Did Bill Gates Discourage President Trump From Investigating Vaccine Safety in 2018?

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Harold Saive

2022年9月21日 凌晨1:39:032022/9/21

Bill Gates Dishes About President Donald Trump Meetings In Exclusive Video | All In | MSNBC

2018 Bill Gates video alleging Trump asking him if he should take RFK Jr's advice on researching vaccine safety. Gates allegedly responded to Trump, "no, that's a dead-end".


Video Reveals Bill Gates Claiming he Talked Trump Out of Investigating Vaccine Safety. (Jimmy Dore)

MSNBC host Chris Hayes unearthed footage of Bill Gates discussing his first meetings with Donald Trump, and in particular Gates discouraging Trump from following the advice of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to investigate the effectiveness and potential harm of vaccines.

Hayes was more interested in dunking on Trump’s ignorance of the difference between HIV and HPV to question why Gates would be so adamantly against an inquiry into vaccines.

Jimmy and The Dive’s Jackson Hinkle discuss the nerdy Hayes’ lack of journalistic Curiosity in exploring Gates’ conflict of interest over vaccine safety.

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