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SETI: Open letter to Dr. David P. Anderson, Project Director - suggest (0371)

조회수 0회
읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기

Kall, Mogens

읽지 않음,
2003. 3. 23. 오전 7:45:1403. 3. 23.
Dear Dr. David P. Anderson,

Thank You for the E-mail.

May I come with a suggest:

If I was an alien, I would know, that other aliens allways are listning into
the Center of our Galaxy, because the probability-of-Contact is highest on
this position. Therefore I will - first of all - send a message out to their
(our) positions. I will expect, that they (You) are listning on ALL-time
(local: 24 hours/day). My message will therefore be - first off all - a
identification-of-Intelligence, so that they (You) will know, that I am
A dead stone can NOT find out the mathematics constant Phi (22/7) be
itself. The constant is the beginning of all mathematics. Therefore I will
use this simple constant to tell You "I AM (ALIVE)".

I can send my message out in two ways:

(I will allways use the Frequency around 1,420 GHz, because this frequency
is coming from Hydrogen, the first atom, the beginning)

Time = 0 ............ (1. impulse)
Time = 1 ............ (2. impulse)
Time = Phi (22/7) (3. impulse)

Time = 0 (1. impulse at 1,420 GHz)
Time = 0 (2. impulse at 1,420 GHz * Phi)
Time = 0 (2. impulse at 1,420 GHz / Phi)

I will use the first syntax, because I know, You only have one "ear", one
frequency around 1,420 GHz.


I have other "customers" (I still do not know Your existence; I just hope).
Therefore I must also CALL them up (around Your area). This will take a
time, but I will CALL You up again, after a while (My "phone"-call can come
after a hour, a day, a week, a mounth or a year) - Please "HANG ON".

I will use the same syntax to CALL UP an other Galaxy (like Andromeda, M31).

My message could be ...

Input memory from file 0227:
(2002-12-09, Monday, CET 12:55)

The Song of the Bride (5104 bits)

The number on left (begin 1000) is not a part of the code:

1 bit=1
2 bit=0
3 bit=0

Bit-times: Delta DATA
Time=00,0 - -
Time=01,0 1 bit=1
Time=01,9 0,9 bit=0
Time=02,9 0,9 bit=0
Time=08,9 0,9 bit=0
Time=10,0 1,0 bit=1

