciousness,' that "has
an overpowering hypnotic command, over anyone ever having
suffered such a moment" - the prolific perpetrator of
such moments, the Source of Evil (Satan or l. ron hubbard)
wants you to believe that, what is however not true at all

and such an infliction or "moment" he called an 'Engram')

that Satan (that is, l. ron hubbard)*(2) claimed to be "the
single source of Man's suffering and aberration" - but

I rather found it (the Source of Evil) in a person and in his
intention -

an individual who desired to go against and OPPOSE The
Creation itself,

and who found methods to express his free will as himself,
with that intention,

prompted as he was by his Envy of and Hate for others, FOR
others doing well and being better than he,

Envy and Hate being the basic ingredients for
self-generated Insanity:

(Satan becoming the Source of Evil) DESIRING and ENJOYING to
bring about Blindness, and Ugliness, Unconsciousness and Hate,
and Destruction of the most Beautiful and Happiest Life,

and all the suffering and lying that goes with it,

plus his capturing people in order to then mutilate
and fill their soul with Ugliness and Hate, etc.,
and removing their connection to their Beauty and

(Satan becoming the Source of Evil) ENJOYING TO INFLICT THAT on
others, and finding more and more methods to do so more and more
unhindered, more and more deceptively,

to inflict INCONCEIVABLE suffering and causing an IRREPARABLE
craving for Hate and Pain, for Unconsciousness, for Ugliness,
for Deception,

and more and more irreparably to turn people into sociopaths,
and being connected to the Source of Evil, to himself.


It was totally inconceivable, you know, that ANYONE WOULD
WANT THAT, from Life,

AND would want to get others to do the same, or to capture
people and then find methods to destroy their soul to that
effect and purpose,

filling captive souls WITH RAGE "against The
Creation," and "against the Source Energy of
Life, 'that had rejected them'." *(2)

In other words: "CREATING" dangerous and
irreparable sociopaths,

the typical dictator and mass murderer, and
their helpers, that are so well-known in
Earth's history. *(13)(14)(15)(16)


Which is all far more Evil, than current, pathetic "charities" and
"sciences," and "human rights" organizations, are willing even to

They can NOT EVEN RELAY to others

the 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)) that I have already
written for you, *(17)

and that remedies it all, and permanently too. (A piece
of work of mine for you - that you could value, from a
global viewpoint, if you would, at ten times the annual
Gross Domestic Product of Earth's countries.)



After long and intense investigation, all of which I published
and which is available to you, it appeared that I have again
located that person, that individual, that soul, whom you
actually do sense to be Satan or the Source of Evil, and who is
around on Earth, since quite long, and was last incarnate as
l. ron hubbard. *(2)

So, let's say, that the date of the HUMAN RIGHTS ORDER on Satan,
which is 17 October 2008, *(2) is one of the mile stones on the
road to finally conquering Evil, on Earth and wherever else you
may sense or feel or remember Evil to exist. *(10)(10a) [KYRE]

After all, in order to vanquish some ill, you do have to identify
and understand it, to some workable degree.


What can Satan do, and how does he work?

Also that, I have to tell you - which you could however
summarize or distill from all the data that is publicly
available to you, not only from me, and which I have
mentioned at various occasions.





Actual Science lies in BROADENING your scope of vision, and thus uses
the ACTUAL definition of 'Intelligence' *(n)

- the ability to connect to relevant data and to reject
irrelevant data -

but current "science" is so heavily dominated by Criminal Minds
- that IT REJECTS the relevant data, and demands, that you
connect to the irrelevant data -

(which makes students and pupils very stupid or
edgy and "protesting the society" without knowing
at all, or incorrectly, what, or why they feel so)

that 'ONLY if you discard NINETY PERCENT of relevant and known
and vital data,' are you allowed to call it "science"

- 'peer-reviewed,' mind you -

"reviewed and agreed upon by Criminal Minds,"

and THEN you may post it in Wikipedia WITHOUT it being
called "unverified," or "not proven" or "contested" or
"testing is inconclusive,"

or similar wording used typically by the prevalent
Criminal Minds (and by known sociopaths like James
Randi). *(18)(19)(20) [Hawking]


Mr. Emoto PROVES - very far above any of his 'peers' -
that thoughts are PARTICLES (of Life Energy),

and that water readily absorbs these, resulting in corres-
ponding, very much differing snow flake crystallization

('Loving gratitude' being one of those thoughts, or thought
PARTICLES, that makes the most beautifully shaped snow
flakes - he found - crystallizing from a drop of water.)

