လုိင္စင္မဲ ့ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္မ်ားႏွင့္ ႏိုင္ငံျခားသားTour Leader၊ ႏိုင္ငံျခားသားTour Guide မ်ား

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ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံဧည့္လမ္းညြန္မ်ားအသင္း MTGA

Aug 5, 2012, 3:13:34 AM8/5/12
to a.free...@gmail.com, 1881r...@gmail.com, off...@naturedreamtravel.com, niceva...@myanmar.com.mm, eaglet...@gmail.com, travel...@googlegroups.com

ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္မ်ားအားလံုးသုိ ့

ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္မ်ားအသင္းဧ။္ ပူးတြဲေဖၚျပပါ၊ ထုတ္ျပန္ေႀကျငာခ်က္မ်ားအား၊ သိသာပါရန္ႏွင့္၊ ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းကုမၸဏီအားလံုး ႏွင့္ Tour Destinations / Tour Sites အားလံုးသို ့ေဖၚျပပါစာမ်ား
အျမန္ေရာက္ရိွေစေရး၊ ေဆာင္ရြက္ေပးႀကပါရန္၊ ေမတၱာရပ္ခံအပ္ပါသည္။

ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံဧ။္ ျဖစ္ေပၚတိုးတက္လာေသာ ျဖစ္စဥ္မ်ား၊ ေခတ္စံနစ္၊ ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္း တို ့ႏွင့္ေလ်ာ္ညီစြာ၊ စံနစ္က်ေသာ၊ လုပ္ငန္းစဥ္တစ္ခုျဖစ္ေပၚလာေရးအတြက္၊ မိမိတို ့ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္မ်ားအေနျဖင့္ ပူးေပါင္းပါ၀င္




Without License to Travel Agencies.jpg
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Without License.jpg

ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံဧည့္လမ္းညြန္မ်ားအသင္း MTGA

Aug 5, 2012, 3:30:46 AM8/5/12
to francobirmania, firedra...@gmail.com, friendlyhost, zunzun.frankie, fully Light, yantaung.gyi, sai guide, U Winston Glenn, hant...@gmail.com, htwewin, tin hlaing, hans...@gmail.com, Inle Glory, zaw.inle, Travel Myanmar Group (Tourism news & idea exchange), Charisma Tongsawas, Columbus, Glamorous Myanmar T & T, I. M. S
Without License to Travel Agencies.jpg
Sign Board.jpg
Without License.jpg

Minn Zayar

Aug 5, 2012, 10:11:25 PM8/5/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com
အေစာတည္းကရွိသင့္ေနတဲ ့အရာတစ္ခုပါ......ဂုဏ္ယူပါတယ္ MTGA ..... ေအာ္ MTT ေလဆိပ္ေကာင္တာ က မမတစ္ခ်ိဳ ့ကလဲ ..mr.kim တုိ ့လို အုပ္စုေတြျမင္ရင္ဘာ လုိ ့မ်ား ...အုိပါး အုိးပါး  ႏွတ္ဆက္ေနတာပါလိမ့္.....
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Aug 9, 2012, 4:17:52 AM8/9/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com

On 8/5/12, ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံဧည့္လမ္းညြန္မ်ားအသင္း MTGA

> --
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khin thidar

Aug 9, 2012, 7:55:44 AM8/9/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com
ဒီေန႕ကို ေရႊတိဂံုဘုရားမွာ ကိုရီးယား ၈ေယာက္တဖြဲ႕ေတြ႕ခဲ႕ပါေသးတယ္။
တိုးလီဒါ ဘဲပါပါတယ္။ ၿမန္မာဂိုက္
လံုး၀မေတြ႕ပါ။ သူတို႕နားသြားၿပီး တမင္ရပ္ႀကည္႕တာေတာင္ နဲနဲေလးမွ
ရႈိးတိုးရွန္႕တန္႕မၿဖစ္ပါ။ ေအာက္က တိုးေကာင္တာက မမ ကို၀င္ေမးေတာ႕
သူတို႕လဲၿမင္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေပမဲ႕ ဘာအမိန္႕မွမရွိေတာ႕ သူတို႕လဲ
ဘယ္လိုအေရးယူရမလဲ။ လူပါးအ၀ဆံုးကေတာ႕ ကိုရီးယားေတြဘဲ။

win htwe

Aug 10, 2012, 2:06:20 AM8/10/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com
I am agree with you. We got to unit to appose  any guides who has no Licensed from Ministery of Hotel and Tourism.

2012/8/9 khin thidar <gorose....@gmail.com>

Thomas Latt

Aug 10, 2012, 11:14:12 PM8/10/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com
Well said Ko Win Zaw: The problem here is - It needs to specify clearly "resident foreign tour guide / tour leader" and "accompanying tour leader".. If those real tour leaders who accompanying the group understood that the notice is dedicated to them, believe, the outcome most probably is not very good.

Many countries in the region solve such problem with "compulsory licensed tour guide system" for a certain number of pax for a prearranged package tour.

On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Win - Cambodia <winza...@gmail.com> wrote:

"Leading the tour is so much more than being a guide or a "rep". Though there may be local guides on some tours, our leaders usually work solo and this means taking full responsibility for the well-being of our customers from when they arrive in the country right through to the end of their tour including:

    * Providing information on the countries visited
    * Looking after clients' health and personal problems
    * Arranging a variety of activities - sometimes including transport, accommodation and camp meals
    * Working with local crew.

It's not just about ensuring that the logistics of the tour work smoothly, but also that clients fly home feeling that they have had an enlightening experience, having learnt more about a particular destination than they would on a "normal" package tour. It is the Tour Leader that really makes that difference.