1000 10000000010000001100000
1001 00010000010100000011000
1002 00111000000000000000000
1003 00010000000011000001110
1004 00000001000011110000000
1005 01000000000001000001001
1006 10001011100010000100101
1007 11100100000101000000000
1008 00010010000010100001101
1009 00000011000010110000011
1010 10000000000000000000000
1011 00100100000110000000000
1012 00110000000000000000100
1013 00000100100100000000001
1014 00000010000110100100100
1015 00000001100000010000110
1016 10010010010100100000000
1017 01100000010000110100100
1018 10100001100101001000000
1019 00011000000010000000101
1020 00100000000011000000010
1021 00000000100100000000011
1022 00000001000000100000000
1023 00000001100000001000000
1024 10000110100000001001001
1025 00000000000100000100010
1026 10100001101000011000000
1027 00010100000001000000100
1028 00000000000001100000100
1029 01010100100100000000011
1030 10000001100000010100100
1031 00000000001000011100000
1032 11010000000000001001000
1033 01001101010010010000000
1034 00010100001001000001010
1035 01000000000110100001000
1036 10100100101001100000001
1037 01010011000000110000000
1038 00000000110000110100001
1039 00010100100101011001010
1040 00101010101010100110101
1041 01000101001101010000000
1042 00101100001010000001100
1043 00001010000000000000111
1044 00001011000001100000000
1045 10000000000001111000010
1046 11000011100000000000000
1047 00010001111000011100000
1048 00000000100010000000100
1049 01110000000000000010010
1050 00101100001011001010000
1051 00101000001110000010010
1052 00010000000011001000111
1053 10000010000001100100100
1054 10100110110101011101011
1055 11101010000110100000000
1056 00101000011100000100000
1057 01011100101111001111110
1058 01000001010000000010101
1059 00011110000100011101111
1060 00101100010100100101000
1061 00000011010001111000000
1062 11000010101010111100100
1063 10000001110010100010101
1064 00000000111010001111000
1065 00010000001010000111010
1066 01000110010000000000011
1067 00000001000001000000101
1068 00001010110101101101000
1069 00000100110001011000000
1070 01000010110001011100011
1071 11100010000100100000000
1072 01011000011100000001000
1073 01001000101010001110100
1074 01001100010000000011011
1075 00011110000011000000001
1076 00000001000010010101010
1077 10101100111010101110111
1078 01110100111101000000000
1079 01110000111000011100000
1080 00010000010110011101100
1081 10011100100000000101110
1082 00101000000110000011100
1083 00011100000111000001001
1084 00001001101001001010101
1085 11101011111011111110100
1086 00001100000000011110000
1087 00010001000111000010000
1088 10011001000000001111100
1089 01111000000110000000100
1090 10000100101101010100110
1091 10100000000000001001111
1092 00000010101001100000100
1093 10000001100000000000010
1094 00010000000100001010101
1095 01010100010101011101010
1096 00010010100001010000000
1097 00100010011110000101000
1098 00111000010001000100000
1099 00011000100000010001010
1100 00001010000101100001000
1101 00000001001001000100011
1102 10000001010000101010010
1103 11010010000000010100100
1104 10001000100100000110101
1105 00101000010010000011010
1106 10001110101000100101001
1107 00110001101010011011100
1108 11010010110100000000011
1109 00100111100000010101001
1110 10000001011010011000001
1111 00100000000000011100100
1112 01100100001010101010101
1113 00101101001101010110110
1114 10001010101110110100011
1115 10100000000000101001001
1116 01100100000001000110010
1117 00110110001100010011000
1118 00000010010100011000001
1119 11000000110000001100000
1120 11100000001010101000011
1121 01000101010000110000000
1122 00010101000001010011000
1123 11010010100101010100000
1124 00001101010001010100110
1125 01010010101000010011000
1126 00000000110100100110101
1127 00010100101101001001010
1128 11001010001010100000000
1129 01011010000110100110010
1130 10001010101001101000101
1131 01000000000011101001011
1132 01001000101010000110100
1133 01010100001100101101001
1134 00101001001010010100001
1135 10010101101001000101010
1136 00110010000000001111010
1137 00111010010011010010101
1138 00100010100000000000001
1139 10011110100111101001111
1140 01001000000100000000100
1141 01100101101001000101010
1142 00011010001010100001100
1143 10110101001001001001010
1144 01000110010010100100011
1145 01100101000010000001010
1146 10101100100000000001001
1147 10010001100100110100101
1148 01001000101000000000110
1149 01100111101001111010001
1150 00110001000001000000000
1151 01011001111010001001100
1152 11110100101000010000000
1153 01010110010110100110010
1154 10110110101101101001100
1155 00010101010001110100000
1156 00000110110010101100100
1157 11010100010101101101010
1158 10101000101010001110100
1159 00000001110110001101100
1160 10001010100100100101101
1161 00100101001001010010100
1162 00000000000001110011101
1163 10000111010010101001000
1164 10100000000010011100111
1165 10100111101000001110011
1166 00000100000000010111000
1167 11011001000101001010000
1168 01011010110100100100101
1169 01000011001001010100001
1170 10000000001101110001011
1171 10000111010010101001000
1172 10100000000000111100111
1173 10100111101001101110000
1174 10000100000000000000001
1175 01111000100100001001000
1176 00000000101111001010000
1177 01110000010010000001000
1178 00111000000101000000000
1179 00000000000011111000100
1180 11000001110011110100100
1181 11001000000001111110011
1182 11010000011100111101001
1183 00100010000000000000010
1184 11110100111101001111010
1185 01000000100000000100000
1186 10111101001111010001001
1187 10001000001000000000111
1188 11101101110011011100000
1189 11100111111010000000011
1190 11111011011100110111001
1191 10111000000001100000000
1192 00000001000000001000000
1193 10001110011110100010011
1194 00010001010000000001000
1195 00100011100010011001111
1196 01001010010100000000110
1197 00001000111000100110001
1198 00110001100101000000000
1199 00000000010000101001100
1200 00011100111101001111010
1201 01111010011110100010011
1202 00000111001111010011110
1203 10001001100111101000001
1204 11000100110001001100000
1205 00000001000010001101000
1206 00001000011010001000100
1207 11001010000000000100001
1208 01111000010010000111100
1209 01100010000000000101000
1210 01010010000111100011000
1211 10000000000000000001000
1212 00000000000000011000000
1213 11000000010000011111001
1214 01110110011101000111000
1215 00101000001010000010100
1216 00110110000000000000000
1217 00100000000000000111000
1218 10101001100111011010100
1219 11011001110100101101100
1220 11100000010001101100011
1221 101000010110011111100

