Quebec minister lashes out against plans to bring Alberta oil to province
MONTREAL – Quebec’s environment minister is expressing reservations about private sector plans to import oil from Alberta’s oil sands, saying Quebec has to retain sovereignty in the matter.
Speaking to reporters in Quebec City Wednesday, Daniel Breton lashed out against oil producers and their intentions.
“What Albertans want to do with their oil, bring it onto our land without our consent… we’re going to have to look at that,” Mr. Breton was quoted as saying by Montreal’s La Presse newspaper.
The minister, a former environmental activist, evoked former Premier Jean Lesage’s famous election slogan and said: “Are we masters of our own house [maître chez nous] or not? That’s what we will see.”
When asked to elaborate later on the government’s intentions and whether it would block any projects, Mr. Breton declined to provide more detail. “We’re working on that,” he said.
Calgary-based Enbridge Inc. has applied to reverse the flow of its pipeline between Ontario and Montreal in order to bring Alberta oil sands-generated crude to eastern markets. The National Energy Board is reviewing the proposal. open houses will be held to provide information on the hearing process and public participation at the following dates and locations:
Hamilton, ON
6:00-9:00pm, 19 February 2013
Sheraton Hamilton Hotel, 116 King Street WestToronto, ON
6:00-9:00pm, 20 February 2013
Crowne Plaza Toronto Airport, 33 Carlson CourtMontreal, QC
6:00-9:00pm, 21 February 2013
Hotel Royal Versailles, 7200 Sherbrook East
Hey all,
There is a Line 9 planning meeting this Thursday from 7-9PM at the Palace Restaurant across from Pape Stn if interested.
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Enbridge Hearings: Pipeline 'Whistle Blowers' Arrested
Adam Scott of Environmental Defence has supplied part of a study they're doing
on Big Oil in Canada. This part describes how little of the Tar Sands can
possibly be used in Canada.
"…Canada already produces slightly more oil than we use. 80% of what weproduce is exported to the US. NAFTA rules mean we cannot reduce our exportsin favour of domestic supply. That means Canada would have to invest billionsin new upgraders & coker units if it wanted to supply eastern Canada. And allthe eastern refineries combined currently have capacity to process about800,000bpd of light oil (not dilbit).Canada currently produces about 2,700,000 bpd of oil. Approved tar sandsexpansion projects (if built) will increase that to at least 5,500,000. Theindustry is applying for more capacity than that.All of this is to say that the Alberta oil industry has plans to expandproduction by nearly 3,000,000 bpd soon. Even with all of the massiveupgraders and all the pipelines they would need to ship and process the oil,eastern Canada could at maximum only use less than 25% of that. In reality itwould use far less, likely in the low single digits.In reality, Canada’s net oil use is peaking (thanks to stricter vehicleefficiency standards and the rising cost of oil). Almost all of the plannedtar sands expansion going forward is intended to be exported."
This is an excellent response to the "Energy Security" argument. Both the NDP
and Greens should be challenged with this.
Today, the EPA has sent Enbridge back to the Kalamazoo River to dredge a whole new section. Why? They found more submerged oil. I'm sure they will go back with a smile on their face, happy to oblige. Right?
See the note from my colleague Adam below.
The EPA just ordered Enbridge back into the Kalamazoo river AGAIN, as there is still submerged oil in the river.
So far more than $800 million spent on cleanup, approaching three years since the accident happened.
Clearly tar sands dilbit is much harder to clean up.
EPA order:
Convened: 7:10 p.m.
Facilitator: Sabrina. Secretary: John R.
Secretary’s note: Comments have been rearranged for easier reading. Please send corrections
Participants came from the following organizations, among others:
Council of Canadians
East End Against Line 9
Environmental Defense
Environmental Wkg. Gp, York U.
First Unitarian Congregation
Ontario Voice of Women
Raging Grannies
Rising Tide
Society of Friends
Stop Line 9 Toronto
Toronto Bolivia Solidarity
United Church (Bathurst)
West Toronto Against Line 9
1. Strategy to Defeat Line 9: Summary of Discussion
Overall shape of our efforts
** There are three campaigns, focusing on the National Energy Board, the municipal government, and the constitutional issues posed by the indigenous peoples. A fourth campaign should be added: the provincial government. (Gerry)
Political party outreach
** Another issue is the NDP and Green positions, both of which are said to be favourable to Line 9. However, the NDP convention is coming up. (Lyn)
** My understanding is that the NDP is not for Line 9 but is still talking about an east-west oil pipeline. (Bryan)
** It’s important to influence the NDP. (Jesse)
Indigenous solidarity
** The indigenous issue should not be separated out; it links with everything else. The Aamjiwnaang have been working on this issue for 30 years. (Diana)
** Ron Plain of the Aamjiwnaang is now under legal attack, and the April 7 and 8 public meetings of the East End and West End committees will raise funds for his defense. (Suzanne; see attached)
** Collection at this meeting has raised $118 for Aamjiwnaang. (Taylor)
Municipal Action
** On the municipal side, city council cannot make a decision but it can get involved in the process, and it has. (Sabrina)
** The fact that City Hall is involved is huge. This makes it much easier for us to get press, which is crucial, because people don’t have a clue. (Stu)
** Steps have been taken by city councils in Toronto, Kingston, Hamilton, and Burlington. (Sabrina and Emily)
Future Day of Action
** We need to work toward a joint day of action. (Bryan)
** A day of action can enable every group to do their own thing. (Suzanne)
** I agree on day of action. (Taylor)
** I was in Maine: for January day of action, not only was there a huge demonstration in Portland, but many little towns were passing resolutions. (Kate)
April 7 & April 8 public meetings against Line 9.