There are many rewards for a tour leader that are great too.

Rewards of the job

Once tour leader has succeeded he/she will find that working for the group as a tour leader has many plus points...

    * Exciting and satisfying
    * Being paid to travel
    * Great deal of autonomy
    * Opportunity to meet interesting people from all walks of life
    * Opportunity to get to know local people very well
    * Full training given
    * First aid qualification gained during training
    * Good for developing organizational, interpersonal and leadership skills
    * Never a dull moment
    * Always a challenge! .........................................................................""

That is what the world accept it for a long time. As the new destination of the world, Myanmar does not need to worry of losing your jobs, with demands and supply, for sure, you all will get jobs at this stage. Regardless of qualification, i believe our guides will definitely get a job. (no offenses),

There are many travelers travel  in different size of groups and for sure the group has selected someone to lead them or any Oversea Tour Operators assign Tour Leaders, they do have their right to exchange their knowledge, explaining what they have learnt. Unless the local tour agents/operators hire Thai national English Speaking guide for British Group's, you can't really give an order to security to catch the tour leaders.

Again, If French Operator in Paris could not get French Nationality to lead the tour, they may send Belgium Passport holder to lead the tour, how are you going to catch that Belgium Tour Leader?

To prevent losing the local's job, make sure local guides are qualified and enough to supply, that is the first step the govt or association should consider rather than pointing fingers to others.

In terms of protecting Cultural Explanation / description to tourist or to deliver actual information/history, there must be a way to prevent those Tour Leaders working in Archeological sites. But don't ask me how? the country is huge and you need lots of man power if you want this kind of machine run well.

Anyway, here some of sites are practicing in neighboring country, (just an example/opinion) there might be a small chance at Shwedagon Pagoda (the main highlight the country/city), With the ministry of Tourism and Tourism Police could form a TEAM to control tourist to enjoy the visit of Shwedagon,

 That team must have
- Numbers of guides (all kinds of languages),
- Ticket Counters (make sure enough staff to issue tickets)
- Payment counters
- Guide assign Counters

Once clients have paid their "Entrance Ticket,"  they will have a chance to ask for a guide for 30/60 Minutes, regardless of what language they need, you then have to provide).

So, any throughout guide who come with tourist can leave their clients in your capable hands (expecting you will explain the history of Shwedagon Pagoda as well as answering questions).

In this case, there will be a licensed Pagoda Guides who can also earn certain amount of money a day depending on how many tourist you receive per day. (but dont tell me you are going to charge 30$ for half an hour :) At the same time, you wont see any snobbish /unlicensed, unqualified guides on our pagoda at all. Does it make sense?

As you see this is  just an example that you do not want the Tour Leader who does not understand our cultural is guiding at respectful religious site, BUT you cannot do this kind of monopoly at every monuments in Myanmar.

Being nationalist is "A very proud of " , but too conservative won't help you or others.

Hope this helps you guys,

Cheers, WZ

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Nyi Nyi ®

Aug 11, 2012, 2:02:18 AM8/11/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com
Pls bear in mind that it is not an Authority but an Interest Group.
Nyi Nyi

Win Zaw

Aug 12, 2012, 5:25:30 AM8/12/12
to TUN tourguide, travel...@googlegroups.com, ko ko latt, G - ညီညီ Frankie, G - Frankie Nyi2
Hi Mr Tun,

The forum states "to share your opinion on Travel Industry in Myanmar"  It is not a place for a personal feeling to agree or disagree on the topics we post.

Below are the post from the members too:

    On Sunday, August 5, 2012 2:13:34 PM UTC+7, MTGA - Info wrote:

    Thomas Latt <thomas...@gmail.com> Aug 11 11:14AM +0800  

    Well said Ko Win Zaw: The problem here is - It needs to specify
    clearly *"resident
    foreign tour guide / tour leader"* and* "accompanying tour leader"*.. If

    those real tour leaders who accompanying the group understood that the
    notice is dedicated to them, believe, the outcome most probably is not very
    Many countries in the region solve such problem with *"compulsory licensed
    tour guide system"* for a certain number of pax for a prearranged package

    "Nyi Nyi ®" <nyi...@gmail.com> Aug 11 12:32PM +0630  

    Pls bear in mind that it is not an Authority but an Interest Group.  
    Nyi Nyi

All I am saying is "you are not an authority and cannot order to any authority at places to punish or catch. This should be solved by the ministry of Tourism and other authority concerned.

And my opinions are JUST opinion and it may be not a wise idea, but I believe it gives you a hint where you should start to work for LEGAL purpose. Issuing a statement from an association is NOT A LAW.

I understand you want to prevent for the country/culture, have you firm up your own homework? if you catch up the foreigner leading the tour at Shwedagon Pagoda, what is your measurement? Send him to prison? Who is going to do this job?

So, it does not matter where I live now, all I am spending the time to write here is for the sake people in my country too. All in all, people should understand: "who we are and what we do"   NOT  "Who they are and what they do"

I hope you now get my point.

Here is the sample: copy to your browser:

At least the entire world can find what tourism law in Cambodia is, does someone in Yangon has a copy of Tourism Law book? Love to have a copy though.

Last not the least, if this is not useful for you, kindly ignore it and i believe it could be useful for someone in one way or another.