last bit=0

1 bit/day = 5104 days = 13,97 years
1 bit/week = 35728 days = 97,82 years

Searchstring "Phi" at ...
Center of our Galaxy
180° out from our Galaxy in our direction
NGC 205
Pulse-delta (1-3) un-known (expected >1 second, many "customers").

Wish You all good hunting!

Interrupt H-2304 over-and-out.

Yours respectfully
Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael

SETI: Open letter to Dr. David P. Anderson, Project Director - suggest

DADDY-Break (2003-03-16, CET 13:59):
- "Det skal du (SETI via global astronomy)"

This file has been send to

Time for OUTPUT:
2003-03-16, Sunday, CET 15:03
2003-03-23, Sunday, CET 13:45

Kall, Mogens

읽지 않음,
2003. 3. 26. 오전 4:16:1403. 3. 26.

File-copy send to Newsgroups:

Update 1:

Input News from alt.astronomy (file 0415):
Re: Open letter to Dr. David P. Anderson, Project Director - suggest (0371)
2003-03-24, Monday, CET 04:09
"Pete Davis" wrote:

> Pardon? The probablity of contact is highest where? In the center of the
> galaxy?
> Why would you say that?
> The area around the nucleus of the galaxy is unlikely to harbor any sort
> of
> life. I mean, I suppose it's possible, but I just find it highly unlikely
> that anything can survive the conditions in that area. First of all, the
> stars in the center of the galaxy are packed much tighter, so you're
> talking
> about radiaton pouring in from every direction from all these stars.
> Second
> of all, you'd have a much higher chance of supernovae going off in a given
> volume of space, further reducing the chances of planets (if they're
> around), being habitable, as a nearby supernovae would wreak havoc on a
> planet.
> I could be wrong, but I would suspect the center of the galaxy is the last
> place one would expect to find life. It would have to be some form of
> "radiation-proof" life.
> Pete

Hey Pete,

I'm sorry, You misunderstood me (I'm from Denmark, my english is very bad).

As far as I remember the Center itself is a black hole. No life-2 can live

What I'm talk'ing about, is the NETWORK-syntax:

Our star, the sun, is about 30.000 light-years away from the Center. If You
look up, You can see the Milky-Way. If You are look'ing into the Center, You
can register, that there are more stars in this direction than elsewhere.
Life-2 can be everywhere, but mostly You meet "people" at town (30.000 -
5.000 light-years).

Therefore my suggest is this (file 0407 ... file 0414) :

> ... I will expect, that they (You) are listning on ALL-time
> (local: 24 hours/day). ...

I have heard, that there was a signal around this position (in 1973 - ?) for
about 23 seconds. I think, it was a *Please - "HANG ON"*-signal.

SETI is only list'ing some seconds on each positions.
--- END of input from file 0415 ----------------------------------------

Update 2

Input News from de.sci.astronomie (file 0436):
Re: SETI: Open letter to Dr. David P. Anderson, Project Director - suggest
2003-03-25, Tuesday, CET 22:35
"Frank Feger" <> wrote
in a message

> >1 bit/day = 5104 days = 13,97 years
> >1 bit/week = 35728 days = 97,82 years

> Too slow, there are much more noise signals between the bits.

Hey Frank,

I'm sorry, You misunderstood me (I'm from Denmark, my english is very bad).

