This is a popular feature enhancement. This will come out when a Mac
developer helps port to the platform.
And the interface looks nice (I wondered how our custom controls would
translate to thh mac widgets layout).
I putup the screenshot on twitterverse.
The width depends on the font used.. the mac font is a tad bit thinner
than the Ubuntu counterpart.
Did you run all tests? Do they all work?
The page layout border is a pixel lower.. look at the lower right
corner of the screenplay page in your screenshot.
.. a mac specific thing. These calculations produce the below on Linux:
Another modification would be to not draw the window left border..
since Mac's toolbar does it anyway. This is around line 1352 in
I'm talking about the screenplay page which is drawn by Trelby. The
extra pixel is here:
Not too big a deal.
I created a branch with the initial macosx patch that Max provided.
wxWidgets largely works on mac.. as can be seen by the changes
required to make it work:
Note: these changes are against 2.0.
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