OF COURSE, the sociopaths INSTANTLY pounce on that,
with their typical "arguments," that you can read in
Wikipedia currently. (And I saved a copy of it,
before they might change it).

These, in their "scientific demands," only PRETEND
to want proof

with '"controlled" scientific experiments
that must have been published in "credible,"
and "peer"-reviewed journals.'


The only thing, that the sociopaths DO want, is, TO PREVENT
proof from being accepted; or best, to make sure that it is
not even seen.

You know that of Criminal Minds.

But Criminal Minds CAN ALSO NOT REPEAT those experiments:

In the first place, because - including our famous TV
sociopaths - THEY DO NOT WANT TO HAVE PROOF, and second,

it would expose their Ugly thoughts, and THEY HAVE ONLY


So this might well be the first mechanical method
for DETECTING CRIMINAL MINDS - if you can eliminate
or quantify any interference and impersonation.

And ice-crystals can be made very fast now-
adays, even at an airport security terminal.

Sociopaths will hate it, though. According to
THEM, "the most Hateful and Evil Act there is,
is to expose and to understand sociopaths."

Criminal Minds are OPPOSED to Life, and to understanding Life.



Satan (the Source of Evil) and any other sociopath ("created by
him," as he sees it *(n)) does Alter Life Energies,

to become the Harmful Energies mentioned, *(3) and he projects
these onto others,

to destroy your ENERGY of your Joy of Life (that is: your
ability to enjoy Life), *(27) and he does

- and the sociopaths that he "created," the people whose
soul he mutilated to become sociopaths or Criminal Minds
too, in a far distant past - (also these)

while at the same time being vampires on all the
Life Energies of others, also they

inflict all kind of compulsions and distortions, and they
inflict outright terror feelings and terrorizing conditions
too, on others,

including all the ills you have encountered in Man, on
Earth. *(2)

He devised methods to make others be and remain cut off
from feeling (the Energy of) The Creation *(26)

- separated from feeling the Source Energy of Life -

to the extent even, that others could be made irreparably
filled with Hate (as I described earlier, above), and

such individuals can thus only enjoy "life" along the
line of Satan,

with "philosophies" like

"Ugliness and Beauty are just a matter of consideration," and

"the whole purpose of life, is the creation of an effect," and

"admiration is the universal solvent," *(n)

which are - you guessed it - the most basic (and public)
tenets of l. ron hubbard's 'Scientology,' and of Satan.

{definition} (of Satan)




I have written a Definition of Intelligence, *(n)

- the ability to connect to relevant data and to reject
irrelevant data -

and a Definition of Science *(n)

- science being OPPOSED BY those wanting Lies, Ugliness
and Hate,

the drive for knowledge and science requires and
is guided by Truth, Beauty and Love -

- ACTUAL Intelligence and ACTUAL Science -

which anyone HAS to use of course,

for being able to reach for and to integrate and to
extrapolate the relevant and necessary data on a subject;
so as then

to arrive at the solution of such fundamental and most vital

as finding those actual sources of Evil, that make people
suffer, and that land them in hospitals; and similar

but you are still busy 'playing in the sandbox,'
stacking your wooden blocks to play with, at

- the sandboxes and children's playground you call

University, that was really 'playing in the sandbox' for

day after day, I was more and more astonished about all
the things, that we did NOT learn,

not to mention, all the things we FALSELY "learned."


Now we return our attention to the subject - of how
Understanding of Life, is destroyed - given in the
Subject Title.




So what does that all - Jesus Christ versus Satan - have to do with

Satan, 'Scientology,' l. ron hubbard, TALKS ABOUT the ability
to create Life forms and matter.