On 11 August 2012 17:36, TUN tourguide <tuntou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear WZ,
> Thanks for your letter.....but, actually this does not help us...really.
> First of all, we have to state in here that you are not a GUIDE and you
> really do not understand our side as well as (it is really strange for us)
> you are not in the country side...
> We have already clearly mentioned on our announcement that this is FOR THE
> COUNTRY....FOR THE CULTURE and such policy is international and the practice
> of all countries ....
> For example ... in Thailand, as soon as the one who is 1) NOT A LICENSED
> GUIDE 2) NOT A THAI NATIONAL, handle the presentation on their heritage or
> tour sites to the tour group or so .....he or she will be in trouble right a
> way.......
> Myanmar is NOW entering into the REAL WORLD, we must have such principle,
> rules and regulations and LAWS......so how come
> people go by ears ...still ???? Every single sector should be in
> PROPER.....right ...
> Actually, this is the RESPONSIBILITY of a CITIZEN....that we would like to
> emphasize and do accordingly.
> TOTALLY NOT WORRYING OF LOSING OUR JOBS......very much wiser than that....
> Of course we are not an authority, but there are some other ways to take
> action .....believe it or not this is "DEMOCRACY" .... AND  state in here
> that we really trust in our mind that 1) NOT A LICENSED GUIDE 2) NOT OUR
> NATIONAL should NOT handle the tours......
> By the way, your ideas about Tourist Police setting up and Pagoda Guides
> arrangement are actually NOT helpful and it is NOT REALLY wise idea.......
> Best,
> 11/8
> On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 3:30 PM, Win - Cambodia <winza...@gmail.com>
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Travel Myanmar (Tourism information, activities, idea exchange inside
>> Burma)" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> travelmyanma...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/travelmyanmar/-/FoGW_tiufOIJ.
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

With Best Regards,

Win Zaw
Kingdom of Cambodia
Cell: 85512732236

Nyi Nyi ®

Aug 12, 2012, 1:28:50 PM8/12/12
to travelmyanmar
Learning the "tone" from Mr. Tun, let me be a part of it. We (if not myself) do understand why this becomes a discussion. We've been talking about how "law should be enacted, enforced and practiced" in the past discussions. Few of them are like  Beyond 28 Days of tourist Visa raised by Ko Win Zaw, No one is above law? (I implored all the stakeholders to unite and review "tourism law" to work), Travel and Tour ) လုပ္ငန္းမ်ားတြင္ႏိုင္ငံျခားသားမ်ားအား ၁၀၀ ရာခိုင္ႏႈန္း ရင္ႏွီးျမွဳပ္ႏွံမူေပးမည္ကိုသေဘာတူပါသလား (a conflict between national interest and FDI incentives after the news release called FDI Law has been amending).

At one point, we discussed about the Korean tour leaders. And Xavier raised a question When will Myanmar local tour guides eject Korean tour leaders who do not have any respect to official regulation, do not have co- operation with local people and do not hire local guide neither?  in his no.14 of Questions 2011. We talked a lot more at ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္ဘဝ ပထမဆံုးရတဲ့ေဒၚလာ .

So I trust that majority of us have read/shared those articles and raised our voice about that particular issue. What we are talking here is nothing against the idea. We are talking about "the approach." The style of this announcement has stronger tone than you did. And we are figuring out how this can mislead a situation.

Myanmar is NOW entering into the REAL WORLD, we must have such principle, rules and regulations and LAWS......so how come
people go by ears ...still ???? Every single sector should be in PROPER.....right ...

A sunrise is somewhere in the world, bro. Yes, we must have "rules, principle, regulations and law" that's what we've been talking about. But who still goes by ears? Who are they? Why don't they go into reality? Are they those who said "MTGA" is not an authority? Are they those what you called "foreigner tour leaders" ? Or are they those who said to you "this announcement should state more specific to avoid confusions? What is not proper? If our organs of the body don't do their own work, our body will go by ears.

Thanks and stay healthy! With love,
Frankie Nyi Nyi
Nyi Nyi

Nyi Nyi ®

Aug 12, 2012, 1:29:37 PM8/12/12
to travelmyanmar
Learning the "tone" from Mr. Tun, let me be a part of it. We (if not myself) do understand why this becomes a discussion. We've been talking about how "law should be enacted, enforced and practiced" in the past discussions. Few of them are like  Beyond 28 Days of tourist Visa raised by Ko Win Zaw, No one is above law? (I implored all the stakeholders to unite and review "tourism law" to work), Travel and Tour ) လုပ္ငန္းမ်ားတြင္ႏိုင္ငံျခားသားမ်ားအား ၁၀၀ ရာခိုင္ႏႈန္း ရင္ႏွီးျမွဳပ္ႏွံမူေပးမည္ကိုသေဘာတူပါသလား (a conflict between national interest and FDI incentives after the news release called FDI Law has been amending).

At one point, we discussed about the Korean tour leaders. And again, Xavier raised a question When will Myanmar local tour guides eject Korean tour leaders who do not have any respect to official regulation, do not have co- operation with local people and do not hire local guide neither?  in his no.14 of Questions 2011. We talked a lot more at ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္ဘဝ ပထမဆံုးရတဲ့ေဒၚလာ .

So I trust that majority of us have read/shared those articles and raised our voice about that particular issue. What we are talking here is nothing against the idea. We are talking about "the approach." The style of this announcement has stronger tone than you did. And we are figuring out how this can mislead a situation.

Myanmar is NOW entering into the REAL WORLD, we must have such principle, rules and regulations and LAWS......so how come
people go by ears ...still ???? Every single sector should be in PROPER.....right ...