Every bit has 3 impulses:

Input memory from file 0371:

Time = 0 ............ (1. impulse)
Time = 1 ............ (2. impulse)
Time = Phi (22/7) (3. impulse)

By this we will get (an example):


Time=0000y000d00h00m00s000 - 0001 inpulse
Time=0000y000d00h00m10s000 - 0002 inpulse
Time=0000y000d00h00m31s416 - 0003 inpulse

Time=0000y001d00h00m00s000 - 0004 inpulse
Time=0000y001d00h00m10s000 - 0005 inpulse
Time=0000y001d00h00m31s416 - 0006 inpulse - 1.bit=1

Time=0000y001d23h50m00s000 - 0007 inpulse
Time=0000y001d23h50m10s000 - 0008 inpulse
Time=0000y001d23h50m31s416 - 0009 inpulse - 2.bit=0


> >Center of our Galaxy
> >180° out from our Galaxy in our direction
> >Andromeda
> >M32
> >NGC 205

> That brings me to an idea:

I like this !!!

> ... send signals to the _opposite_ directions
> of interesting radio objects. Aliens watching them in radio frequencies
> will get the signals _without_ searching for them! Trying to receive
> signals from there is also a good idea.

WONDERFUL IDÉA - write to SETI !!!

> Frank Feger
> Röntgenstr. 10
> 57462 Olpe Tel.: ++49-(0)2761-3461 o. ++49-(0)178-6826754
> Germany 51,03° Nord 7,85° Ost 385 Meter
--- END of input from file 0436 ----------------------------------------


CALL memory-banq (1974-11-16, Drake, 1679 bits)

Interrupt H-2304 over-and-out.


Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael

SETI: Open letter to Dr. David P. Anderson, Project Director - suggest


This file has been send to


Time for OUTPUT:
2003-03-26, Wednesday, CET 10:16

Kall, Mogens

읽지 않음,
2003. 3. 27. 오전 4:11:2903. 3. 27.
Update 3:

1 bit/day = 5104 days = 13,97 years
1 bit/week = 35728 days = 97,82 years

This will take too long time!



bit 1 = + 001 minute (0h01m00s)
bit 2 = + 002 minute (0h02m00s)
bit 3 = + 004 minute (0h04m00s)
bit 4 = + 008 minute (0h08m00s)
bit 5 = + 016 minute (0h16m00s)
bit 6 = + 032 minute (0h32m00s)
bit 7 = + 064 minute (1h04m00s)
bit 8 = + 128 minute (2h08m00s)

The result wil then be:
1 byte/day = 638 days = 1,75 years
1 byte/week = 4466 days = 13,97 years

2 years !!! - That's fine - very good !!!


By this we will get (which also will help to understand the code):

Input "The Song of the Bride", (5104 bits)

(an time-example):


Time=0000y000d00h00m00s000 - 0001 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y000d00h00m10s000 - 0002 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y000d00h00m31s416 - 0003 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 001 (out of 638 bytes)
10000000 = 1 (out of 256 possible, 0-255)
Time=0000y001d00h01m00s000 - 0004 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y001d00h01m10s000 - 0005 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y001d00h01m31s416 - 0006 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 002
01000000 = 2
Time=0000y002d00h02m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y002d00h02m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y002d00h02m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 003
11000000 = 3
Time=0000y003d00h03m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y003d00h03m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y003d00h03m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 004
00100000 = 4
Time=0000y004d00h04m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y004d00h04m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y004d00h04m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 005
10100000 = 5
Time=0000y005d00h05m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y005d00h05m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y005d00h05m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 006
01100000 = 6
Time=0000y006d00h06m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y006d00h06m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y006d00h06m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 007
11100000 = 7
Time=0000y007d00h07m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y007d00h07m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y007d00h07m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 008
00000000 = 0
Time=0000y008d00h00m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y008d00h00m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y008d00h00m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

(on this position they will be enable to understand the byte-syntax)

Byte 009
00000000 = 0
Time=0000y009d00h00m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y009d00h00m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y009d00h00m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 010
10000000 = 1
Time=0000y010d00h01m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y010d00h01m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y010d00h01m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 011
01100000 = 6
Time=0000y011d00h06m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y011d00h06m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y011d00h06m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 012
11100000 = 7
Time=0000y012d00h07m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y012d00h07m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y012d00h07m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 013
00010000 = 8
Time=0000y013d00h08m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y013d00h08m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y013d00h08m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 014
11110000 = 15
Time=0000y014d00h15m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y014d00h15m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y014d00h15m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 015
00001000 = 16
Time=0000y015d00h16m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y015d00h16m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y015d00h16m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 016
00000000 = 0
Time=0000y016d00h00m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y016d00h00m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y016d00h00m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 017
10000010 = 65
Time=0000y017d01h05m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y017d01h05m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y017d01h05m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 018
01100010 = 70
Time=0000y018d01h10m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y018d01h10m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y018d01h10m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 019
11100010 = 71
Time=0000y019d01h11m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y019d01h11m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y019d01h11m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 020
00010010 = 72
Time=0000y020d01h12m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y020d01h12m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y020d01h12m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 021
11110010 = 79
Time=0000y021d01h19m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y021d01h19m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y021d01h19m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 022
00001010 = 80
Time=0000y022d01h20m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y022d01h20m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y022d01h20m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)