He calls it 'Cause over Life,' and 'Cause over Matter'

(and he throws in 'Space and Time and Energy' to make it
look more like physics or science, but he can not, or at
least does not at all define correctly, any of these
things, though he pretends to, *(n) in 'Scientology,'

which he likes you to believe, is "The Science of
Knowing How to Know:" 'Scientology' -

an illusion that covers up HIS Science (his methods)
of 'Making People CONVINCED By Themselves, That
"They Found Out, And Know Now",'

quite like Nazi-greats, like Goebbels, did
proudly explain their own abilities,

because his main goal is, to keep his followers Stupid,
Confused and Blind enough - enough to follow him and to
give him their Admiration and their other Life Energies).


He mentions 'Cause over Life,' and 'Cause over Matter,'

of which abilities he likes his followers to believe,
that, at some "Upper Level," of training courses designed
by him, he provides or returns those abilities to them,

through his 'Upper Level courses,'

and think and act;

To assist the deception, he is having them call him

and in social life they must follow his orders, his ideas,
his "management technologies" and his "ethics and morals"

- all exactly in REVERSE, as we know it about
Criminal Minds -

his feelings, that "everyone NOT DOMINATED BY HIM,"

anyone who is 'NOT a Scientologist in good standing'

"is an enemy:"

He PRACTICES indeed his own feeling for Mankind,

"all people are Evil,"

but "those who firmly Admire him, do not
constitute an immediate danger to him."

And so he CAN only have Blind "friends" and

while he PREACHES the very opposite, that "Man is
basically good"

- which is ALSO false, because it fails to
include sociopaths, and demons incarnate
or disincarnate, like himself -

and that "his followers are more aware than the
rest of society..."


They MUST subjugate to his will and thoughts and intentions, and
everyone on Earth must,

and he calls THAT (in order to deceive and motivate his follow-
ers, he calls it) - "to 'Clear'" Earth:

Once again, Criminal Minds have everything
in reverse.

The followers are made to believe, that "they are
'Clearing Earth FROM Evil Impulses',"

WHILE IN FACT they force the Source of Evil,

the Evil Impulses of Satan (of l. ron hubbard, with
'Scientology' his INTENTIONALLY FALSE data "about
life," too)

ONTO Earth.

Amazing, isn't it.

The matter is very precisely yet in very short form, given to you in:

'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V2.5}*





And I wrote earlier, which I quote: *{HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}

To this, see also - and which actually refers back here:
'Living In The Present - Definition' (LIP)
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2} *(3)


Again, you can also experience that Heaven somewhat on Earth,
for some moments,

let's say when you attend a Bach or Mozart concert

(and they do not perform Bela Bartok etc. after it,
to ruin it again),

or you have found someone with whom you can and do
exchange a great amount of genuine Love and genuine
Beauty, *(4)

and preferably of the opposite gender, too, *(5)

which gives you Heaven, for that time, and in a small area,
on Earth.



The opposite applies, correspondingly, to a non-physical Hell, with a
Demonic creature or a group of Demonic individuals who are not having
a body (anymore),

enjoying to torture or otherwise to inflict harm onto and to
attack (the soul of) others, and

torturing those who have the misfortune to have gotten into such
Energies and into any spheres of influence of such Energies from
Demonic creatures, and thus becoming victims,

victims who can not - and who do not have enough knowledge
and understanding of the situation and of their captors,
nor of how to - handle those Energies

and further, the victims may simply have lost the strength (the
Energy) to be able to escape,

or even the Energy for DESIRING to, or the Energy for
still knowing at all, that it is possible, to escape,

he may have lost that Energy also, it may have been
taken away, sucked away or smashed away from the

so that ALSO in that way it becomes impossible

to escape from the captive and torturing Energies and lies of
their captors, so that the victims can not leave anymore.




Thus the confusion was complete, and this mix-up had to be remedied,

and thus I have to engage myself,

being the most caring, most loving, most intelligent, and
the most beautiful, and also the most truthful as well as
most trusted philosopher known to you, and to others as
well, and

I have to unravel the mix-up, and - with the preceding help of many -
I have to set the matter straight again,

driven solely by my love and care for you.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet


'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(*) See References, below.