A sunrise is somewhere in the world, bro. Yes, we must have "rules, principle, regulations and law" that's what we've been talking about. But who still goes by ears? Who are they? Why don't they go into reality? Are they those who said "MTGA" is not an authority? Are they those what you called "foreigner tour leaders" ? Or are they those who said to you "this announcement should state more specific to avoid confusions?

On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Win Zaw <winza...@gmail.com> wrote:

Nyi Nyi

Ko Htike

Aug 13, 2012, 3:41:55 AM8/13/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com
Dear friends,
Thank you very much for all your contributions. Please find the link and tourism law concerning tour guide business below.
However, There's no mention of prohibitions nor specific requirements for foreign tour leader(s) leading groups in Myanmar and whether they are required to be accompanied by a local guide. I personally think we need to enact a new tourism Act requiring a local guide for a tour group exceeding certain number of group members (i;e: 8 pax above). 

What about the time when MTT(Tourist Burma) era when tourists were required to hire a government guide? What law/regulation required tourists to have a guide then? Any one knows anything about Bhutanese Tourism Law? Any lessons to take from them? 

Healthy and gentlemanly discussions and arguments are very much welcome. 



Tour Guide Business

13. A person desirous of carrying on tour guide business shall apply for a licence in the prescribed form directly to the Directorate or through a regional branch office.

14. Any person applying for a tour guide licence shall have one of the following requirements:

  1. who has attended and passed the tour guide training conducted by Myanmar Hotels and Tourism Services;
  2. a person who is assessed by Myanmar Hotels and Tourism Services as qualified to attend tour guide training;
  3. a person who has attended and passed a similar training course recognised by the Directorate.

15. The licence-holder under sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 14 shall attend the tour guide training conducted by Myanmar Hotels and Tourism Services as and when prescribed by the Directorate.

16. The licence-holder of tour guide business shall abide by the following terms:-

  1. services of tour guide business shall be conducted in accordance with the basic principles under section 3 of the Law;
  2. shall early out the tour service engaged by the licenced tourist enterprise or hotel or lodging-house;
  3. shall abide by the code of conduct for tour guide prescribed by the Directorate in relation to the tour services;
  4. shall conduct a tour according to the tour programme;
  5. shall conduct sight-seeing touts only within the area and sites permitted;
  6. shall wear a badge and identity card relating to licence-holder in the course of service;
  7. shall notify in writing within 14 days to the Directorate or regional branch office if there is any change of the address of residence or the place to contact;
  8. shall abide by the conditions and directives issued by the Directorate and regional branch office from time to time.


nyi htike

Aug 20, 2012, 1:35:22 PM8/20/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com
လြတ္လပ္စြာ ကြဲလြဲခြင့္ၿပဳပါ။

လိုင္စင္ ရွိ ၿခင္းမရွိၿခင္းက ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းအေပၚအက်ိဳးသက္ေရာက္သည္မထင္ဘူးဗ်။
လိုင္စင္ရွိမွ ပိုေတာ္တဲ့ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္ေကာင္းၿဖစ္မယ္ဆိုရင္လိုင္စင္ရကာစ
ကေလးေတြက အရမ္းေတာ္ေနၾကမွာေပါ့ ကို္ယ့္က်ိဳးစားမႈ နဲ႕
အသင္းအဖြဲ႕ ေတြေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားလည္းလိုင္စင္မရွိၾကပါဘူး၊
လိုင္စင္မဲ့ ဂိုက္၊လိုင္စင္မဲ့ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္း၊လိုင္စင္မဲ့
ေတြပါ ၾကပ္မက္မယ့္ဥပေဒေတြလိုလာမယ္။
ေနာက္ပုဂံက ေစ်းသယ္ေလးေတြ၊ဘုရားမွာလိုက္ရွင္းၿပေနတဲ့
တ၀မ္းတခါးရွာစားေနရွာတဲ့ ကေလးေတြ
မိသားစုစား၀တ္ေနေရးအတြက္ တရက္ ၅ ၊ ၁၀ ေဒၚလာေလာက္ ရယူၿပီး လိုက္ေနရတဲ့ FIT
guide ေတြပါ
စား၀တ္ေနေရးထိခိုက္ေအာင္မလုပ္ၾကဖိဳ႕ သတိထားၾကပါအံုး လို႔-ေတာင္းပန္ပါတယ္ဗ်ာ-

On 8/13/12, Ko Htike <linno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> Thank you very much for all your contributions. Please find the link and
> tourism law concerning tour guide business below.
> However, There's no mention of prohibitions nor specific requirements for
> foreign tour leader(s) leading groups in Myanmar and whether they are
> required to be accompanied by a local guide. I personally think we need to
> enact a new tourism Act requiring a local guide for a tour group exceeding
> certain number of group members (i;e: 8 pax above).
> What about the time when MTT(Tourist Burma) era when tourists were required
> to hire a government guide? What law/regulation required tourists to have a
> guide then? Any one knows anything about Bhutanese Tourism Law? Any lessons
> to take from them?
> Healthy and gentlemanly discussions and arguments are very much welcome.

