Crude, but effective enough, albeit with some editing overhead in TW that it would be nice to eliminate. Am starting to explore the possibilities of Logseq as a potential Dynalist replacement; it does outlining in much the same way, but has some interesting export functions, including JSON and Roam JSON. If there were a way in TW to import such exports and convert them into proper tiddlers... That would be amazing!
If anyone else has got some other solution for agile NoteTaking that integrates nicely with TiddlyWiki for NoteMaking, i'd be very interested to hear about it.
Crude, but effective enough, albeit with some editing overhead in TW that it would be nice to eliminate. Am starting to explore the possibilities of Logseq as a potential Dynalist replacement; it does outlining in much the same way, but has some interesting export functions, including JSON and Roam JSON. If there were a way in TW to import such exports and convert them into proper tiddlers... That would be amazing!It is definitely doable. How useful such an import is will depend on what kind of features/markup you are using in those systems and how well they would translate to wikitext. Converting pure text though is very straight forward.
If anyone else has got some other solution for agile NoteTaking that integrates nicely with TiddlyWiki for NoteMaking, i'd be very interested to hear about it.To this end, it would be interesting to understand what features or workflow in Dynalist (or Logseq) make it better for note taking (vs TiddlyWiki) in your experience.
It is mostly plain text, but for Markdown formatting ( which I could live without) and links- formatted like [Google](https:// -which would need conversion to [[wikilinks form|]].
To this end, it would be interesting to understand what features or workflow in Dynalist (or Logseq) make it better for note taking (vs TiddlyWiki) in your experience.Essentially it’s about speed and portability, traversing/ elaborating/ reorganizing outlines as fast as fingers can type, and context switching from local desktop to mobile phone in the field ( i.e. cloud) many times per day without a hitch. If this is possible in TW, I’d love to know how… But i think it’s a case of architectures that are optimized for different things, don’t you think?
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Ugh et oops.. e-Learner. I went a little off-track there thinking in-person classroom/auditorium/hall.
machine models ... forcing us to choose between either hierarchical (I.e. outlining) or network (I.e. wiki-weaving) mode, ... reality calls for sometimes one ... and sometimes the other ...A corresponding dichotomy ... among cognitive theorists wants us to decide: are you an Architect or a Gardener?
I for one am both, in fact - and i think I’m not the only one!
A "master" Tiddler ... could be called "primary" or "main" Tiddler. ... to be political correct.
Charlie, TT et al: Much as I do like these multi-pane views for NoteMAKING in TW, this is not what one wants for NoteTAKING, as I see it
Only when this job of NoteTAKING is finished do i want to think about NoteMAKING; that is when i value the many affordances that TW brings to the challenge of integrating this new material into my preexisting web of deeply intertwingled ideas. This is the problem-space/ opportunity zone where i think development effort would do best to focus: interoperability, versus trying to be all things to all users.
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I’m a bit freaked out right now by the number of tiddlers under my Recent tab,
and wondering if this will quickly blow up the Backups folder in my TiddlyDesktop instance,
You’ve really gone the extra mile, Saq, to make this software customizable. That FAQ should be held up as an example of best practice for TW devs. I am no developer myself, but these docs are so good, I feel myself compelled to start hacking on this, soon as i get home to my computer. :-)
Before i do tho, i guess i will do best to clarify the intention. The essential need- much as @Si has already described -is to convert a select (sub)set from one stream of “fleeting notes” to a set of “evergreen notes” (i.e. appropriately named tiddlers), each one with a backlink to the source tiddler that spawned those child tiddlers. Then that source tiddler could be flattened into one note with links to all its children.