Life after TBI is tougher

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Marty Salo

2014年8月16日 08:49:522014/8/16
Most people who have sustained a TBI, will find life following the incident to be a bit tougher than before.  There are different categories of TBI, with most people having concussions, or what's known as mild TBIs.  I guess with all TBI, it depends on the area of the brain that is affected.  Most sports related concussions might be underreported.  Motor vehicle concussions could be easier to add up.  The evidence is that once one has one TBI, the likelihood of a second or third or fourth TBI goes up.  It might have to do with the types of activity, boxing as a sport, or the job / profession that one has.  But it could also have something to do with a diminished ability to reason out probability based outcomes, and identify actions and situations that might likely lead to additional trouble.  Moderate TBI and Severe TBI is associated with time of loss of consciousness.  The latter two categories are really the bigger focus group for whom I advocate for.  
For the most part, life does get easier.  The future gets better.  If there is enough of a time horizon for things to improve.  I'd like to see more technology delivered to these patients, so that they could get their hands on technologies, and make better use of the computer mediated communications technologies in the future.  It seems like the future is moving toward that happening regardless, but there probably might not be much attention paid to the educational needs and abilities of that small sliver of the whole.

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