> *http://www.myanmartourism.org/aboutus/tlaw.htm*
> **
> **
> * *
> *

> Tour Guide Business
> 13. A person desirous of carrying on tour guide business shall apply for a
> licence in the prescribed form directly to the Directorate or through a
> regional branch office.
> 14. Any person applying for a tour guide licence shall have one of the
> following requirements:

> 1. who has attended and passed the tour guide training conducted by

> Myanmar Hotels and Tourism Services;

> 2. a person who is assessed by Myanmar Hotels and Tourism Services as

> qualified to attend tour guide training;

> 3. a person who has attended and passed a similar training course

> recognised by the Directorate.
> 15. The licence-holder under sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 14 shall attend
> the tour guide training conducted by Myanmar Hotels and Tourism Services as
> and when prescribed by the Directorate.
> 16. The licence-holder of tour guide business shall abide by the following
> terms:-

> 1. services of tour guide business shall be conducted in accordance with

> the basic principles under section 3 of the Law;

> 2. shall early out the tour service engaged by the licenced tourist

> enterprise or hotel or lodging-house;

> 3. shall abide by the code of conduct for tour guide prescribed by the

> Directorate in relation to the tour services;

> 4. shall conduct a tour according to the tour programme;
> 5. shall conduct sight-seeing touts only within the area and sites
> permitted;
> 6. shall wear a badge and identity card relating to licence-holder in
> the course of service;
> 7. shall notify in writing within 14 days to the Directorate or regional

> branch office if there is any change of the address of residence or the
> place to contact;

> 8. shall abide by the conditions and directives issued by the

> Directorate and regional branch office from time to time.

> *

> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Travel Myanmar (Tourism information, activities, idea exchange inside
> Burma)" group.
> To post to this group, send email to travel...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> travelmyanma...@googlegroups.com.


Aug 22, 2012, 1:39:49 PM8/22/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com
ေက်းဇူးတင္ပါတယ္ဗ်ာ ၊ တစ္ကယ္ပါ
ကၽြန္ေတာ္ တုိ႔ လုိင္စင္ လုိခ်င္တာေတာင္ လြယ္လြယ္ မွ မရခဲ႔တာ ၊ အဲဒီေတာ႔ ဒီလုိပဲလုိက္ရတာပဲေလ၊ ေနာက္မွလုိင္စင္ဘာညာ နဲ႔ ရလာေတာ႔လည္း ဒီလုိလုိက္ရတာပဲ ၊ အရည္အခ်င္းအဓိက ပါဗ်ာ။ တစ္ကယ္ စည္းကမ္းထိန္းမယ္ ဆုိရင္ အားလုံးလုိတယ္ (ဥပမာ -- ဟုိတယ္ခရီးက....၊ ခရီးႀကီးႀကပ္က .၀န္ႀကီးက............. အင္း .....အဲလုိေပါ႔။) သိတာေတြ ေျပာျပရယင္ ဟြင္းဟြင္း.... :D

Sincerely yours


ဖရမ္ကိ ထြန္း

Aug 22, 2012, 11:30:56 PM8/22/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com
က်ေနာ္တစ္ခုထက္ေျပာပါရေစ Guide လိုင္စင္ေလး ယူပီး Company လိုင္စင္ မရွိပဲ package tour ေတြ ကိုယ့္ဘာသာ ကို စီစဥ္ေနတဲ သူေတြ ကို ေရာ ဘယ္လိုလုပ္မလည္း ခင္ဗ်ာ ?????????????
က်ေနာ္ သိတာေတာ့ လိုင္စင္ မဲ့ ဥပေဒ က ဒဏ္ေငြ ႏွစ္ေသာင္း သို႕ ေထာင္ဒါဏ္ႏွစ္ႏွစ္ သို႕ တစ္ ေပါင္းတည္းက်ခံေစ လို႕ထင္ပါ တယ္

သူမ်ားကို လက္ညွိဳးထိုးေတာ့မယ္ဆို ကိုယ္ဘာလုပ္ေနတယ္ ဆိုတာ ေသခ်ာျပန္ၾကည့္ေစခ်င္ပါတယ္
ဖရမ္ကိ ထြန္း

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 12:05 AM, nyi htike <nyiht...@gmail.com> wrote:

nyi htike

Aug 23, 2012, 11:56:24 AM8/23/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com
လိုင္စင္မဲ့ ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္ဆိုတာမရွိနိုင္ဘူးထင္တယ္။

ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္လို႔ေခၚၿပီး၊လိုင္စင္မရွိဘဲ ဧည့္သည္နဲ႕
လိုင္စင္မရွိဘဲ လိုက္ေနသူကိုေမးၾကည့္ပါ ၊ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္ပါလို႔ မေၿဖရဲပါဘူး၊
စကားၿပန္၊ပို႔ေဆာင္ေရးေဆာင္ရြက္သူ၊၀န္ထမ္း၊အကူ အစရွိသၿဖင့္ေပါ့။
ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းမ်ားက ခရီးစဥ္ေရာင္းလို႔ ခရီးသည္က
ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္၀န္ေဆာင္မႈ ကိုပါ ၀ယ္ယူတဲ့အခါေတာ့
လိုင္စင္ရ ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္ကိုသာ ၀န္ေဆာင္ေစသင့္ပါတယ္။
ဧည့္သည္ကို ညာၿပီး စကားၿပန္ ထည့္မေပးသင့္ပါ။
ဒီေတာ့က်န္တဲ့ သူေတြမထိခိုက္ေအာင္---။
---ဧည့္သည္မွဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္၀န္ေဆာင္မႈ ၀ယ္ယူ ပါက ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္ကိုသာ
ဆိုတာမ်ိဳးေလးက ပိုမ်ားေကာင္းနိုင္မလားလို႔ပါ။
မလိုအပ္လို႔ မငွားတာေတာ့
စဥ္းစားသံုးသပ္ၾကေစခ်င္ပါတယ္၊အဂၤလိပ္ဘာစာစကားေၿပာ ဧည့္သည္ေတြက
သူတို႔လူမ်ိဳးနဲ႕ဘာေၾကာင့္ ၀န္မေဆာင္ေစတာလဲ။ဘာ့ေၾကာင့္ ၿမန္မာ
ၿပည္ကအဂၤလိပ္စကားေၿပာဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္ငွားသံုးတာလဲ။ဘာေၾကာင့္ ၿမန္မာ
စဥ္းစားသင့္ တာကို ပါ။

ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္မ်ားကလည္း ထိုက္တန္တဲ့ ၀န္ေဆာင္ခယူထားတဲ့အတြက္
တစ္ႏွစ္ပတ္လံုး နားခ်ိန္မရေအာင္
လိုက္ေနၾကရမွာပါ၊နားခ်ိန္ေတြမ်ားေနကလည္း ကို္ယ့္အရည္အခ်င္းကို ၿမွင့္တင္သင့္ပါတယ္။
NGO အသင္းတခုအေနနဲ႕ - ဥပေဒေတြထုတ္ၿပန္ခြင့္၊အေရးယူခြင့္ေတြ
ယခု Topic ရဲ႕ အစ MTGA သတင္းထုတ္ၿပန္ခ်က္ ကိုစဥ္းစားထုတ္သင့္ပါတယ္။
အာဏာသံေလွ်ာ့ခ်သင့္ၿပီး၊အၿမင္မတူသူ ငါ့ရန္သူ ဆိုတဲ့ အေရးမ်ိဳးကို
အၿပဳသေဘာေဆာင္ၿပီး၊ ေဆြးေႏြးလိုက္ပါတယ္။

On 8/23/12, Nyi Nyi ® <nyi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ဖရန္ကီထြန္း good question!

> On Thursday, August 23, 2012 10:00:56 AM UTC+6:30, Frankie wrote:
>> က်ေနာ္တစ္ခုထက္ေျပာပါရေစ Guide လိုင္စင္ေလး ယူပီး Company လိုင္စင္ မရွိပဲ
>> package tour ေတြ ကိုယ့္ဘာသာ ကို စီစဥ္ေနတဲ သူေတြ ကို ေရာ ဘယ္လိုလုပ္မလည္း
>> ခင္ဗ်ာ ?????????????
>> က်ေနာ္ သိတာေတာ့ လိုင္စင္ မဲ့ ဥပေဒ က ဒဏ္ေငြ ႏွစ္ေသာင္း သို႕
>> ေထာင္ဒါဏ္ႏွစ္ႏွစ္ သို႕ တစ္ ေပါင္းတည္းက်ခံေစ လို႕ထင္ပါ တယ္
>> သူမ်ားကို လက္ညွိဳးထိုးေတာ့မယ္ဆို ကိုယ္ဘာလုပ္ေနတယ္ ဆိုတာ
>> ေသခ်ာျပန္ၾကည့္ေစခ်င္ပါတယ္
>> ေလးစားစြာျဖင့္
>> ဖရမ္ကိ ထြန္း
>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 12:05 AM, nyi htike