(more to be added as the context suggests)

(2) 'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V2.5}
(17 October 2008 - Version 2.5 on 22 Dec 2009)

(3) 'Living In The Present - Definition' (LIP)
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2}
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)


'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
{HRI 20091203-V3.1} {FPP 20091203-V3.1}
(3 December 2009 - Version 3.0 on 21 Dec 2009)

'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

'The fiercest purpose on Earth: To put and keep Criminal Minds in
charge of people and hide their nature and activities'
(Example: The Lesson of the Islamic Ship of Fools to Gaza,
June 2010, and your Inconceivable Stupidity about it, and
Islam being based on - and its prophet suffering from - LACK
of Civilization and LACK of Culture)
{HRI 20100604-V3.2}
(4 June 2010 - Version 3.2 on 7 Jun 2010)

'Long Summary of 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force
Undermining World Health and also Undermining the United Nations
Organizations ...' (incl. Real-life definitions of
'Living Organism' (your body), 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V3.1}
(4 March 2010 - Version 6.1 on 7 Apr 2010
- Summary V3.1 on 5 Jul 2010)

'Short Summary of: 'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually
REPLACING Jesus Christ with Satan (Source of Evil) (ASRJS)'
(incl. Definition of Jesus Christ, Definition of Satan, and
LINK to {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (Source of Evil) (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
Definition of Satan, and 'Fuzzytheism')' (ASRJS)
{HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC)
{HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V2.5}
(17 October 2008 - Version 2.5 on 22 Dec 2009)

'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics Major
Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people') (DCM)
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)
'(rev 2.0) How to get rid of l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology'
- {HRI 20070331-V2.0} ... Major Discoveries'

'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous sociopath,
Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A}
(4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)
'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A-T}

'Koos Nolst Trenite Anecdotes - Intending others to be decent
to each other - What is 'Zero Tolerance' actually'
{HRI 20060305-V2.5} (ZTA)
(5 March 2006 - Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.5 on 8 Dec 2008)

(more to be added as required)


Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

Mike Jones

Jul 12, 2010, 10:51:49 AM7/12/10
Responding to Koos Nolst Trenite:

> Definition of Satan


xpost troll-play trick fixed BTW, ya sad little sack 'o shite.

*=( For all your UK news needs.

Plato Been

Jul 12, 2010, 11:58:05 AM7/12/10
(About sociopaths "responding," with their typical, intense
and revulsive, spiritually blinding Ugliness, their REVERSE
conscience, and their morbid, malevolent reversal of every-
thing true, to describe nothing BUT themselves)



Criminal Minds, sociopaths, Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION
to talk to me (rev 2.0.3)

7 December 2007
{Note 20071207-V2.0.3}

(Version 2.0.3
on 26 Nov 2009)


Criminal Minds, sociopaths, Demonic creatures, etc. have NO permission
to talk to or speak with me,

unless specifically asked by me, and then only on the question
asked of them by me or by someone for me.

This has always been so, wherever and whenever I could recognize them.

This is how it is in the street, and it is not at all different
in the Usenet newsgroups.



You can think of these Demonic creatures as street bums,

as to how their soul is, and

as to how the Energies they emanate, are.

Some even claim, that (their and) any soul, and
(those and) any Energies, (also those THEY emanate)

so that they are not recognized as the source
of Evil Energies,

nor recognized as Evil souls (that are obvious
from their past-lives).


Their only purpose is to destroy life,

and the only reason for their shouting to get a connect-
ion, is, to try and get (to steal) Energy from others,

as they are Energy-vampires too,

and it is not hard to imagine, what THEY would use that
Energy for.



Do these Hate Beauty, Love and Truth?

Certainly, they so do hate very intensely, very forcefully, with
tremendous rancor. (rancor: 'The deepest malignity or spite;
deep-seated enmity or malice; deep-rooted hatred.')


They abhor and are disgusted by genuine Beauty, Love and Truth,

which they may try to approach and "admire" IN ORDER TO
DESTROY IT and to obtain and pervert and subvert the
Energy of.