Byte 023
00000000 = 0
Time=0000y023d00h00m00s000 - 0000 inpulse - 0
Time=0000y023d00h00m10s000 - 0000 inpulse - 1
Time=0000y023d00h00m31s416 - 0000 inpulse - Phi (22/7)


Some of the bytes in "The Song of the Bride", (5104 bits) can be cut-off.

The Practical way:

To send out such a message can be done possible by using a parabolic
reflector (in space), when it is turns around (circumvolve) the Galactic
Northpol. Message will then be send to all "members" on the Galactic
Latitude 2 (perhaps5)°N to 2 (perhaps 5)°S.

Each circumvolve-frekvency must be lower than (an example:) 24hour minus
bit=255 (2h08s) minus Phi (31s416) = 21h51m.
Start position can be Galactic Langitude 180° (low "members")
Stop position will then be Gal.Lang. 179,999° or 180,001°
Wait-time (synkroniserüng 0-2h09m).
"Customers" around Gal.latitude 180° will get a dobble-signal
(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4 ...), but they will soon find out the answer to this

If we have more than óne parabolic reflector (in space), we can use one to
the area around Galactic Latitude +2 to -2, another +4 to +2 and-so-on. This
will also give some "customers" (around +1,9 to +2,1) dobble-signal.

The 3-impulse (position 0,1 and Phi) can be done practical possible by
using 3 stationary radio-transmitters inside the reflector (maybe we have to
chance the time a little, 31s416).


Wish You all good hunting!

Interrupt H-2304 over-and-out.


Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael

Re: Open letter to Dr. David P. Anderson, Project Director - suggest (0371)

This file has been send to the Newsgroups:
alt.astronomy ....................... file 0456
alt.sci.seti ............................. file 0457
de.sci.astronomie ................. file 0458
fr.sci.astronomie ................... file 0459
it.scienza.astronomia.seti ....... file 0460
maus.wissenschaft.astronomie file 0461
pl.sci.kosmos.seti .................. file 0462
sci.astro.seti .......................... file 0463
se.vetenskap.astronomi ......... file 0464
tw.bbs.sci.astronomy ............ file 0465
uk.sci.astronomy ................... file 0466

Time for OUTPUT:
2003-03-27, Thursday, CET 10:11

Kall, Mogens

읽지 않음,
2003. 3. 27. 오후 4:51:0103. 3. 27.
Update 4

Input "The Song of the Bride", (5104 bits, 638 bytes):