>> <nyiht...@gmail.com<javascript:>

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khin thidar

Aug 23, 2012, 2:42:47 PM8/23/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com
တခုေၿပာခြင္႕ၿပဳပါ အဲဒါက ၿမန္မာႏိုင္ငံသားဧည္႕လမ္းညႊန္မေခၚဘဲ
သူတို႕လူမ်ိဳးTour Leader ေတြနဲ႕ဘဲခရီးစဥ္စီစဥ္သြားေနသူေတြကိုေတာ႕
ခၽြင္းခ်က္ထားလို႕မရပါဘူးရွင္ အထူးသၿဖင္႕Korea လူမ်ိဳးေတြနဲ႕ တခါတေလ
ၿပင္သစ္ ေတြ႕ရပါတယ္
အဲဒါမ်ိဳးကို ဘယ္ႏိုင္ငံမွာမွ မ်ားေသါအားၿဖင္႕ခြင္႕မၿပဳႀကပါဘူး
သူတို႕ဟာ ဘာသာစကားကို မိုးပ်ံေနေအာင္ တတ္ႀကပါလိမ္႕မယ္ ဒါေပမဲ႕ သူတို႕
ကၽြန္မတို႕ႏိုင္ငံအေႀကာင္းေၿပာတဲ႕ခါ စာအုပ္ထဲက အသိေလာက္နဲ႕
ကၽြန္မတို႕ႏိုင္ငံနဲ႕လူမ်ိဳးကို ဘယ္လိုညစ္ရမယ္ ဘယ္လိုအၿမတ္ထုတ္ရမယ္
ဆိုတာပိုစိတ္၀င္စားတာပါ ဘယ္ေလာက္ဘဲေတာ္ေစဦးေတာ႕ ကၽြန္မတို႕
ေန႕စဥ္ဘ၀ၿဖတ္သန္းမႈေတြ စိတ္ခံစားမႈေတြ အစရွိတဲ႕ စာသိနဲ႕
မရႏႈိုင္တာမ်ိဳးေတြကို သူတို႕ မေၿပာႏႈိုင္ပါဘူး
လြန္ခဲ႕တဲ႕ ၅ ႏွစ္ေက်ာ္ေလာက္က အၿဖစ္တခုကိုေၿပာခ်င္ပါတယ္
ကိုရီးယားအဖြဲ႕တဖြဲ႕ ခရီးသြားတဲ႕ခါ ထံုးစံအတိုင္း
အၿဖစ္ဂိုက္တေယာက္ေခၚသြားပါတယ္ ထိုင္ရံုနဲ႕ သူတို႕လက္တိုလက္
ေတာင္းေလာက္အတြက္ပါ အဖြဲ႕ထဲမွာ အဂၤလိပ္
တေန႕မွာ အဲဒီအဂၤလိပ္တတ္တဲ႕တေယာက္က ၿမန္မာဂိုက္ကို
သနပ္ခါးဘူးဘယ္ေလာက္လဲလို႕ သူတို႕
လူမ်ိဳးေခါင္းေဆာင္ရဲ႕ေနာက္ကြယ္မွာေမးပါတယ္ ၿမန္မာဂိုက္က ၅၀၀
က်ပ္လို႕ေၿဖလိုက္တယ္ အဲလိုေၿဖရေကာင္းလားဆိုၿပီး ဧည္႕သည္ထမင္းစားဆင္းေတာ႕
ကိုရီးယားဂိုက္က ၿမန္မာဂိုက္ကို ဘိနပ္နဲ႕ခၽြတ္ေပါက္ပါတယ္ ၄၅
စီးကားေပၚမွာၿဖစ္ေနႀကတာပါ ၿမန္မာဂိုက္ကဘာမွၿပန္မလုပ္ရဲပါ အဲဒါကို
ႀကည္႕မေနႏႈိုင္တဲ႕ ၄၅ ကားယာဥ္ေမာင္းက ေနာက္မွသူ႕အလုပ္ဘဲၿပဳတ္ၿပဳတ္
ၿဖစ္ခ်င္ရာၿဖစ္ ခုေတာ႕ ငါတို႕လူမ်ိဳးကိုေစာ္ကားတဲ႕ ေကာင္ဆိုၿပီး
ဒင္းရဲ႕အကၤ်ီစကို ေဆာင္႕ဆြဲၿပီး ဆြဲထိုးပါတယ္ အဲဒီေတာ႕မွ
အဲဒီကားဆရာၿပန္ေၿပာၿပလို႕သိရပါတယ္ ( ကၽြန္မဆိုရင္ေတာ႕ အဲဒီေကာင္ အေသဘဲ
ကားေပၚမွာတင္ )
ကားဆရာက TOP 10 Tour Company ႀကီးတခုရဲ႕ မ်ားၿပားလွေသါကားမ်ားေမာင္းသူထဲက တေယာက္ပါ
အဲဒီကားဆရာကို ကၽြန္မေက်နပ္လြန္းလို႕ မုန္႕ဘိုးေတာင္ေပးလိုက္ပါေသး
ကၽြန္မကိုယ္တိုင္လဲ ၿမန္မာၿပည္ရဲ႕ ပထမဦးဆံုး Out Bound
Tour Leader အၿဖစ္နဲ႕ ၁၀ စုႏွစ္တခုကိုေက်ာ္ၿဖတ္ခဲ႕သူပါ
ဗုဒၵဂါယာသြားရင္း ယိုးဒယား စကၤာပူစသည္တို႕ကို
တိုးတိုးတိတ္တိတ္၀င္လည္ရပါတယ္ အဲဒီေခတ္က ၿမန္မာၿပည္အၿပင္ထြက္
ပိုက္ဆံၿဖဳန္းတဲ႕အလုပ္ကိုခြင္႕မၿပဳခဲ႕ပါဘူး တခါထြက္ရင္ ၆၅
ေဒၚလာသာခြင္႕ၿပဳတဲ႕ေခတ္ပါ အဲဒီတြက္ ကၽြန္မတို႕မွာလဲ ကုန္က်စရိတ္ကို
ခ်ံဳ႕ရပါတယ္ အိႏၵိယမွာ ဘုန္းႀကီးဂိုက္ပါေသၚလဲ ယိုးဒယားမွာ
ကၽြန္မကိုယ္တိုင္က်ဲရပါတယ္ ကၽြန္မကို ၿမဘုရားမွာ ၂ခါတိတိ Tourist Police
ဆြဲသြားတာခံရဘူးပါတယ္ အဲဒီအခ်ိန္က ကၽြန္မဟာ ယိုးဒယားမွာတရား၀င္
ေနေနတာၿဖစ္တာရယ္ အေရးဆို ကၽြန္မနဲ႕ အတူေနတဲ႕
ယိုးဒယားသူငယ္ခ်င္းမ်ားလိုက္လံေၿဖရွင္းေပးမႈေတြရယ္ေႀကာင္႕ ကၽြန္မ
ရုရွား နဲ႕ ကိုရီးယား ဂိုက္မ်ားခဏခဏေထာင္က်တာ BKK Post
မ်က္ႏွာဖံုးမွာ အၿမဲေဖၚၿပပါတယ္ အင္မတန္တင္းက်ပ္တဲ႕ စည္းကမ္းပါ
စကားစပ္လို႕ ၿမဘုရားအ၀င္မွာလဲ Dress Code နဲ႕ Shoe
ဘိနပ္ကို တင္းတင္းက်ပ္က်ပ္စစ္ပါတယ္ မေတာ္တေလွ်ာ္၀တ္စားလာရင္ အ၀တ္မလဲဘဲ
အထဲ၀င္ခြင္႕မေပးပါ အ၀တ္ကေတာ႕ အလကားလဲရပါတယ္ ဒါေပမဲ႕ Passport
ထားခဲ႕ရပါတယ္ အ၀တ္လဲဘို႕ေစာင္႕ရတဲ႕လူတန္းကရွည္လြန္းလို႕ ေစာင္႕ရတာ
အဲဒီေတာ႕ ကၽြန္မတို႕ႏိုင္ငံမွာလဲ စည္းကမ္းလုပ္မယ္ဆိုရင္
တိတိက်က်ၿဖစ္ဘို႕ Tourist Police ေသခ်ာထားဘို႕လိုပါလိမ္႕မယ္
ယိုးဒယားဂိုက္မ်ားလဲ လိုင္စင္မခ်ိတ္လို႕မရပါ
S'pore Guide လဲ ခ်ိတ္ရတာပါဘဲ။ သူတို႕ဆီမွာ
၂ဘာသာတတ္ဘို႕ေတာင္ မတတ္မေနရအမိန္႕ထုတ္ထားဆိုပါတယ္။