Me being fully and wholly their opposite, my communications are so
Strong in Beauty, so All-embracing in Love, and so Rich in Truth,

that these my communications (my Energies) do literally 'burn the
soul' of any Demonic creature, sociopath or mental street bum and
the like:

To such individuals, any communication of mine acts as
'Holy Water,' it burns their soul

- and they react accordingly... some sort of 'explode,'

others, feeling forced to have to feel and to face the
actuality of how people really are,

including feeling the existence and thus the
Energies of demons like l. ron hubbard, and of
his evil soul mates,

will go onto a 'killing spree,' a 'knife-stabbing' "fest"
for them,

AND TO 'DICTATORIALIZE' their lies and false
feelings onto others,

to eradicate and exterminate decent people, and

to kill those who emanate the Energy of pure, penetrating
Truth, of pure, penetrating Beauty, and of pure, and
equally penetrating Love.


Therefore - being KIND to them - they are ordered to filter out
of their perception, any communications

not meant for them, not written for them and not posted
or published for them,

that are written by me.



Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably by far the most Intelligent, by far the
most Beautiful and by far the most Caring philosopher known, and on
top of that the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher known on
Earth and beyond.

KNT hrp&p


'l. ron hubbard is a 'demon' pretending to be "good" '
(21 April 2008)

Copyright 2008, 2009 by KNT hrp&p
Copyright Conditions as usual ('learnware')



Independent, Objective Definition of Evil

10 August 2009
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}

(Version 1.1.2
on 11 Aug 2009)

(suits foreign
language readers)


Objective, independent definition of Evil:

Taking away, hindering, preventing or destroying the possibility
or ability of people actively to enjoy Life.

The (hidden) Joy of taking away, hindering, preventing or
destroying the possibility or ability of people actively to
enjoy Life.



Actual or true Definitions, are based on life itself, and that action
of defining, does include the ability and desire, to observe and
experience and to connect to life.

So we observe, that Good and Evil are values that are native to
(the soul of) people:

People strongly wish others to enjoy life, and desire to
enjoy life, especially with each other.

From the feelings connected to this,

people experience what we call a conscience,

and from that, natural law ensues, which intends (law-
makers intend) to protect those natural wishes of people
towards each other and towards themselves:

to be able actively to enjoy life with each other.


We observe further, that it is exactly THE OPPOSITE in a small, but
very forcefully hidden, often loud and demanding, and sometimes
charismatic part of the population - on Earth certainly -

who are Criminal Minds:

Statistically, in every hundred people, one is most
intensely, totally and irreparably bent on ENJOYING
to take away, to destroy or hinder people's ability to
enjoy life. (see HRI 'The Nature of War')

That IS the nature of their immortal soul, whether you
like it or not, and it dictates - to themselves and to
others of the same nature - to seek and follow that JOY,

(and they keep each other reminded of their JOYS,
should you manage to show one of them, that there
are other joys than those that have been burnt
indelibly into their soul):

These ENJOY, in one way or other, to take away, hinder, prevent or
destroy the possibility or ability, actively and fully to enjoy Life.


It is the existence and presence of THAT part of the population, that
necessitates a Definition of Evil in the first place,

much like there was NO necessity to define 'disease,' in a
society where naturally disease never existed.

(And, by the way, all disease stems directly or indirectly
from, and has been created by, or is being inflicted by,
Criminal Minds.)


These ENJOY hindering, preventing or destroying the possibility or
ability - in particular of others - actively to enjoy Life.

In order to bring that about, in order to get support and
cooperation, and to develop their being trusted by you or
by others, they will have to claim the opposite, of course,

as in various belief systems, and including their "sciences,"

where the current, crippling medical "sciences" and the
not less crippling "science" of theoretical physics, are

at present more effective than religion or politics
or art are,

to bring that about: *(2)

Whatever is the most effective and most convincing tool or method,
to force, or by their teachings to "guide," people into hindering,
preventing or destroying the possibility or ability to enjoy Life;

people "must restrict themselves, and let their own life be

and in particular they "must allow, or help to bring about, more
and more 'restriction and domination' in the life of others,




So only due to the presence - and in particular due to the very
forcefully and very intelligently HIDDEN presence - of Criminal

which I am constantly exposing for you, and teach you about in
the Human Rights Issues (HRI's),

does it become necessary, and indeed vital, to Define objectively,
what is Evil.