Suzanne appealed for assistance in building these meetings by inviting
Facebook friends.
Activity Along Line 9 is planning educational events in both Hamilton and Westover and is also working with councillors. (Emily)
A Durham group is starting up March 21. (Sabrina)
A regional conference is taking place in Aamjiwnaang (Sarnia) March 14-16 (Taylor)
Environmental Defefncewill set up a document repository. (Sabrina).
Joint Statement
** We need a joint statement on Line 9. (Bryan)
** We need a subcommittee to draw up a joint statement; Bryan should head it up. (Suzanne)
** A statement could say: No more investment in fossil fuels (Lyn)
** Subcommittee to draft statement: Bryan, Diane, Lyn, Jesse, Sylvia, Kai, Vince, Stu.
** Environmental Defence is circulating a petition with a provincial focus; both the East End and West End committees are circulating one with a federal focus.
** We need to get in touch with the Megaquarry people. (Stu)
** We have talked to Donna of Megaquarry; she is speaking at Friend’s House on the Friday before Earth Day. I will organize with Megaquarry people. (Lyn)
** Paddle the Don (May 5) can be picketed or greeted with signs. (Dick) It is a Toronto Regional Conservation Authority event. (Amanda) Tara has relations with TRCA.
** We need to draw in unions: pipelines don’t provide jobs. (Stu and Jesse)
** Rising Tide is partnering with Jane/Finch Action Against Poverty. (Taylor)
Earth Day
** We should be active on Earth Day. Nothing was done last year. (Gerry)
** Earth Day is not an easy day for publicity; too much else happens. There will be a major event in Trinity-Bellwoods – a human banner April 20.(Emily)
2. Action Committees:
Day of action: Jesse, Emily, Tara, Diane, Kai, Amelia Rose, Taylor.
Joint statement: Bryan, Diane, Lyn, Jesse, Sylvia, Kai, Vince
Diversity: Amelia Rose, Sabrina, Sylvia, Taylor
Labour movement outreach: Jesse, Bryan
Political process: Bryan, Stu, Lyn, Diane
3. National Energy Board (NEB) Hearings
Report by Sabrina: The NEB has changed its process. It is much harder to participate. You cannot even send the NEB a letter without permission in advance. You have to show cause why they should let you comment. If your application is accepted, you can send a letter, appear, or be an intervener, but to intervene you must bring in expert opinion.
Groups may band together to be interveners.
You have until March 21 to comment on the scope of the hearings. There is another information session in Toronto, also on March 21. The form will be available March 27-28. Applications to take part in hearings must be in by April 11. Hearings will run to the end of August.
Environmental Defense will be glad to help groups with this process. ED will put up an action tool to guide you in making an application.
NEB offers funding to approved interveners to hire an expert and to pay travel. The expert must be approved by NEB. Payment is after the fact.
Amanda: Greenpeace has decided to participate. It is calling on its supporters to apply. It is holding a teach-in on how to fill out forms March 27. Keith is in charge.
Ahmit: I went to the information session and I suggested that I submit a motion to broaden the framework of reference. NEB people said that was a waste of time. A provincial assessment would have no force; the decision will be taken by federal parliament. Diana Scott of EcoJustice is offering legal help.
Taylor: We want to publicize who is rejected. This points toward a People’s Hearing. Rising Tide wants to reach out to less committed groups and apply together with them. Friends of the Rouge are interested, for example. Rising Tide wants to host an April 2 educational day about the NEB.
Being an intervener is very costly. Indigenous peoples have withdrawn from the NEB process because of its unfairness. We might plan a joint walkout.
Deadlines: All NEB deadlines are noon Calgary time!
4. Calendar of Events
March 19: Film – “Chasing Ice.”
March 22: Two films on International Water Day. (Lyn)
March 23: Tabling in East End. (Suzanne)
March 23: People are needed for Nation-to-Nation leafleting. (Jesse)
March 27-28: NEB forms available (?).
March 27: Greenpeace teach-in on filling out NEB forms. (Amanda)
March 30: Rising Tide action regarding Pacific Trails project in B.C. (Taylor)
April 7: East End Against Tar Sands public event 2 p.m. East York Civic Centre.
April 8: West End Against Tar Sands public event 7 p.m. Davenport Perth Community Centre.
April 11: Deadline for NEB applications.
April 20:.A human banner in Earth-Day-related event in Trinity-Bellwoods.
April 20: Canvassing day sponsored by Environmental Defence.
April 20: Earth Day fair held by East End Sustainability Network.
Adjournment: 9:30 p.m.
April 21: Celebration of Mother Earth along the Line 9 route. (Gerry)
April 27: World Water Forum event at Harbourfront with Maude Barlow. (Tara)
May 5: Paddle the Don.
It has carried light crude oil for the last 37 years. Enbridge proposes to reverse the
flow in this pipeline to permit the transport of bitumen/heavy crude oil from Alberta
through to Montreal.
In July 2010 near Kalamazoo, Michigan, there was a huge oil spill also involvingEnbridge, Alberta bitumen and an older pipeline. The clean-up process is on-going
three years later. Enbridge says that it learned a lot from that spill and has made
changes. Some people are still concerned.
If you would like to know more, please come to an
RE: LINE 9B REVERSAL PROPOSALWednesday, May 29 7- 9 p.m.
Cummer Valley Middle School Auditorium
70 Maxome Avenue
Representatives from
Toronto Emergency Enbridge Environmental
Services Alliance
will be present to talk about the proposal, the safety of pipelines, emergency
response to oil spills and any environmental concerns with the transport of bitumen
in the Line 9B.
This meeting is co-sponsored by the B.C.N.A. and TDSB Trustee, Mari Rutka.