lover guy

Aug 24, 2012, 6:40:35 AM8/24/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com
ေဟေဟ့ လိုင္စင္မဲ့ဂိုက္ေတြကို အေရးမယူဘူး ေလေပ်ာ့ေလးနဲ႔
လႊတ္ထားမယ္ဆိုရင္ေတာ့ အလုပ္လုပ္လို႔ရတယ္ဆိုရင္ေတာ့ တို႕မ်ား ၂လ
အခ်ိန္ကုန္ခံၿပီး သင္တန္းတက္တာ အလကားပဲေပါ့ (အသိပညာ ဗဟုသုတ ရတာကေတာ့
တပိုင္းပဲေပါ့ေလ)။ တို႕မ်ား ၂ႏွစ္တခါ အခြန္ေဆာင္တာကလဲ ဘာမွမဟုတ္သလိုပဲ။
အခြန္မေဆာင္ လိုင္စင္မဲ့ဂိုက္လုပ္စားတာက ပိုအေနေခ်ာင္ဦးမယ္။

အခြန္ထမ္းလိုင္စင္ရ ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္မ်ားရဲ႕ အသက္ေမြးမႈေတြကို ကာကြယ္ေပးၾကပါ။
ေထာက္ခံၾကပါ။ ပံ့ပိုးေပးပါလို႔ပဲ ေျပာခ်င္ပါတယ္။


Aug 25, 2012, 12:35:04 AM8/25/12
to travel...@googlegroups.com

မွန္ပါ သည္ ဒို႔ေတြရူးေနလို႔ လိုင္စင္ကိုင္ အခြန္ေဆာင္ေနျခင္းမဟုတ္ပါ လိုင္စင္လည္ပင္းမွာခ်ိတ္ထားရင္ လိုင္စင္မရွိတဲ့သူေတြက သနားစရာလူေတြအျဖစ္ ၾကည့္ၾကတာ မခံဖူးေသးဘူးနဲ႔တယ္ ဒါေၾကာင့္ လိုင္စင္မဲ့ေတြကို အျမန္ဆံုးနဲ႔ အထိေရာက္ဆံုးရွင္းလင္းအေရးယူေပးပါလို႔ ဟိုတယ္ခရီီးဝန္ႀကီးဌာနကို တိုက္တြန္းပါရေစ ဧည့္လမ္းညႊန္မ်ားဘက္ကလည္း ဘယ္လိုကူညီရမယ္ဆိုတာကို အႀကံအဥာဏ္ေပးေစခ်င္ပါတယ္
Ryeminhtike(Ita &Eng Tour Guide-G-3623)


Sep 11, 2012, 12:13:11 PM9/11/12
to mandalaytour...@googlegroups.com, travelmyanmar, tourguidemyanmar

On Monday, September 10, 2012, nyi htike wrote:

၁။ လိုင္စင္မဲ့မ်ား လိုက္ပါရင္/ ငွားရမ္း၇င္ ဘယ္လိုအေရးယူမယ္ဆိုတာ
ၾကိဳတင္ ထုတ္ၿပန္ထားသင့္ပါတယ္။
၂။ ဘယ္လိုစစ္ေဆး မယ္၊ဘယ္သူေတြစစ္ေဆးမယ္ဆိုတာလဲ ၾကိဳေၿပာထားသင့္ပါတယ္။

Mandalay ကပို႔တဲ့စာမွာ-
၁။ ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းမ်ား လိုင္စင္မဲ့ Guide မသံုးရန္
၂။၀န္ၾကီးဌာန နဲ႔ UMTA ကထုတ္ၿပန္စာ ပူးတြဲေပးပို႔တယ္
၃။Mandalay မွ လိုင္စင္ရွိ အသင္း၀င္ Guide စာရင္းေပးတယ္
၄။တာ၀န္ရွိသူမ်ားမွ( MTT,TRD,Archi..Police)
၅။ေတြ႕ရွိက ငွားရမ္းတဲ့ ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းကို ကန္႔ကြက္ေၾကာင္း
MOHT,UMTA,Tourism Police ,Travel n&Tours Company မ်ား သို႔

ရွင္းတယ္၊အားလံုးကို ၾကိဳေၿပာတယ္၊ငွားနိုင္တဲ့ Guide 120
ေက်ာ္စာရင္းေပးတယ္၊အသိေပးအေၾကာင္းၾကားထားတဲ့အထဲကမွ ဆက္လုပ္ေနရင္

ဒါမ်ိဳးေလးစဥ္းစား ၿပီးမွ လက္မွတ္ထိုး ထုတ္ၿပန္ပါ ေခါင္းေဆာင္ၾကီး၊
စာေရးေပးတဲ့လူ /မူ၀ါဒ ဆြဲေပးေနတဲ့သူ

On 9/8/12, ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံဧည့္လမ္းညြန္မ်ားအသင္း MTGA
<mtga.inf...@gmail.com> wrote:
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