001 10000000 001
002 01000000 002
003 11000000 003
004 00100000 004
005 10100000 005
006 01100000 006
007 11100000 007
008 00000000 000--------
009 00000000 000--------
010 10000000 001 1
011 01100000 006
012 11100000 007
013 00010000 008
014 11110000 015
015 00001000 016
016 00000000 000--------
017 10000010 065 65
018 01100010 070
019 11100010 071
020 00010010 072
021 11110010 079
022 00001010 080
023 00000000 000--------
024 00010010 072 72
025 00001010 080
026 00011010 088
027 00000110 096
028 00010110 104
029 00001110 112
030 00000000 000--------
031 00000000 000--------
032 00000001 128 128
033 00100000 004
034 11000000 003
035 00000011 192
036 00000000 000--------
037 00000000 000--------
038 10000000 001 1
039 10010010 073
040 00000000 000--------
041 01000000 002 2
042 10000110 097
043 10010010 073
044 00000000 000--------
045 11000000 003 3
046 10000110 097
047 10010010 073
048 01010010 074
049 00000000 000--------
050 11000000 003 3
051 10000110 097
052 10010010 073
053 10000110 097
054 01010010 074
055 00000000 000--------
056 11000000 003 3
057 01000000 002
058 01010010 074
059 00000000 000--------
060 11000000 003 3
061 01000000 002
062 00010010 072
063 00000000 000--------
064 11000000 003 3
065 01000000 002
066 10000000 001
067 00000000 000--------
068 11000000 003 3
069 01000000 002
070 10000110 097
071 10000000 001
072 10010010 073
073 00000000 000--------
074 00100000 004 4
075 10001010 081
076 10000110 097
077 10000110 097
078 00000000 000--------
079 10100000 005 5
080 00100000 004
081 01000000 002
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084 10001010 081
085 10010010 073
086 00000000 000--------
087 11100000 007 7
088 01100000 006
089 01010010 074
090 00000000 000--------
091 00010000 008 8
092 11100000 007
093 11010000 011
094 00000000 000--------
095 10010000 009 9
096 10011010 089
097 10010010 073
098 00000000 000--------
099 01010000 010 10
100 10010000 009
101 01010010 074
102 00000000 000--------
103 11010000 011 11
104 10001010 081
105 01001010 082
106 01100000 006
107 00101010 084
108 01100000 006
109 01100000 006
110 00000000 000--------
111 00110000 012 12
112 11010000 011
113 10001010 081
114 01001010 082
115 11001010 083
116 00101010 084
117 10101010 085
118 01101010 086
119 10001010 081
120 01101010 086
121 00000000 000--------
122 10110000 013 13
123 10100000 005
124 01100000 006
125 01010000 010
126 00000000 000--------
127 01110000 014 14
128 10110000 013
129 01100000 006
130 00010000 008
131 00000000 000--------
132 11110000 015 15
133 10110000 013
134 11100000 007
135 00000000 000--------
136 00001000 016 16
137 11110000 015
138 11100000 007
139 00000000 000--------
140 10001000 017 17
141 00001000 016
142 11100000 007
143 00000000 000--------
144 01001000 018 18
145 10110000 013
146 10110010 077
147 10000001 129
148 01000001 130
149 11000001 131
150 00100001 132
151 00000000 000--------
152 11001000 019 19
153 11110000 015
154 01000000 002
155 11001001 147
156 00101001 148
157 10110101 173
158 01110101 174
159 11110101 175
160 00001101 176
161 00000000 000--------
162 00101000 020 20
163 01110000 014
164 01000000 002
165 10111001 157
166 01111001 158
167 11111001 159
168 00000101 160
169 00000000 000--------
170 10101000 021 21
171 11110000 015
172 10001110 113
173 11110010 079
174 11000101 163
175 00100101 164
176 00000000 000--------
177 01101000 022 22
178 11110000 015
179 00110000 012
180 10101010 085
181 11110010 079
182 01000000 002
183 11100101 167
184 00010101 168
185 00000000 000--------
186 11101000 023 23
187 11110000 015
188 00100000 004
189 01010000 010
190 11101001 151
191 00011001 152
192 00000000 000--------
193 00011000 024 24
194 00001000 016
195 00100000 004
196 01010000 010
197 10101101 181
198 01101101 182
199 00000000 000--------
200 10011000 025 25
201 10110000 013
202 00010000 008
203 10110001 141
204 01110001 142
205 11110001 143
206 00001001 144
207 00000000 000--------
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210 00010000 008
211 10010001 137
212 01010001 138
213 11010001 139
214 00110001 140