This definition then also results in all kind of practical
things (which are now the titles of Human Rights Issues)
such as *(1)

The Rights of Criminal Minds,

The First International Law,

The First Law of Human Rights

The Second Law of Human Rights

The Definition of Sanity,

The Definition of Insane,

The Definition of Peace,

Defining God Correctly,

Penetrating Buddhism and Hinduism

Religious Freedom

Introduction to Journalism Course,


Introduction to Fine Particle Physics,

to name some basic issues that stem from the very strong, basic,
innate, natural desire, to defend and increase values that are
native to (the soul of) people

enjoy life themselves, especially with each other.

From the feelings connected to this, people experience
what we call a CONSCIENCE, and from that, then,

NATURAL LAW ensues, which intends to protect those
natural wishes of people towards each other and
towards themselves.

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

(1) These are Titles of Human Rights Issues, or of HRI subjects.

(2) 'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
Truth' (ECFEB)
{HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
(8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)

(further footnotes to be added, as indicated)


'Info on 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries'' (on {FPP 20070331-V2.2} {HRI 20070331-V2.2})
(8 April 2007)

'Iran has become a Nazi State' - (includes
'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know
They Intentionally Lie' {HRI 20050527-V3.5.2})
(1 April 2007)

'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics Major
Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people') (DCM)
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

(further references to be added, as applicable)

Issue note:

An 'Independent, objective Definition of Evil,' was requested
by Tom Davidson of Richmond, VA, "tadchem" <


Copyright 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher

and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at



> (17 October 2008 - Version 2.5 on 22 Dec 2009)

> (3) 'Living In The Present - Definition' (LIP)
> {HRI 20030102-V3.1.2}

> (2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)

> '
> __________
> References:
> 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
> {HRI 20091203-V3.1} {FPP 20091203-V3.1}

> (3 December 2009 - Version 3.0 on 21 Dec 2009)

> 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
> {HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}

> (10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

> 'The fiercest purpose on Earth: To put and keep Criminal Minds in
> charge of people and hide their nature and activities'
> (Example: The Lesson of the Islamic Ship of Fools to Gaza,
> June 2010, and your Inconceivable Stupidity about it, and
> Islam being based on - and its prophet suffering from - LACK
> of Civilization and LACK of Culture)
> {HRI 20100604-V3.2}

> (4 June 2010 - Version 3.2 on 7 Jun 2010)

> 'Long Summary of 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force
> Undermining World Health and also Undermining the United Nations
> Organizations ...' (incl. Real-life definitions of
> 'Living Organism' (your body), 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
> {HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V3.1}
> (4 March 2010 - Version 6.1 on 7 Apr 2010

> - Summary V3.1 on 5 Jul 2010)

> 'Short Summary of: 'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually
> REPLACING Jesus Christ with Satan (Source of Evil) (ASRJS)'
> (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ, Definition of Satan, and
> 'Fuzzytheism')
> LINK to {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}

> (6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

> 'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
> Satan (Source of Evil) (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
> Definition of Satan, and 'Fuzzytheism')' (ASRJS)
> {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}

> (6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

> 'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
> Monotheism' (DGC)
> {HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}

> (6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

> 'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
> (incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
> {HRO 20081017-V2.5}

> (17 October 2008 - Version 2.5 on 22 Dec 2009)

> 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics Major
> Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people') (DCM)
> {FPP 20070331-V2.7}
> {HRI 20070331-V2.7}

> (31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

> '(rev 2.0) How to get rid of l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology'
> - {HRI 20070331-V2.0} ... Major Discoveries'
> 'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous sociopath,
> Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
> {FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A}

> (4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)

> 'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
> {FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A-T}
> 'Koos Nolst Trenite Anecdotes - Intending others to be decent
> to each other - What is 'Zero Tolerance' actually'
> {HRI 20060305-V2.5} (ZTA)

> (5 March 2006 - Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.5 on 8 Dec 2008)

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