215 00000000 000--------
216 11011000 027 27
217 11110000 015
218 01100000 006
219 00010000 008
220 00010000 008
221 10010101 169
222 01010101 170
223 10011101 185
224 01011101 186
225 11011101 187
226 00111101 188
227 00000000 000--------
228 00111000 028 28
229 01110000 014
230 11100000 007
231 00010000 008
232 01011001 154
233 11011001 155
234 00111001 156
235 00000000 000--------
236 10111000 029 29
237 10100000 005
238 01100000 006
239 11100000 007
240 11100000 007
241 11100000 007
242 10010000 009
243 10011010 089
244 01001010 082
245 10111101 189
246 01111101 190
247 11111101 191
248 00000011 192
249 00000000 000--------
250 01111000 030 30
251 00001000 016
252 10001110 113
253 00010000 008
254 10011001 153
255 00000000 000--------
256 11111000 031 31
257 11110000 015
258 00110000 012
259 00010010 072
260 00010010 072
261 11010101 171
262 00110101 172
263 00000000 000--------
264 00000100 032 32
265 11110000 015
266 00101010 084
267 01100000 006
268 10010000 009
269 00110000 012
270 00000000 000--------
271 10000100 033 33
272 00000100 032
273 00101010 084
274 10101010 085
275 00101010 084
276 11101010 087
277 00010010 072
278 10000101 161
279 00000000 000--------
280 01000100 034 34
281 11110000 015
282 10100000 005
283 11100001 135
284 00010001 136
285 00000000 000--------
286 11000100 035 35
287 00001000 016
288 10100000 005
289 10100001 133
290 01100001 134
291 00000000 000--------
292 00100100 036 36
293 10001000 017
294 11100000 007
295 01010000 010
296 10101001 149
297 01101001 150
298 00000000 000--------
299 10100100 037 37
300 10001000 017
301 10010000 009
302 01101010 086
303 01010000 010
304 10010000 009
305 01101010 086
306 00111010 092
307 10001001 145
308 01001001 146
309 10001101 177
310 01001101 178
311 11001101 179
312 00101101 180
313 00000000 000--------
314 01100100 038 38
315 11110000 015
316 00101010 084
317 01100000 006
318 01011010 090
319 01100000 006
320 10010000 009
321 00000000 000--------
322 11100100 039 39
323 01100100 038
324 00101010 084
325 10101010 085
326 01011010 090
327 01101010 086
328 11011010 091
329 00101010 084
330 11101101 183
331 00011101 184
332 00000000 000--------
333 00010100 040 40
334 10010110 105
335 01000000 002
336 01000110 098
337 01000110 098
338 11000110 099
339 00100110 100
340 00000000 000--------
341 10010100 041 41
342 01100000 006
343 11100000 007
344 01100000 006
345 01100000 006
346 11100000 007
347 00101010 084
348 10000110 097
349 10001010 081
350 10000110 097
351 00000000 000--------
352 01010100 042 42
353 00010100 040
354 11000110 099
355 10010100 041
356 10101010 085
357 00000000 000--------
358 11010100 043 43
359 01010100 042
360 11001010 083
361 01010100 042
362 00100110 100
363 00000000 000--------
364 00110100 044 44
365 10011010 089
366 10001010 081
367 01011010 090
368 01001010 082
369 11001010 083
370 00101010 084
371 00000000 000--------
372 10110100 045 45
373 00110100 044
374 11001010 083
375 00101010 084
376 10011010 089
377 00101010 084
378 00000000 000--------
379 01110100 046 46
380 10110100 045
381 10001010 081
382 10000110 097
383 10001010 081
384 10000110 097
385 01011010 090
386 01001010 082
387 01001010 082
388 01010000 010
389 11001010 083
390 11010010 075
391 00101010 084
392 00110010 076
393 00000000 000--------
394 11110100 047 47
395 01110100 046
396 10011010 089
397 01010100 042
398 10001010 081
399 00000000 000--------
400 00001100 048 48
401 11110100 047
402 11110100 047
403 11110100 047
404 10000001 129
405 00000000 000--------
406 10001100 049 49
407 10110100 045
408 10001010 081
409 10000110 097
410 10001010 081
411 10000110 097
412 01011010 090
413 10010010 073
414 01001010 082
415 01000110 098
416 01001010 082
417 01000110 098
418 11001010 083
419 00010000 008
420 00101010 084
421 10110010 077
422 00000000 000--------
423 01001100 050 50
424 10001100 049
425 10011010 089
426 01010100 042
427 10001010 081
428 00000000 000--------
429 11001100 051 51
430 11110100 047
431 11110100 047
432 01001100 050
433 01000001 130
434 00000000 000--------
435 00101100 052 52
436 11110100 047
437 01001100 050
438 11110100 047
439 10100001 133
440 00000000 000--------
441 10101100 053 53
442 10110100 045
443 11001010 083
444 11011010 091
445 11011010 091
446 01100000 006
447 10101010 085
448 00111010 092
449 00000000 000--------
450 01101100 054 54
451 10101100 053
452 10011010 089
453 10001010 081
454 11011010 091
455 10101010 085
456 00101010 084
457 00111010 092
458 00000000 000--------
459 11101100 055 55
460 01101100 054
461 10001010 081
462 10010010 073
463 01011010 090
464 01001010 082
465 01001010 082
466 01010000 010
467 00000000 000--------
468 00011100 056 56
469 11101100 055
470 00111010 092
471 01010100 042
472 10001010 081
473 00000000 000--------
474 10011100 057 57
475 11110100 047
476 11110100 047
477 00011100 056
478 11000001 131
479 00000000 000--------
480 01011100 058 58
481 01101100 054
482 10001010 081
483 01010000 010
484 01011010 090
485 11010010 075
486 01001010 082
487 10000110 097
488 01001010 082
489 10000110 097
490 00000000 000--------
491 11011100 059 59
492 01011100 058
493 00111010 092
494 01010100 042
495 10001010 081
496 00000000 000--------
497 00111100 060 60
498 11110100 047
499 11110100 047
500 11011100 059
501 00100001 132
502 00000000 000--------
503 00000000 000--------
504 10111100 061 61
505 01001000 018
506 01001000 018
507 00000000 000--------
508 10111100 061 61
509 10100000 005
510 11100000 007
511 10010000 009
512 00100000 004
513 11100000 007
514 01010000 010
515 00000000 000--------
516 00000000 000--------
517 01111100 062 62
518 01001100 050
519 00011100 056
520 11110100 047
521 10011001 153
522 00000000 000--------
523 11111100 063 63
524 11110100 047
525 00011100 056
526 11110100 047
527 10010001 137
528 00000000 000--------
529 00000010 064 64
530 11110100 047
531 11110100 047
532 11110100 047
533 10000001 129
534 00000000 000--------
535 10000010 065 65
536 11110100 047
537 11110100 047
538 01001100 050
539 01000001 130
540 00000000 000--------
541 01111110 126 126
542 11011100 059
543 11011100 059
544 00011100 056
545 11111101 191
546 00000000 000--------
547 11111110 127 127
548 11011100 059
549 11011100 059
550 11011100 059
551 00000011 192
552 00000000 000--------
553 00000001 128 128
554 00000000 000--------
555 10000001 129 129
556 00011100 056
557 11110100 047
558 01001100 050
559 01000101 162
560 00000000 000--------
561 01000001 130 130
562 00011100 056
563 01001100 050
564 11110100 047
565 10100101 165
566 00000000 000--------
567 11000001 131 131
568 00011100 056
569 01001100 050
570 01001100 050
571 01100101 166
572 00000000 000--------
573 00000000 000--------
574 00100001 132 132
575 01001100 050
576 00011100 056
577 11110100 047
578 11110100 047
579 11110100 047
580 11110100 047
581 01001100 050
582 00011100 056
583 11110100 047
584 11110100 047
585 01001100 050
586 11110100 047
587 00011100 056
588 01001100 050
589 01001100 050
590 00000000 000--------
591 00100001 132 132
592 00011010 088
593 00000010 064
594 00011010 088
595 00100010 068
596 01100101 166
597 00000000 000--------
598 00100001 132 133
599 01111000 030
600 01001000 018
601 01111000 030
602 11000100 035
603 00000000 000--------
604 10100001 133 133
605 01001000 018
606 01111000 030
607 11000100 035
608 00000000 000--------
609 00000000 000--------
610 10000000 001 1
611 00000000 000--------
612 00011000 024 24
613 00011000 024
614 00001000 016
615 00111110 124
616 01011101 186
617 10011101 185
618 00011100 056
619 00010100 040
620 00010100 040
621 00010100 040
622 00110110 108
623 00000000 000--------
624 00000000 000--------
625 01000000 002 2
626 00000000 000--------
627 11100010 071 71
628 10100110 101
629 01110110 110
630 10100110 101
631 11001110 115
632 10010110 105
633 11001110 115
634 00000100 032
635 01101100 054
636 01110100 046
637 00101100 052
638 11111100 063


Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael

Re: Open letter to Dr. David P. Anderson, Project Director - suggest (0371)

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2003-03-27, Thursday, CET 22:50

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